Geographical Location of The Philippines To Its Environment. Location of The Philippines in Relation To The Climate, Weather, and Seasons

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan
Calamagui 2nd, City of Ilagan, Isabela


Content Standard: The learners demonstrate the understanding of the relation of

geographical location of the Philippines to its Environment.

Performance Standard: The learners should be able to analyze the advantages of the
location of the Philippines in relation to the climate, weather, and seasons.

I. Learning Competency: Explain ways of using Earth’s Resources sustainability and wisely.
OBJECTIVES: At the end of the 50-minute period, each student is able to;

 identify the natural resources found in the Philippines, based on the short
video presentation;
 differentiate renewable from non- renewable resources;
 explain the effects of some human activities on natural resources using the
situation given and
 suggest ways on how to use the natural resources sustainability.


A. Topic: Philippine Natural Resources: Renewable and Non Renewable
B. References: Science Grade 7 – Teaching Guides, Learner’s Material Quarter 4 Module 2 (pp.
C. Materials: Laptop, power point, Video clips, Pictures, Chart, Audio Visuals, Illustrations,



A. Routinary Activities

Let us pray first, kindly lead us in (Student will lead the prayer)


Good morning, class!

Good morning, ma’am!
You may now take your seats.

Checking of Attendance: Let me

check the attendance first.

Awesome! Everybody is present.

B. Recall:

Last meeting, do you still remember what Yes Ma’am. Last meeting we have discussed about
have we discussed? latitude, longitude and coordinate system in
locating places of the earth.
Exactly! Discussed about the use of latitude
and longitude in locating places in the
Earth using the coordinate system.

What is the difference between latitude and Ma’am! Latitude, is an imaginary lines that circle
longitude? the Earth and is parallel to the equator while the
line of longitude goes up and down.

C. Motivation:
To begin our new lesson, I’ll show you
a clip of the Philippines beauty and

Now sit back, relax, and allow me to

take you on a tour of the Philippine

(Show video presentation about the

physical features and life forms in the

D. Presentation of Topic:

Based on the presentation, what have you

observed? We observed how beautiful Philippines is,
especially when it comes to its natural resources.
Definitely! Do you already have in mind
what is our lesson for today? Yes ma’am! Our lesson for today is all about
Philippine Natural Resources.

You’re right! Our lesson for today is all

about Natural Resources.

E. Lesson Proper:

Additional Question: What are some other

We were able to explore the various rich natural
things you observed in the presentation?
resources here in the Philippines, ma'am.
Yes! Exactly. The Philippine Natural
resources is abundant in our land,
beginning with a wide range of physical
features, including a wide range of plant
and animal forms.
Ma’am, I believe that these are the things that can
We Filipinos are so lucky to have natural
support and help us in times of need.
resources like this, what comes to your
mind when you heard the word
‘resources’? Ma’am, resources are the things that we can only
find in our environment that we used to meet our
Correct! Another idea? needs.


Based on your answers, we can define

resources as things used by people in order
to survive and to satisfy our needs.

There are two types of resources, these are

Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources.

Renewable resources are materials that can

be replaced easily or have the potential to
be replaced over time.
Ma’am! Non-renewable resources are natural
On the other hand, what is Non-Renewable resources that are in limited supply or once used, it
resources? cannot be replaced.
Yes, carlo?

Yes, you’re correct!

Plants, animals, oceans, rocks, soil, minerals, wind,
clothes, money, food, plants, sunlight, air, water,
Who wants to give examples of resources? natural gas, fossil fuels, coal.
Yes Mr. /Ms_____?

From the examples you shared, identify

Ma’am, plants, animals, food, wind energy,
which are renewable and non-renewable
sunlight are example of Renewable Resources.
Yes you got it right. Plants, animals, food,
wind energy, sunlight are all example of
Renewable Resources.
Non-renewable resources are rocks, minerals,
How about the non-renewable resources? natural gas, fossil fuels and coal, Ma’am.
Yes Ms./Mr.?___________


Philippines is blessed to have different

Ma’am! Rivers, lakes, oceans, falls and swamps.
water forms, can you give me an example
of water forms?

Very Good! Name some plants and animals Carabao, cow, goats, horse, monkey, tarsier, cats,
that is available in our country? dogs, etc.

Aside from those, Philippines also has

mineral deposits. Ma’am, gold, copper, chromite, manganese, Clay,
Give me an example of minerals that you Nickle, Sand, silica, etc.

Awesome! These minerals are classified

either metallic or non-metallic. Gold,
nickel, manganese are some examples of
metallic while non-metallic are clay, sand,
and marble.

These mineral deposits can be found in

volcanoes and trenches. We have many
Ma’am famous active volcanoes are Mt. Pinatubo
volcanoes here in the Philippines, and some
in Zambales, Mt. Mayon in Albay and Mt. Taal in
of them are active.
Can you name some famous active
volcanoes here in the Philippines and
where they are located?

Good Job! Everyone, give yourself a clap.

Now, I will show you some pictures and I

want you to identify what is in the picture.

(Shows picture or illustration about human

activities that affects the environment) Ma’am! In the first picture, there are trees that
being burnt and vast smoke.
Class, what can you say in the first picture? .
(Picture 1: Burned Forest and Air
There are a lot of waste located on the river.

Bravo! How about in the second picture?

(Picture 2: Dirty and unhealthy river)

Yes, all your answers are correct. Those

pictures are showed some of the human
activities that destroys our environment.

Give yourself a round of applause.

Since everybody understand what a Natural

Resources are and the two type which is
Renewable and Non-renewable let’s have
an activity.

F. Application:

Activity 1:

Since, it is already understood to us

how natural resources is useful,
perform this activity by labelling the (Students will do the activity with teachers’
given pictures for 5 minutes. supervision)
(Students will do the activity for 5 minutes)


1. Cotton Steel

2. Leather Shoes Soda Can

3. Wooden Chair Crude Oil
4. Water Gold Necklace
5. Paper Petroleum


All your answers are correct! The things that are
under Renewable Resources are, cotton, Leather
shoes, Wooden Chair, water and Paper. While in
the Non- Renewable Resources are steel, soda can,
crude oil, gold necklace and Petroleum.

Give yourself a round of applause.

Earth provides us with all the resources that we

need including the plants and animals that we
consume as food, abundant water that is essential
for life, fertile and arable lands, precious minerals
and fossil fuels. However, some of these natural
resources are only available in limited supply.
The picture below shows that even renewable
resources such as trees can be exhausted by
irresponsible human practices.

Trees are being cut down, ma’am.

What can you observe in the picture? People throwing their waste and garbage to any
bodies of water, ma’am.
Precisely! Cutting down trees in the forest destroys
our Natural Resources as well as the habitat of the
animals. Ma’am, fishes and other living species living under
the water will die.
Give other human practices that destroys our
natural resources.

Excellent! The water is polluted when people

throw their waste and garbage on it. What will
happen to the animals who live under the water?

Therefore, we need to make sure that the Earth’s

Ma’am! Practice the 5R’s
resources are used in a sustainable manner by
practicing conservation and sustainability, this will
allow the resources to be available for the present
and future generations.

What practices promote sustainable use of natural


Very Good! Practicing the 5R’s will help us to

sustain the natural resources. These 5rs are Refuse,
Ma’am, we learned the about the natural resources.
Reduce, reuse, Recycle and Recover.

G. Generalization: Natural Resources are the things we can find in our

Okay class, what have you learned environment.
The two types of natural resources are renewable
Good job! What is natural resources and non- renewable resources, ma’am.
Turning off the lights when not in use, throw your
Correct! What area the two types of
garbage in the right places, avoid burning plastics,

Definitely! what is the best way of Natural resources are important because it sustains
using resources wisely? our daily living or our needs and without these we
can’t survive here on earth.

Bravo! Why these resources are


Magnificent! Give yourself a clap.

VALUING: It is important to know how to sustain

our Natural Resources because without the Earth’s
Natural Resources, humans will definitely not

In a ¼ sheet of paper, answer the following.
Choose the correct answer:
1. Our environment has many bodies of
water and landforms. The things that we
take and use from the environment to 1. C
survive are called? _______
a. Raw materials
b. Chemical energy
c. Natural resources
d. Rocks and minerals
2. The following natural resources can be 2. B
replaced easily EXCEPT?
a. Animals
b. Coal
c. Plants
d. Water 3. D
3. Which of the following is correctly
a. Coal: Renewable
b. Cotton: Non-Renewable
c. Aluminium: Renewable
d. Minerals: Non- Renewable
4. Resources that can be replaced after 4. B
using them again and again are called?
a. Non- Renewable
b. Renewable
c. Reusable
d. Recycable
5. C
5. What is the best example of using
resources wisely?
a. Throwing old clothes
b. Burning cardboards and papers
c. Collecting rainwater for cleaning
d. Turning on the electric fan for the
whole day

Question: Within in your community, what
is your little way in conserving our natural
resources? Write your answer in a ½ sheet
of paper.

Is everything clear my dear students? Yes, ma’am.

Good bye class! See you next meeting. Good bye, ma’am.

Prepared by: Mistica Joy Maminta

Student Teacher Checked by: Mark Bryan Baua
Cooperating Teacher


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