Flow Around Modified Circular Cylinders: Paper CIT02-0357

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Paper CIT02-0357


Ricardo Lopes Ferreira

Unesp – Ilha Solteira, Faculdade de Engenharia de Ilha Solteira, Av. Brasil Centro, 56 - 15385 - 000, Ilha Solteira, Brazil
[email protected]

Edson Del Rio Vieira

Unesp  Ilha Solteira, Faculdade de Engenharia de Ilha Solteira, Av. Brasil Centro, 56 - 15385 - 000, Ilha Solteira, Brazil
[email protected]

Abstract. The flow around a circular cylinder has awaken the attention of different researchers since the historic Strouhal's work of
1878. Ever since, many experimental and numeric works have been carried out in order to determine the relationship between the
vortex shedding frequency and the flow regime. Recently, a number of studies have been developed using several small
modifications in circular cylinder. In this work a circular cylinder modified with a longitudinal concave notch, has been tested in
order to determine the relationship between the non-dimensional vortex shedding frequency (Strouhal number) and the Reynolds
number has been determined to Reynolds up to 600. Additionally a modified circular cylinder with a longitudinal slit also has been
tested in order to determine the Strouhal-Reynolds relationship in several attack angle configurations. The experiments have been
carried out in a vertical low turbulence hydrodynamic tunnel with 146x146x500 mm of test section operating in continuous mode.
Flow visualization by direct liquid dye injection has been utilized in order to produce vortex images. These images have been
captured in still chemical photography for different Reynolds numbers. A hot-film probe has been adequately positioned in the
vortex wake to determine the vortex shedding frequency and consequently the Strouhal number.

Keywords Strouhal number, vortex shedding, modified cylinder, flow visualization, vortex wake

1. Introduction

Vincez Strouhal, in 1878, carried out some historical experiments utilizing an Aeolian harp. This device consists of
some wires of different diameters submitted to the natural wind producing wire vibrations and consequently a
characteristic harmonic sound. In a traditional wire musical instrument the sound frequency is also dependent of the
wire length, material and the stress applied to it. The wind blowing around the wire of the Aeolian harp produces the
vortex-shedding phenomenon and Strouhal observed that the sound frequency was dependent only of the wire diameter
and of the wind velocity. The vortex shedding excites the wires to a vibration in the same frequency of vortex shedding,
producing a sound that is amplified utilizing a resonance apparatus. Utilizing a Koenig’s sonometer, Strouhal
determined the sound frequency whereas the wind velocity was most likely evaluated using a Pitot tube. It is important
to observe that the data obtained by Strouhal is very close to the modern data obtained by Anatol Roshko in 1953,
utilizing a wind tunnel and hot-wire anemometry. More details about the historical Strouhal´s experiments are obtained
in Zdravkovich (1996 and 1997).
Since Strouhal's works, many other researchers have been dedicated to the study of the problem of the flow around
bluff-bodies with different geometries. Most of those works were carried out on cylinders with circular, square and
rectangular cross-section, but the flow around circular cylinders remains the principal subject of research. The study of
vortex shedding in the wake of a circular cylinder in relative low Reynolds number (Re) has been the subject of several
experimental and numerical analysis. However, there are relatively few works on flow around circular cylinders
exhibiting some small but significant modifications in geometry, either by the addition of a bar or splitter plate, for
example, or by carving a notch or a slit along the surface of the cylinder. Since circular cylinders in such a way
modified and submitted to a flow field find an important place in quite a number of modern-life applications, it seems,
from an engineering viewpoint, very useful to understand the extent of their effect on the vortex shedding frequency. On
the other hand, this is an important research field because of the insight it provides into the basic vortex-shedding

Proceedings of the ENCIT 2002, Caxambu - MG, Brazil - Paper CIT02-XXXX

Some experiments have been proposed employing tabs or splitter plates mounted on the downstream side of the
cylinder. The principal function of these tabs is to reduce the communication of pressure fluctuations across the
cylinder, which can reduce the value of the vortex shedding frequency. In fact, if an interference element is adequately
positioned in the vortex wake, significant changes can be produced in the pressure and drag coefficients and
consequently in the non-dimensional vortex shedding frequency, the Strouhal number (St).
Nigim & Batill (1997) have proposed small modifications in the cylinder surface in order to promote Strouhal
alterations. With a circular cylinder of 44.5 mm of diameter and a wire of 4 mm of diameter glued longitudinally along
the cylinder surface, they noticed that the vortex-shedding frequency (f ) is a function of the surface perturbation angle.
Roshko (1955) has employed splitter-plates downstream circular cylinders, in order to show a possible reduction in
the Strouhal number. Also Igarashi (1984) using circular cylinder with a short length splitter-plate and a gap from the
cylinder for Reynolds number of 22000 found a noticeable Strouhal interference. More interestingly, Igarashi´s results
exhibit a jump in Strouhal number for an increasing variation of the gap between the splitter-plate and the cylinder.
Splitter plates downstream bluff-bodies with different geometries have been studied in order to promote a stable
Strouhal-Reynolds relationship, much desirable in the case of vortex flowmeters, as explained by
Olsen & Rajagopalan (2000).
According to Nakamura (1996), in Reynolds ranging from 1600 up to 5300, a strong reduction (half the value for
the non-modified regular circular cylinder) in the Strouhal number is achieved utilizing slender splitter plates of several
lengths (up to about six times the diameter).
If an interference element placed in the wake impairs a pressure fluctuation communication and consequently a
reduction in the Strouhal number value, the opposite concept may also be true, i.e., if an interference element existing in
the circular cylinder facilitates the pressure communication across the cylinder, we should observe an increment in the
non-dimensional vortex shedding frequency.
In the present experimental work, circular cylinders with a longitudinal notch have been tested and the results have
been compared with a regular circular cylinder the same diameter. Additionally, a circular cylinder modified by an axial
slit has been tested for different attack angles. The non-dimensional vortex shedding frequency (St) to the Reynolds
number relationship was evaluated for Reynolds (Re) up to 600.

2. Experimental conditions

In this work, an experimental effort to measure the Strouhal (Sr)  Reynolds (Re) relationship has been carried out.
The test bodies, the vertical hydrodynamic tunnel and the apparatus to measure the vortex shedding frequency and to
capture the flow images are described in detail in the following subsections.

2.1. Test bodies

The modified circular cylinders each with a different 3-mm deep longitudinal notch have been submitted to a flow
field with a homogeneous velocity profile and low relative turbulence level. The cylinders have been adequately
positioned ortogonally in relation of the free flow and the longitudinal notch positioned coincidentally with the
stagnation point in the front of the cylinder. Three modified cylinders each one with 8 mm of nominal diameter (D)
have been utilized in the experiments and the results have been compared with the results obtained by a non-modified
circular cylinder with the same diameter. Fig. (1) sketches the geometry of these cylinders tested showing the concave
notch turned upstream (first test configuration). All cylinders have been made in polished aeronautical aluminum.

(a) Semi-circular notch (CN) (b) Square notch (SN) (c) Triangular notch (TN)

Figure 1. Modified circular cylinders with longitudinal notch and their test configurations utilized.

In a second phase, a circular cylinder modified by a longitudinal slit is adequately positioned in the test section of a
hydrodynamic tunnel under several attack angles in order to determine the StrouhalReynolds relationship for Reynolds
numbers up to 600. Fig. (2) shows the geometry of this modified circular cylinder tested, the slit gap dimension and the
attack angle (). Fig. (2) also shows a hot-film probe positioned in the vortex wake.

Proceedings of the ENCIT 2002, Caxambu - MG, Brazil - Paper CIT02-XXXX

Figure 2. Modified circular cylinder with axial slit and the hot-film probe position (no scale).

2.1. Hydrodynamic tunnel

All experiments have been carried out in a vertical-low-turbulence water tunnel, depicted in Fig. (3). This
apparatus, recently modified and described briefly in the work of Gonçalves & Vieira (1999) permits operation in
continuous or in blow-down mode. In blow-down operation mode it is possible to obtain a relative low turbulence level
(less than 0,10 % in the test section centerline), but the continuous decreasing of the flow velocity offers a serious
limitation for the tests and this operation mode is utilized only to in short-time runs. All tests described in this work
have been carried through in continuous operation mode, which permits a long time of operation in a constant velocity.
The vertical test section has 146  146 500 mm of dimensions. The test section has a square cross-section with
chamfered corners and a cross-section area with 0.0186 m2 and permits to shelter cylinders of 8 mm of diameter
provoking a blockage ratio of less than 6.6 %. An extensive description of water tunnel facility and flow visualization
hardware, including recent modifications and instrumentation, is available in Lindquist (2000) and Gonçalves (2001).
The relative turbulence level – measured in percent  and the mean velocity profile, both measured in the centerline of
the test section, and are showed in the fig. (4).

Figure 3. Low turbulence vertical hydrodynamic tunnel.

Proceedings of the ENCIT 2002, Caxambu - MG, Brazil - Paper CIT02-XXXX

Modo contínuo
0,25 V ~ 0,30 m/s Modo blow-down
V ~ 0,15 m/s
V ~ 0,03 m/s
V (m/s)

I (%)
0,15 0,15

0,10 0,10

0,05 0,05

-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 0,00
0,00 0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,30
x (mm) V (m/s)

(a) (b)

Figure 4. (a) Mean velocity profile and (b) relative turbulence level (It) inside the test section.

The Reynolds Number (Re) is a non-dimensional parameter defined by:

Re   D V /  (1)

where () is the fluid density, (D) is the characteristic diameter of the cylinder, (V) is non-perturbed flow velocity and
() is the viscosity.
The Strouhal number (St), is also utilized:

St  f D / V (2)

where (f ) is the vortex shedding frequency.

The non-perturbed flow velocity upstream the test model has been obtained using a Yokogawa electromagnetic flow
meter mounted downstream the test section. Measuring the flow rate and knowing the cross-section area in the test
section it is possible to obtain the free velocity. An estimate of the errors associated to free stream velocity amounts to
less than about 4%, when compared with data obtained by hot film anemometer.

2.2. Image capture

The still images have been captured utilizing a SLR (single lens reflex) Nikon F4s camera on 24  36 mm negative
film, equipped with two high luminosity objectives: a Nikor macro 60 mm/f.1: 2.8 and a medical macro 120 mm. The
principal opposition to the use of SLR cameras in scientific works is the vibration caused by the mirror in the shooting
moment that can cause camera trepidation and generation of sharpless images. But Nikon F4 cameras have a
mechanism that permits keeping elevated and locked the mirror, eliminating all vibrations caused by the mirror
movement. In addition, this camera has an electric control curtain shoot with a very small trepidation, making it the
camera adequate to laboratory applications.
The photos have been developed using Kodak TMax 400 (ISO 400) black and white (B&W) negative films. This
B&W chemical photographic pellicle incorporates the modern T-grain technology who permits high speed and fine
grain allied to a sharp high contrast and good definition of gray tons, producing a higher overall image quality.
Additionally, TMax roll film permits wide variations in contrast and velocity controlled by developing process. The
films have been developed using Kodak Tmax RS developer to obtain a fine grain and image details under a controlled
contrast. The prints have been executed in Kodabromide grade 4, a smooth paper with high contrast, the indicated
paper for technical photography. Images have been digitized utilizing a flat bed scanner in 8 bits of grayscale (only 256
tones of gray).
The direct injection of liquid dye upstream the bluff-body test was utilized for image generation. Dye injection is a
very useful technique and by means of a long hypodermic needle (E.D. = 0,5 mm), a black opaque liquid dye is injected
in the free flow, permitting the visualization of streaklines. A second flow visualization method was utilized in this
work, named dye wash technique. Large amount of a dense black dye is injected, through of a needle rake, close of the
test model, enough to tint the entire flow field. Suddenly, the dye injection is stopped; the hypodermic needle rake is
taken off the flow, in order to minimize flow perturbations. The clean water flow washes the entire flow field, except in
the cylinder wake, since in this region the flow speed is significantly smaller than in other regions. This procedure
allows, during some seconds, for the wake downstream the cylinder to be watched. Dye wash technique is strongly
recommended for visualization of zone near the leeward face of the solid obstacle.

Proceedings of the ENCIT 2002, Caxambu - MG, Brazil - Paper CIT02-XXXX

2.3. Strouhal number determination

In the technical literature the non-dimensional vortex shedding frequency is determined in several ways, as shown
in the comprehensive review by Gonçalves & Vieira (1999). The use of direct flow visualization in order to determine
the Strouhal number is a simple, implementation-easy and cheap technique. Unfortunately, since automatic vortex
image recognition is unavailable, the visual observation of each individual vortex is a cumbersome and time-consuming
task. Another restriction to the use of direct flow visualization for vortex frequency determination is noted by Lindquist
et al. (1998). They have shown that, in many cases, for several bluff-body geometries there are two dominant
frequencies for the same Reynolds number, but flow visualization detects only a mean value of these two frequencies.
In this case, the precise frequency determination should be carried out utilizing other techniques. In order to determine
the Strouhal number, many researchers utilize the velocity acquisition data downstream the cylinder. A velocity probe is
inserted in the vortex wake and the temporal variation of velocity is captured. Utilizing an FFT (Fast Fourier
Transform) it is possible to determine the vortex shedding frequency. The velocity signal can be captured utilizing
several methods, notably hot-wire and laser anemometry. Hot-wire is a recognized technique utilized by several
research laboratories. In this work, a commercial Dantec 55R11 hot-film probe was inserted adequately downstream
the cylinder with help of the flow visualization, as depicted in Fig. (2), in order to capture the temporal velocity
fluctuations, and the signal was processed through FFT to determine the vortex frequency. The adequate probe
positioning in the vortex center permits to obtain a high signal to noise ratio (SNR) and a sharp value of the dominant
vortex frequency. The use of two techniques, flow visualization allied to hot-film anemometry, shows promising
results. To assess the combination of visualization and hot-wire anemometry techniques, see the paper of Freymuth et
al. (1983) in which a review of past efforts in this area is presented. The uncertainty attributed to frequency
measurements is less than 5 %.

3. Results for circular cylinders with concave notch.

The present results, relatively to the flow velocity captured in the vortex wake are expressed in terms of
anemometer output voltage (E0). Fig. (5) depicts, for Reynolds number value of 100, the flow velocity (without
calibration) downstream a non-modified circular cylinder (CC) comparative to the modified circular cylinders with a
semi-circular notch (CN), square notch (SN) and triangular notch (TN).


3.3 2.00
E0 [ V ]

E0 [ V ]

3.2 1.95


2.9 0 10 20 30 40
0 10 20 30 40
time [ s]
time [ s ]
(a) CC (b) CN


3.3 3.3

3.2 3.2
E0 [ V ]

E0 [ V ]

3.1 3.1

3.0 3.0

2.9 2.9

2.8 2.8
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

time [ s ] time [ s]

(c) SN (d) TN

Figure 5. Typical anemometer output signal (E0) for non-modified (CC) and modified cylinders, for Re = 100.

Proceedings of the ENCIT 2002, Caxambu - MG, Brazil - Paper CIT02-XXXX

Figure (6) shows the Strouhal number behavior as function of the Reynolds number for the non-modified cylinder
and the three modified cylinders. Fig. (7) exhibits images of the visualized flow on the circular cylinder without
modification (CC) and of the cylinder modified with a semi-circular notch (CN). The vortex wake images have been
also recorded in videotape; the analysis of the videotape images comparing the wake visualized permits to observe
negligible differences in the vortex wake of non-modified and modified cylinders. In the images showed in Fig. (7) the
hot-film probe and support downstream the cylinder immersed in the vortex wake can be seen.

0.16 CC
St 0.14 CN
0.12 SN
0.10 TN
0 200 400 600 800 1000

Figure 6. Strouhal number (St) behavior in function of the Reynolds number (Re)

(a) CC – Re = 100 (b) CN – Re = 100 (c) CC – Re = 250 (d) CN – Re = 450

Figure 7. Vortex wake images of the circular cylinder (CC) and the modified cylinder with a semi-circular notch (CN).

4. Results for circular cylinder with a axial slit modification.

The modified circular cylinder tested has a slit with a gap of 1.5 mm. The cylinder is turned from () equal to 0 up
to 90o while the Reynolds number ranged from 100 to 600. Fig. (8) pictures the Strouhal number behavior in function
attack angle () configuration parameterized in relation to Reynolds number.
Figure (9) pictures the Strouhal behavior obtained for three different attack angles ( = 0, 45 and 90o)
parameterized in Reynolds obtained in this present work, with a slender ratio of 18:1, compared with the results
obtained por Olsen & Rajagopalan (2000). Olsen & Rajagopalan (2000) have utilized an open-circuit wind tunnel

Proceedings of the ENCIT 2002, Caxambu - MG, Brazil - Paper CIT02-XXXX

(320  320mm of test section) with low free-stream turbulence (< 0.1 %). The cylinder diameter utilized is only 3 mm
provoking a slender ratio of approximately 107:1.

0,24 Re=100 Re=400
Re=200 0,24 Re=500
0,22 Re=300 Re=600





0 20 40 60 80 100 0,19
0 20 40 60 80 100

(a) (b)

Figure 8. Strouhal number as function of attack angle parameterized in Reynolds



Present Work
0,15  = 0
 = 45

 = 90
Olsen & Rajagopalan (2000)
= 0
0,05 = 45
 = 90
0 100 200 300 400 500 600

Figure 9. Strouhal number in function of Reynolds parameterized in attack angle ().

The output voltage of the anemometer (non-calibrated signal) (E 0) recorded through a A/D board, for the axial slit
modified circular cylinder is showed in the Fig. (10) for attack angle  = 45º.
Figure (11) shows the FFT signal analysis for Reynolds equal to 600 in three different attack angle configurations
( = 0, 45 and 90o).
Figure (12) shows the visualized flow image pictures for three Reynolds number (Re  50, 100 and 200) to the
modified cylinder with an axial slit with zero-degree attack angle ().

Proceedings of the ENCIT 2002, Caxambu - MG, Brazil - Paper CIT02-XXXX

3,4 Re = 100 Re = 200
attack angle = 45° 3,9 attack angle = 45°

3,1 3,7
E0 [ V ]

E0 [ V ]
3,0 3,6

2,9 3,5

2,8 3,4

0 10 20 30 40
0 10 20 30 40
time [ s ]
time [ s ]

(a) Re = 100  = 45o (b) Re = 200  = 45o

Re = 300 Re = 400
4,2 attack angle = 45° attack angle = 45°


E0 [ V ]

E0 [ V ]





0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
time [ s ] time [ s ]

(c) Re = 300  = 45o (b) Re = 400  = 45o

Figure 10. Output voltage of the anemometer (E) for a slit modified cylinder with  = 45º.

Frequency [Hz] Frequency [Hz] Frequency [Hz]

(a) Re = 600  = 0º (b) Re = 600  = 45º (c) Re = 600  = 90º

Figure 11. Relative spectral density in function of the frequency for a slit modified cylinder with  = 0, 45 and 90º.

Proceedings of the ENCIT 2002, Caxambu - MG, Brazil - Paper CIT02-XXXX

(a) Re = 50 (b) Re = 100 (a) Re = 200

Figure 12. Flow visualization images of the slit modified cylinder wake with  = 0º.

5. Conclusions

Experiments were conducted on modified circular cylinders with concave notch and axial slit to investigate the
vortex shedding characteristics. Three modified circular cylinder with concave notch have been tested (for  equal to
zero degree) and no significant variations on the Strouhal number can be noted in the Reynolds range tested. However,
the axial slit modified cylinder shows a strong vortex shedding frequency variation for the three attack angle tested.
The major vortex shedding frequency alteration is observed in  = 90o (the slit normal to the flow) possibility due to the
pressure communication.
The flow structures showed in the wake of circular cylinders modified with concave notch are very similar to those
from the regular circular cylinder. But, the cylinder modified with an axial slit shows strong flow structure alterations
relatively to the unmodified circular cylinder. For example, in the Fig. (12a) the permanent vortex bubble shows a
significant difference when compared with the permanent vortex bubble produced by a circular cylinder. In the same
way, the non-permanent vortex bubble downstream the modified cylinder Fig. (12b,c) shows alterations when compared
with the bubble produced by a circular cylinder without modifications.
The hot-film traces obtained in y/D = 6 show that the presence of the slit normal to the flow ( = 90o) increases the
amplitude and enforces the periodicity (or reduces the randomness) of the vortex shedding, according to Fig. (11).
No attempt has been made to modify the end conditions, e.g. by using endplates to force parallel vortex shedding
Finally, a combination of the two techniques  flow visualization and hot-film anemometry  with each technique
strongly reinforcing and complementing each other, was utilized with success in the present work.

6. Acknowledgement

We gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by FAPESP, Fundunesp and PROPPUnesp. The authors
express too their sincere tanks to Dr. E. R. Woiski, for his assistance in the reading of the manuscripts.

7. References

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Proceedings of the ENCIT 2002, Caxambu - MG, Brazil - Paper CIT02-XXXX

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