Cafe Management Python

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ACDAMIC YEAR: - 2020-2021


Café Management using Python

PROGRAM: Programming with ‘Python’





This is to certify that Mr./Ms Sabir N Bedge & Ajit S Gavade

Roll No.18304 & 18312 resp. of CO6I Semester of Diploma in

POLYTECHNIC, MIRAJ (Inst Code: - 0131) has Completed the Micro
Project satisfactorily in the Subject- Web Programming with ‘Python’ for
Academic Year: 2020 -2021 as prescribed in the curriculum by MSBTE.

Place: - Miraj. Enrollment No: 1801310074


Date: - 04-June-2021 Exam Seat No:-

Subject Teacher Head of department Principle

1.0 Rotational:

 In today’s fast moving world, the most precious thing is time. Nowadays
people don’t have time for themselves. On one hand they may have the
purchasing power but on the other they don’t have the time to go out to
choose their favorite commodities or things from place to place because
transportation time, traffic and distance don’t allow people to take out
time from their busy schedule and go out and buy their favorite things.
 As considering all the things regarding to today’s fast moving world we
implemented a billing system for café management using python
programming for calculating bills of customer orders quickly.
 For this project we got idea form our collage cafeteria. It will help to
calculate simple to large bills for the café as the menu and customers
2.0 Course Outcomes Integrated:

 Display message on screen using python script on IDE.

 Develop a python program to demonstrate use of Operators.
 Perform operations on data structure in python.
 Develop functions for given problem.
 Design classes for given problems.
 Handel exceptions.

3.0 Literature Review

 Existing system is specially designed for small as well as medium size of

cafes that have average popular and cruddy.
 Considering all the situations in café, menu, product’s brands and time we
designed this billing system.
 Today’s customers are demanding than ever. Customers have more choices
for purchasing order and dealing with it.
 As for sufficient service we designed this system with the calculation of total
bill of purchased items from the menu provided in the system.
 Also we designed completely user friendly interface that can easy to interact
and work with.
 Information for modules and function in the system was collected from our
college cafeteria and workers working in it.
 We referred some reference books of python programming and study
websites for design functions.
4.0 Actual Procedure Followed

Overview of the project menu as following:

Main menu

1- Menu
2- New Customer
3- Exit

Menu under Option 1-Menu

1- Pizza

a- Margherita ₹ 70
b- Cheese Margherita ₹ 100
c- Paneer Makhani ₹ 80
d- Tandoori Paneer ₹ 90

2- Burger

a- Veg Burger ₹ 70
b- Crunchy Veg Burger ₹ 80
c- Chicken Burger ₹ 90
d- Crunchy Chicken Burger ₹ 100

3- Sandwich

a- Veg Sandwich ₹ 40
b- Cheese Sandwich ₹ 50
c- Chicken Sandwich ₹ 60
d- Egg Sandwich ₹ 45

4- Ice-Cream

a- Vanila Ice-Cream ₹ 40
b- Chocolate Ice-Cream ₹ 50
c- Kulfi ₹ 20
d- Mango Ice-Cream ₹ 30
5- Tea

a- White Tea ₹ 10
b- Black Tea ₹ 15
c- Green ₹ 20
d- Herbal Tea ₹ 30

6- Coffe

a- Cold Coffee ₹ 100

b- Hot Coffee ₹ 50
c- Chocolate Coffee ₹ 150

7- Cold Drinks

a- Thumbs-up ₹ 20
b- Sprite ₹ 30
c- Mountain-Dew ₹ 50
d- Mirinda ₹ 50
e- CoCo-Cola ₹ 30
f- Jira-Soda ₹ 30
g- Red-Bull ₹ 100

8- Juice

a- Mango ₹ 30
b- Pineapple ₹ 30
c- Apple ₹ 50
d- Banana ₹ 20
e- Orange ₹ 20
f- Water-Melon ₹ 20

9- Snakes

a- French-Fry ₹ 20
b- Pop-corn ₹ 20
c- Potato-Chips ₹ 20
d- Banana-Chips ₹ 20
e- Kurkure ₹ 20

10- Exit

Return to main menu.

Menu under option 2-New Customer

Enter Customer Name -

Enter Customer ID -
Do you want to continue(y/n)? –

Menu under option 3-Exit

Exit from execution.

Outputs and executions steps of Café management

 Execution for single item perches.

At the starting of execution we got 3 options as following:

First we add new customer by entering input 2:

First we enter name as following:

Then we enter customer ID as following:

Then we enter y/n for continue / exit respectively:

Here we enter y for continue to execution:

Then we got main menu as choice:

Then we got menu of items for choice:

For example: here we enter 5 as input

Then we got different sub-items for entered input:

For example we enter c in sub-item menu:

Then we asked for quantity as following:

For example we enter 2 as quantity in input:

Then we asked for continue / exit as y/n:

Here we enter n for exiting from execution:

If we enter n then program execution stops and we displayed total bill for our choice entered:

 Execution for multiple item purchases:

At the starting of execution we got 3 options as following:

For new customer we enter 2 as input:

Then we asked for entering customer name:

After entering customer name we asked for customer ID that have to enter:

After entering customer data we asked for continue / exit = y / n as following:

Here we enter y for continue with execution as following:

Then we displayed main menu as choice 1 / 2 / 3 as follows:

Here we enter 1 for menu:

Then we displayed menu and asked for choice from main item menu:
Here we enter 3 as choice for sub-menu of 3rd option (for sandwich):

Then we displayed sub-menu of sandwich and asked for choice a / b / c / d:

We entered ‘b’ as input and then we asked for quantity of item as following:
Letter we entered 2 quantity of products:

Then we asked for continue / exit this time we enter ‘y’ as input for continue:

Then again we asked for main menu as choice:

We enter ‘1’ as input for adding another item and we displayed menu list as follows:

This time we enter choice 7 (cold drink) as following:

Then we displayed sub menu of cold drinks and asked for choice as following:
Here we entered ‘g’ as choice in sub-item menu:

Then we asked for quantity as following:

We enter choice ‘2’ as quantity showing below:

Then we asked for continue / exit for input ‘y / n’:

And again we enter ‘y’ this time as input showing below:

Again we enter ‘1’ as input and we asked for choice in menu:

This time we enter ‘9’ (Snakes) as following:

Then we displayed sub menu for Snakes as following and asked for choice:

Then we asked for quantity as following:

We enter ‘a’ as choice and quantity ‘2’ as following:

Then we asked for continue / exit as input y / n :

We enter ‘n’ this time as following:

After entering choice ‘n’ we displayed total bill with calculated all the items as following:

5.0 Actual Resources Used

Sr.No. Name of resources used Specifications Qty Remarks
(if any)

1. Laptop (HP) Intel i3 7th gen, 1

4GB ram,
windows 10
2. Operating system Windows 10 1
3. Python Version 3.9 1
4. Python IDLE Version 3.9 1

6.0 Skill Developed /learning out of this Micro-Project

 Got knowledge about designing project for solving real world problems.
 Got information about python programming.
 Got knowledge about different python functions, packages and much more.
 Also got information about manage user interface in Python.
 Developed skills to interact with team members.
 Developed communication skills by interacting the customer.

7.0 Applications of this Micro- Project

 This can be used for various Café as management systems.
 Can be used anywhere and anytime with portable pc by avoiding heavy items like register
books pens and much more.
 Calculate mathematical calculations accurately and quickly.
 Save more time.
 Increase working performance in café.

8.0Area of Future Improvement

 Better GUI attract workers with working with it.

 Much long process hence dashboard performs better.

9.0 Reference

10.0 Conclusion
During the development of café management system we visited different café and observed
the function of working in the real life. After observations we planned for project modules
and working schedule f
or development. After all the planning we started the execution of planning and creating
modulus and function for project with different menu-items and sub-menu in the system.
And finally we successfully developed the café management System using Python. We learnt
about how to develop and user interface using Python programming.

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