Baby Blues

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Group 1


Lecturer : Mr. Minanto

Name Of Group Members :

1. Denayu siti A (R2005002)

2. Dhea Novita Sari (R2005003)

3. Dewi Sukarnee (R2005015)

4. Dina Marsela (R2005019)

5. Farhanah Andriana A (R2005004)

Tahun Ajaran 2021/2022

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Indramayu

Alamat : Jl. Wirapati Sindang – Indramayu, Kec. Sindang Kab. Indramayu Jawa Barat
Kode Pos 45222

Speaker 1 Denayu Siti A

Di sini ditambahkan opening ya, misalnya:

Good morning, Sir. I’m Denayu Siti. In this ocassion, my group will talk about Baby Blues.
And I, myself, will present about the definition and symptoms of Baby Blues.

Baby blues syndrome is a condition experienced by women in the form of excessive feelings of
anxiety and excess after having delivery process. These excessive feelings, or we can say
mood swings, generally occur after the mother gives birth. In general, the baby blues syndrome
will worsen in 3-4 days after giving birth. This condition also usually only occurs in the first 14
days. However, this condition should not be taken lightly. During the first week after childbirth,
many women get what's often called the “baby blues”. Women can experience a low mood and
feel midly depressed at a time when they expect they should feel happy after having a baby.
"Baby blues" are probably due to the sudden hormonal and chemical changes that take place in
your body after childbirth.
Baby blues symptoms can include:
1) feeling emotional and bursting into tears for no apparent reason
2) feeling irritable or touchy
3) low mood
4) anxiety and restlessness
5) All these symptoms are normal and usually only last for a few days.

Jangan lupa closing, misalnya:

Thank your for your attention, Sir. The next presenter for my group is Dewi Sukarnee.
Dewi, the time is yours.

Speaker 2 Dewi Sukarnee

Nah, karena symptoms baby blues udah dijabarkan oleh Denayu. Jadi, Dewi lebih baik bahas
postpartum depression. Nanti cari definisinya dan perbedaannya dengan Baby blues.

Jangan lupa ada opening juga, misalnya:

Thank you, Denayu for the time given to me. Good morning, Sir. I’m Dewi Sukarnee. I
would like to describe about postpartum depression and it’s differences from baby blues.

Postpartum depression is ..........

Symptoms : Baby blues symptoms

Signs and symptoms of baby blues — which last only a few days to a week or two after your
baby is born — may include:

1) Mood swings
2) Anxiety
3) Sadness
4) Irritability
5) Feeling overwhelmed
6) Crying
7) Reduced concentration
8) Appetite problems
9) Trouble sleeping

Jangan lupa dikasih closing seperti Denayu ya.

Speaker 3 Dhea Novita Sari

Sebelum mulai, nanti dikasih opening seperti Dewi Sukarnee ya.

I would like to talk about how to overcome the baby blues.

The baby blues usually go away on their own in about 2 weeks. Even so, if you experience it,
this condition needs to be managed properly. Some things you can do to deal with the baby blues

1) Don't force yourselfDon't force yourself to do everything yourself and do what you can
do. If you feel overwhelmed, both when taking care of your little one or housework, don't
hesitate to ask for help from your partner or those closest to you.
2) Enough sleep. Make sure you get enough sleep. Take advantage of your little one's
bedtime to sleep. If he wakes up at night due to bedwetting and you still need sleep to
recover, don't hesitate to ask your partner for help to change your little one's diaper and
take care of him for a while.
3) Consume nutritious food and exercise regularlyTo overcome the baby blues, you are
advised to exercise regularly. Exercise can not only distract and worry you, but also
improve your mood and sleep quality.
If you don't have time to exercise, eating healthy foods can also help you control your
4) Talk with the closest people. To relieve the symptoms of the baby blues and find the best
solution, you can exchange stories with other new mothers or loved ones about how you
are feeling. That way, the burden of your mind can feel lighter.
In the midst of a happy moment to welcome your little one, the baby blues must feel
strange and unnatural to you. However, keep in mind that this is normal and experienced
by many other mothers. To deal with this, you need a lot of physical and moral support
from the people around you.

Jangan lupa dikasih closing seperti Denayu.

Speaker 4 Dina Marsela

Nah, karena Dina masih sedikit, jadi saya tambahkan jatahnya Dhea tentang penanganan lain
baby blues.

Jangan lupa kasih opening seperti Dewi.

Baby blues are generally caused by physiological changes experienced by mothers after giving
birth, and their intensity is influenced by psychological factors. While postpartum depression is
more influenced by psychosocial factors such as excessive stress experienced by the mother. So,
the treatment must be diferrent. Here are some other things to do to add up

How to Treat the postpartum depression are:

Nah, coba Dian cari lagi penanganan soal postpartum depression ya. Mungkin aja beda
penanganannya dengan baby blues.
1) You should start to feel better if you do what your body needs during this stressful time.
2) Sleep as much as you can, and rest when your baby is napping.
3) Eat foods that are good for you. You’ll feel better with healthy fuel in your system.
4) Go for a walk. Exercise, fresh air, and sunshine can do wonders.
5) Accept help when people offer it.
6) Relax. Don’t worry about chores. Just focus on you and your baby

Jangan lupa kasih closing seperti Denayu.

Speaker 5 Farhanah Andriana Azzahra

Nanti samakan dengan yang lain ya. Kasih ucapan terima kasih, opening, dan salam di awal

Nah, terus karena treatment udah dibahas sama Dhea dan Dina, jadi Farhanah tugasnya
memberikan sarandan wejangan saja. Boleh buat si ibu, juga buat keluarga pasien. Nanti coba
ditulis dalam bentuk poin-poin ya.

1) Postpartum depression or baby blues syndrome is a psychological disease experienced by

50-80% of women giving birth. Women can experience a low mood and feel midly
depressed at a time when they expect they should feel happy after having a baby. "Baby
blues" are probably due to the sudden hormonal and chemical changes that take place in
your body after childbirth. The lack of media information on symptoms and how to
handle it makes many mothers do not realize that they have this syndrome. This coupled
with the husband's ignorance of the existence of this syndrome, thus hampering the
healing process. In fact, if not treated immediately, this syndrome can get worse and
cause negative things. How to overcome the baby blues : How to overcome the baby
blues, Enough sleep, Consume nutritious food and exercise regularly, Talk with the
closest people
There are some suggestions for sufferers of the baby blues :
1. You should start to feel better if you do what your body needs during this stressful time.
2. Sleep as much as you can, and rest when your baby is napping.
3. Eat foods that are good for you. You’ll feel better with healthy fuel in your system.
4. Go for a walk. Exercise, fresh air, and sunshine can do wonders.
5. Accept help when people offer it.
6. Relax. Don’t worry about chores. Just focus on you and your baby

Jangan lupa kasih closing dan ucapan terima kasih.

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