Spare Bushing

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High Voltage Bushing

Richmond Community College

Types of Bushings
The primary function of a bushing is to provide an insulated
entrance for an energized conductor into an apparatus tank or
• Condenser type:
 Oil-Impregnated paper insulation
 Resin bounded paper insulation
• Non-condenser type:
 Solid
 Alternate layers of solid and liquid insulation
 Gas-filled
• For outdoor bushings, the primary insulation is contained in a weather-proof housing,
usually porcelain.
• The space between the primary insulation and the weather shed is generally filled with
an insulating oil or compound (also used are plastic and foam).
• Some of the solid homogeneous types may use oil to fill the space between the
conductor and the inner wall of the weather-shed.
• Bushings also may use gas, such as SF6 as an insulating medium between the center
conductor and outer weather-shed.
• Bushings may be further classified generally as being equipped, or not equipped, with a
potential tap or power-factor test tap or electrode.
• NOTE “Potential” taps are sometimes also referred to as “capacitance” or “voltage”
Bushing Components
Anatomy of a
Condenser Bushing


Condenser Bushing Construction
Bushing Core Designs
Bushing Test Tap Example
Bushing Potential Tap Example
Tap Adapters
Westinghouse Type O+ Bushings
Bushing Test Adapter

Westinghouse Type S, OS, GOS Bushing

Bushing Test Adapter


Westinghouse Type S, OS, GOS Bushing

Bushing Test Adapter
Bushing Test Adapter
Bushing Troubles
• Operating records show that about 90 percent of all preventable
bushing failures are caused by moisture entering the bushing through
leaky gaskets or other openings.
• High-voltage bushings, if allowed to deteriorate, may explode with
considerable violence and cause extensive damages to adjacent
• Flashovers may be caused by deposits of dirt on the bushings,
particularly in areas where there are contaminants such as salts or
conducting dusts in the air. These deposits should be removed by
periodic cleaning.
Bushing Tests
• Ungrounded-Specimen Test (center conductor to tap, C1).
• Tap Insulation Test (tap to flange, C2)
• Collar Test (externally applied collar to center conductor)
• Overall (center conductor to flange)
• Inverse Ungrounded-Specimen Test (tap to center conductor, C1.
Do not exceed tap voltage rating!)
• Tip-up Test (repeat C1 at 2 and 10 kV or 2 and L-G kV if
less than 10)
Bushing Troubles
Cracked porcelain Moisture enters. Visual inspection.
Oil and/or gas Leaks. Power factor test.
Filler leaks out. Hot collar test

Deterioration of Moisture enters. Visual inspection.

cemented joints Oil and/or gas Leaks. Power factor test.
Filler leaks out. Hot collar test

Gasket leaks Moisture enters. Visual inspection.

Oil and/or gas Leaks. Power factor test.
Filler leaks out. Hot collar test .
Hot-wire test for
Insulation resistance.
Moisture in insulation Moisture enters. Power factor test.
Hot collar test .
Bushing Troubles
Solder seal leak Moisture enters. Visual inspection.
Filler leaks out. Power factor test.
Hot collar test .
Hot-wire test for
Leak detector
Broken connection Moisture enters. Visual inspection.
between ground Oil and/or gas Leaks. Power factor test.
sleeve and flange Filler leaks out. Hot collar test

Gasket leaks Sparking in apparatus Power factor test.

Tank or within bushing.
Discolored oil.

Voids in compound Internal corona. Power factor Tip up test.

Hot collar test .
Bushing Troubles
Oil migration Filler contamination Visual inspection.
Power factor test.
Hot collar test .
No Oil Oil leaks out Visual inspection.
Moisture enters. Power factor test.
Hot collar test.

Displaced grading shield. Internal sparking discolors Hot collar test .


Electrical flashover Cracked or broken Visual inspection.

porcelain. Hot collar test .
Complete failure.
Lightning Cracked or broken Visual inspection.
porcelain. Test lightning arrester
Complete failure.
Bushing Troubles
corona Internal breakdown. Power factor test
Radio interference. Hot collar test.
Treeing along surface of Hot-wire test.
paper or internal surfaces. RRIV

Short-circuited Increased capacitance. Power factor test.

condenser sections Reduced voltage at Voltage test at
capacitance tap terminal. capacitance tap.
Adds internal stress to Capacitance test.

Darkened oil Radio interference, Power factor test.

Poor test results. Hot collar test.
Preparing for
Bushing Cleaning
• Collinite Wax
• Clean, dry cloth
• Soap & Water !!
• Windex with Ammonia
• Apply heat (lamp) to fully dry all surfaces
Alcohol NOT recommended 
Spare Bushings
 Do not test in a wooden crate (capacitive coupling)
 Support on a metal stand if possible
 If hanging from a sling, the sling’s cleanliness may affect the test, and it
should be kept away from energized points
 Connect ground lead directly to bushing flange, and ground both test set
and the specimen to adequate ground
 Clean upper and lower surfaces before testing
Bushing C1 (conductor to tap)
Insulation Test
Dielectric Circuit: Main-
Insulation/C1 Test
Dielectric Circuit: C2 Insulation
Bushing Tap-Insulation (C2) Test
Test Result Analysis
Bushing Power Factor
•C1 power factor for modern condenser type bushings are typically
near 0.5% after correction to 20 degrees C.
•C2 should be <1.0% PF for condenser and <2.0% for non-
paper/oil filled bushings.
• C2 insulation greater than a 1.0% power factor is questionable
and warrants further investigation.
Evaluating Bushing Test Results
Good: (G)
• Power Factor matches nameplate.
• Hot-Collar test shows no abnormal losses.
• Capacitance measurements are normal.
• Visual inspection shows that there are no cracks or
oil/compound leaks in the cylindrical portion of the porcelain
weather casting.
Evaluating Bushing Test Results
Deteriorated: (D)
• Overall GST and/or UST power factors are approximately
twice the nameplate values for a new bushing, and/or the Hot-
Collar test values are deteriorated.
• If a visual inspection shows that compound is leaking from the
bushing in the vicinity of a gasket, this fact should be recorded
on the test data sheet. A defective gasket will eventually permit
moisture to enter.
Evaluating Bushing Test Results Ct.

Investigate: (I)
• If power factor is significantly different than nameplate value
and overall GST or UST value is greater than 1.0 %PF.
• If Hot-Collar test values are abnormal.
• If the capacitance is abnormal.
Evaluating Bushing Test Results Ct.

Bad: (B)
• If overall GST or UST power factor is showing a trend away from the
initial benchmark. For bushings with initial UST values of .5% or less,
the absolute UST power factor should not be allowed to exceed 1.5%
before being removed from service
• If Hot-Collar is abnormal
• If capacitance is abnormal (5-15%) increase indicates short circuited
• If the cylindrical portion of the porcelain weather castings are cracked.
Variation Of Power Factor with
• Electrical characteristics of all insulating materials vary with
• In order to compare results of periodic tests on the same
apparatus while at different temperatures, it is necessary that
the manner in which the results vary with temperature be
• The results then can be converted to a common temperature
Temperature Factor Correction
Temperature-Correction is used in the following manner:
1. Calculate the specimen (e.g., bushing) power factor.
2. Determine the test-specimen temperature.
3. Obtain the appropriate correction factor from the
Temperature-Correction Table corresponding to the
specimen temperature.
4. Multiply (1) and (3)
Ohio Brass Company bushing Class GK, 115 kV
(1) Calculated power factor = 0.42%
(2) Ambient temperature = 30°C
(3) Multiplier from the Temperature-Correction Table at
30°C = 1.11
(4) Corrected to 20°C power factor = 0.42% x 1.11 = 0.47%

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