EM Waveguides

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EM Waveguides

Rectangular waveguide: Dimensions of the waveguide determine the operating

frequency range.

A waveguide is a structure that guides waves, such as electromagnetic waves or

sound waves. There are different types of waveguides for each type of wave.

A waveguide is a Hollow metallic tube of the uncross-sectioning for transmitting

electromagnetic waves by successive reflections from the inner walls of the tube
called WG.

Basic features

 Waveguides may be used to carry energy between pieces of equipment or over

longer distances to carry transmitter power to an antenna or microwave signals
from an antenna to a receiver

 Waveguides are made from copper, aluminum, or brass. These metals are
extruded into long rectangular or circular pipes.

 Electromagnetic energy to be carried by a waveguide is injected into one end of

the waveguide.

 The electric and magnetic fields associated with the signal bounce off the inside walls
back and forth as it progresses down the waveguide.
Definition of WG
Waveguides can be constructed to carry waves over a wide portion of the electromagnetic
spectrum (band), but are especially useful in the microwave and optical frequency ranges.
Depending on the frequency, they can be constructed from either conductive or
dielectric materials. Waveguides are used for transferring both power and
communication signals.


RF waveguides used for the transmission of radiofrequency energy come in a variety of

sizes and designations such as WG waveguide.

Waveguide sizes and waveguide dimensions determine the properties of the RF

waveguide, including parameters such as the waveguide, cut-off frequency, and many
other properties.

Waveguide sizes are standardized to enable waveguides from different manufacturers to

be used together. In this way, the industry is able to benefit from the ability to use
waveguides with known properties, etc.

Dielectric WG

The increasing attenuation in all transmission lines using conductors makes their use
less practical above 100 GHz. The Dielectric Waveguide is a transmission line that
overcomes these problems. Its operation is similar to optical fiber in that the energy is
trapped inside the waveguide by the principle of total internal reflection. The obvious
difference between this waveguide and other lines described so far is that there is no
easy way to connect many devices to it. However, good transitions to rectangular

waveguides are available along with various circuit components

For a dielectric guide at 100GHz, the dimensions might be 2 mm x 1 mm.

The dispersion is less than metallic Rectangular Waveguide

Recent research has shown that junctions between dielectric waveguides have less
insertion loss than metallic waveguides. It is anticipated that dielectric waveguides will be
commonly used in the future for frequencies above 100 GHz.
Components of RWG

There are a lot of components that exist for various RWG for example Detector,
Attenuator, Couplers, and Slotted lines for bands between 1GHz and above.

The interior dimension of RWG is an X b where a is length and b is width it’s often b
approximately designed to be equal to half (a).

Types of EM waves

Components of Electric and Magnetic Field Intensities in an EM wave

In general, we can have four plane waves bouncing inside closed rectangular waveguides,
where TEmn and TMmn indicate the number of half-wavelengths in the standing wave
patterns in the longer (m) and shorter (n) transverse dimensions

TEM transverse Electric and Magnetic or Transverse Electro-Magnetic (TEM) wave: Waves
with no electric or magnetic field in the direction of propagation (Hz=Ez=0). Plane waves
and transmission-Line waves are common examples.

TE mode is transverse Electric or Transverse Electric (TE) wave: Waves with a magnetic
field but no electric field in the direction of propagation (Hz≠0, Ez=0). These are referred
to as H waves.

TM mode is transverse a magnetic or Transverse Magnetic (TM) wave: Waves with an

electric field but no magnetic field in the direction of propagation (Hz=0, Ez ≠0). These are
referred to as E waves.
Modes of propagation

The order of the model refers to the field configuration in the guide and is given by m and
n integer subscript as TEmn and TMmn

The TE10 mode is the dominant mode of a rectangular waveguide with a>b since it has
the lowest attenuation of all modes. Either m or n can be zero, but not both. End View

Side View (TE10)

TE10 Mode
For TM modes, thus, TM11 is the lowest possible TM mode. m=0 and n=0 are not possible,

Types of EM waves
Rectangular, circular, elliptical, and all hollow, metallic waveguides cannot support TEM.

The waveguide that allows TEM modes include coaxial cable, parallel plate, stripline, and

Dominant Mode is the lowest possible value of m and n will be able to propagate at the
lowest frequencies and usually, the WG is used in that frequencies where only the
dominant can propagate. TM11,TE10

RWG can support TE and TM modes.

Dimensions of the waveguide which determine the operating frequency range:

1. The size of the waveguide determines its operating frequency range.

2. The frequency of operation is determined by the dimension ‘a’.

3. This dimension is usually made equal to one–half the wavelength at the lowest
frequency of operation, this frequency is known as the waveguide cutoff frequency.

4. At the cutoff frequency and below, the waveguide will not transmit energy. At
frequencies above the cutoff frequency, the waveguide will propagate energy. Wave
paths in a waveguide at various frequencies
Wave propagation
When a probe launches energy into the waveguide, the electromagnetic fields bounce off
the sidewalls of the waveguide as shown in the above diagram.

The angles of incidence and reflection depend upon the operating frequency. At high
frequencies, the angles are large and therefore, the path between the opposite walls is
relatively long as shown in Fig.
Calculation of cut-off frequency(Fc)

a=Inside width

b=Inside Height

m=Number of ½ -wavelength variations of fields in the “a” direction

n=Number of ½-wavelength variations of fields in the "b" direction

ε =Permittivity µ =
Permeability or we can
write it as follow.

RWG F cut-off filled with air

Cutoff and operating Frequencies

A RGW cannot propagate below some certain frequency. This frequency is called cut-off
frequency. Fo>Fc where Fo is operating frequency. Fo=1.42 Fc


A rectangular waveguide has a width of 0.65in and a height of 0.38in .a )what is the cut-off
frequency ?,b)what is a typical operating frequency for this waveguide ? For TE10 &TM11.

Example 2:

Calculate the cut-off frequency for TM11 ,TM21,TE10and TE22. If the waveguide dimensions are
a=71cm and b=33cm.

Example 3:
A rectangular WG (a=20mm ,b=10mm), filed with deionized water µr=1.02 and ϵ r=8.5.

Operates at 3.3GHz .Determine the cut-off frequency for TM 11 ,TM21,TE10and TE22..

Cutoff and operating Frequencies

A RGW can not propagate below some certain frequency. This frequency is called cut-off
frequency. Fo>Fc where Fo is operating frequency.

Fo=1.42 Fc

Design Waveguides

Example 1:

Under dominant condition what will be the internal dimensions of RWG to propagate 1GHz.

Rectangular Waveguides.

Example 2:

Compute the internal dimensions of RWG has Cut-off frequencies 1.5GHz for TE 10 and
3.5GHz for TE02 .
Waveguide components

Waveguide to coax adapter

Waveguide bends


Uses of Waveguide

• To reduce attenuation loss

– High frequencies

– High power
• Can operate only above certain frequencies

– Acts as a High-pass filter

• Normally circular or rectangular

– We will assume lossless rectangular

Key Equations


An air filled rectangular waveguide has dimensions of 6cmX 4cm.It propagates a signal at
3.2GHz.Compute the following for .

1-Cut-off frequency ,2-Guide wavelength,3-Phase constant ,4-Phase velocity,5-Group velocity

6-Wave impedance.

A section of X-band waveguide with dimensions a=2.3 cm and b= 1.15 cm has perfectly
conducting walls and is filled with a lossy dielectric whose conducting is 365.5µs/m,
Permittivity is 2.1 and permeability is 1 . Find the attenuation factor of this waveguide in
dB/m.For the dominant mode at a frequency 10GHz.

Rectangular Resonant Cavity

Figure (1) shows a rectangular cavity with dimensions a,b,and c with a<b<c that is completely
filled with homogenous material.

*Use instead of a tuned circuit

*Very high Q ( quality factor).

*There is no propagation in any direction.

*used for storing energy and in filters and frequency meter.

Example: Find resonant frequency of TE101 and TM110 for cavity a=1.2cm, b=1 and c=

Quality factor of Cavity:

Q is defined in terms of ratio of the energy stored in to the energy supplied by a generator
per cycle.

Q=2 pi Fr *(energy stored/power loss).

Circular wave guide

A Hollow metallic tube of uniform circular cross section for transmitting electromagnetic
waves by successive reflections from the inner walls of the tube is called Circular

The circular waveguide is used in many special applications in microwave techniques.

It has the advantage of greater power – handling capacity and lower attenuation for a given
cutoff wavelength. However, the disadvantage of somewhat greater size and weight.

The polarization of the transmitted wave can be altered due to the minor irregularities of
the wall surface of the circular guide, whereas the rectangular wave guide the polarization
is fixed.

Applications of circular waveguide

Rotating joints in radars to connect the horn antenna feeding a parabolic reflector (which
must rotate for tracking)

TE01 mode suitable for long distance waveguide transmission above 10 GHz.

Short and medium distance broad band communication (could replace / share coaxial and
microwave links).
Circular Waveguide TE/TM Calculations
Passive Microwave Devices

These type of devices are used to control the output voltage or power in microwaves

1- An attenuator is an electronic device that reduces the amplitude or power of signal

without appreciably distortion its waveform.
An attenuator is effectively the opposite of an amplifier, though the two work by different
methods. While an amplifier provides gain, an attenuator provides loss, or gain less than 1.

Attenuators are usually passive devices made from simple voltage divider networks.
Switching between different resistances forms adjustable stepped attenuators and
continuously adjustable ones using potentiometers. For higher frequencies precisely
matched low VSWR resistance networks are used.

The matched plate

The function of matched plate is to absorb the energy headed to wards it, and produces a
matched load to microwave the transmission line (T.L).

• ρr=0

• ZL= Zo where ZL is load impedance and Zo is characteristics impedance

• Perfectly match means (no reflection) i.e there is no reflected EM wave to

wards the source .thus the SWR in the system is minimized
• SWR=1+|ρr|/1-|ρr| where ρr is reflection coefficient

• SWR=1

• ρr=( ZL _ Zo)/(ZL +Zo)=0

• Pr=|ρr|2 * Pin


The short plate

• Is a small plate of conductive material that used to terminate a RWG circuit.

• This termination theoretically completely reflects the travel wave (Zero

impedance ZL=0).

• ρr= ZL _ Zo/ZL +Zo=0-Zo/0+Zo=-1 completely reflected

• SWR=1+|ρr|/1-|ρr|=2/0= infinite

• Pr=/ ρr/2 *Pin=(-1)^2 *Pin=Pin

The open circuit

• A WG circuit terminate by an open-end that radiate towards the open space

(infinite impedance value.

RF WG Isolators and Circulators

This microwave device permits attenuated transmission in one direction (forward

direction) but provides very high attenuation in the reverse (backward) direction.
This is generally used between the source and the rest of the set-up (units) to
avoid overloading of the source due to reflected power .So we can say is used to
protect other microwaves components from excessive signal reflection.


The isolator is defined as a passive two-port

Where power is transmitted in one direction and absorb in other direction.

1 2

The WG isolator can specify insertion loss about (-20 -1dB) in the forward and
about -20 to 30 dB in the reverse direction.

Insertion loss=10 log Pout/Pin .


For the microwave circuit as shown below if the value of attenuation is equal to
(-5dB) find :

1-Power at the short circuit end.

2-The value of SWR at input of attenuator.

3-The value of SWR at source of.


An RF isolator is a two-port passive device made of magnets and ferrite material

which is used to protect other RF components from excessive signal
reflection ,while an RF circulator is a three-port passive device used to control
the direction of signal flow in a circuit.

In typical applications of circulator allows a single antenna to be used for both

transmission and reception.

Circulator used in Radar


For the microwave circuit block diagram as shown below if the forward
attenuation is (-10dB) find:
1-The delivered power at load one if power transmitted is equal to 200W

2-The value of SWR at load 1.

3-The reflection coefficient at load No.2

Four-Port Networks (Directional Couplers)

Directional couplers are four port circuit where one port is isolated from the
input port and also are passive reciprocal networks .All four ports are ideally
matched and the circuit is ideally lossless .It seems from figure port 1 is the
input port and port 2 is the transmitted port ( because it is connected with a
straight line).

For a forward –wave couplers, port 3 is the coupled port ,port 4 is isolated .

For a back ward-wave couplers a signal incident on port 1 .Port 4 is coupled

(port 3 is isolated).

For a backward wave coupler, ideally power into port 1 will only appear at port
2 and port 4 with no power of port 3.

Insertion loss (IL)=10 log (P1/P2)

Coupling factor (C.F)=10 log (P1/P4).

Isolation(I)=10 log (P1/P3)

Directivity(D)=10 log (P4/P3).

Directional couplers are general purpose tools used in RF and microwave signal
routing for isolating, separating or combining signals. They find use in a variety
of measurement applications:

• Power monitoring

• Source leveling

• Isolation of signal sources

• Swept transmission and reflection measurements


For the Microwave circuit shown below, if the Directional coupler has input
power (P1=200W), (P3=60W) and reading of bolometer40W.Find the following:



3-Coupling factor.

4-SWR at port 3.
Wave guide Junctions
• Waveguide Junctions You may have assumed that when energy traveling
down a waveguide reaches a junction, it simply divides and follows the
junction. This is not strictly true. Different types of junctions affect the energy
in different ways. Since waveguide junctions are used extensively in most
systems, you need to understand the basic operating principles of those most
commonly used.

• The T JUNCTION is the most simple of the commonly used waveguide

junctions. T junctions are divided into two basic types, the E-TYPE and the
HTYPE. HYBRID JUNCTIONS are more complicated developments of the basic
T junctions. The MAGIC-T and the HYBRID RING are the two most commonly
used hybrid junctions which is combined of E-plan Tee and H-plan.

• E-TYPE T JUNCTION.—An E-type T junction is It is called an E-type T junction

because the junction arm extends from the main waveguide in the same
direction as the E field in the waveguide.

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