Propulxion FOR: Codag

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This paper by R. V . Kumlin is reprinted by permission Stal-Laval, Inc.
from presentation at the ASME Gas Turbine Conference 14-17 March

ABSTRACT The first 2,000 tons displacement ship, the Ped?r

Skram was launched May 20th, 1965 and the Heduf
T w o gas turbine powered frigates for the Royal Trolle followed in September (Figure 1).
Danish Navy will go on sea trials this spring. The This is the first time a jet engine powered gas
CODAG propulsion units have good fuel consump- turbine was used for the main propulsion of a ship
tion characteristics and light weight. Free wheeling of this size. The USA is following with the WPG
clutches on each prime mover and a controllable Coast Guard Cutter, a 2,800 ton ship with two
pitch propeller have simplified the gear arrange- CODAG units of 3,500 hp diesel and 18,000 hp gas
ment and the maneuvering procedure. The jet en- turbine power [l]. Finland is now building a
gine powered gas turbines and the gears are
described in some detail in the paper, which ends
with a s u m m a r y of the results from shop tests with
the complete propulsion units.



And Gas turbine (CODAG) propulsion unit have
been fully utilized by the Danish Navy for the main
propulsion in their new frigate class. The salient
fc.atures of this unit are:
good fuel consumption characteristics,
light weight,
low space requirements,
fast maneuvering,
high availability due to simple,
reliable components. Figure 1. &ta -on of Daai6l1 Navy Ipripta

Naval EngiMon Journal, kbruary IW 73


smaller ship having the same size propulsion unit. vided into 5 watertight rooms (Figure 2 ) . From
The German Koeln class Escort frigates have two fore to aft the rooms contain port side gas turbine,
CODAG units with an industrial type 12,000 hp gas port side gear and clutches, the two diesel engines,
turbine and a rather elaborate gear and clutch ar- starboard side gear and clutches and the starboard
rangement [23. side gas turbine. One auxiliary diesel generator is
Maximum power and speed will be demanded for placed in each room for maximum safety. The main
only a small percentage of the total running time. control room for all normal operation of engines and
For most of the time the ship will cruise at some propellers is situated above the starboard gear box
10 per cent of full power. Important factors are the compartment. In each gas turbine room there is an
obvious limitations in available space and weight, additional control desk from which the gas turbine
the maneuverability and reliability of components may be operated.
and the provision for astern power. In Denmark, The gas turbine air inlet and exhaust ducts are
Orligsvaerftet (The Royal Danish Dockyard) made run close together through the decks. The air intake
a thorough investigation of all possible ways to com- is constructed as an annular horizontal grid around
bine prime movers, gears, clutches and propellers the base of the stack, giving a clean ship silhouette.
within the CODAG scheme. Such questions were Care has been taken to minimize ingestion of water
asked as: “Should there be fixed propellers and re- spray and exhaust gas. When the ship is propelled
versible gears for each prime mover for backing?” by the diesels, the gas turbine exhaust is closed by
“Two speed gears and extra clutches to allow the built-in shutters while the air intake is covered by
diesels to be used also at max. ship speed?” “How a canvas.
best to utilize the extremely high power to weight THE CODAC PROPULSION UNIT
ratio of the gas turbines?”
Each unit consists of one 2,400 h p diesel engine
The most straightforward, simple arrangement for cruising power and one 22,000 hp gas turbine
proved to be the most advantageous. Here, the ship for full power. The prime movers drive a common
has two propeller shafts, each powered by a 2,400 gear via freewheeling clutches which allow for in-
lip, fast running desel and a 22,000 hp gas turbine dependent operation (Figure 3). The diesel input
with jet engine gasifier. Both are connected to a has a hydrodynamic coupling to dampen out tor-
gear via free-wheeling clutches. Cruising speed and sional vibrations. A separate propeller thrust bear-
all maneuvering is done with the desels. At higher ing is installed on the shaft line. The C.P. propeller
power levels, only the gas turbines are in operation. allows rapid change to astern operation and makes
A controllable pitch KaMeWa propeller provides a it possible to choose the RPM/output ratio within
simple way to get astern power without complicat- a wide range.
ing the gear and is also used to match speed and Normal operation is as follows. For low-speed
RPM under various running conditions. In case of maneuvers, the diesels are used with ship speed
breakdown on the diesel, the gas turbines may be and direction controlled by the C.P. propeller.
used from zero to full power. When cruising, the diesels run close to their maxi-
mum speed and the propeller pitch is set to give
optimum efficiency. When the need for higher ship
Figure 2. Engine room layout.
The ship is buit by the Helsingars Skibsvaerft og
Maskinbyggeri A/S to the Royal Danish Navy 1. Gas generator 6. Diesel engine
2. Power turbine 7. Air intake duct
specifications and design, under a joint Danish- 3. Gasturbinereductiongear 8. Exhaust duct
United States cost sharing program. 4. Diesel reduction gear 9. Propeller shaft
Main data are: 5. Hydrodynamic coupling 10. Propeller shaft
Displacement 2,000 tons .- 4
Length 0.a. 112 m
Beam w.1. 12 m
speed over 30 knots

The hull is all-welded construction and is longi-

tudinally framed. There are a large number of
watertight compartments within the ship. The ma-
chinery can operate even if the engine room is
partly filled with water. “he ship may be closed
gas tight and thus operate under ABC type war-
fare. These capabilities all have a bearing on the
propulsion unit design.
The propulsion machinery area of the ship is di- I I I I 1

74 Naval Enginnn Journal. February 19M


speed arises, the gas turbine can be started in a TABLE

very short time. The power turbine idling RPM is Steam
set slightly over that of the gas turbine gear input turbine CODAG
shaft which is already turning, to avoid running the 1965
clutch at a small relative velocity difference and Output max. 20,000 2X22,ooo shp
thus, ensuring positive engagement. When gas tur-
bine power is increased, the diesels are automatic- cruising 5,000 2x 2,400shp
ally declutched and may be run at idling speed or Spec. fuel consumption
shut down. The diesels will be used an estimated max. output .6B .55 lbs/shp
75 per cent underway and the gas turbines 25 per cruising .66 .40 lbs/shp
cent. For twethirds of the gas turbine operation
time, the power required is estimated to be below Input shaft speed 8,700 (HP) 4,670 (Gas).t RPM
12,000 hp per unit. 5,300 (LP) 800 (Diesel) RPM
On changeover to diesels again, the power turbine Weight of prime movers
rotor may be rotated slowly by means of frictional (incl. gear) 5.1 5.5 lbs/shp
forces in the freewheeling clutch. The oil system Total weight of machinery
and bearings are designed to permit such operation (approx.1 18 6.4 lbs/shp
for an indefinite time. Thus, all engine speed and
Fuel Heavy Diesel oil
power regulation is done, just by pushing fuel con- fuel
trol levers, as if there were a single prime mover. oil
There are no extra brakes or other devices what-
soever to bother with. The diesels and gas turbines ship up to about 16 knots. The intermediate shaft
both use marine diesel fuel (MIL-F-0016884 E). between hydraulic coupling and gear carries tooth
It may be of interest to compare the overall speci- couplings in both ends to allow for misalignment
fication for this CODAG machinery with the same under shock conditions and to compensate for axial
data for a modern steam turbine propulsion unit in displacement. The engine is mounted on shock-
a Navy ship-the Norwegian Oslo class frigate absorbing rubber elements to obtain the necessary
which had its sea trials in the fall of 1965. shock resistance. The lubricating, cooling and gov-
erning systems are arranged in a conventional way.
The lightweight, fast running diesels, the straight-
forward gear arrangement and the jet engine gasi- The gas turbines
fier for the gas turbine have given the favorable The major components of each gas turbine are
weight and performance data of the CODAG the Pratt & Whitney Aircraft GG4A-3 (575) gas
scheme. generator and the STAGLAVAL two-stage reac-
The diesels tion free turbine.
The turbo-charged V-16 diesel engines are of Gas generator
General Motors type 16-567D and will drive the The GG4A-3 gas generator is a marine version of


Figure 3. Machinery layout.

Navdl hginwrr Journal. Februav 1968 75


Figure 4. Cutaway view of CG4A-3 gas generator.

the JT4 aircraft engine which in its flying version Power turbine
has accumulated several million flying hours. The The three-shaft gas turbine unit works on a sim-
marine conversion mainly consists of changing the ple open cycle. The gas generator, with two com-
materials used for some parts to get the better cor- pressor shafts, feeds hot gas under pressure to the
rosion resistance necessary in a salt water-contami- power turbine, containing the third shaft. The tur-
nated atmosphere [3]. Thus, aluminum has replaced bine consists of an inlet diffuser and connection to
magnesium, while compressor blades and discs are the gas generator, the stator and rotor, an exhaust
made in a titanium alloy. Sliding surfaces have been diffuser and an exhaust casing which connects to
cadmium or cadmium-nickel plated. The sulphur in the stack. The two-stage power turbine has an over-
marine diesel fuel reacts in the combustion chamber hung rotor mounted in two journal bearings (Fig-
with salt from both fuel and air and produces SO- ure 5 ) .
dium sulphate. This compound and chromium react The turbine is built up completely without hori-
to form sulphides [4]. Turbine blades and vanes
zontally-split elements. The casings, the guide vane
are therefore coated to prevent this.
inner and outer rings, etc., all have polar symmetry.
The twin spool gas generator (Figure 4) has an Minimum weight, the ability to take rapid thermal
eight-stage, low-pressure compressor followed by a loading and the ability to minimize the radial clear-
seven-stag?, high-pressure compressor. This gives a ance between rotor blades and stakr are inherent
total compression ratio of approx. 12:l. The can- advantages of this design. To stack the turbine ele-
annular burner has eight burner cans intercon- ments together during erection a simple lifting tool
nected by crossover tubes. Fuel is supplied to the is required (Figure 6). To further improve the
burners by eight circular clusters of six nozzles fast-starting capability, hot exhaust gases are con-
each. The first stage turbine drives the HP and the ducted around the inlet diffuser and guide vane
second and third stage turbines the LP compressor, outer rings en route to the stack, thus heating these
through concentric shafts. parts from the outside.
The fuel pum-hydromechanical fuel con- Both blade rows of the rotor have damping or
trol unit, oil pressure A d scavenging pumps are lashing wires to give maximum safety against blade
driven through the accessory gear box The engine failures due to blade vibration. This is important
is started by an air turbine powered by compressed for a turbine operating in the whole RPM-range
air from storage tanks. The special synthetic lube and using a directly-connected gas generator, for
oil is cooled by lubricating oil from the turbine such an arrangement may produce rather severe
gear. A compressor cleaning system is provided, variations in the exhaust flow pattern. The wire
utdizing distilled water injected through nozzles in which connects groups of six blades, runs in over-
the air intake. Should heavier depositions occur, a sized holes in each blade. Damping is attained by
solid cleaning agent can be introduced into the com- frictional forces.
pressor through the same cleaning system. The gas generator exhaust connects to the power

76 Naval Enginean Journal, February IW


turbine via a conical inlet diffuser. The connecting

element is a radially movable, axially sliding joint
which forms the gas seal. This joint transmits vir-
tually no forces from the power turbine to the gas
The journal bearings are of the tilted-pad type
(Figure 7) which use small radial clearances and
give stable operation despite high speeds and rela-
tively low loading. The bearing at the coupling end
is combined with a Michell type thrust bearing. An
intermediate shaft with gear tooth couplings in both
ends connects the power turbine and the gear. The
lube oil system is common to the power turbine and
the reduction gear.
Reduction gear and clutches
The diesel and the gas turbine work on the pro-
peller shaft through a common STAL-LAVAL re-
duction gear (Figure 8). The diesel engine drives

Figure 5. Power turbine Leyo~t.

Figure 7. Power turbine combmd thrust and journal


F3gwe 8. Reduetion gearing and clutching k y m L

NJVJIhqinoorr Journal. F0brUJI-y 77


a double-helical, single-reduction gear. The tooth

loading here is very conservative due to the fact
that the tooth design is determined by the loading
on the gas turbine input side. The gas turbine re-
duction gear is a double-reduction, single locked-
train, articulated type gear. The teeth are hobbed
and shaved to an involute profile with a 20” normal
pressure angle, having tip relief and rounded fillets.
Lloyd’s K-factor is 183 for the first reduction, 151 FREE WHEELING
for the second.
The gear casing is all-welded. Carbon seals,
effective even if the unit is submerged, are pro- I
vided on all shafts. The pinions are machined from
solid forgings while the gear wheels are made up
from a forged rim welded to the web after preheat-
The Borg Warner free-wheeling clutches are in-
tegral with the gear, (Figure 9) allowing indepen- PARTIALLY L O A D E D
dent changeover from diesel to gas turbine and
vice versa.
The lockhg action in the clutch is performed by
rows of “sprags” between an inner and outer ring
(Figure 10). The sprags will roll into engagement,
when the outer ring starts to overtake the inner,
thus locking the clutch. The sprags are mounted in
two concentric cages which synchronize their move-
ment. At high over-running speeds the sprags are
lifted off the inner race by the hydrodynamic forces
in the oil film. Centrifugal forces in combination Figure 10. Free wheeling clutch principle.
with spring forces oppose the hydrodynamic forces.
When the relative speed between the sprags and
the inner race decreases, the hydrodynamic forces gas generator lube oil.The gear oil is in turn, cooled
decrease as well, and the sprags are brought into in sea water coolers.
metallic contact with the inner race prior to en-
gagement. Gas turbine foundation
The gear is equipped with a direct-driven, screw Supporting structure for the gas generator and
type lube oil pump turned by the second reduction the power turbine assembly is a 10 ft &a. cylindrical
pinion of the turbine gear. The capacity of the container (Figure 11).The gas generator is axially
pump is adequate to meet the requirements of the b e d at the front support and hangs on links at the
gear, power turbine, clutches and couplings. Rec- rear end. The power turbine connects via a straight,
trical pumps take care of starting and low speed seamless cone to a heavy supporting ring at the end
operation. The gear lube oil is a heat sink for the of the container. The cone is integral with the tur-
bine exhaust casing. At its rear end, the power
turbine rests on a flexible vertical plate which al-
lows for axial expansion only. The container has a
large apening for the inlet air on top. The air flows
around the gas generator and via a toroid shaped
passage to the gas generator intake. The whole air
intake has been carefully wind tunnel tested for
optimum performance. The complete gas turbine
assembly rests on 34 shock absorbing rubber ele-
ments fastened to the ship’s hull.
This type of foundation has several merits. The
gas turbine can operate even if the engine room is
partly filled with water to above the container cen-
ter line level. Severe shocks of short duration
which are transmitted by the rubber as longwave,
reduced-amplitude accelerations are easily taken up
by the “continuous” structures supporting the gas
turbine components. An advantage is that the air

78 Naval E n q i n r m Journal. February I W


Figure 11. Gas turbine support.

intake duct occupies a minimum of space in the

ship as it is carried close to the exhaust duct and
no plenum chamber is necessary. The disadvantages
of the container arrangement are that excessive oil
and fuel leaks may cause contamination of the in-
take air, adjustments to the jet engine cannot be
made while running, and maintenance such as a Figure 12. CODAG propulsion unit in tcst stand.
hot-section inspection will take more than normal
time, due to the limited space inside the container. chamber. The floor was lowered 6 St to give room
The compressor section of the gas generator is for the diesel and the gear box. One section of the
cooled by the intake air. The burner and turbine propeller shaft w e borrowed from the ship yard to
sections are separated from the intake by a conical connect the gear and the water brake. The test
casing. A 10 kW fan on the container top draws stand has a permanent installation to measure shaft
cooling air through the enclosed area and discharges speeds, pressures, temperatures, fuel flow, etc. “he
it into the stack. The air intake duct is connected original turbine governor was used, with all control
to the container by a rubber bellows. For the ex- equipment designed especially for the test stand but
haust, the bellows is made of steel. The expected similar to that of the shipboard installation. All
pressure loss is 4” w.g. for the inlet and 6” w.g. for operating and control was done from a soundproof
the exhaust duct and stack. control room on the upper floor. Only the water
The container necessitates an unorthodox way to brake needed attention in the test stand. A special
install or remove the gas generator. The jet engine framework was built to carry the gas generator and
is hung vertically in a crane with exhaust end up, the free turbine in the same way as the “container”
and is then lowered through the air intake duct used in the ship. This made it possible to assemble
until the front end reaches the container bottom. A the gas turbine in the shop and transport it as a unit
tool is then hooked onto the engine, sliding it into to the test stand (F’igure 13).
“he power turbine swallowing capacity must
TESTING match the gas generator exhaust conditions fairly
Due to the novelty of this type of machinery, closely, due to the otherwise adverse influence on
especially where it comes to the gear and clutch max. available power, turbine inlet temperatures
arrangements, the Danish Navy demanded an ex- and therefore time between overhaul, etc. The first-
tensive functional test series to be performed on
The first unit, that for the port side, was tested
complete with gas turbine, gear and diesel. Power
up to 6,000 hp was absorbed in a hydraulic dyna-
mometer. Preliminary testing with the gas turbine
only gave performance data up to 10,000 hp. The
following units were tested without the diesel
which was replaced by a 300 hp electric motor to
make it possible to perform the desired maneuvers.
Test rig
A test stand for industrial gas turbines was re-
built to accommodate the CODAG units (Figure
Due to the 60 f t total length of the machinery, the
jet engine had to extend into the intake plenum

Naval Enpinoon Journal, hbruary ilU 79


stage guide vanes for the three remaining power L+WM SPECIFIC FUEL COWS.

turbines were not completed until test results from

the first one were available.
Test runs.up to a gas generator pressure ratio of
1.95 revealed that the match is ex& to be with-
in +O per cent at max. power, corresponding to a
pressure ratio of 2.47 (Figure 14). No changes of
turbine vane angles were therefore deemed neces-
sary. Data were gathered at speeds according to the
propeller curve and also at a constant power tur-
bine speed of 4,700 RPM,normally reached a max.
power. This procedure simplified evaluation of re-
sults, as the majority of parbload performance data I I5 OW SHP
available are taken for constant RPM gas turbines. 0 OW 10OOO ZOOW

Figure 15. Expected gas turbine fuel consumption.




I 1 I I 1
63 160 400 1000 2500 6300 16boO
Figure 14. Power turbine swallowing capacity.
The power turbine blading efficiency was found to
peak at 91 per cent; which is 1 per cent more than
the calculated value. Fuel consumption measure-
ments, with the gas turbine alone producing up to
10,000 hp, and with the turbine driving the gear
and propeller shaft at 6,000 hp, are the basis for the
curve of specific fuel consumption in Figure 15. The
fuel consumption at full load corresponds to a “con-
version efficiency” from the jet engine gas horse-
power to power on the propeller shaft, of 78 per
cent, and the overall thermal efficiencyfor the pro- 63 160 400 lo00 2500 6300 16000
pulsion system is 25 per cent. FREQUENCY HZ
Sound and smoke Figure 16. Sound levels recorded in test stand.
The noise level on the ship’s decks and bridge is Upper diagram, at 15 ft from gear.
specified by the Navy as not to exceed 60 db.* This a) Gas turbine 6,000 hp, 260 propeller RPM
has of course required the lining of the air intake b) Diesel 2,400 hp, 160 propeller RPM
and exhaust ducts with sound absorbing material. Lower diagram, outdoor with gas turbine at 10,OOO bp
In the test stand, nothing was done to insulate a) At air intake screen
from noise. Figure 16 shows some of the sound data b) 15 ft from exhaust stack.
recorded. In the engine room, the noise is below the
N 110 level with gas turbine on 6,000 hp and full
turbine speed. It is N 115 with the diesel running at the intake and the exhaust in this case. Generally,
2,400 hp. At 15 feet from the stack top, the level is the noise level is lower than was expected, and the
below N 100, with an isolated high at 4,000 hz. It is 60 db limit will not be exceeded for the shipboard
of course not possible to separate noise coming from installation.
The smoke from the jet engine powered gas tur-
‘Sound prrsslllr level ln decibels. base 2xlCt-J NJrn*. bine is rather black. As measured on the Bacharach

80 Naval Enpinoon Journal. hbruary 1968


scale, the smoke number was 6.5 at idle and 8 at inlet cone to throw more air into the critical nozzle
10,000 hp. This could indicate poor burning condi- swirls. This solved the deposition problem com-
tions for the diesel oil, but practically the same re- pletely. Figure 18 shows a fuel nozzle cluster with
sults were recorded for a jet-fuel-burning stationary the above modifications after 15 hours in the third
unit. In the latter case, the content of solids in the engine tested.
exhaust was measured and found to be only 1k2 Clutches
grams per cubic meter. This is a very low figure, SO
The beautiful simplicity of the CODAG unit
the blackness of the smoke comes from the fact that hangs or falls on the proper functioning of the
the particles are in the extremely small micron clutches. These are small and operate fully auto-
range. STAGLAVAL. had a similar problem with
matically, engaging at 2,200 RPM and transmitting
an industrial type gas turbine a few years ago, solv- a torque of 4,100 kpm at full power. The clutch on
ing it by producing a more turbulent mixing of air
the diesel side is subjected to much milder condi-
and fuel at the primary zone in the combustion tions.
chamber. A Bacharach smoke number of 2 at full
load was the result. Pratt & Whitney are working The first changeover from diesel to gas turbine
on an extensive program to reduce the smoke num- was disastrous for the gas turbine clutch. When the
ber, but they are facing a harder job due to the gas turbine speed was increased to synchronous
limited space and the much greater heat loading in speed (2,250 RPM) the clutch failed to engage and
the flame tubes. at a second attempt the clutch apparently engaged
after overshooting synchronous speed and the im-
At a hot section inspection of the first engine after
25 hours of operation, most of the fuel nozzles were pact made the sprags roll over. A test with the next
found to have more carbon deposits than expected clutch clearly showed that it would engage if the
speed was low enough. In order to overcome this
(Figure 17). NBTL in Philadelphia had similar ex-
perience when testing the FT4 gas turbine on diesel problem and assure positive engagement at all
speeds, three modifications of the clutch were in-
fuel in 1964.
The fuel nozzle was redesigned with larger air troduced:
passages, and the flame tube was provided with an 1. The relative movement of the cages was re-
stricted by inserting two strokelimiting pins and
corresponding slots. Thus, each sprag is pre-
vented from reaching a centrifugally locked p
2. The center of gravity of the individual sprags was

Figare 17. GM generator fuel nozzle cluster after 25 hours F i 18. Modabd gm gemerator fuel noel0 duster after
operation on diesel oil. 15 how operation on d i d o u

Naval Enqinmr Journal, February I968 81


moved, changing the engagement itself from light

to heavy. Q Q Q
3. Stronger engagement springs were introduced.
Clutches with these modifications have been ex-
tensively tested with completely satisfactory results.
A lot of engagements and disengagements have been
carried out, with acceleration into synchronous
speed varied up to what can be expected when the
operator in the ship just pulls the power lever. The
clutch has always engaged properly.
The success of this unit is much dependent upon SINGLE AMPLITUDE
the satisfactory operation of the clutches, as pointed MM lN.~63
out. After considering the limited marine experi-
ence available with such clutches, we have con-
structed the gear to accept two different clutch
designs, the Borg Warner Clutch and the SSS-
Synchronizing tests with the SSS-clutch at vari-
ous accelerations have been successful. The clutch 1 2 3 4 5 6 1
is of the relay type with a tooth coupling which is
synchronized before engagement by a pawl-oper- Figure 19. Recorded vibration levels.
ated sleeve. The sleeve slides on a helical spline
when the input member overtakes the output mem- ample of measured amplitudes. To establish the
ber of the clutch. The pawls sense the relative mo- necessary cooling-down time for the power turbine,
tion and turn the sleeve, which slides on its spline readings from thermocouples inserted in the vicini-
and brings the main coupling teeth into engagement. ty of the bearing were recorded several hours after
A thrust bearing on the input member of the clutch a shut-down, with only oil pumps running. Five
wiped during the test, as it was not designed to take hours was estimated to be required to cool down to
the thrust loads transmitted by friction in the clutch 80°C (175°F).
teeth. Instead of increasing the size of the input
shaft thrust bearing, a new bearing was arranged CONCLUSIONS
as a relative bearing between the input and output The CODAG machinery is composed of simple re-
shafts, thus avoiding any built-in thermal expan- liable components in a straightforward arrange-
sion loads. ment, giving easy operation, good fuel consumption
The gears and the hydrodynamic couplings caused characteristics and low weight. It has h e n thor-
no trouble. Minor things like a vibrating support oughly tested in the shop to bring out any opera-
for the gear barring motor and poor arrangement tional or functional difficulties.
of a few oil lines were corrected. After the test each The fuel nozzle design has been changed and the
gear was disassembled for a check on gear teeth, critical elements in the free-wheeling clutches have
pinion, bearings, etc., and everything was found in been redesigned. Performancewise, it is estimated
excellent condition. from the test data that the machinery will act as
calculated. Taken as a whole, the tests were suc-
Miscellaneous cessful, and it is our full belief that the sea trials
The gas generators performed very well during starting March 1966 will fulfill the promises.
the tests. No corrective action other than the de-
scribed fuel nozzle modification had to be taken.
The fuel used had a viscosity of 2.3 cSt at 100°Fand REFERENCES
a sulphur content of 0.3 per cent. The fuel tempera- [l] H.E Russel, ‘First Coast Guard High Endurance Cut-
ture at starting was around 45°F. ter in Twenty Years. The Coast Guard Cutter Hamilton
Each gas turbine was started 15 to 50 times dur- October 1965.
ing the tests. One single start was missed, the very [2] K. H. K d and H. Reuter, “Propulsion Machinery
first one, due to air present in the fuel system. In a of the Koeln Class Escort Frigates With Special Con-
normal start, the power turbine starts rotating after sideration of Gas Turbine Propulsion.” ASMJ3 paper
30 seconds and the gas generator reaches idling 65-GTP-11. February %March 4, 1965.
speed 45 seconds after pushing the button. Loading [3] C. L Carlson, “FT4A Gas Turbine Engine for Marine
may then start. A total time of only 1 minute from and Industrial Applications.” ASME paper No. 64-GTP-
8, March 1-5, 1961.
releasing the starting air to full load is required.
[4] Eugene P. Weinert and Gilbert A. Carlton, “Salt Water
The vibration level of the whole CODAG unit Problems in Marine Gas Turbines.” ASME paper No.
was constantly monitored. Figure 19 shows an ex- 65-CTP-18, February 28-March 4, 1965.

82 Naval Enginean Journal. February I968

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