Formation of Z Bus Matrix
Formation of Z Bus Matrix
Formation of Z Bus Matrix
Communication Engineering
Course Code: EECE 3242
Course Title: Sessional Based on Power System I
Experiment Number : 02
Name of the Experiment : Formation of Bus Impedance or Z-bus Matrix using
MATLAB Software.
Date: 09-04-22
Experiment Number: 02
Experiment Name:
Formation of Bus Impedance or Z-Bus Matrix Using MATLAB Software.
To develop a computer Matlab program to form the Bus Impedance matrix, or Z-bus matrix of a
power system.
The Z-bus matrix constitutes the models of the passive portions of the power network. Ybus
matrix is often used in solving load flow problems. The impedance matrix is a full matrix and is
most useful for short circuit studies. The network consists of a reference bus and a number of
other buses. In bus impedance matrix the elements on the main diagonal are called driving point
impedance and the off-diagonal elements are called the transfer impedance of the buses or
nodes. we can form the bus admittance matrix and than taking its inverse to get the bus
impedance matrix. the bus impedance matrix can bedirectly formed from the reactance diagram
and this method requires the knowledge of the modifications of existing bus impedance matrix
due to addition of new bus or addition of a new line (or impedance) between existing buses.The
Z bus matrix is shown in the given form,
V = [Z] I
The above form is also shown in given form,
Required Apparatus:
The required sofware of this Z-Bus matrix is installed MATLAB\Simulink 2018a.
Circuit Diagram:
MATLAB Program:
clear all
close all
disp('---------Z BUS Matrix Formation using tree cotree------')
n=input('Enter the number of nodes including reference node: ');
link=input('Enter the number of co-tree: ');
for i=1:1:n-1
a=input('with which node you want to add branch: ');
for j=1:1:n-1
if a==0
z(i,i)= input(strcat('Enter impedance Z',int2str (i),int2str (i),':'));
if i==j
z(i,j)= z(a,a)+input(strcat('Enter impedance Z',int2str (a),int2str (i),':'));
for k=1:1:link
disp('Enter node x & y where you want to add co-tree: ');
x=input('x= ');
y=input('y= ');
Zxy=input(strcat('Enter impedance Z', int2str(x),int2str(y),':'));
for j=1:1:n-1
Znew =
j0.1600 j0.0800 j0.1200
j0.0800 j0.2400 j0.1600
j0.1200 j0.1600 j0.3400
From the experiment, we came to know that how to develop a computer based Matlab program
to form the Bus Impedance matrix, or Z-bus matrix of a power system. The Z-bus matrix was
formed for the given system by addition of branches, link and cotree and the results were
verified using MATLAB program. All the value of nodes, reference nodes, tree, cotree and
buses of the given matrix are taken properly. And the output of the Bus impedance matrix is
shown below and verified.
The formation of the Bus impedance matrix is basically used for the representation of the nodal
Impedance of the various buses in the power system. Load flow is the solution of network under
steady state condition subject to certain inequality constraints under which the system operates.
From the above obtained result a conclusion can be drawn that the software result by bus
impedance matrix is verified according to the working of bus impedance matrix.Working with
this topic was very interesting and knowledgeable.The concepts of the Matlab software is quite
innovative and working with the software provides a glimpse of the real simulation of the
power system.
The Bus Admittance matrix is very useful tool for solving the Load flow Analysis problem.
Firstly the bus Admittance matrix is formed.Then all the corresponding nodes should be given.
Furthermore the reference bus is selected to solve the given network. For Building a Z-Bus
Matrix at first we have to add a tree branches to the reference. Then we have to add a tree
branches from a new bus to old bus. Then Addition of a cotree link between two existing buses.
By Following this Rule ,we can easily build a Z-Bus matrix.
i) All the nodes and Reference nodes were counted correctly.
ii) Reference tree branches had to be added correctly.
iii) Cotree link between the buses were given properly.
ii) All the bus to bus values were given carefully at the time of taking input.
iii) After taking all nodes,reference nodes,tree, cotree link and its values, the output were
written properly.