Daeric Sylar's Guide To Elflines Online To Elflines Online
Daeric Sylar's Guide To Elflines Online To Elflines Online
Daeric Sylar's Guide To Elflines Online To Elflines Online
Copyright © 2021 by R. Talsorian Games, Inc., Cyberpunk is a registered trademark of CD Projekt Red S.A. All rights reserved under the Universal Copyrights Convention.
All situations, governments, and people herein are fictional. Any similarities portrayed herein without satiric intent are strictly coincidental.
Hi, I'm Daeric S ylar , and welcome to my leveling guide . I've
been playing ELO pretty religiously since launch , and am
enjoying it even more now that it 's my full time job . I lead
{N ature's _ Thorns} on the Night City server . We've run
Heart of Miasma in under two hours and have the pauldrons
to show for it. I wear them even on my cosmetic sets .
If you are experiencing The Elflands for the first time , you'll
likely want to take your time leveling your elf to R ank 10. This
guide isn' t about getting to R ank 10 as fast as possible . Most
people who want that will just buy their account anyway. D on' t
worry about these gonks . You'll always be able to tell who bought
their elf by how easy it is to kill them in PVP. Since dungeon loot
from early dungeons is still relevant even at R ank 10, you'll
likely outgear them anyway. With this guide you'll be able to
experience all ELO has to offer ... and you won' t end up farming
for dungeon loot that you missed while leveling at R ank 10. You ?
Your elf will be decked out in preem pre -raid best in slot gear .
But for me , the most prized loot I've ever acquired on ELO
is love . Writing this guide has been a journey in itself for
me , which started with me getting laid off. I t would not have
been possible without the loving support of my girlfriend ,
Morlissa Eversoul . Thanks are also due to my neighbor Susan
Miller who helped immensely with copyediting and layout.
I really couldn't have done it without either of you.
— Daeric S ylar
without paying the Elfline in the pass, if they are even N. Charred Grove (Dungeon)
accepting tolls. I've lost count of the amount of times
{Nature's_Thorns} has had to cancel a raid because The charred remains of the once proud Eldertree of
a crucial elf was "passlocked". Segotari is constantly Enthenox, whose arson doomed the continent, now
asked to patch this in interviews, to the point where the infested by monsters.
devs always repeat the same answer: "PVP is a core Charred Grove is a Rank 6 dungeon most elves fully
part of ELO's player experience and Scorched Pass is clear only once, as talking to the Spirit of Enthenox
intended to facilitate emergent world PVP". Basically, after beating the final boss is required to enter Twisted
don't log out in the Jungle of Dead Elves before raid Eldertree. The dungeon is linear and story-driven like
night or on a Thursday. Empty Vein, except you follow the Spirit of Enthenox
throughout the dungeon, fighting them twice as they
M. Valley of Cinders (Dungeon) go mad with grief while reliving their burning at the
The lowest point in the Scorched Lands where the hands of the Warlock.
miasmatic lava rivers terminate in a grand lavafall These boss fights against an Elite Restless Spirit
into darkness. with 60 HP which catches targets hit by its Spectral
The Valley of Cinders is notorious for its horrible Shriek attack Deadly on Fire (CP:R page 180) are
drop rates. A Rank 6 dungeon, its quirk is that each the highlight of the dungeon. Unfortunately, the rest
time you run the dungeon, the final boss behind the of the dungeon is nothing but waves of Draglins and
lavafall is chosen randomly from a list of 10 possible Elite Draglins, perhaps the most annoying monsters
options, all with their own loot tables. In practice this in ELO due to their explosive death mechanic. If you
means that if you are looking for a specific drop you are going after the Sword of Enthenox, the Longsword
have a 1 in 10 chance that the boss you wanted to that catches a target Deadly on Fire (CP:R page 180)
show up is there, and then you need to get lucky. whenever it deals a Critical Injury, I wish you good
What's worse is that it's not uncommon for players luck, because nobody is going to want to run this with
to leave upon discovering the final boss isn't the one you. Even I don't have that sword.
they wanted, instead of helping kill it. Don't be that elf.
O. Whispering Cave (Dungeon)
A hidden cave sacred to the first elves, where they
recorded their oral history in whispers that echo end-
lessly throughout.
A Rank 7 dungeon added during the first
Continental Brands cross-promotion. Its most notable
loot is the Whispering Orb, a guaranteed drop from
The Whispering Ones. Once every five minutes, the
Orb allows you to determine the direction of the
It isn’t always easy to find this info on the Data Pool. pretty stupid. It just leads to a lot of people clustered in
Complications can cause a server to go for weeks the antechamber constantly trying to get out of there...
without access to this necessary PVP tool. The codes and when PVP breaks out among the temple prisoners,
change the moment a new promotion is announced, there is absolutely no escape.
and shipping delays are common. Entire batches have
arrived with codes unreadable due to bag grease. R. Razorfire Caverns (Dungeon)
Once, Night City codes were swapped with Tokyo's
A sweltering hot cavern riddled with traps that guards
and it was two months before a Sea Nomad choom the entrance to a deeper evil.
came through for the community.
Razorfire Caverns is a Rank 8 dungeon located
Bottom line, when you hit Rank 7, don't wait to do in Mt. Fire. Its layout is full of twists and tunnels that
this dungeon, or you will regret it. go nowhere. Any seasoned elf will know the correct
and efficient route through the dungeon, which leads
P. Rotten Grotto (Dungeon) directly to the entrance to Altar of Fire, but new elves
A cave dug by the first elves for agricultural purposes, sometimes get lost. The bosses in Razorfire Caverns
where they first domesticated Sacred Herbs, and later are uniquely scripted to only appear once you corner
tragically unleashed semi-animate slime upon the Elflands. yourself in one of the cavern's dead ends. Cloak of
Shadowfang (Morlissa's favorite) drops here, a cape
A Rank 7 dungeon that is very rarely run due to its that can allow you to Dash without an Action once
proximity to Scorched Pass, and because it requires every 24 hours. You'll be running this dungeon a lot
one Elemental Slime (dropped in Dripping Cove) each just to access Altar of Fire.
time you want to enter. This is a shame, because I love
this dungeon. I love the satisfying squishing noises the S. Altar of Fire (Dungeon)
slimes make when you kill them and how it echoes on
The Warlock's abandoned secret laboratory hidden
the cave walls. It's just unfortunate that you are always
at the core of Mt. Fire, dripping in secrets guarded by
one Whispering Orb ping from being neck deep in the
failed experiments.
sweatiest PKers you've ever seen whenever you run it.
Bare minimum, do it once to get the key to the Temple A Rank 9 dungeon, and the former pre-raid
of Slime, and keep that SFX slider all the way up, then dungeon before the release of the Miasmalands.
sneak back in late at night to farm it properly. Accessed by opening the secret door at the back of
Razorfire Caverns, Altar of Fire is still the best place
Q. Temple of Slime (Dungeon) to get properly geared for endgame raiding. Why?
Because the new drops from the Bog of Shadows are
The great temple to Enthenox, revered leader of the meant to complement Altar of Fire loot, not replace
first elves, now drenched in the viscous slime that them. Sword of Arvish, a Longsword that makes you
oozes from its halls into the Jungle of Dead Elves. immune to being on fire while wielded and Heart of
Temple of Slime is a Rank 8 dungeon split up into three Mt. Fire, a shield that doubles as a one handed Heavy
wings, all of which must be completed in succession each Pistol firing Incendiary Ammunition with Archery which
time you run it. With a combined clear time of 6 hours, is reloaded and restored to full HP by dipping it in
it is by far the longest dungeon in the game. Whenever lava/magma are standout drops, although there are
so many more.
a player enters Temple of Slime(which requires the key
from Rotten Grotto), the door locks behind them and their
T. Port Forsaken (Village)
character has their respawn locked to the antechamber.
Only by completing the third wing of the dungeon can a A port hastily constructed by brave adventurers to act
character leave the temple. as a final staging point against the forces of evil.
You better believe people get their elves stuck At rank 9, assuming you've bought the Miasmalands
here. According to the devs, this is "intentional game Expansion, you'll gain access to a new boat at Port
design". I'm not a game designer, but in practice this is Treasure that takes you to Port Forsaken. This is the
current endgame town, but it is almost always totally When the raid starts, hordes of monsters will spawn
deserted due to it not being a major meeting point and rush the base of the tree. Defeat them and two
like Port Treasure or a huge city to hang out with your packs of elite monsters will spawn, one at the top of
Elfline in like the Autumn Palace. You'll pass through the giant tree, and one at the bottom of the tree. You'll
here for quests and to access the expansion content need to split the party and fight both at the same time.
on the rest of the Miasmalands, but likely not do more The gimmicks don't stop there. Once one group of
than that. elite monsters is slain, a pair of dragons flies over the
Eldertree, dropping a random boss from the Valley of
U. Bog of Shadows (Dungeon) Cinders lavafall at each end of the tree. Infuriatingly,
Amid belches of miasma and swirling quicksand stir when killed here they drop no loot. Once both bosses
the first victims of the Warlock, trapped forever in the are slain, the Elite Dragons Miasmafire Chedul and
moment of their death. Miasmafrost Narvix land at the top and bottom of
the Eldertree. The dragons must be fought separately.
A rank 9 dungeon and the new pre-raid dungeon When the first dragon is slain, the weapon that was
after the Miasmalands Expansion. Most of the loot used to strike the killing blow begins to glow. At 1 HP,
here is extremely overpowered, designed to brute the remaining dragon becomes immune to all damage
force less organized elflines through Pit of Dragons except damage caused by that glowing weapon. If
and onto the new raid content in Warlock's Tower you are this player, you've got to dash to the other
and Heart of Miasma. When it released, the com- end of the Eldertree, or the resulting wipe will be all
munity initially disliked this, and derided it a “yet your fault.
another ghost escort dungeon”, but changed their
The most valuable drop from this raid is the coveted
mind once Warlock's tower was released with its
Scarlet Blackbow, the only 2 ROF Bow in the game. If
massive difficulty spike. If you are a tank, you'll
it drops, expect a loot argument to break out.
want to get the Shadowplate here, a Full Plate
Armor that instantly repairs itself to full SP after you W. Flooded Palace (Raid)
suffer a critical injury. Quest chains started from the
ghosts here lead you into the Twisted Eldertree and The wonder of the first Elves, which sunk to the
Flooded Palace Raids, so be sure to pick those up, bottom of the sea. Slime now rules it's throne... no
When completed, you can access a secret area in longer merely semi-animate, having taken drowned
a crypt below the quicksand pit at the beginning of elves as hosts. This infestation must not be allowed
the dungeon, with Zarzamel the Cursed, an Elite to spread.
Dragon that drops the Ring of Dragonkind. It was
This is the shortest raid in the game, lasting only two
added in the Miasmalands Expansion to make the
hours. Two white knuckled sweaty stressful hours that can
Pit of Dragons Raid easier.
ultimately be all for nothing. This is the raid that breaks
V. Twisted Eldertree (Raid) fledgling raiding Elflines over its wet and slimy knee.
First off, it isn't even available all the time. The
Bent but unbroken, you must defend the final Eldertree
raid can only be entered while the Flooded Palace's
of the Elflands, to spare Arvish the doom of Enthenox.
entrance is above the water, at which time a special
Once you hit rank 10, endgame raiding content boat becomes available at Port Treasure. Only one
opens up to you. Most elves aren't ready to jump right boat is available per day. Nobody has managed to
in the second they hit 10. You, of course, aren't most work out what triggers this, but while available, the
elves, having followed my leveling guide. You already first Elfline to sign up 7 participants with Captain
have access to Twisted Eldertree, having completed Pointy-Ear Ravish is swiftly teleported onto the one
Charred Grove. way boat to hell.
Once you have gathered 6 other members of your Once the boat arrives, the three hour timer starts,
Elfline, talk to Tree Guardian Selina to begin the siege. a message is sent to the entire server, and recording
begins. That's right, in this raid, not only are you timed, In the second round, the dragons choose four of the
but you also have an audience. Anyone on the server remaining pool of elves to fight the hardest boss of the
can watch the raid live in any tavern. raid, Vexrom the Ancient, an Elite Dragon with 120HP.
In two hours, your 7 member team has to defeat This fight is made much easier if your tank has the
4 randomly generated bosses with the abilities of Sword of Arvish, but it isn't as required as the forums
an Elite Slime tacked onto them hidden in randomly seem to think.
generated locations inside the labyrinthine palace and
In the final round, the elf who has not yet gotten to
acquire their orbs, then take them into the throne room,
fight is pitted against the upstart Dragon Wolvar the
and summon the final boss, Mother of Slime, an Elite
Brash, who interrupts his mother just as she is about
Slime with 70HP, who summons one Child of Slime
to forgive all of elfkind, demanding single combat.
(see G. Dripping Cove) at 75% Health, and two at
Despite being a non-elite dragon, this is by no means
50% Health, all three of which explode like Draglins
easy and one slip can mean disaster, especially if the
when they die.
final elf in your raid is a less experienced player or has
Remember how all this effort can be for nothing? a less combat optimized build.
That's because none of the bosses in Flooded Palace
Just like with the Flooded Palace, all the loot in Pit of
drop any loot. All of the loot received is from the chest
Dragons is saved until after the final round, giving this
in the room that opens up after Mother of Slime dies...
1v1 fight high stakes.
and if time runs out before then, the palace sinks, you
get nothing... and are teleported in shame to the After listening to player feedback, the devs intro-
Temple of Slime antechamber. Once your raiding duced the Ring of Dragonkind in the Miasmalands
Elfline gets publicly humiliated like that... gets slimed... Expansion. It allows an elf with the Ring to interject
it's hard to recruit. Consider paying the 20eb to have during the cutscene to fight Wolvar the Brash instead
your Elfline name changed. of the final elf in the party. Personally, I don’t like this
change. I think it was more exciting the old way and communicate the positions of their enemies and direct
my Elfline never got bent out of shape about it even the measly remaining NPC elf forces defending the
when we lost a week. doomed city. When the shrunken elves succeed in
defending Firsthold, the strategy table flips, cracking
Wolvar's Blessing is a fantastic necklace that drops
in half and revealing the loot for the boss. I wish other
from here. It allows an elf to wield a Greataxe in a
bosses in ELO could be this creative.
single hand. Dragonscale Armor and Helms are also
super important pieces of loot from this raid. They’re The Void Library looks awesome, a non-euclidean
Leather Armor with a whopping 10 SP. You'll need patchwork of floating aisles and jumping puzzles,
them in Warlock's Tower! but its boss is disappointing, both from a design
standpoint and a lore standpoint. It seems cool at
Y. Warlock's Tower (Raid) first: a fight against the Warlock's failed attempt to
recreate the Hero after their death, fully decked out
The seat of evil on the Elflands must be toppled. Only
in Shadowplate and wielding the Scarlet Blackbow,
the bravest elves will be up to the task that even the
the Sword of Arvish at their side... but then you realize
Hero could not complete.
that they used the likeness of the actor from The Elflines
Warlock's Tower is hardcore. Without 7 skilled elves Online! Chronicles show instead of the model of the
in the right gear, success is impossible. In the career main character from the original games. It makes no
of a raiding Elfline this is where progress becomes sense! The statue in Old Hero's Point uses the correct
slow and all about filling in the gaps in your Elfline's model. Get it together Segotari.
gear. You won't succeed in this raid until everyone is
The final challenge against the Warlock luckily
dripping in loot. Likely, you'll need to backtrack into
makes up for it. You face them on top of a giant float-
previous raids to remedy this.
ing astrolab. The Warlock is set up as an Elite Restless
Warlock's Tower is a huge jump in enemy quality. Spirit with 100HP in three phases. In between phases,
Even the trash monsters here are Elite. As you progress the Warlock drains the member of your party with the
through the Parlor, War Room, and Void Library on most health to 1 HP and heals for all health stolen.
your way to the Warlock's Astrolabe, you'll struggle Once reduced to 0 HP, the Warlock will continue to
through some of the toughest boss content ELO has fight until inflicted with a Critical Injury, which will
to offer. cause their soul to be pierced, spraying inky purple,
while in the distance Mt. Poison erupts. Anticlimactic,
The Majordomo, an Elite Zazzolif is the first road-
right? We had to wait 2 years on this cliffhanger in the
block you'll face. Throughout the fight, they will tele-
base game. Nowadays, this cutscene sets up Heart of
port randomly and summon one Golem per turn in
Miasma nicely.
addition to making their own attacks. Worse, for the
first two turns of the fight, the Majordomo cannot be Z. Heart of Miasma (Raid)
damaged. Golems summoned by the Majordomo are
programmed to attack an elf chosen at random when Muster all your strength, your virtue, your guile, your
they are and can be ignored unless that elf cannot heart, and all of the Elflines, for tonight we will end
outrun them or until after the Majordomo has been this scourge upon our Elflands, and become Heroes!
killed. The boss fight is completed only after you kill
Well, look at you. I told you I'd get you to Heart
all of the Golems.
of Miasma, and look where you are, together with
The War Room is unique. As soon as you cross your whole Elfline at the foot of Mt. Poison. Heart of
a certain point in the room, everyone except one Miasma isn't like the raids you've done up until now.
member of your raid shrinks down and teleports to It will feel easier than Warlock's Tower, but that's just
the top of the strategy table and into a scale model because you are properly geared. It's actually rather
of Firsthold during it's assault by hordes of Elite similar in difficulty. Are you ready for the catch? Heart
Gremlins riding Bearwolves, whose pieces move by of Miasma requires four Elflines to fully complete, so
unseen force. The lone normal-sized elf must both you'll need to form alliances across your server. The
raid is divided into four chambers, each dedicated (copy and pasted from K. Firsthold) to break the
to the four main cornerstones of the game and with forcefield surrounding the door to the final boss. It's
separate entrances on Mt. Poison. worth determining early who in your Elfline will build
the Pilot Sea Vehicle skill into their elf, so that multiple
Once per week, an Elfline that has completed
people don't waste points in it. You would be surprised
Warlock's Tower can enter one of these chambers,
how few Elflines actually have a dedicated “sailor”,
assuming it is unoccupied, for 3 hours.
and having one will get you invited to lots of Heart of
It is possible to complete a chamber with only a Miasma alliances.
single Elfline all the way up until the final boss, which
Once all four chambers have been completed, Mt.
is inaccessible unless all four chambers are completed
Poison erupts, firing all four Elflines into the strato-
simultaneously within the same 3 hour period. More
sphere and onto four platforms which form a ring
on that in a second.
around a cloud of inky purple gas in the shape of the
Right Atrium is considered the easiest chamber, Warlock's head. Warlock's Soul is not a mechanically
because the bosses are straightforward DPS races challenging fight. It's more of a set piece than any-
with minimal mechanical complexity. Just don't stand thing, and most of the difficulty comes from maintain-
in the fire during the chained Elite Dragon fight or the ing communication across four Elflines. Only the back
rising lava in the Golem room and you should be fine. of the Warlock's head takes damage, and only for a
limited time after a meteor is directed into their mouth.
Left Atrium is the hardest chamber, because it's
actually a simulated PVP battle. I don't know how There's a giant mouth laser to jump over, falling
Segotari managed it, but it's always different. Perhaps meteors to redirect into the Warlock's mouth by
it's been generated weekly by the devs since launch, holding a melee attack, and the boss will spin its head
or they coded so many variant behaviors that they at random intervals, both with and without laser fire.
are indistinguishable from real players, or maybe, Once you master hitting the buttons simultaneously
they’ve harnessed a really powerful AI, but whatever on each platform to spin the platform ring, you'll be
the devteam did, it's an awesome test of your Elfline's able to clear it no problem, with only occasionally
PVP skills. It's also a pretty popular pick when setting accidentally hitting meteors into the other Elflines.
up a four chamber clear, so make sure your Elfline has
I won't spoil the ending cutscene except to say it
a second favorite chamber to run in case you end up
does tease the next expansion. At the end of the day,
allying with a dedicated PVP Elfline.
it's scheduling four Elflines to raid at the same time
Right Ventricle is a totally randomized test of game that's the real final boss of ELO. At least for now.
knowledge. After fighting randomly generated mon-
sters from previous dungeons, the final fight takes
place in a cloud of fog where two boss fights from two
different dungeons are stitched together. The catch is
that you have to fight both at the same time. Each of
the bosses is scaled up to hit like a kombi, too! If you
get lucky, this can be the shortest chamber, but usually
it will be somewhere in the middle.
Left Ventricle is unique. It's filled with slime and takes
place on a boat. The community is 90% sure that it
is built entirely from cut alpha content, but I think it's
by no means less worthy because of it. It's the only
place in the game where the Pilot Sea Vehicle Skill
is remotely useful and is unfortunately required. Each
chamber run, you must pilot the boat around a small
generated slime lake, and fight three Treasure Golems
Abilities Elite: An Elite Bearwolf has 50 HP and a SP 7 (Head and Body) Hide.
In the high forests and mountains of the Elflands, the Bearwolf is the apex predator, defending its
territory from both elf and monster alike with their razor sharp claws. Though fiercely protective of
their cubs, some Gremlin tribes mange to steal them, raising the cub as personal mounts of the strongest
Gremlins, or their spiritual leaders.
SP 0
Floating Head: Only Aimed Shots targeted at the Head can hit a Cursed Head.
Elite: An Elite Cursed Head has an Evasion/Dance Base of 12, and their Spectral Arrow
is 2 ROF.
Legend says that all of the Warlock's victims in Firsthold were beheaded. At the mercy of dark magic,
their severed heads rose from the mass graves to serve the Warlock as sentries for their army.
Unstable Chimera: When a Draglin reaches 0 HP, they explode like an Armor Piercing
Abilities Grenade (centered on them).
Elite: An Elite Draglin can reduce themselves to 0 HP as an Action.
The results of The Warlock's attempt to create an army to rule The Elflines by infusing the Gremlins they
captured with blood donated from the traitor dragon Miasmafire Chedul. Though the experiment was
a failure, the unstable dragon-gremlin chimera have served an important part of The Warlock's army,
as equal parts infantry and artillery.
Skill Animal Handling 10, Archery 16, Brawling 14, Composition/Education 11,
Endurance/Resist Torture/Drugs 15, First Aid/Paramedic/Surgery 11, Melee Weapon 16,
Perception 13, Persuasion/Trading 12
Breath Weapon: A Dragon's breath weapon is 3 ROF and does 3d6 damage. It is fired using
the Archery Skill but using the Shotgun Range Table. In addition to taking damage, any
target hit by a Dragon's breath weapon is also Deadly on Fire.
Natural Weapon Versatility: A Dragon cannot attack with the same weapon two
Turns in a row.
Long ago, the elves lived in peace with the dragons. They traded artisan goods and medicine. It was from
the dragons that the elves learned medical science and economic theory. When the Warlock came, they
corrupted many of the dragons, first with rhetoric, and later with magic. By the time they realized the
danger the Warlock posed, it was already too late. As the war raged, the species was ultimately reduced
to under a hundred. Many who remain hold grudges, and few dragons are seen outside of basalt island.
There is nothing quite like slaying your first dragon on ELO. You
dodge the bite , and manage to get that last hit in , only to very
likely receive nothing as loot. But you don' t care . Because you' ve
just killed a dragon , the same enemy type that has been harassing
you since you started . Dragons are rare spawns in every part of
the game , but since veteran players seldom re - visit early areas ,
are often left unkilled for weeks . So, when you do put one down ,
it makes leveling in that area easier for everyone . The first time I
killed one though , another spawned within a minute and killed me .
Momentum: A Golem's Brawling Attack is ROF 3 instead of 2 if it hit a target with a Brawl-
ing Attack on it's previous Turn.
Abilities Temporary Shutdown: Instead of taking a Critical Injury, a Golem will shut down, and be
unable to dodge attacks or make attacks until the end of their next Turn.
Elite: An Elite Golem's Armor is SP 13 (Head and Body).
After the Warlock failed to create a perfect dragon-gremlin hybrid, they turned their attention elsewhere,
retreating into their tower on the Isle of the First Elves. After months of research, time which allowed to
elves to regain a foothold on Arvish, The Warlock succeeded in magically disassembling a Zazzolif and
reprogramming it to build larger constructs of itself using basalt from their neighboring island instead
of difficult to source zazzolite. Thus, the first Golem was born.
You would think , "just kite it " but they always seem
to be in these claustrophobic little arenas . That's
why you bring a Barkshield to soak up the hurt.
Unfortunately, there never seems to be enough of
them to go around .Or Druids, Sages, Quickhands,
and Warmhearts for that matter . We are up
to our very long ears in B owmasters .
Bloodrage: Increase the ROF of all of the Gremlin's Weapons by 1 while they are in the
Skill Archery 15, Brawling 10, Endurance/Resist Torture/Drugs 16, Evasion/Dance 14,
Bases Language (Elven) 10, Perception 12, Stealth 14
Spectral Shriek: Spectral Shriek is a 2 ROF attack that affects enemies like the Shrieker (see
CP: R page 349) and uses the Bow/Crossbow Range Table.
Elite: An Elite Restless Spirit's Spectral Shriek is 4 ROF.
Elvish ancestors whose burial sites have been corrupted are sometimes ripped back into the Elflands.
Their forever sleep interrupted, they rise again as Restless Spirits, taking on a ghastly image that mirrors
the moment of their decomposition. Once in this vengeful form it is only by slaying them their souls can
be returned to rest.
Elite: An Elite Slime deals 4d6 damage with Goop, has Brawling Base 14, and cannot die
except through its Pop! Ability.
The legacy of a failed experiment to mutate sacred herbs and allow them to be grown above ground,
these squishy, glorpy monsters have infested most of The Elflands. Capable of near endless replication,
all efforts to eliminate them have failed.
Zazzolite: A Zazzolif is made out of pure zazzolite, a magically charged material which is