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Chap 3

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Chapter 3

Research Design and Methodology

Chapter 3 is made up of three parts, namely: (1)

Purpose of the Study and Research Design, (2) Method, and

(3) Statistical Data Analysis Procedure.

Part One, Purpose of the Study and Research Design,

restates the purpose of the study and discusses the research

design. It also presents the research instruments, variables

involved in the study, the statistical tools employed in the

data analysis and the set alpha level of significance.

Part Two,

Method, describes the participants, the data-gathering

instruments, and the research procedures employed in the

conduct of the study. Part Three,

Statistical Data Analysis Procedure, enumerates the

statistical tools employed in the data analysis as well as

provide basis and explanations when to use these statistical


Purpose of the Study and Research Design

The present study aimed to determine the reception of

the K-12 Curriculum by the G11 students of Mianay NHS, Sigma

Capiz, in relation to their interest to learn.

This study used the survey-correlational which helps to

define relationship between two variables through a survey.

Its purpose is to figure out which variables are connected.

Correlation research is looking for variables that seem to

interact with each other, so that when you can see one

changing, you have an idea of how the other will change.

This often entails the researcher using variables that they

can’t control.

The independent variable in the study was the students’

reception of k-12, on the other hand, the dependent variable

was the students’ interest to learn.

The descriptive statistics used in the study were

frequency count, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

The inferential statistics were t-test for independent

samples, One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and Pearson

r. All inferential tests was set at 0 .05 alpha.




The participants in this study were the ninety-one (96)

Grade 11 students of Mianay National High School Year 2016-

2017. The ninety-six (96) students were taken from the

sample population of one hundred twenty five (125) students

using the stratified random sampling (shown in Table 1).

Stratified random sampling was used by drawing the sample

from the population and then drawing separate random samples

from each stratum. The required number of participants was

determined using the Sloven formula.

They were selected at random using the stratified

proportional sampling by means of drawing of lots. This was

done by writing the names of the students in rolled slips of

paper and placed in a box. From the box, the required number

of respondents was drawn. The name of the students that was

drawn from each box served as the participants in the study.

The proportional allocation formula was used to get the

appropriate sample size from various groups or classes of

the population involved in the study.


Table 1 shows the sample size for the Grade 11 in every

section. The sum of ninety-one (96) students was taken from

the sample population of one hundred eighteen (125) students

using the stratified random sampling. On the table, there

were 32 students from Section A; 32 from Section B; and 32

from Section C. They were all randomly selected by section.

Table 1

Stratification Table for the Student-Participants by Section

Section N n

A 42 32
B 42 32
C 41 32
Total 125 96

Profile of the Student-Participants

Table 2 presents the profile of the public secondary

students in terms of sex, parents’ educational attainment,

and monthly family income.

Data showed that out of 96 grade 11 students, 52 or

52.2% are males and 54 or 45.8% are females. On the fathers’

educational attainment, data showed that 30 or 31.3% are

elementary level, 16 or 16.7% are elementary graduates, 19


or 19.8% are high school level, 13 or 13.5% are high school

graduates, 5 or 5.2% are college level, and 13 or 13.5% are

college graduates.

On the other hand, on the mothers’ educational

attainment, 18 or 18.8% are elementary level, 20 or 20.8%

are elementary graduates, 15 or 15.6% are high school level,

32 or 33.3% are high school graduates, 1 or 1.0% are college

level, and 10 or 10.4% are college graduates.

The monthly family income showed that 51 or 5.3% of the

grade 11 students have monthly family income below Php

5,000, 27 or 28.1% have an income of Php 5,000 – Php 10,000,

14 or 14.6% have an estimated income of Php 10,000- Php

15,000, 3 or 3.1% have an income of Php 15,000-Php 20,000,

and 1 or 1.0% has an income of Php 20,000 and above.

Table 2

Profile of Student-Participants

Categories Frequency %
Entire Group 96 100%
Male 52 52.2%
Female 54 45.8%
Fathers’ Education
Elem. Level 30 31.3%
Elem. Graduate 16 16.7%
HS Level 19 19.8%
HS Graduate 13 13.5%
College Level 5 5.2%
College Graduate 13 13.5%

Mothers’ Education
Elem. Level 18 18.8%
Elem. Graduate 20 20.8%
HS Level 15 15.6%
HS Graduate 32 33.3%
College Level 1 1.0%
College Graduate 10 10.4%

Monthly Family Income

Below P5,000 51 53.1%
P5,000- P10,000 27 28.1%
P10,000- P15,000 14 14.6%
P15,000- P20,000 3 3.1%
P20,000 & above 1 1.0%

Data Gathering Instrument

The data in this study were gathered using the Personal

Data Sheet (PDS) and researcher-made questionnaires.

To determine students’ reception of the k-12

Curriculum, the researcher constructed a 67 item K to

Reception Questionnaire - 21 items focused on questions

about curriculum; 25 items focused on learning


resources/facilities; and 10 items focused on the human

resources; and another questionnaire- Interest to Learn

Questionnaire – composed of 39 items, as the source of data

of the study.

Prior to the K to 12 Reception Questionnaire (KRQ)’s

use, the questionnaire was face-validated by the panel of

experts. Their suggestions as well as recommendations for

the improvement of the instrument were incorporated in the

revision of the same instrument. After the instrument was

face and content validated, this was pilot tested to thirty

(30) students. The result of the pilot testing was used in

determining the computer-processed factor analysis,

constructed validation, and reliability testing of the

diagnostic test using the Statistical Package for Social

Science (SPSS) software. Items with factor loadings of .50

and above were included in the instrument while those

below .50 were discarded. McDaniel (1992) contends that an

instrument with a reliability index of .70 and above is

considered reliable. On the other hand, the result of

Cronbach alpha showed a reliability index of .759. The

results of statistical tests indicate that the instrument

was reliable and valid.


This data gathering method was used by the researcher

to determine the students’ reception of k-12 in relation to

their interest to learn. The responses made by the ninety-

six (96) respondents in every question were rated from 1-5

by the researcher using the rubric.

To describe the students’ reception of K-12 Curriculum,

the scale below was used.

Scale Description Verbal Description

4.20 - 5.00 - Very High Responding very well

3.30 - 4.19 - High Responding well
2.60 - 3.29 - Moderate Somewhat responding
1.80 - 2.59 - Low Not responding
1.00 - 1.79 - Very Low Not responding well

For assessing the interest to learn, a 39-item

researcher-made questionnaire was used. The responses

include 5- strongly agree, 4- agree, 3- uncertain, 2-

disagree and 1- strongly disagree. Prior to its use, the

instrument was face validated by the panel. Their

suggestions as well as recommendations for the improvement

of the instrument were incorporated in the revision of the

same instrument. After the instrument was faced and content

validated, this was pilot tested to thirty (30) grade 11

students. The result of the pilot testing was used in

determining the computer processed factor analysis,


constructed validation, and reliability testing of the

research instrument using the Statistical Package for Social

Science (SPSS) software. Items with factor analysis of .50

and above were included in the instrument while those

below .50 were discarded. McDaniel (1992) contends that an

instrument with a reliability index of .70 and above is

considered reliable. The result of the computer-processed

factor analysis showed that all items were included. These

items had factor analysis that ranged from .510 to .842. On

the other hand, the result of Cronbach alpha showed a

reliability index of .759. The results of statistical tests

indicate that the instrument was reliable and valid.

To describe the level of the students’ interest to

learn, the scale below was used.

Scale Description Verbal Description

4.20 – 5.00 - Very High Very interested

3.40 – 4.19 - High Interested

2.60 – 3.39 - Moderate Fairly interested

1.80 – 2.59 - Low Less interested

1.00 – 1.79 - Very Low Not interested

Data Gathering Procedure

After determining the number of the participants and

the validity and reliability of the research instruments


were ascertained, approval for the formal conduct of the

research instruments to Mianay National High School was

secured from the Office of the Principal. After acquiring

the permission, the researcher administered personally the

tests to the sample respondents.

When all copies of the tests were completely answered,

retrieval of the same was done immediately by the

researcher. Thereafter the answers in the questionnaire were

tallied. The gathered data were then tabulated, analyzed and

interpreted using the appropriate statistical tools.

Statistical Data Analysis Procedure

Data gathered from the study were analyzed using the

Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software. The

following were the statistical tools used in the analysis of

the data gathered.

Frequency count and Percentage. This was used to

determine the students’ profile in terms of sex, age,

parents’ educational attainment, and monthly family income.

Mean. This was employed to determine students’

reception of K-12 Curriculum.

Standard Deviation. This test was used to determine the

homogeneity as well as heterogeneity of students’ reception

of K-12 Curriculum.

T-test for independent samples. This test set at .05

alpha level was used to determine the differences between

two compared groups.

One-Way Analysis of Variance. Set at .05 alpha level,

this test was used to determine the significance of the

differences among three or more compared groups.

Pearson r. This test, set at .05 alpha level of

significance, was used to determine the relationship of

students’ reception of k-12 in relation to their interest to


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