Stand For Something
Stand For Something
Stand For Something
Turn to face the long end of your mat. Reach your arms to the sides like a T and
step your feet out so your ankles are below your wrists (or as wide as you can).
Turn your right leg out from deep within the hip socket and your back hip slightly
inward, aligning your feet heel to heel. As you exhale, bend your front knee
into Warrior 2, making sure to keep the knee aligned over the ankle. Turn your
head to gaze out over your right hand.
On your breath: As you inhale, straighten your front leg and reach your arms up in
line with your ears — Triangle preparation. As you exhale, re-bend your front knee
to Warrior 2 and stretch your arms to the sides. Repeat for 5 rounds.
At the end, try holding Warrior 2 for 5 breaths. To come out, bring your hands to
your hips, straighten your front leg, shift your feet to parallel, and then switch
Level up:
You can practice both poses as stand-alones.
For full Triangle, hinge at your waist, tip your torso over your front leg, and
place your bottom hand on the floor or a block.
To add shoulder mobility, try reaching both arms overhead in either pose.