This document describes a teacher's use of formative and summative assessments to track student progress in learning. The teacher uses short pre-assessments at the beginning of math chapters to gauge student understanding. They also tweak summative assessments to better suit student needs. To differentiate, the teacher adjusts exams and tests students on different content based on their skill level. The teacher collects ongoing assessment data through formative and summative assessments to inform instruction and show student mastery of new concepts.
This document describes a teacher's use of formative and summative assessments to track student progress in learning. The teacher uses short pre-assessments at the beginning of math chapters to gauge student understanding. They also tweak summative assessments to better suit student needs. To differentiate, the teacher adjusts exams and tests students on different content based on their skill level. The teacher collects ongoing assessment data through formative and summative assessments to inform instruction and show student mastery of new concepts.
This document describes a teacher's use of formative and summative assessments to track student progress in learning. The teacher uses short pre-assessments at the beginning of math chapters to gauge student understanding. They also tweak summative assessments to better suit student needs. To differentiate, the teacher adjusts exams and tests students on different content based on their skill level. The teacher collects ongoing assessment data through formative and summative assessments to inform instruction and show student mastery of new concepts.
This document describes a teacher's use of formative and summative assessments to track student progress in learning. The teacher uses short pre-assessments at the beginning of math chapters to gauge student understanding. They also tweak summative assessments to better suit student needs. To differentiate, the teacher adjusts exams and tests students on different content based on their skill level. The teacher collects ongoing assessment data through formative and summative assessments to inform instruction and show student mastery of new concepts.
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Is aware of the purposes Explores the use of Decides on the purpose Develops and adapts the Demonstrates purposeful and characteristics of different types of pre- for assessment and skills range of appropriate use of a wide range of formative and summative assessment, formative to be assessed to select assessments to address assessments to support assessments. and summative appropriately matches questions about students’ differentiated student assessments.(9/27/20) pre-, formative and learning needs and learning needs and re lect 5.1 Applying (3/22/21) summative assessments. progress.(5/4/22) progress. knowledge of the purposes, Begins to identify Selects assessments based Integrates a variety of Draws lexibility from a characteristics, and speci ic characteristics on clear understanding of characteristics into repertoire of appropriate uses of different of assessments that the purposes and assessments to allow assessment options and types of assessments yield different types of characteristics of students with a ranges of characteristics to information about assessments to support learning needs to maximize student student preparedness, student learning. demonstrate what they demonstration of progress, and know.(12/11/21) knowledge. pro iciency.(9/27/20) f f f
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
In the beginning of each math I created chapter I use a short pre- assessments that assessment. It is a formative tracked students assessment where we play a quarterly goals to be ‘white board game’. My able to better track students love these and are always very engaged. During their progress and this time, I tell them it is okay needs if they do not yet know how to solve the problem but I would To differentiate for all like them to try their best. We students to assess do this for about 15 minutes. them better, I will When students hold up their adjust our exams. white boards I am able to With my students that make mental notes on where are really struggling, I students are. In regards to will test them on summative assessments, I have must use our letter recognition and curriculums tests that are sounds where as given to us. However, I will others are being sometimes tweak a few tested on CVC words. questions to better suit my students. I understand which assessments are bene icial at which times in a unit or lesson. In addition, not all assessments will yield the same results. A low reader that understands the material might do really well on an assessment if it is oral vs if it is written. Since switching grade levels, my pre- assessments are different. Before s new concept is taught I will do a formative assessment as a class to see where students are currently. Students are given summative assessments after each new concept to show understanding and mastery the concept. .
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Use data from required Explores collecting Collects a variety of Designs and integrates an Infuses assessments assessments to assess additional data using formal and informal assessment plan that strategically and student learning. supplemental assessment data on provides formal and systematically throughout assessments.(9/27/20) student learning. informal assessment data instruction to collect Follows required (3/22/21) on student learning. ongoing assessment data 5.2 Collecting and processes for data Make adjustments in (5/4/22) appropriate for the range analyzing assessment analysis and draws planning for single Uses analysis of a of learner needs. data from a variety of conclusions about student lessons or sequence of variety of data to inform Uses data analysis of a sources to inform learning lessons based on analysis planning and broad range of Uses results of ongoing instruction. of assessment data. differentiation of assessments to provide data analysis to plan and instruction.(9/27/20) comprehensive differentiate instruction information to guide for maximum academic planning and success. differentiation of instruction.
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Not only do I use the Based on the Students are assessed assessments provided assessments I give monthly aside from the by my school but I also whether it is formative curriculum requirements use my own or others I or summative, I use to help track progress on have used when doing them to base my their goals and help me to my student teaching etc. instruction. decide how to best My curriculum does not EX: A very large amount support any struggling focus very much on of students mixed up students and their needs. sight words so I have declarative and implemented my own interrogative when sight word assessment identifying sentences. from the dolch list along Because of this, I went with activities to back and retaught the strengthen their lesson to better improve recognition. student understanding. This was able to help me to plan in the future to differentiate my instruction for other concepts they may struggle with.
Students are assessed
through whole class formative assessments, small group, or individual formative assessments, and different types of summative assessments to better aid students in their learning.
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Reviews and monitors Reviews and monitors Reviews and monitors a Reviews and monitors a Facilitates collaborative available assessment data additional assessment variety of data on broad range of data work and fosters 5.3 Reviewing data, as required by site and data individually and with student learning individually and with colleagues ability to both individually and district processes. colleagues and identi ies individually and with colleagues to analyze identify and address with colleagues, to learning needs of colleagues to identify student thinking and causes for achievement monitor student individual students. trends and patterns identify underlying causes patterns and trends. learning among groups of for trends.(5/4/22) students.(9/27/20) (3/22/21) f
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
One example of this is Three times a year, our running records. We just students test for Reading started our running and Math on the NWEA records for reading and testing program. Each time we test, the different grade sight words. I am the level teams meet with data only second grade and testing scores to teacher in my school so I analyze and make any do not compare scores adjustment to teaching if as much as I would If I necessary. As a member of were in another school. the primary grade level However, I do converse team, we are looking hard with my colleagues at what are students are often about how scoring low in and looking students are and how I for patterns. Our team might help them recognized how our students were struggling improve in certain with reading areas. After talking to a comprehension. We found colleague, we have our curriculum to be lacking found some patterns in some major reading with students that are foundations. Because our struggling to read at curriculum is picked by our grade level. They are board, we have to still not reading any supplement with other words with luency materials. As a team we aside from very basic found a new program that words learned in has become approved to be used in the primary grade kindergarten. levels next year, and our veteran retiring teacher will be teaching us on this program in many of our weekly PD meetings. The program we found and advocated for is Reading Simpli ed fi f
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Uses data from Uses data from available Uses a variety of Uses a broad range of data Re lects on data assessments provided by assessments to establish assessment data to set to set learning goals for continuously to make site and district to set content-based learning student learning goals for content and academic ongoing re inements to learning goals for the goals for class and content and academic language that are learning goals for content class. individual students in language.(5/4/22) integrated across content and academic language 5.4 Using assessment single lessons or standards for individuals for the ill range of data to establish sequences of lessons. and groups. students. learning goals and to Plans instruction using (9/27/20) (3/22/21) Plans differentiated plan, differentiate, available curriculum (12/11/21) lessons and modi ications Plans differentiated Uses data systematically and modify guidelines. to instruction to meet instruction targeted to to re ine planning, instruction Plans adjustments in students’ diverse learning meet individual and group differentiate instruction, instruction to address needs. (12/11/21) learning needs. and make ongoing learning needs of (5/4/22) adjustments to match the individual students. Modi ies lessons during evolving learning needs of (9/27/20) instruction based on individuals and groups. informal assessments. f f f
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
EX: Based on my Students are students assessments in assessed through class as well as their multiple methods to NWEA testing scores, I measure understanding of have began to develop goals and standards. small reading groups Formative and that are working summative towards a similar goal. curriculum For instance, I have 2 assessments are students still reading at used in conjunction an exiting kindergarten to assessments of my level. During reading own creation to keep groups we spend a lot of for running records. time building words and decoding words with all my teacher table lessons are their blends or special geared towards small sounds. *Special sounds group needs. Some are particular to the groups may be abeka curriculum* working on letter recognition and I have began to make a sounds whereas larger amount of time another is working on for reading groups and CVC words. centers to occur. My goal is to be able to work with students either individually or as a small group to promote the best learning environment.
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Informs students about Begins to encourage Models and scaffolds Implements structures for Provides systematic learning objectives, students to establish student self-assessment students to self-assess opportunities for student outcomes, and learning goals through and goal setting processes and set learning goals self-assessment, goal summative assessment single lessons or sequence for learning content and related to content, setting, and progress results. Recognizes the of lessons that include academic language academic language, and monitoring. 5.5 Involving all need for individual goal setting exercises. development. individual skills. students in self- learning goals. (5/4/22) Develops students’ meta- assessment, goal- (9/27/20) (3/22/21) Guides students to Integrates student self- cognitive skills for setting, and progress (12/11/21) Provides students with monitor and re lect on assessment, goal setting, analyzing progress and monitoring opportunities in single progress on a regular and progress monitoring re ining goals towards Monitors progress using lessons or sequence of basis. across the curriculum. high levels of academic available tools for lessons to monitor their achievement. recording.(9/27/20) own progress toward (3/22/21) class or individual goals. (12/11/21) (5/4/22) f
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
After each assessment that Students know what has been given, I meet with their goals are, each student to talk however they now are quickly about how they did setting their own and how they felt they did. goals based on what One area that I do this the they are striving for in most often is after spelling their work. It may be a tests. small goal, but when EX: I have had a student they reach it they are consistently get a 33% or encouraged to hit 40% on their spelling tests. another. I have met with them and spoke to their parent. We Students are made decided to make a goal for aware of their goals their child to work on as a class as well remembering less words. as individually. As a However, they need to be whole class, we practicing just as much. monitor our goals in a I see the need for fun way through a individual learning goals formative assessment because each student is class game. I am not in the same place checking for academically and each understanding while student needs to be given students get excited an opportunity to improve to learn and to the best of their ability. show progress in their learning. I keep written track of each students testing scores along side the grade book in the computer. My goal is for students to begin to make their own goals and see their progress by illing out a chart on how they have been doing.
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Uses available Explores use of Uses technology to design Integrates a variety of Use a wide range of technologies to record additional technologies and implement technologies into the technologies to design, assessments, determine to implement individual assessments, record and development, implement, and analyze pro iciency levels, and assessments, record analyze results, and implementation, analysis assessments and provides 5.6 Using available make required results, and communicate about of assessments, and for an in depth and technologies to assist communications about communicate with student learning with communication of student ongoing communication in assessment, student learning. administration, administration, learning to all audiences. regarding student analysis, and colleagues, and families colleagues, families, and learning to all audiences. communication of about student learning. students. Ensure that student learning (9/27/20) (3/22/21) communications are received by those who lack access to technology. (5/4/22) f
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
One way I incorporate Students are assessed new additional through multiple technologies in the use methods, technology of individual included. Parents have assessments is by using access to their scores and the program Raz Kids. made known on how to Raz Kids tracks each help their child at home. students reading level, gives them comprehension questions based on their story, and even has them retell or read the story to record it for later listening. I am able to use this to communicate to parents their childs’ reading level as well as show my administration how my students are currently doing. This is a program that is not mandatory at our school, but that I chose to implement into the classroom to better assess student and help them improve on an individual level.
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Provides students with Provides students with Provides students with Integrates the ongoing Facilitates students’ feedback through additional feedback based clear and timely sharing of leadership in seeking and assessed work and on formative assessments information about comprehensible feedback using ongoing required summative from single lessons or strengths, needs, and to students from formal comprehensible assessments.(9/27/20) sequence of lessons. Seeks strategies for improving and informal assessments communications about to provide feedback in academic achievement. in ways that support individual student 5.7 Using assessment Noti ies families of ways that students increased learning. progress and ways to information to share student pro iciencies, understand.( 3/22/20) Provides opportunities for provide and monitor timely and challenges, and behavior (5/4/22) comprehensible and Communicates regularly support. comprehensible issues through school timely two-way with families to share a feedback with mandated procedures. Communicates with communications with range of assessment students and their families about student families to share student information that is families progress, strengths, and assessments, progress, comprehensible and needs at reporting raise issues and/or responsive to individual periods. Contacts families concerns, and guide student and family as needs arise regarding family support. needs.(9/27/20) struggling students or (5/4/22) behavior issues. f
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
On each assessment After an assessment, I communicate with students receive written Students are met with and parents almost on a as well as oral feedback they are made aware of daily basis. Part of being from myself. Students their goals. I work to a small school means are made aware of how improve their scores teachers personal they are doing. In through small groups or phone numbers are addition, their more guided practice. given out. There are assessments are sent many bene its to this directly to their parents I have been learning from aside from the negative for review. my students and their aspects. One bene it assessment scores in new being I cam quickly ways to help them learn communicate with a through fun and engaging parent or parents activities. Students are through text message or discussed to in regards to call them. In addition to their goals and this, parents receive a assessments, even in weekly newsletter in kindergarten. tier child's contact folder as well as a weekly update email with the newsletter attached. Parents are made aware of where their child is and if they are struggling on one area or another. I work with the families to promote good practice at home as well as school. f f