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Owner’s Manual

Read this manual carefully before operating this vehicle. This manual should stay with this vehicle if it is sold.

Welcome to the Benelli world of motorcycling!

Please take the time to read this manual thoroughly, so as to enjoy all advantages of your Benelli TRK 251 . The Owner’s Manual does not
only instruct you in how to operate, inspect and maintain your motorcycle, but also in how to safeguard yourself and others from trouble
and injury.
In addition, the many tips given in this manual will help keep your motorcycle in the best possible condition.
If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact your Benelli dealer.
The Benelli team wishes you many safe and pleasant rides. So, remember to put safety first!
Benelli continually seeks advancements in product design and quality. Therefore, while this manual contains the most current product
information available at the time of printing, there may be minor discrepancies between your motorcycle and this manual. If there is any
question concerning this manual, please consult a Benelli dealer.

Please read this manual carefully and completely before operating this motorcycle.

Particularly important information is distinguished in this manual by the following notations:

This is the safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you to potential personal injury hazards. Obey
DANGER all safety messages that follow this symbol to avoid possible injury or death.

A WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or se-
WARNING rious injury.

A NOTICE indicates special precautions that must be taken to avoid damage to the vehicle or
NOTICE other property.

TIP A TIP provides key information to make procedures easier or clearer.

Product and specifications are subject to change without notice.

See the official Benelli website - - to download the most updated version of this manual.

TRK 251
Benelli Q.J. s.r.l.

All rights reserved.

Any reprinting or unauthorized use
without the written permission of
Benelli Q.J. s.r.l.
is expressly prohibited.
Table of contents
Safety information ............................1-1 For your safety – •• Brake light switches........................ 6-19
pre-operation checks ....................... 4-1 •• Checking the front and
rear brake pads................................ 6-20
Description........................................ 2-1 •• Checking the brake
•• Laterals view........................................ 2-2 Operation and important fluid level ...........................................6-20
•• Controls and instruments................2-3 riding points.......................................5-1 •• Changing the brake fluid.............. 6-21
•• Starting the engine........................... 5-1 •• Drive chain slack.............................. 6-22
•• Shifting.................................................. 5-2 •• Cleaning and lubricating
Instrument and control •• Tips for reducing fuel the drive chain.................................. 6-23
functions............................................ 3-1 consumption.......................................5-2 •• Checking and lubricating
•• Key.......................................................... 3-1 •• Engine break-in...................................5-3 the cables........................................... 6-24
•• Main switch/steering lock...............3-1 •• Parking.................................................. 5-3 •• Checking and lubricating
•• Multi-function meter unit and the throttle grip and cable........... 6-24
Indicator lights and •• Checking and lubricating the
warning lights.....................................3-3 Periodic maintenance and brake and shift pedals.................. 6-24
•• Handlebar switches.......................... 3-7 adjustment..........................................6-1 •• Checking and lubricating the
•• Clutch lever ..........................................3-9 •• Owner’s tool kit...................................6-2 brake and clutch levers..................6-25
•• Shift pedal.............................................3-9 •• General maintenance and •• Checking and lubricating the
Brake lever.............................................3-9 lubrication chart................................ 6-3 sidestand........................................... 6-26
Brake pedal .......................................3-10 •• Checking the spark plugs............... 6-9 •• Checking the front fork................. 6-26
•• ABS........................................................3-10 •• Canister............................................... 6-10 •• Checking the steering................... 6-27
•• Fuel tank cap..................................... 3-12 •• Engine oil and oil •• Checking the wheel bearings..... 6-28
•• Fuel....................................................... 3-12 filter cartridge ...................................6-10 •• Battery ................................................ 6-28
•• Catalytic converter .........................3-14 •• Coolant................................................6-13 •• Replacing the fuses........................ 6-30
•• Seat...................................................... 3-14 •• Air filter element.............................. 6-15 •• Brake/tail light and the
•• Adjusting the headlight •• Checking the engine turn signal light .............................. 6-31
beams ................................................ 3-15 idling speed...................................... 6-15 •• Auxiliary lights................................. 6-31
•• Adjusting the shock •• Checking the throttle •• Troubleshooting.............................. 6-31
absorber assembly.........................3-15 grip free play......................................6-16 •• Troubleshooting charts ................ 6-33
•• Adjusting the front fork................ 3-16 •• Valve clearance................................ 6-16
•• Sidestand .......................................... 3-17 •• Tires ..................................................... 6-16
•• Ignition circuit cut-off •• Adjusting the clutch
system................................................ 3-17 lever free play ...................................6-18
•• Checking the brake
lever free play .................................. 6-19
Table of contents
Motorcycle care and storage............ 7-1
•• Matte color caution........................... 7-1
•• Care........................................................ 7-1
•• Storage.................................................. 7-3

Specifications.................................... 8-1
•• Electric System................................... 8-4

Consumer information...................... 9-1

•• Identification numbers.................... 9-1
•• Diagnostic connector....................... 9-2
•• Vehicle data recording..................... 9-2

Regular maintenance coupons........10-1

Safety information
Be a Responsible Owner Safe Riding Certain maintenance can only
As the vehicle’s owner, you are responsi- Perform the pre-operation checks each be carried out by certified staff.
ble for the safe and proper operation of time you use the vehicle to make sure it •• Many accidents involve inexperien-
your motorcycle. is in safe operating condition. Failure to ced operators. In fact, many opera-
Motorcycles are single-track vehicles. inspect or maintain the vehicle properly tors who have been involved in ac-
Their safe use and operation are depen- increases the possibility of an accident or cidents do not even have a current
dent upon the use of proper riding te- equipment damage. See page 4-1 for a list motorcycle license. EN
chniques as well as the expertise of the of pre-operation checks. •• Make sure that you are qua-
operator. •• This motorcycle is designed to carry lified and that you only lend
Every operator should know the following the operator and a passenger. your motorcycle to other qua- 1
requirements before riding this motor- •• The failure of motorists to detect lified operators.
cycle. and recognize motorcycles in traffic •• Know your skills and limits.
He or she should: is the predominating cause of auto- Staying within your limits may
•• Obtain thorough instructions from a mobile/motorcycle accidents. Many help you to avoid an accident.
competent source on all aspects of accidents have been caused by an •• We recommend that you
motorcycle operation. automobile driver who did not see practice riding your motorcycle
•• Observe the warnings and mainte- the motorcycle. Making yourself where there is no traffic until
nance requirements in this Owner’s conspicuous appears to be very ef- you have become thoroughly
Manual. fective in reducing the chance of this familiar with the motorcycle
•• Obtain qualified training in safe and type of accident. Therefore: and all of its controls.
proper riding techniques. •• Wear a brightly colored jacket. •• Many accidents have been caused
•• Obtain professional technical servi- •• Use extra caution when you by error of the motorcycle operator.
ce as indicated in this Owner’s Ma- are approaching and passing A typical error made by the opera-
nual and/or when made necessary through intersections, since in- tor is veering wide on a turn due to
by mechanical conditions. tersections are the most likely excessive speed or undercornering
•• Never operate a motorcycle without places for motorcycle accidents (insufficient lean angle for the spe-
proper training or instruction. Take to occur. ed).
a training course. Beginners should •• Ride where other motorists can •• Always obey the speed limit
receive training from a certified in- see you. Avoid riding in another and never travel faster than
structor. Contact an authorized mo- motorist’s blind spot. warranted by road and traffic
torcycle dealer to find out about the •• Never maintain a motorcycle conditions.
training courses nearest you. without proper knowledge. •• Always signal before turning or
Contact an authorized motor- changing lanes. Make sure that
cycle dealer to inform you on other motorists can see you.
basic motorcycle maintenance. •• The posture of the operator and

Safety information
passenger is important for proper seeing a hazard. any symptoms of carbon monoxide poi-
control. •• The use of a jacket, heavy bo- soning, leave the area immediately, get
•• The operator should keep ots, trousers, gloves, etc., is fresh air, and SEEK MEDICAL TREATMENT.
both hands on the handlebar effective in preventing or redu- •• Do not run engine indoors.
and both feet on the operator cing abrasions or lacerations. Even if you try to ventilate en-
footrests during operation to •• Never wear loose-fitting gine exhaust with fans or open
EN maintain control of the motor- clothes, otherwise they could windows and doors, carbon
cycle. catch on the control levers, fo- monoxide can rapidly reach
•• The passenger should always otrests, or wheels and cause dangerous levels.
1 hold onto the operator, the seat injury or an accident. •• Do not run engine in poorly
strap or grab bar, if equipped, •• Always wear protective ventilated or partially enclosed
with both hands and keep both clothing that covers your legs, areas such as barns, garages, or
feet on the passenger footrests. ankles, and feet. The engine or carports.
Never carry a passenger unless exhaust system become very •• Do not run engine outdoors
he or she can firmly place both hot during or after operation where engine exhaust can be
feet on the passenger footrests. and can cause burns. drawn into a building through
•• Never ride under the influence of al- •• A passenger should also obser- openings such as windows and
cohol or other drugs. ve the above precautions. doors.
•• This motorcycle is designed for
on-road use only. It is not suitable for
off-road use. Avoid Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Loading
All engine exhaust contains carbon mo- Adding accessories or cargo to your mo-
noxide, a deadly gas. Breathing carbon torcycle can adversely affect stability and
Protective Apparel monoxide can cause headaches, dizzi- handling if the weight distribution of the
The majority of fatalities from motorcycle ness, drowsiness, nausea, confusion, and motorcycle is changed. To avoid the possi-
accidents are the result of head injuries. eventually death. Carbon Monoxide is a bility of an accident, use extreme caution
The use of a safety helmet is the single colorless, odorless, tasteless gas which when adding cargo or accessories to your
most critical factor in the prevention or may be present even if you do not see or motorcycle.
reduction of head injuries. smell any engine exhaust. Deadly levels of Use extra care when riding a motorcycle
•• Always wear an approved hel- carbon monoxide can collect rapidly and that has added cargo or accessories. Here,
met. you can quickly be overcome and unable along with the information about acces-
•• Wear a face shield or goggles. to save yourself. sories below, are some general guidelines
Wind in your unprotected eyes Also, deadly levels of carbon monoxide to follow if loading cargo to your motor-
could contribute to an impair- can linger for hours or days in enclosed or cycle:
ment of vision that could delay poorly ventilated areas. If you experience The total weight of the operator, passen-

Safety information
ger, accessories and cargo must not exce- front fork, or front fender. The- Aftermarket Parts, Accessories, and
ed the maximum load limit. se items, including such cargo Modifications
Operation of an overloaded vehicle as sleeping bags, duffel bags, While you may find aftermarket products
could cause an accident. or tents, can create unstable similar in design and quality to genuine
handling or a slow steering re- Benelli accessories, recognize that some
sponse. aftermarket accessories or modifications
Maximum load: •• This vehicle is not designed to pull are not suitable because of potential sa-
a trailer or to be attached to a si- fety hazards to you or others.
176 Kg
decar. Installing aftermarket products or having
other modifications performed to your 1
vehicle that change any of the vehicle’s
When loading within this weight limit, Genuine Benelli Accessories design or operation characteristics can
keep the following in mind: Choosing accessories for your vehicle is an put you and others at greater risk of se-
•• Cargo and accessory weight should important decision. rious injury or death.
be kept as low and close to the mo- Genuine Benelli accessories, which are You are responsible for injuries related to
torcycle as possible. Securely pack available only from a Benelli dealer, have changes in the vehicle.
your heaviest items as close to the been designed, tested, and approved by Keep the following guidelines in mind, as
center of the vehicle as possible and Benelli for use on your vehicle. well as those provided under “Loading”
make sure to distribute the weight Many companies with no connection to when mounting accessories.
as evenly as possible on both sides Benelli manufacture parts and accesso- •• Never install accessories or carry
of the motorcycle to minimize imba- ries or offer other modifications for Benelli cargo that would impair the perfor-
lance or instability. vehicles. mance of your motorcycle. Carefully
•• Shifting weights can create a sudden Benelli is not in a position to test the pro- inspect the accessory before using it
imbalance. Make sure that accesso- ducts that these aftermarket companies to make sure that it does not in any
ries and cargo are securely attached produce. way reduce ground clearance or cor-
to the motorcycle before riding. Therefore, Benelli can neither endorse nor nering clearance, limit suspension
Check accessory mounts and cargo recommend the use of accessories not travel, steering travel or control ope-
restraints frequently. sold by Benelli or modifications not spe- ration, or obscure lights or reflectors.
•• Properly adjust the suspension cifically recommended by Benelli, even if •• Accessories fitted to the han-
for your load (suspension-adju- sold and installed by a Benelli dealer. dlebar or the front fork area
stable models only), and check can create instability due to
the condition and pressure of improper weight distribution
your tires. or aerodynamic changes. If ac-
•• Never attach any large or he- cessories are added to the han-
avy items to the handlebar, dlebar or front fork area, they

Safety information
must be and should be kept to Aftermarket Tires and Rims for the straps carefully so the straps
a minimum. The tires and rims that came with your will not rub against painted surfaces
•• Bulky or large accessories may motorcycle were designed to match the during transport.
seriously affect the stability performance capabilities and to provide •• The suspension should be compres-
of the motorcycle due to ae- the best combination of handling, bra- sed somewhat by the tie-downs, if
rodynamic effects. Wind may king, and comfort. possible, so that the motorcycle will
EN attempt to lift the motorcycle, Other tires, rims, sizes, and combinations not bounce excessively during tran-
or the motorcycle may become may not be appropriate. Refer to page sport.
unstable in cross winds. These 6-16 for tire specifications and more infor-
1 accessories may also cause in- mation on replacing your tires.
stability when passing or being
passed by large vehicles.
•• Certain accessories can displa- Transporting the Motorcycle
ce the operator from his or her Be sure to observe following instructions
normal riding position. This before transporting the motorcycle in
improper position limits the another vehicle.
freedom of movement of the •• Remove all loose items from the mo-
operator and may limit control torcycle.
ability, therefore, such accesso- •• Check that the fuel cock (if equip-
ries are not recommended. ped) is in the “ ” position and that
•• Use caution when adding electrical there are no fuel leaks.
accessories. If electrical accessories •• Point the front wheel straight ahead
exceed the capacity of the motor- on the trailer or in the truck bed, and
cycle’s electrical system, an electric choke it in a rail to prevent move-
failure could result, which could cau- ment.
se a dangerous loss of lights or engi- •• Shift the transmission in gear (for
ne power. models with a manual transmission).
•• Secure the motorcycle with tie-
downs or suitable straps that are
attached to solid parts of the mo-
torcycle, such as the frame or upper
front fork triple clamp (and not, for
example, to rubber-mounted hand-
lebars or turn signals, or parts that
could break). Choose the location

Safety information


............................................................................................................................................................................................................. EN

















Right view
20 22
1) Front light. EN
2) Front position indicators. 2 3
3) Rear position indicators.
4) Footrest. 2
5) Battery compartment cover.
6) Rear-view mirrors. 18
7) Saddle.
8) Rear brake light. 4
9) Side stand.
10) Rear brake disc.
11) Gearbox pedal. 13 11
12) Fuel tank.
13) Exhaust manifolds.
14) Front brake disc.
15) Dashboard. 7 19
5 12
16) Engine oil inspection port. 15
17) Rear brake pedal.
18) Passenger pedals. 8
19) Fuel tank cap.
20) Ignition switch.
21) Rear shock absorber.
22) Saddle lock. 21
23) USB
17 16


Controls and instruments

1. Clutch lever
EN 2. Left handlebar switches
3. ABS switch (optional)
4. Multi-function meter unit
2 5. Meter Function / Adjustment
6. Right handlebar switches
7. Throttle
1 2 4 6 7 8
8. Front brake lever
3 5

Instrument and control functions

Key Main switch/steering lock

The vehicle is supplied with a key kit to
open the different compartments of the The headlights come on automatically
when the engine is started and stay on
vehicle. SH until the key is turned to .

All electrical systems are off. 3
NOTICE The key can be removed.

•• Do not submerse any key in water.

•• Do not expose any key to excessi- The main switch/steering lock controls
vely high temperatures. the ignition and lighting systems, and is
•• Do not place heavy items on any used to lock the steering. WARNING
key. The various positions are described be-
•• Do not grind any key or alter its low. Never turn the key to “ ” or “ ” while
shape. the vehicle is moving. Otherwise the
•• Do not disassemble the plastic electrical systems will be switched off,
part of any key. (on) which may result in loss of control or an
•• Always keep duplicate keys sepa- All electrical circuits are supplied with accident.
rately from the bike. power.
The meter lighting, taillight, license plate
light and auxiliary lights come on, and the
engine can be started. The key cannot be (lock)
removed. The steering is locked and all electrical
systems are off. The key can be removed.

Instrument and control functions
To lock the steering: To unlock the steering:

1) Turn the handlebar completely to the 1) Insert the key in the steering lock.
left. 2) Turn the key clockwise.
2) Insert the key in the ignition. 3) Make sure the steering block is not en-
3) Turn the key anticlockwise, in the “ “ gaged before starting the engine and set-
EN position to lock the steering. ting out.
4) Remove the key.

To make it easier to engage the steering
lock, move the handlebar slightly while
turning the key.

After locking, try turning the handlebar
slightly to make sure that the steering is
actually locked.

Instrument and control functions

Multi-function meter unit and Indi-

cator lights and warning lights

1. Neutral indicator light

2. SX direction indicator light
3. DX direction indicator light
4. Engine fault indicator light 9 10 11 EN
5. Coolant temperature indicator light
6. Fuel gauge
7. Digital clock 3
8. Water temperature indicator
9. Gear engaged indicator light
10. Speedometer
11. Tachometer 2 3
12. High beam warning light
13. Fuel reserve warning light
14. ABS warning light 12 13
15. Total Speedometer
1 4

14 5


Instrument and control functions

Turn signal indicator lights “ ” and Tachometer Digital clock setting

“ ” The tachometer shows the running tur- To adjust the clock, activate the key switch
Each indicator light will flash when its cor- nover of the engine so that the rider can and immediately press and hold the set-
responding turn signal lights are flashing. keep it within the ideal power range. ting button, once released, the hour digit
will begin to flash on the meter.
Briefly press the Set button to change the
EN number, or long press to move the fla-
Neutral indicator light “N” Coolant temperature shing digit
This indicator light comes on when the This shows the temperature of the coo- to the next position to continue the
3 transmission is in the neutral position. lant. adjustment.
The coolant temperature varies with chan-
ges in the weather and engine load. if the
“warning lamp” flashes, stop the vehicle
High beam indicator light “ ” then stop the engine and let it cool. Fuel gauge
This indicator light comes on when the The digital fuel gauge shows the capacity
high beam of the headlight is switched of the fuel tank. As the fuel level drops, the
on. lines on the gauge will become closer and
closer to the “E” reserve area.
WARNING As soon as the final line starts to lash, the-
re is an autonomy of about 3 litres of fuel.
Engine trouble warning light “ ” Do not continue to operate the engine
This warning light comes on if a problem if it is overheating.
is detected in the engine or other vehicle
control system. If this occurs, have a Be-
nelli dealer check the on-board diagnostic
The electrical circuit of the warning light Digital clock
can be checked by turning the key to “ ”. Shows the time in hours and minutes.
The warning light should come on for a
few seconds, and then go off.
If the warning light does not come on ini-
tially when the key is turned to “ ”, or if
the warning light remains on, have a Be-
nelli dealer check the vehicle.

Instrument and control functions
Speedometer Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) warning Is the ABS diagnostic light shows one of
Push and hold the menu switch “SELECT” light the following symptoms, one or more fau-
for 3 seconds to enter the setting mode 1. ABS error: whenever any fault is de- lts may have been occurred on the ABS
“TOTAL KM”. tected and saved, the ABS diagnostic light system.
Speedometers Indicates the vehicle’s spe- is on. •• The ABS diagnostic light does not
ed in km/h or mph. To pass from one to The ABS diagnostic light will turn off with go on when the instrument panel is
the other, press the “RESET” button. the next SHUTDOWN/ IGNITION of the in- switched on. EN
strument panel or when the vehicle exce- •• The ABS diagnostic light will stay on
eds the speed of about 5 km/h. even when the vehicle exceeds the
Total/partial kilometre counter 2. Disabled ABS mode: the ABS diagno- speed of about 5 km/h. 3
The total kilometre counter shows the to- stic light will flash once for about 1.30 se- In which event, take the motorcycle to an
tal distance covered in kilometres. conds (short flashing). authorized Benelli service centre.
Set in the mode instrumentation “TRIP A / 3. By keeping the ABS button pressed for a
TRIP B” with the “SELECT” button. time of 3/30 seconds, the ABS diagnostic
The partial kilometre counter (TRIP A/TRIP light will flash once for about 0.30 se-
B) shows the distance covered since the conds (short flashing). It is important to point out the fact that
last reset in kilometres. 4. ABS activated: When the instrument the ABS is not active when the light is
The partial kilometre counter can be used panel is on, the ABS diagnostic light will on, but the braking system will continue
to estimate the possible distance to cover be on until the vehicle reaches the speed working as a normal system not equipped
with a full tank of fuel. This information of about 5 km/h. Once having exceeded with ABS.
may make it possible to schedule future this speed, the diagnostic light will turn In this situation, a hard braking may lock
fuelling stops. off. the wheels, causing slip and loss of stabili-
ty of the motorcycle.

Reserve fuel indicator

WARNING Comes on when approximately 2 litres of
fuel are left; in this case, fill up the tank as
Usually the ABS diagnostic light stays soon as possible.
Transmission gear display on when the instrument panel is swi-
The transmission gear display shows the tched on and turns off when the vehicle
selected gear. speed is above 5 km/h.
This model is equipped with 6 gears.









Instrument and control functions
Handlebar switches Right switch in after it has returned to the cen-
ter position.

Passing button
4 1 Press this button (daytime) to enable la-
shing lights. EN
5 Run/Start switch “ / ” 3
3 To crank the engine with the starter, set
3 this switch to “ ”, see page 5-1 for star-
ting instructions prior to starting the en-
1 1. Run/Start switch “ / “ gine.
2. Hazard switch “ “ Set this switch to “ ” to stop the engine in
1. Horn switch “ ” 3. Electric ignition button case of an emergency, such as when the
2. Dimmer/switch “ / “ 4. Adjustment / selection multifunction vehicle overturns or when the throttle
3. Turn signal switch “ / “ meter button cable is stuck.
4. Passing button
5. ABS switch ABS
Horn switch “ “
Press this switch to sound the horn. Electric ignition button
Press this button to start the engine with
the starter device.
Dimmer/switch ” / “
Set this switch to “ ” for the high beam
and to “ ” for the low beam.

Turn signal switch “ / ”

To signal a right-hand turn, push this swi-
tch to “ “. To signal a left-hand turn,
push this switch to “ ”. When released,
the switch returns to the center position.
To cancel the turn signal lights, push the

Instrument and control functions
ABS button A: the procedure will be ignored by the
Do not try to adjust settings of ABS while system if the ABS button was pressed for a
the motorcycle running. The ABS settings time ranging from 5 and 30 seconds.
are not enabled when the vehicle speed is The ABS will keep the current settings.
above 5 km/h.

EN Disabling ABS
Make sure the motorcycle is stationary
and in neutral. Keep the ABS button pres-
3 sed for 3-5 seconds, the light will switch ABS
from steady to flashing for about 1.30 se-
conds (short flashing). Enabling ABS:
At this stage, the ABS system will be not Make sure the motorcycle is stationary
active and the braking system will con- and in neutral. Keep the ABS button pres-
tinue working as a normal system not sed for 3-5 seconds, the light will switch
equipped with ABS. from steady to flashing for about 1.30
seconds (short flashing). Another way for B: The ABS will be active again from any
enabling the ABS system is to switch off other previous setting when the button is
and then on again. pressed for a time longer than 30 secs.


Instrument and control functions

Clutch lever Shift pedal Brake lever

The clutch lever is located on the left side The shift pedal is located on the left side The brake lever is located on the right side
of the handlebar. of the motorcycle and is used in combi- of the handlebar. To apply the front bra-
To disengage the clutch, pull the lever nation with the clutch lever when shifting ke, pull the lever toward the throttle grip.
toward the handlebar grip. To engage the the gears of the 6-speed constant-mesh The brake lever has a position adjustment
clutch, release the lever. The lever should transmission equipped on this motor- knob. EN
be pulled rapidly and released slowly for cycle.
smooth clutch operation.
The clutch lever is equipped with a clutch 3
switch, which is part of the ignition circuit
cut-off system.


1 4

1. Brake lever
2. Distance between brake lever and
throttle grip
TIP 3. Brake lever position adjusting knob
4. “▲” mark
Always change down one gear at a time
and at the correct speed to avoid engine To adjust the distance between the brake
overspeed and jamming of the rear wheel. lever and the accelerator dial, turn the
knob clockwise or anticlockwise; anti-
clockwise will move the lever closer, while
clockwise will move it further away. Make
sure that the correct adjustment, set from

Instrument and control functions
the adjustment gauge is in line with the Brake pedal ABS
brake lever reference “▲”.
The brake pedal is located on the right The anti-lock system (ABS) is designed to
side of the motorcycle. To apply the rear prevent locking of wheels during braking.
brake, press down on the brake pedal. The ABS controls the braking power auto-
matically and intermittently, allowing the
EN wheels to gain grip on the road and incre-
asing the vehicle stability.

3 •• For more efficiency, use the front

brake and the rear one at the same
time and in the same manner, as on
a vehicle without ABS.
•• The ABS cannot compensate the
road harsh conditions or an impro-
per use of the braking system. Du-
ring braking, act with the same care
as in case of a vehicle without ABS.
•• The anti-lock system (ABS) helps to
prevent locking of wheels during
braking with motorcycle in straight
•• During cornering, it is advisable to
use both brakes in a soft manner and
to reduce the speed gradually. As on
a traditional braking system, a hard
and excessive braking may cause a
sudden lock of the wheels and the
motorcycle loss of control.
•• During braking, the ABS will not
prevent the rear wheel from raising
form the ground.
•• The ABS control unit always uses the
vehicle speed data and wheel rota-
tion speed. Do not use non-appro-

3 - 10
Instrument and control functions
ved tyres to avoid ABS malfunctio- having reached or exceeded the
ning and cause an extension of the speed of about 5 km/h, contact an
braking distance. authorized Benelli service centre for
checking. 2
•• When the ABS is working, a pulsa-
tion may be felt on the brake lever or
WARNING the pedal. 1 EN
•• The ABS is not active when the spe-
The ABS cannot protect the rider from ed is below or equal to about 5 km/h.
any danger and it is necessary to drive •• The ABS does not work in case of low 3
the vehicle in a responsible way. It is battery.
important to know the ABS operation •• 1. Front wheel sensor
and its limits. 2. Front sensor rotor
It is the responsibility of the rider to
drive in a responsible way, according
to the type of asphalt, road and traffic
conditions. NOTICE
The ABS is monitored by an ECU, which Be careful not to damage the wheel
will revert the system to conventional bra- sensor or wheel sensor rotor; otherwi-
king if a malfunction occurs. se, improper performance of the ABS
will result.

•• The ABS light may go on during ex- 2
treme driving conditions or in situa- 1
tions that lead to a different rotation
speed of the front and rear wheels.
In this situation, it is necessary to
bring the ignition key to “OFF” posi-
tion, and then back to “ON” position.
After this procedure, the ABS light
will turn off. 1. Rear sensor rotor
•• If the light will still stay on even after 2. Rear wheel sensor

3 - 11
Instrument and control functions

Fuel tank cap Fuel

Make sure there is sufficient gasoline in
Make sure that the fuel tank cap is pro- the tank.
perly closed after filling fuel.
Leaking fuel is a fire hazard.
3 Gasoline and gasoline vapors are ex-
tremely flammable. To avoid fires and
explosions and to reduce the risk of
injury when refueling, follow these in-

•• Before refueling, turn off the engine

To open the fuel tank cap and be sure that no one is sitting
Open the fuel tank cap lock cover, insert on the vehicle. Never refuel while
the key into the lock, and then turn it 1/4 smoking, or while in the vicinity of
turn clockwise. The lock opens and it is sparks, open flames, or other sources
possible to raise the fuel cap. of ignition such as the pilot lights of
water heaters and clothes dryers.
To close the fuel tank cap •• Do not overfill the fuel tank. When
1) Insert the key in the lock. refueling, be sure to insert the pump
2) Turn the key back to its original position nozzle into the fuel tank filler hole.
by turning it anticlockwise and then re- Stop filling when the fuel reaches
move it. the bottom of the filler tube. Because
fuel expands when it heats up, heat
from the engine or the sun can cause
fuel to spill out of the fuel tank.

3 - 12
Instrument and control functions


Gasoline is poisonous and can cause
1 injury or death. Handle gasoline with
care. Never siphon gasoline by mouth.
2 If you should swallow some gasoline
or inhale a lot of gasoline vapor, or get
some gasoline in your eyes, see your
doctor immediately. 3
If gasoline spills on your skin, wash TIP
with soap and water. If gasoline spills
on your clothing, change your clothes. •• This mark identifies the recommen-
ded fuel for this vehicle as specified
1. Fuel tank filler tube by European regulation (EN228).
2. Maximum fuel level •• Check that gasoline nozzle has the
same identifier when fueling.
Recommended fuel:
•• Wipe up any spilled fuel immedia- Premium unleaded gasoline (Gasohol
tely. [E10] acceptable) Your Benelli engine has been designed to
Fuel tank capacity: use premium unleaded gasoline with a
18 L research octane number of 95 or higher.
Fuel reserve amount: If knocking (or pinging) occurs, use a ga-
NOTICE 2L soline of a different brand.
Use of unleaded fuel will extend spark
Immediately wipe off spilled fuel with plug life and reduce maintenance costs.
a clean, dry, soft cloth, since fuel may NOTICE
deteriorate painted surfaces or plastic
parts. Use only unleaded gasoline. The use of
leaded gasoline will cause severe da-
mage to internal engine parts, such as
•• Be sure to securely close the fuel the valves and piston rings, as well as
tank cap. to the exhaust system.

3 - 13
Instrument and control functions
Gasohol Catalytic converter Seat
There are two types of gasohol: gasohol
containing ethanol and that containing This model is equipped with a catalytic To remove the seat
methanol. Gasohol containing ethanol converter in the exhaust system.
can be used if the ethanol content does 1. Insert the key and turn counterclockwi-
not exceed 10% (E10). Gasohol containing se to raise the passenger seat (1).
EN methanol is not recommended by Benelli
because it can cause damage to the fuel
system or vehicle performance problems.
3 The exhaust system is hot after opera-
To prevent a fire hazard or burns:
•• Do not park the vehicle near pos-
sible fire hazards such as grass or
other materials that easily burn.
•• Park the vehicle in a place where
pedestrians or children are not
likely to touch the hot exhaust sy-
•• Make sure that the exhaust system
has cooled down before doing any Pull the knob (3) and lift the rider saddle
maintenance work. (2).
•• Do not allow the engine to idle
more than a few minutes. Long 2 3
idling can cause a build-up of heat.

To install the seat

1. Insert the saddle and press down gently
Use only unleaded gasoline. The use of on the back to close it.
leaded gasoline will cause unrepairable
damage to the catalytic converter.

3 - 14
Instrument and control functions

Adjusting the headlight beams Rear shock absorber

The headlight beam adjusting screw is The vehicle is equipped with a rear shock
used to raise or lower the height of the absorber.
headlight beams. It may be necessary to
adjust the headlight beams to increase
visibility and help prevent blinding onco- EN
ming drivers when carrying more or less
load than usual.
Obey local laws and regulations when 3
adjusting the headlights.
To raise the headlight beams, turn the
screw in direction (A).
To lower the headlight beams, turn the
screw in direction (B).

To avoid damaging the mechanism, do
not attempt to turn over the maximum
or minimum setting.
Always entrust the assistance of the
shock to a Benelli authorized dealer.

3 - 15
Instrument and control functions


3 - 16
Instrument and control functions

Sidestand Ignition circuit cut-off system

The sidestand is located on the left side of The ignition circuit cut-off system (com-
the frame. Raise the sidestand or lower it The vehicle must not be ridden with prising the sidestand switch, clutch swi-
with your foot while holding the vehicle the sidestand down, or if the sidestand tch and neutral switch) has the following
upright. cannot be properly moved up (or does functions.
not stay up), otherwise the sidestand •• It prevents starting when the tran- EN
could contact the ground and distract smission is in gear and the sidestand
the operator, resulting in a possible is up, but the clutch lever is not pul-
loss of control. led. 3
TIP Benelli’s ignition circuit cut-off system •• It prevents starting when the tran-
has been designed to assist the opera- smission is in gear and the clutch
The built-in sidestand switch is part of the tor in fulfilling the responsibilityof rai- lever is pulled, but the sidestand is
ignition circuit cut-off system, which cuts sing the sidestand before starting off. still down.
the ignition in certain situations. Therefore, check this system regularly •• It cuts the running engine when the
(See the following section for an explana- and have a Benelli dealer repair it if it transmission is in gear and the side-
tion of the ignition circuit cut-off system.) does not function properly. stand is moved down.
Periodically check the operation of the
ignition circuit cut-off system according
to the following procedure.

3 - 17
Instrument and control functions

With the engine turned off: WARNING

1. Move the sidestand down.
2. Make sure that the start/engine stop switch is set to “ ”. •• The vehicle must be placed on the centerstand
3. Turn the key on. during this inspection.
4. Shift the transmission into the neutral position. •• If a malfunction is noted, have a Benelli dealer
EN 5. Press the electric start button. check the system before riding.
Does the engine start?
The neutral switch may not be working correctly.
The motorcycle should not be ridden until
With the engine still running: checked by a Benelli dealer.
6. Move the sidestand up.
7. Keep the clutch lever pulled.
8. Shift the transmission into gear.
9. Move the sidestand down.
Does the engine stall?

YES NO The sidestand switch may not be working correctly.

The motorcycle should not be ridden until
checked by a Benelli dealer.
After the engine has stalled:
10. Move the sidestand up.
11. Keep the clutch lever pulled.
12. Press the electric start button.
Does the engine start?

YES NO The clutch switch may not be working correctly.

The motorcycle should not be ridden until
checked by a Benelli dealer.

The system is OK. The motorcycle can be ridden.

3 - 18
Instrument and control functions









3 - 19
For your safety – pre-operation checks
Inspect your vehicle each time you use it to make sure the vehicle is in safe operating condition.
Always follow the inspection and maintenance procedures and schedules described in the Owner’s Manual.

EN Failure to inspect or maintain the vehicle properly increases the possibility of an accident or equipment damage.
Do not operate the vehicle if you find any problem. If a problem cannot be corrected by the procedures provided in this manual,
4 have the vehicle inspected by a Benelli dealer.

Before using this vehicle, check the following points:

Fuel •• Check fuel level in fuel tank.
•• Refuel if necessary.
•• Check fuel line for leakage.

Engine oil •• Check oil level in engine.

•• If necessary, add recommended oil to specified level.
•• Check vehicle for oil leakage.

Coolant •• Check coolant level in reservoir.

•• If necessary, add recommended coolant to specified level.
•• Check cooling system for leakage.

Front brake •• Check operation.

•• If soft or spongy, have Benelli dealer bleed hydraulic system.
•• Check brake pads for wear.
•• Replace if necessary.
•• Check fluid level in reservoir.
•• If necessary, add specified brake fluid to specified level.
•• Check hydraulic system for leakage.

For your safety – pre-operation checks

Rear brake •• Check operation.
•• If soft or spongy, have Benelli dealer bleed hydraulic system.
•• Check brake pads for wear.
•• Replace if necessary.
•• Check fluid level in reservoir.
•• If necessary, add specified brake fluid to specified level. EN
•• Check hydraulic system for leakage.
Clutch •• Check operation.
•• Lubricate cable if necessary.
•• Check lever free play.
•• Adjust if necessary.

Throttle grip •• Make sure that operation is smooth.

•• Check throttle grip free play.
•• If necessary, have Benelli dealer adjust throttle grip free play and lubricate cable and grip housing.

Control cables •• Make sure that operation is smooth.

•• Lubricate if necessary.

Drive chain •• Check chain slack.

•• Adjust if necessary.
•• Check chain condition.
•• Lubricate if necessary.

Wheels and tires •• Check for damage.

•• Check tire condition and tread depth.
•• Check air pressure.
•• Correct if necessary.

Brake and shift •• Make sure that operation is smooth.

pedals •• Lubricate pedal pivoting points if necessary.

For your safety – pre-operation checks


Brake and clutch •• Make sure that operation is smooth.

levers •• Lubricate lever pivoting points if necessary.
Sidestand •• Make sure that operation is smooth.
•• Lubricate pivots if necessary.
Chassis fasteners •• Make sure that all nuts, bolts and screws are properly tightened.
•• Tighten if necessary.
Instruments, •• Check operation.
lights, •• Correct if necessary.
and switches
Sidestand switch •• Check operation of ignition circuit cut-off system.
•• If system is not working correctly, have Benelli dealer check vehicle.

Operation and important riding points
Read the Owner’s Manual carefully to be- Starting the engine 2. Shift the transmission into the neu-
come familiar with all controls. tral position. The neutral indicator light
If there is a control or function you do not In order for the ignition circuit cut-off should come on. If not, ask a Benelli dealer
understand, ask your Benelli dealer. system to enable starting, one of the fol- to check the electrical circuit.
lowing conditions must be met: 3. Start the engine by sliding the switch
•• The transmission is in the neutral toward “ ”.
position. If the engine fails to start, release the start/ EN
•• The transmission is in gear with the engine stop switch, wait a few seconds,
clutch lever pulled and the sidestand and then try again. Each starting attempt
WARNING up. See page 3-17 for more informa- should be as short as possible to preserve 5
tion. the battery. Do not crank the engine more
Failure to familiarize yourself with than 10 seconds on any one attempt.
the controls can lead to loss of con- 1. Turn the key to “ ”.
trol, which could cause an accident
or injury The following warning lights and indi-
cator light should come on for a few se-
conds, then go off. NOTICE
•• Oil level warning light
•• Neutral indicator light For maximum engine life, never accele-
•• The ABS warning light rate hard when the engine is cold!

TIP The ABS warning light should come on

when the key is turned to “ ”, and then
This model is equipped with: go off after traveling at a speed of 5 km/h
•• a lean angle sensor to stop the engi- (3 mi/h) or higher.
ne in case of a turnover.

If the ABS warning light does not come
on and then go off as explained above,
see page 3-5 for the warning light cir-
cuit check.

Operation and important riding points

Shifting Tips for reducing fuel consumption

Fuel consumption depends largely on
6 •• Even with the transmission in the your riding style. Consider the following
neutral position, do not coast for tips to reduce fuel consumption:
5 long periods of time with the engi- •• Shift up swiftly, and avoid high engi-
EN 4 ne off, and do not tow the motor- nespeeds during acceleration.
cycle for long distances. The tran- •• Do not rev the engine while shifting
3 smission is properly lubricated down, and avoid high engine speeds
5 2 only when the engine is running. with no load on the engine.
N Inadequate lubrication may da- •• Turn the engine off instead of letting
2 mage the transmission.
1 it idle for an extended length of time
1 •• Always use the clutch while chan- (e.g., in traffic jams, at traffic lights or
ging gears to avoid damaging the at railroad crossings).
1. Shift pedal engine, transmission, and drive
2. Neutral position train, which are not designed to
withstand the shock of forced shi-
Shifting gears lets you control the amount fting.
of engine power available for starting off,
accelerating, climbing hills, etc.
The gear positions are shown in the illu-

To shift the transmission into the neutral
position, press the shift pedal down repe-
atedly until it reaches the end of its travel,
and then slightly raise it.

Operation and important riding points

Engine break-in 1600 km and more Parking

The vehicle can now be operated normal-
There is never a more important period ly. When parking, stop the engine, and then
in the life of your engine than the period remove the key from the main switch.
between 0 and 1600 km. For this reason,
you should read the following material
carefully. EN
Since the engine is brand new, do not put NOTICE WARNING
an excessive load on it for the first 1600
km. The various parts in the engine wear •• Keep the engine speed out of the •• Since the engine and exhaust sy- 5
and polish themselves to the correct ope- tachometer high-rpm zone. stem can become very hot, park in
rating clearances. •• If any engine trouble should occur a place where pedestrians or chil-
During this period, prolonged full-throttle during the engine break-in pe- dren are not likely to touch them
operation or any condition that might re- riod, immediately have a Benelli and be burned.
sult in engine overheating must be avoi- dealer check the vehicle. •• Do not park on a slope or on soft
ded. ground, otherwise the vehicle
may overturn, increasing the risk
of a fuel leak and fire.
0–1000 km •• Do not park near grass or other
Avoid prolonged operation above 6.000 flammable materials which might
r/min. catch fire.

After 1000 km of operation, the engine
oil must be changed and the oil filter
cartridge or element replaced.

1000–1600 km
Avoid prolonged operation above 7.000

Operation and important riding points









Periodic maintenance and adjustment
Periodic inspection, adjustment, and lu- Emission controls not only function to
brication will keep your vehicle in the sa- WARNING ensure cleaner air, but are also vital to
fest and most efficient condition possible. proper engine operation and maximum
Safety is an obligation of the vehicle ow- Turn off the engine when performing performance.
ner/ operator. The most important points maintenance unless otherwise speci- In the following periodic maintenance
of vehicle inspection, adjustment, and lu- fied. charts, the services related to emissions
brication are explained on the following •• A running engine has moving par- control are grouped separately. EN
pages. ts that can catch on body parts or These services require specialized data,
The intervals given in the periodic mainte- clothing and electrical parts that knowledge, and equipment.
nance charts should be simply considered can cause shocks or fires. Maintenance, replacement, or repair of 6
as a general guide under normal riding •• Running the engine while servi- the emission control devices and systems
conditions. cing can lead to eye injury, burns, may be performed by any repair establi-
However, depending on the weather, ter- fire, or carbon monoxide poiso- shment or individual that is certified (if
rain, geographical location, and individual ning – possibly leading to death. applicable). Benelli dealers are trained
use, the maintenance intervals may need See page 1-2 for more information and equipped to perform these particular
to be shortened. about carbon monoxide. services.

Failure to properly maintain the vehicle Brake discs, calipers, drums, and linin-
or performing maintenance activities gs can become very hot during use.
incorrectly may increase your risk of To avoid possible burns, let brake com-
injury or death during service or while ponents cool before touching them.
using the vehicle. If you are not familiar
with vehicle service, have a Benelli dea-
ler perform service.

Periodic maintenance and adjustment

Owner’s tool kit A list of workshops is available on our TIP

The air filter needs to be replaced more
often if the vehicle is used in particularly
damp or dusty environments.
•• The annual checks must be perfor- •• Check brake fluid levels on a regular
6 med every year, except if a kilome- basis and top up as necessary.
13 ter-based maintenance is performed •• Every two years replace the internal
instead. components of the brake master
•• At the 25.000 km coupon, perform cylinders and calipers, and change
maintenance operations with the the brake fluid.
same intervals indicated in the table. •• Replace the brake hoses every four
•• Items marked with an asterisk years and if cracked or damaged.
The bike is provided with a tool bag. should be performed by a Benelli
The owner’s tool kit is located under the dealer as they require special tools,
passenger seat. data and technical skills.
The service information included in this •• The use of non-original replacement The following section shows all of the
manual and the tools provided in the ow- parts may accelerate motorbike maintenance operations
ner’s tool kit are intended to assist you in wear and tear and cut shorts its life.
the performance of preventive mainte- Failure to perform recommended
nance and minor repairs. However, addi- operations or the use of non-original
tional tools such as a torque wrench may parts may render the legal warranty KEY
be necessary to perform certain mainte- null and void.
•• The replacement and/or topping up Inspection and adjustment,
nance work correctly.
of lubricants and fluids, must only be I cleaning, lubrication or
carried out with the recommended replacement, as needed
products. Tighten to the
TIP T torque listed

If you do not have the tools or experience R Replacement

required for a particular job, have a Benelli
dealer perform it for you. Dealer

Periodic maintenance and adjustment

General maintenance and lubrication chart


Periodic maintenance and adjustment



EN No. Part
intervention or control
1° 2° 3° 4° 5°
km x 1.000 0 1 7 13 19 25
mi x 1.000 0 0.6 4.4 8.0 11.5 15.5
◙ Timing Chain
Sliding Replacement Each time the timing chain is replaced

Timing Chain
10 ◙
Replacement Each time the timing chain is replaced

Check/Replacement R
11 ◙ Spark plug
Check the conditions, clean and restore the distance between electrodes
Check the chain tension. I I I I I I I
◙ Drive Check that the rear
12 wheel is correctly aligned.
Chain Every 500 km and after every wash or if the motorcycle has been used in the rain.
Clean and lubricate.

Check//Lubricate/Replace I I I I I I
13 ◙ Ring Gear
Replace every time the chain is replaced

Check//Lubricate/Replace I I I I I I
14 ◙ Pinion
Replace every time the chain is replaced
Check that the fuel pipes are not
are cracked or damaged I I I I I
◙ Circuit Fuel
If necessary, replace In any case, replace every 4 years

Check/Reset Level/ I I I I I I I
16 ◙ Brake fluid
Replacement In any case, replace every 2 years

Periodic maintenance and adjustment



No. Part
intervention or control
1° 2° 3° 4° 5°
km x 1.000 0 1 7 13 19 25
mi x 1.000 0 0.6 4.4 8.0 11.5 15.5
Check the tightening of the brake I I I I I I I
◙ Front and Rear
17 calipers. If necessary, replace
Brakes Replace the hoses every 4 years
the pads. Check for leaks

Check/Replacement I I I I I I I
19 ◙ Brake pads
Replace if worn to the limit

Check/Replacement I I I I
◙ Swingarm
Chain Slider Replace if worn to the limit

Check Function/
21 ◙ Clutch control

Check/Tightening I T T T T T
22 ◙ Engine cover

Evaporative Check defects and leaks I I I I I I

◙ emissions
23 control system
(Canister) No maintenance required. In case of malfunction replace.

Throttle Grip Check function, if necessary,
24 ◙ adjust the throttle cable play.
and cable

Periodic maintenance and adjustment



EN No. Part
intervention or control
1° 2° 3° 4° 5°
km x 1.000 0 1 7 13 19 25
mi x 1.000 0 0.6 4.4 8.0 11.5 15.5
6 Steering Check/Adjust I I I I I I I
25 ◙
Ring Nut
If necessary, adjust

Steering Check the bearing I I I I I

26 ◙
bearings is not loose or damaged
Lubricate, if necessary replace

Wheel bearings Check the bearing
27 ◙
front / back is not loose or damaged
Lubricate, if necessary replace

Bearings and I I I I
Check the bearing
28 ◙ Pivot Guide
is not loose or damaged
Swingarm Lubricate, if necessary replace

Check operation,the tightening I I I I I

29 ◙ Swingarm of the pin and make sure he
doesn't have a
excessive play. Lubricate.

Check function and make
30 ◙ Front Fork
sure there are no leaks

Check function and make I I I I I I I

◙ Rear
Suspension sure there are no leaks

Make sure they are not off
32 ◙ Wheels
centre or damaged.
If necessary, replace

Periodic maintenance and adjustment



No. Part
intervention or control
1° 2° 3° 4° 5°
km x 1.000 0 1 7 13 19 25
mi x 1.000 0 0.6 4.4 8.0 11.5 15.5
Check depth, and make sure they
33 ◙ are not damaged. Check the tire
Tyres pressure, correct if necessary.
Replace if necessary. Replace if worn to the limit

Check/Functionality I I I I I I I
34 ◙ Side stand
Lubricate, tighten if necessary

Check/Functionality I I I I I I I
36 ◙
Side stand

Rear sprocket Check/Functionality I I I I

37 ◙ spring
Drive Rubber Replace if worn

Instruments, Check/Functionality I I I I I I I
38 ◙ lights,signals
and switches

Check/Functionality I I I I I I I
39 ◙ Head light
Adjustment At every change in vehicle set-up

Check Operation I I I I I I I
40 ◙ Horn

Check/Functionality/Recharge I I I I I I I
41 ◙ Battery
If necessary, replace

Periodic maintenance and adjustment



EN No. Part
intervention or control
1° 2° 3° 4° 5°
km x 1.000 0 1 7 13 19 25
mi x 1.000 0 0.6 4.4 8.0 11.5 15.5
6 Electric
Check Function, rubbing, I I I I I I I
42 ◙ play and freedom of

Check/Functionality I I I I I I I
43 ◙ Starter Switch

◙ Reading of ECU /
44 Fuel injection
Parameters fault memory

Fastening T T T T T T T
Check that all nuts, bolts
45 ◙ body parts and screws are tightened

Parts and cables Check/Replace I I I I I I I

46 ◙ subject to
movement Replace if damaged

Check/Refill Level I I I I I R I
47 ◙ Cooling Fluid
Replace Every 3 years or Mileage achievement

Check the liquid coolant level I I I I I I I

48 ◙ Cooling
and check that there are no
system fluid leaks from the circuit.

Check/Functionality I I I I I I I
49 ◙ Electric fans

Periodic maintenance and adjustment

Checking the spark plugs Before installing a spark plug, the spark
plug gap should be measured with a wire TIP
The spark plugs are important engine thickness gauge and, if necessary, adju-
components, which should be checked sted to specification. If a torque wrench is not available when
periodically, preferably by a Benelli dealer. installing a spark plug, a good estimate
Since heat and deposits will cause any of the correct torque is 1/4–1/2 turn past
spark plug to slowly erode, they should finger tight. EN
be removed and checked in accordance However, the spark plug should be tighte-
with the periodic maintenance and lubri- ned to the specified torque as soon as
cation chart. In addition, the condition of possible. 6
the spark plugs can reveal the condition
of the engine.
The porcelain insulator around the center
electrode of each spark plug should be a 11
medium-to-light tan (the ideal color when
the vehicle is ridden normally), and all
spark plugs installed in the engine should 1. Spark plug gap
have the same color.
If any spark plug shows a distinctly diffe-
rent color, the engine could be operating
improperly. Spark plug gap:
Do not attempt to diagnose such pro- 0.7–0.8 mm
blems yourself. Instead, have a Benelli de-
aler check the vehicle.
If a spark plug shows signs of electrode
erosion and excessive carbon or other de-
posits, it should be replaced. Clean the surface of the spark plug gasket
and its mating surface, and then wipe off
any grime from the spark plug threads.
Specified spark plug:
NGK CR8E Tightening torque:
15 N·m

Periodic maintenance and adjustment

Canister Engine oil and oil filter cartridge

The engine oil level should be checked
before each ride. In addition, the oil must
be changed at the intervals specified in
the periodic maintenance and lubrication
EN chart. 1

6 To check the engine oil level

1. Place the vehicle on a flat surface and
keep it upright. A slight tilt to the side can
1 result in a false reading.
2. Start the engine, warm it up for several
minutes, and then turn it off. 1. Engine oil cap
3. Wait a few minutes until the oil settles,
This model is equipped with a canister to and then check the oil level through the
prevent the discharging of fuel vapor into engine oil level check window located at
the atmosphere. Before operating this the bottom-right side of the crankcase.
vehicle, make sure to check the following:
•• Check each hose connection.
•• Check each hose and canister for
cracks or damage. Replace if dama-
ged. TIP 2 H
The engine oil should be between the mi-
nimum and maximum level marks. 3 L

4. If the engine oil is below the minimum

level mark, add sufficient oil of the recom- 1. Engine oil level check window.
mended type to raise it to the correct le- 2. Maximum level mark.
vel. 3. Minimum level mark.

6 - 10
Periodic maintenance and adjustment
To change the engine oil (with or wi- 6. Install the engine oil drain bolt and its
thout oil filter cartridge replacement) TIP new gasket, and then tighten the bolt to
1. Place the vehicle on a flat surface and the specified torque.
keep it upright. Skip steps 5–7 if the oil filter cartridge is
2. Start the engine, warm it up for several not being replaced.
minutes, and then turn it off. 5. Remove the cover (1) and replace the Tightening torque:
3. Place an oil pan under the engine to col- filter element. Engine oil drain bolt: EN
lect the used oil. 22 N·m
4. Remove the engine oil filler cap, the en-
gine oil drain bolt and its gasket to drain 6
the oil from the crankcase. 7. Refill with the specified amount of the
recommended engine oil, and then install
and tighten the oil filler cap.

Recommended engine oil:

1 Full synthetic oil SJ10W-50
Oil quantity:
With oil filter removal:
1 1. Oil filter wrench

1. Engine oil drain bolt

Be sure to wipe off spilled oil on any parts
Orient the oil filter correctly (like the pre- after the engine and exhaust system have
vious one), otherwise the motor will be cooled down.
seriously damaged.

6 - 11
Periodic maintenance and adjustment

•• In order to prevent clutch slip- •• In order to prevent clutch slip-
page (since the engine oil also page (since the engine oil also
lubricates the clutch), do not mix lubricates the clutch), do not mix
EN any chemical additives. Do not any chemical additives. Do not
use oils with a diesel specification use oils with a diesel specification
of “CD” or oils of a higher quality of “CD” or oils of a higher quality
6 than specified. In addition, do not than specified. In addition, do not
use oils labeled “ENERGY CONSER- use oils labeled “ENERGY CONSER-
VING II” or higher. VING II” or higher.
•• Make sure that no foreign mate- •• Make sure that no foreign mate-
rial enters the crankcase. rial enters the crankcase.

8. Start the engine, and then let it idle for 9. Turn the engine off, wait a few minutes
several minutes while checking it for oil until the oil settles, and then check the oil
leakage. If oil is leaking, immediately turn level and correct it if necessary.
the engine off and check for the cause.

After the engine is started, the engine oil
level warning light should go off if the oil
level is sufficient.

6 - 12
Periodic maintenance and adjustment

The coolant level should be checked befo-
re each ride. In addition, the coolant must The coolant should be between the mini- Remove only the coolant reservoir cap.
be changed at the intervals specified in mum and maximum level marks. Never attempt to remove the radiator
the periodic maintenance and lubrication cap when the engine is hot.
chart. EN
To check the coolant level
1. Place the vehicle on a flat surface and 4. Add coolant or distilled water to raise 6
keep it upright. 1 the coolant to the maximum level mark,
install the coolant reservoir cap.
•• The coolant level must be checked NOTICE
on a cold engine since the level va-
ries with engine temperature. If coolant is not available, use distilled
•• Make sure that the vehicle is positio- water or soft tap water instead. Do not
ned straight up when checking the 1. Coolant reservoir use hard water or salt water since it is
coolant level. A slight tilt to the side 2. Coolant reservoir cap harmful to the engine.
can result in a false reading. If water has been used instead of coo-
lant, replace it with coolant as soon as
3. If the coolant is at or below the mini- possible, otherwise the cooling system
2. Check the coolant level in the coolant mum level mark, remove the coolant re- will not be protected against frost and
reservoir. servoir cap. corrosion. If water has been added to
the coolant, have a Benelli dealer check
the antifreeze content of the coolant as
soon as possible, otherwise the effecti-
veness of the coolant will be reduced.

6 - 13
Periodic maintenance and adjustment
To change the coolant Tightening torque:
1. Place the vehicle on a flat surface and Coolant drain bolt:
keep it upright. 11 N·m
2. Place a container under the engine to
collect the used coolant.
3. Remove the radiator cap.
EN 1
WARNING Antifreeze/water mixture ratio:
6 1:1
Never attempt to remove the radiator
cap when the engine is hot. Recommended antifreeze:
High-quality ethylene glycol antifreeze
1. Coolant drain bolt containing corrosion inhibitors
for aluminum engines
Coolant quantity:
6. Install the coolant drain bolt and its new Radiator (including all routes):
gasket, and then tighten the bolt to the 1.8 L
1 specified torque.
7. Pour the specified amount of the re-
Coolant reservoir (up to the maximum
level mark):
commended coolant into the radiator and 0.3 L

8. Install the coolant reservoir cap.

9. Install the radiator cap.
10. Start the engine, let it idle for several
1. Radiator cap minutes, and then turn it off.
11. Remove the radiator cap to check the
coolant level in the radiator.
If necessary, add sufficient coolant until it
4. Remove the coolant drain bolt and its reaches the top of the radiator, and then
gasket to drain the cooling system. install the radiator cap.
12. Check the coolant level in the reser-

6 - 14
Periodic maintenance and adjustment
If necessary, remove the coolant reservo- Checking the engine idling speed
ir cap, add coolant to the maximum level
mark, and then install the cap. Check the engine idling speed by a Benelli
13. Start the engine, and then check the dealer.
vehicle for coolant leakage.
If coolant is leaking, have a Benelli dealer Engine idling speed: EN
check the cooling system.
1400-1600 r/min.
Air filter element 6
The air filter element must be replaced
at the intervals specified in the periodic
maintenance and lubrication chart.
Have a Benelli dealer replace the air filter

6 - 15
Periodic maintenance and adjustment

Checking the throttle grip free play Valve clearance Tires

Measure the throttle grip free play as The valve clearance changes with use, re- Tires are the only contact between the
shown. sulting in improper air-fuel mixture and/ vehicle and the road. Safety in all condi-
or engine noise. To prevent this from oc- tions of riding depends on a relatively
curring, the valve clearance must be adju- small area of road contact.
EN sted by a Benelli dealer at the intervals Therefore, it is essential to maintain the
specified in the periodic maintenance and tires in good condition at all times and re-
lubrication chart. place them at the appropriate time with
6 the specified tires.

Tire air pressure

Periodically check the throttle grip free The tire air pressure should be checked
play and, if necessary, have a Benelli de- and, if necessary, adjusted before each
aler adjust it. ride.

Throttle grip free play WARNING

Operation of this vehicle with improper
tire pressure may cause severe injury or
death from loss of control.
•• The tire air pressure must be
checked and adjusted on cold ti-
Throttle grip free play: res (i.e., when the temperature of
3.0 - 5.0 mm the tires equals the ambient tem-
•• The tire air pressure must be adju-
sted in accordance with the riding
speed and with the total weight of
rider, passenger, cargo, and acces-
sories approved for this model.

6 - 16
Periodic maintenance and adjustment

Tire air pressure Tire inspection

(measured on cold tires): TIP
Front: 220 ± 10 kPa
Rear: 250 ± 10 kPa The tire tread depth limits may differ from
A1 country to country. Always comply with
*Maximum load*: the local regulations.
176 Kg EN
* Total weight of rider, passenger, cargo 3
and accessories C
•• Have a Benelli dealer replace
excessively worn tires. Besides
being illegal, operating the vehi-
WARNING cle with excessively worn tires
decreases riding stability and can
Never overload your vehicle. Operation 1. Tire tread depth lead to loss of control.
of an overloaded vehicle could cause 2. Side well •• The replacement of all wheel and
an accident 3. Wear warning brake related parts, including the
tires, should be left to a Benelli
The tires must be checked before each dealer, who has the necessary pro-
ride. If the center tread depth reaches fessional knowledge and expe-
the specified limit, if the tire has a nail or rience to do so.
glass fragments in it, or if the sidewall is •• Ride at moderate speeds after
cracked, have a Benellidealer replace the changing a tire since the tire sur-
tire immediately. face must first be “broken in” for it
to develop its optimal characteri-
Minimum tire tread depth
(front and rear):
Tires age, even if they have not been used
1.6 mm or have only been used occasionally.
Cracking of the tread and sidewall rubber,
sometimes accompanied by carcass de-
formation, is an evidence of ageing. Old

6 - 17
Periodic maintenance and adjustment
and aged tires shall be checked by tire Adjusting the clutch lever free play
specialists to ascertain their suitability for WARNING
further use. Measure the clutch lever free play as
•• Use only the specified replace- shown.
ment tires. Other tires may run the
danger of bursting at super high
EN speeds.
•• Brand-new tires can have a relati-
WARNING vely poor grip on certain road sur-
6 faces until they have been “broken
•• The front and rear tires should in”. Therefore, it is advisable befo-
be of the same make and design, re doing any high-speed riding to
otherwise the handling characte- ride conservatively for approxi-
ristics of the motorcycle may be mately 100 km after installing a
different, which could lead to an new tire.
accident. •• The tires must be warmed up be-
•• Always make sure that the valve fore a high-speed run.
caps are securely installed to pre- •• Always adjust the tire air pressure
vent air pressure leakage. according to the operating condi-

Clutch lever free play:

Front tire: 10 -20 mm
110/70 - R17
Check the clutch lever backlash regularly
Rear tire: and adjust as necessary.
150/60 - R17 1) Loosen the clutch ring nut and the
clutch screw on the cable, at the same
2) To increase clutch lever backlash, turn
the clutch screw clockwise (seen from sit-
ting on the bike).
To reduce the clutch lever backlash, turn

6 - 18
Periodic maintenance and adjustment
the clutch screw anticlockwise (seen from Checking the brake lever free play Brake light switches
sitting on the bike).
3) After adjusting, tighten the clutch ring There should be no free play at the brake The brake light, which is activated by the
nut. lever end. If there is free play, have a Be- brake pedal and brake lever, should come
nelli dealer inspect the brake system. on just before braking takes effect.
If necessary, have a Benelli dealer adjust
the brake light switches. EN


1. Clutch ring nut

2. Clutch screw

A soft or spongy feeling in the brake
TIP lever can indicate the presence of air
in the hydraulic system. If there is air in
If the specified free play cannot be obtai- the hydraulic system, have a Benelli de-
ned as described above or if the clutch aler bleed the system before operating
does not operate correctly, have a Benelli the vehicle. Air in the hydraulic system
dealer check the internal clutch mechani- will diminish the braking performance,
sm. which may result in loss of control and
an accident.

6 - 19
Periodic maintenance and adjustment

Checking the front and rear brake Rear brake pads Checking the brake fluid level
Before riding, check that the brake fluid is
The front and rear brake pads must be above the minimum level mark.
checked for wear at the intervals specified Check the brake fluid level with the top of
in the periodic maintenance and lubrica- the reservoir level.
EN tion chart. Replenish the brake fluid if necessary.
6 Front brake pads Front brake

1. Brake pad wear indicator

Each rear brake pad is provided with wear

1 indicator grooves, which allow you to
check the brake pad wear without having
to disassemble the brake.
To check the brake pad wear, check the
wear indicator grooves. If a brake pad has
worn to the point that a wear indicator
1. Brake pad wear indicator groove almost appears, have a Benelli de-
aler replace the brake pads as a set. Front brake fluid reservoir
Each front brake pad is provided with
wear indicators, which allows you to
check the brake pad wear without having
to disassemble the brake. To check the
brake pad wear, check the position of the
wear indicators while applying the brake.
If a brake pad has worn to the point that a
wear indicator almost touches the brake
disc, have a Benelli dealer replace the bra-
ke pads as a set. Rear brake

6 - 20
Periodic maintenance and adjustment
otherwise, the rubber seals may Changing the brake fluid
deteriorate, causing leakage.
•• Refill with the same type of brake Have a Benelli dealer change the brake
fluid. Adding a brake fluid other fluid at the intervals specified in the pe-
than DOT 4 may result in a harmful riodic maintenance and lubrication chart.
chemical reaction.
•• Be careful that water or dust does EN
not enter the brake fluid reservoir
1 when refilling. Water will signifi-
cantly lower the boiling point of 6
the fluid and may result in vapor
lock, and dirt may clog the ABS
hydraulic unit valves.
Front brake fluid reservoir

Specified brake fluid:

Brake fluid may damage painted surfa-
ces or plastic parts.
Always clean up spilled fluid immedia-
Improper maintenance can result in As the brake pads wear, it is normal for the
loss of braking ability. brake fluid level to gradually go down. A
Observe these precautions: low brake fluid level may indicate worn
•• Insufficient brake fluid may allow brake pads and/or brake system leaka-
air to enter the brake system, re- ge; therefore, be sure to check the brake
ducing braking performance. pads for wear and the brake system for
•• Clean the filler cap before remo- leakage. If the brake fluid level goes down
ving. Use only DOT 4 brake fluid suddenly, have a Benelli dealer check the
from a sealed container. cause before further riding.
•• Use only the specified brake fluid;

6 - 21
Periodic maintenance and adjustment

Drive chain slack 4. If the drive chain slack is incorrect, To adjust the drive chain slack
adjust it as follows. 1. Loosen the wheel pin nut and lock nut
The drive chain slack should be checked on each side of the swingarm.
before each ride and adjusted if necessary. 2. To tension the transmission chain, turn
the tension adjustment bolt on each side
To check the drive chain slack of the swingarm (clockwise).
EN 1. After stopping the engine, place the NOTICE 3. To loosen the transmission chain, turn
vehicle on a rear stand on a horizontal the tension adjustment bolt on each side
surface and with the gear in neutral. Using the motorcycle with the chain in of the swingarm (anticlockwise) and push
6 2. Measure the drive chain slack as shown. bad condition and badly adjusted may the rear wheel forwards.
cause accidents.
If you notice any operating anomaly on
the chain, such as excessive or suspi-
cious noises, or excessive slack, go to
an authorised Benelli workshop.
If you suspect that there is a serious 4
malfunction with the chain, stop the 3
bike immediately and call your nearest
Benelli authorised workshop.
2 1

1. Axle nut
Drive chain slack: 2. Locknut
3. Drive chain slack adjusting bolt
10 - 15 mm 4. Distance

3. After running the rear wheel forward

occur else where in the free play chain: it
must be constan.

6 - 22
Periodic maintenance and adjustment

Cleaning and lubricating the drive 2. Wipe the drive chain dry.
NOTICE chain 3. Thoroughly lubricate the drive chain
with a special O-ring chain lubricant.
Incorrect transmission chain tension The drive chain must be cleaned and lu-
will overload the engine and other vital bricated at the intervals specified in the
parts of the motorcycle, and it may cau- periodic maintenance and lubrication
se the chain to slip or break. To stop this chart, otherwise it will quickly wear out, EN
from happening, keep the transmission especially when riding in dusty or wet are- NOTICE
chain tension within the specified limi- as. Service the drive chain as follows.
ts. Do not use engine oil or any other lubri- 6
Make sure that the distance is the same cants for the drive chain, as they may
for the left and right sides of the swin- contain substances that could damage
garm. the O-rings.
4. Tighten the wheel pin nut, keeping the The drive chain must be lubricated
slides on the adjustment devices and lock after washing the motorcycle, riding in
nuts. the rain or riding in wet areas.

Tightening torques: 1. Clean the drive chain with kerosene and

Axle nut: a small soft brush.
100 N · m
20 N · m
To prevent damaging the O-rings, do
not clean the drive chain with steam
cleaners, high-pressure washers or
inappropriate solvents.

6 - 23
Periodic maintenance and adjustment

Checking and lubricating the Checking and lubricating the Checking and lubricating the brake
cables throttle grip and cable and shift pedals
The operation of all control cables and the The operation of the throttle grip should The operation of the brake and shift pe-
condition of the cables should be checked be checked before each ride. In addition, dals should be checked before each ride,
before each ride, and the cables and cable the cable should be lubricated by a Benelli and the pedal pivots should be lubricated
EN ends should be lubricated if necessary. dealer at the intervals specified in the pe- if necessary.
If a cable is damaged or does not move riodic maintenance chart.
smoothly, have a Benelli dealer check or The throttle cable is equipped with a rub-
6 replace it. ber cover. Make sure that the cover is se- Brake pedal
curely installed. Even though the cover is
installed correctly, it does not completely
protect the cable from water entry.
Therefore, use care not to pour water di-
WARNING rectly onto the cover or cable when wa-
shing the vehicle. If the cable or cover be-
Damage to the outer housing of cables comes dirty, wipe clean with a moist cloth.
may result in internal rusting and cause
interference with cable movement.
Replace damaged cables as soon as
possible to prevent unsafe conditions.

6 - 24
Periodic maintenance and adjustment
Shift pedal Checking and lubricating the brake Clutch lever
and clutch levers
The operation of the brake and clutch le-
vers should be checked before each ride,
and the lever pivots should be lubricated
if necessary. EN

Brake lever 6

Recommended lubricant: Recommended lubricant:

Lithium-soap-based grease Brake lever:
Silicone grease
Clutch lever:
Silicone grease

6 - 25
Periodic maintenance and adjustment

Checking and lubricating the Checking the front fork

sidestand WARNING
The condition and operation of the front
The operation of the sidestand should Do not use the vehicle with the side fork must be checked as follows at the
be checked before each ride, and the pi- stand lowered, or if it cannot be li- intervals specified in the periodic mainte-
vots and metal-to-metal contact surfaces fted correctly (or if it will not stay up), nance and lubrication chart.
EN should be lubricated if necessary. otherwise the side stand might not
touch ground and distract the rider
with the resulting possibility of losing To check the condition
6 control of the bike. Check the inner tubes for scratches, da-
The cut-out ignition circuit has been mage and excessive oil leakage.
designed to ensure the rider raises the
side stand before putting the motor-
cycle in movement. Therefore, we ask To check the operation
that you check this system regularly, as 1. Place the vehicle on a flat surface and
described below, and have it repaired keep it upright.
by a Benelli dealer if it does not opera-
te correctly.

To avoid injury, securely support the
vehicle so there is no danger of it fal-
TIP ling over.

The switch built into the side stand is part

of the ignition circuit cut-out system that 2. While applying the front brake, push
cuts out the ignition in certain situations. down hard on the handlebars several ti-
mes to check if the front fork compresses
and rebounds smoothly.

6 - 26
Periodic maintenance and adjustment

Checking the steering 2. Hold the lower ends of the front fork
legs and try to move them forward and
Worn or loose steering bearings may cau- backward. If any free play can be felt, have
se danger. Therefore, the operation of the a Benelli dealer check or repair the stee-
steering must be checked as follows at the ring.
intervals specified in the periodic mainte-
nance and lubrication chart. EN

1. Place the vehicle on a flat surface and 6

keep it upright.

To avoid injury, securely support the
vehicle so there is no danger of it fal-
NOTICE ling over.
If any damage is found or the front fork
does not operate smoothly, have a Be-
nelli dealer check or repair it.

6 - 27
Periodic maintenance and adjustment

Checking the wheel bearings Battery

The battery is located under the saddle.
To access the battery, remove the saddle •• Electrolyte is poisonous and dan-
in both parts and unscrew the screws (1) gerous since it contains sulfuric
of the battery cover (2). acid, which causes severe burns.
EN Avoid any contact with skin, eyes
or clothing and always shield your
eyes when working near batteries.
6 1 1 In case of contact, amnister the
following FIRST AID.
•• EXTERNAL: Flush with plenty
of water.
•• INTERNAL: Drink large quan-
1 tities of water or milk and im-
2 mediately call a physician.
•• EYES: Flush with water for
The front and rear wheel bearings must 15 minutes and seek prompt
be checked at the intervals specified in medical attention.
the periodic maintenance and lubrication •• Batteries produce explosive hy-
chart. If there is play in the wheel hub or drogen gas. Therefore, keep spar-
if the wheel does not turn smoothly, have This model is equipped with a VRLA (Valve ks, flames, cigarettes, etc., away
a Benelli dealer check the wheel bearings. Regulated Lead Acid) battery. from the battery and provide suf-
There is no need to check the electrolyte ficient ventilation when charging
or to add distilled water. it in an enclosed space.
However, the battery lead connections •• KEEP THIS AND ALL BATTERIES
need to be checked and, if necessary, ti- OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN.

6 - 28
Periodic maintenance and adjustment
To charge the battery To remove the battery: 2. If the battery will be stored for more
Have a Benelli dealer charge the battery 1. First remove the negative pole and than two months, check it at least once a
as soon as possible if it seems to have di- then the positive pole, then remove the month and fully charge it if necessary.
scharged. Keep in mind that the battery 4 screws and lift the mounting bracket to 3. Fully charge the battery before installa-
tends to discharge more quickly if the remove the battery. tion.
vehicle is equipped with optional electri-
cal accessories. EN
2 3 NOTICE 6
NOTICE 4 When installing the battery, be sure the
key is turned to “ ”, then connect the
To charge a VRLA (Valve Regulated positive lead before connecting the ne-
Lead Acid) battery, a special (constant- 1 gative lead.
voltage) battery charger is required.
Using a conventional battery charger 4. After installation, make sure that the
will damage the battery. battery leads are properly connected to
the battery terminals.

1. Negative pole
To store the battery 2. Positive pole
1. If the vehicle will not be used for more 3. Battery
than one month, remove the battery, fully 4. Rubber band NOTICE
charge it, and then place it in a cool, dry
place. Always keep the battery charged.
Storing a discharged battery can cause
NOTICE permanent battery damage.

When removing the battery, be sure

the key is turned to “ ”, then discon-
nect the negative lead before discon-
necting the positive lead.

6 - 29
Periodic maintenance and adjustment

Replacing the fuses

The fuse boxes and individual fuses are lo-
cated under the passenger seat. Do not use a fuse of a higher amperage
To access fuse box and the main fuse re- rating than recommended to avoid cau-
move the passenger seat. (See page 3-14). sing extensive damage to the electrical
EN system and possibly a fire.

6 Without Headlight Switch








If a fuse is blown, replace it as follows. 15A 15A

1. Turn the key to “ ” and turn off the 10A
electrical circuit in question.
2. Remove the blown fuse, and then install
a new fuse of the specified amperage.

3. Turn the key to “ ” and turn on the

electrical circuit in question to check if the
device operates.
4. If the fuse immediately blows again,
have a Benelli dealer check the electrical

6 - 30
Periodic maintenance and adjustment

Brake/tail light and the turn signal light Auxiliary lights

This model is equipped with LED-type This model is equipped with LED-type au-
headlights and LED-type turn signal light. xiliary lights.
If a headlight and turn signal light does If an auxiliary light does not come on,
not come on, check the fuses and then have a Benelli dealer check the vehicle.
have a Benelli dealer check the vehicle. EN

2 2

1. Brake/tail light
2. Turn signal light

6 - 31
Periodic maintenance and adjustment

Although Benelli motorcycles receive a
thorough inspection before shipment When checking the fuel system, do not
from the factory, trouble may occur du- smoke, and make sure there are not
ring operation. open flames or sparks in the area, in-
EN Any problem in the fuel, compression, or cluding pilot lights from water heaters
ignition systems, for example, can cause or furnaces.
poor starting and loss of power. Gasoline or gasoline vapors can ignite
6 The following troubleshooting charts re- or explode, causing severe injury or
present quick and easy procedures for property damage.
checking these vital systems yourself.
However, should your motorcycle require
any repair, take it to a Benelli dealer, who-
se skilled technicians have the necessary
tools, experience, and know-how to servi-
ce the motorcycle properly.
Use only genuine Benelli replacement
Imitation parts may look like Benelli parts,
but they are often inferior, have a shorter
service life and can lead to expensive re-
pair bills.

6 - 32
Periodic maintenance and adjustment

Troubleshooting charts
Starting problems or poor engine performance

1. Fuel
There is enough fuel. Check the battery.
Check the fuel level in EN
the fuel tank.
The engine does not start.
There is no fuel. Supply fuel.
Check the battery. 6

2. Battery The engine turns over

The battery is good.
The engine does not start.
Operate the electric starter.
Check the battery lead connections, Check the ignition.
The engine turns over
and have a Benelli dealer charge
the battery if necessary.

3. Ignition
Wet Operate the electric starter.
spark plug gaps, or replace the spark plugs.
Remove the spark plugs
and check the electrodes.
The engine does not start.
Dry Have a Benelli dealer check the vehicle.
Check the compression.

4. Compression The engine does not start.

There is compression.
Have a Benelli dealer check the vehicle.
Operate the electric starter.

There is no compression. Have a Benelli dealer check the vehicle.

6 - 33
Periodic maintenance and adjustment
Engine overheating

•• Do not remove the radiator cap when the engine and radiator are hot. Scalding hot fluid and steam may be blown out under
EN pressure, which could cause serious injury. Be sure to wait until the engine has cooled.
•• Place a thick rag, like a towel, over the radiator cap, and then slowly rotate the cap counterclockwise to the detent to allow
any residual pressure to escape.
6 •• When the hissing sound has stopped, press down on the cap while turning it counterclockwise, and then remove the cap.

There is Have a Benelli dealer check

The coolant level is low. leakage. and repair the cooling system.
Check the cooling system
for leakage.
There is
Add coolant. (See TIP.)
Wait until the Check the coolant level in the no leakage.
engine has cooled. reservoir and radiator.

The coolant level Start the engine. If the engine overheats again, have a
is OK. Benelli dealer check and repair the cooling system.

If coolant is not available, tap water can be temporarily used instead, provided that it is changed to the recommended coolant as soon as

6 - 34
Motorcycle care and storage

Matte color caution Care Cleaning

While the open design of a motorcycle re-

veals the attractiveness of the technology,
NOTICE it also makes it more vulnerable. NOTICE
Rust and corrosion can develop even if hi-
gh-quality components are used. •• Avoid using strong acidic wheel EN
Some models are equipped with matte cleaners, especially on spoked
colored finished parts. Be sure to con- A rusty exhaust pipe may go unnoticed on
a car, however, it detracts from the overall wheels. If such products are used
sult a Benelli dealer for advice on what on hard-to-remove dirt, do not 7
products to use before cleaning the appearance of a motorcycle.
Frequent and proper care does not only leave the cleaner on the affected
vehicle. area any longer than instructed.
Using a brush, harsh chemical products comply with the terms of the warranty,
but it will also keep your motorcycle lo- Also, thoroughly rinse the area
or cleaning compounds when cleaning off with water, immediately dry
these parts will scratch or damage their oking good, extend its life and optimize
its performance. it, and then apply a corrosion pro-
surface. Wax also should not be applied tection spray.
to any matte colored finished parts. •• Improper cleaning can damage
Before cleaning plastic parts (such as cowlings,
1. Cover the muffler outlet with a plastic panels, windshields, headlight
bag after the engine has cooled down. lenses, meter lenses, etc.) and the
2. Make sure that all caps and covers as mufflers. Use only a soft, clean
well as all electrical couplers and connec- cloth or sponge with water to cle-
tors, including the spark plug caps, are ti- an plastic. However, if the plastic
ghtly installed. parts cannot be thoroughly clea-
3. Remove extremely stubborn dirt, like ned with water, diluted mild de-
oil burnt onto the crankcase, with a de- tergent with water may be used.
greasing agent and a brush, but never Be sure to rinse off any detergent
apply such products onto seals, gaskets, residue using plenty of water, as it
sprockets, the drive chain and wheel ax- is harmful to plastic parts.
les. Always rinse the dirt and degreaser off •• Do not use any harsh chemical
with water. products on plastic parts. Be sure
to avoid using cloths or sponges
which have been in contact with
strong or abrasive cleaning pro-
ducts, solvent or thinner, fuel

Motorcycle care and storage
(gasoline), rust removers or inhi- After riding in the rain, near the sea or on After cleaning
bitors, brake fluid, antifreeze or salt-sprayed roads 1. Dry the motorcycle with a chamois or
electrolyte. Since sea salt or salt sprayed on roads an absorbing cloth.
•• Do not use high-pressure washers during winter are extremely corrosive in 2. Immediately dry the drive chain and lu-
or steam-jet cleaners since they combination with water, carry out the bricate it to prevent it from rusting.
cause water seepage and deterio- following steps after each ride in the rain, 3. Use a chrome polish to shine chrome,
EN ration in the following areas: seals near the sea or on salt-sprayed roads. aluminum and stainless-steel parts, inclu-
(of wheel and swingarm bearings, ding the exhaust system. (Even the ther-
fork and brakes), electric compo- mally induced discoloring of stainless-
7 nents (couplers, connectors, in- steel exhaust systems can be removed
struments, switches and lights), TIP through polishing.)
breather hoses and vents. 4. To prevent corrosion, it is recommen-
•• For motorcycles equipped with a Salt sprayed on roads in the winter may ded to apply a corrosion protection spray
windshield: Do not use strong cle- remain well into spring. on all metal, including chrome and nickel
aners or hard sponges as they will plated, surfaces.
cause dulling or scratching. Some 5. Use spray oil as a universal cleaner to
cleaning compounds for plastic remove any remaining dirt.
may leave scratches on the wind- 1. Clean the motorcycle with cold water 6. Touch up minor paint damage caused
shield. Test the product on a small and a mild detergent, after the engine has by stones, etc.
hidden part of the windshield to cooled down. 7. Wax all painted surfaces.
make sure that it does not leave 8. Let the motorcycle dry completely be-
any marks. If the windshield is fore storing or covering it.
scratched, use a quality plastic po-
lishing compound after washing.
After normal use Do not use warm water since it increa- WARNING
Remove dirt with warm water, a mild de- ses the corrosive action of the salt
tergent, and a soft, clean sponge, and then Contaminants on the brakes or tires
rinse thoroughly with clean water. Use a can cause loss of control.
toothbrush or bottlebrush for hard-to-re- •• Make sure that there is no oil or
ach areas. Stubborn dirt and insects will Apply a corrosion protection spray on all wax on the brakes or tires.
come off more easily if the area is covered metal, including chrome- and nickel-pla- •• If necessary, clean the brake discs
with a wet cloth for a few minutes before ted, surfaces to prevent corrosion. and brake linings with a regular
cleaning. brake disc cleaner or acetone, and

Motorcycle care and storage
wash the tires with warm water Storage Long-term
and a mild detergent. Before ri- Before storing your motorcycle for several
ding at higher speeds, test the Short-term months:
motorcycle’s braking performan- Always store your motorcycle in a cool, dry •• Follow all the instructions in the
ce and cornering behavior. place and, if necessary, protect it against “Care” section of this chapter.
dust with a porous cover. Be sure the engi- •• Fill up the fuel tank and add fuel sta-
ne and the exhaust system are cool before bilizer (if available) to prevent the EN
covering the motorcycle. fuel tank from rusting and the fuel
NOTICE from deteriorating.
•• Perform the following steps to pro- 7
•• Apply spray oil and wax sparin- tect the cylinders, piston rings, etc.
gly and make sure to wipe off any from corrosion.
excess. NOTICE •• Remove the spark plug caps
•• Never apply oil or wax to any rub- and spark plugs.
ber and plastic parts, but treat •• Storing the motorcycle in a poor- •• Pour a teaspoonful of engine
them with a suitable care product. ly ventilated room or covering it oil into each spark plug bore.
•• Avoid using abrasive polishing with a tarp, while it is still wet, will •• Install the spark plug caps onto
compounds as they will wear away allow water and humidity to seep the spark plugs, and then place
the paint. in and cause rust. the spark plugs on the cylinder
•• To prevent corrosion, avoid damp head so that the electrodes are
cellars, stables (because of the grounded. (This will limit spar-
presence of ammonia) and areas king during the next step.)
TIP where strong chemicals are sto- •• Turn the engine over several
red. times with the starter. (This will
•• Consult a Benelli dealer for advice on coat the cylinder walls with oil.)
what products to use.
•• Washing, rainy weather or humid cli-
mates can cause the headlight lens
to fog. Turning the headlight on for a
short period of time will help remo-
ve the moisture from the lens.

Motorcycle care and storage

To prevent damage or injury from spar- Make any necessary repairs before storing
king, make sure to ground the spark the motorcycle.
plug electrodes while turning the engi-
EN ne over.

7 •• Remove the spark plug caps

from the spark plugs, and then
install the spark plugs and the
spark plug caps.
•• Lubricate all control cables and the
pivoting points of all levers and pe-
dals as well as of the sidestand
•• Check and, if necessary, correct the
tire air pressure, and then lift the
motorcycle so that both of its whe-
els are off the ground. Alternatively,
turn the wheels a little every month
in order to prevent the tires from be-
coming degraded in one spot.
•• Cover the muffler outlet with a pla-
stic bag to prevent moisture from
entering it.
•• Remove the battery and fully char-
ge it. Store it in a cool, dry place and
charge it once a month. Do not store
the battery in an excessively cold or
warm place. For more information
on storing the battery, see page


Dimensions: Starting system: Fuel consumption:

Overall length: Electric starter 2,5 l/100 km
2070 mm Lubrication system: CO² emissions:
Overall width: Forced wet sump 57 g/km
840 mm
Overall height:
1300 mm Spark plug(s): EN
Wheelbase: Manufacturer/model:
1390 mm Engine oil: NGK CR8E
Seat height: Recommended brand: Spark plug gap: 8
800 mm API SJ 10W/50 JASO - MA CC MC G4 0.7–0.8 mm
SAE viscosity grades:
Weight: Recommended engine oil grade:
Curb weight: JASO - MA CC MC G4 Clutch:
176 kg Engine oil quantity: Clutch type:
Oil change: Wet
Engine: With oil filter removal:
Combustion cycle: 1,4 L Transmission:
4-stroke Final drive:
Cooling system: Chain
liquid cooled Air filter: Transmission type:
Valve train: Air filter element: Constant mesh 6-speed
DOHC Paper filtering element
Cylinder arrangement:
Number of cylinders: Fuel: Chassis:
Monocylinders Recommended fuel: Frame type:
Displacement: Premium unleaded gasoline (Gasohol Trellis pipes with steel plates
249 cm3 [E10] acceptable)
Bore x stroke: Fuel tank capacity:
Ø72 x 61,2 mm 18 L ± 0.5L
Compression ratio: Fuel reserve amount:
11,2 : 1 2L


Front tire: Rear wheel: Rear suspension:

Type: Wheel type: Type:
Tubeless Alluminium alloy Swinging swingarm with central shock
Size: Rim size: absorber.
110/70 - R17 17” x MT 4,00” DOT Rear shock absorber travel:
60 mm
Rear tire: Front brake: Electrical system:
Type: Type: System voltage:
8 Tubeless Single floating disc ø 280 mm 12 V
Size: with 4 gripper pistons and ABS Ignition system:
150/60 - R17 Ø Disc: ECU - DELPHI MT05
280 mm Charging system:
Specified brake fluid: AC magneto
Loading: DOT 4
Maximum load:
191 Kg Battery:
* (Total weight of rider, passenger, cargo Rear brake: Model:
and accessories) Type: YTX7L-BS
Single disc ø 240 mm with single Voltage, capacity:
piston floating caliper and ABS 12V 6Ah
Tire air pressure (measured on Ø Disc:
cold tires): 240 mm
Front: Specified brake fluid:
220 ± 10 kPa DOT 4
250 ± 10 kPa

Front suspension:
Front wheel: Fork upside- down ø 41 mm
Wheel type: Shock absorber:
Alluminium alloy Hydraulic damper
Rim size: Wheel travel:
17 x 3.50 DOT 135 mm


Bulb wattage: Fuse(s):

Headlight: Fan fuse:
LED12V 11/8.6W 10.0 A
Brake/tail light: Fuel pump fuse:
LED12V1.9W - 0,7 W 10.0 A
Front turn signal light: ABS fuse:
LED 12V 3.6W 10.0 A EN
Rear turn signal light: ECU Fuse:
LED 12V 3.6W 15.0 A
Meter lighting: ABS fuse: 8
LED 12V 2W 15.0 A
Neutral indicator light: Power lock Fuse:
LED 25.0 A
HIght beam indicator light:
12V 2W
Turn signal indicator light:
12V 3,6 W
12 V 3 A


Electric System

Intake air
Intake air pressure sensor
Startup switch tempeature sensor Carbon canister
Lamp control switch Battery Coolant
Rear Front Relay solenoid valve
Turn lamp switch Engine stop Fuse box temperature Speed
Horn brake brake Idle speed Throttle sensor Oxygen Fuel pump sensor1
switch Scanner
switch switch switch Fuel
Power control valve sensor sensor Injector Speed
Indicate ECU locks ABS1 ABS2
COLOR CODE Main pump

Black B 30A 10A 10A 15A 25A 15A 10A
Blue BL
blue B/O

Brown N Y/W W/Y B/BL B/BL W/N B/R W/Gr R/G B/BL LBL/R B/R B P/W N/O Gr/R B R

Green G

Orange O

Yellow Y

Red R

Pink LR

White W R/P


Purple Diagnostic tool

Gray Gr R/N

Light LG
G/W Right turn lamp
Right turn lamp N/W

B B lamp


Left turn lamp


Position Lamp

Left turn lamp B License
plate lamp

Horn N


B Gr/W B B

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Flasher 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Rectifier J1 J2
Fuel level
sensor Engine
Fan Headlamp Fuel pump stop switch Ignition coil
Fan relay Key switch Main relay relay
>98℃ controller Magnetor
coolant temperature switch Headlamp relay
Clutch switch


Consumer information

Identification numbers Vehicle identification number Engine serial number

Record the vehicle identification number,

engine serial number, and the model label
information in the spaces provided below.
These identification numbers are needed
when registering the vehicle with the au- EN
thorities in your area and when ordering
spare parts from a Benelli dealer.


The identification number of the vehicle is The engine serial number is punched on
punched on the steering head; this num- the engine casing, to the right side of the
ber is registered with the relevant authori- rider and is the construction serial num-
ENGINE SERIAL NUMBER: ties for the area concerned. ber of the engine.
Record this number in the space provided. Record this number in the space provided.


Consumer information
Model label Diagnostic connector Vehicle data recording
This model’s ECU stores certain vehicle
data to assist in the diagnosis of malfun-
ctions and for research and development
EN This data will be uploaded only when a
special Benelli diagnostic tool is attached
to the vehicle, such as when maintenance
9 checks or service procedures are perfor-

Although the sensors and recorded data

will vary by model, the main data points
Diagnostic Connector are:
•• Vehicle status and engine perfor-
mance data
The label of the model is applied to The diagnostic connector is located as •• Fuel-injection and emission-related
the left side of the steering head. shown. data
Record the information on this label
in the space provided. This informa- Benelli will not disclose this data to a third
tion will be needed when ordering party except:
spare parts from a Benelli dealer. •• With the consent of the vehicle ow-
•• Where obligated by law
•• For use by Benelli in litigation
•• For general Benelli-conducted rese-
arch purposes when the data is not
related to an individual vehicle nor

Any changes to the ID number stamped

on the frame or engine will automati-
cally render the warranty null and void.

Regular maintenance coupons

COUPON N. 1 - ....................

Model/Cubic capacity Dealer’s stamp

Frame number, in full EN

Km travelled


Responsibility of the dealer
The vehicle has been inspected, following all of the operations envisaged in the
maintenance plan.

Responsibility of the dealer

Signature The service was continued to full satisfaction.

Date Firma

This service involves (C= Checks / S= Replacement)

□ Rear shock absorber □ Air Filter □ Accelerator dial

□ Spark plugs □ Oil filter □ Exhaust and discharge
□ Transmission chain □ Rear brake □ Swingarm oil
□ Side stand □ Front brake □ Engine oil
□ Fuel circuit □ Valve clearance □ Tyres
□ Wheel bearings □ Brake fluid □ Bolt tightness
□ Steering bearings □ Cooling Fluid □ Fuel pipes
□ Lights, signals and switches □ System ABS
10 - 1
Regular maintenance coupons

COUPON N. 2 - ....................

Model/Cubic capacity Dealer’s stamp

EN Frame number, in full

Km travelled


Responsibility of the dealer
The vehicle has been inspected, following all of the operations envisaged in the
maintenance plan.

Responsibility of the dealer

Signature The service was continued to full satisfaction.

Date Firma

This service involves (C= Checks / S= Replacement)

□ Rear shock absorber □ Air Filter □ Accelerator dial

□ Spark plugs □ Oil filter □ Exhaust and discharge
□ Transmission chain □ Rear brake □ Swingarm oil
□ Side stand □ Front brake □ Engine oil
□ Fuel circuit □ Valve clearance □ Tyres
□ Wheel bearings □ Brake fluid □ Bolt tightness
□ Steering bearings □ Cooling Fluid □ Fuel pipes
□ Lights, signals and switches □ System ABS
10 - 2
Regular maintenance coupons

COUPON N. 3 - ....................

Model/Cubic capacity Dealer’s stamp

Frame number, in full EN

Km travelled


Responsibility of the dealer
The vehicle has been inspected, following all of the operations envisaged in the
maintenance plan.

Responsibility of the dealer

Signature The service was continued to full satisfaction.

Date Firma

This service involves (C= Checks / S= Replacement)

□ Rear shock absorber □ Air Filter □ Accelerator dial

□ Spark plugs □ Oil filter □ Exhaust and discharge
□ Transmission chain □ Rear brake □ Swingarm oil
□ Side stand □ Front brake □ Engine oil
□ Fuel circuit □ Valve clearance □ Tyres
□ Wheel bearings □ Brake fluid □ Bolt tightness
□ Steering bearings □ Cooling Fluid □ Fuel pipes
□ Lights, signals and switches □ System ABS
10 - 3
Regular maintenance coupons

COUPON N. 4 - ....................

Model/Cubic capacity Dealer’s stamp

EN Frame number, in full

Km travelled


Responsibility of the dealer
The vehicle has been inspected, following all of the operations envisaged in the
maintenance plan.

Responsibility of the dealer

Signature The service was continued to full satisfaction.

Date Firma

This service involves (C= Checks / S= Replacement)

□ Rear shock absorber □ Air Filter □ Accelerator dial

□ Spark plugs □ Oil filter □ Exhaust and discharge
□ Transmission chain □ Rear brake □ Swingarm oil
□ Side stand □ Front brake □ Engine oil
□ Fuel circuit □ Valve clearance □ Tyres
□ Wheel bearings □ Brake fluid □ Bolt tightness
□ Steering bearings □ Cooling Fluid □ Fuel pipes
□ Lights, signals and switches □ System ABS
10 - 4
Regular maintenance coupons

COUPON N. 5 - ....................

Model/Cubic capacity Dealer’s stamp

Frame number, in full EN

Km travelled


Responsibility of the dealer
The vehicle has been inspected, following all of the operations envisaged in the
maintenance plan.

Responsibility of the dealer

Signature The service was continued to full satisfaction.

Date Firma

This service involves (C= Checks / S= Replacement)

□ Rear shock absorber □ Air Filter □ Accelerator dial

□ Spark plugs □ Oil filter □ Exhaust and discharge
□ Transmission chain □ Rear brake □ Swingarm oil
□ Side stand □ Front brake □ Engine oil
□ Fuel circuit □ Valve clearance □ Tyres
□ Wheel bearings □ Brake fluid □ Bolt tightness
□ Steering bearings □ Cooling Fluid □ Fuel pipes
□ Lights, signals and switches □ System ABS
10 - 5

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