How Video Games Affect Basic Human Motor Skills

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How video games affect basic human motor skills

Written by: Maria Cristina Lolos

Video games are of demand most especially to this generation. There are a lot of
users and gamers who play video games about 20 hours or should I say, consuming their
whole day. Not only adults but children under 18 years of age are affected by this kind of
phenomena and it literally affects their motor skills.

Video games are addictive, its radiation affects the eyes so if you are playing in
everyday basis, there’s a high chance of you being blind. Since it is addicting, it affects their
behaviors, attitudes and perceptions in life. Sometimes the child forgets to respect their
elders, saying bad words when they lose, being so stubborn and not doing their
responsibilities because they say that they find comfort and it lessen their stress when they
are playing but personally speaking, there are other ways for you be less stress like
listening to music and watching TV.

It can also make you too lazy in doing things like spending your time playing rather
than studying will affect your academic performance in school and can lead to low grades
and failed of subjects. It can also make you unhealthy because you lack sleep and your body
actually reacts to how you behave.

Although video games do not only affect us negatively, there are circumstances that
it can help you positively, like playing video games can actually enhance your cognitive
abilities. It can boost your cognitive thinking especially if you are playing games that are
educational or can improve your thinking such as puzzles, solving logical questions, etc.

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