Athletes With Their Mental Health?". From Recent Topics of Athletes Ending Their Lives, and
Athletes With Their Mental Health?". From Recent Topics of Athletes Ending Their Lives, and
Athletes With Their Mental Health?". From Recent Topics of Athletes Ending Their Lives, and
Kaela May
ENG 1201
Mr. Hellmers
20 March 2022
Throughout the whole college athlete community in general recently there has been a
huge push for more awareness within colleges and other athletes with not just physical health,
but more importantly mental health. The overarching question is “How are Colleges Helping
Athletes With Their Mental health?”. From recent topics of athletes ending their lives, and
stories from the past and relevant future, I feel like there is a push currently to make sure all
athletes are okay, mentally. Making my question even bigger, HOW are people helping? Or is
this just something we are going to be pushing under the rug, again?
Mental health has been getting addressed over and over again by athletes, some are even
coming out and telling their own stories. “Over the past few years, athletes from various sports
have courageously shared their personal experiences in regard to mental health..” (Gunter). “the
former USC men’s basketball star said during a panel discussion on college athlete mental
health” (Lindberg). One not starting in specific details about who has spoken out about mental
health, the other quoting starts from DeMar DeRozan, a USC alumni. There are numbers
everywhere about how many people are suffering. “Though nearly 30% of those elite athletes
reach out for assistance, college athletes only seek help 10% of the time” (Burt). “Among
professional athletes, data shows that up to 35% of elite athletes suffer from a mental health
May 2
crisis which may manifest as stress, eating disorders, burnout, or depression and anxiety”
Hearing about real athletes talking about the struggles they went through is actually very
surreal to hear. “THIS DEPRESSION get the best of me…” (Lindberg). An actual tweet by
DeMar DeRozan. Then, “We’re inspired by athletes such as Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps,
USC Volleyball player Victoria Garrick, NBA player Kevin Love and those who are telling their
stories and inspiring others to seek help to support the cause” (Mental Health & Athletes). More
and more people have started to come out and tell their stories about their own mental health
There are even more working numbers, “Mental illness affects 20% of Americans at
some time in their lives, and athletes are not immune” (Burt). “According to Baylor’s Student-
Athlete Mental Health Services, 30% of the 670 student-athletes on campus have experienced
overwhelming anxiety, while 25% of student-athletes report being exhausted from the mental
demands of their sport” (Cooley). While more and more numbers are coming out whether it be
nationally or within a singular college, but the numbers are remotely the same and sharing the
same cause, athletes are getting put under stress and not seeking medical help to be okay.
Throughout the sources, there are different ways they are coming to the audience to get
what they need across. Some are using actual athletes' stories, others are using actual numbers
and data to prove their point. Both are working in the best ways possible to bring awareness to
this topic. The sources using more of the athletes perspective are getting more into the head of
the athlete and not just the surface. While the sources with the numbers are giving you the raw
data that you cannot refuse and have to ingest what they give you.
May 3
Works Cited
Burt, Chris. “Mental health care support crucial for college athletes.” University Business, 2020.
Cooley, Marquis. “More than Just Athletes: Mental Health Importance Grows in College Sports |
Gunter, Kensa K. “Athletes and Mental Health: A Long-Overdue Conversation.” The Wall Street
Lindberg, Eric. “How USC Student-Athletes Strengthen Their Game through Mental Health.”