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Convince Me

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Amaris Ricci - CONVINCE ME

Amaris Ricci

© Copyright Amaris Ricci 2014

Amaris Ricci - CONVINCE ME

Chapter ONE

Kay Cee sat in her wheelchair and watched as her close friends who lived nearby
leave to go partying. That used to be her. The car she was driving was side swept
on a wet road by a SUV and she lost mobility from the waist down. Her insurance
covered all her medical bills and she received a pay-out from the owner of the
SUV – Sergio Mollinero – 2.5million dollars. He wanted to give her more but his
lawyer advised against it.

“The girl can't walk, it's not enough. I want a file on her ten minutes ago.” They
handed him a green folder. “She has a loan from the bank, pay it off. Give her a
vehicle with a wheelchair lift. The house has a mortgage, pay it off and transfer the
“Sir, that's not within the court ruling.”
“Non me ne fregauncazzo! She can‟t work, how can you put a fair amount on that,
Christ she‟s only 25. Give her an account for the supermarket nearest to her, she
can order her groceries online and give her a personal chef. That's it for now. Keep
me updated on her progress.”

Kay Cee was blown away by the generousity, so she paid Sergio a visit to thank

“Well hello Miss Finnegan, it's nice to see you out and about. What can I do for
you? Was everything satisfactory?”
“Why?” It was a simple question but loaded with so much and the fact that Sergio
knew why she asked blew her away.
“My mother was injured in a car accident and she got nothing, no insurance, pay
out, nothing. It broke my family and her heart. I vowed if I was ever responsible
for anything like that I would make sure the other party was compensated.” He
stared at her face for a minute.

“You have beautiful eyes.”

“Thank you but no man will see past them, my partner who I had been with for 5
years told me I'm useless now. I just needed to know what was behind all the
things you did. Thank you for everything, have a good day now.”

Amaris Ricci - CONVINCE ME

"I beg to differ, you are a beautiful young lady anyone with eyes can see that. The
court case is settled now and don't take this the wrong way. Would you like to go
out on a date with me? I promise I will be a gentleman at all times." Sergio
flashed a smile that would combust granite.

"Me? I'm in a wheel chair, what can we possibly do?"

"Leave that up to me. Is that a yes?"
"Do you pity me that much?"
"Kay Cee Finnegan, when I hit your car, you may not remember but I got out of
my car and rushed to your side. When I saw you I said you were a wonderful
creature. So in any other circumstance and we had met, I would date you and
make you my wife and give you 4 children."

K.C blushed.
"One of the things I admire about you is the way you handled everything. You
understood that I did not mean to hit you and didn't try to clean me out. That's also
one of the reasons I did those things outside of the court ruling. For me there is no
amount of money I could give you that would make up for that accident but if you
give me a chance, I can make the smile on that beautiful face appear more often."

"One date Mr. Mollinero."

"Deal. I will pick you up tonight at 6, wear jeans and a halter top oh and sandals."
"I am already intrigued. See you at 6 Mr. Mollinero."
"Sergio honey." His voice dropped and sounded like a caress across her hear

K.C left Mollinero Headquarters and her driver loaded her into the van and took
her home.

At 6 on the dot she was ready and waiting. 6:30 came and no Sergio. 7 came and
no Sergio. She was about to go take her clothes off when she heard a vehicle in the
driveway. A knock on the door and Maddi answered. Two minutes later there he
was larger than life and Maddi let him in, smiling at him sweetly. She was a
sucker for a sexy face and a suit.

Amaris Ricci - CONVINCE ME

"Good evening Kay Cee, first let me apologise for being late, I had a meeting at 5
and it ran until 6:30 and I didn‟t have time to go home and change. I came straight
from work as you can see."
"I thought you didn't want to be seen with me and didn‟t have the heart to call and
"Honey, you will learn this very quickly about me. I don't give a rat's ass who sees
us together. I asked you out and even though my plans have changed, you are
coming with me. Where is your aid?"
"She is in her room."
"Tell her you are leaving and not to wait up for you. Is there anything you need to
take with you?"
"No, I have all I need."

"Good, go say goodnight and let's go." Sergio stood at full height and waited for
K.C to return.
He wheeled her out to her van and loaded her into it. He got into the driver's seat
and pull away. K.C sat in silence the whole time and watched as the city flew by.
The van turned into a quieter part of town and when the house came into view, she
couldn't help but gawk.

It looked like a 20th century mansion with storey high pillars, 2 huge oak doors
with two heavy steel door knockers. The gardens were landscaped to perfection
and there was even a maze, if you please.

"Oh wow, this is beautiful."

"Just like you."
"You're just saying that Mr. Mollinero."
"If you call me that one more time I am going take you out of that chair and dunk
you in the duck pond."
"You wouldn't."
"Try me honey, just try me."

K.C giggled softly. Sergio pulled up under the carport and the foyer door was
opened by a warm faced gentleman dressed in jeans and a polo shirt.

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"Sir, I wasn't expecting you until later, would you like me to have dinner
"Something quick and easy. Kay Cee, what would you like?"
"Me, I eat anything on my plate."

Milton laughed. For the first time since he started working for Sergio here was a
woman who wasn't afraid of food.

"Wait, your name is Kay Cee? As in Finnegan?"

"Yes did I do something wrong? I hope not, I can't run from the cops."

Milton belted out a laugh and so did Sergio.

"Oh sir I can see it now. Come you two, I will make my best cheese n chips.
Would you like me to take her inside while you freshen up Sir?"
"I'm tempted to say no, I may come back and be girlfriendless." He winked at
"Ah in my younger days and she is too beautiful to be saddled with false teeth,
arthritic knees and a rubber pace maker."
"Why does that not make me feel any better? Kay Cee, I leave you in the capable
hands of Milton."

"Okay." Sergio left and went to take a cold shower. K.C smelt heavenly and the
jeans were hugging her hips and he could see the swell of her breasts as she
laughed and talked with Milton. He was as hard as rock and had been hiding it
with his laptop bag. He was tempted to relieve himself but he would rather wait
until he was making love to that glorious body. The image of her laying in his bed,
legs wrapped around him as he thrust into her was not helping at all.

"Get a grip Sergio, with your way of thinking you will scare her to the depths of
hell and back."

He managed to finish his shower without mishap and when he got to the heavenly
aroma coming from the kitchen, he had to take in the sight.

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K.C was wearing a chef hat and coat and she was elbow deep in flour and pizza

"I thought you were making cheese and chips not wearing flour!"
"You took forever and the dough was ready and the ingredients were available."
Milton chirped as he handed Kay Cee a bowl of pineapple.
"Remind me never to let you in my kitchen again and you Milton are just as
incorrigible. I guess we are eating in the kitchen then?"
"No sir, K.C has made up the dinner table and she has asked me to accompany you
just for a little bit, she seems to like my company."

"You've never had dinner with me before, Kay Cee, what did you do to Milton.
The stuffy old coot treats me like I'm twelve and you come in and he is all alpha

Milton laughs heartily and K.C attempts to throw the pizza dough in the air and it
lands on her head. The roar of laughter that filled the kitchen was a joy to hear and
Milton secretly hoped there would be more of it. He never liked the bimbos the
boss brought home. They were always in transit to dinner or to their house so
fortunately no woman can say she has ever slept at the Mollinero Mansion.

They all get cleaned up and make their way to the dinner table.
"Gosh Kay Cee, this is lovely, thank you."
"It was the least I could do, you have been so nice to me, both of you."
"A refreshing change my dear girl, you have no idea how refreshing. Now, I must
leave you and clean up the kitchen, Kay Cee this has been a pleasure and I hope
you come over even when the boss isn‟t around, this house could use that laughter
of yours. Good night you two.” Milton got up and left.
"Milton tells me you are filthy rich and I should make you buy me a house in the
"I already have a house in the Maldives and when you decided to marry me, we
can go there for our honeymoon."
"What you really think I invited you to my house because I felt guilty about what I
did to you? Get that thought out of your head. I fully intend to court you,
convince you that you are the love of my life and have all my babies."
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"I'm no use to you Sergio, one day you will see that."

Sergio decided he would make K.C. Feel like a woman again. He embarked on a
twelve step program.
• 1. Flowers 2. Date 3. Kiss 4. Shopping 5. More dates 6. More kisses 7. Trip
to the Caribbean 8. More dates, kisses 9. Touch 10. Touch, hugs, kisses, dates 11.
Get married 12. Babies and Happily Ever After

"You have got to be kidding me. These flowers cost a fortune! Take them back I
can't accept these."
"How the heck am I gonna take back flowers? The florist would have my head. I
bought them, you are keeping them and that's final. Now do you have a vase or do
I have to go by one?"

"Oh gosh no, there's one in the foyer."

Sergio went to the foyer, got the vase and went into the kitchen. He half filled it
with water and took the flowers from her hands, placed them in the vase and put it
on the center table.

"You want me to ask or are you gonna tell me?"
"I had some free time and decided I could spend it with someone who didn't want
me for my money."

"You've given me enough of your money, I don't need anymore."

"That's why, I'm here. You have no motive for being near me and I can trust that
you won't order the most expensive thing on the menu just because I'm loaded."
"Order? Menu?"
"Are you blonde under all that hair? I'm taking you out to dinner so go get
changed. Or do you need my help?"
"Why you egotistical, pigheaded, bossy and anything else I could think of man!"
"Ready in 10 minutes or I will strip naked and stand on your front porch."
"You wouldn't!"
"Risk it or do you secretly want to see my sexy body?"
"UGH. I don't have anything to wear, I got rid of all my fancy clothes."
Amaris Ricci - CONVINCE ME

"Not a problem."

Sergio left and went out to his car. When he came back he had a full suit of
clothes for K.C.

"Oh I get it, you have this all planned out so I can't refuse you."
"I'm not the type of women you are used to Sergio. I'm a cripple in case you
"Kay Cee Finnegan. I would appreciate it if you cut the bullshit. You can dish that
out to the idiot you were involved with but it doesn't work with me. Now either
you go get some clothes on that sorry asstitude of yours or I will do it for you and
you won't like it one bit."

Sergio stood at his full height and to K.C he looked like a giant. She was a tiny bit
afraid of him especially when his eyes turned dark and menacing.

"Do not be afraid of me K.C I will never hurt you again." His voice softened to
almost a whisper.
"Again? The first time was an accident, this time you know full well what you are
"Woman! Go get dressed I am running out of time and patience."

K.C let out a gasp at his behaviour, turned her chair and went to her room to
change, only to realise he was still holding the dress bag. Now she had two
choices, either call to him and let him bring it for her, or put her clothes back on
and go back for it.

"I hope you aren't naked yet, I'm bringing your dress."
Before she could say don't come in, Sergio was at her bedroom door with the dress
bag draped over his arm. She froze. She was sitting in her bra and panty, that was
one thing, but the colostomy bag was in plain sight. She expected Sergio to turn
his head or stare at it but he walked over to the bed and placed the bag on it.

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"If you need any help K.C I'm here. There is nothing to be ashamed of and I don't
pity you. I will be waiting in the living room and if you take a second longer than
10 minutes, my clothes come off."

He smiled at her and left.

"What am I going to do with you Sergio? What are you up to?"

Ten minutes later, she was dressed and to her surprise, the skirt and top fit
perfectly, now all she had to do was find somewhere to hide the bag.

When she got back into the living room Sergio was standing next to a different
wheel chair.

"Oh what have you done now Sergio?"

"I have come to read you so well in the last few weeks. I chose the outfit because
lilac is your favouritecolour, hence the flowers. That wheel chair does not hide
your colostomy bag well. This one does."

"Why Sergio? Am I some charity case you feel you need to take on to ease your

His eyes flashed a spurt of anger. Then a few seconds later his face had the biggest
smile plastered all over it. He walked over to K.C lifted her from her chair and
placed her in the new one. He took the bag and put it in the hidden pocket at the
side. He put her shoes on and handed her an LV bag with her things already
packed into it. Without another word he grabbed her keys from the table, picked
up her cell phone and pushed the chair outside. He was having fun at her expense
but hopefully he could convince her that he was interested in her heart and
everything else would follow.

He opened the van door, pushed her onto the lift and loaded her into the van.
When he got into the driver seat, he rested his head on his forearms for a second.

"You don't have to...."

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"Be quiet Kay Cee Finnegan, just be quiet."

He drove for about 15 minutes and then he pulled up to one of the fanciest
restaurants on the south coast. The valet pulled the van door and smiled at K.C.
He pushed the button and maneuvered the chair to the ground. He closed the door
and took the keys from Sergio who was now standing beside K.C.

"Take good care of her Mike."

"Sure thing boss. I'm off in about an hour if you need anything I can always stay
"I doubt but thanks for the offer."

Sergio wheeled a shocked K.C into the restaurant and her face resonated even
more shock. All of her friends and co-workers were there even Maddi.

"Why you sneaky devil!" She glares at Sergio. People start to come over and say
hi and give her hugs and bring her presents.
"How did you know it was my birthday?"
"I told him sweetie, he is such a nice man."
"Maddi how could you? You know I don't like to make a fuss."

"Oh pish posh, enjoy tonight love you need it. Love you baby girl."

After everyone said their greetings, Sergio took K.C to a booth specially made for

"I can't take much more of this Sergio, why are you doing this?"
"Can't you tell?"
"No I can't, explain it to me."
"Have you never had someone love you just because?"
"You love me? How is that even possible? Look, can we talk about this later?"
"Sure." Sergio felt hurt that she brushed him off but he knew why she was
doubting his feelings for her and he vowed to change her mind at all costs.

"Would you like to dance with me?"

"Sure, why not."
Amaris Ricci - CONVINCE ME

He wheeled her out onto the dance floor and nodded to the DJ. The soothing
sounds of BozzScaggs - Heart of Mine echoed across the room. People parted to
let them dance and it was breathtaking to see. Sergio had gotten another wheel
chair and he sat in it. The gesture was so universally heartwarming K.C could only
smile as widely as her face would allow. He held her hand as they moved around
the floor slowly and when the song was finished, they both went back to the booth.

"How is it you continue to make me feel as if I am being ungrateful for my life?"

"You are." Sergio got up and sat next to her.
"You can't love me, you don't even know me."
"I can do whatever the hell I want. The only thing I don't know about you is how
soft your lips are, or how your hands feel all over my body. I don't know what it's
like to make love to you and wake with you in my arms but I plan to find out."

K.C blinked.

Sergio laughed and realised that the look on her face was not anger, she was

"Why K.C, is that a blush? I can kiss it away for you."

Sergio got up and sat next to her, took her hand in his and looked into her eyes.

"Please let me." She nodded slowly

Sergio was considered to be GQ status. He was not only rich but he was down to
earth and had a warm personality that made women leave their panties in an
envelope on his desk. He dated tons of women but was intimate with less than 5
during all his 40 years. K.C was definitely not his type but only where her hair
colour was concerned. She was a natural beauty, and from what he saw in her
bedroom, she still had a figure to die for. He really wanted to take her home and
make love to her until she screamed his name in French.

When he lowered his mouth to hers, he paused to inhale her scent, immediately his
loins fired up. His mouth touched hers and the room emptied of everything and
everyone except them.
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The kiss was torturous, uninhibited, passionate and told of things to come. K.C
pulled back breathless.

"I'm sorry, I............"

"Ah, I see it has affected you in the same way. Not to worry love, I plan to quench
that thirst as soon as you allow me to. Would you like to have dinner now?'

"Yes please and some wine."

Dinner was served and people were still coming in and bringing gifts. Everything
was nice and calm until this one woman spotted Sergio sitting next to her and made
her way over.

"Well Sergio, never thought I would see you again. Is this a charity event?"
"Natasha, I would appreciate it if you leave my girlfriend and I alone, we are
having dinner as you can see and you are not welcome to join us or even be in the
same place."
"Girlfriend? Is this what you left me for? A cripple? How low have you gotten? I
guess after me no one can compare. Sweetie, I'm sorry for you but he will never
love you if he couldn‟t love me."

Sergio nodded to the host and he came over quickly.


"This lady is unwelcome in here, for good and make it known she is not to enter
any of my other restaurants or business places as well. Escort her out please."

"Will do sir."

"You will regret this Sergio and your cripple too, she better watch her back!"

Natasha was escorted out by the host and two security men, her name was then
entered into a database containing all Sergio's companies.

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"I need to go home now please."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know she would come in here, I haven't seen her in over a year."

"Take me home now please." The tears began to flow and Sergio didn't want her
to have to explain to the guests what had happened. He made apologies for her and
said she was getting tired and thanked them all for coming. He made arrangements
for the gifts to be delivered to her house in the morning.

When they got back to her house, she was still silent.

"I'm so sorry K.C, I broke it off with her and she has never let me forget it, I will
send someone to be with you in case she tries anything and if she does I will have
her arrested."

"She called me a cripple Sergio, it‟s one thing when I say it to myself but to hear
someone you were involved with berate me like that, it hurts, it really does and this
is why we can never go out again. I can't go through that again, with you or
anyone. Please leave."

"Kay Cee, please don't push me away when things are just beginning to go so
good." He lowers his head to her and their noses are almost touching.

"Can you honestly say that you can have a decent life with me Sergio? I can't go
mountain climbing, or hiking, or skiing and I can't sit in the house while you go off
with your friends and do them either. I'm not even sure I can have sex. Can you
live with that? What about children, are you willing to adopt a child and not
directly father one with your own blood? You have to think about these things
before you even consider being with me."

"I can't ski, mountain climb or hike. I am willing to adopt ten children if we can't
have any on our own and I won't be using a surrogate either. As for sex, I can test
that theory right now if you want. I am not some giddy headed school boy living
on a whim. I built my business from the ground to where I am today, I made
mistakes and I will make more. I'm sorry your faith in your ability to be my wife

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lies on your inability to walk or produce children. That says a lot about how you
see yourself Kay Cee."

"Don't you see? This isn't about you!"

"It's not? I'm the one willing to go full steam ahead and you are the one not even
willing to stick a toenail in the water. I threw a birthday party for you to cheer you
up, I danced with you because I wanted to not because I felt sorry for you. Give
me a little credit for having a heart."

"I'm sorry Sergio but I am not the woman you need in your life, thank you for the
party and the dance and dinner, I really did enjoy myself. The kiss was......... I
liked it."

Something flickered on K.C's face.

"What are you thinking about, I saw that look."

"I felt the kiss, Sergio."

"I know I was the one who kissed you."

"No you don't understand, I 'felt' the kiss."

"I must be having a senior moment 'cause I'm not following you honey."

"You got aroused didn't you?"

"Yeah and I‟m getting aroused remembering."

"So did I."

"You mean, down there?" He sounded like a teenager.

"Yes Sergio down there."

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"Oh Kay Cee, please let me make love to you."

"I would love to but honestly I'm not ready for that and it's not that I don't want to
but I come with complications."

"You can wear a t-shirt if you like and I promise not to dislodge anything and if I
do, I am quite capable of cleaning us up. Trust, that‟s all I‟m asking for."

"I can't."

"Okay, for now I will give in but I promise you, someday you will let me fill your
body with mine and we will be forever united."

"We shall see. Come tuck me in?"

"Is your nurse here?"

"Yes, she will come only if I call her. She is probably asleep, she works hard
around here."

"Good, so I can start convincing you tonight. I need to ask you something."

"Okay what?"

"Are you wearing a catheter?"

"Um no."

"Even better for what I have in mind. Wait, you go to the bathroom on your own?"

"Sergio, those are not very romantic questions."

"K.C. Think about it, you can pee on your own, it means your diagnosis is not as
bad as the doctors think. Did they tell you that you can never walk again?"

"Actually no they didn't they just said that the possibility was one in a million."
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"Well I will take that one, do you trust me?"

"For some reason you give me no choice."
"Tonight I will test your ability to feel and tomorrow we go see a different type of
"You are scaring me."
"Good because when I am through with you, you will either marry me or hate me."

Sergio wheeled K.C into her bedroom and helped her take off her dress and shoes.
He turned his back and handed her a t-shirt that was draped over a chair while she
got out of her bra and panties.

"You can look now."

"How can a woman make a t-shirt look so sexy?"

He walked over to her, lifted her from the chair, placed her on the bed and adjusted
the bag. He looked down at her and she blushed.

"I'm taking off my shirt and my pants, I am not going to go all the way tonight, I
just want you to have a taste of what we can have together, is that okay?"

"Do I have a choice?"

"Yes you do Kay Cee, this is for real, I am falling in love with you and you have
the power to break my heart by saying no."

"I won't say no."

Sergio took his shirt off and threw it on the chair, his pants followed and K.C was
in awe of his body. He looked like molded chocolate with a slight glaze.

"If you keep looking at me like that, I won't be able to stop myself."

"What if I don't want you to stop?"

"Don't tease me honey, I‟m so hot for you right now, it's killing me."
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Sergio lay down on the bed next to her and nestled against her. K.C thought he
would begin making love to her right away but the sounds coming from him on her
shoulder told her different. Sergio was fast asleep. K.C felt like she would burst
from desire. His scent was intoxicating and she could feel his arousal through his
boxers. She wriggle in effort to get closer.

"Honey, stop that or I won't be able to sleep."

"I don't need you to sleep. I need..............."

"Tell me honey, I will see if I can give you what you ask."

"Touch me Sergio, make me feel like a woman again."

"I think I can handle that. If I do anything you aren't comfortable with let me

"Can I ask you something?"


"When was the last time you were with someone, I know it's none of my business."

"Over a year ago."

"A year? How come?"

"I was coming from breaking up with Natasha's at her apartment, when I crashed
into you."

"Oh." She closed her eyes and felt Sergio kiss her neck softly.

"You smell nice, what's that?"

"How can you buy me a perfume and don't know what it is?"

"I told the lady at the store to send you something from their exclusive line, it
wasn't on the shelves as yet."
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"You keep saying Oh."

"You keep kissing me places that make me say oh."

Sergio trailed kisses down her tummy through the shirt and when he stopped at the
hem, he heard her take a breath and hold it. He waited for her and when she let it
out, he nudged the shirt with his nose. He could smell her arousal and it was as if
he was suddenly entranced.

"God you smell good woman."


Sergio kissed her most intimate spot and she stiffened. He waited again and let her
get accustomed to the feel of his tongue on her.

"Don't stop."

Sergio felt her open up to him and as he sucked her bud into his mouth, she let out
a soft cry. She grabbed his head and pulled it into her as her orgasm blew
everything she knew about herself out of the water.

"Honey, don't cry. Talk to me."

"That's never happened before. He never ……..oh God Sergio, this is what I
needed, to feel and I think I pulled a muscle cause my back is killing me."

"Wait, you're in pain?"

"Yes, I'm in p.........., shit pain. I'm feeling pain. I need to get to a doc now

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Sergio was so excited about two things. Pain meant she was getting some feeling
somewhere and the fact that her first orgasm was with him.

He was sitting in the doctor's office while K.C was waiting in the exam room.

Half an hour later, they were both waiting for the doctor to tell them his assessment
of her condition.

"Can I ask what you were doing when the pain started?"
K.C blushed and Sergio spoke.

"We were making love and she had an orgasm, then she started complaining of
pain in her back and she thought she pulled a muscle."

"Makes sense, now, I will make a few suggestions, rigourous therapy, and
acupuncture, maintain your current diet and we will go from there."

"What about the colostomy, can it be reversed? Will she be able to have children?"

"Yes and as long as nothing is wrong with her reproductive system, yes to that as
well. If the pain gets unbearable give her these. Come back and see me in two

"Thanks Doc, Let's go honey."

They drive home in silence but Sergio is holding onto K.C's hand all the way. He
takes her inside and into her room.

"Are you okay honey?"

"I may be able to walk again."

"Yes I realise that."

"Are you happy about that?"

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"Yes I am but I will love you no matter what."


"Not yet, you aren't ready, I can wait."

"Can I ask a favour?"

"Sure, anything for you."

"Can you do that again?"

"Felt good didn't it?" He sounded smug.

"Oh you have no idea."

"Come on let me give you what you so desire."

When the sun was coming up, K.C was laying naked in Sergio's arms. She realised
a bit too late and when she pulled away to sit up, the attachment on the bag came

"Sergio get up, I had an accident, you need to get up now." She began to cry. She
expected him to be angry at her carelessness and storm out of the room. Instead,
he got up and went into the bathroom, came back with a wet soapy towel and
handed it to her. He lifted her into her chair and stripped the bed of the sheets,
took them into the laundry room and put the sheets into the laundry sink and turned
on the hot water. When he got back to her she was still crying.

"Why are you crying honey?" He asked while trying to locate the sheets for the

"You shouldn't have to do this, I feel so embarrassed." She pointed to the closet
next to the door.

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"Once again this says a lot about how little you think of me. Have I not shown you
how much I care about you and want you to be my wife? I don't care if I have to
clean up after you, as your partner that's my job isn't it?"

"It's not you that I think low of, it's me. I don't know how to make you understand
that being with me wouldn't be easy."

"Why are we even talking about this again? All I know is that I have fallen in love
with the woman you are, if you can't walk it means I will have to deal with it. You
didn't choose this life just as I didn't choose to love you. Life has a way of taking
you down paths you never thought you would go down. Now the bed is made, do
you need help?"

"I need to take a shower."

"At your service malady." He gestured towards the bathroom and she wheeled
herself in."

"Let me do this in my own please, if I need you I will call, okay?"

"I'm not going anywhere but I am kind of hungry, can I raid your kitchen?"

"Sure." K.C went to the bathroom and got herself cleaned up. When she made her
way to the kitchen she looked up at the clock and realised it was 6 in the morning.
Sergio made a mean breakfast. French toast with maple syrup, calypso omelet,
hash browns and cappuccino.

"That smells wonderful Sergio. Thank you."

"No I need to thank you Kay Cee. I've been with women who have always thought
about themselves and what they want. This is why Milton took such a liking to
you. He detested all and I do mean all of the women I took home even in passing.
That's why no one has ever slept there. He asked me the next day if I was still
feeling guilty over the accident and if I was I needed to let you go or I will damage
both of us. I will always feel a bit of guilt but not enough to stop me from showing
you my love. Even though you have a hard time accepting my feelings for you,
Amaris Ricci - CONVINCE ME

you still allow me to do the things I love to do. I don't know how to convince you
that this is not charity, or pity. When I think of you my heart just fills up with so
much joy, it seems unbearable at times."

"Give me time Sergio, I've never had someone feel this way about me and openly
show it. You kissed me in front of everyone without caring who saw."

"Why should I care? My feelings for you are as real and as genuine as the air we
breathe. Now, eat up, we have a long day today."

"Should I ask?"


K.C laughed.

"That is the sound I love to hear."

They ate breakfast and talked about the day ahead.

K.C was blown away at the level of attention Sergio paid to her. He was always
touching her hand or some part of her body and if anyone stared at her for too long,
they got 'the look'. He took her to a nice little road side stand and pushed her chair
up to the table and went to order some sandwiches for lunch, they had been
shopping for hours and they were both hungry. The guy at the stand kept staring at
K.C as if he knew her. Sergio noticed it and decided to let it play out.

He ordered two ham and cheese with jalapenos, tomatoes, lettuce and cucumber,
and two fruit smoothies. He paid the guy and took the lunch back to where K.C
was sitting smiling at him.

Sergio opened his sandwich and began to eat. He heard footsteps and looked
around to see the guy walking towards them.

"K.C Finnegan is that you?"

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K.C looked up and tried to focus on the face.

"It's me Benjamin from college. We were in Physics together."

"Benji the Great! I haven't seen you since we graduated, how are you?"
"Wonderful, I got married and we have a baby on the way, I bought this stand and
it's in a great location so sales are good every day. You had an accident?"

"Yep, this guy here swept me off my feet, twice."

Sergio continued to eat his sandwich in silence, feeling the guilt rush to his head.

"Well at least he is trying to make up for it. Hi my name is Ben." He stuck out a
hand to Sergio.

"I'm Sergio. Sorry the hands are on my sandwich."

K.C felt a bit uncomfortable, she didn't know how to introduce Sergio and she
could see it bothered him quite a bit.

"Well it was nice meeting you Sergio and seeing you again K.C, I hope whatever
happened to you doesn't get you down too much and at least you have a nice guy to
back you up. Come back anytime, the next lunch is on the house."

"Thanks Benji."

"I thought we were a couple!" Sergio asked softly.

"Are we Sergio?"

"Again? Yes Kay Cee Finnegan, we are a couple, we will go out on dates and do
all the things couples do. Why is that so hard to understand?"

"I'm sorry, I just keep thinking this is your way of easing your guilt over me being
in a wheel chair. Look, okay I will try harder, you deserve that."

"Eat your sandwich, we still have more shopping to do."

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"We can't possibly spend any more money on me today. I feel like I won the
fashion lottery. Bathing suits, lingerie, a full ballroom wardrobe, shoes, jewelry,
perfumes. I can't win with you can I?"

"Nope so sit back and enjoy it."

They finished eating and waved goodbye to Benji.

They drove to another department store and while K.C was looking at casual wear,
Sergio said he would be back in a few minutes. When he came back, K.C had
picked out some dresses, jeans and cute summer tops and a few skirts and sandals.
Sergio looked serious.

"What? Did I spend too much?"

"Never, I was just wondering where we should go for dinner tonight."

"Can we stay in please, I think my body is telling me stay at home and watch a

"Not a problem. Are you all finished here?"

"Yes I've already paid and was waiting for you." She handed him his credit card
and the bill.

Sergio was trying not to show his excitement but it was so hard.

They bought some stale bread from a bakery and went to the park to feed the

"Geeze I could sit here all day but it's almost 6 and I need to change."

"Sure honey, what shall we have for dinner?"

"You decide, you are good at showing me new foods and drinks."

They stopped off at one of his restaurants and he left and came back with 4 bags.
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They get to Kay Cee's house. They ate and talked. K.C calls for Maddi.

“Maddi, come help me please.”

“I sent her home K.C. I am yours for the night.”
“You intend to sleep over?”
“That I do. What do you need help with?”
K.C. blushed fifty colors and lowered her head.
“Never be embarrassed around me honey. I knew what I was getting into when I
sent Maddi home. Tell me.”
“The bag needs changing.”
“No problem.” within minutes Sergio had the bag removed, re-attached a fresh one
and disposed of the old one. He washed his hands again and reclaimed his position
on the sofa next to K.C.
“What do you want from me Sergio? You treat me as if nothing is wrong with me
and I can never be the type you are used to. What gives?”
“You are the most beautiful woman I've ever met KC. I feel alive with you, your
smile erases all my bad days and you never, not even an undertone, remind me that
this was my fault. When you told Benjamin today I swept you off your feet twice
there was no malice in your words. I need you in my life KC.” He got down on
one knee and took a small red velvet box.

"Marry me Kay Cee. Put me out of my misery. I know I can make you happy if
you let me."

When he finished speaking she was crying.

"I can't marry you Sergio, you deserve someone who can walk next to you and feel
proud to be called your wife."

Sergio gets up, leaves the box on the table and without another word, he goes
through the front door and minutes later K.C hears his car pull away.

Half an hour later she hears Maddi come into the house calling her name.

"Miss, what happened I thought your gentleman was here for the night?"

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"I'm not the right one for him."

"Isn't that his decision to make?"
"Yes but he can make it again when I start to walk. I need you to call a personal
trainer tomorrow so I can start therapy in a few days. I also need you to go buy me
some sweats and a home gym I will show you the one I want. Clear out the extra
bedroom and let everything go in there."

"Ah the miss has a plan, I hope Senor knows what a gem he has and doesn't give
up on you."

"For both our sakes, I hope you are right Maddi."

What Sergio doesn‟t know is that K.C has been doing research into her condition
and she found out that if she had the right therapy she could regain full mobility.
She needs to go away for at least 2 months without him knowing but she had to
make him think she doesn't love him. She was taking the chance that he would
wait for her and if by chance he didn't then he wasn't for her anyway.

2 months later

After the struggle to walk, she has done it. K.C said goodbye to her trainer for the
last time and even he was in tears to see her standing at the door waving.

She decided to put her plan into action and she picked up her cell phone and dialed
Sergio's number.

"Hello." It was a woman's voice.

"Hi is this Sergio's number?"

"Yes hold a second......... honey can you take a call?"

K.C's heart skipped a million beats. She hung up before Sergio could answer.

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She sat down in the chair and just let the tears fall.

The next day, she was sitting in her chair, just moping around and she heard a car
pull up. The doorbell rang and instead of walking she just wheeled herself. It was
Sergio. He looked haggard and aged.

"Sergio? Why are you here?"

"You called and hung up, why Kay Cee? Haven't you hurt me enough?'
"I'm sorry about the way I ended things, I just needed to see you and talk for a bit,
can you stay?"

"For a few minutes, I have a lunch date with the woman who answered my phone."

K.C turned her chair around before he could see the hurt on her face but he saw it

"Tell me Kay Cee, what do you need to talk to me about that you haven't already

"Do you still love me Sergio?'"

"Yes Kay Cee, stupidly madly in love."

"Do you still want to marry me?"

"In a heartbeat."


It took a few seconds for what she said to resonate in his mind.

"You said yes? You'll marry me Kay Cee?"

"Oh wait, what about the woman, are you seeing her?"

Amaris Ricci - CONVINCE ME

"That my love was my mother, she came over because I was miserable since you
left me. Now please tell me you really want to marry me because you know in
your heart that's what you need as well, if not, don't do it."

"Yes Sergio, I've been miserable too, especially when I think of the night you, well
you know what I mean but I missed everything else as well, the time we spent
together was wonderful and I would love to be with you for the rest of my life."

"Okay, this will my mother will love, you ladies can go as crazy as you wish, I
will leave my credit card with you and you can tell me your plans later. You have
given me the most wonderful gift Kay Cee and I will make sure you never regret

In the months to follow K.C worked her wheelchair to the bit. She continued her
training in the home gym and she continued to get her acupuncture and eat healthy.
She was walking perfectly. She had gone to the doctor not only to have the
colostomy bag removed but to check her reproduction capabilities as well. The
Doctor monitored her and gave her the all clear and told her if she needed any help
just come back.

The day of the wedding came and Sergio was already waiting for her at the hotel.
They chose the morning time because they were spending their honeymoon in
Ocho Rios in Jamaica. K.C was so nervous and she knew she was going to love
the reaction when Sergio saw she could walk.

They got to the hotel the night before and now she was dressed and ready, just
waiting for someone to come and wheel her to the door. She chooseMaddi since
she knew she could walk. When they got to the door it was closed and she stood
up, pushed the chair behind it and waited. Maddi opened the door and the music
began. Sergio and his father turned to face her direction. Maddi stepped in and
proceeded up the aisle.

Sergio looked to see where K.C was. When she stepped into view, everyone
gasped at the same time. The room was filled with applause so loudly you would
think she just ran an Olympic race. She lifted her chin and proceeded down the

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aisle to her waiting fiancé, who was staring at her and she could see he was trying
not to rush over and meet her.

When she got next to him, he took her hand and bent to tell her something.

"It was worth the misery, I am so proud of you and I will enjoy torturing you as
you have tortured me. Now let's get married."

K.C laughed softly and the proceedings began.

When the vows were said and the Priest announced Mr. and Mrs. Mollinero to the
congregation, K.C began to cry. All the months leading up to this were hard not
knowing if Sergio would love her enough to wait for her. He lifted her in his arms
and walked over to the doors leading to the pool.

"Kay Cee my love, please tell me those are tears of Joy." He kissed each cheek.

"I didn't think you would wait for me, but I prayed every day I made the right
choice. You have loved me from the start and all I did was throw it in your face
and not because you were wrong but because I had no self-worth. I love you so
much Sergio, I guess I always did and it took being away from you to really soak
that into my brain."

"Ah my love I never would have given up, I stayed away because I know you
needed a bit of space but if you took too long I would have shown up at your door
with a priest. Now, cease those tears and let's go enjoy our reception with our
friends and family and then we are off to Ocho Rios for a romantic dinner and I
will make love to you the way I have wanted to from the day you came into my
office to thank me for everything. Oh wait, I‟m so inconsiderate. I didn't ask if
you were ready. We may be married now but you are under no obligation to do
anything, please know that when you are ready I am here."

"What you are really asking is if I am comfortable with the bag. Look............."
K.C held up the hem of her wedding top and there was a scar where the tube for
the bag would have been.

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"You got the op?"

"Yes and the doc cleared me for any escapades with my husband."

"Oh Kay CeeMollinero, can you make me any happier?"

"Yes, I want very much to have your baby as soon as possible."

"Not yet my love, I need your body to full recover before you put it under any

"The doctor said I am stronger than ever but if you aren‟t ready I can go on the

"No pills my love, we can start right away."

"Okay, the guests are sitting down, let's go."

Milton spoke on Sergio's behalf.

"About a year and a half ago something wonderful and tragic happened." He
looked at Sergio who shaking his head and he mouthed "Don't". Milton ignored

“A vehicle slid on a wet road and crashed into a lovely young lady you see here as
Mrs. Mollinero. What no one knows is that Sergio was not driving, I was."

The guests gasped and started to whisper. K.C grabbed Sergio's hand and looked
at him but he was staring at Milton.

"Sergio took it upon himself to carry the shame, guilt and financial burden of what
happened that day because he knew I wouldn't be able to handle it. I love Sergio
like a son and when he brought K.C home, I knew I had to make this right and now
is the best time to clear his good name. I have already spoken to the police and
they have decided not to press charges unless Mrs. Mollinero decides to do so.
Sergio this is my gift to you. I see the goodness in K.C and I see what sunshine
Amaris Ricci - CONVINCE ME

she has brought into your life. I wish you both all the joy, love, happiness and
Pizza in the world."

Sergio let go of K.C's hand and walked over to Milton and hugged him tight and
clapped him on his back.

"You didn't have to you know."

"Yes I did, you have always been a good man to me and I couldn't bare it any
more. K.C looks as if she is about to run. Go be with your wife."

"Thanks Milton." He shook his hand and went back to K.C.

"All this time, you lied to me? All this time I thought you were guilt ridden and
you just lied to me."

"I'm sorry honey, Milton is an old man and he has a heart condition. I couldn't take
the chance of him having to deal with this, so when he hit you, I climbed into the
front and he climbed into the back so to anyone outside it would seem as if I was
driving. I had the money to settle and when I saw your face I knew you were
meant for me."

"Oh Sergio, I do understand and I guess I understand how you could love me so
freely now, because you didn‟t cause me to be in the chair."


"I can't wait to really be your wife. Can we leave now?"

"If that's what you want."

"I want."

Sergio motioned for Milton to come over.

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"We are leaving, call Patrick and tell him we leave in a half hour instead of at
midday. Let the guests know we will be going to the airport and we will see them
when we return. You are in control for now. Any business I need to deal with will
wait until I get back."

"Not a problem sir."

Sergio and K.C waved goodbye to everyone and they threw streamers as they
passed on their way to the limo.

"This place is lovely Sergio. I need to take a shower, I feel kind of grimy and can
we take a walk across the beach? I wanna‟ test my feet in the sand or do

"My love we have the rest of our lives, I remember telling you we don't need to
rush and yes I do but we can do that tonight."

They were staying at the Riu Palace in Montego Bay. Sergio booked an all-
inclusive honeymoon, spa, food, tours, dinner, dancing, everything. He wanted
K.C to know that he would spend every cent he had just to make her happy.

They took a walk on the beach and when they got back to the room, there was a
gift basket waiting for them.

"Oh my, I am drunk just looking at this. I'm going to take a shower, come with

Sergio paused. He knew K.C was being brave, he wanted to slow things down
for her and not make her any more nervous than he could see she already was.

"You go ahead honey, I will order us a light dinner."

"Okay." She didn't realise the disappointment showed on her face as she turned to
go to the bathroom.

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She felt her husband wrap his arms around her and kiss her neck. The feel of his
body was so electrifying that she just let her head fall back onto his chest.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to reject you. I'm trying to go slow and not scare you. I
can feel you trembling and I don't want you to be nervous around me, everything
will happen when it's supposed to."

"I don't understand Sergio, all the time we dated, you have told me how much you
wanted to make love to me and now I am your wife you seem to have lost interest.
Are you sorry you married me?"

Sergio didn't realise his wanting to slow things down would seem as being aloof to
her. They had never really talked about her past relationship and now he was
beginning to wonder what kind of man she was involved with. Sergio was 40 and
she was 26, he had the world of experience and he could use that to turn her into to
mush but he wanted her to feel special as no one had ever been important enough
to be even considered to carry the title of Mrs. Mollinero.

"Oh god Kay Cee, I should have seen this sooner. We need to talk about
something before we go any further. Go take your shower and I will take mine and
we can sit and chat for a few okay and I promise you on my life, that my feelings
for you have not changed other than for my love to grow, understand?"

"I'm trying to."

"Good enough for me." He turned her, kissed her on the forehead and left the

K.C took her shower and put on a robe left by the hotel. Sergio was sitting at the
breakfast table, with his head in his hands. K.C walked up to him and touched him
on his shoulder. Sergio looked up and smiled. He motioned for her to sit. Just
then the doorbell rang and Sergio got up to open. He ordered Italian pasta salad,
bruschetta, and a bottle of champagne. Sergio tipped the man and closed the door.

"Thank you."

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"Anything for you honey. Now, I need to ask you some questions, there is a whole
lot I don't know about your past relationship and I need to know now."


"What was he like?"

"Intelligent, good looking, came from a high society family and up until the
accident, we were going to get married when I turned 26. We spent a lot of time
together, we had met in college and everyone thought we were the perfect couple.
Our parents got along well until the day he said I was useless. His mother was the
one who called and said he wouldn‟t be seeing me anymore, me being in a wheel
chair would cramp his style. He didn't even have the decency to tell me face to
face. My parents died a few years ago as they were both in their 70‟s and they had
always thought he was no good for me but he was my choice so they left it alone.”

"I'm sorry honey but he is not a man and I am glad since it allowed me to remove
him from your life permanently. Next question. Are you a virgin?"

K.C lowered her head into her chest.

"That explains it. All this time I thought I was courting a young with some
experience, why didn't I see it sooner. No wonder I scared you so much."

"Are you disappointed?"

"HA! Are you kidding me? Not only do I get to be the only man to truly touch
you but I get to have you as my wife. Do you have any idea how special that
makes you to me? Now, with this information on the table, certain things are in
order. First we eat, then we make love, is that okay with you?"

"No Sergio, I am sitting here and all I can think about is being with you. Since the
first night you touched me I have thought of nothing else, please don't make me
wait anymore."

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"Ah bella, how can I refuse you? Come, let's quench both our desires, we can eat

K.C nodded her head and stood up. Sergio lifted her into his arms and took her
into the bedroom. He lay her on the bed and whispered in her ear everything he
planned to do to her.

"Oh Sergio, you are so mean to me, I need you now please."

Sergio was on a love high, never before had he felt such love from a woman. He
dreamt of the day he would find someone who didn't care about his money and
here he had this precious girl, willing to be all he needed and more. A tragedy may
have brought them together but the love they share pushed that way into the back
of their minds.

Sergio teased and tortured K.C until she was begging him to fill her up.

"Are you ready honey?"

She nodded, her voice didn't work it seemed.

When he was at her entrance he looked down at her and she looked up at him. One
thrust is all it took. Sergio trembled above her as he waited for the discomfort to

"More please."

Just what he needed to hear. He moved slowly for a while, then when he knew she
had adjusted to him he increased his pace. When they climaxed together, it wasn't
just earth shattering, it was universally cataclysmic.

In the next few months Sergio taught K.C everything he knew about love making
and K.C was a willing and pliable student. She gave as much as she got and
eventually she had no inhibitions where her husband was concerned.

She had decided she wanted to go back to work but Sergio was against it.
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"I can't stay home with nothing to do honey. I need to be doing something
meaningful with my life."

"Other than being my wife?"

"Why would you even fester such a thought? You get to go out every day and run
all your businesses, I need to be useful."

"You want to go back to your old job then?"

"No actually, I want to start my own business."

"Doing what?"

"A Marketing Agency."

"Sell me the idea and I will get you started."

"Simple. You currently have 20 full functioning businesses and even though they
may be financially productive, you are not marketing them effectively. Right now
people utilise them by chance not because they saw an ad somewhere. I want to
launch Mollinero Ad Agency and work solely for you. M Headquarters has 4
empty offices on the top floor, I want all of them, one I will have as my office and
the other three I will turn into the production area. I have already prepared a
proposal for you to look at, you can tell me what you think."

"I already saw it. You left it on the bed one night I came in late, I read the whole
thing, I just had to wait until you were confident enough to go after what you
wanted. The startup funding is already in your account, the offices are already set
up as you have it in the proposal and I put your office next to mine with an
adjoining door. When I want to have hot steamy office sex you can come over and
sit on my lap while I drive myself into you and make you scream my name."

"Oh you sneak. I love you for letting me do this."

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"Honey I am not letting you do anything, you have a mind of your own, some
things you will need to talk to me about as they affect us both, other things you can
do on your own, just keep communicating with me as we always have and we will
be fine."

"I am convinced Sergio."

"Of what?"

"Everything. Your love, your passion and your commitment to me, all the doubts I
have ever had have been erased by you."

"Ah bella, it is always my pleasure. Now there is one thing I want to ask of you."

"Anything for you honey."

"I would like to start a family as soon as you are ready"

"We already have."

"You're pregnant?"

"Six weeks, I found out today and I was going to tell you after we discussed the
proposal but you jumped the gun."

"A baby, you are going to have my baby. Oh honey I love you so much." Sergio
lifted his wife in his arms and took her into their bedroom and they made love until
the sun came up.

8 months later

"Sergio, look at him, oh just look at him."

"He came from good parents what did you expect."

"Oh you are so conceited."

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"Of that you are already convinced my love."

Andreas Mollinero was born into a family of love. Kay Cee took him everywhere
she went and his father never missed an opportunity to show him off. They had
created a small room for him so he could be near his mother while she worked but
not be interrupted when she had meetings.

Five years later

“Dad, mother has something she needs to discuss with you urgently.”
“What do you know about a word as big as urgently.”
“Aww dad, with respect to my intelligence, I was produced by two of the most
perfect people on earth and yet you question me. „Oh the pain.‟ Andreas put his
hand on his forehead.

Sergio laughed heartily, yes this child was definitely his son.

“Where is my wife, I need to find out what‟s so urgent.”

“She is in the bedroom. I am off with nana, we are going to the park to feed the
ducks. We will be back in time for dinner.”

“Tell mom I said not too much junk food.”

“Oh dad I‟m a growing boy, junk food is paramount to my existence.”

“Oh just get going!” Andreas took a low bow and ran outside to meet his

Sergio took the stairs in search of his lovely wife.

“Honey, your son said you needed me.”

“Do you know how much I love you Mr. Mollinero?”

“Nope, would you like to convince me of such?”
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“In about 8 month‟s I will.”

“Another baby?”
“It would seem so.”

Sergio lifted Kay Cee off the bed and spun her around.

“That means happy right?”

“Andreas is with mom, the house is empty, let me show you how happy.”

The End.


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