Curriculum Development Past Board
Curriculum Development Past Board
Curriculum Development Past Board
a. The Teacher
b. the learner
c. knowledge, skills and values techniques and steps in delivering the
d. Stakeholder curriculum?
52. In analyzing the curriculum, the teacher 56. The best feature of Tyler’s Rationale is
should consider the following except. the ______________.
a. To be able to boast of a new and 74. Which of the following focuses more on
improved curriculum every time. the nature and characteristics of learners
b. To identify which parts and aspects of the than on content acquisition?
implement curriculum needs to be improved,
modified or changed. A. Subject centered
c. To constantly keep up with the changing B. Society-culture-based
times. C. Learner-centered
d. To answer to the changing needs of the D. None of the above
75. While having dinner, Mrs. Dela Cruz
70. Which component can be included in asks her niece what she learned in school
curriculum evaluation? earlier that day.Which level of curriculum is
shown in this situation ?
a. Instructional materials
b. Learning outcomes A.Societal
c. Strategies and methods used B. Institutional
d. Teacher performance C. Experiential
D. Instructional
71. When do we need to evaluate the
76. The Quirino Elementary School uses a
curriculum design that recognizes the ability A. Wise use of resources
levels of its pupils. Thus, the contents of the B. Extent of curriculum implementation
subject areas taught across grade levels are C. How curriculum implementers did their
so organized than the simplest concepts are job
taken up in the early grades and the more D. How well the curriculum meets the
difficult ones, in the higher levels. This learner's need.
shows a widening and deepening sequence
of similar concepts taught through the 80. Mr. Kyle, a curriculum consultant on
elementary levels. Which curriculum design Economics insists that in selecting the
is this ? curriculum content, it is better that
throughout the high school years,
A. Core Economics and Geography concepts be used
B. Spiral to recur and be repeated with depth for
C. Correlated effective learning. What criterion in content
D. Broad fields selection is shown here?
A. Curriculum is a plan for learning 88. Teacher Lily would like to take a part in
B. Curriculum aims to make learning developing a subject-centered curriculum
efficient and systematic. because she believes that all subjects in this
C. Curriculum develops skills in type of curriculum are geared towards the
analyzing, deducing and speculating. holistic development of the learner. Is her
D.The content of the curriculum is sourced belief about the subject-centered curriculum
from different academic disciplines. true?