Curriculum Development Past Board

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6. Which curriculum is concerned with

1.Who viewed curriculum as a permanent materials that should support or help in the
studies? implementation of written curriculum?

a. Robert Hutchins a. Assessed Curriculum

b. Joseph Schwab b. Supported Curriculum
c. Ralph Tyler c. Hidden Curriculum
d. Hilda Taba d. Learned Curriculum

2. Which person stated that “ curriculum are

all experiences in the classroom which are 7. What type of curriculum pertains to the
planned and enacted by the teacher, and also learning outcomes achieved by the students?
learned by the students.
a. Taught Curriculum
a. J. Schwab b. Learned Curriculum
b. R. Hutchins c. Assessed Curriculum
c. Marsh and Willis d. Supported Curriculum
d. Ralph Tyler
8. Which curriculum is concerned with the
3. What do we call curriculum that were unintended curriculum?
proposed by scholars and professional
organizations? a. Written curriculum
b. Assessed Curriculum
a. Recommended curriculum c. Hidden Curriculum
b. Taught Curriculum d. Supported Curriculum
c. written curriculum
d. Learned Curriculum
9. Who presented curriculum as a science
that “ emphasizes on students’ need?
4. Which curriculum is visible in school,
district, division or country documents? a. Franklin Bobbit
b. Werret Charters
a. Written curriculum c. William Kilpatrick
b. hidden curriculum d. Hilda Taba
c. taught curriculum
d. Learned Curriculum 10. Who stated that curriculum is a set of
5. What type of curriculum is tested and
evaluated? a. Hollis Caswell
b. Werret Charters
a. Supported curriculum c. Franklin Bobbit
b. Assessed Curriculum d. Hilda Taba
c. Taught Curriculum
d. Learned Curriculum
11. Which person stated that curricula are its organizational structure may be
purposeful activities which are child understood?
a. Comprehension
a. Harold Rugg b. Analysis
b. Ralph Tyler c. Synthesis
c. William Kilpatrick d. Application
d. Franklin Bobbit
17. What do we call the ability to put parts
12. What level in the cognitive domain is together to form a new whole?
concerned with recall or remembering prior
learning? a. Application
b. Comprehension
a. Knowledge c. Synthesis
b. Synthesis d. Evaluation
c. Analysis
d. Application 18. What is the focus of learner centered
13. What is referred to as the ability to grasp
meaning of material? a. Interests
b. Learnability
a. Application c. Significance
b. Synthesis d. Standards
c. Comprehension
d. Analysis 19. Which subject refers to the skills in
listening, speaking, reading, and writing as
14. What do we call the ability to pass well as the effective use of language in daily
judgment on something based on given living?
A. Math
a. Evaluation b. Communication
b. Knowledge c. Science
c. Analysis d. MAPEH
d. Synthesis
20. What subject is includes numeric and
15. Which is being described by the students computational skills?
willingness to pay attention to particular
event, stimuli or classroom activities? a. Science
b. Mathematics
a. Responding c. Social Studies
b. receiving d. English
c. organization
d. valuing 21. This subject includes psychomotor and
manipulative skills.
16. What do we call the ability to break
down materials into component parts so that a. Physical Education
b. Social Studies 27. Which is referred to the ways and means
c. Vocational Education of how the curriculum has been
d. Mathematics implemented?

22. What is the basis of authenticity of a a. Process

subject? b. product
a. Significance c. Context
b. Validity d. Judgement
c. Utility
d. Reliability 28. The accomplishment of curriculum is
visible in terms of the achievement
23. What characteristics of curriculum of________.
pertains to the fair distribution of subjects
depth and breadth? a. Process
b. product
a. Balance c. context
b. sequence d. effectiveness
c. integration
d. differentiate 29. In the teaching process, which stage
includes decision about the needs of the
24. What is known as logical arrangement of learners, the achievable goals and objectives
subjects? to meet the needs and the selection of the
content to be taught, motivation to carry out
a. Sequence the goals and the strategies most fit to carry
b. Continuity out the goals and the evaluation process to
c. Balance measure the learning outcomes.
d. Integrate
a. Planning phase
25. Which is known as constant repetition, b. implementation phase
review and reinforcement of learning? c. evaluation phase
d.Design phase
a. Integration
b. Sequence 30. The stage in teaching process which
c. Continuity requires the teacher to implement what has
d. Balance been planned.

26. What is known as the environment of the a. Planning phase

curriculum? b. implementation phase
c. evaluation phase
a. Context d. Design Phase
b. process
c. product 31. In the features of curriculum, who
d. Progress teaches?

a. The Teacher
b. the learner
c. knowledge, skills and values techniques and steps in delivering the
d. Stakeholder curriculum?

32. Which feature is concerned with how do a. Evaluation

teachers teach? b. Learners
c. Instruction
a. Strategies and methods d. Assesment
b. knowledge, skills and values
c. teachers directed 38. What do we call the content of
d. Sage on the Stage instruction?
33. How many tracks do we have in the K to
12 curriculum? a. Subject matter
b. measurement
a. Four c. teacher
b. two d. Materials
c three
d. one 39. What is expressed in terms of
34. For those students who would like to
take science, technology, engineering and a. Objectives
mathematics, what tracks should be taken? b. content
c. materials
a. Academics d. Subject matter
b. sports
c. arts 40. What do we call the implementation of
d. TVL curriculum in small group?

35. What do we call the tracks that is a. Piloting

concerned with the development of skills? b. testing
c. training
a. Technical-vocational d. Proving
b. academics
c. arts 41. In a curriculum development class, the
d. Sports teacher asked the students to give an
enriched definition of the curriculum. Which
36. What is the process of collecting among the following encompasses the true
information for use in evaluation? essence of the term?

a. Curriculum Assessment a. Curriculum is a list of subjects to take to

b. Curriculum Planning complete a course.
c. Curriculum Guide b. Curriculum is a list of course in order to
d. Curriculum Engineering graduate.
c. Curriculum is the sum total of all learning
37. Which refers to the various ways of experiences in the teaching-learning process.
teaching, teaching styles, approaches, d. Curriculum is a never ending process
in education.
46. When teachers conduct a series of
42. Ordinary people consider curriculum as evaluation to determine the extent of
__________. teaching, what must be implemented?

I. A list of subjects ` a. Assessed curriculum

II. Courses to complete b. Hidden curriculum
III. Subjects to undertake c. Learned curriculum
d. Taught curriculum
a. I, II, and III
b. II only 47. This curricularist uses unique and out-
c. I only of-box strategies to make his/her class
d. III only highly engaging. He/She is a/an
43. Curriculum may be defined in many a. Innovator
ways. What does this prove? b. Implementer
c. Knower
a. The concept of curriculum may be d. Writer
defined from different perspectives.
b. The concept is limited and narrow in 48. This curricularist has published
scope. researches, books, manuals, and other
c. The curriculum is characterized as instructional materials. He/She is a/an
fragmentary, elusive and confusing. ________.
d. The concept of curriculum is based on
those given by experts. a. Evaluator
b. Implementer
44. The Philippine Association for Teachers c. Writer
and Educators (PAFTE) proposed a new d. Planner
curriculum for Teacher Education to make
the graduates globally competitive. What 49. This curricularist attends to seminars,
type of curriculum is this? workshops and pursue graduate work.
He/She is a/an ________.
a. Assessed curriculum
b. Hidden curriculum a. Innovator
c. Recommended curriculum b. Knower
d. Supported curriculum c. Writer
d. Evaluator
45. In order to have an effective teaching
and learning, there must be an adequate 50. When a school believes that curriculum
utilization of learning materials. What type should highly focus on Math, Science and
of curriculum is this? other fundamental intellectual disciplines,
this school believes in the curriculum view
a. Hidden curriculum of ____________.
b. Assessed curriculum
c. Supported curriculum a. Arthur Bestor
d. Recommended curriculum b. Phillip Phenix
c. John Dewey
d. Hollins Caswell a. Different elements that affect curriculum
b. Historical and philosophical foundations
51. The following are characteristics of of curriculum
progressive curriculum except. c. The meaning of curriculum
d. Various curriculum perspectives
a. Takes into account all the curricular
elements and tests these elements through 55. Which of the following processes
real life application. usually comes first in developing
b. Focuses on the experiences of the students curriculum?
and supervised by the teacher.
c. Knowledge that comes from various a. Evaluating educational experiences
disciplines should be the focus. b. Identifying learning goals and
d. The classroom is only one place for the objectives
students to learn; learning can take place c. Selection of educational content
anywhere. d. Organization of learning experiences

52. In analyzing the curriculum, the teacher 56. The best feature of Tyler’s Rationale is
should consider the following except. the ______________.

I. Vision, mission, goals and core values of a. Identifying the purpose

the school b. Planning phase
II. Learning resources and faculties of the c. Organizing the experiences
school d. Evaluating the experiences
III. Needs and interests of the learners
IV. All must be considered 57. All these questions should be answered
by curriculum except:
a. I, II and III
b. II only a. What outcomes should be achieved?
c. I only b. What qualifications should teachers
d. III only have?
c. Who will benefit from well-designed
53. When the curriculum is viewed as a learning experience?
process, what should the teacher consider d. What subjects are important?
primarily in designing his/her lessons?
57. These foundations show the
a. Different modes of assessments chronological development of curriculum,
b. National competency-based competencies mostly shown using a timeline.
c. Outcomes-based learning objectives
d. Various methods and strategies a. Psychological Foundations
b. Philosophical Foundations
54. What could be the content/topic when c. Legal Foundations
the teacher asked the learners to define d. Historical Foundations
curriculum and complete a matrix on the
differences between traditional and 58 . What axiom emphasizes that curriculum
progressive curriculum? design should be based on a careful plan,
intended outcomes clearly established, etc.?
62. Which is the primary characteristic of a
a. Curriculum is a product of its time. subject-centered design model of
b. Curriculum development is more effective curriculum?
when it follows a systematic process a. Correlated
c. Curriculum change is inevitable, b. Interdependent
necessary and desirable. c. Interdisciplinary
d. Curriculum development is more d. Interrelated.
effective if it is a comprehensive process,
rather than “piecemeal”. 63.As an implementer of curriculum, the
teacher has to perform all these tasks except
59. In order to have an effective teaching _____________.
and learning, there must be an adequate
utilization of learning materials. What type a. Utilize suitable instructional materials
of curriculum is this? b. Write appropriate lesson plan
c. Design reliable and valid assessment
a. Curriculum design should always be tools
SMART. d. All of the above
b. Curriculum changes made earlier can
exist concurrently with newer curriculum 64. Implementation means putting into
changes. practice the experiences which has been
c. Curriculum development is a cooperative written in all except ___________.
group activity.
d. Curriculum development starts from a. Syllabi
where the curriculum is. b. Curriculum guides
c. Course outline
60. Who are the primary movers in the d. Internet resource sites
implementation of the changes made on
curriculum? 65. All are involved in “teaching” except
a. Teachers
b. Parents a. Meeting with the parents
c. Community officials b. Utilizing varied activities
d. Learners c. Employing strategies
d. Using instructional materials
61. A barangay official suggested that
fishing and marine life be included in the
barangay public school so that learners will 66. The following are the roles of the
have a background on the primary livelihood stakeholders in curriculum development
in their area. This is based on what except ______________.
curriculum design model?
I. Help in formulating the appropriate
a. Career-centered learning experiences
b. Learner-centered II. Crete an environment that allows for a
c. Problem-centered child’s holistic development
d. Subject-centered III. Participate in the implementation of the
IV. All are roles of the stake holders
a. When somebody suggests it
a. I, II, and III c. II only b. Whenever necessary
b. I only d. III only c. Every academic year
d. Every quarter
67. These stakeholders are direct partners of
the school in strengthening learning 72. Which factor in curriculum planning
experience in the home. addresses the concern on identification of
required resources, including a list of
a. Community expenditure and revenue estimates?
b. Parents A.Goal setting
c. Government officials B. Situation analysis
d. School administrators C.Budget determination
D. Decisions on implementation and
68. These stakeholders are at the core of the evaluation
curriculum. They are the primary
beneficiaries of the curriculum. 73. In what particular historical period
where specific areas in the curriculum
a. Community started to be taught in Filipino while the
b. Teachers others, in English, as provided in the
c. Parents Bilingual Education Policy?
d. Learners A. Japanese
B. New Society
69. All are importance of evaluating the C. Third Republic
curriculum except: D. Commonwealth

a. To be able to boast of a new and 74. Which of the following focuses more on
improved curriculum every time. the nature and characteristics of learners
b. To identify which parts and aspects of the than on content acquisition?
implement curriculum needs to be improved,
modified or changed. A. Subject centered
c. To constantly keep up with the changing B. Society-culture-based
times. C. Learner-centered
d. To answer to the changing needs of the D. None of the above
75. While having dinner, Mrs. Dela Cruz
70. Which component can be included in asks her niece what she learned in school
curriculum evaluation? earlier that day.Which level of curriculum is
shown in this situation ?
a. Instructional materials
b. Learning outcomes A.Societal
c. Strategies and methods used B. Institutional
d. Teacher performance C. Experiential
D. Instructional
71. When do we need to evaluate the
76. The Quirino Elementary School uses a
curriculum design that recognizes the ability A. Wise use of resources
levels of its pupils. Thus, the contents of the B. Extent of curriculum implementation
subject areas taught across grade levels are C. How curriculum implementers did their
so organized than the simplest concepts are job
taken up in the early grades and the more D. How well the curriculum meets the
difficult ones, in the higher levels. This learner's need.
shows a widening and deepening sequence
of similar concepts taught through the 80. Mr. Kyle, a curriculum consultant on
elementary levels. Which curriculum design Economics insists that in selecting the
is this ? curriculum content, it is better that
throughout the high school years,
A. Core Economics and Geography concepts be used
B. Spiral to recur and be repeated with depth for
C. Correlated effective learning. What criterion in content
D. Broad fields selection is shown here?

77. Mrs. Villamor is interested in knowing A. Validity

the answer to the question, "Why should B. Learnability
schools need a curriculum?" Which C. Significance
curriculum foundation could give him some D. Continuity and sequence
ideas for an answer?
81. Dr. Natividad, in a meeting with her
A. Historical teachers mentions that the curriculum they
B. Philosophical will implement in the coming school year
C. Technological must be primarily experience-centered.
D. Psychological Which of the following criteria must she
NOT follow to ensure that the curriculum is
78. During the implementation phase of the that which she wants ?
curriculum, the following, EXCEPT ONE,
are factors worth considering for the A. The curriculum should emphasize the
effective use of the curriculum in the teaching of facts and knowledge
classroom. Which is it ? B. The curriculum should be used with a
high level of cooperative interaction
A. What resources are required C. The curriculum content should be
B. How curriculum is to be disseminated primarily based on the learner's needs,
C. What content items are to be included ability levels and interest.
D. How teachers are to be given the D. The curriculum should promote the use
necessary knowledge and skills of active and dynamic process so that
learning is improved.
79. Mrs. Casupanan and her team in the
School District Curriculum Evaluation tried 82.As curriculum stakeholder, Mr. Mayola
to access the "product aspect" of the intends to be faithful to his role as member
curriculum currently being used. What of the school board.Which one is it ?
specific task did she and her team looked
into ? A. Recommend changes in the curriculum.
B. Enact legislation to effect curriculum 86. The Pacifico School District plans to
improvement. adopt the reading program used in the San
C Support and participate in parent-school Nicolas School. District. What curriculum
organization activities. improvement level does this show ?
D. Authorize school expenditures for
curriculum development, implementation A. Variation
and evaluation B. Substitution
C. Restructuring
83.Which statement characterizes best the D. Value orientation
non-technical approach to curriculum
development?. 87. Which is NOT a provision for the
development of each learner in a good
A. The teachers rarely participate in the curriculum?
development of curricula
B. Curriculum functions are separate but a. Extensive arrangements are made for the
related to instructional functions. educational diagnosis of individual learners.
C.The teachers function both as a
curriculum development are rational and b. Self-directed, independent study is
systematic encouraged wherever possible and
D. The processes used in curriculum advisable.
development are rational and systematic.
c. Self-motivation and self-evaluation are
84. Atty. P. Alpak is involved in curriculum stimulated and emphasized throughout the
development. His conception of curriculum learning opportunities of the school.
is strongly leans on it's being a cognitive d. The program provides a wide range of
process. Which of the following statements opportunities for individuals with same
supports the conception he holds ? abilities, needs, and interests.

A. Curriculum is a plan for learning 88. Teacher Lily would like to take a part in
B. Curriculum aims to make learning developing a subject-centered curriculum
efficient and systematic. because she believes that all subjects in this
C. Curriculum develops skills in type of curriculum are geared towards the
analyzing, deducing and speculating. holistic development of the learner. Is her
D.The content of the curriculum is sourced belief about the subject-centered curriculum
from different academic disciplines. true?

85. In Curriculum design and organization, a. Yes, because the subject-centered

it is expected that content be selected by the curriculum focuses on the learners needs,
curriculum developers? interests and abilities.
b. No, because it is the experience-centered
A. Validity curriculum emphasizes the teaching of facts
B. Feasibility and knowledge for future use.
C. Learnability c. Yes, because the subject-centered
D. Significance curriculum involves cooperative control.
d. No, because it is the experience
centered not the subject-centered
curriculum that emphasizes integration of d. None of these
habits and skills in learning the
knowledge component of a subject area. 92. The development of school curriculum
are on progress. Which from among the
89. In the elementary level, English following is not considered in the
literature and Social studies relate well. curriculum development according to Tyler?
While history is being studied, different
literary pieces during the historical period is a. Location of the school
being studied as well. What curriculum b. Purposes of the school
design is shown here? c. Organization of the experience
d. Evaluation of the experiences
a. Separate subject design
b. Discipline design 93. When curriculum experts select the
c. Correlation design subject matter content or knowledge for
d. Broad field design the.curriculum, which from among the
following criteria below has to do with
90. This phase of curriculum development authenticity of the subject matter?
involves decisions, among other things, on
grade placement and sequencing of content. a. Validity
Which phase is this? b. Realibility
c. Significance
a. Curriculum planning d. Self-sufficiency
b. Curriculum evaluation
c. Curriculum organization 94. A teacher desires her students to realize
d. Curriculum implementation the "wholeness" of the problem. With this
premise, the teacher is manifesting which
90. One example of this design of subject- psychological priciple?
centered curriculum is that which shows a. Cognitivism
social studies being combined with b. Gestalt
geography, civics and culture, and history to c. Humanistic
comprise one subject area. Which design is d. Existentialism
95. Revisions of curriculum happens-
a. Correlated
b. Broadfields a. Every three years
c. Separate subject b. As the needs arises
d. Core c. As declared by DepEd
d. Every 5 years
91. If Principal D viewed curriculum as a
body of subjects / subject matter prepared by 96. What mathematical skills can be
teachers for the students to learn, this integrated by counting?
concept refers to-
a. geometry, seriating
a. Traditional view of the.curriculum b. addition, measurement
b. Progressive view of the curriculum c. temporal concept, comparing
c. Latent view of the curriculum d. classifying, telling time
97. Which program in Dep.Ed's
vehicle in mobilizing from the private and
non-government sectors to support program
based on Dep Ed's assistance

a. Adopt -A-School Program

b. child-friendly school system
c. brigada school program
d. every child a reader program

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