Demo Festival

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
DATE & rto,if
Control No,: --.4 tJN-2 2flifi -
City Schools Division of

June 20, 2016

No. (DO s.2016


To: OIC, Asst Schools Division Superintendent

Education Program Supervisors
Public Elementary and Secondary Schools Principals
Secondary English Head Teachers
Elementary Key English Teachers
All Concerned

1. To ensure proper implementation of the curriculum that adheres to the standards

and principles of K to 12 BEP and to ensure that quality education is delivered to all
learners, this Division will conduct Demo Festival in English showcasing the best
practices and pedagogical skills and approaches that will benefit all teachers and
learners in the elementary and secondary level.

For elementary level, this will be held at San Nicolas Elementary School on July 19-20,
2016, 8:00AM-5:00PM and at Congressional National High School for Secondary level
on July 21-22, 2016, 8:00AM-5:00PM.

2. This demo festival specifically aims to:

a. Showcase best practices and pedagogical skills and approaches in teaching.
b. Share these best practices, skills and strategies to other teachers.
c. Benefit the learners from these best practices, skills and strategies employed by
their teachers.

3. For elementary level, there will be a CLUSTER DEMO FESTIVAL. PSDSs and
Principals are advised to lead the cluster demo fest. Principals and PSDSs will select
one (1) best demonstration teacher per cluster who will participate in the Division
Demo Fest. In the division level, there will be 10 teachers who will join the demo
fest. Top three demonstration teacher will be selected. While doing the
demonstration teaching, teachers will be videoed. This video presentation of the
demo teachers will be distributed to all elementary schools so that they will learn
from this video some best practices, pedagogical skill and approaches that they can
apply in teaching. All clusters are required to bring their own videographer and
4. For the secondary level on the other hand, one demonstration teacher will be
selected from each school to participate in the division level. From eleven
demonstration teachers, three will be selected. Using the same procedure, these
teachers will be videoed to show case also their best skills and strategies in
teaching. These video will be distributed also to all secondary schools. Each school is
also required to bring their own videographer and gadgets

5. During the conduct of Division Demo fest, EPS and PSDSs for elementary and EPS
and Head Teacher for secondary will serve as judges and process observers.

6. In the Division level, this demo fest will be participated in by the following:
a. Elementary level
• 10 demonstration teachers- (one per cluster)
• Key English Administrators/PSDS
• 6 teachers per school (one per grade level)
b. Secondary level
• 11 demonstration teachers
• English Head Teachers/Coordinators
• 4 English teachers per school (one per grade level)

7. There will be NO REGISTRATION FEE to be collected. ALL PARTICIPANTS ARE


8. All demonstration teachers will be given a Certificate of Recognition while the

participants will be given a Certificate of Attendance.

9. To guarantee proper planning and implementation and other concern, a meeting of

all 11 English Head teachers/coordinators and PSDS will be conducted on
Wednesday, June 22, 1:00PM, Division Office Conference Room.

10. To make sure that the demonstration teacher will really show best practices, skills
and strategies, attached is the 2C-2I-1R Teaching and Learning Approaches for your

11. For your information and strict compliance.

OIC, Schools Division Superintendent

Name of Teacher Observed: _ Subject:

Number of Students Present: Date: Time:
Name of Observer: Topic:
Lesson Objectives:

Directions: Respond to each statement based on what you have observed. Using the scale below, encircle the
number that corresponds to your answer.
I — Not so much accomplished 2— Accomplished fairly well 3 — Accomplished very well

No. Indicators Rating

A. Class Organization
1 Clearly states objectives of the lesson. 1 2 3
2 Provides motivation activity to stimulate pupils' interest. 1 2 3
3 Involves a variety of pupils' during learning activities. 1 2 3
4 Responds appropriately to pupils' questions and comments. 1 2 3
5 Employs effective classroom management strategies. 1 2 3
* Comment/s:

** Recommendation/s:

B. Teaching Methods / Strategies Rating

1 Employs varied strategies/activities. 1 2 3
2 Delivers well-planned lesson to meet the objectives of the class. 1 2 3
3 Supports high-level thinking through effective art of questioning. 1 2 3
4 Manages time very well. 1 2 3
5 Uses assessment strategy aligned with lesson objectives. 1 2 3
* Comment/s:

** Recommendation/s:

C. Assessment Rating
1 Provides timely, appropriate feedback/ reinforcement to learners' behavior 1 2 3
2 Uses appropriate assessment congruent to the lesson 1 2 3
3 Provides opportunity for the learners to demonstrate their learning. 1 2 3
4 Uses non-traditional authentic assessment techniques when needed. 1 2 3
5 Uses assignment as reinforcement/ enrichment of the lesson. 1 2 3
* Comment/s:

** Recommendation/s:

* Give positive Comment/s to indicator/s which is rated No. 3
** Provide Recommendation/s to indicator/s which is rated No. 1 particularly on how to further improve it.

Observer (Signature over printed name)

THE 2C-21-1R:



Teaching and Learning Approaches Across Learning Areas that Support Teacher
Practice is a guide to all curriculum planners, designers and leaders of DepEd Region
IVA. It was crafted to provide support in implementing the approaches prescribed in
RA10533 expected to develop the information skills, learning and innovation skills,
communication skills, life and career skills of all learners in the basic education
The five major approaches are Constructivist, Collaborative, Integrative, Reflective and
Inquiry Based Learning ( 2C-21-1R ). These approaches contain five core strategies
recommended for use by instructional leaders and teachers in finding ways to help
learners get excited about their learning, in responding to their abilities and learning
styles and in building learners competence in doing holistic and engaging activities
inside and outside the classroom.
With these strategies, it is hoped that teachers can now improve learners
understanding of the learning outcomes, heighten learner's ability to read, write and
reason, and ultimately meet the K12 curriculum standards.

Curriculum and learnine Manaeement Division. Reeion IVA
Inquiry Based Approach is a way of acquiring or obtaining information by investigation
carried out by learners who are eager to know the phenomenon in question. As a process,
learners are involved in their learning by formulating questions, investigating, building their
understanding and creating meaning and new knowledge on a certain lesson. At the end, the
new knowledge is used to answer a question, develop solution and support a position or point
of view.

'Iso achieve the desired outcomes using this approach, the following strategies can be adopted:

1. Simulation is an instructional method where learners are placed in a

context or situation made by the teacher. During simulation, learners
interact in a way where they themselves are the subject in the laboratory or
classroom. Usually, it is done through role plays, games and models.

2. Demonstration is a teaching technique that lessens teachers active role as

a prime source of knowledge allowing learners to respect diversity and work
in the process. It is an important component of overall teaching strategy
that provides a concrete and visual way of explaining the topic.

3. Experiment is a way of doing investigation in science classrooms. It

encourages learners interest to manipulate objects. test hypothesis and
work together to solve or prove something exciting. In the process, learners
are able to see or relate concepts better contributing to a thorough
understanding of the science concepts.

4. Field Study is a manner in which experiments or engaging activities are

undertaken in a natural setting rather than in laboratories, classrooms, or
other structured environments.

5. Project Work is a method that focuses on the work given by the teacher for
learners to carry out in groups about a certain problem or situation on a
specific content.

Collaborative Approach requires learners to work together towards a common goal.

This type of learning has been called in various names like collective learning. learning
communities, peer teaching, peer learning or team learning.
In order to achieve a classroom where collaborative learning approach works. teachers must
fully understand learners preferred learning styles and view of learning. Classroom teachers
shall use the following strategies properly:

1. Online Collaborative Learning is a method that prepares learners to


be responsible individuals in a technologically advanced society.

Projects and activities given by teachers to them shall reflect their
current and future needs.

Curriculum and Learning Management Division, ReRion IVA
2. Jigsaw Method is a cooperative learning technique in which learners
work in a small group. It can be used in a variety of ways for a variety
of goals that allows for an efficient way for learners to learn content,
develop their listening, engagement and empathy skills aside from
allowing them to interact among each other and work independently.

3. Think Pair Share is a cooperative discussion strategy with three

- -

stages of learners action emphasizing on what learners are to be

doing at each of the three stages (Think -Pair- Share).

4. Integrated Process Approach is a strategy that features four phases

namely; socialization, externalization, combination and

5. Peer Teaching is a strategy that is carried out by learners that

involves learners taking on a teaching role in the school setting. The
three forms of peer teaching strategies are reciprocal teaching, peer
tutoring and cooperative learning.

Integrative Approach provides learners with a learning environment that helps them
make connections of their learning's across curricula. It focuses on connections rather than
teaching isolated facts. It underscores the elements of content based instruction, focusing
inquiry, thematic teaching and generic competency model.
To produce good results using this approach, proper implementation of the following strategies
are highly recommended.

1. Educational Technology is the effective use of technological tools in

learning. It concerns an array of tools such as media. machines and
networking hardware as well as the underlying theoretical perspectives for
their effective application.

2. Lecture Method is an oral presentation of information by the teacher. It is

a method of relaying factual information which includes principles,
concepts, ideas and theoretical knowledge about a given topic.

3. Discussion Method is a strategy that involves two way communication

between teachers and learners. In the classroom situation. the teacher and
learners all participate in discussing and explaining the concepts or topics.

Curriculum and Learning Management Division. Region IVA

3 I
4. Buzz Groups is a method of instruction where a group can be divided into
sub-groups to discuss one or two specific questions or issues related to ihe
main topic.

5. Brainstorming is a strategy where participants are encouraged to ask, share

explain anything related to the topic and to let these ideas flow freely
during the teaching- learning process in order to arrive at a conclusion for
a specific problem.

Constructivist Approach allows learners to be active in the process of constructing

meaning and knowledge rather than passively receiving information. It fosters critical
thinking and provides learners with a learning environment that helps them make connections
with their 'earnings.

To ensure that learners are makers of meaning and knowledge in the process, the following
strategies are suggested:

1. Thinking Skills Strategies are strategies that strive to improve achievement

by consciously developing learners ability to consider ideas, analyze perspectives.
solve problems and make decisions on their own.

2. Activity -Based Teaching Strategies are methods that strive to improve

learners achievement by engaging learners in individual or group experiential
learning opportunities such as purposeful conversation, project planning, hands on
inquiry, analysis and product creation.

3. Direct Instruction Strategies are the quickest way to impart knowledge where
teachers words and actions both guide and model the learning.

Reflective Approach signifies a movement in teacher education in which teachers

analyze their own practice and its underlying basis in order to consider alternative means for
achieving their ends. (Perrington, 1992)

Some of the strategies that a teacher can make use of are ;

1. Multimedia Presentation is the effective use of instructional materials

that utilize a wide range of electronic media allowing the learners to reflect
after the teaching learning process.

2. Drill and Practice is a technique with emphasis on repetition after the

learners reflect on their skill or learning&

3. Mental Modelling is a strategy intended to enhance learners ability to

direct their own learning after gaining an insight in any cognitive process
or activity.

Curriculum and Learning Management Division. Reeion IVA

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