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Module 6

Business Ethics
Grade 12: Module 6
First Edition, 2021

Copyright © 2021
La Union Schools Division
Region I

All rights reserved. No part of this module may be reproduced in any

form without written permission from the copyright owners.

Development Team of the Module

Author: Renalyn A. Jimenez,T II

Editor: SDO La Union, Learning Resource Quality Assurance Team

Illustrator: Ernesto F. Ramos Jr., P II

Management Team:

Atty. Donato D. Balderas, Jr.

Schools Division Superintendent
Vivian Luz S. Pagatpatan, Ph.D
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
German E. Flora, Ph.D, CID Chief
Virgilio C. Boado, Ph.D, EPS in Charge of LRMS
Lorna O. Gaspar, EPS in Charge of ABM
Michael Jason D. Morales, PDO II
Claire P. Toluyen, Librarian II


The Filipino value system or Filipino values refers to the collection of values
or the value system that has traditionally been important to the majority of Filipinos
in their lives.

In your previous lesson, you have learned about the belief systems and how it
can influence the business system. These belief systems includes Buddhism, Islam
and Christianity.

This module will give you knowledge and activities to support your
understanding about how Filipino value system influence business practices.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Infer how Filipino value system influence business practices.

Before going on, check how much you know about this topic. Answer the
pretest on the next page in a separate sheet of paper.

Module Filipino Value System Influence
6 Business Practices

In Module 5, you have learned what the different belief systems are. These

systems are faith founded on a sequence of beliefs but not formalized into a religion,
also a fixed set of consistent beliefs in a culture or society.


For you to understand the lesson well, do the following activities. Have fun
and good luck!

Activity 1: Case Analysis

Directions: Read and understand the story below and after which, answer the
questions briefly but substantially.
Mr. Jun Dy is an entrepreneur and runs a shoe manufacturing business. He
inherited the company and its late father had run it successfully before. Their
ancestors are entrepreneurs of opulence, prestige and prosperity. He was taught from
an early age about how to run a company and be passionate about it and committed
to it. He saw numerous strategies which his father used to run their company. He
said all of his success today is because of his family, and he'll make it more effective
as a reciprocity.
Mr. Dy has recruited highly qualified workers to ensure they are able to run
the company properly. Yet at some point, because Mr. Dy is also a family-centered
man, he hires family members or relatives to be his employees as well. He recruits
mates to work for him, as well. Mr. Dy has colleagues in politics who he believed
could support him in his business.
One of his tactics is to establish relationships with his clients that have made
his company successful. Mr. Dy hates the mentality and procrastination of workers
who cultivate the pattern of "come what may" and he has taught them to always be

Directions: Choose the letter of your answer from the given options. Write in a
separate sheet of paper.
“Mr. Dy hates the mentality and procrastination of workers who cultivate the
pattern of "come what may" and he has taught them to always be hard-working”.
1. From this sentence above, what Filipino Value System is being emphasized?
A. Amor Propio B. Bahala Na
C. Mañana Habit D. Suki System
2. What value system is being practiced if he hires his relatives even if he knew they
weren't qualified for that position?
A. Amor propio B. Filial Piety C. Mañana Habit D. Nepotism
3. What value system will you demonstrate if you respect and love your parents, your
elders and your ancestors extremely?
A. Amor Propio B. Cronyism C. Filial Piety D. Nepotism
4. “Mr. Dy has colleagues in politics who he believed could support him in his
business”, what conclusion can you deduced from this statement?
A. Mr. Dy is very friendly
B. Mr. Dypractice neopotism
C. Mr. Dy practice pradrino system
D. Mr. Dy plans to become a politician
5. Based on the story above, what Filipino value would you imitate from Mr. Dy?
A. Amor Propio B. Cronyism C. Filial Piety D. Nepotism


Filipino Cultural Values

1. Utang Na Loob (Reciprocity)
The essence of utang na loob is an obligation to reimburse a person who has
done one a favor. The favors that evoke the meaning of utang na loob from the Filipino
are usually those whose importance cannot be quantified, or, if there is a quantifiable
importance involved a profoundly personal inner dimension. This inner aspect, loob,
separates utang na loob from an ordinary debt ("utang"); being an internal
phenomenon, utang na loob thus goes much deeper than ordinary debt or even the
western idea of owing a favor.

2. Filial Piety
Filial piety is a virtue of reverence for parents, elders and ancestors of one
another. In Filipino culture it is an essential term. It is understood as necessary to
maintain the family's collective face and avoid experiencing hiya. In business, the
Filipino family is so intact that it is normal for the family members work on the same

3. Padrino System
Padrino System, or patronage in Philippine culture and politics, is the system
of respect in which one receives popularity, advancement, or political position by
family association (nepotism) or friendship (cronyism), as opposed to one's merit.

3.1 Nepotism
Nepotism is the practice of recruiting members of the family no matter what
their credentials. For certain situations, a spouse of a business executive may be
eligible to do the job she is employed for. The fact she is a relative of an executive
gives her an advantage over the other applicants. Yet if the employee is not eligible
to do the job, then nepotism is counter-productive. Your executive staff starts
recruiting family members because they need work, but the lack of skills and
capacity of the family members will affect the competitiveness of the company.

3. 2 Cronyism
The counterpart of Nepotism is Cronyism. It's the act of recruiting mates, no
matter what qualifications. One of the biggest issues with cronyism that you see in
nepotism, too, is the sense of entitlement that workers working in these situations
experience. If they know the business or are connected to an executive, they believe
they merit raises and promotions which should be reserved for members of more
skilled workers. This causes organizational tension and can result in a loss of skilled

4. Suki System
The Filipino word "Suki" means "loyal" buyers. The suki relationships in the
commercial sense (Market- Exchange Partnerships) that grow between two persons
who agree to become regular customers and suppliers. In the marketplace, Filipinos
will regularly buy from certain specific suppliers who will give them, in exchange,
lower prices, good quality and, sometimes, credit. "Suki" is a distinct Filipino belief
system that is mainly rooted in commercially oriented personal alliance systems.
Although a suki relationship normally takes time and several business transactions
to solidify, it could be used as a measure to create trust and at the very least to
hasten the establishment of a suki like arrangement to imply a suki like relationship
and to back it up with concessions.

5. Bahala Na
The word Bahala is actually derived from the word Bathala, which refers to
the ancient Supreme Being worshiped by the Filipinos during the pre-Spanish
period. It can be assumed that the best use of this sentence would be in the form of
leaving things in the Divine Being's hands. Simply put, "Bahala na" may be the
equivalent of the Islamic word Inshallah, meaning "God willing" or "if Allah wills."
Bahala Na has been loosely translated as "come what may." Hence, it is referred to
as the Philippine form of fatalism that is leaving everything in the hands of fate.
Filipinos typically say "Bahala na" when they can't determine their next course of
action or when they don't know what's going to happen next. They say this phrase
as if all they want is to do with the flow, not knowing what the outcome could be.

6. Mañana Habit
Mañana Habit comes from the Spanish word "Mañana" which literally means
"tomorrow" or "unspecified future period." Hence, Mañana Habit refers to
procrastination, or to putting off for tomorrow what can be done today. "Mañana
habit," synonymous with the Filipino phrase "Mamaya na," is just another term for
procrastination. In business the following are the influences of Mañana Habit:
a. Reduced efficiency
b. Damaged reputation– If you get to the point that the consequences of
procrastination influence what and what you deliver to customers, you’re clearly in
trouble, and it can lead to a reputation for lateness.
c. Missed opportunities – If you're at the top of your workload, you'll also be
in a much better position to take advantage of new opportunities.
d. Roadblocks / Bottlenecks – If you start ignoring things, the process of
your company may be disrupted. Instead, an accumulation of tasks that haven't been
completed leads to tension for you and disappointment with other team members.

7. Amor propio
"Amor Propio" is a Spanish word that means self-love; a sense of self-esteem
or self-respect that prevents a person from swallowing his pride. Love of its own is
part of the Filipino tradition. The Filipino people are super-sensitive to the emotional
imperatives that drive asal or actions. "Delicadeza and Amor Propio" are the two
damdamin (emotional) norms that control our sense of propriety and self-esteem.
“Sensitivity or "Balat Sibuyas", in the corporate sector, the Filipinos are not
particularly fond of saying "no" and thus the "yes" you got earlier in the day does not
necessarily turn out.


Here are some enrichment activities for you to work on to master and
strengthen the basic concepts you have learned from this lesson.

Enrichment Activity 1: Examine if Negative or Positive

Direction: Write negative if the Filipino values denotes bad effect to a business,
positive if it has good effect to a business. Write your answers in a separate sheet of
1. Utang Na Loob 6. Mañana Habit
2. Filial Piety 7. Amor Propio
3. Padrino System 8. Nepotism
4. Suki System 9. Balat Sibuyas
5. Bahala Na 10. Cronyism

Enrichment Activity 2: Crossword Puzzle

“ABCD PUZZLE MAKER.” Puzzle Maker - Free Puzzle Maker applications, 2013.

Enrichment Activity 3: Analyze the situation

Direction: From the lesson being discussed, relate each of the situation below with
our discussion and identify what Filipino Value System it is.
1. You were fired from your work, so you want to get a new one because you
feel humiliated to be dismissed from that position. It happens that your dad is a
politician. You talked to him, and ask for help and instantly, he called for a friend
who owns a business. His friend asked your dad to tell you and apply for a position
in his business immediately. What value system is in this situation?

2. An abandoned wife refuses to receive financial support from a husband who

has deserted her, no matter how financially destitute she is on that basis. What value
system is in this situation?

3. An employee was told by his supervisor to prepare a proposal for tomorrow's

meeting with a client. His friend called and asked him to go out with him for a night.
At first, he refused because of the paper that he had to finish. But it happens that
his friend went to his house to pick him up. His wife asked him not to go because of
the unfinished report. So he said he was going to do that later when he got home.
Unfortunately, when he got home, he figured out that he had left his laptop charger
in the office, and that all the files he needed for the proposal were in his laptop. The
report is needed at 8 o'clock in the morning. What value system is in this situation?


At this point, interview five employees or a business owners in your own

locality and ask them the questions below. Write their answers on a separate sheet
of paper. After their interview, you can summarize and compare their answers and
make a reflection paper on our Filipino Value System topic.
Interview questions:
1. Which kind of Filipino value system do you know?
2. Have you encountered this value system in your job/business? How did you
respond to this?
3. Would you think the value system will benefit you as an employee or business
owner? Why?

For your reaction paper answer the following:

Q1. What is the importance of our topic for you as a senior high school learner?
Q2. Do you think these Filipino value system can influence positively a business?
Q3. If you are an owner of a business, will you practice these Filipino value system,

Rubrics for the reaction paper

Poor Fair Good Excellent

1 points 2 points 3 points 4 points

Content Does not Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates

demonstrate limited comprehension mastery of core
comprehensio comprehension of core content content in
n of content in of content in in reading and reading and offers
reading and or reading or offers offers complete thoughtful
offers superficial responses to responses to
irrelevant responses to reaction reaction questions
responses to reaction questions
reaction questions

Format & Few Relationships Relationships Writer expresses

Organization relationships among ideas are among ideas are relationships
between ideas sometimes assisted by among ideas;
are presented. clear, but transitions and careful and
conveyed logical subtle
inconsistently. progression of organization
ideas. enhances
effectiveness of

Grammar, Errors in Errors in A small number Mastery of
Punctuation grammar, grammar, of errors in grammar,
& Spelling spelling, and spelling, grammar, spelling,
mechanics mechanics spelling and mechanics
cause reader distract or mechanics do enhances the
to frequently interfere with not distract effectiveness of
stop reading. understanding. from the overall communication.
effectiveness of
the paper.


Directions: Read carefully each item. Use separate sheet for your answers. Write
only the letter of the best answer for each test item.
1. What Filipino value system is rooted primarily in personal alliance systems
based on religion?
A. Amor Propio B. Bahala Na
C. Filial Piety D. Padrino System
2. What is the best translation for Amor Propio?
A. Self- care B. Self- love
C. Self- disrespect D. Self- discipline
3. Which of the following is NOT considered as mañana habit?
A. Nepotism B. Damaged reputation
C. Missed opportunities D. Reduced efficiency
4. What are we referring to if we talked about the set of values that majority
of the Filipinos have historically held important in their lives?
A. Filipino Culture B. Filipino Tradition
C. Filipino Value System D. Values Education
5. What Filipino term are we referring to loyal customers?
A. Amor Propio B. Cronyism C. Nepotism D. Suki
6. Which of the following is NOT true about Bahala Na?
A. Bahala Na has been loosely translated as “come what may.”
B. Bahala Na is understood as essential to maintain the collective face of
the family and to avoid experiencing hiya.
C. Bahala Na is a distinct Filipino value system which is rooted primarily
in personal alliance systems based on religion
D. Bahala Na is an attitidue of just letting things happen instead of doing
something to make things happen is not a genuine “Bahala Na” value.
7. What is the other term for Padrino?
A. Come what may B. Reciprocity
C. Palakasan D. Self- love

8. What is the other term for “utang na loob”?
A. Come what may B. Reciprocity
C. Palakasan D. Self- love
9. What do we call the act of hiring friends regardless of qualifications?
A. Cronyism B. Nepotism C. Reciprocity D. Suki
10. What do we mean by “balat sibuyas”?
A. Being strong C. Extreme sensitivity
B. Patronage D. Procrastination
11. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about “utang na loob”?
A. May be good or bad for business depending on a lot of considerations.
B. When you start avoiding things it can interrupt the workflow in your
C. It is a duty to repay a person who has done one favour in an acceptable
D. This is a cycle that starts with an unsolicited gift and sometimes
continues into the next generation.
12. What is the other term for procrastination?
A. Being strong B. Extreme sensitivity
C. Mañana Habit D. Patronage
13. What do you call these two emotional norms which govern our sense of
propriety and self-esteem?
A. Delicadeza and Amor Propio B. Nepotism and Cronyism
C. Palakasan and Patronage D. Self-esteem or Self- respect
14. What is this act of being retired or delicate in tastes or manners or how
to behave rightly in all situation?
A. Delicadeza B. Nepotism
C. Palakasan D. Balat Sibuyas
15. Which of the following is TRUE about filial piety?
A. the Filipino family is so intact that it is common for members of the
same family work for the same company.

B. the Filipino family is not intact that it is common for members of the
same family work for the same company.

C. it is referred to as the Filipino version of fatalism, that is, leaving

everything in the hands of fate.

D. The Filipinos are not particularly fond of saying "no" and thus the "yes"
you got earlier in the day might not actually be working out.


Discarga, Dominick. “The Filipino Value System and Its Effects on Business,” May 25, 2018.

Answer Key


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