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Complete 911 Timeline Key Events
9/11 Commission Key Day of 9/11 Events
Project: Complete 911 Timeline (102)
Open-Content project managed by matt, Derek, Paul, KJF, mtuck, paxvector Key Hijacker Events (145)
Key Warnings (95)
Day of 9/11
add event | references All Day of 9/11 Events
Page 1 of 3 (257 events) Dick Cheney (57)
previous | 1, 2, 3 | next Donald Rumsfeld (37)
Flight AA 11 (146)
Flight AA 77 (157)
Flight UA 175 (87)
Mid-1980s: Future 9/11 Commissioner Believes White House Lies Flight UA 93 (243)
about Iran-Contra Affair without Checking George Bush (132)
Future 9/11 Commission vice chairman Lee Hamilton Passenger Phone Calls (74)
Pentagon (140)
(D-IN), at this time chairman of the House Intelligence Richard Clarke (35)
Committee, fails to properly investigate Iran-Contra Shanksville, Pennsylvania
allegations. He learns of press reports indicating that (25)
the Reagan administration is illegally funneling Training Exercises (56)
World Trade Center (91)
weapons and money to the anti-Communist rebels in
The Alleged 9/11 Hijackers
Nicaragua, but when the White House denies the story,
Alhazmi and Almihdhar
Hamilton believes it. Hamilton will later acknowledge (345)
that he has been gullible, and will say of his political Marwan Alshehhi (133)
style, “I don’t go for the jugular.” It is during the Iran- Mohamed Atta (207)
Contra investigation that Hamilton becomes friends Hani Hanjour (73)
with Dick Cheney, at this time a Republican Ziad Jarrah (74)
Other 9/11 Hijackers
congressman. [SHENON, 2008, PP. 33] Cheney is the ranking (175)
Hamilton and Cheney hold a
press conference together Republican on the House Intelligence Committee and so Possible Hijacker
about the Iran-Contra Affair must work closely with Hamilton, including on the Iran- Associates in US (79)
investigation on June 19, Alleged Hijackers' Flight
1987. [Source: J. Scott Contra investigation. [PBS, 6/20/2006] Hamilton calls
Training (73)
Applewhite] Cheney “Dick” and they will remain friends even after Hijacker Contact w
Cheney becomes vice president in 2001 and Hamilton, Government in US (33)
as vice chairman of the 9/11 Commission, begins to investigate Cheney’s actions Possible 9/11 Hijacker
as a part of the Commission’s work. [SHENON, 2008, PP. 33] Hamilton will also fail to Funding (42)
properly investigate “October Surprise” allegations (see 1992-January 1993). Hijacker Visas and
Entity Tags: Lee Hamilton
Immigration (135)
Timeline Tags: US confrontation with Iran, 9/11 Timeline, Iran-Contra Affair Alhazmi and Almihdhar:
Specific Cases
Category Tags: 9/11 Commission, 9/11 Investigations
Bayoumi and Basnan Saudi
Connection (51)
1992-January 1993: Future Democratic 9/11 Commission Co- CIA Hiding Alhazmi &
Chair Leads Cover-up of Republican Plot Almihdhar (120)
Search for Alhazmi/
In 1992, a House of Representatives task force chaired by Lee Hamilton (D-NH) Almihdhar in US (39)
conducts a ten-month investigation into the “October Surprise”—an alleged
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Republican plot to delay the release of US hostages held in Iran in 1980 until Projects and Programs
after that year’s US presidential election. The investigation concludes in 1993 Al-Qaeda Malaysia Summit
that there is “no credible evidence” of any such plot. But Robert Parry, a Able Danger (60)
journalist writing for the Associated Press and Newsweek, gains access to the Sibel Edmonds (61)
stored records of Hamilton’s task force. He finds clear evidence of a major Phoenix Memo (27)
cover up. For instance, William Casey, CIA Director in the early 1980s, was Randy Glass/
Diamondback (8)
alleged to have been involved in the plot, and Hamilton’s investigators Robert Wright and Vulgar
discovered a CIA created index of Casey’s papers made after Casey’s death in Betrayal (67)
1987. When investigators searched Casey’s possessions, they found all the Remote Surveillance (241)
papers mentioned in the index, except for all the ones relevant to the alleged Yemen Hub (75)
October Surprise plot. But the disappearance of such evidence was not Before 9/11
mentioned in Hamilton’s findings. [SCOTT, 2007, PP. 101] In addition, an official Soviet-Afghan War (105)
Russian intelligence report placing Casey in Europe in order to arrange a Warning Signs (470)
Insider Trading/
politically favorable outcome to the hostage crisis arrived in Washington shortly Foreknowledge (53)
before Hamilton’s task force issued their conclusions, but this Russian US Air Security (81)
information was not mentioned by the task force. [SCOTT, 2007, PP. 106-107] Military Exercises (88)
Hamilton will later be appointed co-chair of the 9/11 Commission (see Pipeline Politics (67)
Other Pre-9/11 Events
December 11, 2002). (66)
Entity Tags: Lee Hamilton, William Casey, Robert Parry
Category Tags: 9/11 Commission, 9/11 Investigations Counterterrorism before
Hunt for Bin Laden (158)
1995: Condoleezza Rice and Future 9/11 Commission Executive Counterterrorism Action
Director Zelikow Co-author Book on European Politics Before 9/11 (225)
Future National Security Adviser and Secretary of Policy/Politics (255)
State Condoleezza Rice and Philip Zelikow, who, as Warning Signs: Specific Cases
executive director of the 9/11 Commission, will Foreign Intelligence
investigate her performance in the run-up to 9/11, Warnings (35)
co-author a book about the implications of German Bush's Aug. 6, 2001 PDB
reunification. The two had worked together on the (39)
Presidential Level
National Security Council in the 1980s and early 90s, Warnings (31)
but are both now working at universities. Zelikow is a The Post-9/11 World
professor at the Kennedy School of Government at 9/11 Investigations (666)
Harvard University, and Rice is the provost at 9/11 Related Criminal
Stanford. The book, entitled Germany Unified and Proceedings (22)
Europe Transformed: A Study in Statecraft, is mostly 9/11 Denials (30)
US Government and 9/11
written by Zelikow, who is, in author Philip Shenon’s Criticism (67)
words, “pleased to share credit with such an obvious 9/11 Related Lawsuits
’Germany Unified and Europe up-and-comer as Rice.” [SHENON, 2008, PP. 40-41] (24)
Transformed: A Study in Entity Tags: Condoleezza Rice, Philip Shenon, Philip Media (47)
Statecraft,’ by Philip Zelikow Other Post-9/11 Events
and Condoleezza Rice.
[Source: Harvard University Timeline Tags: 9/11 Timeline (80)
Press] Category Tags: 9/11 Commission, Role of Philip Zelikow, Investigations: Specific Cases
9/11 Investigations 9/11 Commission (257)
Role of Philip Zelikow (87)
9/11 Congressional Inquiry
October 15, 1998: Future 9/11 Commission Executive Director (41)
Zelikow Says ‘Public Assumptions’ Shape Views of History CIA OIG 9/11 Report (16)
In his opening remarks at a conference on contemporary political history FBI 9/11 Investigation
organized by the Miller Center of Public Affairs at the University of Virginia, (154)
WTC Investigation (111)
future 9/11 Commission Executive Director Philip Zelikow emphasizes that the Other 9/11 Investigations
public understanding of history is shaped by what are sometimes referred to as (135)
“public myths.” “[U]nderstanding contemporary political history is extremely Possible Al-Qaeda-Linked
important and constantly alive in public discourse. ‘Contemporary’ is defined Moles or Informants
functionally by those critical people and events that go into forming the public’s Abu Hamza Al-Masri (103)
presumptions about its immediate past. This idea of ‘public presumption’ is akin Abu Qatada (36)
Ali Mohamed (78)
to William McNeill’s notion of ‘public myth’ but without the negative implication Haroon Rashid Aswat (17)
sometimes invoked by the word ‘myth.’ Such presumptions are beliefs (1) Khalil Deek (20)
thought to be true (although not necessarily known to be true with certainty), Luai Sakra (12)
and (2) shared in common within the relevant political community. The sources Mamoun Darkazanli (36)
Nabil Al-Marabh (41)
for such presumptions are both personal (from direct experience) and vicarious
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(from books, movies, and myths).” Zelikow says that public assumptions often Omar Bakri & Al-
grow out of “searing events”: “particularly ‘searing’ or ‘molding’ events take on Muhajiroun (25)
Reda Hassaine (23)
‘transcendent’ importance and, therefore, retain their power even as the Other Possible Moles or
experiencing generation passes from the scene.” [ZELIKOW, 1999 ] In a previous Informants (169)
publication, Zelikow had written about how a “catastrophic terrorism” event Other Al-Qaeda-Linked
could constitute a momentous, history-shaping milestone: “An act of Figures
catastrophic terrorism that killed thousands or tens of thousands of people… Abu Zubaida (99)
Anwar Al-Awlaki (17)
would be a watershed event in America’s history.… Like Pearl Harbor, such an Ayman Al-Zawahiri (81)
event would divide our past and future into a ‘before’ and ‘after’” (see Hambali (39)
November 1997-August 1998). Khalid Shaikh Mohammed
Entity Tags: Philip Zelikow (140)
Timeline Tags: 9/11 Timeline Mohammed Haydar
Category Tags: Role of Philip Zelikow, 9/11 Commission, 9/11 Investigations Zammar (46)
Mohammed Jamal Khalifa
May 2000: Future Authors of 9/11 Report Produce John F. Osama Bin Laden (229)
Kennedy Book Riddled with Errors Ramzi Bin Al-Shibh (106)
An eminent historian finds serious flaws in a historical Ramzi Yousef (67)
Sheikh Omar Abdul-
treatise about former President John F. Kennedy. The Rahman (57)
book, The Kennedy Tapes: Inside the White House During Victor Bout (23)
the Cuban Missile Crisis, was written in 1997 by Wadih El-Hage (45)
conservative historians Ernest May and Philip D. Zelikow, Zacarias Moussaoui (159)
and purports to be an unprecedentedly accurate Al-Qaeda by Region
representation of the events of 1962’s Cuban Missile Crisis "Lackawanna Six" (13)
Al-Qaeda in Balkans (168)
based on transcriptions of recorded meetings, Al-Qaeda in Germany
conferences, telephone conversations, and interviews (190)
with various participants. [ATLANTIC MONTHLY, 5/2000] Al-Qaeda in Italy (55)
Zelikow is a former member of George H. W. Bush’s Al-Qaeda in Southeast
Historian Ernest May. National Security Council and a close adviser to future Asia (149)
[Source: Belfer Center] Al-Qaeda in Spain (121)
National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice. [US DEPARTMENT Islamist Militancy in
OF STATE, 8/5/2005] May is a Harvard professor. Both will participate heavily in the Chechnya (50)
creation of the 2004 report by the 9/11 Commission. [SHENON, 2008, PP. 387-393] Specific Alleged Al-Qaeda
Almost three years after the Kennedy book’s publication, Sheldon M. Stern, the Linked Attacks or Plots
historian for the John F. Kennedy Library from 1977 through 1999, pores over it 1993 WTC Bombing (73)
and the May/Zelikow transcripts. In the original edition, May and Zelikow 1993 Somalia Fighting (13)
1995 Bojinka Plot (78)
admitted that their final product was not perfect: “The reader has here the best 1998 US Embassy
text we can produce, but it is certainly not perfect. We hope that some, Bombings (121)
perhaps many, will go to the original tapes. If they find an error or make out Millennium Bomb Plots
something we could not, we will enter the corrections in subsequent editions or (43)
2000 USS Cole Bombing
printings of this volume.” But when Stern checks the book against the tapes, he (114)
finds hundreds of errors in the book, some quite significant. Stern concludes 2001 Attempted Shoe
that the errors “significantly undermine [the book’s] reliability for historians, Bombing (23)
teachers, and general readers.” May and Zelikow have corrected a few of the 2002 Bali Bombings (36)
errors in subsequent editions, but have not publicly acknowledged any errors. 2004 Madrid Train
Bombings (82)
Stern concludes, “Readers deserve to know that even now The Kennedy Tapes 2005 7/7 London
cannot be relied on as an accurate historical document.” [ATLANTIC MONTHLY, Bombings (87)
5/2000] One error has then-Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy talking about the Miscellaneous Al-Qaeda
planned “invasion” of Russian ships heading to Cuba, when the tapes actually Issues
show Kennedy discussing a far less confrontational “examination” of those Alleged Al-Qaeda Linked
vessels. May and Zelikow imply that the Kennedy administration was discussing Attacks (89)
Alleged Al-Qaeda Media
just the kind of confrontation that it was actually trying to avoid. Another error Statements (102)
has CIA Director John McCone referring to the need to call on former President Key Captures and Deaths
Dwight D. Eisenhower as a “facilitator,” where McCone actually said “soldier.” (124)
May and Zelikow will be rather dismissive of Stern’s findings, saying that “none Geopolitics and Islamic
of these amendments are very important.” Stern will express shock over their Militancy
US Dominance (112)
response, and respond, “When the words are wrong, as they are repeatedly, the Alleged Iraq-Al-Qaeda
historical record is wrong.” [SHENON, 2008, PP. 42] Links (255)
Entity Tags: Kennedy administration, Philip Zelikow, John F. Kennedy, Sheldon M. Stern, Iraq War Impact on
Robert F. Kennedy, Ernest May, John A. McCone, 9/11 Commission, George Herbert Counterterrorism (83)
Walker Bush, Condoleezza Rice, Dwight Eisenhower Israel (60)
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Timeline Tags: 9/11 Timeline Pakistan and the ISI (470)
Category Tags: US Dominance, 9/11 Commission, Role of Philip Zelikow, 9/11 Saudi Arabia (249)
Investigations Terrorism Financing (312)
Londonistan - UK
Counterterrorism (322)
January 2001: Future 9/11 Commission Executive Director US Intel Links to Islamic
Zelikow Not Offered Full-time Job with Bush Administration, Militancy (69)
Returns to University Algerian Militant Collusion
Future 9/11 Commission Executive Director Philip Zelikow is not offered a job in Indonesian Militant
the Bush administration, and returns to the Miller Center of Public Affairs at the Collusion (20)
University of Virginia to teach. Zelikow had worked on the transition team (see Philippine Militant
January 3, 2001), and thought he would receive an important position in the Collusion (74)
new administration. He told his friends he thought he was in line for the position Yemeni Militant Collusion
of deputy national security adviser to Condoleezza Rice, with whom he had Other Government-
written a book in the mid-1990s (see 1995). Most people in the Bush Militant Collusion (23)
administration admire his ability, but find him hard to work with. White House Pakistan / ISI: Specific Cases
Chief of Staff Andrew Card will even describe Zelikow as a “bully” historian. Pakistani Nukes & Islamic
Author Philip Shenon will later comment that Zelikow is “perplexed that his Militancy (37)
talents had not been recognized by the people who handed out the best jobs in Pakistani ISI Links to 9/11
the Bush administration.” After returning to university, Zelikow will lobby the Saeed Sheikh (59)
White House to make the university where he works the official repository of its Mahmood Ahmed (30)
oral history. His point of contact at the White House is political adviser Karl Haven in Pakistan Tribal
Rove. [SHENON, 2008, PP. 42-44] Region (179)
Entity Tags: Andrew Card, Karl C. Rove, Philip Shenon, Philip Zelikow 2008 Kabul Indian
Timeline Tags: 9/11 Timeline Embassy Bombing (10)
Category Tags: 9/11 Commission, Role of Philip Zelikow, 9/11 Investigations Hunt for Bin Laden in
Pakistan (154)
Terrorism Financing: Specific
January 3, 2001: Counterterrorism ‘Tsar’ Clarke’s Power Is Cases
Reduced by Rice and Future 9/11 Commission Executive Director Al Taqwa Bank (29)
National Security Adviser Rice decides Al-Kifah/MAK (54)
BCCI (37)
this day to retain Richard Clarke, BIF (28)
counterterrorism “tsar” for the Clinton BMI and Ptech (21)
administration, and his staff. However, Bin Laden Family (62)
she downgrades his official position as Drugs (71)
National Coordinator for 'War on Terrorism' Outside
Counterterrorism. While he is still known
Afghanistan (300)
as the counterterrorism “tsar,” he has Drone Use in Pakistan /
less power and now reports to deputy Afghanistan (53)
secretaries instead of attending Cabinet- Destruction of CIA Tapes
level meetings. He no longer is able to (92)
Escape From Afghanistan
send memos directly to the president, or (61)
Condoleezza Rice and Philip Zelikow. [Source: easily interact with Cabinet-level High Value Detainees
Public domain] officials. [CLARKE, 2004, PP. 227-30; GUARDIAN, (179)
3/25/2004] Clarke will not be able to meet Terror Alerts (50)
with President Bush even a single time before 9/11 to discuss al-Qaeda (see Counterterrorism Action
After 9/11 (353)
January 25, 2001-September 10, 2001). In 2004, Rice will reveal that the person Counterterrorism
she tasks with considering changes to Clarke and his staff is Philip Zelikow, the Policy/Politics (432)
future Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission. Zelikow recuses himself from Internal US Security After
those parts of the 9/11 Commission’s investigation directly relating to his role in 9/11 (125)
this and other matters. However, 9/11 victims’ relatives are not satisfied. For
instance, one relative says, “Zelikow has conflicts. I’m not sure that his recusal
is sufficient. His fingerprints are all over that decision [to demote Clarke].” Email Updates
Entity Tags: Philip Zelikow, Richard A. Clarke, Condoleezza Rice Receive weekly email updates
Timeline Tags: 9/11 Timeline summarizing what contributors
Category Tags: Counterterrorism Policy/Politics, 9/11 Investigations, 9/11 Commission, have added to the History
Commons database
Role of Philip Zelikow
Email Address Here Go
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2/6/2021 Complete 911 Timeline: 9/11 Commission
Acting FBI Director Thomas Pickard attempts to brief Developing and maintaining
this site is very labor
Attorney General John Ashcroft on the al-Qaeda terrorist intensive. If you find it useful,
threat for a second time (see June 28, 2001), but Ashcroft please give us a hand and
donate what you can.
is uninterested and says he does not want to hear about it, Donate Now
according to Pickard’s later account.
'I Don't Want to Hear about It Anymore' - According to a
June 24, 2004 letter from Pickard to the 9/11 Commission,
Pickard opens the briefing by discussing If you would like to help us
“counterintelligence and counterterrorism matters.” with this effort, please
contact us. We need help with
Pickard’s letter will go on to say: “The fourth item I programming (Java, JDO,
Thomas Pickard.
[Source: Federal
discussed was the continuing high level of ‘chatter’ by al- mysql, and xml), design,
networking, and publicity. If
Bureau of Qaeda members. The AG [attorney general] told me, ‘I you want to contribute
Investigation] don’t want to hear about it anymore, there’s nothing I can information to this site, click
do about it.’ For a few seconds, I did not know what to say, the register link at the top of
the page, and start
then I replied that he should meet with the director of the CIA to get a fuller contributing.
briefing on the matter.… I resumed my agenda but I was upset about [Ashcroft’s] Contact Us
lack of interest. He did not tell me nor did I learn until April 2004 that the CIA
briefed him on the increase in chatter and level of threat on July 5, 2001” (see
July 5, 2001 and July 11-17, 2001). [PICKARD, 6/24/2004] In testimony under oath to
the 9/11 Commission in 2004, Pickard will affirm that, “at least on two
occasions” he briefed Ashcroft on a rising threat level and concerns about an
impending attack, which were being reported by the CIA. Commissioner Richard
Ben-Veniste will ask Pickard if he has told Commission staff that Ashcroft “did
not want to hear about this anymore,” to which Pickard will respond, “That is
correct.” [9/11 COMMISSION, 4/13/2004 ] According to Pickard’s later recollection:
“Before September 11th, I couldn’t get half an hour on terrorism with Ashcroft.
He was only interested in three things: guns, drugs, and civil rights.” [MILLER,
Differing Accounts of What Was Said at the Meeting - According to the 9/11
Commission’s June 3, 2004 record of its interview with Watson, “Pickard told
Watson that he was briefing Ashcroft on counterterrorism, and Ashcroft told him
that he didn’t want to hear ‘anything about these threats,’ and that ‘nothing
ever happened.’” [9/11 COMMISSION, 6/3/2004 ] Author Philip Shenon will write
about this meeting in his 2008 book, The Commission, based on interviews with
Pickard and “Commission investigators who researched his allegations,” but
none of the quotes or representations of fact in Shenon’s text will cite a specific
source. Shenon will make reference to Mark Jacobson and Caroline Barnes as
being the 9/11 Commission staffers who interviewed Pickard. [SHENON, 2008, PP.
240-248, 433] According to Shenon’s version of the meeting, Ashcroft replies to
Pickard: “I don’t want you to ever talk to me about al-Qaeda, about these
threats. I don’t want to hear about al-Qaeda anymore.” [SHENON, 2008, PP. 247]
Ashcroft, in testimony under oath to the 9/11 Commission, will dismiss Pickard’s
allegation, saying, “I did never speak to him saying that I did not want to hear
about terrorism.” [9/11 COMMISSION, 4/13/2004 ] Pickard will respond to Ashcroft’s
testimony in his 2004 letter, saying, “What [Ashcroft] stated to the Commission
under oath is correct, but they did not ask him, ‘Did he tell me he did not want
to hear about the chatter and level of threat?’ which is the conversation to
which I testified under oath.” [PICKARD, 6/24/2004] The deputy attorney general at
the time of the meeting, Larry D. Thompson, and Ashcroft’s chief of staff, David
T. Ayres, will sign a letter to the 9/11 Commission on July 12, 2004, in which
they say they are responding to Pickard’s allegation that when he briefed
Ashcroft “on the al-Qaeda threat prior to September 11, 2001, the attorney
general responded that he did not want to hear such information anymore.” The
letter will say Thompson and Ayres were present at that and the other regular
meetings between Pickard and Ashcroft, and “the attorney general made no
such statement in that or any other meeting.” [AYRES, 7/12/2004] The 9/11
Commission Report will conclude, “We cannot resolve this dispute.” [COMMISSION,
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Differing Accounts of Who Was at the Meeting - Pickard’s 2004 letter will state
that Ayres is at the meeting, but has left the room prior to that part of the
meeting, as he does not have the required level of security clearance. Pickard’s
letter indicated that the FBI Assistant Director for Criminal Investigations, Ruben
Garcia, is at the meeting and also witnesses the exchange. [PICKARD, 6/24/2004]
Shenon’s book puts Garcia at the meeting, but does not make reference to
Garcia’s account of what is said there. Also, in the notes to Shenon’s book, it
will not say that he interviewed Garcia. [SHENON, 2008, PP. 247-248, 433] According to
a June 22, 2004 NBC News report: “Commission investigators also tracked down
another FBI witness at the meeting that day, Ruben Garcia… Several sources
familiar with the investigation say Garcia confirmed to the Commission that
Ashcroft did indeed dismiss Pickard’s warnings about al-Qaeda.” Furthermore,
“Pickard did brief Ashcroft on terrorism four more times that summer, but
sources say the acting FBI director never mentioned the word al-Qaeda again in
Ashcroft’s presence—until after Sept. 11.” [MSNBC, 6/22/2004] According to the
9/11 Commission Report, “Ruben Garcia… attended some of Pickard’s briefings
of the attorney general but not the one at which Pickard alleges Ashcroft made
the statement.” [COMMISSION, 2004, PP. 536N52]
Ashcroft Denies FBI Requests and Appeals, Cuts Counterterrorism Funding -
Following the meeting, on July 18, Ashcroft will reject the FBI’s request for an
increase in funding for counterterrorism, and instead propose cuts to that
division (see July 18, 2001). Pickard will appeal this decision; Ashcroft will
reject the appeal on September 10, 2001 (see September 10, 2001). [9/11
COMMISSION, 4/13/2004]
Entity Tags: Larry D. Thompson, John Ashcroft, Mark Jacobson, Thomas Pickard, David
Ayres, Dale Watson, 9/11 Commission, Caroline Barnes, Central Intelligence Agency,
Philip Shenon, Al-Qaeda, Ruben Garcia
Timeline Tags: 9/11 Timeline
Category Tags: Al-Qaeda Malaysia Summit, Counterterrorism Action Before 9/11,
Counterterrorism Policy/Politics, 9/11 Commission
[United Airlines assistant station manager] Mitch Gross and he told me to tell
you not to talk to the FBI again. If you have any concerns you can call the
[United Airlines] Crisis Center. The FBI agents are working on the case.” McAleer
gives the information by phone to the Crisis Center, but he still is unsatisfied. He
later tells the story to Gross, and Gross tells him, “You are not to talk to anyone
about this.” On September 27, 2001, McAleer will read a local newspaper article
that shows the pictures of all of the 9/11 hijackers for the first time (see
September 27, 2001), and he quickly concludes that hijacker Fayez Ahmed
Banihammad was the suspicious man who had flown on Flight 514. McAleer
continues to try to raise the issue, for instance with United Airlines corporate
security, but without much success.
FBI Stops Media Coverage - Eventually, McAleer will come in contact with a USA
Today reporter named Blake Morrison. After checking with the FBI, Morrison
decides to write a story about McAleer’s experience. However, at the last
minute, the FBI contacts Morrison and asks him not to run the article. As a
result, the article only runs in the international edition of USA Today, on June
12, 2002. Morrison later tells McAleer that an FBI source told him that
Banihammad’s name was not on the flight manifest. This does not surprise
McAleer, since people using jump seat passes or companion passes are not
usually on the manifest. The 9/11 Commission will not mention McAleer’s story
at all, and will dismiss the jumpseating issue in general. [9/11 COMMISSION,
8/12/2003 ]
Legal Implications - There will be reports that other 9/11 hijackers used test
flights to try to get into cockpits, and some tried to sit in jump seats (see
November 23, 2001 and November 23, 2001). There will also be reports that
jump seats were used by the hijackers in the 9/11 attacks (see September 24,
2001 and November 23, 2001). Jumpseating will become a contentious issue,
because if it could be shown that the 9/11 hijackers were able to get into
cockpits using jump seats, American Airlines and United Airlines could be sued
for significant damages. In fact, McAleer’s account will later be used in a 9/11
negligence lawsuit against United Airlines. In 2011, it will be reported that
attorneys in the lawsuit are attempting to depose the agents who interviewed
McAleer, but the Justice Department is refusing to let the agents testify. [WBUR
NPR BOSTON, 1/31/2011]
Entity Tags: Mitch Gross, United Airlines, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Blake
Morrison, 9/11 Commission, Fayez Ahmed Banihammad, Gregory McAleer
Timeline Tags: 9/11 Timeline
Category Tags: Other 9/11 Hijackers, Alleged Hijackers' Flight Training, 9/11
Shortly after the attacks, investigators believe they had about a dozen accounts
at US banks. In July 2002, Dennis Lormel, chief of the FBI unit investigating the
money behind the attacks, tells the New York Times they had 35 accounts,
including 14 with the SunTrust Bank. [WASHINGTON POST, 10/7/2001; NEW YORK TIMES,
7/10/2002 SOURCES: DENNIS LORMEL] However, a year after the attacks, FBI Director
Robert Mueller tells the 9/11 Congressional Inquiry, “In total, the hijackers
opened 24 bank accounts at four different US banks.” [US CONGRESS, 9/26/2002] Not
only is Mueller’s assertion contradicted by Lormel’s previous statement, but it is
also demonstrably false, as the hijackers had at least 25 US bank accounts with
at least 6 different banks (SunTrust Bank, Hudson United Bank, Dime Savings
Bank, First National Bank of Florida, Bank of America, and First Union National
Bank) (see February 4, 2000, June 28-July 7, 2000, Early September 2000, May
1-July 18, 2001, and June 27-August 23, 2001). [US DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN
DISTRICT OF VIRGINIA; ALEXANDRIA DIVISION, 7/31/2006, PP. 19 ] The 9/11 Commission’s
Report and its Terrorist Financing Monograph focus on some of the transfers
made to the hijackers (see January 15, 2000-August 2001, June 13-September
25, 2000, June 29, 2000-September 18, 2000, and December 5, 2000), but ignore
others (see June 2000-August 2001, May 2001, Early August-August 22, 2001,
Summer 2001 and before, and Late August-Early September 2001). Neither the
report nor the monograph gives the total number of bank accounts the hijackers
opened. [9/11 COMMISSION, 7/24/2004; 9/11 COMMISSION, 8/21/2004 ] In addition, the
identities of the hijackers’ financiers reportedly change over time (see
September 24, 2001-December 26, 2002).
Entity Tags: Counterterrorism Division (FBI), 9/11 Commission, Federal Bureau of
Investigation, Robert S. Mueller III, 9/11 Congressional Inquiry, Dennis Lormel, John S.
Timeline Tags: 9/11 Timeline
Category Tags: Possible 9/11 Hijacker Funding, 9/11 Investigations, 9/11 Commission,
9/11 Congressional Inquiry, FBI 9/11 Investigation, Terrorism Financing
because of a page of the Koran stuck in his passport, then they searched his
luggage and found it full of jihadist propaganda videos. Six months earlier, the
CIA had asked immigration throughout the region to question anyone who might
have been to a training camp in Afghanistan, which gave the UAE even more
reason to question him. Jarrah was asked about his time in Afghanistan and
revealed that he intended to go to flight school in the US, but he was let go.
The UAE told the CIA about all this, but German officials say the CIA failed to
pass the information on to German intelligence. [VANITY FAIR, 11/2004]
German and More FBI Documents Also Confirm US Was Involved - McDermott has
access to German intelligence files in writing his book published in 2005. He says
that German documents show that the UAE did contact the US about Jarrah
while he was still being held. But the US had not told the Germans what was
discussed about him. Other FBI documents confirming the incident are also
obtained by McDermott, but they indicate the questioning was routine. UAE
officials insist to McDermott this is absolutely untrue. McDermott suggests that
the CIA may not have told the FBI much about the incident. He also says that
while UAE officials were holding Jarrah, US officials told them to let Jarrah go
because the US would track him (see January 30-31, 2000). [MCDERMOTT, 2005, PP.
Continued Denials - In September 2005, US officials continue to maintain they
were not notified about the stop until after 9/11. [CHICAGO TRIBUNE, 9/28/2005]
Original reporting on the incident will not occur much in the years after then.
Entity Tags: United Arab Emirates, Terry McDermott, Jane Corbin, Ziad Jarrah, 9/11
Commission, Central Intelligence Agency
Timeline Tags: 9/11 Timeline
Category Tags: Ziad Jarrah, 9/11 Investigations, 9/11 Commission, FBI 9/11
official at the Saudi consulate suspected of a link with those two hijackers.
Benomrane says that al Thumairy introduced him to two young Saudi men who
had just arrived in the US and needed help. Benomrane drove them to places in
Los Angeles and San Diego, including Sea World, a theme park in San Diego.
[SHENON, 2008, PP. 309] (Curiously, these two hijackers bought season passes to Sea
World.) [LOS ANGELES TIMES, 9/1/2002] 9/11 Commission staffers will later conclude
it is highly likely that the two men were Alhazmi and Almihdhar, despite
Benomrane’s later denial. This would mean al Thumairy knew the two hijackers.
[SHENON, 2008, PP. 309] However, the 9/11 Commission will fail to mention anything
about this in their final report.
Entity Tags: Nawaf Alhazmi, Fahad al Thumairy, Qualid Benomrane, Khalid Almihdhar
Timeline Tags: 9/11 Timeline
Category Tags: Alhazmi and Almihdhar, Bayoumi and Basnan Saudi Connection, 9/11
Investigations, 9/11 Commission, FBI 9/11 Investigation, Saudi Arabia
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reporter Tim Reich later describes the NSS as “revers[ing] the fundamental
principles that have guided successive presidents for more than 50 years:
containment and deterrence.” Foreign policy professor Andrew Bacevich will
write that the NSS is a “fusion of breathtaking utopianism [and] barely disguised
machtpolitik.” Bacevich continues, “It reads as if it were the product not of
sober, ostensibly conservative Republicans but of an unlikely collaboration
between Woodrow Wilson and the elder Field Marshal von Moltke.” [AMERICAN
CONSERVATIVE, 3/24/2003]
Written by Future Executive Director of 9/11 Commission - The document is
released under George W. Bush’s signature, but was written by Philip D. Zelikow,
formerly a member of the previous Bush administration’s National Security
Council, and currently a history professor at the University of Virginia and a
member of the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. Zelikow produced the
document at the behest of his longtime colleague National Security Adviser
Condoleezza Rice (see June 1, 2002). His authorship of the document will not be
revealed until well after he is appointed executive director of the 9/11
commission (see Mid-December 2002-March 2003). Many on the Commission will
consider Zelikow’s authorship of the document a prima facie conflict of interest,
and fear that Zelikow’s position on the Commission will be used to further the
Bush administration’s doctrine of preemptive war (see March 21, 2004). [US
DEPARTMENT OF STATE, 8/5/2005; SHENON, 2008, PP. 128]
Entity Tags: Tim Reich, University of Virginia, National Security Council, Bush
administration (43), Issuetsdeah, 9/11 Commission, Andrew Bacevich, Condoleezza
Rice, George W. Bush, Philip Zelikow
Timeline Tags: Events Leading to Iraq Invasion, US International Relations, 9/11
Category Tags: US Dominance, 9/11 Commission, Role of Philip Zelikow,
Counterterrorism Policy/Politics, 9/11 Investigations
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legislation for a few more days until Congress adjourns, it could stop the
creation of a commission for months, if not permanently. [NEW YORK TIMES,
10/11/2002] Another deal is made a few weeks later (see November 15, 2002) and
the commission goes forward.
Entity Tags: Richard (“Dick”) Cheney
Timeline Tags: 9/11 Timeline
Category Tags: 9/11 Commission, 9/11 Investigations
(see 1992-January 1993). Author Philip Shenon will comment, “While [Hamilton]
might disagree with Cheney and Rumsfeld on policy, Hamilton trusted both men
always to tell the truth.” [SHENON, 2008, PP. 32-33] However, Mitchell will
subsequently resign and Hamilton will replace him as vice chairman (see
December 11, 2002). In this role Hamilton will have good relations with the Bush
White House (see March 2003-July 2004 and Early July 2004).
Entity Tags: Richard (“Dick”) Cheney, 9/11 Commission, Lee Hamilton, Donald
Rumsfeld, Philip Shenon
Timeline Tags: 9/11 Timeline, Iran-Contra Affair
Category Tags: 9/11 Commission, 9/11 Investigations
the hijackers and other al-Qaeda operatives (see Early 2000-Summer 2001), but
the 9/11 Commission apparently does not realize or seem to care how important
the material is. Author Philip Shenon will comment: “[F]or the Commission’s
staff, [the NSA’s Maryland headquarters at] Fort Meade might as well have been
Kabul, it seemed so distant.” One reason is that some people at the commission
do not really understand what the NSA does, and also, according to Shenon,
“[For executive director Philip] Zelikow and other staff on the commission, it
was just more interesting—sexier—to concentrate on the CIA.” [SHENON, 2008, PP.
87-88, 155-6]
Entity Tags: 9/11 Commission, Lorry Fenner, National Security Agency, Philip Shenon,
Philip Zelikow
Timeline Tags: 9/11 Timeline
Category Tags: Remote Surveillance, 9/11 Commission, Role of Philip Zelikow, 9/11
Between December 2002 and May 2003: Staffer Moves from One
9/11 Inquiry to Another
Barbara Grewe, a key investigator on the Justice
Department inspector general’s investigation of the FBI’s
failures before 9/11, moves to the 9/11 Commission.
recommended to the Commission by a former colleague
who worked at the office of inspector general at the
Justice Department. [UNIVERSITY RECORD ONLINE, 3/14/2005] As
special investigative counsel at the Justice Department’s
office of the inspector general between July and
December 2002 she had investigated and reported on the
Barbara Grewe. [Source: FBI’s handling of intelligence prior to 9/11, and directed
Barbara Grewe] part of the investigation into information sharing between
the FBI and CIA, missed opportunities to locate the
hijackers before 9/11, and earlier warnings about terrorists using airplanes as
weapons. This is similar to the work she does on the 9/11 Commission.
According to a press release for a lecture she will give in 2005, Grewe also
“drafted and edited” the “relevant sections” of the Justice Department’s final
ACTION FUND, 4/16/2008] However, it is unclear how she could have done this, as
she left the Justice Department’s investigation in 2003. Although December 2002
is early on in the Justice Department inspector general’s probe, the following
important interviews have been conducted by this time:
Tom Wilshire, a CIA officer later detailed to the FBI who was involved in many
pre-9/11 intelligence failures (see 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. January 5, 2000, March
5, 2000, May 15, 2001, Mid-May 2001, Late May, 2001, July 23, 2001, August 22,
2001, and August 24, 2001); [9/11 COMMISSION, 7/24/2004, PP. 502]
“Michael,” a female CIA officer who had blocked notification to the FBI saying
that one of the hijackers, Khalid Almihdhar, had a US visa (see Around 7:00 p.m.
January 5, 2000 and January 6, 2000); [9/11 COMMISSION, 7/24/2004, PP. 502]
Dina Corsi, an FBI official who withheld intelligence information from criminal
investigators in the summer of 2001 (see June 12-September 11, 2001, Before
August 22, 2001, August 27-28, 2001, August 28, 2001, and August 28-29, 2001);
[9/11 COMMISSION, 7/24/2004, PP. 474]
Clark Shannon, a CIA officer who withheld information about Almihdhar from
the FBI (see June 11, 2001); [9/11 COMMISSION, 7/24/2004, PP. 537]
Margaret Gillespie, an FBI agent detailed to the FBI involved in information
sharing problems (see (Late May-Early June) and August 21-22, 2001); [9/11
COMMISSION, 7/24/2004, PP. 538]
Robert Fuller, an FBI agent who searched for Almihdhar in the US just before
the 9/11 attacks, but failed to find him (see September 4, 2001, September 4-5,
2001, and September 4-5, 2001); [9/11 COMMISSION, 7/24/2004, PP. 539]
Russell Fincher and Steve Bongardt, FBI agents from whom the CIA withheld
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information (see June 11, 2001, June 12-September 11, 2001, and August 29,
2001); [9/11 COMMISSION, 7/24/2004, PP. 537]
Sherry Sabol, an attorney involved in errors in the Moussaoui and Almihdhar
cases (see August 22-28, 2001 and August 28-29, 2001); [9/11 COMMISSION,
7/24/2004, PP. 538]
An FBI official who handled an al-Qaeda informer in Pakistan (see January 4,
2001); [9/11 COMMISSION, 7/24/2004, PP. 537]
Harry Samit (see August 15-20, 2001), Greg Jones (see August 27, 2001), John
Weess (see August 16, 2001), and Coleen Rowley (see May 21, 2002), FBI officials
who worked on the Moussaoui case; [9/11 COMMISSION, 7/24/2004, PP. 531, 540]
Rodney Middleton, acting head of the FBI’s bin Laden unit before 9/11 (see
July 27, 2001 and after); and [9/11 COMMISSION, 7/24/2004, PP. 538]
Jennifer Maitner, an FBI official involved in the Phoenix memo and President
Bush’s August 6 presidential daily briefing (see July 10, 2001, July 27, 2001 and
after, and (August 4-5, 2001)). [9/11 COMMISSION, 7/24/2004, PP. 536]
Entity Tags: 9/11 Commission, US Department of Justice, Barbara Grewe, Office of the
Inspector General (DOJ)
Category Tags: 9/11 Investigations, 9/11 Commission, Other 9/11 Investigations
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Spilled Coffee - Kissinger had also been pressured to reveal his client list at a
meeting with a group of victims’ relatives, in particular the “Jersey Girls.” One
of the “Girls,” Lorie Van Auken, had even asked Kissinger whether he had “any
clients named bin Laden?” Kissinger, who was pouring coffee at that moment,
refused to answer, but spilled the coffee and fell off the sofa on which he was
sitting. [SHENON, 2008, PP. 12-3]
Business Ties - It is reported that Kissinger is (or has been) a consultant for
Unocal, the oil corporation, and was involved in plans to build pipelines through
Afghanistan (see September-October 1995). [WASHINGTON POST, 10/5/1998; SALON,
12/3/2002] Kissinger claims he did no current work for any oil companies or
Mideast clients, but several corporations with heavy investments in Saudi
Arabia, such as ABB Group, a Swiss-Swedish engineering firm, and Boeing Corp.,
pay him consulting fees of at least $250,000 a year. A Boeing spokesman said its
“long-standing” relationship with Kissinger involved advice on deals in East Asia,
not Saudi Arabia. Boeing sold $7.2 billion worth of aircraft to Saudi Arabia in
1995. [NEWSWEEK, 12/15/2002]
Not Vetted - In a surprising break from usual procedures regarding high-profile
presidential appointments, White House lawyers never vetted Kissinger for
conflicts of interest. [NEWSWEEK, 12/15/2002] The Washington Post says that after
the resignations of Kissinger and Mitchell, the commission “has lost time” and
“is in disarray, which is no small trick given that it has yet to meet.” [WASHINGTON
POST, 12/14/2002]
Entity Tags: Bush administration (43), Congressional Research Service, Lorie Van Auken,
Henry A. Kissinger, 9/11 Commission
Timeline Tags: 9/11 Timeline
Category Tags: 9/11 Commission, 9/11 Investigations
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commissioners can visit the commission’s offices, but cannot have a permanent
presence there. Indeed, not even Kean and Hamilton will have an office in the
commission’s building. Author Philip Shenon will comment: “To Ben-Veniste, the
way the staff was being organized guaranteed that the commissioners’
involvement in the details of the investigation would be limited. It centralized
control in Zelikow’s hands.” [SHENON, 2008, PP. 69-70]
Entity Tags: Philip Zelikow, Lee Hamilton, Max Cleland, Richard Ben-Veniste
Timeline Tags: 9/11 Timeline
Category Tags: 9/11 Commission, Role of Philip Zelikow, 9/11 Investigations
Shortly Before January 27, 2003). According to author Philip Shenon, he says
aloud, “The fix is in,” and wonders why anybody would have hired a friend of
National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice to investigate her, amongst others.
Clarke had previously thought that the 9/11 Commission might get to the truth
of how President George Bush and Rice had ignored the intelligence in the run-
up to 9/11, but Zelikow’s appointment dashes these hopes. Shenon will describe
Clarke’s reaction as: “[T]here [is] no hope that the Commission would carry out
an impartial investigation of the Bush administration’s bungling of terrorist
threats in the months before September 11. Could anyone have a more obvious
conflict of interest than Zelikow?” Clarke, who dislikes Zelikow personally,
wonders whether he has told the commissioners that he was one of the
architects of Clarke’s demotion at the start of the Bush administration (see
January 3, 2001). He is certain that Zelikow will not want a proper investigation
of the transition to the Bush administration, as he was such a central part of it.
[SHENON, 2008, PP. 63-65]
Entity Tags: Richard A. Clarke, Philip Zelikow, Philip Shenon
Timeline Tags: 9/11 Timeline
Category Tags: 9/11 Commission, Role of Philip Zelikow, 9/11 Investigations
January 27, 2003: 9/11 Commission Starts Off with Little Funding
The 9/11 Commission, officially titled the National Commission on Terrorist
Attacks Upon the United States, holds its first meeting in Washington. The
commission has $3 million and only a year and a half to explore the causes of
the attacks. By comparison, a 1996 federal commission to study legalized
gambling was given two years and $5 million. [ASSOCIATED PRESS, 1/27/2003] Two
months later the Bush administration grudgingly increases the funding to $12
million total (see March 26, 2003). [ASSOCIATED PRESS, 1/27/2003] A few days later,
Vice Chairman Lee Hamilton says, “The focus of the commission will be on the
future. We want to make recommendations that will make the American people
more secure.… We’re not interested in trying to assess blame, we do not
consider that part of the commission’s responsibility.” [UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL,
Entity Tags: Philip Zelikow, 9/11 Commission, Bush administration (43), Lee Hamilton
Timeline Tags: 9/11 Timeline
Category Tags: 9/11 Commission, 9/11 Investigations
events on the day of the attacks, will be critical of the decision and will urge
Kean and Hamilton to change their minds. If subpoenas are issued at the start,
the Commission will have time to enforce them in court and the agencies
“would know that they couldn’t run out the clock,” whereas if subpoenas were
issued later, after non-compliance with document requests, the agencies could
use such tactics. [SHENON, 2008, PP. 201]
Difficulties with Receiving Documents - As a result of this policy, the Commission
will have trouble getting documents from the White House (see June 2003),
Defense Department (see July 7, 2003), FAA (see November 6, 2003), and CIA
(see October 2003), leading to delays in its investigation.
Entity Tags: Lee Hamilton, John Farmer, 9/11 Commission, Jamie Gorelick, Thomas
Category Tags: 9/11 Commission, 9/11 Investigations
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phone call to Tom Kean, the Commission’s chairman. He tells Kean that he does
not want to see Zelikow ever again, which means that in the future he will only
discuss access to the documents with Kean and Commission Vice Chairman Lee
Alleged Involvement of Rove - The battle over access to documents and
witnesses will go on for some time (see June 2003), and commissioner John
Lehman will say that White House political adviser Karl Rove is “very much
involved” in it. According to Lehman, “Gonzales cleared everything with Rove,”
and friends tell him that “Rove was the quarterback for dealing with the
Commission,” although the White House will deny this. [SHENON, 2008, PP. 73-76,
Entity Tags: Philip Zelikow, Thomas Kean, John Lehman, Alberto R. Gonzales, Karl C.
Timeline Tags: 9/11 Timeline
Category Tags: Bush's Aug. 6, 2001 PDB, 9/11 Commission, Role of Philip Zelikow, 9/11
Late January 2003: 9/11 Commission’s Zelikow Tells CIA 9/11 Was
Its Fault; CIA Is Displeased
9/11 Commission Executive Director Philip Zelikow makes his first visit to the
CIA, where he meets Mark Lowenthal, a CIA staffer responsible for liaising with
9/11 investigations, and Winston Wiley, the CIA’s assistant director for homeland
security. Both men have met Zelikow before and Wiley dislikes him, later saying
that Zelikow “reeks of arrogance,” and, “Here’s a guy who spent his career
trying to insinuate himself into power so when something like this came his way,
he could grab it.”
Recriminations at First Meeting - Although the visit is just supposed to be an
initial meeting introducing the 9/11 Commission to the CIA, according to
Lowenthal, Zelikow starts by saying, “If you had a national intelligence director,
none of this would have ever happened.” According to Wiley, Zelikow says that
9/11 was the result of a “massive failure” at the CIA and happened because
“you guys weren’t connected to the rest of the community.” Zelikow will later
say that he has no recollection of making these remarks and did not have a firm
opinion on a director of national intelligence at this time, but both Lowenthal
and Wiley will recall both the remarks and being extremely surprised by
Zelikow’s tone. Lowenthal thinks that Zelikow has already decided that the
intelligence community needs to be restructured, with a national intelligence
director appointed above the CIA director, and that Zelikow is “going to make
this [the 9/11 investigation] all about the CIA.”
Tenet's Reaction - When Lowenthal warns CIA Director George Tenet about the
interview, Tenet cannot believe what Lowenthal is telling him and thinks
Lowenthal may have misheard Zelikow. According to journalist and author Philip
Shenon, Tenet thinks the idea the CIA is most responsible for 9/11 is “crazy” and
the idea of creating a national intelligence director “even nuttier.” Tenet is sure
that the “incompetent, arrogant FBI” is most at fault for 9/11 and that if
Zelikow gets out of hand, he can deal with the situation by talking to some of
the 9/11 commissioners he knows. [SHENON, 2008, PP. 76-80]
Entity Tags: George J. Tenet, Central Intelligence Agency, Philip Zelikow, 9/11
Commission, Winston Wiley, Mark Lowenthal
Timeline Tags: 9/11 Timeline
Category Tags: 9/11 Commission, Role of Philip Zelikow, 9/11 Investigations
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inform the White House what is happening. Shortly after this, Commission
Chairman Tom Kean hears from White House Chief of Staff Andy Card and others
at the White House that they are concerned the commission is attempting to
find a partisan Democrat. Kean will later say, “They were very, very alarmed
when they heard some of the names being considered.” Both Kean and Vice
Chairman Lee Hamilton, himself a Democrat, agree that the counsel should be a
Democrat, but, according to author Philip Shenon, they do not want “a
candidate who seemed eager to confront the Bush administration.”
Two Rejected Candidates - One name considered is that of James Hamilton (no
relation to Lee Hamilton), who had been a lawyer on the Senate Watergate
committee. However, he had worked on the 2000 Florida recount for Al Gore, so
Kean rules him out. Another name considered is Carol Elder Bruce, but at her
interview she says issuing subpoenas for documents the commission wants would
be a good idea, although Kean and Hamilton have already decided against this
(see January 27, 2003).
Daniel Marcus Hired - In the end, the position is given to Daniel Marcus, a lawyer
who had served in the Clinton administration and specializes in constitutional
and regulatory law. Marcus has no ties to Democratic political operations, so he
is acceptable to the Republicans on the commission. [SHENON, 2008, PP. 92-95]
Entity Tags: James Hamilton, Andrew Card, Daniel Marcus, Philip Shenon, Thomas Kean,
Lee Hamilton, Carol Elder Bruce
Category Tags: 9/11 Commission, 9/11 Investigations
security adviser and the president on Balkans policy. Over the past decade he
has been a leader in US interventions in troubled areas: Kosovo (1999-2000);
Bosnia (1995-1996); and Haiti (during the US intervention, 1994-1995). Michael
Hurley has held a range of management positions at CIA headquarters and
served multiple tours of duty in western Europe.” [9/11 PUBLIC DISCOURSE PROJECT,
8/8/2008] Author Philip Shenon will describe Hurley as “a battle-hardened spy on
loan to the Commission from the CIA.” Besides Hurley, other staffers on the
counterterrorism review team are Warren Bass, a “terrorism researcher at the
Council for Foreign Relations in New York” who will “focus on the NSC,” and
Alexis Albion, a “doctoral candidate in intelligence studies at Harvard” who will
be “the central researcher on the CIA.” [SHENON, 2008, PP. 87]
Entity Tags: Warren Bass, Philip Zelikow, 9/11 Commission, Alexis Albion, Michael
Timeline Tags: 9/11 Timeline
Category Tags: 9/11 Investigations, 9/11 Commission, Role of Philip Zelikow
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March 26, 2003: President Bush Turns Down Increased Budget for
9/11 Commission
Time magazine reports that the 9/11 Commission has requested an additional
$11 million to add to the $3 million for the commission, and the Bush
administration has turned down the request. The request will not be added to a
supplemental spending bill. A Republican member of the commission says the
decision will make it “look like they have something to hide.” Another
commissioner notes that the recent commission on the Columbia shuttle crash
will have a $50 million budget. Stephen Push, a leader of the 9/11 victims’
families, says the decision “suggests to me that they see this as a convenient
way for allowing the commission to fail. they’ve never wanted the commission
and I feel the White House has always been looking for a way to kill it without
having their finger on the murder weapon.” The administration has suggested it
may grant the money later, but any delay will further slow down the
commission’s work. Already, commission members are complaining that scant
progress has been made in the four months since the commission started, and
they are operating under a deadline. [TIME, 3/26/2003] Three days later, it is
reported that the Bush administration has agreed to extra funding, but only $9
million, not $11 million. The commission agrees to the reduced amount.
[WASHINGTON POST, 3/29/2003] The New York Times criticizes such penny-pinching,
saying, “Reasonable people might wonder if the White House, having failed in its
initial attempt to have Henry Kissinger steer the investigation, may be resorting
to budgetary starvation as a tactic to hobble any politically fearless inquiry.”
[NEW YORK TIMES, 3/31/2003]
Entity Tags: 9/11 Commission, Stephen Push, Bush administration (43)
Timeline Tags: 9/11 Timeline
Category Tags: 9/11 Commission, 9/11 Investigations
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9:15 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. March 31, 2003: 9/11 Commission Says It
Will Not ‘Point Fingers,’ Family Members Are Disappointed
After his opening comments on the first day of the 9/11 Commission’s first
hearing, Chairman Tom Kean says, “We will be following paths, and we will
follow those individual paths wherever they lead,” adding: “We may end up
holding individual agencies, people, and procedures to account. But our
fundamental purpose will not be to point fingers.” According to author Philip
Shenon, there is “a rumble in the audience, even a few groans,” as the victims’
family members realize “what the Commission would not do: It did not intend to
make a priority of blaming government officials for 9/11.” Shenon will add: “A
few of the family advocates cocked their ears, wondering if they had heard Kean
correctly. They had pushed so hard to create the Commission because they
wanted fingers pointed at the government. And Kean knew it; the families had
told him that over and over again in their early meetings. For many families,
this investigation was supposed to be all about finger pointing. They wanted
strict accountability, especially at the White House, the CIA, the FBI, the
Pentagon, and other agencies that had missed the clues that might have
prevented 9/11. The families wanted subpoenas—and indictments and jail
sentences, if that was where the facts led.” [SHENON, 2008, PP. 99]
Lack of Publicity - This hearing and the next two do not receive much publicity
and Commission Chairman Tom Kean and Vice Chairman Lee Hamilton will later
call them “background policy hearings in front of a C-SPAN audience.” They will
later say that at this point the Commission “was not ready to present findings
and answers,” since the various staff teams are nowhere near completing their
tasks. For example, the team investigating the air defense failure on the day of
9/11 will not even issue a subpoena for the documents it needs until autumn
(see Late October 2003 and November 6, 2003). [KEAN AND HAMILTON, 2006, PP. 127-8]
Close to a Disaster - Referring to various problems with the first hearing,
including confusion over logistics, low turnout by the public, and the discontent
from the victims’ families, Shenon will say that this first public hearing “came
close to being a disaster.” [SHENON, 2008, PP. 97]
Entity Tags: Philip Shenon, 9/11 Commission, Thomas Kean, Lee Hamilton
Timeline Tags: 9/11 Timeline
Category Tags: 9/11 Commission, 9/11 Investigations
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9:45 a.m.-10:15 a.m. March 31, 2003: New York Officials Testify
to 9/11 Commission, Mayor Tries to ‘Blindside’ Inquiry
At its first public hearing, the 9/11 Commission takes testimony from New York
Governor George Pataki and Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Pataki arrives early and
insists that he be allowed to speak immediately, so Commission Chairman Tom
Kean interrupts the commissioners’ opening statements expressing their pride in
serving on the investigation. Pataki then reads a prepared statement pledging
the state’s co-operation with the investigation and leaves without taking
questions. Bloomberg testifies next. He had originally said he would not appear,
but would send a written statement to be read by somebody else. Then he
agreed to appear, but said he would not take questions. Then he agreed to take
questions, but insisted his police and fire commissioners would not accompany
him. However, he arrives with both of them and says they will take questions.
Author Philip Shenon will comment, “it was clear to the commissioners and the
staff that the mayor was trying to blindside them,” as the Commission had not
had the chance to prepare questions for the police and fire commissioners, vital
witnesses in their inquiry. When Bloomberg enters the room to testify, in
Shenon’s words, “In a gesture that seem[s] designed to make his disdain even
clearer, he casually tosse[s] his prepared testimony onto the witness table
before taking his seat, as if this were a routine meeting of the zoning board.”
When he starts, he offers an aggressive defense of the way the city responded
to the attack, and sharp criticism of the way federal emergency preparedness
funds are distributed. Bloomberg conducts himself in this way throughout the
inquiry (see November 2003), and Shenon will write that it is never clear if
Bloomberg is “genuinely furious or if his anger [is] a well-choreographed show
by the billionaire mayor to intimidate the 9/11 Commission.” The Commission
does not schedule testimony from former New York Mayor Rudi Giuliani for this
day, as it wants to wait until it better understands his performance on the day
of the attacks. [SHENON, 2008, PP. 96-98, 100-101]
Entity Tags: 9/11 Commission, George E. Pataki, Michael R. Bloomberg, Philip Shenon,
Thomas Kean
Category Tags: 9/11 Commission, 9/11 Investigations
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In her testimony,
4/1/2003; NEW YORK POST, 4/1/2003; NEW JERSEY STAR-LEDGER, 4/1/2003]
Kleinberg says: “It has been said that the intelligence agencies have to be right
100 percent of the time and the terrorists only have to get lucky once. This
explanation for the devastating attacks of September 11th, simple on its face, is
wrong in its value. Because the 9/11 terrorists were not just lucky once: They
were lucky over and over again.” She points out the insider trading based on
9/11 foreknowledge, the failure of fighter jets to catch the hijacked planes in
time, hijackers getting visas in violation of standard procedures, and other
events, and asks how the hijackers could have been lucky so many times. [9/11
COMMISSION, 3/31/2003]
Entity Tags: Mindy Kleinberg, Stephen Push, 9/11 Commission
Timeline Tags: 9/11 Timeline
Category Tags: US Government and 9/11 Criticism, 9/11 Commission, 9/11
2:00 p.m. March 31, 2003: First Expert Witness for 9/11
Commission Promotes Iraq War
Abraham Sofaer of the Hoover Institution, a conservative think tank, becomes
the first expert witness to testify before the 9/11 Commission. He uses this
opportunity to express his support for the war in Iraq. Sofaer, a former federal
judge and State Department legal adviser, will later say that he was pleased to
testify before the Commission and that he knew what an honor it was to be the
first expert witness. According to author Philip Shenon, the witness list was
drawn up by Philip Zelikow, the Commission’s executive director, who appears to
be a supporter of the Iraq war (see June 14, 2002). Despite Sofaer’s experience,
Shenon will think it “odd” that he is the first expert witness, as he has “no
special expertise on the events of September 11.” Instead, he advocates the
recent US invasion of Iraq and champions the concept of “preemptive defense”
or “preemptive war,” even against a country that poses no imminent military
threat. “The president’s principles are strategically necessary, morally sound,
and legally defensible,” Sofaer says. He also criticizes the perceived policy of
former President Bill Clinton, saying, “The notion that criminal prosecution
could bring a terrorist group like al-Qaeda to justice is absurd.” In the future,
he says, when an enemy “rises up to kill you,” the US should “rise up and kill
him first.” He calls on the Commission to endorse the preemptive war concept,
and, in effect, the invasion of Iraq. [SHENON, 2008, PP. 103-104]
Entity Tags: Philip Zelikow, Abraham Sofaer, 9/11 Commission, Philip Shenon
Timeline Tags: 9/11 Timeline
Category Tags: 9/11 Commission, Role of Philip Zelikow, 9/11 Investigations
had helped research herself, but Zelikow had failed to do so for some time (see
April 2003 and August 1-3, 2003). Leseman then obtained a copy of the report
through a channel other than Zelikow, which is a breach of the commission’s
rules on handling classified information. Some colleagues will later say that this
is just a minor infraction of the rules, as the document is relevant to Leseman’s
work, she has the security clearance to see it, and she keeps it in a safe in the
commission’s offices. However, she does not actually have authorisation to have
the document at this point.
'Zero-Tolerance Policy' - Zelikow will later say she violated the commission’s
“zero-tolerance policy on the handling of classified information,” and that she
“committed a set of very serious violations in the handling of the most highly
classified information.” Zelikow is supported by the commission’s lawyer Daniel
Marcus, as they are both worried that a scandal about the mishandling of
classified information could seriously damage the commission’s ability to obtain
more classified information, and will be used as a stick to beat the commission
by its opponents.
Fired, Kept Secret - Zelikow is informed that Leseman has the document by a
staffer on one of the commission’s other teams who has also had a conflict with
Leseman, and fires her “only hours” after learning this. Luckily for the
commission and Leseman, no word of the firing reaches the investigation’s
critics in Congress. Author Philip Shenon will comment, “The fact that the news
did not leak was proof of how tightly Zelikow was able to control the flow of
information on the commission.”
'Do Not Cross Me' - Shenon will add: “To Leseman’s friends, it seemed that
Zelikow had accomplished all of his goals with her departure. He had gotten rid
of the one staff member who had emerged early on as his nemesis; he had
managed to eject her without attracting the attention of the press corps or the
White House. And he had found a way to send a message to the staff: ‘Do not
cross me’.” [SHENON, 2008, PP. 110-113] Zelikow will later be investigated for
mishandling classified information himself, but will apparently be exonerated
(see Summer 2004).
Entity Tags: Daniel Marcus, Dana Leseman, Philip Shenon, 9/11 Commission, Philip
Timeline Tags: 9/11 Timeline
Category Tags: Alhazmi and Almihdhar, Bayoumi and Basnan Saudi Connection, 9/11
Commission, Role of Philip Zelikow, 9/11 Investigations
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Timeline Tags: 9/11 Timeline
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detainees the kinds of questions [it wants] answered” - they are asking about
future threats rather than the history of the 9/11 plot. The Commission is
receiving detainee evidence “third-hand - passed from the detainee, to the
interrogator, to the person who writes up the interrogation report, and finally to
[its] staff in the form of reports, not even transcripts.” It can take up to six
weeks for a report on an interrogation to be produced. Due to the absence of
any interaction between Commission staff and detainees, they also have “no
way of evaluating the credibility of detainee information.” [KEAN AND HAMILTON,
2006, PP. 119-123] In at least one case, it seem possible that the 9/11 Commission
was not given all the information from CIA interrogations that it needed.
Counterterrorism expert Rohan Gunaratna will later independently view some
interrogation transcripts, and from them he will claim that Khalid Shaikh
Mohammed (KSM) confessed to attending a pivotal al-Qaeda summit in Malaysia
where the 9/11 plot was discussed (see January 5-8, 2000). The CIA was in
charge of monitoring this meeting, so their failure to notice the presence of
KSM, a photographed and well-known terrorist mastermind with a $2 million
bounty on his head at the time, would have been nearly inexplicable (see July 9,
2003). The Commission subsequently requests direct access to the detainees,
but this request is not granted (see November 5, 2003-January 2004).
Entity Tags: Federal Bureau of Investigation, Central Intelligence Agency, Khalid Shaikh
Mohammed, Rohan Gunaratna, US Department of Defense, 9/11 Commission
Timeline Tags: Torture of US Captives, 9/11 Timeline
Category Tags: 9/11 Commission, Destruction of CIA Tapes, High Value Detainees, 9/11
of her testimony is far different. She is given great credence by almost all of the
mainstream media reports of her appearance before the commission. [SHENON,
2008, PP. 130-134] Additionally, many of those who lost family members in the
attacks are angered by Mylroie’s testimony (see July 9, 2003). Shortly after her
testimony, Mylroie’s new book Bush vs. the Beltway will be published,
expounding further on her theories. [WASHINGTON MONTHLY, 12/2003]
Entity Tags: US Department of Defense, Philip Zelikow, American Enterprise Institute,
Al-Qaeda, 9/11 Commission, Laurie Mylroie, Bush administration (43)
Timeline Tags: 9/11 Timeline
Category Tags: 9/11 Commission, Alleged Iraq-Al-Qaeda Links, Role of Philip Zelikow,
9/11 Investigations
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on Iraqi support for al-Qaeda.” She also calls Mylroie’s theories of Iraqi spies
using false identities to help execute the 1993 World Trade Center bombings
(see February 26, 1993) worthy of a fiction novel and completely unsupported
Entity Tags: Saddam Hussein, Al-Qaeda, 9/11 Commission, Central Intelligence Agency,
Judith Yaphe, Laurie Mylroie, National Defense University
Timeline Tags: Events Leading to Iraq Invasion, 9/11 Timeline
Category Tags: 9/11 Commission, Alleged Iraq-Al-Qaeda Links, 9/11 Investigations
classified, even though they are about documents Berger saw during his time as
national security adviser. Berger is at the archives to prepare for an interview
with the 9/11 Commission, but he had previously visited them to prepare for
discussions with the 9/11 Congressional Inquiry (see May 30, 2002). As the
proper security procedures are not followed, Berger is able to create a
distraction and remove the top fifteen pages of the notes, leaving only two
pages. [SHENON, 2008, PP. 6-7] Berger will later steal copies of a classified
document from the archives (see September 2, 2003).
Entity Tags: National Archives and Records Administration, Sandy Berger
Category Tags: 9/11 Commission, 9/11 Investigations
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Entity Tags: Central Intelligence Agency, Alberto R. Gonzales, Philip Shenon, 9/11
Commission, Thomas Kean, Lee Hamilton
Timeline Tags: 9/11 Timeline
Category Tags: Bush's Aug. 6, 2001 PDB, 9/11 Commission, 9/11 Investigations
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Wing.” Allegedly, at the same time, “Zelikow [is] telling people how upset he
[is] to cut off contact with his good friend Rice.” [SHENON, 2008, PP. 107]
Entity Tags: Karen Heitkotter, 9/11 Commission, Condoleezza Rice, Philip Zelikow
Timeline Tags: 9/11 Timeline
Category Tags: 9/11 Commission, Role of Philip Zelikow, 9/11 Investigations
aware of the calls and seem surprised by them, but accept Zelikow’s innocent
explanation. [SHENON, 2008, PP. 173-174]
Entity Tags: Karl C. Rove, Karen Heitkotter, Philip Zelikow, Lee Hamilton, Thomas Kean,
9/11 Commission
Timeline Tags: 9/11 Timeline
Category Tags: 9/11 Commission, Role of Philip Zelikow, 9/11 Investigations
“The next day, word of Zelikow’s contacts at the White House began to spread
wildly through the Commission. For many of the staff, it was just what they had
suspected: Zelikow was some kind of White House mole, feeding information
back to the administration about the Commission’s findings. Now, they thought,
they had proof of it.” Some of the staffers debate whether to make a formal
protest to the Commission’s chairman and vice chairman, but decide against
doing so, worrying about the scandal if the news ever leaked. Shenon will add:
“They were furious with what Zelikow had done and how his conflicts had
threatened the integrity of the investigation. But they knew how valuable this
work was and how valuable their affiliation with the 9/11 Commission would be
to their careers. They wanted its legacy to be untarnished.” Despite this, some
of the 9/11 victims’ family members will learn of the contacts, as will a
reporter (see September 16, 2003 or Shortly After). [SHENON, 2008, PP. 107, 172]
Entity Tags: Philip Zelikow, 9/11 Commission
Timeline Tags: 9/11 Timeline
Category Tags: 9/11 Commission, Role of Philip Zelikow, 9/11 Investigations
becomes public. She chooses Dan Marcus, the Commission’s counsel and a
Democrat, telling him Zelikow has “asked me to stop keeping records—phone
logs—for his contacts with the White House.” Marcus tells her not to obey
Zelikow’s instruction and to continue to log the calls, although he does not raise
the matter with Zelikow, the Commission’s Chairman Tom Kean, or Vice
Chairman Lee Hamilton. Marcus will later say that Zelikow’s order “looks bad—it
certainly doesn’t look good.” Asked about the matter later, Zelikow will simply
deny that the Commission kept formal phone logs: “I think this is recycled,
garbled office gossip. I don’t think my office kept phone logs.” [ZELIKOW AND
SHENON, 2007 ; SHENON, 2008, PP. 171-172; DEMOCRACY NOW!, 2/7/2008]
Entity Tags: 9/11 Commission, Daniel Marcus, Karen Heitkotter, Philip Zelikow
Timeline Tags: 9/11 Timeline
Category Tags: 9/11 Commission, Role of Philip Zelikow, 9/11 Investigations
they’ve done these interviews, that the interviewees are encouragingly frank;
that they by and large have not seemed to be intimidated in any way in their
answers.… I’m glad to hear that it’s—from the staff that they don’t feel it’s
inhibiting the process of the interviews.” The Commission’s Vice Chairman Lee
Hamilton comments, “it is our feeling that thus far, the minders have not been
an impediment, in almost all cases.” He adds that there were “one or two
instances where the question has arisen,” but “neither are we aware at this
point that the presence of a minder has substantially impeded our inquiry. And
nor have we run into a situation where we think a witness has refrained from
speaking their minds.” [9/11 COMMISSION, 9/23/2003 ] Kean’s comments about the
staff’s feelings are untrue. Nine days later, one of the Commission’s team
leaders and two other staffers will send an internal memo entitled “Executive
Branch Minders’ Intimidation of Witnesses” (see October 2, 2003).
Entity Tags: 9/11 Commission, Lee Hamilton, Thomas Kean
Category Tags: 9/11 Commission, 9/11 Investigations
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