Avatar Legends Wan Shi Tong S Adventure Guide
Avatar Legends Wan Shi Tong S Adventure Guide
Avatar Legends Wan Shi Tong S Adventure Guide
(Order #33839056)
Project Manager Proofreading
Elizabeth Chaipraditkul Katherine Fackrell
Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game is based on the Powered by the
Avatar Studios & Viacom
Apocalypse framework originally developed by Meguey and Vincent Baker.
International Incorporated
Miguel Ángel Espinoza, Abe Dieckman,
Patrick Spaziante, Richard Suh
Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game text and design ©2022 Magpie Games. All rights reserved.
©2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all
related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.
(Order #33839056)
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The Library.................................................. 5 Chapter 6: Ash & Steel.............................................. 117
What is the Spirit Library?........................................................... 6 Using this Adventure................................................................ 119
The Library’s Location..................................................................7 Summary....................................................................................120
How to Get to the Library.......................................................... 8 Introduction............................................................................... 123
Searching the Library.................................................................. 11 Important Characters & Groups..............................................124
Plot Hooks...................................................................................14 Important Locations.................................................................128
GM Advice..................................................................................131
Chapter 2: NPC Legends.............................................17
Pregenerated Characters......................................................... 134
How to Use Legends..................................................................18
Legends and Canon....................................................................19 Chapter 7: Air & Wind.............................................. 141
Rangi............................................................................................ 20 Using this Adventure................................................................ 143
Taqukaq........................................................................................22 Summary....................................................................................144
Long Feng................................................................................... 24 Introduction...............................................................................147
Azula............................................................................................ 26 Important Characters & Groups..............................................148
Katara.......................................................................................... 28 Important Locations..................................................................151
Sokka........................................................................................... 30 GM Advice................................................................................. 156
Suki...............................................................................................32 Pregenerated Characters......................................................... 158
Toph Beifong...............................................................................34
Chapter 8: Water & Mist...........................................165
Ty Lee...........................................................................................36
Using this Adventure................................................................167
Asami Sato..................................................................................40
The Clock................................................................................... 172
Kuvira........................................................................................... 42
Introduction............................................................................... 173
Tenzin.......................................................................................... 44
Important Characters & Groups.............................................. 174
Varrick.......................................................................................... 46
Important Locations................................................................. 177
Chapter 3: Playbooks................................................. 49 GM Advice................................................................................. 181
Playbook Advice......................................................................... 50 Pregenerated Characters.........................................................182
The Destined............................................................................... 53
Appendix: Techniques...............................................188
The Elder......................................................................................57
The Foundling..............................................................................61
The Razor.....................................................................................65
Chapter 4: Earth & Root............................................ 69
Using This Adventure................................................................. 71
Important Characters & Groups................................................77
Important Locations.................................................................. 80
GM Advice.................................................................................. 82
Pregenerated Characters.......................................................... 86
Chapter 5: Fire & Brimstone...................................... 93
Using This Adventure.................................................................95
Summary..................................................................................... 96
Introduction................................................................................ 99
Important Characters & Groups............................................. 100
Important Locations................................................................ 104
GM Advice................................................................................ 106
Pregenerated Characters......................................................... 110
(Order #33839056)
am Wan Shi Tong, He Who Knows Ten Thousand Things.
You may address me as Great Wan Shi Tong. Mine is the
greatest library in all of existence, and any mind with the
slightest education knows it. In my grand beneficence, I
allowed visitors to peruse my archive, as long as they brought
something of value to add to the library.
Of course, visitors abused my generosity time after time. They
came with greed or a hunger for power in their hearts. They had
no respect for the thing I love—true knowledge, knowledge for
its own sake. It wounded me each time they plucked truths and
wonders from my library, just for their own material gain. I’ve had
to close it, move it around, bury it deep in the desert—anything
to protect it. But you’re not here to merely gain some advantage
over an enemy, are you? You’re here to learn from my library
because you love to learn, of course. Because I’d hate to have to
show you what I think of those with less pure motivations…
Ah, you are true sojourners on a quest for learning? I see.
Well, then, peruse this tome at your leisure. Inside, you will first
find more about my library itself—knowledge about the great-
est repository of knowledge in existence. Then, you can read for
yourself tales and stories of great heroism and adventure across
the lifespans of the past four Avatars. Each one is a story you
have never heard before, but a story worth telling.
I do hope you enjoy my library.
The Library 5
(Order #33839056)
This chapter is all about how to incorporate Wan Shi Tong and his famous Spirit Library
into your game of Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game. Here, you’ll find the location of
the library throughout the eras—including how heroes might access it—special moves for
searching the library to find hidden, valuable information of import, and adventure hooks for
each era, offering ways to add the library to your campaign.
to the Library When you try to cross the Si Wong Desert to reach a specific
destination, roll with modifiers:
• Do you have a knowledgeable guide? If yes, take +1.
Reaching the Spirit Library is difficult at best, but never impossi- • Do you have easy access to flight? If yes, take +1.
ble. The exact methods available to a sojourner change a bit from • Are you traveling with someone attuned by balance
era to era, of course, depending upon where the library is. principle to your destination? If yes, take +1.
• Do you have ample supplies? If no, take -1.
• Are you traveling to the Spirit Library in the
Getting to the Library Kyoshi or Roku Era? If no, take -1.
Sojourners always had several different ways to reach the library, On a 10+, you choose one and the GM chooses one from
though the viability of those methods fluctuates over the eras. below. On a 7–9, the GM chooses two from below. On a miss,
Across the times of Avatars Kyoshi, Roku, Aang, and Korra, the GM chooses three from below.
there are primarily three ways of reaching the library: spiritual You reach your destination, but…
meditation, traveling across the Si Wong Desert to its physical • You are exhausted and your supplies depleted.
location, and traveling through the Spirit World. Each traveler marks 2-fatigue and one condition.
(This option may be chosen twice.)
Spiritual Meditation • You run afoul of the dangers of the desert
A sojourner can always try to reach the library by meditating along the way. You lose an important tool or
and connecting to it through the Spirit World. The library may resource, especially to find your way back.
have been in the physical world for millennia, but it’s always • You draw attention to yourselves. Something
a spiritual place, and it’s not impossible to reach it through has followed you to your destination; the GM
spiritual methods. Someone might be drawn there if their spirit chooses what it is and when it reveals itself.
connects to the library, or they might spiritually project there. If you are traveling with a Si Wong tribesperson, the GM
That said, this kind of access is incredibly difficult, beyond always chooses one fewer option from the list, even on a miss.
the ability of all but the most spiritually balanced gurus and mas-
ters. In your game of Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game, this
kind of access is best reserved for dramatically appropriate mo- In the Roku, Kyoshi, and Hundred Year War Eras, the Spirit Li-
ments and GM moves, as opposed to something PCs can choose brary is in the desert, and a sojourner can try to reach it by cross-
to do at will. In rare cases, some characters might be able to rely ing the Si Wong. It’s a dangerous journey in any era—the desert
on their skills and training to cross, but even the most spiritually is harsh and enormous, full of its own predators and threats.
attuned PCs must push their luck in the best of circumstances. The move above is for crossing the Si Wong Desert to reach
any destination, though it has some special options that apply to
the Spirit Library. Use this move both to reach the Spirit Library,
and then to find a way back to a safe oasis or town.
“Try to cross the Si Wong Desert to reach a specific destination”
means you must have some sense of where you’re going. This
move isn’t for idly wandering in the desert!
“Do you have a knowledgeable guide?” is a question about whether
you have aid from someone with desert expertise—most likely
one of the Si Wong tribespeople. The tribespeople can help a
sojourner reach the library (or any destination in the desert);
they have the equipment, knowledge, and expertise necessary,
though of course, a few other guides might be available. That
said, a Si Wong tribesperson guide is always superior—if your
knowledgeable guide is a tribesperson, the GM picks one fewer
option on a 7–9 or miss. Either way, a PC must usually convince
their guide to help out, most likely using their basic moves—be
it by pleading, tricking, or even intimidating.
When you bargain with Wan Shi Tong using your own valuable
Once within the Spirit Library, you have the chance to search knowledge, roll with Harmony. On a hit, Wan Shi Tong is
through the greatest archive of knowledge, history, and learn- interested and allows you to freely investigate the library in
ing ever created. There are countless wonders inside—ancient exchange for your knowledge. On a 10+, he is particularly
tomes and scrolls, impressive learning mechanisms and tools, impressed; he’ll assign you a Knowledge Seeker to help guide
cultural art from deep history, and more. you to exactly what you seek. On a miss, Wan Shi Tong takes
To get to any of it, though, one must contend with He Who your knowledge but still doesn’t trust you; mark a condition
Knows Ten Thousand Things… and expect your every move here to be watched.
Dealing with Wan Shi Tong Fighting Wan Shi Tong is far from the only option for dealing
Wan Shi Tong is the gatekeeper, guardian, master, and curator of with him. While the great spirit might be a bit antisocial towards
the Spirit Library. Nearly anyone who comes to the library will humans, he is always interested and invested in learning new
eventually encounter him directly in some way, and how they things. He might not immediately believe that a silly human
choose to handle the situation will determine whether they leave knows something he doesn’t…but once the information starts
the library peacefully and in good standing, or whether they flee to flow, he becomes invested.
with a giant owl spirit chasing them, claws extended. If you want to bargain with Wan Shi Tong to gain access
to the library, you can use this move: You must have “valu-
Fighting Wan Shi Tong able knowledge” to bargain—and Wan Shi Tong himself is the
Wan Shi Tong is a powerful spirit, ancient, wise, and just a bit ultimate arbiter of whether or not your proffered knowledge is
snippy. In the Spirit Library, his great domain, he’s even great- valuable. That said, any knowledge that is in some way real—an
er—and he rarely if ever leaves the library. actual new thing to learn, as opposed to something made up or
Fighting Wan Shi Tong isn’t really an option. Even for those nonsensical—is enticing to Wan Shi
who pass through a spirit portal and still have access to their bend- Tong. The great spirit might har-
ing, his power within the library is just too great to meaningfully rumph if offered information that
oppose and defeat. You might be able to hold him off for a bit, is less novel or spectacular…
but you’ll never be able to subdue him for an extended period. In but ultimately he is so devoted
terms of the mechanics, Wan Shi Tong cannot lose his balance or to learning, he will accept the
be taken out within the library. knowledge.
As a result, combat exchanges are never appropriate for Bargaining with Wan Shi
fighting Wan Shi Tong. Instead, use the basic moves to try to Tong after you have access to the
knock him away, flee from his talons, or deceive him and escape. library is best handled with the
For example, an intrepid Airbender might push a gust of wind basic moves—plead and trick,
at the enormous owl, sending him spiraling away, by relying on for example—or by trying to
their skills and training. Or a Waterbender might throw a water call on him to live up to his
whip across the great spirit’s beak as he dives in with talons principle. For that purpose,
outstretched, stopping him at the last second—but that’s so treat Wan Shi Tong as having
dangerous, the Waterbender is pushing their luck. a principle of Knowledge +3.
From the GM’s perspective, Wan Shi Tong is best treated as
an environmental threat instead of an enemy NPC. He doesn’t
have conditions, as such—again, he cannot be taken out, and On a hit, Wan Shi Tong gives
his emotions are largely in his own control. His balance is also you permission to explore the
firmly established, as an ancient and powerful spirit; PCs aren’t library; as long as you give him
going to be able to battle him by causing him to lose his balance your knowledge and don’t violate
somehow, although they might be able to call on him to act his rules, you may remain. The
differently by bargaining with a valuable piece of knowledge (see advantage of having a Knowledge
Seeking Information on page 12). Seeker guide, and the disadvantage
Of course, Wan Shi Tong can still inflict fatigue, conditions, of being watched, are highlighted
and balance shifts upon the PCs as GM moves. If he gets his in the moves for seeking infor-
talons or beak on a PC, then he generally inflicts at least 3-fa- mation within the library (page
tigue—he’s quite a dangerous foe. PCs are better off distracting 12). After all, merely convinc-
him, knocking him out of the way temporarily, and generally ing Wan Shi Tong to allow you
avoiding him than pursuing any kind of outright confrontation. to stay does not ensure you
find what you seek.
(Order #33839056)
Escaping Wan Shi Tong Seeking Information
Sojourners almost never come to the Spirit Library of Wan Shi
When you try to seize a chance to escape from Wan Shi Tong’s Tong just to sight-see—they come seeking information, perhaps
Spirit Library and the great spirit’s claws, roll with modifiers: just out of a love of learning, or perhaps to answer some specific
• Are you hidden from Wan Shi Tong question. These moves are for seeking information once you’ve
right now? If yes, take +1. gotten in the door and you’re moving throughout the library.
• Were you able to walk the library openly
and take in its layout? If yes, take +1. Seeking Information Openly
• Is Wan Shi Tong truly and fully enraged? If yes, take -1.
• Have you stolen anything from the library? If yes, take -1. When you openly try to seek information within Wan Shi
On a hit, you escape! On a 10+, you slip out without issue or Tong’s Spirit Library, say what question you hope to have
incident; Wan Shi Tong may not even realize you’re gone. On answered and roll with modifiers:
a 7–9, you escape, but by the skin of your teeth; you either • Do you have a Knowledge Seeker guide? If yes, take +1.
leave something behind or mark 2-fatigue from the chase, your • Has your visit to the library been relatively
choice. On a miss, you wind up turning deeper into the library brief so far? If yes, take +1.
and get lost—only for Wan Shi Tong or a Knowledge Seeker to • Are you allowed to freely and without restriction
find you once again. move throughout the library? If no, take -1.
• Do you have any notion of what the answer might be
or where it might live in the library? If no, take -1.
Eventually, you might find yourself fleeing from the great spirit On a hit, you find the answer to your question; the GM will
while his talons are extended and his neck elongated. It’s a bad tell you where you find it and what the answer is. On a 7–9,
situation to be in! choose two. On a 10+, choose one.
To escape, you have to create an opportunity for yourself, • It takes a long time to find the answer; mark 1-fatigue.
whether by hiding and getting Wan Shi Tong to lose track of you, • Your search makes Wan Shi Tong suspicious;
or temporarily stunning the spirit. If he continues to be engaged he has some questions for you.
with you, you have no chance of slipping away. But once you • You find a limited version of the answer;
have an opportunity to escape, then you can use this move to try the full answer still eludes you.
to get away! On a miss, you know where the answer is, but it’s in a particu-
larly difficult to reach or restricted part of the library—the GM
Questions will tell you why it’s so hard to access.
Being “hidden from Wan Shi Tong” means that the great spirit
and his Knowledge Seekers don’t know where you currently are
when you try to sneak out. Having been “able to walk and observe This move is for sojourners who are known to Wan Shi Tong
the library openly,” freely, and without constraint also gives you and who move about the library in obvious, open fashion. If you
an advantage getting back out. But if Wan Shi Tong is enraged want to take the time to peruse the bookshelves, not worrying
at you, and if you’ve stolen anything from the library (including about whether or not a Knowledge Seeker spots you at the end
knowledge), then escape is that much more difficult. of a row of books, then this is the move for you.
Seeking information while welcome and accepted into the
library is always a safer endeavor than seeking information while
As long as you roll a hit, you escape! But if you roll a 7–9, you sneaking around. This first move is for openly moving through
have to choose to either leave something important behind or the library and finding your answers without trying to hide.
mark 2-fatigue. And on a miss, you not only don’t escape—you
get caught by one of the spirits deeper in the library! You have to
deal with them to create another chance to escape. Having a Knowledge Seeker guide means that you’ve either
The whole group of companions can use this move to escape convinced one of Wan Shi Tong’s servant spirits to aid you, or
all together, with one player rolling for everyone. None of the Wan Shi Tong has granted you their service himself. Whether
PCs can help by marking fatigue on this move—the move itself or not your visit has been “relatively brief” is ultimately up to the
already covers everyone working together. On a 7–9, each mem- GM, although it’s largely based on whether or not you’ve made
ber of the group must choose to either mark 2-fatigue or leave many moves in the library, and how long each of those moves
something behind. has taken to resolve in the fiction.
“Are you allowed to freely and without restriction move through-
out the library?” is a question about how much access Wan Shi
Tong has granted you. If he’s watching you carefully, or if he’s
specifically forbade you to go to certain areas or do certain
things, then the answer is no.
NPC Legends 17
(Order #33839056)
This chapter contains 14 different Legendary NPCs you can use in your games of Avatar Leg-
ends: The Roleplaying Game. Each of these famous characters from the Avatarverse is included
with mechanics, history, advice on how to portray them in a game, guidance on how to use
them as a teacher of new techniques to the PCs, and a few ideas for how to bring them into
your game and where they might be found.
The famous characters of Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Powerful Allies
Legend of Korra are important figures within their own eras of Sometimes, the best use of a legendary NPC is as a powerful ally
the Avatarverse. Though they aren’t the main characters of your who supports the PCs. The key to legendary NPCs fulfilling this
own campaign of Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game—those role is that they enable the PCs to take other action, instead of
are always the PCs—they can always show up as important sup- simply solving the problem in the PCs’ own stead.
porting characters, be it as allies, sometimes enemies, and even When a legendary NPC holds off an entire army so that the
as mentors or teachers! PCs can go and face the real enemy, that feels awesome and
Here’s the full list of legends included in this chapter: cool—the legendary NPC gets to show off a bit, but the PCs
still have plenty of interesting work to do, and a real challenge to
• Rangi, a master Firebender and protector of Avatar Kyoshi.
overcome. If the reverse happens, the PCs holding off an army so
• Taqukaq, the waterbending teacher of Avatar Roku.
the legendary NPC can go and face the real enemy, that can still
• Long Feng, leader of the Dai Li and Grand Secretariat.
feel fun depending upon the players and their choices—if they
• Azula, former princess of the Fire Nation and Zuko’s sister.
buy in to the idea or even propose it themselves, then they can
• Katara, master Waterbender and healer of the world.
still feel that it respected their coolness. Be cautious, however,
• Sokka, wielder of boomerang and incredible cunning.
about the PCs getting to satisfying conclusions for their stories
• Suki, leader of the Kyoshi Warriors.
and arcs—if it’s important that the heroes face off against their
• Toph Beifong, the first Earthbender to metalbend.
own dire foe, then the legendary NPC shouldn’t steal their thun-
• Ty Lee, master chi-blocker and newly-minted Kyoshi Warrior.
der and do it for them!
• Zuko, the Fire Lord for an age of healing and rebuilding.
The worst case scenario is that the legendary NPC deals with
• Asami Sato, owner and CEO of Future Industries.
both problems all on their own, without the PCs’ input. Keep in
• Kuvira, repentant former leader of the Earth Empire.
mind that using a legendary NPC as an ally should only ever al-
• Tenzin, mentor to Airbenders and leader of the Air Nation.
low the PCs to do something else interesting, cool, and exciting,
• Varrick, eccentric genius and husband of President Moon.
instead of solving all their problems for them.
For some basic mechanics of legendary NPCs, make sure to
check page 237 of the core book.
Capable Teachers
Legendary NPCs are very, very capable. They’ve mastered their
How to Use Legends trainings thoroughly, and they likely have a whole enormous
array of different techniques at their disposal. Many of them
are also masters of special forms of bending like metalbending
Legendary characters are special NPCs in Avatar Legends: The and lightningbending, forms they can guide PCs to learn. All of
Roleplaying Game. Compared to most NPCs, they are exceed- which means that there’s a good chance they’re some of the best
ingly powerful and capable on a mechanical level. If they did get teachers the heroes are ever likely to find!
into a tussle with the PCs, they have so much fatigue, so many Different legendary NPCs always have different ways of
conditions, and long enough balance tracks that they might teaching, different lessons they would try to convey, different
individually pose a real challenge to entire groups of PCs, all on requests they would make of their students to help push the
their own. Such mechanical potency represents their incredible learning forward. But they are always capable of teaching the
skills and abilities, but it also ensures the role that these figures techniques, even if there is a hiccup or two along the way, even
are meant to play. They are best used as powerful allies, capable if the NPC wouldn’t believe that they are a good teacher all on
teachers, or dangerous long-term foes. their own. Use the basic training move in the core book on page
212 for training and the rules for learning special forms of bend-
ing on page 217 of the core book—they both work as normal
with a legendary NPC teacher.
Rangi grew up in the most elite circles of Fire Nation nobility in
the Kyoshi Era. Her mother, Hei-Ran of the Sei’naka clan, was a
decorated infantry officer who became Avatar Kuruk’s firebending
master and then gained infamy for supposedly killing several rivals
in Agni Kais on her way to becoming headmistress of the Royal
Fire Academy for Girls. Naturally gifted but equally hardworking,
Rangi followed in her mother’s footsteps, excelling at the Acade-
my, joining the junior officer corps, and then joining “Avatar” Yun’s
household where she became friends with Kyoshi and Yun.
After discovering that Kyoshi, not Yun, was the true Avatar,
Rangi protected Kyoshi as they fled the murderous Earth Sage
Jianzhu. On the run in the Earth Kingdom, they joined the Fly-
ing Opera Company, a notorious bandit gang and performance
troupe. Rangi, loathe to join a group of outlaws, did so out of her
loyalty to Kyoshi. Amidst the gang’s anti-authoritarian exploits,
Rangi pioneered the firebending technique of jet-stepping,
taught the Avatar to firebend, and fell madly in love with Kyoshi.
Rangi had Kyoshi’s back as the Avatar fought against Jianzhu
and then against their one-time friend Yun, who had become a
vengeful killer after the Earth Sage abandoned him to the spirit
Father Glowworm. She also helped Kyoshi end the Camellia-Pe-
ony War and kept watch over the uneasy peace that followed the
end of hostilities. The traumatic and violent experiences Kyoshi
and Rangi underwent together tested their character and their
relationship, but both emerged stronger.
Rangi is the most loyal, dedicated, and intimidating of the
Avatar’s companions. Her sharp senses, well-drilled reflexes, and
comprehensive understanding of military and social protocols
make her invaluable to the rough-mannered Kyoshi. Rangi’s high
standards, sometimes unreasonably high—and her fiery temper
when those standards aren’t met—are her major weaknesses.
Conditions It’s Avatar Kyoshi’s job to protect the world; it’s Rangi’s job to
Afraid protect Avatar Kyoshi. There’s nothing else Rangi would rather do.
Principle Guilty
Loyalty Haughty
Taqukaq grew up in the prosperous Northern Water Tribe
in a time of peace and spirituality in the late Kyoshi Era. As a
child Taqukaq was always connected to the Spirit World of the
North; his ability to observe the world through eyes that saw
more than just the surface allowed him to transcend his humble
birth. He was fascinated by the spirits that inhabited his home,
most of all the spirits Tui and La, the Moon and Ocean. He
watched and studied them, discerning the secrets of waterbend-
ing from their movements.
As a kind young man, Taqukaq sought ways to serve the
Northern Water Tribe. His soft-spoken nature, innate charisma,
and forceful personality made him a perfect fit as a diplomat for
the chief of the Northern Water Tribe. In that role he traveled
across the world to strengthen alliances with other nations…but
the tensions of the world made espionage an undercurrent of his
diplomatic journeys.
Not everyone he dealt with was earnest in their desire to
cooperate, and Taqukaq quickly learned that words and deeds
are not the same in diplomatic circles. While investigating
allegations of stolen Water Tribe technology, he learned one of
his colleagues, his best friend Nai, was selling secrets to the Fire
Nation. Nai was a paragon of the Northern Water Tribe, thought
to be a selfless champion, volunteering for the most dangerous
and difficult missions. Nai’s betrayal shook Taqukaq to the core.
He promised himself to never trust so easily again.
As the years marched on, Taqukaq gained the title of master.
His ability to whip up a quick fog allowed him to slip past many
security checkpoints and trade blockades without a whisper of
trouble. By the time he earned the title, no one could question
his prowess as a Waterbender.
After Roku’s training with the Air Nomads, the Avatar re-
Conditions quested Taqukaq teach him waterbending. The master originally
Afraid refused Roku’s request, having been betrayed by the Fire Nation
Angry as a young man; the Waterbender feared an Avatar from the
Principle Guilty Fire Nation would place loyalty to the Fire Lord above all else.
Insecure However, Roku surprised him by moving to the Northern Water
Tribe, learning from, and living in service of, the locals for sev-
Empathy Subdued
eral years. The master noticed something different about Roku,
an openness and willingness to learn that he could trust, and so
Taqukaq finally agreed to teach the Avatar and opened himself
Mistrustful up to what became a lifelong friendship.
Long Feng was born into a merchant family in Ba Sing Se’s
Middle Ring in the Hundred Year War Era. He wasn’t destitute,
but neither was he rich or well-born; his intellect and earthbend-
ing talent were his principal distinctions. He made the most of
them to rise through the ranks of the Dai Li, a secret police force
originally established by Avatar Kyoshi to investigate threats to
the Earth monarchy and protect Ba Sing Se’s cultural heritage.
By Long Feng’s time, though, the Dai Li had abandoned cul-
tural stewardship and grown brutal and corrupt. Long Feng lev-
eraged and encouraged these tendencies to become the Grand
Secretariat of Ba Sing Se, leaving him well-positioned when a
new and vulnerable Earth King rose to the throne at the age of
four years old. It was literal child’s play for him to manipulate the
52nd Earth King, Kuei, sequestering him in the palace, guaran-
teeing Kuei remained ignorant of the world’s larger conflicts, and
seizing the reins of power.
Amidst the turmoil of war against the Fire Nation, with
refugees flooding the capital, Long Feng transformed the city
into a police state. Even the highest-ranking generals knew not to
cross him and the Dai Li. His agents in the city suppressed not
only threats to public order, but also any public discussion of war.
Whosoever spoke too loudly found the Dai Li waiting to arrest
and incarcerate them at the prison underneath Lake Laogai. There,
the Dai Li used hypnotic conditioning to brainwash inmates and
render them obedient citizens, unable to speak of the war.
Despite his nefarious actions within Ba Sing Se, Long Feng
is a powerful player in the war against the Fire Nation. Though
he always puts Ba Sing Se first and fails to believe that the Fire
Nation could ever genuinely breach the walls of that great city,
the Grand Secretariat doesn’t want to see any more land fall
Conditions into Fire Nation hands and is willing to invest resources into
Afraid stopping them. He helps to fund the Earth Kingdom resistance
Angry and his spy network brings him constant reports of the Fire
Principle Guilty Army’s whereabouts.
Control Cold
Throw a glove made of rock at a foe and pin them to a surface. Inflict • Demolish a specific dangerous rival or opponent and
Impaired on a foe, unless they mark 2-fatigue (or 1-fatigue for an Earth- leave them free and wallowing in their failure
bender). If the foe was already Impaired, they’re now Trapped. You may • Accomplish an impossible mission or task
use this technique multiple times in a single exchange. • Submit to a worthy master (like Long Feng) when
they tell you what to do at a crucial moment
Rock Shoes
Defend and Maneuver
Dash onto a vertical wall or the ceiling and cling to it with shoes made Where to Find Long Feng
of stone. Mark 1-fatigue to become Favored and use Seize a Position Long Feng’s whole structure of power and authority is based
without allowing any foe to block this technique. As long as you remain out of Ba Sing Se, and the Grand Secretariat is very unlikely to
on a vertical wall or the ceiling you remain Favored. be found out and about. He might temporarily depart Ba Sing
Se for a location just outside the city’s outer walls, but even that
would be a rare occurrence. PCs looking to actually come face to
Rock Spike face with Long Feng will almost always have to go to Ba Sing Se
Advance and Attack to find him.
Punch with a pointed, forceful strike, forcing a jutting spike of rock Within Ba Sing Se, Long Feng spends most of his time in
to smash into your target and lay them low. Mark 1-fatigue to inflict and around the halls of power, including the Palace and his own
3-fatigue on your target. If your target is Impaired, inflict an additional burgeoning headquarters under Lake Laogai. The PCs might
1-fatigue. If your target is Trapped, inflict an additional 2-fatigue. possibly be able to find him in many locations in the Upper Ring
of Ba Sing Se, but he nearly always has Dai Li guards with him.
That said, Long Feng is also the master of an entire organiza-
tion of agents. It’s easy for him to send people messages, asking
them to meet with him (in or around Ba Sing Se), making offers,
and so on. Just because he is very unlikely to leave Ba Sing Se
himself doesn’t mean that he is completely inaccessible to those
outside of the city.
Azula was born to Fire Lord Ozai and Lady Ursa, who raised
her and her older brother Zuko in the lap of luxury and the
hearth of power. She learned from her father that weakness
was unacceptable, and that nothing mattered but conquest. He
pressured her to hone her strengths—especially her singular
talent for martial pursuits. As Azula grew more adept at targeting
others’ weaknesses, Ursa’s efforts to counteract Ozai’s influence
and guide her daughter toward a more peaceful path failed. By
age 14, Azula excelled at strategy, acrobatics, and firebending,
including one of firebending’s rarest and most feared techniques:
Towards the end of the Hundred Year War when Admiral Zhao
and Prince Zuko failed to capture Avatar Aang, Ozai deployed
Princess Azula to handle the situation. She recruited two child-
hood friends from the Royal Fire Academy for Girls, the young
noblewomen Mai and Ty Lee. They pursued the Avatar, his com-
panions, the exiled Prince Zuko, and her own uncle Iroh to the
Earth Kingdom capital of Ba Sing Se. There, Azula played different
factions against one another and secured the loyalty of the royal
secret police service—the Dai Li. She led a coup that unseated the
Earth King, captured Iroh, and almost killed Avatar Aang.
As Fire Lord Ozai assumed a new title as the Phoenix King,
Azula prepared to succeed him as Fire Lord. She successfully
repelled the Avatar’s invasion force on the Day of the Black
Sun. However, after Iroh’s prison break, Zuko’s defection to the
Avatar, and Mai and Ty Lee’s betrayal at a crucial moment, Azula
grew increasingly unbalanced and paranoid. During Ozai’s ill-fat-
ed aerial offensive, and just minutes after Azula’s ascension as
Fire Lord, Zuko and the waterbending master Katara confronted
her in her palace, captured her, and placed her into a Fire Nation
mental health treatment facility instead of a prison.
Conditions A year later, Fire Lord Zuko released Azula from the facility
Afraid and into his own custody, in exchange for her help finding their
Angry long-lost mother Ursa. In the search, however, Azula escaped.
Principle Guilty She became the leader of the Fire Warriors, patterned after a
Insecure group of Dark Spirits called Kemurikage from Fire Nation leg-
end and populated with powerful young women loyal to Azula.
Dominance Cold
They masqueraded as Kemurikage and exerted their influence
over the reactionary New Ozai Society, but Azula maintains that
her true purpose is to seize the Fire Nation throne.
Hurl a bolt of lightning at a target. Mark up to 3-fatigue. For each • Engage in a battle against overwhelming
fatigue you mark, your target must mark 2-fatigue. odds and emerge victorious
• Defeat a terrible foe using subterfuge, deception, and
underhanded tactics, without engaging them in a direct fight
Flamecharge • Find a foe’s weakness and target it precisely and ruthlessly
Defend and Maneuver
Hurtle at your foe with enormous speed and force. Choose a foe you
are not currently engaged with; you become engaged with them,
they become Impaired, and you become Favored. Where to Find Azula
Ever since her last plot to affect Zuko’s reign, Azula has remained
hidden, operating below the notice of Zuko and the Avatar.
Find the Breaking Point Finding Azula is itself a significant undertaking, difficult enough
Evade and Observe that even Fire Lord Zuko and all his resources haven’t yet been
Find the fastest and best way to take advantage of a foe’s weak- able to achieve it.
nesses and bring them low. Become Prepared, and the GM will tell Azula is heavily focused on the Fire Nation in her schemes
you where your attacks can do the most damage against your foe. and plans, however, and if the PCs are looking for her, they’re
Expend your Prepared status to double any fatigue or conditions most likely to find her there or at the edges of the Fire Nation.
inflicted on an attack targeted where the GM tells you. She might sometimes hatch a scheme that takes her elsewhere,
but only if it’s vitally important—she might be in the Earth
Kingdom, for example, if she’s trying to find some ancient scroll
Note: Azula is a particularly dangerous and talented foe; by default, that allows her to unlock the power of a dangerous spirit.
she has the Empowered status Most likely, Azula will find the PCs on her own, but the PCs
might also be able to find her if they infiltrate one of her net-
works, posing as sympathetic to her causes and purposes. Such
an infiltration would be exceedingly dangerous and require quite
a bit of time and effort, however.
Born towards the end of the Hundred Year War in the Southern
Water Tribe, Katara spent most of her youth living with her Gran
Gran and brother, Sokka. Her mother Kya was killed during a
Fire Nation raid when she pretended to be a Waterbender to
protect Katara, the true bender. Despite the danger, the strong-
willed Katara longed to learn the secrets of waterbending. When
she and her brother discovered a boy in an iceberg who turned
out to be the Avatar, Katara knew she had a once-in-a-lifetime
chance. She dedicated herself to helping him end the war and
bring balance to the world.
Traveling to the Northern Water Tribe with Aang presented
the perfect opportunity for Katara to learn from waterbending
master Pakku, but the societal rules of the North forbade women
from learning combat skills. Refusing to be stopped by archaic
and unjust rules, she challenged Master Pakku to a fight. Though
she lost, her clear potential earned her the right to train under
the master’s tutelage.
By studying the techniques of the Northern Water Tribe,
Katara also became a powerful healer, a skill that helped Team
Avatar multiple times. When Aang was defeated by Azula after
the fall of the Earth Kingdom, Katara used the sacred Spirit
Water from the Spirit Oasis (see Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying
Game core book page 20) to save Aang’s life.
Katara often struggled with how deeply she hated the Fire
Nation. She desired revenge, and like an answer to her secret
hope, Katara met a Southern Waterbender, Hama, hiding in the
Fire Nation who offered to help her advance her waterbending.
Eventually, Hama offered to teach Katara bloodbending to exact
revenge on the Fire Nation. When Katara refused, Hama forced
her to use the vile technique to save her friends. Later, Katara
had the opportunity to use bloodbending to kill her mother’s
Conditions murderer, but she refused, choosing the path of forgiveness.
Afraid While she can now bloodbend during the full moon, Katara
Angry refuses to use this technique or teach it to others.
Principle Guilty On her journeys with the Avatar and his allies, Katara became
Insecure the group’s fierce protector and moral compass. Aang and Katara
fell in love, and her warmth even managed to win the friend-
Compassion Morose
ship of Toph Beifong after months of the two clashing with one
another. Katara used the experience of her travels to gain skill
and inner wisdom to such a degree that she was able to defeat
Obstinate Princess Azula, a powerful Firebender. Despite her conflicted
feelings about the Fire Nation, Katara chose balance and spared
Fatigue Azula in their final showdown.
Apply water to reinvigorate and close wounds on a willing Suggested Mastery Conditions
target. Mark fatigue to heal an ally in reach who is evading and
observing. Clear an appropriate status from them, and clear • Show forgiveness and compassion to a defeated foe
3-fatigue or two conditions. • Stand up to a wrongheaded authority figure in a costly moment
• Spend time learning about and befriending
someone with whom you have a conflict
Octopus Form
Defend and Maneuver
Too young to join his father and the other warriors to fight the
Fire Nation in the Hundred Year War, Sokka remained behind as
the oldest male and protector of his village in the Southern Wa-
ter Tribe. As a non-bender, Sokka valued strength and science
over “magic water” (waterbending), and when he discovered
Avatar Aang frozen in an iceberg, he was skeptical of the young
Airbender. However, after helping Aang to escape from the
prince of the Fire Nation, Sokka reluctantly agreed to fly around
the world to help Aang achieve his destiny. During their travels,
he loosened up, and his goofy sense of humor kept the Avatar
and his team in good spirits.
Before traveling with the Avatar, Sokka had many precon-
ceived notions about the world and his place in it. For instance,
he was shocked when he met the Kyoshi Warriors, an elite squad
of female soldiers, until their leader, Suki, taught him that any-
one could become an exceptional warrior, regardless of gender.
He went on to learn many such lessons in his travels and grew
from the experience.
Not only did Sokka grow as a person, but he mastered many
weapons, training under the famed sword master Piandao. He
has also mastered the boomerang and gained more than enough
martial skills to contend with benders in combat. Despite his
sarcasm and knack for comedy, Sokka’s training over the years
shaped him into a skilled strategist. His innate creativity makes
him flexible, able to think on the fly, and shows the dynamic
nature seen in many great leaders.
Along his travels through the Four Nations, Sokka discovered
his true destiny—as an inventor and leader. He learned vital in-
formation in Wan Shi Tong’s library and brought it to the Earth
Kingdom and Water Tribes. He came up with a plan to invade
the Fire Nation on the Day of Black Sun, a solar eclipse when
Conditions Firebenders would lose their bending. And he invented subma-
Afraid rines to penetrate the Fire Nation’s defenses. Though the attack
Angry ultimately failed, Sokka made up for it by teaming up with Toph
Principle Guilty and Suki to take out the Fire Nation air fleet in the Avatar’s final
Insecure battle against Fire Lord Ozai.
Courage Panicked
Suki grew up on Kyoshi Island off the coast of the Earth King-
dom during the Hundred Year War. From early childhood, she
dreamed of joining the Kyoshi Warriors, a uniformed cadre of
elite soldiers Avatar Kyoshi organized to defend her isolationist
island home. Beginning her training at a young age, Suki quickly
mastered unarmed self-defense, acrobatics, and the Warriors’
traditional arms and armor: double-folding war fans, small
round shields, a single-edged sword, and a reinforced cuirass and
armor skirt. By her teenage years, she had assumed command of
the Kyoshi Warriors.
A visit from Avatar Aang nearly brought disaster to Kyoshi
Island when Fire Nation soldiers invaded in pursuit. Suki led the
defense of the island. Afterward, she decided to break with the
island’s long isolationist tradition and depart with several Kyoshi
Warriors to help defend the Earth Kingdom. She aided refu-
gees’ passage toward Ba Sing Se at the Serpent’s Pass. There, she
crossed paths with Team Avatar again, beginning a relationship
with Sokka of the Southern Water Tribe.
In the wilderness outside Ba Sing Se, Princess Azula and her
Avatar-hunting comrades-in-arms, Mai and Ty Lee, overcame
Suki’s squad in battle and captured them. Azula separated them
in captivity, sending Suki alone to the Fire Nation’s most no-
torious prison, the Boiling Rock. With Team Avatar’s help, she
escaped and liberated several prisoners who played key roles in
ending the war.
As a member of Team Avatar, she joined the fight against
Fire Lord Ozai, sabotaging Fire Nation airships in flight during
the final battle of the war. As Fire Lord Zuko formed his new
government, Suki and the Kyoshi Warriors volunteered their
Conditions aid as bodyguards and security, investigating and foiling several
Afraid attempts on Zuko’s life as well as Cranefish Town’s underground
Angry bender supremacist movement.
Principle Guilty Suki has expanded the Kyoshi Warriors’ scope and mission
Insecure from guarding their home island to securing peace the world
over. She continues to lead the Kyoshi Warriors and teach their
Leadership Prideful
martial arts—including chi-blocking, a skill she learned from
her former enemy Ty Lee—to non-benders like herself who
want to learn self-defense in a dangerous world.
Stop an opponent’s attack before it connects. Choose an opponent Suggested Mastery Conditions
who used advance and attack this exchange; during advance and
attack, mark fatigue—1-for-1—to cancel an attack they use against • Accept and support the decisions of a larger group when
you after they pay the costs. they conflict with what you would normally do
• Defeat a terrible and dangerous foe without a single
teammate being taken out or losing their balance
Chi-Blocking Jabs • Humble yourself before another tradition or way of thought
Evade and Observe
Toph Beifong was born to Lao and Poppy Beifong in the Earth
Kingdom city of Gaoling near the end of the Hundred Year War.
The Beifong clan built its fortune and influence on centuries
of mercantile and social advancement. Toph’s overprotective
parents used their daughter’s blindness as an excuse to sequester
her on their estate, viewing her as a fragile, helpless little girl.
Longing to explore the world, she regularly ran away from home
to experience adventure and secretly learn earthbending from
the badger-moles.
As she got older, Toph developed an alter ego known as the
Blind Bandit. Using this persona, she dominated Earth Rum-
ble underground fighting tournaments, where her exceptional
earthbending and ability to sense movement made her a devas-
tating combatant with fist and rock alike. Toph’s “seismic sense”
also makes her a human lie detector, able to sense the slightest
changes in people’s heartbeats and breathing. During her time
at Earth Rumble, she caught Aang’s eye during his search for an
earthbending master. During her travels with Aang, her greatest
accomplishment was discovering the technique of metalbend-
ing, a unique skill she used to cripple Fire Nation airships during
the return of Sozin’s Comet.
After the end of the Hundred Year War, Toph’s experiences
fighting alongside Avatar Aang have led her to embrace a new
role as a leader, founding a metalbending academy dedicated
to training other Earthbenders who can metalbend. She is now
discovering that being a natural at something can make it even
harder to teach others! She approaches her new challenges
with her trademark bull-headedness, but it’s not going to work
with everything.
She’s also reconciled with her penitent father Lao, and
Conditions gotten involved in industrialization and manufacturing through
Afraid Earthen Fire Industries, a project of his that has been aiding the
Angry Southern Reconstruction Project in rebuilding the Southern
Principle Guilty Water Tribe’s infrastructure destroyed by the Hundred Year War.
Insecure Toph is confident, strong, and isn’t afraid to say what she
thinks. Her upfront nature can sometimes run her afoul of
Excellence Prideful
people with more sensitive temperaments and she prefers being
a leader rather than a follower. Despite her brash nature, Toph is
a loyal friend and deeply cares about her loved ones; she’s also a
Prickly powerful ally to anyone who gets on her good side.
Earn the support and respect of her newfound friends and family
Ty Lee and her six identical sisters were born into a noble Fire
Nation family during the Hundred Year War. The sisters loved
each other dearly, but resolved to pursue different interests to
distinguish themselves. Gifted with exceptional natural agility,
Ty Lee picked gymnastics.
Studying this skill with enthusiasm and dedication through-
out her youth, Ty Lee developed top-tier strength, flexibility,
and agility, surpassing even Mai and Princess Azula, her child-
hood best friends and classmates at the Royal Fire Academy
for Girls. Her athleticism perfectly complemented her skill at
chi-blocking, which uses precision strikes to disrupt the flow of
chi through a target’s body, temporarily deadening muscles and
preventing benders from influencing their elements. While some
chi-blockers might struggle to get past a bender’s long-range
attacks and defenses, Ty Lee could vault, twist, and somersault
with ease to reach hand-to-hand combat distance in no time.
She defied her noble heritage by running away to join the
circus, but when Azula found her there and pressured her to
help hunt down Zuko, Ty Lee couldn’t refuse. Throughout their
journey, Ty Lee’s loyalty to Azula was tested many times, as Azu-
la callously put her and Mai in harm’s way. Disguised as a Kyoshi
Warrior, she helped Azula accomplish what the Fire Nation
hadn’t managed to do in a hundred years: conquer Ba Sing Se.
Princess Azula’s growing cruelty and ruthlessness soon alien-
ated Ty Lee. When Prince Zuko participated in a jailbreak at the
Boiling Rock prison, Mai and Ty Lee defended him from Azula
and were imprisoned. As fate would have it, she was locked up
with the Kyoshi Warriors, who became her friends and allies.
After the war, she joined their ranks and swore to defend balance
in the world. She still occasionally visits her old circus, where
her six sisters now perform as acrobats.
Conditions Ty Lee has a bubbly, friendly personality that others are
Afraid naturally drawn to. She makes friends easily and is startlingly
Angry perceptive despite what others may think of her. Free from the
Principle Guilty yoke of Azula’s control, this skilled chi-blocker is coming into
Insecure her own and exploring what it means to guide her own future.
Peace Foolish
Right the wrongs of the Hundred Year War and his own past
Zuko was born to Fire Lord Ozai and Lady Ursa, first in line as
heir to the throne of the Fire Nation. But when the young boy
spoke out against the Fire Nation’s brutish war strategy in front of
his father, he enraged the Fire Lord. In the subsequent Agni Kai
against his father, Zuko refused to fight, and in return Ozai perma-
nently scarred him and banished him from the Fire Nation. The
only way he could return home was if he captured the Avatar.
Zuko took to the seas with his uncle, the retired General
Iroh. Everyone considered it a fool’s mission but Zuko, believing
his goal was within reach, became obsessed with capturing the
Avatar and ended up chasing Aang and his friends all over the
world. Gradually, he absorbed Iroh’s wisdom and finally realized
he could never win his father’s love, and that it was his responsi-
bility to end the Fire Lord’s reign of terror. Ultimately, he turned
against his family’s brutal legacy and allied himself with the
Avatar in a quest to end the Hundred Year War. After the Fire
Nation’s defeat, Zuko became the new Fire Lord and vowed to
lead his people into a new era of peace.
Having reunited with his mother Ursa, Zuko now focuses his
attention on the fraught and complicated process of decoloniz-
ing the Fire Nation’s holdings in the Earth Kingdom. He’s also
a major proponent of internationalism and the development
of Cranefish Town together with Avatar Aang. Across the Four
Nations, his supporters hail him as a step forward for a country
that had lost its way. However, ultranationalists in the Fire Na-
tion, such as the New Ozai Society, still plot to overthrow him
by violence or trickery. In addition, many Earth Kingdom and
Water Tribe citizens who suffered under imperial expansion are
quick to criticize or resist him.
Zuko is a pensive, often tortured, soul who tries to do right
Conditions despite his past mistakes. It’s taken him years of hard work to
Afraid get where he is today and he won’t squander what he’s earned.
Angry Through his travels trying to find Avatar Aang, and then sub-
Principle Guilty sequently teaching him firebending, Zuko’s discovered his true
Insecure self and hopes he can guide the Fire Nation down the same
noble path.
Redemption Frustrated
Asami Sato was born in Republic City to Yasuko and Hiroshi
Sato. Hiroshi invented the Satomobile and founded the manu-
facturing conglomerate Future Industries. Asami’s childhood
was marked by tragedy; during a break-in at the Sato family
estate, Firebenders from the Agni Kai Triad killed her mother.
By her late teenage years in the Korra Era, Asami was an
adept businesswoman and inventor. She was also a redoubtable
hand-to-hand combatant, especially when synergizing her skills
with technological aids such as motor vehicles and (later on)
electrified gloves.
Soon after Avatar Korra’s arrival in Republic City, Asami met
and befriended her, joining Korra’s fight against the anti-bending
Equalist party. In the process, Asami fought against and cap-
tured her own anti-bending father, and after his incarceration,
she assumed control of the beleaguered Future Industries. She
resurrected the company from the ground up through careful
management, strategic alliances, and the development and sale
of military hardware during the hostilities between the Northern
and Southern Water Tribes.
Lending her own martial, piloting, and engineering abilities
as well as her corporate resources, Asami remained a mainstay
of the Avatar’s squad. She participated in the revitalization of
the Air Nation and the struggles against Unalaq, the Red Lotus,
General Kuvira’s Earth Empire, and Commander Guan’s impe-
rial holdouts. By the time of Kuvira’s accession, she had fully
rebuilt Future Industries, even taking point in modernizing Cen-
tral City Station in Republic City. She even began to reconcile
with her contrite father and collaborate with him on technology
for the war effort, though he ultimately died in battle against
Kuvira’s giant robotic Colossus.
Conditions In the wake of Kuvira’s attack on Republic City, Asami
Afraid and Korra took a vacation in the Spirit World together, finally
Angry admitting their love for one another and starting their romantic
Principle Guilty relationship. Back in Republic City, Asami and Future Industries
Insecure led the construction of war refugee housing in Republic City.
Tokuga and the Triple Threat Triad briefly captured Asami, but
Progress Hurt
their plan backfired when she broke loose and used her technical
skills to sabotage his attempted gas attack on Republic City.
Asami continues to govern Future Industries with financial and
Distraught scientific acumen as well as an ironclad commitment to ethical
practices. When she has a moment of free time, she spends it with
her girlfriend Avatar Korra, traveling the world, being heroes, and
enjoying each other’s company. Asami is never afraid to lend her
skills as an engineer and as a martial artist to a cause she believes in.
Launch a disruptive attack on a target within reach in an attempt to • Repurpose an existing piece of technology to solve
control or slow them. Mark 1-fatigue to target a person or object. If a problem it was never designed to solve
you target a person, they must shift their balance away from center; if • Persuade someone to use their skills or talents
they are a technology user or covered in metal, they become Stunned; for a different, constructive purpose
if you target an object, it is temporarily slowed or shut down. • Equip an ally with a customized piece of equipment or gear
Defend and Maneuver Where to Find Asami
Using your technological know-how, you improve your situation by Asami’s entire business, Future Industries, is centered in Re-
quickly tuning, repairing, and adjusting your available equipment. public City. That doesn’t mean she’s always there, but it’s the
Mark 1-fatigue, clear a condition, and gain 3-gears. Spend gears 1-for-1 single best place to find her. In particular, the Future Industries
instead of fatigue on technology techniques or basic techniques warehouses, factories, workshops, and offices are all likely
using technology training. locations where she’s working on some problem or another. As
a prominent member of Republic City, she’s also likely to be
found at any gathering of the city’s powerful or elite members
Drive Like You Stole It like a significant charity gala. Attending such events is both an
Defend and Maneuver important part of her job, as she sees it, and also something she
Use a vehicle to both maneuver and attack at the same time, can find pleasure in.
driving it into targets while avoiding incoming blows. Mark 1-fatigue Of course, Asami is also the girlfriend and important ally of
and name the foe you’re choosing to engage with; no other foe Korra, and she‘s often busy accompanying Korra on complicated
can successfully keep up and engage with you this exchange. Inflict duties around the world. Still, Asami’s resources help her travel
2-fatigue or a condition, your choice, on your chosen foe. If you are quickly, and she’s diplomatic, making her perfect for calming
willing to sacrifice your vehicle in the attack, inflict an additional down significant conflicts, at least temporarily. She takes special
2-fatigue and a condition. interest in any problems about the world’s technological process
and inventions, seeing as she has the skills to address those
problems and they interest her personally. If there’s any kind of
technological logjam or runaway scientific device on the loose,
there’s a good chance Asami will be there.
Kuvira had a troubled childhood. Her poor impulse control
and immense earthbending strength led to her terrified parents
abandoning her at Zaofu’s gates. Adopted into Suyin Beifong’s
household, Kuvira often butted heads with her new family, but
grew to embrace Suyin’s progressive vision of the future.
Kuvira excelled at earthbending, metalbending, and dance.
As a captain in Zaofu’s security corps in the Korra Era, she culti-
vated a leadership style based on strength, discipline, and loyalty.
She began a relationship with Suyin’s son, Baatar Jr., and helped
fight the Red Lotus insurrection, at one point saving the life of
Avatar Korra’s father, Tonraq. In the insurrection’s aftermath,
the Earth Kingdom descended into chaos and banditry, and
Kuvira broke with Suyin over whether to get involved, poaching
nearly all of Zaofu’s guards to found a new army. With Baatar Jr.
and Varrick at her side, she set out to bring order to the Earth
Kingdom by force.
General Kuvira’s army embraced cutting-edge military tech-
nologies from Satomobiles and railroads to modern aircraft and
power armor, fielding one of history’s first mechanized infantry
forces. Loyal to her—the “Great Unifier”—before all else, they
neutralized criminals and bullied state governments into joining
the new world order in exchange for protection and techno-
logical development. She became increasingly authoritarian,
building her new factories and railways with forced labor, while
imprisoning dissenters in reeducation camps.
When world leaders called upon her to surrender her author-
ity, Kuvira instead proclaimed a new Earth Empire, with herself
as its military dictator. She defeated Avatar Korra and the Metal
Clan at Zaofu, then built the Colossus, a skyscraper-sized suit
of power armor which carried her secret weapon: a giant gun
which fired energy blasts powered by spirit-vine batteries. But
Conditions when she, her army, and the Colossus attacked Republic City,
Afraid the Avatar and her companions counterattacked, sabotaged the
Angry Colossus, and isolated and captured her.
Principle Guilty Upon being brought to trial for her crimes, Kuvira expressed
Insecure remorse but pled not guilty, and Korra gave her a shot at
redemption. Released from imprisonment under the Avatar’s su-
Control Cold
pervision, she put herself at great risk to foil her former subordi-
nate Commander Guan, who used holdout Earth Empire forces
and a brainwashing machine to steal an election in Gaoling.
Hopeless Recognizing her penitence, a tribunal sentenced her to house
arrest in Zaofu, under Suyin Beifong’s supervision.
“True wisdom begins when we accept things the way they are.”
Tenzin was the third child of the waterbending master Katara
and her husband, Avatar Aang. As the son of two legendary
heroes and world leaders, and the first Airbender born in over
a century, he inherited weighty expectations. His two older
siblings, Kya and Bumi, were not Airbenders, so Aang immersed
Tenzin in Air Nomad traditions. He took quickly to airbending
and animal handling, though he could never match the Avatar’s
connection to the Spirit World.
After a brief romance with Lin Beifong, Tenzin married the Air
Acolyte Pema, fathering four children: older daughters Jinora and
Ikki, and younger sons Meelo and Rohan. He also became the Air
Air Nation representative to the United Republic Council.
After Aang’s death, he committed himself to protecting and
training Korra, the new Avatar. During Korra’s early childhood,
a Red Lotus cell attempted to kidnap her. Tenzin helped Korra’s
father Tonraq, Southern Water Tribe Chief Sokka, and Fire Lord
Zuko capture the kidnappers and imprison them. The adoles-
cent Korra became a live-in airbending student at Air Temple
Island, his home in Yue Bay.
Korra’s training challenged Tenzin to venture outside his com-
fort zone and embrace unexpected ways of thinking and relating
to others. Personality clashes notwithstanding, they developed
a strong bond. The Airbender helped Korra quash the Equalist
rebellion, and while he briefly lost his role as her spiritual mentor
to Unalaq, he regained it upon Unalaq’s defeat, guiding Korra to
make her decision to leave the Spirit Portals open.
New hope and headaches awaited Tenzin with the Airbenders’
renewed emergence after the Harmonic Convergence of the Korra
Era. Amidst Red Lotus treachery and terrorism, he struggled to
recruit and motivate new Airbenders. His traditional training
methods proved unreliable—especially for his brother, newly
Conditions minted Airbender Bumi. With time, though, Tenzin and Team
Afraid Avatar overcame the Red Lotus and revitalized the Air Nomads,
Angry who now travel around the Four Nations to aid anyone in need.
Principle Guilty Tenzin remains a political player. He was involved in both
Insecure General Kuvira’s rise to power over the Earth Kingdom and the
counterattack against her Earth Empire. Recently, the Air Nation
Humility Cold
has focused on aiding war refugees in the Republic City metro-
politan area. He and the Air Nation are also the stewards of the
Spirit Portal there.
Hopeless Tenzin remains the world’s most prominent Airbender after
the Avatar herself, and a respected leader in Republic City and
the Air Nation. Even as he continues to weather conflicts both
martial and political, he always makes time for his family.
From humble beginnings in the Southern Water Tribe, Iknik
Blackstone Varrick used his eccentric charm, ingenuity, and busi-
ness savvy to turn a single canoe into the world’s largest shipping
and consumer goods empire in the Korra Era—Varrick Global
Industries. The wealthy noble has never met a deal he couldn’t
turn to his advantage, such as transforming his vast wealth into
political influence in Republic City by funding both candidates
for president. “Always hedge your bets,” as he likes to say.
Varrick is a master of recognizing unique opportunities. This
was exemplified when the Northern Water Tribe occupied the
South for a lack of spirituality under orders of Chief Unalaq.
Seeing an opportunity for business, he took advantage of Asami
Sato’s need for Future Industries funding to put in motion his
plan to incite a rebellion against the North, and expand his
business empire.
Varrick manipulated public opinion by creating the propa-
ganda movers (films) such as The Adventures of Nuktuk: Hero of
the South. He secretly hired the Triple Threat Triad to sabotage
his ships so he could both pin the attacks on the Northern Water
Tribe and seize a controlling share in Future Industries. He orga-
nized the bombing of the Southern Water Tribe Cultural Center
and attempted to kidnap President Raiko, all to pin the blame on
the North and pressure Republic City to become involved in the
civil war on behalf of the South. And if he happened to make an
extraordinary profit from all of it, all the better!
Imprisoned after his failure to kidnap Raiko, Varrick later
escaped with his assistant, Zhu Li, to the Earth Kingdom city of
Zaofu, seeking refuge among the Metal Clan of Suyin Beifong.
Trying to turn over a new leaf, he used his brilliance to develop
Conditions technologies for the benefit of the Earth Kingdom as Suyin’s Head
Afraid of Technology.
Angry After the Harmonic Convergence of the Korra Era, Varrick
Principle Guilty studied the spirit vines that appeared in order to harness unsta-
Insecure ble Spirit Energy into batteries. However, when he learned Kuvi-
ra’s intent to weaponize it for the new Earth Empire, he refused
Creativity Manic
to help. After a daring escape, he teamed up with Asami to create
the dragon-hummingbird mechs used to fight Kuvira’s gargantu-
an war machine. And during the very same battle he confessed
Disappointed his love to Zhu Li. They married and when Zhu Li became the
president of Republic City, he became the First Gentleman.
Create a new device on the fly. You gain Favored, hold 1-gear, and Suggested Mastery Conditions
name one basic technique from any approach. As long as you hold
this device, you can use that technique as if it was part of your • Test out a brand new dangerous device just to see what happens!
current approach by spending 1-gear. Otherwise, spend gears 1-for-1 • Perform an incredibly dangerous, over-the-
instead of fatigue on technology techniques or basic techniques top, high risk, high reward stunt!
using technology training. • Ask someone wiser, calmer, and more patient about
what you should do, and follow their advice!
Pinpoint Flaws
Evade and Observe
Take a moment to observe weak points in your environment. Name Where to Find Varrick
a status you wish to inflict on a foe next exchange; the GM will Varrick is, and in some ways has always been, a Republic City
tell you what you need to break in your environment to inflict that man. Sure, his own company interests extend across the world.
status. Next exchange, you may use Smash for free no matter what But Republic City is where the action is, the excitement, the
approach you use. growth, the change, the innovation! Especially now that he’s
atoned for past misdeeds and is openly welcome in the city
again, considering that he’s the husband of President Zhu Li
Do The Thing! Moon of the United Republic. PCs can find him in Republic
Defend and Maneuver City at any important hobnobbing events, as well as at the
Exhort an ally to Do The Thing! Mark 2-fatigue to allow one ally to presidential residence, City Hall, interesting workshops and
immediately use one technique from any approach; the ally must pay factories...really, all over the city.
all costs as appropriate. Varrick will still travel the world and seek things out, but
at this point, usually he’ll do so with very specific intent. If
he wants to go out into the world to see firsthand the mining
location of a new important mineral—he’ll book a dirigible right
away! But he’s not going to just sightsee, not when the love of his
life is back home in Republic City. PCs can expect to find him at
unique locations, where there’s something interesting to pursue
or examine.
Playbooks 49
(Order #33839056)
This chapter contains four new playbooks and advice for using each in your game. The ac-
companying guidance helps expand on the core ideas of each playbook, setting you up for
success without demanding you always take the same course, in addition to mechanics ad-
vice on the particular moves and features of these playbooks. Remember that each player in
the game should use a different playbook—no repeats!
In this chapter, there are four new playbooks designed to open Bringing to the Table
up a whole new array of additional character and story arcs These playbooks, like the rest, will work well for a brand new
for your games of Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game. Every character. Existing characters can always switch over to one of
playbook gives a new set of options for players to aim for the these new playbooks should the time come—see page 218 of
kind of character and story they’re interested in, and these four the core book for more on switching playbooks as you advance
playbooks present all new paths to stories for your game! your character or play your campaign.
Remember that when PCs take moves from other playbooks,
they can always take moves from any playbooks, even those
Playbook Advice that aren’t currently used in your game. That means each one of
these playbooks expands the overall pool of available moves for
every character. You cannot, on the other hand, take any of the
The world of Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game is filled with special, unique features of other playbooks without switching
countless stories and countless heroes, of all shapes and sizes. into those playbooks—no taking the Destined’s Marked By Fate
Their stories are as varied as their ideologies and their abilities. while you’re playing as the Bold!
This book includes four new playbooks, each one expanding
the options and stories available in your game. For more on
playbooks, see Chapter 6: Playbooks of the core book. The Mentors of the Avatarverse
If you’ve ever wanted to play a character like Tenzin, Lin, or Iroh,
then the Elder is the playbook for you! The other playbooks
Using these Playbooks generally aim for younger, less proven characters, but the Elder
These playbooks are all a bit more specific, a bit more focused is perfect for playing an established adult, someone who has al-
than the ten available in the core book, but they can be used ready carved out a place in the world, but still has much to learn.
just like those playbooks. You can add these four to the original The Elder is especially good as a supporting mentor for the other
ten, or you can pick and choose a particular set of options for a PCs—they are the focus of their own story, but the playbook has
game. These playbooks have some more complicated ideas and a lot of incentives to guide others.
mechanical elements than the original set, so a brand-new player If you are interested in playing a character whose drive is
might be better off picking one of the original ten playbooks. But especially directed toward helping the other PCs in your game
none of them are so strange or complicated that they’re out of to grow—whose own path to learning and growth goes through
reach—play what calls to you! the other heroes—then the Elder is exactly who you’ve been
Here are a few ideas of particular playbook mixes, each one looking for!
focusing on a couple themes. The playbooks in each mix will
portray different aspects of each theme: :
• Responsibility and Expectations: The Destined, the
Foundling, the Guardian, the Icon, the Successor
• Students and Teacher: The Bold, the Elder,
the Pillar, the Prodigy, the Razor
• Identity and Hope: The Adamant, the Foundling,
the Idealist, the Razor, the Rogue
• Justice and Struggle: The Adamant, the Bold,
the Destined, the Elder, the Hammer
The Elder
The Foundling
The Razor
Chapter 3: Playbooks 51
(Order #33839056)
52 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game
(Order #33839056)
The Destined
The Destined has a grand fate in store, something spiritual or
otherworldly. Play the Destined if you want to shape your destiny
and decide what becomes of you.
Chapter 3: Playbooks 53
(Order #33839056)
Marked by Fate
You have been touched by something beyond— Destiny Track
something spiritual and otherworldly. (See “My Whenever you lose your balance, get taken out, or are otherwise instructed to,
Destiny” on their playbook.) At character creation, mark your Destiny Track. When your destiny track fills, clear it and take a destiny
fill in one detail and take one destiny sign below. sign. If you have already taken the other five, you must take “meet your fate.”
The Destined’s Marked by Fate The most important destiny sign is Meet your fate, which
The Destined chooses from My Destiny on the back of their play- means your destiny arrives. The exact way in which your destiny
book, in the section directly above History. This is what little they arrives is up to the GM, and up to how you respond when the GM
know about their strange fate. All of these “destinies” are vague presents your destiny, but it comes no later than the session imme-
enough that their actual manifestation might take many forms. Try diately after you take this destiny sign. You can always choose to
to keep to the list, widely interpreting the ideas there, but you can take this sign early, but you must take Meet your fate if you have
work with the GM to invent new options if none fit your concept. taken every other destiny sign and you must take another. When
Answer any questions the GM has about the destiny during all is said and done, after you meet your destiny, if you are still a
character introductions, and add some details about the first part part of the group, still alive, and still human, change playbooks.
of the sentence while avoiding defining the second—the first See more about changing playbooks on page 218 of the core book.
part states how you know you were Destined, but the second For your Otherworldly visions destiny sign, the GM can
part describes a general direction you should aim for. The desti- couch your answer in terms of your strange visions, but the
ny details help flesh out the second part during play. actual answer has to be clear to you as a player. You can ask any
Those destiny details are specific ideas of what your destiny question—including questions that reveal information you
entails, fleshed out as part of the Marked by Fate section. Each would have no other way of knowing—so long as the question
detail has a blank space for another character’s name, either a PC relates to the current situation.
or NPC. You can choose when to fill in a name, usually as the For your Tremble before me destiny sign, you should use this
result of visions or GM moves. You can’t erase a name unless you ability before you roll to intimidate. What you reveal to the per-
and the GM agree that the detail no longer makes sense. son you intimidate is up to you, but it terrifies them; until they
If you try to bring one of these details to fruition in some way, trust you again, you can’t guide and comfort or plead with them.
you can live up to your Determination without marking fatigue. The GM is the final arbiter of if and when they trust you again.
The GM is the final arbiter of whether you are acting to bring about For your Self-sacrificing destiny sign, you can use this ability
one of your details. You always start play with one name already to aid any visible ally. You can’t use it to save yourself, and you
entered into one detail so you have something to work towards. can only use it once per scene.
Your destiny track represents the advance of your destiny. For your Inner strength destiny sign, you can use the sign at
Every time you lose your balance or get taken out, you mark your any time as you summon up deep reserves of inner, supernatural
destiny track. When you mark the track the fifth time, you clear strength. But you can only use it once per session, and you can’t
the track and take a new destiny sign. Each destiny sign is a new use it at the moment that you have to mark another condition
power or ability that represents your strange otherworldliness. and can’t—in other words, you can’t use it to save yourself if
You always start play with one destiny sign. you’re in the process of being taken out.
Evade and Observe
Study a nearby foe to learn where their momentum will take them
next. Declare the approach they are tending towards. In the next
exchange, that foe must use that approach or mark a condition.
(Order #33839056)
56 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game
(Order #33839056)
The Elder
The Elder has spent many years living and learning, making
mistakes and growing from them. Play the Elder if you want to
teach (and be taught by) your companions.
Chapter 3: Playbooks 57
(Order #33839056)
Wisdom of the Ages
You’ve lived longer than the other companions, long enough to Protégés
have mastered your training many times over...and perhaps long __________________________________________________
enough to think you don’t have much left to learn. ________________________________________________
In addition to your normal playbook technique, you start with Your Conditions
four other mastered techniques. You don’t have to name these
You have different conditions; they offer bonuses as well as
techniques at character creation; you can instead choose them
penalties. You cannot take moves from other playbooks that
whenever you like, even in the middle of a combat exchange.
reference conditions you don’t have. You can clear your special
You can train other PCs in your mastered techniques using the
conditions through moves or by undertaking the following actions:
standard training move.
• Frustrated [-2 to push your luck and +1 to intimidate]: lash
Until you open up a new slot for another technique, you cannot
out at someone or act decisively without consulting anyone
learn new techniques. When you shift your center to +1, +2, or +3
• Jaded [-2 to plead and +1 to trick]: give in or give up in the face
Humility for the first time, you open up a new slot; you may learn
of meaningful opposition
and develop a new technique to fill that slot as normal.
• Remorseful [-2 to the stance move and +1 to call someone
You do not earn growth. When a PC embraces your guidance out]: attempt to make genuine amends for past wrongs
and comfort, you may shift toward Experience to declare them • Shaken [-2 to guide and comfort and +1 to assess a situation]:
a protégé; write their name and one of their principles below. seek guidance from an old friend or mentor
When that PC shifts their center toward that principle, clear • Worried [-2 to deny a callout and +1 to rely on skills
their name and take an advancement; you may add them to your or training]: take control in a situation in which another
list again in the same way. should lead
The Elder’s Wisdom of Ages The Elder never earns growth for any reason. Any time they
The Elder operates differently than most other PCs with regard to are instructed to mark growth, they simply ignore that effect.
learning techniques and earning growth, to represent all that they Instead, they advance by helping their protégés to grow. Any
have already achieved and learned. At the start of play, the Elder time the Elder guides and comforts another PC and that PC
begins with the normal, single mastered technique—usually the then embraces the Elder’s guidance, the Elder can write the PC’s
playbook technique, although as always the Elder can swap it out name down as one of their protégés. There is no limit to the
if they so choose (see page 122 of the core book for more on this). number of protégés the Elder can have—if you run out of space,
They also start with four additional mastered techniques, but just write them somewhere else.
they do not have to choose those techniques immediately. During When a PC becomes one of the Elder’s protégés, the Elder
play—even in the midst of a combat exchange—the Elder can se- writes down which of that PC’s two principles the Elder hopes
lect a technique as one of their four, and reveal that they have had they move towards. When a protégé shifts their center toward
the technique mastered the whole time. Once they have selected a the chosen principle, the Elder clears their name as a protégé
technique, the player records it on their character sheet as normal, and takes a growth advancement.
and they cannot change the technique. If the GM agrees, the Elder’s player can erase a protégé’s
The Elder cannot learn new techniques at all until they open name without them shifting their center, or can change the prin-
up new slots to do so. They open up new slots by shifting their ciple the Elder is guiding them toward. In both cases, the change
center—not just their balance—toward Humility. When the must reflect a new understanding or relationship between the
Elder’s center shifts to Humility +1, they unlock a new slot. The two and does not grant a growth advancement.
same thing happens when they shift to Humility +2, and Humil- The Elder has their own set of conditions, unique to their
ity +3, but only the very first time their center shifts to those val- playbook. Each of the Elder’s conditions inflicts -2 on some
ues. When a slot opens up, the Elder may learn a new technique basic moves, but grants +1 to another. The Elder clears their
to fill it as normal to a maximum of eight mastered techniques. conditions as normal, through new, specific actions keyed to
The Elder can also train other PCs in the techniques they their particular conditions. The Elder cannot take new moves
have mastered. To do so, the other PC uses the standard training that reference conditions they don’t have, and if they ever suffer
move, with the Elder filled in as the teacher. The Elder answers a specific condition—for example, because an enemy’s tech-
any training questions about the teacher or the teacher’s beliefs. nique inflicts Angry specifically—the GM selects an appropriate
The Elder may help select the mastery condition for the tech- alternate condition for the Elder to suffer instead.
nique based on what they think the PC needs to learn, but the
GM has final say and must agree—the mastery condition must
still reflect a lesson the PC actually has to learn.
the GM a question and they will answer honestly. On You wait until the perfect moment to act. Mark 1-fatigue to gain Prepared and use
a 7-9, your self-indulgence creates an opportunity for an advance and attack technique, paying all its costs as normal. Mark another fa-
your enemies or rivals; the GM will tell you how. On tigue to allow a companion engaged with that same foe to also use an advance and
a miss, you fixate on your past with disastrous results; attack technique against them as well, also paying all costs as appropriate.
tell the GM what old conflict mars your peace and
shift your balance twice away from center.
For Patience, the special Elder technique, the Elder may mark 1-fatigue to gain
Around Here Somewhere Prepared and use an advance and attack technique even while using a different
When you go looking for help from an old friend in the approach. They still have to pay all costs of the advance and attack technique.
area who you haven’t seen recently, name them and If the Elder marks another 1-fatigue, they can allow an ally to immediately use
roll with Harmony. On a hit, you find them and they an advance and attack technique against the same target, although the ally
can assist you. On a 7-9, pick 1. On a 10+, both. must then pay all costs of the technique.
• they aren’t caught up in their own problems
• you don’t owe them a favor or apology
On a miss, your old enemies were looking for you too;
the GM will tell you how you know they are near.
The Elder has no growth question, nor
does the Elder earn growth like the
other playbooks. Instead, the Elder
earns growth advancements as they
aid chosen protégés to achieve their full
potential and move towards their own
principles; see the Elder’s “Wisdom of Ages.”
(Order #33839056)
60 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game
(Order #33839056)
The Foundling
The Foundling is the child of two cultures, belonging to both but
not at home in either. Play the Foundling if you want to synthesize
the lessons and traditions of your heritage.
Chapter 3: Playbooks 61
(Order #33839056)
The Foundling’s Double Heritage
Double Heritage To represent the Foundling’s two heritages, they start play
with two trainings and two backgrounds. One pair of training
You are a child of two cultures. At character creation, choose and background represents one heritage, and the other pair
two trainings and two backgrounds that represent your two represents the other. The Foundling can choose two forms of
heritages. You also start play with two mastered techniques bending as their trainings—earthbending and firebending, for
(including your playbook technique) instead of the normal example—but they cannot bend two elements. Instead, they
one mastered technique. have studied the forms and techniques of both trainings and use
them while bending one element, such as a Firebender Found-
Wisdom From Many Places ling who adapts waterbending techniques to their firebending
You can study with a master to learn techniques from any training. Such a bender could learn and use the technique Water
training and adapt them to your own. When you start learning Whip; they aren’t literally making a whip of water, but instead
a technique of a training you don’t have with a willing teacher, using the idea and forms of Water Whip with firebending. If you
roll, taking +1 for each “yes” to the following questions: pick two bending forms as your trainings, make sure you select
• Is your Unity greater than zero? which one you can actually bend, and which one you’ve adapted.
• Have you studied this technique before? The Foundling also starts play with two mastered techniques
• Has someone used this technique against you in real battle? instead of just one—they start with a mastered technique repre-
senting each of their two heritages.
On a hit, you learn the technique; shift your balance towards For Wisdom From Many Places, the Foundling can learn
Unity. On a 7-9, learning it was trying; mark a condition and techniques from any master willing to teach them, even learning
write its name by the technique. You can’t use the technique techniques normally from outside of their trainings. Instead of
if you have that condition marked. When you master the using the normal training move, when they learn a technique
technique, erase the condition’s name. from outside of their trainings, they use this specialized move.
On a miss, you’re struggling to incorporate the lesson into your “Is your Unity greater than zero?” means that your balance must
training; you must find a new master to continue your training. be positive (+1 or higher) Unity. “Have you studied this technique
before?” most likely comes into play because you’ve previously
Cultural Bonds tried to learn the technique, and “Has someone used this technique
When you try to connect with an NPC via a shared culture, against you in real battle?” is a question about whether or not
roll with Heritage. On a hit, they see you; shift your balance you’ve seen the technique in action.
toward Heritage. On a 7-9, choose 1; on a 10+, choose 2: On a hit, you learn the technique and shift your balance
• They accept you; they cease hostilities or antagonism toward Unity, but on a 7–9, you also mark a condition and write
toward you. that condition’s name by the technique. While you have the con-
• They grow to like you (if they already accept you); they dition marked, you can’t use the technique—that particular state
agree to help you with a problem. of mind interferes with your ability to reliably use the technique.
• They reveal their background; you learn their principle. On a miss, you need to find a new teacher before trying to learn
• They offer solace; you clear a condition. the technique again.
• They reveal a vulnerability; you become Prepared to deal For Cultural Bonds, you must share a cultural heritage with
with them. the other NPC to use this move. “Connecting through a shared
culture” can mean many different things, ranging from participat-
On a miss, you mix up your heritages in a terrible way; ing in some important ceremony to reminiscing about a holiday
the NPC mocks you or gets offended by your slip. Mark a tradition to complimenting a culturally significant outfit. “They
condition and shift your balance away from Heritage. see you” means they recognize you as a fellow member of their
culture—kin, to some extent. For all of the options you can
choose, the GM describes the action the NPC takes then creates
the mechanical effect listed.
Remember that they won’t “grow to like you” until they “accept
Growth Question you.” If they already accept you before you make the move, then
you can choose they “grow to like you,” but if they don’t accept
Did you resolve an issue or conflict relying on you as someone with shared heritage, as “one of their own,” then
something other than your trainings? they won’t “grow to like you” with this move. If you get a 10+,
however, you can choose both “they accept you” and “they grow
to like you” together. On a miss, you slip up by adding in some-
The Foundling’s growth question is all about exploring more of thing from the wrong heritage, and it costs you the burgeoning
the world beyond the two trainings that divide them. The Found- connection, in addition to you suffering a condition and shifting
ling may be deeply defined by those trainings, but that means your balance away from Heritage.
they need to round themselves out as a full person by learning
other ways of solving problems or dealing with the world.
Things in common
When you guide and comfort someone who shares a training or a
background with you by talking about what you have in common,
on a hit you become Inspired, and if they embrace your guidance and
comfort, they become Inspired as well.
You take pause to feel the flow of battle and study the way your op-
position fights. You become Favored. If they share a training with you,
learn their principle. If you know their principle, clear 1-fatigue (even
if they do not share the same training).
(Order #33839056)
64 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game
(Order #33839056)
The Razor
The Razor was cruelly hardened into the perfect implement of
their masters’ goals…until they broke free. Play the Razor if you
want to fight for a path to redemption.
Chapter 3: Playbooks 65
(Order #33839056)
The Razor’s Making Amends
Making Amends The Razor did terrible things in their past. During character
creation, the Razor must choose at least four mistakes that they
You were once the weapon of powerful figures—your masters. made in the past, selecting from Your Mistakes on their sheet
In your time as your masters’ weapon, you hurt people, even underneath History. For each choice you make, be sure to fill in
those who looked to you for friendship, leadership, protection, the names and locations as needed; you have to say who you be-
or support. You must make amends. Choose four mistakes trayed or destroyed, what place you tried to subjugate, etc. Use
you’re trying to make up for (on the back of the sheet). different names and places for each mistake—these are distinct
mistakes, not the same mistake four times.
Once per session, when you have tried your best to prove
These mistakes have the most relevance to the Razor’s growth
that you are a different, better person now through your
question and the Making Amends move—a once per session
actions, roll, taking +1 for each “yes” to the following questions:
move for when the Razor has taken significant action to try to
• Did you make amends directly to a person you harmed? prove they are a different, better person. The GM is the final
• Are you at your center? arbiter of the answers to the questions. For the first question,
• Did someone honestly thank you for your efforts or to answer “yes” you must have made honest, real amends to
forgive you for your mistakes? someone you hurt during play or in your backstory. For the sec-
ond question, to answer “yes” someone must have been either
On a hit, you feel the spark of hope—you’re making progress.
grateful to you or have forgiven you; that character doesn’t have
On a 7-9, choose 1. On a 10+, choose 2 (you can choose the
to be the same individual as in the first question.
same option twice), or unlock the next Connection balance
On a 10+, instead of choosing any option, you may unlock
track space (see Disconnected).
the next space, starting with +1 and moving up to +3, on the
• Clear a condition • Shift your Balance toward Connection side of your balance track.
• Mark growth Connection On a miss, you don’t feel redeemed or successful in your
attempts to prove you’re different. You feel a need to have some-
On a miss, something’s off—you don’t feel you’ve changed.
one else tell you what to do—they will tell you, and the GM
Choose someone here to ask what more you can do—they
shifts your balance twice accordingly, even if you chose a PC.
will tell you, and the GM will shift your balance twice based
For Disconnected, half your balance track is locked at the
on what they say.
start of play. When you create your character, you start with
Disconnected your center at +0 Connection/+0 Control, and your balance at
Your Balance begins play at +2 Control; you can still shift it +2 Control (although you can still push that one step in either
by one step when you make your character. direction as you choose). Your Connection principle is locked,
and you cannot shift your balance to anything higher than +0
Your Connection principle starts play locked—you cannot Connection. Shifting your balance higher than +0 Connection is
shift your balance higher than +0 Connection. If you would the same as losing your balance. Your center cannot go farther to-
shift your balance to a locked value, you lose your balance, ward Connection than the highest unlocked Connection value.
but your center cannot shift higher than the highest unlocked Your Connection becomes unlocked as you roll 10+ on the
Connection value. When you unlock Connection +3, treat once per session move in Making Amends. When you unlock
your balance track as normal. another part of your Connection track, that box becomes
When you shift your center to +1, +2, and +3 Connection available as normal—your balance and your center can move
for the first time, choose a companion to whom you have to that new box. The first time your center moves to each of +1,
connected. They give you one move from their playbook +2, and +3 Connection, you choose a fellow PC you have grown
(ignoring advancement limits). connected to and they choose one move from their playbook for
you to gain. They do not have to choose a move they have; the
Honed move only has to be listed on their playbook. Those moves are
When you sublimate your feelings to be effective, clear all in addition to any other growth advancements you earn. You
conditions equal to one plus your Control and cross off may choose the same PC for more than one of these connec-
one unmarked condition—you can no longer mark that tions. You do not lose these moves if your center shifts away.
condition for any reason. When you shift your center toward For Honed, first you clear your conditions, and then you
Connection, you may restore all crossed off conditions. choose one to cross off. You may cross off a condition you just
You may live up to your Control principle by shifting balance cleared. A crossed-off condition cannot be marked for any rea-
toward Control instead of marking fatigue. son—treat it as if it doesn’t exist. If something specifically inflicts
that condition upon you, the GM selects a different appropriate
condition to inflict. “When you shift your center toward Connec-
tion” does not mean that your center has to reach a positive
Connection value—shifting your center from Connection -2 to
Connection -1 still counts. When you restore the conditions,
they are available for use again, and they start unmarked.
Winning is Everything You put a foe off-balance by luring them in. Name a foe you lure; if they don’t
When you choose to use dirty tactics—targeting an attempt to either inflict fatigue, conditions, balance shifts, or negative statuses on
innocent your foe is trying to protect, throwing sand you by the end of this exchange, they must mark 2-fatigue. If they do attempt to
in their face, etc.—at the start of a combat exchange, harm you this exchange, you become Favored for the next exchange.
instead of using one of the standard approaches say
what you do and take a 10+ instead of rolling the
stance move; you become Favored for this exchange For Lure, the Razor’s special technique, the Razor can push
and may choose your techniques from any approach. an opponent to take particular actions. You can use Lure
At the end of the exchange, your opponent may call on foes you are not currently engaged with. If they
out your disgraceful behavior and lack of integrity to come after you, then you become Favored for the
shift your balance twice. next exchange, when they’re likely now closer
and in reach. If they don’t, then they have to
mark 2-fatigue.
Growth Question
(Order #33839056)
ow this is an interesting story and with so many mov-
ing parts too! A kidnapping, criminals, daofei, and even
the legendary Firebender Rangi. Oh my, this promises
to be a good story indeed.
After studying the bits of history my Knowledge Seekers
have brought me through the years, I must say the daofei are an
interesting lot. You can’t outright call them criminals, no that
would be incorrect indeed, but I also can’t say they adhere to
the societal norms of their era. Maybe outlaw is a better term?
They seem to have their own way of doing things and idiosyn-
crasies within each of their societies which make them unique.
Some daofei groups could even be considered noble…at least
by mortal standards.
Well, reader, perhaps you should draw your own conclusions
here. I have far too many bits of knowledge still to catalog to
spend all my time dallying on topics you can discover yourself.
70 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game
(Order #33839056)
Earth & Root is a standalone adventure set in the Kyoshi Era. If you’ve never run a game of Avatar
Legends: The Roleplaying Game before, this adventure is a great way to start—it includes all the
elements you need for an exciting episode of your very own. Earth & Root can also be used in an
ongoing Kyoshi Era campaign. The adventure is set in Ba Sing Se and features a kidnapping and a
conflict between daofei, making it perfect for city-oriented or roguish groups of heroes.
The Lower Ring of Ba Sing Se is in chaos after a daofei outlaw No Path to the End?
kidnaps the two children of Fire Nation Ambassador Quin. The If you are used to running adventures with heavily detailed
Ambassador has called in her own highly-skilled Fire Nation encounters and prepared NPCs, it might come as a surprise that
guards to find her children because she is mistrustful of the Earth few mechanics are written into this adventure, beyond the esca-
Kingdom anti-corruption task force called in to do the job. And lations and some information about various characters. Avatar
the Ambassador is right to be suspicious! The task force is using Legends: The Roleplaying Game relies on players triggering moves
this event as an excuse to finally round up all the criminals they based on the actions they take during play instead of asking
want, regardless of whether they had anything to do with the players to make any specific checks for specific actions required
kidnapping, and a new daofei mercenary group is using this dis- by the adventure.
traction to wreak havoc in the Lower Ring…it’s a mess, and famed Since every significant action a PC takes drives the action
Firebender Rangi knows that without intervention Ba Sing Se is in of the game forward, there is no prescribed order of events.
trouble. She tasks the heroes with ensuring the Lower Ring of Ba Instead, the adventure puts the PCs in a dramatic starting situ-
Sing Se stays stable until she can return with the Avatar. ation that demands immediate action from the heroes! It’s your
job to use the material in this adventure to keep things moving,
providing interesting events and NPCs to consistently engage
Using This Adventure your players.
You can read more about running Avatar Legends: The Role-
playing Game in the core book, Chapter 8: Running the Game,
The contents of this adventure create a sandbox for your PCs, and more about how moves shape play in Chapter 3: Funda-
a setting in which they can choose any path they’d like to move mentals of Play.
the story forward. Here are some of the tools you can find here:
• The “Summary” provides an outline of the
Using the Pregenerated Characters
adventure and explains the various issues
There are five pregenerated characters at the end of this adven-
plaguing the Lower Ring of Ba Sing Se.
ture. Each character has a unique history, playbook, and set of
• The “Introduction” brings the PCs into the story and
stats. Your players can either use these characters to play through
sets up your group to undertake the adventure.
this adventure, or they can create their own as explained in the
• “Important Characters & Groups” provides the backstories
Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game core book.
of NPCs, including the various groups working in the
The pregenerated characters have their moves, feature ele-
Lower Ring, and their stats for use in your game.
ments, and techniques already chosen; players need only decide
• “Important Locations” features different areas for the
whether to shift their balance by one step at the start of play, and
PCs to explore during the adventure and explains
which principle to shift it toward. Players can adjust the pregen-
where important characters might be found.
erated characters to make themselves more comfortable, altering
• “GM Advice” contains additional guidance
names, look, and even mechanical elements like the stat boosted
for this adventure just for the GM, including
by the free +1 at character creation if they are familiar enough to
advice on how the adventure might end.
make that choice. The characters are designed to work well with
• “Pregenerated Characters” is a set of five premade characters
the current elements included and the adventure as presented,
your players can use to hop right into the adventure. We also
but as always, if the GM and player agree then they can make
include a hook that ties the characters to the adventure.
changes as desired. After selecting the pregenerated characters,
players will still go through the process of filling out connections
with each other.
Drive: Become the premier daofei gang in all the Earth Kingdom Drive: Find my children without causing an international incident
Principle: Superiority Principle: Love
Conditions: Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure, Troubled Conditions: Angry, Foolish, Insecure
Fatigue: Fatigue:
Technique: Summon the Storm, Quicksand Technique: Flame Knives
Tao was raised on a pirate ship by the cook, who cared for him like a son. Years later, Tao
wanted enough money to make it on his own, so he stole from the captain’s coffers, and when the 0 CREATIVITY
captain found out, the cook took the fall for the theft to protect Tao. The captain killed the cook,
and Tao left. Now, he tries to live life on the straight and narrow, but he can’t avoid fighting
anyone who reminds him of the captain’s cruelty. Finding his current companions gave him
something he missed dearly—family. +1 HARMONY
Backgrounds: Wilderness, Outlaw
• __________________ takes issue with my methods—perhaps
they have a point, but I certainly can’t admit that to them!
• __________________ is my lodestar; something about them
makes them the one person I let my guard down around.
The Lodestar
This Was a Victory
There’s only one person you often let past your When you reveal that you have sabotaged a
emotional walls. building, device, or vehicle right as it becomes
relevant, mark fatigue and roll with Passion. On
Name your lodestar (choose a PC to start):
a hit, your work pays off, creating an opportunity
for you and your allies at just the right time. On
You can shift your lodestar to someone new a 7–9, the opportunity is fleeting—act fast to
when they guide and comfort you and you stay ahead of the consequences. On a miss, your
open up to them, or when you guide and action was ill-judged and something or someone
comfort them and they open up to you. If you care about is hurt as collateral damage.
you do choose to shift your lodestar, clear a
Takes One to Know One
When you verbally needle someone by finding the
When you shut down someone vulnerable to
weaknesses in their armor, roll with Focus. On
harsh words or icy silence, shift your balance
a hit, ask 1 question. On a 7–9, they ask 1 of you
toward Results and roll with Results. On a hit,
as well:
they mark a condition and you may clear the
same condition. On a 10+, they also cannot • What is your principle?
shift your balance or call you out for the rest • What do you need to prove? FATIGUE
of the scene. On a miss, they have exactly the • What could shake your certainty?
right retort; mark a condition and they shift • Whom do you care about more than you let on?
your balance. You cannot use this on your Anyone who lies or stonewalls marks 2-fatigue.
lodestar. On a miss, your attack leaves you exposed; they afraid
When your lodestar shifts your balance or may ask you any one question from the list, and -2 to intimidate and call someone out
calls you out, you cannot resist it. Treat an you must answer honestly. angry
NPC lodestar calling you out as if you rolled a -2 to guide and comfort and assess a situation
10+, and a PC lodestar calling you out as if they
rolled a 10+. insecure
-2 to trick and resist shifting your balance
When you consult your lodestar for advice on
a problem (or permission to use your preferred guilty
-2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout
solution), roll with Restraint. On a 10+ take all Divert
three; on a 7–9 they choose two: defend & maneuver troubled
-2 to plead and rely on your skills or training
• You see the wisdom of their advice. They Step into the way of blows intended for allies;
shift your balance; follow their advice when any ally within reach suffers a blow this
and they shift your balance again. exchange, you can suffer it for them. If you also
• The conversation bolsters you. use Retaliate this exchange, deal an additional
Clear a condition or 2-fatigue. 1-fatigue each time.
• They feel at ease offering their opinion.
They clear a condition or 2-fatigue.
On a miss, something about their advice infu-
riates you. Mark a condition or have the GM
shift your balance twice.
T h e ro l e P l ay i n g G a M e
(Order #33839056)
Masaru, THE Bold
Masaru was born in the Upper Ring of Ba Sing Se, but when her mother was betrayed by a
close business contact, the family landed in abject poverty in the Lower Ring. Masaru became +2 CREATIVITY
a thief to provide for her family, but her criminal antics only disappointed her mother, who
saw it as yet another betrayal. Masaru wants to become someone her mother can be proud of,
so she left home with her pet sparrowkeet, Bao, and decided to turn a new leaf. When she met
her current traveling companions, Masaru finally connected with people who didn’t expect
anything of her except friendship.
• __________________ scoffs at me and my plans; one day I’ll show them what I can do.
• __________________ has a pretty good head on their
shoulders; they’re a great sounding board for my ideas.
Legacy of Excellence
You have dedicated yourself to accomplishing great, exciting deeds and becoming worthy of the
trust others place in you. When you fulfill a marked drive, strike it out, and mark growth or clear a
condition. When your four marked drives are all struck out, choose and mark four new drives. When
all drives are struck out, change playbooks or accept a position of great responsibility and retire from
a life of adventure.
successfully lead your companions in battle sacrifice your pride or love for a greater good
give your affection to someone worthy defend an inhabited place from dire threats
start a real fight with a dangerous master stand up to someone who doesn’t respect you
do justice to a friend or mentor’s guidance make a friend live up to a principle they have
take down a dangerous threat all on your own
openly outperform an authority figure
show mercy or forgiveness to a dangerous
save a friend’s life person
get a fancy new outfit stand up to someone abusing their power
earn the respect of an adult you admire tame or befriend a dangerous beast or rare
openly call out a friend’s unworthy actions creature FATIGUE
form a strong relationship with a new master pull off a ridiculous stunt
stop a fight with calm words
-2 to intimidate and call someone out
T h e ro l e P l ay i n g G a M e
(Order #33839056)
Sarnai, THE Guardian
Sarnai lived on the streets of Ba Sing Se his entire life and embraced a life of crime fearlessly.
He enjoyed the freedom of being on his own and never gave much thought to the family who 0 CREATIVITY
abandoned him. Hustling, stealing, the occasional grift—that was just life in the Lower
Ring. When Sarnai met his current companions, he realized they were the missing link in
his life, not a family he was burdened with, but one he chose. Suddenly, the world is a lot
scarier than it was before because now he has something to lose. 0 HARMONY
Backgrounds: Outlaw, Urban
• __________________ is my ward—they need me to have their back, end of story.
• __________________ looks like they’re more than capable without
my help; I’m glad some of us can take care of ourselves.
Protector’s Burden
Suspicious Mind
You take it upon yourself to protect the people When you watch a person carefully to figure
around you in general, but you have someone them out, roll with Focus. On a 7-9, hold 1. On
in particular you keep safe. a 10+, hold 2. Spend your hold, 1-for-1, to ask their
player questions while you observe or interact
Name your ward (choose a PC to start):
with them; they must answer honestly.
• Are you telling the truth?
When they mark a condition in front of you, • What are you truly feeling?
mark fatigue or a condition. Your ward can • What do you really want right now?
always call on you to live up to your princi- • What are you worried about?
ple—without shifting their balance away from • What are you about to do?
center—and they take +1 to do it.
At the beginning of each session, roll, taking +1 Martyr Complex
When you have a total of 8 between conditions
for each yes:
marked, highest principle, and fatigue marked,
• Do you believe your ward listens take +1 ongoing to all moves.
to you more often than not?
• Have you recently protected them FATIGUE
or helped them with a problem?
• Is there an immediate threat to your Technique
ward that you are aware of? CONDITIONS
On a 7-9, hold 1. On a 10+, hold 2. At any time, Divert afraid
spend the hold to: -2 to intimidate and call someone out
defend & maneuver
• Take a 10+ without rolling on any Step into the way of blows intended for allies; angry
move to defend or protect them -2 to guide and comfort and assess a situation
when any ally within reach suffers a blow this
• Track them down even if they
are hidden or avoiding you
exchange, you can suffer it for them. If you also insecure
use Retaliate this exchange, deal an additional -2 to trick and resist shifting your balance
• Figure out what they’re up to 1-fatigue each time.
without them knowing guilty
-2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout
On a miss, hold 1, but...you’re drifting apart on
different paths. By the end of the session, you troubled
must choose one: -2 to plead and rely on your skills or training
(Order #33839056)
Jing, THE Prodigy
Jing grew up darting in and out of the halls of Ba Sing Se University among people who were
much older, but half as brilliant. When she wasn’t dutifully studying, Jing’s brilliant mind 0 CREATIVITY
designed all manner of wondrous draughts, tinctures, and potions. Jing sold her inventions for
fun, but when her mixtures ended up in the hands of some (well-paying) criminals, the city
guards came along and Jing promised to keep her inventions out of the criminal underworld.
Jing loves her new friends; they’re all a little bit broken…but Jing can fix anything! 0 HARMONY
Backgrounds: Urban, Monastic
• __________________ could use training from someone who
knows what they’re doing; I suppose I am up to the task.
• I’m not sure if the overtures of friendship from
__________________ make me happy, mad, or both.
Extraordinary Skill
judging a rival
You aren’t just capable in your area of skill and When you size someone up, roll with Focus. On
training; you’re astonishing. A true prodigy, a 7-9, ask one. On a 10+, ask two.
excelling and learning far more quickly than • What are your weaknesses / strengths?
anyone would expect. You start play with one • How can I show dominance / submission?
additional mastered technique. • What do you intend to do next?
Your mastery is particularly impressive in shap- • What do you wish I’d do right now?
ing and breaking. On a miss, they notice you watching them; they
When you rely on skills and training, use a may ask you 1 question from the list.
combat stance, or otherwise trigger a move
wait and listen
while using your mastery, ignore penalties
from conditions or statuses. When you assess a situation while taking the
time to use your extraordinary skills to absorb
When you see someone use an unknown hidden or deep information, mark 1-fatigue,
technique, if it is available to your skills and roll with Focus instead of Creativity, and
training, you may mark fatigue to shift your become Prepared.
balance towards Excellence and take the
technique as learned. You can only do this if FATIGUE
your balance is at +1 Excellence or higher.
You must still get a mastery condition from a
master of the technique in order to move the
technique from practiced to mastered. afraid
-2 to intimidate and call someone out
When you study with a teacher to learn a new Steady Stance
technique, shift your balance towards Com- defend & maneuver angry
munity and automatically learn the technique -2 to guide and comfort and assess a situation
at the practiced level (skipping learned). You Assume a strong, steady stance; any foes
cannot learn techniques by studying with engaged with you who chose to advance and at- insecure
tack this exchange must mark 1-fatigue. Negate -2 to trick and resist shifting your balance
a teacher if your Balance is +0 Community
or lower. the first condition or negative status inflicted on guilty
you in this exchange. If no conditions or negative -2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout
When you spend time teaching a fellow com- statuses were inflicted on you in this exchange,
panion a technique available to their skills and become Empowered for the next exchange. troubled
training, roll with Community. On a hit, you -2 to plead and rely on your skills or training
teach well enough; they learn the technique.
On a 7-9, you get impatient or frustrated;
choose to either take it out on them and inflict
2 conditions, or take it out on yourself and
suffer 2 conditions. On a miss, you get too
frustrated with their inadequacies; both of you
suffer 2 conditions, and you can never try to
teach them this technique again.
T h e ro l e P l ay i n g G a M e
(Order #33839056)
Quartz, THE successor
Quartz is the son of the leader of the Jade Spear, a daofei group in the east of the Earth
Kingdom. Quartz assumed his family was independently wealthy until he came of age and +2 CREATIVITY
his mother told him it was time for his initiation. The young man always thought he’d grow
up to be an artist, but now he’s on his first mission to set up a contingent of the Jade Spear
in Ba Sing Se. Since meeting his new friends, Quartz doubts his mission even more. Many of
them have turned from a life of crime…maybe he can too. -1 HARMONY
Backgrounds: Privileged, Outlaw
• __________________ has major concerns, fears, or grievances
with my lineage—and with me, by proxy.
• __________________ seems free of their past in a way I wish I could
let go of mine; hearing them talk about the future feels amazing!
A Tainted Past
You hail from a powerful, infamous lin- Humble Yourself
eage—one with an impressive and ter- When you politely and obediently humble yourself
rible reputation. Your lineage has had a before a powerful member of your lineage, roll with your
massive impact on the world within the Tradition. On a hit, you earn some credit; hold 3-resourc-
scope of your story—its reach extends es. On a 7-9, their resources don’t come without strings;
over the whole scope, and everyone in you’ll need to promise to fulfill some other obligation of
the scope knows of it. Organized crime your lineage, or let them shift your balance. On a miss,
is the domain that is the source of your they’re dissatisfied with your display; they’re cutting you
lineage’s power—the area in which they off until you fulfill some task they set to you.
affected the world.
Lineage Resources
Raid Your Lineage’s Resources
When you raid your lineage’s resources without their
You have access to your family’s exten- consent or knowledge, mark a condition and roll with
sive stores of the following resources: your Progress. On a hit, hold 1-resource. On a 7-9,
• introductions and connections choose 1. On a 10+, choose 2.
• cold hard cash • You obtain an additional 1-resource FATIGUE
Spend resources during the session to • You nab your goodies quietly; your
lineage is none the wiser
establish a boon you had previously
asked for or obtained, something that • You steel yourself for what you’re doing; CONDITIONS
your lineage’s unique position and avoid marking a condition afraid
stores could provide: a vehicle, an invi- -2 to intimidate and call someone out
On a miss, you’re caught red-handed by a powerful
tation, a chest of jade coins, etc. member of your lineage who saw you coming. angry
-2 to guide and comfort and assess a situation
-2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout
Black Koala-Sheep
When you behave in a way that shocks and unsettles Break troubled
people from one of your backgrounds, roll with -2 to plead and rely on your skills or training
evade & observe
Creativity to intimidate them or push your luck.
Target a foe’s vulnerable equipment; render it useless
A Life of Regret or broken—possibly inflicting or overcoming a fiction-
When you guide and comfort an NPC by apologiz- ally appropriate status (ex: Impaired).
ing and honestly promising to make amends for the
harm they have suffered, roll with Focus instead of
Harmony. If they choose not to open up to you, you
do not take +1 forward against them. If they choose to
open up to you, take +1 ongoing to attempts to take
action to make amends.
T h e ro l e P l ay i n g G a M e
(Order #33839056)
ow we come to Fire & Brimstone. A tale of scholars
and a spirit set in Avatar Roku’s time. It would be a story
after my own heart…if not for the terrible theft commit-
ted by someone who calls themselves “learned.” I must
admit this is a sore subject for me, I have many bad memories of
humans stealing from my library. It’s terribly rude to steal from
someone, especially if you are stealing from your host. Normally,
a theft like what I’ve read of in Fire & Brimstone would enrage
me, but the adventure also mentions meteorites, which are such
an interesting material with so many applications! Reading tid-
bits like that stays my justified rage, for now.
I’m not quite sure why you humans aren’t able to share with
one another. Even when there is more than enough for every-
one, even when something is offered freely, you always want
more. And if you can’t take, then you destroy, in a never-ending
cycle of avarice and violence…
You know what? I’m rooting for the spirit.
94 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game
(Order #33839056)
Fire & Brimstone is a standalone adventure set in the Roku Era. If you’ve never run a game of
Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game before, this adventure is a great way to start—it includes
all the elements you need for an exciting episode of your very own. Fire & Brimstone can also
be used in an ongoing Roku Era campaign. The adventure is set in the Fire Nation and features a
summit of international diplomats, making it perfect for a political or disparate group of heroes.
The greatest minds from all nations of the world gather for the No Path to the End?
Four Nations Summit & Technological Symposium in the Fire If you are used to running adventures with heavily detailed
Nation, each hoping to be the delegation with a breakthrough encounters and prepared NPCs, it might come as a surprise that
finding that will one-up their academic rivals. Just as the summit few mechanics are written into this adventure, beyond the esca-
begins, the Fire Nation delegate Khuchtei announces that multi- lations and some information about various characters. Avatar
ple crates of precious meteorite metal were stolen from the Fire Legends: The Roleplaying Game relies on players triggering moves
Nation and must be returned! Everyone at the summit is under based on the actions they take during play instead of asking
suspicion, and if the thief isn’t found soon, Khuchtei is willing players to make any specific checks for specific actions required
to take extreme measures. Taqukaq, Avatar Roku’s waterbending by the adventure.
teacher and one of the summit delegates, tasks the heroes with Since every significant action a PC takes drives the action
finding the thief before it is too late. Can they uncover the truth of the game forward, there is no prescribed order of events.
and restore peace before mistrust turns to war? Instead, the adventure puts the PCs in a dramatic starting situ-
ation that demands immediate action from the heroes! It’s your
job to use the material in this adventure to keep things moving,
Using This Adventure providing interesting events and NPCs to consistently engage
your players.
You can read more about running Avatar Legends: The Role-
The contents of this adventure create a sandbox for your PCs playing Game in the core book, Chapter 8: Running the Game,
where they can investigate mysteries, unraveling diplomatic and more about how moves shape play in Chapter 3: Funda-
intrigue that could shape the history of the world. Some of the mentals of Play.
tools available to you are found in these sections:
• The “Summary” gives the broad strokes of the adventure,
Using the Pregenerated Characters
detailing the problems in Hari Bulkan and some possible
There are five pregenerated characters at the end of this adven-
ture. Each character has a unique history, playbook, and set of
• The “Introduction” explains how the PCs found themselves
stats. Your players can use these characters to play through this
at the center of the secrets.
adventure, or they can create their own as explained in the Avatar
• “Important Characters & Groups” describes the NPCs the
Legends: The Roleplaying Game core book.
heroes will meet, including motives they may have.
The pregenerated characters have their moves, feature ele-
• “Important Locations” details the three most important
ments, and techniques already chosen; players need only decide
buildings, what’s going on in them, and which important
whether to shift their balance by one step at the start of play, and
characters can be found there.
which principle to shift it toward. Players can adjust the pregen-
• “GM Advice” contains guidance and suggestions to help the
erated characters to make themselves more comfortable, altering
GM ensure the adventure runs smoothly.
names, look, and even mechanical elements like the stat boosted
• “Pregenerated Characters” is a set of five premade characters
by the free +1 at character creation if they are familiar enough to
your players can use to hop right into the adventure. We also
make that choice. The characters are designed to work well with
include a hook that ties the characters to the adventure.
the current elements included and the adventure as presented,
but as always, if the GM and player agree then they can make
changes as desired. After selecting the pregenerated characters,
players will still go through the process of filling out connections
with each other.
Major NPC Sumati
A tiny woman with a confident grin and a powerful voice, Master NPC
Khuchtei was recently appointed as Fire Lord Sozin’s Minister Sumati is one of the largest Air Nomads alive. Though her
of Education, Science, and Technology. She is devoted to the muscular frame may intimidate some, her kind eyes reveal her
job, causing her to advocate fiercely for the Fire Nation when- true nature. She’s both an Airbender and a technologist, a rarity
ever discussions about technology exchanges arise. While she’s at the summit (and in the world, for that matter). Where many
quick to anger if she senses unfairness, she’s also an extravagant see the worlds of science and spirits as opponents in a quest
host, apologizing the instant she realizes she might be impolite. for humanity’s future, Sumati sees a path that balances the two,
Khuchtei is also responsible for the luxurious accommodations in striking a harmonious balance between them. During meetings,
the dormitories. Immediately after she announces the theft, she she is the calmest voice, ensuring that no one is left out of the
continues to be outwardly politic and polite…but if there is any conversations. Her commitment to the summit has become sec-
sign of the true culprit, she is fierce and determined in apprehend- ondary to her commitment to Rust, a spirit she finds beautiful
ing and punishing them. As her pride grows, she may come to take and wondrous. She is willing to sacrifice her own position at the
extreme action the instant she thinks there is reason to do so, to summit to protect and rescue Rust.
punish those who dare steal from the Fire Nation.
Drive: Protect Rust
Drive: Prove the Fire Nation’s superiority Principle: Kindness
Principle: Pride Conditions: Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure, Troubled
Conditions: Angry, Guilty, Insecure Fatigue:
Fatigue: Technique: Cushion the Forceful Fist, Cannonball
Technique: Fire Pinwheel
Drive: Preserve the scientific integrity of the summit Drive: Secure peace and order in the city
Principle: Control Principle: Order
Conditions: Angry, Afraid, Troubled Conditions: Afraid, Angry, Troubled
Fatigue: Fatigue:
Technique: Suction Boots Technique: Flamecharge
Drive: Advance the Fire Nation and defend it from external threats Drive: Prove that they belong here
Principle: Patriotism Principle: Independence
Conditions: Angry, Insecure, Troubled Conditions: Angry
Fatigue: Fatigue:
Techniques: Engulf, Fan the Flame Technique: Coordination
Drive: Gather as much information as possible Drive: Watch the other delegations for threats and subterfuge
Principle: Knowledge Principle: Protection
Conditions: Afraid Conditions: Angry, Insecure, Troubled
Fatigue: Fatigue:
Technique: Swarm Technique: Provoke Overextension, Water Whip
Bo is the child of two of the Elders on the Council of Elders for the Southern Air Temple. Bo
loves being an Air Nomad and truly believes Air Nomad principles are the only right way +1 CREATIVITY
to live. They are also exceedingly outspoken about this fact and sometimes have problems
controlling their temper with people who think otherwise…the fact that this goes against Air
Nomad teachings isn’t lost on Bo, and they know they have a ways to go before getting their
master tattoos. Bo enthusiastically volunteered to be part of this expedition to prove they have
what it takes to become a true airbending master.
• __________________ scoffs at me and my plans; one day I’ll show them what I can do.
• __________________ has a pretty good head on their
shoulders; they’re a great sounding board for my ideas.
Legacy of Excellence
You have dedicated yourself to accomplishing great, exciting deeds and becoming worthy of the
trust others place in you. Choose four drives to mark at the start of play. When you fulfill a marked
drive, strike it out, and mark growth or clear a condition. When your four marked drives are all struck
out, choose and mark four new drives. When all drives are struck out, change playbooks or accept a
position of great responsibility and retire from a life of adventure.
successfully lead your companions in battle sacrifice your pride or love for a greater good
give your affection to someone worthy defend an inhabited place from dire threats
start a real fight with a dangerous master stand up to someone who doesn’t respect you
do justice to a friend or mentor’s guidance make a friend live up to a principle they have
take down a dangerous threat all on your own
openly outperform an authority figure
save a friend’s life
show mercy or forgiveness to a dangerous
get a fancy new outfit stand up to someone abusing their power
earn the respect of an adult you admire tame or befriend a dangerous beast or rare
openly call out a friend’s unworthy actions creature
form a strong relationship with a new master pull off a ridiculous stunt FATIGUE
stop a fight with calm words
-2 to guide and comfort and assess a situation
When you commit to a plan you’ve proposed to the Tag Team insecure
group, roll with Creativity; take a -1 for each of your -2 to trick and resist shifting your balance
defend & maneuver
companions who isn’t on board. On a 10+, hold 2. On a
Work with an ally against the same foe; choose guilty
7-9, hold 1. You can spend your hold 1-for-1 while the plan -2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout
is being carried out to overcome or evade an obstacle, an engaged foe and an ally—double any fatigue,
create an advantage, or neutralize a danger; if any of your conditions, or balance shifts that ally inflicts upon troubled
companions abandon you while the plan is underway, you that foe. -2 to plead and rely on your skills or training
must mark a condition. On a miss, hold 1, but your plan
goes awry when you encounter surprising opposition.
When you tell an NPC the blunt, honest truth about
what you really think of them and their plans, roll
with Focus. On a hit, they’ll look upon your honesty
favorably; they’ll answer a non-compromising question
honestly and grant you a simple favor. On a 7-9, they
also give you an honest assessment of how they see
you; mark a condition. On a miss, you’re a bit too hon-
est—they’re either furious or genuinely hurt.
T h e ro l e P l ay i n g G a M e
(Order #33839056)
Chegu, tHE Icon
From an early age, Chegu was identified as being especially attuned to the spirits. Since that
moment, she was pushed into special studies and excursions to grow her abilities and help 0 CREATIVITY
bring balance to the world, eventually becoming burdened with the role of Spirit Seer—a
rare and archaic position, but honored and important. Chegu loves the spirits but finds the
expectations placed upon her stifling. She volunteered for this mission to get away from the
Elders of her temple and take a break from everyone’s expectations. Accompanying Chegu
on her journey is her flying bison Zeni (see playbook move: Yip Yip!)
• __________________ seems to not fully understand what it means that
I’m the icon of my tradition...and I kind of like feeling free around them.
• __________________ makes me feel better about my responsibilities
and my burden with a smile and a few kind words.
-2 to guide and comfort and assess a situation
Use Their Momentum
When you are engaged with a large or powerful foe, Wall of Perfection insecure
mark fatigue to advance and attack with Focus -2 to trick and resist shifting your balance
defense & maneuver
instead of Passion. If you do, you become Prepared
Create a perfect wall of defense around yourself and guilty
and may also choose to use Retaliate as if it were an -2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout
advance and attack technique. any allies directly next to you; mark 1-fatigue to block
a single attack towards the wall or keep an enemy at troubled
Yip Yip! bay who tries to penetrate the wall. -2 to plead and rely on your skills or training
You have an animal companion large enough to ride.
Name: Zeni. Species: flying bison
• When you fight beside your animal companion,
mark 1-fatigue to become Favored for an exchange
• When something hurts your animal
companion, mark a condition
• When you and your friends travel via your
animal companion, everyone clears all fatigue
T h e ro l e P l ay i n g G a M e
(Order #33839056)
ema, THE Idealist
Ema was adopted by the Air Nomads when his Earth Kingdom village was swallowed by
a giant tsunami. As one of the only survivors with no family left, he was taken in by the
Nomads of the Southern Air Temple and raised as a Nomad. The kindness of the Nomads
taught Ema that even if you struggle in life, there is always hope, and he used this hope to
develop a number of gliders that help him compete with even the best Airbenders! Ema
hadn’t left the temple since he was taken there as a toddler, and he volunteered for this
assignment as a way to see the world and maybe reconnect with his Earth Kingdom roots.
• I recognize some of the pain I have felt inside of
__________________; I’m going to try to help them.
• __________________ frustrates me so much when they
act without thinking about the consequences!
T h e ro l e P l ay i n g G a M e
(Order #33839056)
Sherab, tHE Pillar
Sherab is the leader of a covert group of Airbenders formed by Air Nomad Elders under request
of Avatar Roku. Their job centers around quickly and quietly dealing with issues for the Avatar +1 CREATIVITY
without question. Sherab takes his role in his group seriously, and when he was specifically asked
by the Elders to temporarily join the delegation of Air Nomads, he decided he would make it his
mission to whip this mismatched group into shape.
• __________________ doesn’t really respect my
accomplishments; they probably need a lesson or two.
• __________________ seems like they would’ve been a good
candidate to be a part of my squad; I’ll look after them.
Squad Leader
a warrior’s heart
You were the leader of a small group of 10 When you live up to your principle while you have 3+
or so well-trained warriors from a recog- conditions marked, ignore your condition penalties.
nized and noble tradition. When you live up to your principle while you have 5
Where does your squad call home? conditions marked, don’t mark fatigue.
Southern Air Temple
taking care of business
Which are the most well known traits of When you lose your balance in a battle, instead of
your squad? Our legends and our purpose choosing one of the normal options, you may instead
What does your squad value? Excellence sacrifice yourself for your companions. If you do,
& Duty your companions have a chance to get away without
issue, and you are taken out (and possibly captured).
Despite being the leader, you chose to You also choose 1:
travel with your new companions for the
time being, until you’ve achieved this • Leave a clue your companions can follow
• Throw your companions one vulnerable object
group’s purpose. For now, your group
is journeying and doing good works • Provoke an opponent, shifting their balance twice
throughout your scope.
Within any group, you serve a role both
subtle and overt, sometimes leading the
team, sometimes helping it glue itself
Technique FATIGUE
T h e ro l e P l ay i n g G a M e
(Order #33839056)
Norbu, tHE Rogue
Norbu never really bought into what the Elders of her temple were trying to sell, and unlike
most of her peers, she found Nomad teaching stifling. Rather than embracing Norbu’s +2 CREATIVITY
uniqueness, the nuns who raised her chastised her, which led Norbu to more bombastic
methods of rebellion—running cons, stealing, and generally causing chaos rather than
embracing whatever “balance” the nuns tried to shove down her throat. Norbu was forced
to go on this mission to make amends for her most recent con, but the joke’s on the nuns—
Norbu plans to enjoy herself now that she’s free of the temple.
• __________________ is waaaaay too uptight, too trapped
in themselves; they need to break some rules!
• __________________ is amazing and I hope they like
me; maybe they’re worth playing it straight?
Bad Habits
You’ve picked up some bad habits over the When you indulge a bad habit on your own,
years. Most other people are pretty set on shift your balance toward Survival, and roll with
trying to get you to stop. But maybe you can Survival. On a hit, you pull it off and vent your
bring your friends along for the ride... The 4 frustrations; clear fatigue or conditions equal
bad habits you indulge are: to your Survival (minimum 0). If you have no
fatigue or conditions, mark growth. On a 10+,
Casual thievery and pickpocketing
you also gain a windfall, a boon or opportu-
Vandalism or sabotage
nity—your bad habits paid off this time. On a
miss, you’re caught by someone dangerous or
Daredevil stunts
powerful, and they complicate your life.
“Charming” insults of dangerous people
When you indulge a bad habit with a friend,
shift your balance toward Friendship, and roll
Gambling with Friendship. On a hit, you and your friend
pull it off and grow closer; each of you makes
Any necessary skills or talents related to your the other Inspired. On a 10+, you also obtain
bad habits are considered to be part of your some useful resource or information, and FATIGUE
background. become Prepared. On a miss, something goes
terribly awry; you can either take the heat your-
self, or shift your Balance twice toward Survival CONDITIONS
and leave your friend in the lurch. afraid
-2 to intimidate and call someone out
-2 to trick and resist shifting your balance
roguish charm
When you plead with an NPC or guide and comfort Sweep the Leg guilty
someone by flattering them and empathizing with -2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout
advance & attack
them, mark 1-fatigue to roll with Creativity instead
You attack where an enemy is weakest or most troubled
of Harmony. -2 to plead and rely on your skills or training
off-balance; if your foe has a total of 3 or more fatigue
Slippery Eel-Hound and conditions marked, inflict 2-fatigue. If your foe
When you defend and maneuver and choose to use has fewer than 3 total fatigue and conditions marked,
Seize a Position to escape the scene, foes must mark inflict 2-fatigue, but you must mark fatigue as well.
an additional 2-fatigue to stop you, and you may
bring any allies within reach when you retreat.
T h e ro l e P l ay i n g G a M e
(Order #33839056)
he Hundred Year War…what a dark time. It pains me
to read over the following story and think back on all
the wonders lost to yet another war waged by mortals.
Think of the countless bits of history squandered and
the people lost, unable to share their knowledge with the world.
Even my Knowledge Seekers could not steal away enough to
combat the loss of so many cultural artifacts in the war. Nations
were plundered, people were lied to by their own leaders, beau-
tiful buildings were destroyed altogether…There are a great
many things you humans deserve, but this tragedy was a horror
no one should ever have to endure.
Yet, this story is more hopeful than it first appears. It is a
story set in perhaps the darkest moment of the Four Nations’
history, but is it also a story of rebellion. And when faced with
such adversity, stories of rebellion are stories of hope and that is
something I enjoy very much.
Ash & Steel is a standalone adventure set in the Hundred Year War Era. If you’ve never run a
game of Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game before, this adventure is a great way to start—
it includes all the elements you need for an exciting episode of your very own. Ash & Steel can
also be used in an ongoing Hundred Year War Era campaign. The adventure is set in the Earth
Kingdom as the heroes protect a defector, perfect for dutiful or protection-focused groups.
The companions are tasked with providing security for Onomu, No Path to the End?
a Fire Nation defector who is offering war plans stolen from Fire If you are used to running adventures with heavily detailed
Lord Ozai’s palace to Grand Secretariat Long Feng in exchange encounters and prepared NPCs, it might come as a surprise that
for asylum in Ba Sing Se. However, a hero’s job is never easy, and few mechanics are written into this adventure, beyond the esca-
a few obstacles stand in their way. The Armadillo-Bears, a group lations and some information about various characters. Avatar
of Earth Kingdom rebels, heard Onomu is in the Earth Kingdom Legends: The Roleplaying Game relies on players triggering moves
and want to capture her. If that wasn’t enough to worry about, based on the actions they take during play instead of asking
the Rough Rhinos also have orders to capture (or kill) the defec- players to make any specific checks for specific actions required
tor and destroy the war plans at all costs! Meanwhile, from the by the adventure.
shadows, Long Feng moves his pieces across the Pai Sho table, Since every significant action a PC takes drives the action
benefiting greatly from the chaos…Can the heroes get the plans of the game forward, there is no prescribed order of events.
to safety and save Onomu’s life before it’s too late? Instead, the adventure puts the PCs in a dramatic starting situ-
ation that demands immediate action from the heroes! It’s your
job to use the material in this adventure to keep things moving,
Using This Adventure providing interesting events and NPCs to consistently engage
your players.
You can read more about running Avatar Legends: The Role-
The contents of this adventure create a sandbox for your PCs playing Game in the core book, Chapter 8: Running the Game,
where they can adventure through the setting and help shape the and more about how moves shape play in Chapter 3: Funda-
course of the Hundred Year War. Some of the tools available to mentals of Play.
you are found in these sections:
The Antagonists
A few antagonists, both hidden and overt, are on the players’
trail throughout the adventure; each has their own motivations
for wanting the war plans or Onomu.
Long Feng—The Grand Secretariat wants two things that
are nonnegotiable: the first is to acquire the war plans and the
second is for Onomu to never enter Ba Sing Se. He’s made a deal effort—supplies that could’ve helped her mother. Ben Ta means
with her in bad faith and has no intention of holding up his end, well but is totally unbalanced when it comes to the Fire Nation,
hoping she’ll perish along the way. The “Introduction” establish- and she sees the world in black and white. It might be possible
es the characters as useful allies to Long Feng, but his nefarious to convince her to hold off on killing Onomu, if it were for the
nature likely won’t be exposed in this adventure—leading to good of the Earth Kingdom, but that certainly isn’t an easy road
later intrigue for the players in Ba Sing Se and future stories. to travel—she’d need some clear proof and evidence to come
Most of the players’ interactions with him are through his agent around to that idea.
Yanran, and though Long Feng might not feature in the adven- There’s a high chance of convincing the Armadillo-Bears,
ture itself, his influence is felt throughout. outside of Ben Ta, to stop hunting Onomu…or maybe even
Take note that Long Feng is on the “right” side of the war convincing them to help if the conditions were right. These
against the Fire Nation. He will use the plans to aid the Earth are people fighting to defend the Earth Kingdom, and they
Kingdom and protect the people in Ba Sing Se, but he cares very could be convinced to put aside their vendetta for a time. One
little for a former Fire Nation general who had a change of heart way to accomplish this is to appeal to Ben Ta’s second-in-com-
when her life was at stake. If the players can think of a solution mand, Rameh. Rameh loves his leader—they grew up as best
for Onomu that doesn’t involve her entering Ba Sing Se, Long friends—and still believes she can move past her hatred. Rameh
Feng will likely accept it. doesn’t truly know if Ben Ta’s mother’s death could’ve been
Yanran—Yanran is a powerful Earthbender and agent of prevented, but he still sees most Fire Nation citizens as greedy
Long Feng who portrays himself as an incompetent mid-level oppressors who need to be stopped. His is the voice of reason
minister. He has aspirations of one day taking over Long Feng’s of the Armadillo-Bears, and he will probably be the one the PCs
role but knows he has many more steps before he accomplishes can reason with.
that goal. He meets the heroes at the final outpost of Ba Sing Se Rough Rhinos—Onomu’s defection is a massive embarrass-
and asks for the war plans. Yanran’s games are guile and sub- ment for the Fire Lord. Word is already spreading of her open
terfuge, and he does everything in his power to get the plans defiance, and before it spreads further, Ozai wants her caught.
without revealing his true capabilities…however, if push comes The Fire Lord’s advisors hired Colonel Mongke and his merce-
to shove, he’ll do anything required to complete his mission. nary band, the Rough Rhinos, to find Onomu, “deal” with her,
Ben Ta and the Armadillo-Bears—The Armadillo-Bears and get the war plans, and they’re committed to that task. The
are a group of Earth Kingdom rebels who normally focus their Rough Rhinos are perfect for the job because they’re loyal to
efforts on defending destitute towns from the Fire Nation. They the Fire Nation and ruthlessly effective, which hopefully means
were pulled into this conflict when their leader, Ben Ta, got that exposure of Onomu’s betrayal will be minimized. Violent,
word that Onomu was spotted nearby. Ben Ta has a person- cruel, and loyal, the Rhinos have hunted a number of people and
al vendetta against Onomu. She led the Fire Nation forces razed villages through the years, and most people are too afraid
that took over Ben Ta’s rural home, and soon after, Ben Ta’s of them to ask many questions. The Rhinos are unwaveringly
elderly mother died. The rebel leader directly links her death to committed to their job, and the only thing likely to stop them is
Onomu’s soldiers seizing food and medical supplies for the war a deadly threat to their lives…or the illusion of one.
Xinyi’s village was destroyed by Fire Nation soldiers when he was a small child. The
villagers refused to accept Fire Nation rule, so their homes were razed. Flooded with 0 CREATIVITY
confusion and fear, Xinyi used earthbending for the first time and accidentally crushed
a group of soldiers running to grab him. Terrified, he fled his village and grew up alone,
fighting the Fire Nation any chance he got. Since meeting his new friends, Xinyi has tried
to become more personable, but it is hard…especially with this new mission his group has
taken helping an unrepentant Fire Nation general.
• __________________ takes issue with my methods—perhaps
they have a point, but I certainly can’t admit that to them!
• __________________ is my lodestar; something about them
makes them the one person I let my guard down around.
The Lodestar
No Time For Feelings
There’s only one person you often let past your When you have equal or fewer conditions
emotional walls. marked than your highest principle, mark
Name your lodestar (choose a PC to start): fatigue to push down your feelings for the rest
____________________ of the scene and ignore condition penalties
until the end of the scene. When you resist
You can shift your lodestar to someone new
an NPC shifting your balance, mark a con-
when they guide and comfort you and you
dition to roll with conditions marked (max +4).
open up to them, or when you guide and com-
You cannot then choose to clear a condition by
fort them and they open up to you. If you do
immediately proving them wrong.
choose to shift your lodestar, clear a condition.
When you shut down someone vulnerable to
harsh words or icy silence, shift your balance
Driven by Justice
Take +1 to Passion (max +3).
toward Results and roll with Results. On a hit,
they mark a condition and you may clear the
same condition. On a 10+, they also cannot
shift your balance or call you out for the rest
of the scene. On a miss, they have exactly the
Technique FATIGUE
right retort; mark a condition and they shift
your balance. You cannot use this on your
defend & maneuver afraid
When your lodestar shifts your balance or -2 to intimidate and call someone out
Step into the way of blows intended for allies;
calls you out, you cannot resist it. Treat an
when any ally within reach suffers a blow this angry
NPC lodestar calling you out as if you rolled a -2 to guide and comfort and assess a situation
exchange, you can suffer it for them. If you also
10+, and a PC lodestar calling you out as if they
use Retaliate this exchange, deal an additional insecure
rolled a 10+.
1-fatigue each time. -2 to trick and resist shifting your balance
When you consult your lodestar for advice on
a problem (or permission to use your preferred guilty
solution), roll with Restraint. On a 10+ take all -2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout
three; on a 7–9 they choose two: troubled
• You see the wisdom of their advice. They -2 to plead and rely on your skills or training
shift your balance; follow their advice
and they shift your balance again.
• The conversation bolsters you.
Clear a condition or 2-fatigue.
• They feel at ease offering their opinion.
They clear a condition or 2-fatigue.
On a miss, something about their advice infu-
riates you. Mark a condition or have the GM
shift your balance twice.
T h e ro l e P l ay i n g G a M e
(Order #33839056)
Nalu, THE Hammer
Nalu is a warrior from the Northern Water Tribe who couldn’t sit back and hide behind a
wall of ice when he heard what was happening outside the North’s borders. Sneaking out of the +1 CREATIVITY
North was an undertaking—and he might have caused a small avalanche on the way out—but
he did it! Nalu met his current friends while fleeing Colonel Mongke after pouring a cup of hot
tea on Mongke when he heard the Colonel ridiculing Northern Water Tribe braids…Nalu had
just managed to escape when he ran into his new friends, a group he has dubbed his “merry
band of rebels.”
• __________________ has a way to solve problems with
words instead of fists—it’s really impressive!
• I worry __________________ won’t be able to hold their own
when things get tough. I’m going to toughen them up!
-2 to guide and comfort and assess a situation
Walls Can’t Hold Me
When you rely on your skills and training to danger- Overwhelm insecure
ously smash your way through walls or other obsta- -2 to trick and resist shifting your balance
advance & attack
cles, roll with Passion instead of Focus.
Throw a punch with all your weight behind it; mark guilty
-2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout
Stand and Fight! 3-fatigue to inflict Stunned on an engaged foe.
When you provoke an NPC opponent into attacking troubled
you, roll with Passion. On a hit, they’re coming at -2 to plead and rely on your skills or training
you specifically. On a 10+, you’re ready for them;
clear a condition or become Prepared. On a miss,
they take advantage of your provocation to strike a
blow where you least expect it.
T h e ro l e P l ay i n g G a M e
(Order #33839056)
Lana, tHE Icon
Lana is a warrior and spiritual healer from the Southern Water Tribe who spent his entire life
cooped up with his village elders, learning the herbs and techniques used to soothe all manner +1 CREATIVITY
of spiritual ailments. He expected to join his father and aid the fighters in the war against the
Fire Nation, but he was forbidden from joining the fleet because Lana’s abilities were already
too rare to be risked. Lana ran away from home because he wanted his art to do some good in
the world, and aiding the rebellion with his new friends is the perfect way to do that. +1 HARMONY
Backgrounds: Monastic, Wilderness
• __________________ seems to not fully understand what it means that
I’m the icon of my tradition...and I kind of like feeling free around them.
• __________________ makes me feel better about my responsibilities
and my burden with a smile and a few kind words.
Moves Technique afraid
-2 to intimidate and call someone out
Otter-Penguins, Unagi,
and Hot Springs Wall of Perfection angry
When you visit a new inhabited location you might -2 to guide and comfort and assess a situation
defense & maneuver
know about, roll with Harmony. On a 7-9, ask 1. insecure
Create a perfect wall of defense around yourself and
On a 10+, ask 2. PCs who interact with one of the -2 to trick and resist shifting your balance
any allies directly next to you; mark 1-fatigue to block
answers clear 1-fatigue or mark growth.
a single attack towards the wall or keep an enemy at guilty
• What’s the best local pastime? bay who tries to penetrate the wall. -2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout
• What interesting locations are nearby?
• Who is the most famous person here? troubled
-2 to plead and rely on your skills or training
• What special tradition is prized by locals?
• What’s the most interesting legend
locals recount about this place?
On a miss, tell the GM what you expected to find;
they will tell you how this place is different!
Take +1 Focus (max +3).
T h e ro l e P l ay i n g G a M e
(Order #33839056)
Zimo, tHE Pillar
Zimo was trained as an elite Firebender at the Royal Fire Academy for Girls. She was
so skilled that she had her own squad of Firebenders to lead on missions. But on her +1 CREATIVITY
first mission to the Earth Kingdom, Zimo’s entire world crumbled around her. The
Fire Nation wasn’t liberating the world from corrupt rulers as she had been taught in 0 FOCUS
school…they were the tyrants. Zimo refused to complete her mission, and her squad
was disgraced. It took a long time for her current friends to trust her, but Zimo will only
return home when she’s found a way to take down the Fire Nation.
• __________________ doesn’t really respect my
accomplishments; they probably need a lesson or two.
• __________________ seems like they would’ve been a good
candidate to be a part of my squad; I’ll look after them.
Squad Leader
a warrior’s heart
You were the leader of a small group of 10 When you live up to your principle while you have
or so well-trained warriors from a recog- 3+ conditions marked, ignore your condition penal-
nized and noble tradition. ties. When you live up to your principle while you
Where does your squad call home? have 5 conditions marked, don’t mark fatigue.
Hari Bulkan
fighting like dancing
Which are the most well known traits of When you advance and attack against a group of
your squad? Your fighting style foes—or a foe who has previously defeated you—roll
What does your squad value? Excellence with Harmony instead of Passion.
& Tradition
Despite being the leader, you chose to Leadership
travel with your new companions for the
time being, until you’ve achieved this
group’s purpose. For now, your group is
temporarily disbanded or exiled
Slide Around the Blow FATIGUE
Within any group, you serve a role both evade & observe
subtle and overt, sometimes leading the
You move perfectly, slipping past strikes and
team, sometimes helping it glue itself
demanding an opponent’s attention; a foe you are CONDITIONS
together. You earn Team through your
leadership style, and you spend Team
engaged with must remain engaged with you and afraid
can only use techniques against you in the next -2 to intimidate and call someone out
through your support style.
exchange. If no foe is engaged with you, you may slip
through the fight to engage a new foe (no foe may
Leadership Styles -2 to guide and comfort and assess a situation
mark fatigue to stop you).
Earn 1-Team when...
• Inspiring: ...you live up to your -2 to trick and resist shifting your balance
Principle and roll a hit.
• Indomitable: ...you resist -2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout
shifting your balance or you
deny a callout and roll a hit. troubled
-2 to plead and rely on your skills or training
Support Styles
Spend 1-Team when...
• Invigorating: ...you rally a companion
to action in a tense moment to
clear 2-fatigue from them.
• Encouraging: ...you openly endorse a
companion living up to their principle;
shift their balance toward that principle.
T h e ro l e P l ay i n g G a M e
(Order #33839056)
Xiao, THE Prodigy
Xiao grew up with a group of pacifist monks in a remote Earth Kingdom village. The
monks loved Xiao and never forced them to be anything they didn’t want to be, so when
Xiao came of age, they decided to become a warrior. Their extraordinary skill with
martial arts came from raw talent and rebuffing countless Fire Nation attacks on their
small village, which rested right next to a valuable ore deposit. Xiao sees their inability
to prevent the Fire Nation from eventually taking over this village as their biggest failure
and is traveling with their new friends with the aim of eventually liberating their home.
• __________________ could use training from someone who
knows what they’re doing; I suppose I am up to the task.
• I’m not sure if the overtures of friendship from
__________________ make me happy, mad, or both.
Extraordinary Skill
Surprising entrance
You aren’t just capable in your area of skill and When you trick someone by using your skills to
training; you’re astonishing. A true prodigy, disappear and reappear somewhere else within
excelling and learning far more quickly than the same scene, roll with Focus instead of
anyone would expect. You start play with one Creativity.
additional mastered technique.
Your mastery is particularly impressive in ma- wait and listen
neuvering and guarding When you assess a situation while taking the
time to use your extraordinary skills to absorb
When you rely on skills and training, use a hidden or deep information, mark 1-fatigue,
combat stance, or otherwise trigger a move
roll with Focus instead of Creativity, and
while using your mastery, ignore penalties become Prepared.
from conditions or statuses.
When you see someone use an unknown
technique, if it is available to your skills and
training, you may mark fatigue to shift your
balance towards Excellence and take the
Technique FATIGUE
technique as learned. You can only do this if
your balance is at +1 Excellence or higher. Steady Stance
You must still get a mastery condition from a defend & maneuver
master of the technique in order to move the
Assume a strong, steady stance; any foes afraid
technique from practiced to mastered. -2 to intimidate and call someone out
engaged with you who chose to advance and at-
When you study with a teacher to learn a tack this exchange must mark 1-fatigue. Negate angry
new technique, shift your balance towards the first condition or negative status inflicted on -2 to guide and comfort and assess a situation
Community and automatically learn the you in this exchange. If no conditions or negative
technique at the practiced level (skipping statuses were inflicted on you in this exchange,
learned). You cannot learn techniques by -2 to trick and resist shifting your balance
become Empowered for the next exchange.
studying with a teacher if your Balance is guilty
+0 Community or lower. -2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout
When you spend time teaching a fellow com- troubled
panion a technique available to their skills and -2 to plead and rely on your skills or training
training, roll with Community. On a hit, you
teach well enough; they learn the technique.
On a 7-9, you get impatient or frustrated;
choose to either take it out on them and inflict
2 conditions, or take it out on yourself and
suffer 2 conditions. On a miss, you get too
frustrated with their inadequacies; both of you
suffer 2 conditions, and you can never try to
teach them this technique again.
T h e ro l e P l ay i n g G a M e
(Order #33839056)
hat an interesting premise! In Air & Wind a valu-
able Air Nomad artifact is unearthed and “stolen.”
The thief is an archeologist and wants to return the
artifact to someone who will care for it…rather than
someone who will sell it to the highest bidder. What is this, dear
reader? A human with a shred of nobility and a dedication to pre-
serving history? Color me mildly intrigued to say the least.
Before the Hundred Year War the Air Nomads had a vibrant
culture with a healthy respect for the spirits! Not all of them
mind you, I’ve personally met a few Air Nomads and the ex-
perience with one in particular was less than pleasant. But I
digress; it pleases me to see someone strive to preserve their
culture after so much was lost…
I doubt this will end well, alas, knowing what I do about the
avarice of humanity. But I love to read and every story has its merit.
142 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game
(Order #33839056)
Air & Wind is a standalone adventure set in the Aang Era. If you’ve never run a game of Avatar
Legends: The Roleplaying Game before, this adventure is a great way to start—it includes all the
elements you need for an exciting episode of your very own. Air & Wind can also be used in an
ongoing Aang Era campaign. The adventure is set in the Earth Kingdom as the heroes race to
get an Air Nomad artifact to safety with Toph Beifong, perfect for journeying groups.
The companions get a weird sense of déjà vu when an Earth- No Path to the End?
bender with a hood approaches them, asking to talk in private... If you are used to running adventures with heavily detailed
Then it hits them! They’ve seen her on a wanted poster for encounters and prepared NPCs, it might come as a surprise that
stealing from Sparrowkeet Air, a corporation that develops and few mechanics are written into this adventure, beyond the esca-
builds flying contraptions! The poster got her name right, Qian lations and some information about various characters. Avatar
Yu, but she explains that the rest of the poster is false—she isn’t Legends: The Roleplaying Game relies on players triggering moves
a master thief, but an archaeologist. She discovered a lost Air based on the actions they take during play instead of asking
Nomad artifact from the Eastern Air Temple, which dates back players to make any specific checks for specific actions required
to right before the Hundred Year War, but then she fled when by the adventure.
she learned Sparrowkeet Air’s true motivation: to sell these Since every significant action a PC takes drives the action
items to the richest bidder! of the game forward, there is no prescribed order of events.
Qian Yu believes this valuable piece of history belongs to the Instead, the adventure puts the PCs in a dramatic starting situ-
whole world—or at least, the last surviving Airbender—and she ation that demands immediate action from the heroes! It’s your
wants the companions’ help escaping Sparrowkeet Air’s clutches job to use the material in this adventure to keep things moving,
to deliver the artifact to Toph’s Metalbending Academy instead. providing interesting events and NPCs to consistently engage
As someone who trained with Toph for a time, Qian Yu knows your players.
the legendary bender can get this artifact to the right people! You can read more about running Avatar Legends: The Role-
playing Game in the core book, Chapter 8: Running the Game,
and more about how moves shape play in Chapter 3: Funda-
Using This Adventure mentals of Play.
This adventure creates a sandbox for your PCs where they can un- Using the Pregenerated Characters
ravel a diplomatic intrigue that could shape the history of the world. There are five pregenerated characters included at the end of this
Some of the tools available to you are found in these sections: adventure. Each character has a unique history, playbook, and
set of stats. Your players can use these characters to play through
• The “Summary” provides an outline of the adventure
this adventure, or they can create their own as explained in the
and explains the various issues the players face.
Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game core book.
• The “Introduction” brings the PCs into the story and
The pregenerated characters have their moves, feature ele-
sets up your group to undertake the adventure.
ments, and techniques already chosen; players need only decide
• “Important Characters & Groups” provides information
whether to shift their balance by one step at the start of play, and
on NPCs the companions might meet as they flee toward
which principle to shift it toward. Players can adjust the pregen-
the Beifong Metalbending Academy outside Yu Dao.
erated characters to make themselves more comfortable, altering
• “Important Locations” features different areas for the
names, look, and even mechanical elements like the stat boosted
PCs to explore during the adventure and explains
by the free +1 at character creation if they are familiar enough to
where important characters might be found.
make that choice. The characters are designed to work well with
• “GM Advice” contains additional guidance
the current elements included and the adventure as presented,
for this adventure just for the GM and gives
but as always, if the GM and player agree then they can make
advice on how the adventure could end.
changes as desired. After selecting the pregenerated characters,
• “Pregenerated Characters” is a set of five premade characters
players will still go through the process of filling out connections
your players can use to hop right into the adventure. We also
with each other.
include a hook that ties the characters to the adventure.
Drive: Get the artifact to Toph who can get it to the Avatar Yuzhen Jr.
Principle: Discovery Major NPC
Conditions: Afraid, Foolish, Insecure Yuzhen Jr. is a man of the modern age. Unlike his father, he
Fatigue: doesn’t think Sparrowkeet Air is free from any guilt for its
Technique: Sense Environment actions during the war, and since he started working for the
company, he’s tried his best to make what reparations he can
by hiring from impoverished communities and giving back to
Yuzhen Sr. the Earth Kingdom. Since accepting his role as president of
Major NPC Sparrowkeet Air, business has declined substantially, though
Yuzhen Sr. is the owner and CEO of Sparrowkeet Air in name through no fault of his own. The war’s over and the company’s
only. Nicknamed “Big Yuzhen,” the elderly man built his compa- once-biggest customer (the Fire Nation) doesn’t need war
ny helping the Fire Nation innovate and improve their dirigibles balloons anymore. Sparrowkeet Air is hemorrhaging money and
during the war. He doesn’t believe he’s profited off the war and if it doesn’t get a cash influx soon, it will go bankrupt. Selling off
feels entitled to the Air Nomad artifact because it was on his land, the near-invaluable Air Nomad artifact is a means to an end for
bought with his money. He’ll do whatever he can to get it back… Yuzhen Jr. It means his family’s business can continue and he can
as long as it means bossing around someone else to get their pay his employees. Yuzhen Jr. is also known as “Little Yuzhen”
hands dirty. He’s rich and entitled, and has little else to do with despite his tall stature and despite requesting time and time
his time now that his son has taken over the actual day-to-day of again for people to stop calling him that.
the business. When not obsessing over the “stolen” artifact, Big
Yuzhen enjoys strategizing over his war miniatures and is particu- Drive: Protect the workers whose livelihoods depend on him
larly proud of his Sparrowkeet Air dirigible minis that he painted Principle: Responsibility
himself…poorly…although no one dares tell him so to his face. Conditions: Angry, Foolish, Guilty
Drive: Take back what’s his Technique: Pinpoint Flaws
Principle: Greed
Conditions: Afraid, Angry, Foolish
Ume’s Workshop
If the PCs don’t have an opportunity to meet Ume elsewhere,
Ume’s Workshop is the perfect location to drop into the forest
wilderness, a mountain valley, or along a river. The workshop is
as quirky as Ume, and the companions probably hear it before
they see it: a cacophony of zips and zaps and steam and the
occasional small explosion. There’s also the tinkling of wind
chimes and whirring weathervanes—Ume loves to know which
direction the wind blows.
This mysterious and discordant orchestra tucked into Earth
Kingdom plains looks as chaotic as it sounds. Riveted metal pan-
els make up the central structure of a massive treehouse, which
is surrounded by small tents of mismatched fabrics. A system of
platforms, attached to pulleys and thick hemp rope, allows Ume
to traverse from tent to tent, branch to branch. She has a tent for
every purpose: a breakfast tent, a reading tent, a meditation tent,
a tent in which to exclaim success, a meeting tent that rarely gets
used. Her most important activity is her work as an inventor and
architect, the allocated tent of course being the central metal More enterprising inhabitants have tapped the former Spar-
structure. rowkeet station for fuel, selling canisters to anyone who passes
Ume is willing to trade repairs on the dirigible, or refueling of by with enough money to pay. Despite its rickety appearance,
its tanks, in exchange for a look at the artifact. Though, that said, the inhabitants of this ghost town come alive when a big spender
there is always some chance Ume would rather not relinquish the rolls through. Most who’ve decided to stay happily remember
artifact, depending upon what it is and what she learns from it… the days of affluence in the town and cling to the idea that Spar-
rowkeet Station can once more regain its glory.
Possible Escalation
The PCs can find refueling here, and their dirigible is met
While the PCs are relaxing and the dirigible is refueling, Ume with lots of attention and traders. But if anyone finds out about
decides to be helpful and tinker with the dirigible’s engine—she the artifact, it may be difficult for them to resist the urge to steal
knows she can make this thing go faster! While she is elbow deep an item that might change their life for the better…
in engine grease, the Snow Rats catch up with the companions
Possible Escalation
and attack! The PCs must defend Ume while she slaps the en-
gine back together, otherwise they’re going nowhere fast. Yuzhen Jr. rolls into town in a Sparrowkeet-branded carriage
drawn by two ostrich-horses looking for the companions. People
Sparrowkeet Station in town know him from the glory days of Sparrowkeet Station
This once-prosperous town was built around a refueling post and blame his family for their misfortune. If the players do noth-
for Sparrowkeet Air. Inhabited by a blended group of citizens ing he’s pelted with rotten fruit and flees. In the chaos he runs
drawn to the area’s prosperity, it’s one of the few locations which through a few market stalls causing a lot of damage to actual
did quite well for itself during the war. Since the Fire Nation left edible food before leaving town. Yuzhen Jr. doesn’t want to cause
the Earth Kingdom and the number of dirigibles has dropped any harm to the town, but he won’t be responding with anything
significantly, the town and station have gone belly-up. Most but panic if the townspeople attack him.
inhabitants left to seek fortune elsewhere and those who stay
struggle to keep their community afloat.
Taiki, a young trans man who left the Northern Water Tribe, hoped to become a legendary
warrior in the struggle against the Fire Nation. However, since the war ended, making a name
for himself has been a bit difficult. Never one to sit around and do nothing, Taiki is now on the
search for his next big quest and has gathered this band of misfits around him to help him do it.
Finding Qian Yu could be his first step towards fame…or at least an amazing adventure!
• __________________ scoffs at me and my plans; one day I’ll show them what I can do.
• __________________ has a pretty good head on their
shoulders; they’re a great sounding board for my ideas.
Legacy of Excellence
You have dedicated yourself to accomplishing great, exciting deeds and becoming worthy of the
trust others place in you. You have four drives marked at the start of play. When you fulfill a marked
drive, strike it out, and mark growth or clear a condition. When your four marked drives are all
struck out, choose and mark four new drives. When all drives are struck out, change playbooks or
accept a position of great responsibility and retire from a life of adventure.
successfully lead your companions in battle sacrifice your pride or love for a greater good
give your affection to someone worthy defend an inhabited place from dire threats
start a real fight with a dangerous master stand up to someone who doesn’t
do justice to a friend or mentor’s guidance respect you
take down a dangerous threat all make a friend live up to a principle they
on your own have neglected
openly outperform an authority figure show mercy or forgiveness to a
save a friend’s life dangerous person
get a fancy new outfit stand up to someone abusing their power
earn the respect of an adult you admire tame or befriend a dangerous beast or
openly call out a friend’s unworthy actions rare creature
form a strong relationship with a new master pull off a ridiculous stunt
stop a fight with calm words FATIGUE
Moves Technique afraid
-2 to intimidate and call someone out
T h e ro l e P l ay i n g G a M e
(Order #33839056)
Lan, THE Guardian
Lan grew up in Boat Bottom orphaned from the war and selling fish at the market to make ends
meet. When she heard the Avatar defeated Fire Lord Ozai, she also heard a call to greatness
and Lan knew she had to do something more with her life. She doesn’t aspire to be a leader, but
she has a close relationship with all her new friends who she travels with. It’s been a long time
since she remembered what it was like to have a family and Lan makes sure that each and every
one of her companions accomplishes their dreams. 0 HARMONY
Backgrounds: Urban, Wilderness
• __________________ is my ward—they need me to have their back, end of story.
• __________________ looks like they’re more than capable without
my help; I’m glad some of us can take care of ourselves.
Protector’s Burden
Suspicious Mind
You take it upon yourself to protect the people When you watch a person carefully to figure
around you in general, but you have someone them out, roll with Focus. On a 7-9, hold 1. On
in particular you keep safe. a 10+, hold 2. Spend your hold, 1-for-1, to ask their
Name your ward (choose a PC to start): player questions while you observe or interact
with them; they must answer honestly.
• Are you telling the truth?
When they mark a condition in front of you,
• What are you truly feeling?
mark fatigue or a condition. Your ward can
• What do you really want right now?
always call on you to live up to your princi-
• What are you worried about?
ple—without shifting their balance away from
• What are you about to do?
center—and they take +1 to do it.
• At the beginning of each session, Furrowed Brow
Take +1 Focus (max +3).
roll, taking +1 for each yes:
• Do you believe your ward listens
to you more often than not?
• Have you recently protected them
or helped them with a problem?
• Is there an immediate threat to your
Technique FATIGUE
ward that you are aware of?
On a 7-9, hold 1. On a 10+, hold 2. At any time,
spend the hold to: defend & maneuver afraid
-2 to intimidate and call someone out
• Take a 10+ without rolling on any Step into the way of blows intended for allies;
move to defend or protect them when any ally within reach suffers a blow this angry
exchange, you can suffer it for them. If you also -2 to guide and comfort and assess a situation
• Track them down even if they
are hidden or avoiding you use Retaliate this exchange, deal an additional insecure
• Figure out what they’re up to 1-fatigue each time. -2 to trick and resist shifting your balance
without them knowing
On a miss, hold 1, but...you’re drifting apart on -2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout
different paths. By the end of the session, you
must choose one: -2 to plead and rely on your skills or training
• Decide you’re the only one who can keep
them safe; shift your balance twice toward
Self-Reliance and keep them as your ward
• Decide they can handle life without your
protection; shift your balance twice toward
Trust and switch your ward to a new person
You may also switch your ward if they leave
play or are no longer present for some reason.
When you switch your ward, you can switch to
an NPC (if the GM agrees).
T h e ro l e P l ay i n g G a M e
(Order #33839056)
Kiku, THE Hammer
Kiku grew up in Sparrowkeet Station and lived a pretty happy life as a street perfomer until
the war ended and her town dried up. Rather than supporting her town, Sparrowkeet Air
CEO Yuzhen Sr. gave the order to remove her town from its flight paths, forcing Kiku to leave
home to try and provide for her family. Now she travels around trying to do good, but doing
good is exceedingly difficult, because you can’t just punch evil in the face. Kiku wanted the
bounty on Qian Yu so she can provide for her family. 0 HARMONY
Backgrounds: Outlaw, Urban
• __________________ has a way to solve problems with
words instead of fists—it’s really impressive!
• I worry __________________ won’t be able to hold their own
when things get tough. I’m going to toughen them up!
Moves Technique afraid
-2 to intimidate and call someone out
Fueled by Anger
Mark Angry to use an additional basic or mastered Overwhelm angry
technique when you advance and attack, even on -2 to guide and comfort and assess a situation
advance & attack
a miss. While Angry is marked, take +1 ongoing to
Throw a punch with all your weight behind it; mark insecure
intimidate others. -2 to trick and resist shifting your balance
3-fatigue to inflict Stunned on an engaged foe.
Stand and Fight! guilty
When you provoke an NPC opponent into attacking -2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout
you, roll with Passion. On a hit, they’re coming at
you specifically. On a 10+, you’re ready for them; -2 to plead and rely on your skills or training
clear a condition or become Prepared. On a miss,
they take advantage of your provocation to strike a
blow where you least expect it.
T h e ro l e P l ay i n g G a M e
(Order #33839056)
Yuxuan, THE Idealist
Yuxuan was adopted by Kim, the elderly owner of Eel-Swan Sauna, after their parents were
arrested for protesting Fire Nation rule. When the war ended, they, a rebellious teenager,
made a big deal of leaving the sauna to find their “real parents,” but when they arrived at
the prison, Yuxuan discovered their parents died in captivity. Since then they’ve been trying
to do good in the world to live up to their parents’ legacy, while avoiding Kim because they
were too embarrassed. They believe that earning a windfall of money by capturing a master
thief like Qian is a great way to do good, especially because Yuxuan planned to bring that
money back to Kim to help keep the business afloat and make amends. At least, that was
true before they met Qian.
Moves Technique afraid
-2 to intimidate and call someone out
T h e ro l e P l ay i n g G a M e
(Order #33839056)
Chesa, THE Rogue
Chesa grew up in a family of bandits hiding in the rocky mountains outside Yu Dao. He
didn’t find anything wrong with his life until he met the owners of the Iron Tavern who +2 CREATIVITY
seemed to love their children unconditionally and never expected them to steal anything!
That’s when Chesa decided to go off on his own and try to see what he could be outside of
his family. Luckily, he met his new friends who are helping him try to right his criminal past,
because a (reformed) thief isn’t anything without a crew! Chesa wants the bounty, because
everyone could use some cold hard cash!
• __________________ is waaaaay too uptight, too trapped
in themselves; they need to break some rules!
• __________________ is amazing and I hope they like
me; maybe they’re worth playing it straight?
-2 to trick and resist shifting your balance
roguish charm
When you plead with an NPC or guide and comfort Sweep the Leg guilty
someone by flattering them and empathizing with -2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout
advance & attack
them, mark 1-fatigue to roll with Creativity instead
You attack where an enemy is weakest or most troubled
of Harmony. -2 to plead and rely on your skills or training
off-balance; if your foe has a total of 3 or more fatigue
Casing the Joint and conditions marked, inflict 2-fatigue. If your foe
When you assess a situation, add these questions to has fewer than 3 total fatigue and conditions marked,
the list. You may always ask one question from these inflict 2-fatigue, but you must mark fatigue as well.
options, even on a miss.
• What here is most valuable or interesting to me?
• Who or what is most vulnerable to me?
• Who here is in control/wealthiest/
has the most power?
T h e ro l e P l ay i n g G a M e
(Order #33839056)
hough I am loath to do so—every feather of my being
resists this statement—I must admit…
I’m sadly indifferent to the era of Avatar Korra. It is
a time of strange new devices—radios and giant me-
chas…and of course all your human conflicts repeated in new
forms. Not to mention the disgusting practice of harvesting
spirit vines for energy, will human avarice ever end?
I guess not, since this adventure is the perfect example of
what I mean. Here, you find humans in conflict over the same
things they always fight over—wealth, anger, jealousy, and so
on. But the exact way they do it this time? Intrigue, mysteries,
conspiracies? A water treatment facility? Explosives? Perhaps
I am motivated, ever so slightly, to learn what strange motiva-
tion is behind this tale of human greed.
166 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game
(Order #33839056)
Water & Mist is a standalone adventure set in the Korra Era. If you’ve never run a game
of Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game before, this adventure is a great way to start—it
includes all the elements you need for an exciting episode of your very own. Water & Mist
can also be used in an ongoing Korra Era campaign. The adventure is set in Republic City with
a conflict involving the Triads and politics, perfect for intrigue-oriented urban groups of heroes.
Wei Tia
Kiaanii Major NPC
Major NPC Wei Tia is an Earthbender and a lieutenant in the Terra Triad.
Kiaanii is a Waterbender and the daughter of Wakkanai. Like her He’s Steely Ning’s chief agent in the Triad, and by extension, he
mother, she is spirited and energetic, but unlike her mother, she works for San Ho fairly directly. Wei Tia is loyal to the Triad, and
has a keen sense for business. She is aware of the threat posed by he appreciates how San Ho’s support truly helped save the Triad.
the mysterious San Ho, but she is unsure whom she can trust. But Wei Tia still puts the lives of friends, family, and neighbors
above his commitment to Steely Ning or San Ho. As long as San
Drive: Protect her mother’s legacy Ho’s support continues to help the Triad and the people Wei
Principle: Justice Tia cares about, he will keep serving the businessman and his
Conditions: Afraid, Guilty, Troubled puppet, Steely Ning. But if that should change…
Technique: Creeping Ice Drive: Provide for his friends, family, and neighbors
Principle: Duty
Conditions: Afraid, Angry, Guilty, Troubled
San Ho Fatigue:
Master NPC Techniques: Earth Armor, Eat Dirt
San Ho is the new identity of Yinuo, the Earth Kingdom inven-
tor who helped create the special treatment system that could
provide water to the whole of Republic City. As Yinuo, he was Steely Ning
comfortable taking dangerous risks to further his aims, and that Major NPC
made him vulnerable to Varrick’s machinations. After he was dis- Steely Ning is the actual leader of the Terra Triad, at least
credited and driven away, he built himself up from nothing, with according to their internal hierarchy. In reality, she’s in charge be-
even less caution or concern for the law. Now he calls himself cause she’s San Ho’s mouthpiece, and his money and resources
San Ho and leads the San Ho Consortium, a powerful corporate both support the Terra Triad and remove threats to Steely Ning’s
trade group with ties all over the world. He is back in Republic reign as long as she follows his instructions. She’s primarily a
City with massive wealth at his disposal and effective control bruiser, a big tough fighter and a scrappy Earthbender with
over the Terra Triad. He keeps himself hidden from the public metalbending abilities. She’s loyal to San Ho for his money and
eye—no one really knows what San Ho looks like, let alone that his power, and for how he keeps her on top—so she’s willing to
he is connected to Yinuo. He’s poised to destroy Wakkanai and do most anything he asks.
Varrick and to achieve the revenge he believes he deserves.
Drive: Remain in command of the Terra Triad
Drive: Exact vengeance upon those who wronged him Principle: Loyalty
Principle: Victory Conditions: Afraid, Angry, Insecure
Conditions: Afraid, Angry, Guilty, Insecure, Troubled Fatigue:
Fatigue: Technique: Ironshard Cloud
Techniques: Entangler, Blinded by Science, Plant Trap
Enuk is an Airbender who gained their abilities during the Harmonic Convergence of the
Korra Era. Though they come from a proud and successful Southern Water Tribe family, -1 CREATIVITY
they joined up with the Air Nation to learn to use their new abilities and fully explore
who they really were. When they left, the duties of carrying on the family tradition fell +2 FOCUS
to Changunak, Enuk’s younger sibling. Enuk participated in the Air Nation’s defense of
the spirits not too long ago and now hopes to protect Changunak from the dangers and
stresses of the city and the burden that they left behind.
• __________________ is my ward—they need me to have their back, end of story.
• __________________ looks like they’re more than capable without
my help; I’m glad some of us can take care of ourselves.
Protector’s Burden
Suspicious Mind
You take it upon yourself to protect the When you watch a person carefully to figure
people around you in general, but you have them out, roll with Focus. On a 7-9, hold 1. On
someone in particular you keep safe. a 10+, hold 2. Spend your hold, 1-for-1, to ask their
Your ward: Changunak player questions while you observe or interact
with them; they must answer honestly.
When they mark a condition in front of you,
mark fatigue or a condition. Your ward can • Are you telling the truth?
always call on you to live up to your princi- • What are you truly feeling?
ple—without shifting their balance away from • What do you really want right now?
center—and they take +1 to do it. • What are you worried about?
Martyr Complex
• Do you believe your ward listens When you have a total of 8 between conditions
to you more often than not? marked, highest principle, and fatigue marked,
• Have you recently protected them take +1 ongoing to all moves.
or helped them with a problem? FATIGUE
• Is there an immediate threat to your
ward that you are aware of?
On a 7-9, hold 1. On a 10+, hold 2. At any time,
spend the hold to: afraid
-2 to intimidate and call someone out
• Take a 10+ without rolling on any Divert
move to defend or protect them defend & maneuver angry
-2 to guide and comfort and assess a situation
• Track them down even if they Step into the way of blows intended for allies;
are hidden or avoiding you when any ally within reach suffers a blow this insecure
• Figure out what they’re up to exchange, you can suffer it for them. If you also -2 to trick and resist shifting your balance
without them knowing use Retaliate this exchange, deal an additional guilty
On a miss, hold 1, but...you’re drifting apart on 1-fatigue each time. -2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout
different paths. By the end of the session, you
must choose one:
-2 to plead and rely on your skills or training
• Decide you’re the only one who can keep
them safe; shift your balance twice toward
Self-Reliance and keep them as your ward
• Decide they can handle life without your
protection; shift your balance twice toward
Trust and switch your ward to a new person
You may also switch your ward if they leave
play or are no longer present for some reason.
When you switch your ward, you can switch
to an NPC (if the GM agrees).
T h e ro l e P l ay i n g G a M e
(Order #33839056)
Changunak, THE successor
Changunak is the younger sibling of Enuk, expected to uphold the family traditions and
business after Enuk left to study airbending. She is trying to pick up those duties and honor
her family’s successful fishing business as she comes to Republic City to pitch the government
on signing more contracts with her family’s business. But she doesn’t appreciate how stuck
in the past her family can be sometimes—especially around their mistrust of modern
technology, and around their misunderstanding of her sibling. -1 HARMONY
Backgrounds: Privileged, Wilderness, Urban
• __________________ has major concerns, fears, or
grievances with my lineage—and with me, by proxy.
• __________________ seems free of their past in a way I wish I could
let go of mine; hearing them talk about the future feels amazing!
A Tainted Past
You hail from a powerful, infamous Humble Yourself
lineage—one with an impressive and When you politely and obediently humble yourself before
terrible reputation. Your lineage has a powerful member of your lineage, roll with your Tradi-
had a massive impact on the world tion. On a hit, you earn some credit; hold 3-resources. On
within the scope of your story—its a 7-9, their resources don’t come without strings; you’ll
reach extends over the whole scope, need to promise to fulfill some other obligation of your
and everyone in the scope knows of lineage, or let them shift your balance. On a miss, they’re
it. Vital supply chains is the domain dissatisfied with your display; they’re cutting you off until
that is the source of your lineage’s you fulfill some task they set to you.
power—the area in which they
affected the world. Raid Your Lineage’s Resources
When you raid your lineage’s resources without their
Lineage Resources
consent or knowledge, mark a condition and roll with
You have access to your family’s your Progress. On a hit, hold 1-resource. On a 7-9,
extensive stores of the following choose 1. On a 10+, choose 2.
resources: FATIGUE
• You obtained an additional 1-resource
• introductions and connections • You nabbed your goodies quietly;
• cold hard cash your lineage is none the wiser CONDITIONS
Spend resources during the session to • You steel yourself for what you’re doing;
establish a boon you had previously avoid marking a condition afraid
-2 to intimidate and call someone out
asked for or obtained, something that On a miss, you’re caught red-handed by a powerful
your lineage’s unique position and member of your lineage who saw you coming. angry
stores could provide: a vehicle, an -2 to guide and comfort and assess a situation
invitation, a chest of jade coins, etc.
-2 to trick and resist shifting your balance
-2 to plead and rely on your skills or training
Black Koala-Sheep
When you behave in a way that shocks and unsettles Break
people from one of your backgrounds, roll with evade & observe
Creativity to intimidate them or push your luck.
Target a foe’s vulnerable equipment; render it useless
Worldly Knowledge or broken—possibly inflicting or overcoming a fiction-
Your upbringing expanded your horizons, skillsets, ally appropriate status (ex: Impaired).
and contacts. Choose another training and another
T h e ro l e P l ay i n g G a M e
(Order #33839056)
Zhu Song, THE Hammer
Zhu Song is a city girl and a one-time member of the Terra Triad, back before she managed
to get free as Steely Ning took over. She helps to run and protect a local martial arts training +1 CREATIVITY
facility in her neighborhood, Dragon Flats. She still gets into far more than her fair share of
fights, including the time she took a stand against some other triads trying to muscle into her -1 FOCUS
neighborhood. She’s lost most of her patience with the triads, and she’s just about ready to
take real action against the Terra Triad that’s now squeezing her home. 0 HARMONY
Backgrounds: Outlaw, Urban
• __________________ has a way to solve problems with
words instead of fists—it’s really impressive!
• I worry __________________ won’t be able to hold their own
when things get tough. I’m going to toughen them up!
Moves Technique afraid
-2 to intimidate and call someone out
T h e ro l e P l ay i n g G a M e
(Order #33839056)
Slate, tHE Pillar
Slate leads a specialized squad of metalbending police in Republic City. They’re all young
Earthbenders, trained to handle threats like the mecha that recently trashed the city—a +1 CREATIVITY
growing threat in the modern world. But recently, the rest of the squad was sent on to a
new location in the Earth Kingdom to help deal with local unrest from bandits wearing 0 FOCUS
mecha suits. Slate was ordered to stay behind for now, put on leave as he prepares to
teach a new group of Earthbenders. +2 HARMONY
Backgrounds: Urban, Military
• __________________ doesn’t really respect my
accomplishments; they probably need a lesson or two.
• __________________ seems like they would’ve been a good
candidate to be a part of my squad; I’ll look after them.
Squad Leader
a warrior’s heart
You were the leader of a small group When you live up to your principle while you have 3+
of 10 or so well-trained warriors from a conditions marked, ignore your condition penalties.
recognized and noble tradition. When you live up to your principle while you have 5
Where does your squad call home? conditions marked, don’t mark fatigue.
Republic City
fighting like dancing
Which are the most well known traits When you advance & attack against a group of
of your squad? Costumes, fighting style, foes—or a foe who has previously defeated you—roll
purpose with Harmony instead of Passion.
What does your squad value? Excellence
& Duty
Despite being the leader, you chose to
travel with your new companions for the
time being, until you’ve achieved this
group’s purpose. For now, your group is
Metal Bindings metal
stationed at an important location.
evade & observe FATIGUE
Within any group, you serve a role both
Catch an enemy’s limbs in metal you control. They
subtle and overt, sometimes leading the
become Impaired and cannot remove the status
team, sometimes helping it glue itself
unless they can bend metal or the fight ends. While CONDITIONS
together. You earn Team through your
they are Impaired and you are engaged with them, afraid
leadership style, and you spend Team
you are Favored. -2 to intimidate and call someone out
through your support style.
Leadership Styles -2 to guide and comfort and assess a situation
Earn 1-Team when...
• Diplomatic: ...you plead with an -2 to trick and resist shifting your balance
NPC for help and roll a 10+.
• Guidance: ...you assess a situation guilty
-2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout
and give a companion instructions
based on the answers troubled
-2 to plead and rely on your skills or training
Support Styles
Spend 1-Team when...
• Invigorating: ...you rally a companion
to action in a tense moment to
clear 2-fatigue from them.
• Defending: ...you are within reach
of a companion in combat to clear
a negative status from them.
T h e ro l e P l ay i n g G a M e
(Order #33839056)
Pianchir jing, tHE Rogue
Jing is an orphan who knows Republic City like the back of his hand. He’s been all over,
every place, slipping out from the group home to go exploring wherever he likes. The triads +2 CREATIVITY
have tried to recruit him a few times in their way, but he’s managed to steer clear—he’s
pretty suspicious of them and their way of doing things. Besides, he can always get a bit of
work thanks to kind, helpful people like Zhu Li or even Wakkanai, the lady who runs the
water treatment facility and will throw him a few work shifts here and there. -1 HARMONY
Backgrounds: Outlaw, Urban
• __________________ is waaaaay too uptight, too trapped
in themselves; they need to break some rules!
• __________________ is amazing and I hope they like
me; maybe they’re worth playing it straight?
Bad Habits
You’ve picked up some bad habits over the When you indulge a bad habit on your own,
years. Most other people are pretty set on shift your balance toward Survival, and roll with
trying to get you to stop. But maybe you can Survival. On a hit, you pull it off and vent your
bring your friends along for the ride... The 4 frustrations; clear fatigue or conditions equal
bad habits you indulge are: to your Survival (minimum 0). If you have no
fatigue or conditions, mark growth. On a 10+,
Casual thievery and pickpocketing
you also gain a windfall, a boon or opportu-
Vandalism or sabotage
nity—your bad habits paid off this time. On a
miss, you’re caught by someone dangerous or
Daredevil stunts
powerful, and they complicate your life.
“Charming” insults of dangerous people
When you indulge a bad habit with a friend,
shift your balance toward Friendship, and roll
with Friendship. On a hit, you and your friend
pull it off and grow closer; each of you makes
Any necessary skills or talents related to your the other Inspired. On a 10+, you also obtain
bad habits are considered to be part of your some useful resource or information, and
background. become Prepared. On a miss, something goes FATIGUE
terribly awry; you can either take the heat your-
self, or shift your balance twice toward Survival
and leave your friend in the lurch. CONDITIONS
-2 to intimidate and call someone out
-2 to trick and resist shifting your balance
roguish charm
When you plead with an NPC or guide and comfort Sweep the Leg guilty
someone by flattering them and empathizing with -2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout
advance & attack
them, mark 1-fatigue to roll with Creativity instead
You attack where an enemy is weakest or most troubled
of Harmony. -2 to plead and rely on your skills or training
off-balance; if your foe has a total of 3 or more fatigue
Casing the Joint and conditions marked, inflict 2-fatigue. If your foe
When you assess a situation, add these questions to has fewer than 3 total fatigue and conditions marked,
the list. You may always ask one question from these inflict 2-fatigue, but you must mark fatigue as well.
options, even on a miss.
• What here is most valuable or interesting to me?
• Who or what is most vulnerable to me?
• Who here is in control/wealthiest/
has the most power?
T h e ro l e P l ay i n g G a M e
(Order #33839056)
This appendix includes additional tech-
niques to expand the options provided in
Appendix A: Techniques in the core book.
These techniques are split between univer-
sal techniques and the six trainings, though
they are presented in a single alphabetical
unified list. Any specialized bending forms
necessary to use a technique are called out
on the technique with a stamp. Some tech-
niques are also marked as “rare,” meaning
they are particularly complicated, powerful,
and rare in the world; only the greatest of
masters are likely to know and teach these
techniques. Players can use this appendix
to choose starting techniques, and GMs can
use this appendix to arm NPCs with appro-
priate techniques.
Unleash an explosive or forceful device up-close to a foe. Mark 2-fa- Pummel a foe with a barrage of small fire blasts. Mark 1-fatigue.
tigue and inflict 3-fatigue and Stunned on your foe. Inflict 1-fatigue on your target, +1-fatigue additional for each attack
anyone has made against them this exchange, +1-fatigue additional
for each negative status they currently have.
Boomerang Blow
Advance and Attack
Throw your boomerang to hit a target just right and return the weap- Fire Bomb*
on to your hand. Mark 1-fatigue, inflict 2-fatigue on your target, and Advance and Attack
name the specific place you are striking on your opponent to disrupt Pour out a massive amount of fire at point blank range. Fill your
them, inflicting Impaired on them until they have time to rest and fatigue track, inflict on your target twice as much fatigue as you just
recover after the fight. If you use this technique against an opponent marked, and become Impaired.
who is already Impaired, inflict a condition on them as well. If you
allow your boomerang to fall to the side instead of returning to your
hand, you may use this technique without marking 1-fatigue. Flame charge
Defend and Maneuver
Hurtle at your foe with enormous speed and force. Choose a foe you
Chi Blocking Jabs* are not currently engaged with; you become engaged with them,
Advance and Attack they become Impaired, and you become Favored.
Pinpoint weapon or hand strikes to block a foe’s chi. Mark 1-fatigue
to block a foe’s chi with your strikes, inflicting a condition and
rendering a limb useless (and blocking bending with that limb). An Flame Shield
enemy with one fewer useful limb chooses 1 fewer technique to use Defend and Maneuver
each exchange. Limbs become usable again when combat ends or Call up a shield of flame around yourself to divert incoming attacks.
three exchanges pass. Mark up to 2-fatigue; the shield blocks a number of attacks this ex-
change equal to 1 + the fatigue you marked. If possible, you must use
the flame shield to block incoming attacks. If you are not attacked at
Draw Close all this exchange, you become Favored.
Advance and Attack
1-fatigue for each technique they use (they may choose to use fewer Prepare a handful of flaming arrows. Mark 1-fatigue to become Pre-
than their full amount). pared and hold 3-arrows. Spend 1-arrow on any kind of bow attack to
inflict Doomed on your target as you catch them alight.
Explosion of Air*
Advance and Attack Flash Crystals*
Bring air into a tight, compact form and then let it loose, blasting Evade and Observe
wind outward with great force. Mark a condition. All combatants Throw a scattering of flash crystals at your opponent’s feet and shield
engaged with you or in the area become Impaired and must mark your eyes. Any fighters in the area must mark 2-fatigue or become
1-fatigue. If they are already Impaired, they become Stunned. A group Stunned; you need only mark 1-fatigue.
foe struck by this effect instead must mark 4-fatigue.
Gale Slice
Fan the Flame Advance and Attack
Evade and Observe Cast forth a thin, cutting edge of wind that can pierce wood or
Focus on growing the flames around you; if there are no raging flames stone. Mark 1-fatigue; your target must avoid the blow, marking
around you, then any smaller fires become raging. If there are raging 3-fatigue, or take the hit, marking a condition and allowing physical
flames around you, become Empowered for the next two exchanges. objects on them—armor, a weapon or item in their hands—to be
cut. If they have no physical objects to help absorb the blow when
*Rare Technique they take the hit, they mark a second condition. If they avoid the
blow, then treat it as if you had used Smash against the environ-
ment behind and around them.
Take to the air with your glider to escape the scrum around you. Mark Surround yourself with eight tendrils of water, blocking incoming
1-fatigue, become Favored, and disengage with any combatants around blows and striking at foes. Mark 2-fatigue. While you have Octopus
you, and then re-engage with a combatant of your choice within reach. Form active, once per exchange you may use Strike against any one
foe engaged with you (regardless of what approach you chose), and
you may block any one incoming attack against you (regardless of
Grapple Line what approach you chose). You must mark 1-fatigue at the end of
Defend and Maneuver each exchange after the first to keep Octopus Form active. While
Toss out a grapple line and zip around the battlefield to a new advan- Octopus Form is active, you are Impaired.
tageous position. Mark 1-fatigue to become Favored and disengage
with all current foes, reengaging with a foe of your choice as you take
up your new position. If you spend any gears on this technique, inflict Pyre Wall*
Impaired on any foes with whom you engage. Defend and Maneuver
Create a tall wall of flame to keep enemies away from you and your
allies. Mark 1-fatigue and raise the wall, disengaging foes from your-
Grapple Shot self and allies as the wall erupts. Foes may mark 2-fatigue to remain
Defend and Maneuver on the correct side of the wall and remain engaged. Crossing the wall
Fire an arrow with a tether at the end to swing through the area immediately inflicts two conditions. You must mark 2-fatigue at the
around you. Move to a new position and engage/disengage with end of each exchange to maintain the wall.
foes, overcome a negative status or danger, or establish an advanta-
geous position as appropriate. Any foe you engage or disengage with
suffers 1-fatigue automatically; foes you disengage with can mark Quicksand
1-fatigue to try to keep up with you. Evade and Observe
Turn the earth in an area to quicksand; all foes in the area become
Impaired. If they don’t free themselves by the end of the next ex-
Ice Claws change after becoming Impaired, they become Trapped. If they don’t
Evade and Observe free themselves by the end of the next exchange after becoming
Cover your fingers with ice to create sharp, pointed claws. Mark Trapped, they become Doomed.
1-fatigue to become Prepared. As long as you are Prepared, any time
you attack an enemy in hand-to-hand range, inflict an additional
2-fatigue. If you lose the claws, you lose Prepared. Quiet Grip of Ice
Evade and Observe
Use a bit of water on the ground to grab a foe’s foot in an icy hold.
Ironshard Cloud* metal
Mark 1-fatigue; your opponent becomes Impaired, and if you advance
Advance and Attack and attack next exchange, you inflict an additional 1-fatigue on that
Throw a cloud of metal shards as if they were knives. Mark 1-fatigue foe with any attacks you make that exchange.
to inflict 2-fatigue or a condition, your choice, upon up to three tar-
gets in reach of each other. If you use this technique against a group,
inflict 3-fatigue and a condition. Rapid Tunneling
Defend and Maneuver
Dive into the earth. You become Empowered immediately, and can
Meteor Fall* use no other techniques in this exchange, but you cannot be target-
Advance and Attack ed by any attacks or effects except for earthbending. You emerge
From a high position, drop down onto your targets with massive next exchange in a place within reach through the earth, using a
force. Mark 1-fatigue to inflict a condition on a foe. If you are Favored new approach as normal. Lose Empowered after the exchange in
with a high position, clear Favored and mark 1-fatigue to inflict three which you emerge.
conditions on a foe.
Recoiling Jet
Monologue Evade and Observe
Evade and Observe Throw yourself away from danger with a sudden jet of flame. Mark
Rant a bit about your own awesomeness in the middle of a fight. 1-fatigue, become Favored, and remove all of Trapped, Impaired, and
Clear 1-fatigue and become Inspired. Doomed as appropriate to the fiction.
*Rare Technique
Race in circles to create a cyclone designed to pull in arrows or other Attune yourself to the ebb and flow of winds around you so you
hurled objects and send them right back where they came from. become aware of incoming attacks and are able to respond instan-
Mark 1-fatigue and become Prepared. For the rest of the exchange, taneously. Mark 1-fatigue and become Favored. Next exchange,
you must mark 1-fatigue for any solid, physical attacks made at range you may use Retaliate regardless of which approach you use and in
within your area to sweep them into the cyclone and return them addition to your other techniques for that exchange, as you sense
at the attacker; the attacker must mark 2-fatigue to avoid their own incoming blows and respond to them.
attack. If you cannot mark 1-fatigue or choose not to, the cyclone
dissipates and you may not use this technique for the rest of the
combat. If the cyclone has not dissipated by the end of the exchange, Smooth Stride
you may maintain it into the next exchange by becoming Impaired. If Evade and Observe
you are already Impaired, you cannot maintain the cyclone. Prepare to move quickly while cutting the air around you, limiting
wind resistance and allowing you to move even faster. Mark 1-fatigue
and become Prepared and Favored. As long as you remain Prepared
Rings of Water* or Favored in this combat, you move terrifically quickly and suffer
Evade and Observe 1-fatigue fewer on any incoming attacks. If you mark a condition, this
Pull long streams of water out of a substantial nearby source (nothing effect ends.
smaller than a knee-high pond) to surround yourself with one, two,
or three flowing rings of water. Mark 2, 3, or 4-fatigue to call up one,
two, or three rings. If you call up one ring, you become Favored; if Stink Bomb
you call up two rings, you also become Prepared; if you call up three Evade and Observe
rings, you also become Empowered as long as you have at least one Toss a stink bomb at an area. All combatants engaged in that area
ring remaining. You may use rings one-for-one to strengthen other without some kind of air filter become Impaired, mark 1-fatigue, and
waterbending techniques, reducing the fatigue cost to use those disengage with each other as they start hacking and coughing.
techniques by 1 per ring spent, or inflicting an additional 2-fatigue per
ring spent on a waterbending attack.
Stunning Stance
Evade and Observe
Rock Shoes* After being struck, keep your stance and momentum and return a
Defend and Maneuver blast of wind at your attacker. Target a foe who inflicted a condition,
Dash onto a vertical wall or the ceiling and cling to it with shoes fatigue, or balance shift upon you with a blow this exchange. Mark
made of stone. Mark 1-fatigue to become Favored and use Seize a 1-fatigue and inflict Stunned on them.
Position without allowing any foe to block this technique. As long as
you remain on a vertical wall or the ceiling you remain Favored.
Subtle Misdirection
Defend and Maneuver
Rock-Smashing Shot* Subtly earthbend the ground under a foe to direct their next attack
Advance and Attack elsewhere. Mark 2-fatigue and target someone who took the ad-
Fire special arrows that can pierce stone and concrete. Destroy or vance and attack approach this exchange; you select the target for
destabilize something in the environment, removing positive statuses the first attack they make this exchange.
or creating negative statuses as appropriate. If you choose to become
Impaired for an exchange from exerting yourself greatly while firing,
you may also inflict 2-fatigue or one condition (target’s choice) on a Suction Boots
foe hidden behind the object you’re destroying. Defend and Maneuver
Deploy the suction effect on your boots and move up vertical walls or
even along the ceiling! Move to a new location, engaging/disengag-
Salvage* ing with foes, overcoming negative statuses or dangers, establishing
Evade and Observe an advantageous position, or escaping the scene. If you move along
Take apart a broken device or shattered piece of the environment difficult surfaces, only foes who can reach you can stop you, and
to acquire the resources you need. Roll a single six-sided die. Take must mark 2-fatigue to do so.
2-gears if you roll a 1-2; 3-gears if you roll a 3-4; 4-gears if you roll a 5;
and 5-gears if you roll a 6. Spend gears 1-for-1 instead of fatigue on
technology techniques or basic techniques using technology training.
*Rare Technique
Call up small gravel, dust, and sand all around you to fill the air with Use a device to tie your target to a surface or object of your choice.
swirling grit. Mark 1-fatigue; all others in the area become Impaired Mark 1-fatigue; your target becomes Impaired and is attached to
from the swirling dust, and you become Empowered for as long as the that surface, essentially engaged with it, and cannot move away or
cloud surrounds you. The dust storm stays in place for approximately disengage from it unless they pay 3-fatigue to break free or otherwise
4 exchanges if nothing interferes and if you don’t restart it with this clear Impaired.
technique again.
Water Jab
Taunt Advance and Attack
Evade and Observe Surround your fist in water and use the force of the stream to en-
Insult and taunt an engaged foe into making a mistake. Your foe hance your water-boxing punch. Mark 1-fatigue to inflict 3-fatigue on
must either try to ignore your insults and mark fatigue equal to their your target. Your foe can choose to become Impaired to reduce the
highest balance principle rating, or give in to them, agreeing now to amount of fatigue they suffer by 2.
advance and attack and target you with any attacks. If your foe gives
in to your insults, you become Prepared.
Water Knife
Advance and Attack
The Way of Jasmine* Create a fast, cutting swoop of water that can cut through vulnera-
Advance and Attack ble materials. Mark 1-fatigue and choose your target. If you target a
Use wide sweeping blows to control your foe’s movements and op- combatant, inflict a condition and Impaired upon them. If you target
tions in the fight. Mark 1-fatigue to use the Pressure basic technique, something in the area, become Prepared and otherwise treat it as if
but choosing 2 approaches instead of 1. You cannot use Pressure on you had used the technique Smash.
its own in the same exchange that you use the Way of Jasmine.
Jab at the air around you to send it hurtling forward at incredible Send a spark of electricity erupting from a device you control. Mark
speed, catching even the heaviest foes and tossing them aside. Mark 1-fatigue to inflict 2-fatigue and Impaired on a target engaged with
2-fatigue and inflict 3-fatigue on any foes in the path of your gust. you. If that target is already Impaired, inflict an additional 2-fatigue.
Those foes must mark an additional 2-fatigue or be flung backward
and away, either into a wall and becoming Stunned or far from the
fight, depending upon your surroundings.
*Rare Technique
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(Order #33839056)