Blurred Vision
Blurred Vision
Blurred Vision
Review Article
LURRED vision is the most common symp- lenses in place if they are normally worn by the pa-
tom related to the eye. It is manifested in many tient. First, the patient is asked to read a standard eye
ways and has a wide variety of causes. Here we chart. If the acuity at a distance is less than 20/40,
review for nonophthalmologists the examination tech- the acuity is rechecked by placing a pinhole occluder
niques and diagnostic algorithms that are useful in the over the patient’s glasses, a maneuver that will give
evaluation of blurred vision. We also describe how an approximation of the best corrected vision. If the
to determine when patients need urgent ophthalmo- patient is unable to read any of the figures on the
logic consultation and treatment. chart, the patient is asked to count the fingers on
the examiner’s hand. If the patient is unable to count
THE EYE EXAMINATION the fingers, the distance at which the patient can de-
History tect hand movements is determined. If the patient is
In evaluating a patient with blurred vision, it is unable to detect hand movements, the practitioner
important to note the time of onset and how the pa- should determine whether the patient can perceive
tient first noticed the symptoms. Was the blurring of light. The precise level of visual acuity and the dis-
vision sudden in onset, or was it gradual? Did it occur tance at which it was achieved are recorded. The doc-
with or without pain? Was the blurred vision unilat- umentation of visual acuity is important for making
eral or bilateral? The differentiation of cases of blurred comparisons with the results of future examinations
vision on the basis of these characteristics will facil- and for legal reasons.
itate making the proper diagnosis.1 It is also important Visual Field
to note any other associated conditions or events. Blurred vision that is due to neurologic disease or
For example, the patient should be asked about ac- retinal detachment is occasionally manifested as a de-
companying auras preceding migraines and about fo- fect in peripheral vision. The confrontation method
cal neurologic signs. Is there a history of blunt trau- of testing peripheral vision is a quick and simple way
ma, penetrating injury, or exposure to a foreign body to identify defects in the visual field. With each eye
that might lead to blurred vision? Medications such tested separately, the normal visual field of the exam-
as steroids (systemic, injectable, topical, or inhaled) iner is used as a base line for comparison with that
may be associated with cataracts, glaucoma, and ker- of the patient in the superior, inferior, nasal, and tem-
atitis due to the herpes simplex virus. Effects on poral quadrants. If the test is performed properly,
vision from antibiotics, antimalarial drugs, psycho- homonymous field defects that are associated with
tropic agents, and other medications are rare, but tox- cerebral vascular accidents can be identified, as can
ic effects on the retina and optic nerve are possible. quadrantic or hemispheric defects associated with ret-
Other clues that can be useful for diagnosing blurred inal detachments. Another quick way to test the cen-
vision are a family history of glaucoma or macular tral visual field is with an Amsler’s grid (Fig. 1). The
degeneration and a personal history of symptoms sim- patient looks at the central dot with one eye and
ilar to the current ones.2 identifies any zones of distortion or loss of the visual
Examination Techniques field. The grid is particularly helpful in diagnosing
The eye examination, as performed by a practi- blurred vision in patients with retinal disease.
tioner who is not an ophthalmologist, is divided into Pupils
six parts: visual acuity, visual field, pupils, movement The pupils should be black, round, of the same size,
of extraocular muscle, anterior segment, and posteri- and reactive to light. A nonblack pupil suggests the
or segment. Because some serious eye conditions are opacification of refracting media, which is often due
to the formation of cataracts. Misshapen or eccentric
From Ophthalmic Consultants of Boston, Boston. Address reprint re- pupils occur after blunt or penetrating trauma and
quests to Dr. Shingleton at 50 Staniford St., Suite 600, Boston, MA 02114,
or at [email protected]. may be associated with serious ocular injuries, such
©2000, Massachusetts Medical Society. as ruptured globes. In up to 20 percent of cases, pu-
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visits to eye specialists. Blurred vision that is caused by presence or absence of pain helps in the categoriza-
refractive errors is generally bilateral, of gradual on- tion of the many and varied causes of blurred vision.
set, painless, dependent on distance, and responsive The ophthalmic branch of the fifth cranial nerve
to correction with a pinhole. Specific refractive errors provides ocular sensation. The areas of the eye that are
include myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsight- sensitive to pain are the ocular surface, the iris, and
edness), astigmatism, and presbyopia (age-related ac- the ciliary body. The periorbital areas are also sensi-
commodative loss and impaired vision for reading). tive to pain; therefore, inflammation around the op-
Amblyopia occurs as a monocular condition in chil- tic nerve can cause pain as well as blurred vision. The
dren, usually before five years of age. It results from retina, the vitreous, and the optic nerve within the
a failure of the neurosensory connections of the visual globe are relatively insensitive to pain.
system to develop fully, because of a loss of a clear
monocular image or because of binocular misalign- Sudden, Unilateral, Painless Loss of Vision
ment. Precipitating conditions include strabismus, un- Sudden, unilateral, painless loss of vision often re-
equal refractive error, and monocular occlusions of sults from an abnormality in the posterior segment
the ocular media (congenital cataract). Amblyopia of the eye. Facility with the ophthalmoscope is crit-
may be responsive to treatment if therapy is initiated ical for diagnosing these problems. Each of the fol-
while the child is in the critical developmental period lowing problems deserves urgent ophthalmologic con-
(up to seven years of age). It is important not to con- sultation.
fuse reduced vision due to amblyopia with blurred Vitreous hemorrhage associated with diabetes or
vision of recent onset. trauma is a common cause of sudden, unilateral, pain-
less loss of vision.3 The red reflex and details of the
Functional Loss of Vision
retina will be obscured when viewed through the di-
Blurred visual acuity that results from a perceptual rect ophthalmoscope. Patients with diabetes may also
or psychological malfunction is termed functional present with hemorrhages, exudates, microaneurysms,
loss of vision. It represents real but usually transient edema, and neovascularization in the posterior seg-
loss of visual acuity that is often due to severe psy- ment, which result in sudden changes in vision (Fig.
chological trauma. The most common diagnostic clin- 3).4 Most vitreous hemorrhages are allowed to clear
ical finding is tubular visual fields.2 spontaneously, but in patients with diabetes who have
neovascularization, emergency retinal photocoagula-
tion may be indicated.
Serous elevations of the macula5 and hemorrhagic
The pathologic causes of blurred vision are much macular changes due to choroidal neovascular mem-
less common but far more urgent than the nonpatho- branes and age-related macular degeneration will oc-
logic causes. For patients who cannot see well, a di- casionally present as sudden, unilateral, painless loss
agnostic algorithm based on the chronology of onset, of vision (Fig. 4).6,7 Age-related macular changes can
whether the symptom is unilateral or bilateral, and the be identified with the direct ophthalmoscope.8 Pa-
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Figure 5. A White, Billowing, and Elevated Retina, Characteris- Figure 7. Occlusion of the Central Retinal Artery.
tic of Retinal Detachment. The retina appears white because of widespread edema, and
the preserved choroidal circulation underneath shines through
as a cherry-red spot at the fovea.
tients with these problems should undergo urgent Episodes of amaurosis fugax (temporary loss of vi-
angiography with fluorescein to determine whether sion) may precede frank occlusion of the retinal ar-
the macular lesion is amenable to laser treatment. tery.12 Occlusion of the central retinal artery is associ-
Retinal detachments are diagnosed most easily by ated with profound loss of vision, an afferent pupillary
an ophthalmologist using indirect ophthalmoscopy defect, and a cherry-red spot in the macula (Fig. 7).
through a dilated pupil, but occasionally the medical An embolus, or Hollenhorst, plaque may be visible.
practitioner can see the white, billowing retinal sep- Patients with this condition benefit from an urgent
aration (Fig. 5).9 Retinal detachments require urgent neurovascular workup to search for the source of the
surgical repair. embolus. Nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neurop-
Retinal-vein occlusions are characterized by intra- athy tends to occur in older patients and is associated
retinal hemorrhages.10,11 These hemorrhages can be with an afferent pupillary defect and congestion and
widespread and diffuse throughout the fundus in an elevation of the optic disk (Fig. 8).13,14
occlusion of the central retinal vein (Fig. 6) or may One type of presentation of sudden, unilateral,
be localized to one quadrant with occlusions of the painless loss of vision could be termed suddenly per-
branches of the retinal vein. Retinal photocoagula- ceived unilateral, painless loss of vision. A slowly pro-
tion may be indicated in cases of serious edema or gressive condition, usually in the nondominant eye,
of neovascularization of the iris. is suddenly noticed when the unaffected eye is inad-
Figure 8. Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy, Characterized by Figure 9. A Corneal Ulcer, Appearing as a White Infiltrate in the
Swelling and Hemorrhages of the Optic Disk. Cornea.
In this fungal infection, the ulcer is associated with a ring of in-
flammatory cells and hypopyon.
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