Report of A Pediatric Case: Neuritis Infectious Optics
Report of A Pediatric Case: Neuritis Infectious Optics
Report of A Pediatric Case: Neuritis Infectious Optics
Optic neuritis is an inflammation of the optic nerve can cause a sudden loss of vision in the affected eye. This inflammation can be
the result of an infection, poisoning or may be caused by hereditary diseases. With the following article we make a review of the
etiology and symptoms that accompany infectious optic neuritis. We present a pediatric case deepen the visual examination should
be performed and additional tests that allow us to establish an appropriate differential diagnosis.
Figure 2. perimetry, at the initial stage of optic neuritis, reveals an altitudinal scotoma affecting mainly the lower hemifield and
macular area.
At 2 days UCVA OD allows you to count unit. Assessment of color vision OD reveals a progressive decrease in the dose of systemic
fingers at 80 cm (no improvement with teranomalía deu- and the OI remains normal. corticosteroids.
pinhole). AVSC of OI is unity. DPAR The biomicros- cópica exploration and
continues manifesting a mild response direct intraocular pressure are normal in both eyes. At 25 days, the OD is UCVA
reflection in the OD. Perimetry OD ( Fig. The evolution is progressive ophthalmoscopic 0.8 (no improvement with pinhole) and the OI
tion pro sively decreasing elevation and is 1. Opthalmoscopy found that papillary
fuzziness of the papillary edges. And fuzziness level of the nasal edge pallor tem-
2) reveals an altitudinal scotoma evidenced the temporal edge of the papilla ( Fig.porary industry persists. Perimetry has
predominantly in the lower and central normalized OD ( Fig. 5). From this moment the
involvement hemifield. Perimetry of OI is treat- ment is suspended corticosteroid.
3). In perimetry of the central scotoma OD it is
At 15 days of evolution concerns the pa- cient maintained with progressive resolution lower
improvement. UCVA OD is 0.2 (no scotoma ( Fig. 4). Fa- vorable before the onset
improvement tenopeico is-) and UCVA OI is of symptoms begins At 45 days UCVA is 1in AO.
Retinoscópicamente encon-
DISCUSSION When the involvement is bilateral and if- The differential diagnosis of acute papillary
metric, there being no significant differences, visual loss with elevation in children should
Optometric examination 6 and logic we can not talk about DPAR, but we observe be established with the following entities:
ophthalmological will prove of great a slow, lazy pupi- lar response. Leber's disease, neuroretinitis, neoplastic
importance, not only as co method infiltration ca, toxic or nutritional neuropathy
diagnoses optic neuritis, but also to assess and papilledema 10.
its evolution through treatment efficacy. Four. color vision . Most axons carry no
informa- tion of the macular area and in it the
most abundant photoreceptors are cones.
Among the optometric examinations that we The duration of the inflammatory process, The Leber's optic neuropathy is a hereditary
perform, we highlight the following: color vision is altered with a clear eye optic neuropathy caused by a mutation of
discromatopsia affection, which in some mitochondrial DNA eleven. Forms affects
cases reaches not disappear completely. predominantly males and usually ma debut
1. Measurement of AV . Optical inflammation Involvement of color vision in optical between 15 and 35 years. It is characterized
causes a decrease in AV that can sometimes neuropathies follows the de- nominated by the appearance of a central visual
be severe. Köllner rule, according to which patients with painless loss of an eye, followed by a loss lar
primary disease predominate NO alterations the like in the contralateral eye with the
of the chromatic discrimination between course of the disease. With papillary
2. extrinsic motility . It is normal and in some red-green, while patients dEOS retinocoroi- elevation microangio- patía telangiectasia
cases may acompañar- of ocular pain. disorders show more often problems of often appears. None of the above
discrimination between blue and yellow characteristics occurred in our patient.
(there are exceptions to this rule as
3. pupillary reflexes . In a neutral unilateral glaucoma
optic ropatía the affected eye it shows a
decrease of direct pupillary reflex to light
stimulus, but maintaining response The neuroretinitis deposits associated
exudates at the posterior pole.
Treatment with corticosteroids is obtained in In our patient presented only a slight increase pediatric patients have not always easy to
most cases complete resolution of CUA- dro 2. Intó weight was normalized to remove the complete because of the difficulty to dif-
children should be controlled induction of medication. ferentiate acute or chronic processes to
systemic side effects (hirsutis- mo, weight define whether the disorder is congenital or
gain, insomnia, hypertension, full moon suffering PURCHASED Rido. Because of this
facies, etc.) and / or local level Ocular CONCLUSION exploration and resulting serology results as
(posterior subcapsular cataract, hypertension crucial not only to establish a good diagnosis
ocular, etc.). Infectious optic neuritis Infantiles useful is but to assess improvement after treat- ment.
one of the most frequent causes of visual
loss count neurological ori- gene.
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