Earth Science - Grade 11 Learner Activity Sheets Quarter 1 - Week 3A Title: Ore Minerals First Edition, 2021
Earth Science - Grade 11 Learner Activity Sheets Quarter 1 - Week 3A Title: Ore Minerals First Edition, 2021
Earth Science - Grade 11 Learner Activity Sheets Quarter 1 - Week 3A Title: Ore Minerals First Edition, 2021
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Division Validators:
Relyn D. Raza
Marietta C. Asignar
Tamarah harel M. Consigna
Ore Minerals
Learning Competency:
Describe how ore minerals are found, mined, and processed for human use (S11/12ES-
Specific Objectives:
1. Define what is an ore mineral.
2. Differentiate the two methods of mining.
3. Determine the impacts of mining.
Key Concepts:
Methods of Mining
Ore Extraction
The ore’s journey to becoming a useable material is only just beginning when the ore leaves the
mine. Rocks are crushed so that the valuable minerals can be separated from the waste rock.
Then the minerals are separated out of the ore. A few methods for extracting ore are:
• heap leaching: the addition of chemicals, such as cyanide or acid, to remove ore.
• flotation: the addition of a compound that attaches to the valuable mineral and
• smelting: roasting rock, causing it to segregate into layers so the mineral can be
To extract the metal from the ore, the rock is melted at a temperature greater than 900°C, which
requires a lot of energy. Extracting metal from rock is so energy intensive that if you recycle just
40 aluminum cans, you will save the energy equivalent of one gallon of gasoline.
• Geologic factors that affect abundance of mineral deposits are geological origin of the
area, presence or absence of volcano, and age of the geologic structure.
• Economic factors include the costs in getting the supply such as engineering, mineral
extraction, and processing and costs for coping with the demand such as commodity
prices, land tenure, taxation, and other legal policies.
• Environmental factors affect mineral resources.
Mineral Processing
• Mineral processing is the process of extracting minerals from the ores, refining them,
and preparing these minerals for use.
• Sampling is the removal of a portion which represents a whole needed for the
analysis of this material.
• Analysis is important to evaluate the valuable components in an ore. This
includes chemical, mineralogical, and particle size analysis.
2. Comminution
• After the mineral has been found and mined, it needs to be obtained out of the
• Comminution is the process where rock is crushed or broken down into
smaller pieces.
3. Concentration
4. Dewatering
- Dewatering uses the concentrates to convert it to usable minerals. This involves
filtration and sedimentation of the suspension and drying of the solid material
harvested from this suspension.
Environmental Impacts
• Improper mining can cause flooding, erosion, subsidence, water and air pollution, damage
to wildlife and habitat.
• Measures to prevent or mitigate the harmful effects of irresponsible mining:
1. Topsoil replacement using uncontaminated soil;
2. Reintroduction of flora and fauna;
3. Neutralizing acidic waters;
4. Backfilling and sealing of abandoned underground mines;
5. Stabilizing the slope of impacted area to reduce erosion, etc.
What to do: Fill in the needed information below. You can mine information from the concepts
discussed above.
1. 2. Ocean Floor
1.Quartz 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
In a newly acquired mineral project for exploration, is it possible to immediately
drill in the area even without any subsurface investigation? Explain in 3 sentences.
Rodriguez, Nympha P. Earth Science- Grade 12 Alternative Delivery Mode, Quarter 1- Module 3:
Minerals and Its Importance to Society First Edition, 2020. Department of Education
– Division of Cagayan de Oro City.