CH - 4 (12) Assignment

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1. Explain the concept of Abnormality.

2. What are the common features of abnormality?
3. “Abnormal behaviour refers to all the behaviors that deviate from social norms?
4. Can a long standing pattern of deviant behavior be considered abnormal? Elaborate.
5. Why are people hesitant to consult a psychologist?
6. What is the super natural perspective of understanding abnormal behaviour?
7. Explain the biological or organic perspective of understanding abnormal behavior?
8. How does the psychological perspective explain the causes for psychological
9. How has the understanding of abnormal behavior evolved over the years?
10. How was abnormal behavior explained in the ancient ages?
11. Explain Galen’s viewpoint to explain abnormal behavior?
12. How was abnormal behavior explained in the middle ages?
13. How did Renaissance period view abnormal behaviour?
14. Explain the “Age of Reason and Enlightenment”.
15. What is the Classification of Psychological Disorders?
16. How do biological and genetic factors explain the concept of abnormality?
17. How do various psychological models explain mental disorders?
18. “Abnormal behaviour is best understood in light of the social and cultural forces that
influence an individual. The broader social networks in which people operate
include their social and professional relationships.” Elaborate the importance of the
model mentioned.
19. Explain Diathesis- Stress Model.
20. Anxiety has been called “butterflies in the stomach feeling”. At what stage does
anxiety become a disorder? Discuss its types.
21. Discuss trauma and stress related disorders.
22. What do you understand by the term ‘dissociation’? Discuss various forms of
dissociative disorders.
23. Differentiate between obsession and compulsion.
24. Identify the symptoms of Depressive disorders and Bipolar disorder.
25. While speaking in public, the patient changes topics frequently. Is this a positive or a
negative symptom of schizophrenia? Describe the other symptoms and sub- types of
26. Can distorted body image lead to eating disorders? Classify the various forms of it.
27. Suicide is interface of many factors. Discuss.
28. State factors which may lead to suicide.
29. Explain Neurodevelopment Disorders and its types.
30. Discuss Disruptive, Impulsive control and conduct disorders.
31. Explain Substance related and addictive disorders.
32. State the effects alcohol.
33. Mention commonly abused substances (DSM- 5 Classification)

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