Criminal Justice System
Criminal Justice System
Criminal Justice System
2. It refers to a local or temporary place for confinement of onerous drain on the financial resources of the
criminal offenders, as distinguished from prison. country; and
3. It is a facility purposely designed for detaining or 3. - there is need to provide a less costly alternative to
confining persons who are awaiting trial and who are the imprisonment of offenders who are likely to
already convicted but suffering short term of respond to individualized, community-based treatment
imprisonment. programs.
Punishment is the penalty imposed for the C. Correctional Agencies in the Philippines
transgression of law. It refers to any ill suffered in a. Agencies engaged in institutional corrections
consequence of wrongdoing. There are two (2) major goals of a. Bureau of Corrections
punishment: b. Provincial Jails
1. to inflict deserved suffering on evil doers; and c. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
2. prevention of crime
b. Agencies engaged in non-institutional corrections
PENALTY defined: a. Parole and Probation Administration (PPA)
Penalty refers to the consequences (such as suffering b. Board of Pardons and Parole
or loss) that follow the transgression of laws. Strictly speaking, c. Department of Social Welfare and Development
it is the judicial punishment for crime or violation of a law. (Bureau of Child and Youth Welfare)
Imprisonment refers to the state or condition of being D. FORMS OF PUNISHMENT
constrained, restrained, or incarcerated in confined room or 1.Death penalty – capital punishment
building. It is actually a form of conventional punishment of 2.Imprisonment – the legal process of confining the
criminal offenders. There are three (3) traditional purposes of offenders in prison for the purpose of protecting the
Imprisonment. public and at the same time rehabilitating them while
1. To insure the presence of the accused during trial undergoing institutional treatment program.
2. To administer punishment by confinement or 3.Destierro (banishment/exile ) - the penalty of banishing a
incarceration person from the place where he committed a crime,
3. To secure the society from being molested by prohibiting him to get near or enter the 25 km.-
undesirable characters. perimeter.
B. Legal Bases of Correctional Administration in the Philippine 4.Fine or compensation
Setting 5.Civic duties
Based on the 1987 Philippine Constitution:
1. The State values the dignity of every human person E. DURATION OF PENALTIES
and guarantees full respect for human rights (Sec. 11, 1. RECLUSION PERPETUA - imprisonment of more
Art. II) than 20 years; maximum imprisonment of 30 years;
2. No person shall be detained solely by reason of his the prisoner (convict) may apply for executive
political beliefs and aspirations (Sec. 18 (1), Art. III) clemency (pardon) unless he is disqualified by law
3. No involuntary servitude in any form shall exist except 2. RECLUSION TEMPORAL - imprisonment of 12 years
as a punishment for a crime whereof the party shall and 1 day to 20 years
have been duly convicted (Sec. 18, (2), Ibid.) 3. PRISION MAYOR - imprisonment of 6 years and 1
4. Excessive fines shall not be imposed, nor cruel, day to 12 years
degrading punishment or inhuman punishment Temporary disqualification
inflicted. x x x (Sec. 19 (2), Ibid.) 4. PRISION CORRECTIONAL - imprisonment of 6
5. The employment of physical, psychological, or months and 1 day 6 years
degrading punishment against any prisoner or Suspension and Destierro
detainee or the use of substandard or inadequate 5. ARRESTO MAYOR - imprisonment of 1 month and 1
penal facilities under subhuman conditions shall be day to 6 months
dealt with by law (Sec. 19, (2), Ibid.) 6. ARRESTO MENOR - imprisonment of 1 day to 30
According to the Revised Penal Code, no felony 7. BOND TO KEEP THE PEACE or FINE - the amount of
shall be punishable by any penalty not prescribed by law fine to be imposed is discretionary with the court
prior to its commission. (Art. 21 RPC)
Probation Law (P.D. No. 968) states that: CAPITAL OFFENSE or HEINOUS CRIME is an act,
1. - one of the major goals of the government is to which under the existing law at the time of its commission, may
establish a more enlightened and humane correctional be punished by death (although a lower penalty than death
system that will promote the reformation of offenders maybe imposed after conviction). Death penalty was re-
and thereby reduce the incidence of recidivism; imposed as a form of punishment for heinous crime by virtue of
2. - the confinement of all offenders in prisons and other RA # 7959, otherwise called the Death Penalty Law approved
institutions with rehabilitation programs constitutes an in January 2, 1994. When RA # 8177 (The Lethal Injection
Law) was enacted, the execution of death penalty was
changed from electrocution to lethal injection. Crimes 3. Work House, Jail Farm Or Camp - a facility that houses
punishable by death include: minimum custody offenders who are serving short sentences;
Treason – Murder - Qualified piracy – Kidnapping - Drug inmates undergo constructive work programs; provides full
trafficking - Aggravated Rape - Robbery w/ homicide or employment of prisoners, remedial services and constructive
rape - Destructive Arson leisure time activities.
Cases in which Death Penalty shall not be imposed: Classification of Jail Prisoners:
1. If the guilty party is over 70 years old 1. Detention prisoners - those detained for investigation,
2. If the death penalty imposed by the lower court is not hearing, or trial
affirmed by the Supreme Court 2. Sentenced prisoners - offenders who are committed to
3. If the offender is under 18 years of age at the time of the jail/prison to serve their sentence after final
the commission of the crime. conviction by a competent court
3. Prisoners who are on safekeeping - includes non-
Instances when the execution of the Death Penalty is criminal offenders who are detained in order to protect
suspended: the community, example: insane persons
1. If the convict reached the age of 70
2. If the convict is a pregnant woman Classification of Prisoners according to Degree of Security:
3. If the convict becomes insane or is an imbecile 1. Super-Maximum Security Prisoners - special group of
prisoners composed of incorrigible, intractable, and
G. JAIL and PRISON Organization in the Philippines highly dangerous persons who are the source of
1. NATIONAL or INSULAR PRISONS - administered by the constant disturbance even in maximum security
Bureau of Correction institutions; wear orange uniforms and compose the
a. New Bilibid Prison (NBP) - originally referred to as 2% of NBP population
National Bilibid Prison; operates two satellite units:
Camp Bukang Liwayway – min scty prison 2. Maximum Security Prisoners - the group composed of
Camp Sampaguita - institutions found in it are the: chronic trouble-makers but not as dangerous as the
Reception and Diagnostic Center super maximum security prisoners; their movements
Medium Security Unit, and are restricted and they are not allowed to work outside
Youth Rehabilitation Center the institution but rather assigned to industrial shops
within the prison compound; they wear orange
b. Penal Colonies/Territories - prison territories distant from uniforms and they occupy the NBP main building.
the NBP controlled by the Bureau of Corrections, such
as: 3. Medium Security Prisoners - prisoners who cannot be
San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm (Zamboanga) trusted in open conditions and pose lesser danger
Iwahig Penal Colony (Palawan) than maximum security prisoners in case they escape;
Davao Penal Colony (Central Davao) a group of prisoners who maybe allowed to work
correctional institution for women (Mandaluyong) outside the fence/walls of the penal institution under
Sablayan Penal Colony and Farm (Occidental Mindoro) guard or with escorts; occupy Camp Sampaguita
(Medium Security Institution); they are employed as
2. PROVINCIAL JAILS - jails that are supervised and agricultural workers and they wear blue uniforms
controlled by the provincial government with in its
jurisdiction. 4. Minimum Security Prisoners - group of prisoners who
can be reasonably trusted to serve their sentence
3. CITY/MUNICIPAL JAILS - jails that are administered under "open conditions"; they can be trusted to report
(supervised and controlled) by the BJMP to their work assignments without the presence of
guards; they occupy Camp Bukang Liwayway and
H. The PHILIPPINE JAIL SYSTEM they wear brown uniforms.
2. Ordinary Jail - the type of jail commonly found in every Conditions for the partial extinction of criminal liability
municipality or city; houses offenders awaiting court trial and are: Conditional Pardon, Commutation of Sentence, Probation,
those convicted offenders who are serving their sentence of Parole, Good Conduct Time Allowance
imprisonment that does not exceed 3 years; place where THE COMMUNITY PILLAR
juvenile offenders and the mentally insane people are usually
detained while their transfer to other institutions are pending. Prevention and control of crime is not the sole duty
and responsibility of the government - it is also the
responsibility of the community. It includes private persons,
private groups, and public entities. 3. The CHURCH
The community could either be in the form of bad or The Church is the institution that provides a place for
good neighborhood. Bad neighborhood refers to areas or public worship and the services needed to enhance the
places in which dwelling or housing conditions are dilapidated, spiritual and moral character of an individual. The church
unsanitary, and unhealthy. These traits are detrimental to the influences people’s behavior with the emphasis on morals and
moral, health, and safety of the populace. Bad neighborhood is life’s highest spiritual values, the worth and dignity of the
usually packed with poor, disintegrated and unorganized individual, and respect for person’s lives and properties. The
inhabitants. Most inhabitants are experiencing economic church generates a strong will of the people to oppose crime
difficulties, alcoholism, substance abuse, gambling and many and delinquency.
other problems in life. This connotes that bad neighborhood is Religion refers to a particular institutionalized or
the home of bad elements of society because the environment personal system of spiritual beliefs and practices. Religion is a
is very conducive for the commission of crimes. positive force for goodness in the community and an influence
against crime and delinquency.
The Community also consists of the existing social
institutions such as the family, school, church, mass media,
and NGOs. 4. The MASS MEDIA
The media is the best institution for information
1. The FAMILY dissemination thereby giving an opportunity to the public to
The Family refers to the basic social group united know the necessary facts of life that help them shape their
through bonds of kinship or marriage, present in all societies. It daily views about crime and its control.
is the primary institution that molds a child to become a law-
abiding person or a delinquent. 5. Non-Government Organizations (NGOs)
The Home is the place of one’s affections, peace, or NGOs are private organizations that are civic-oriented and
rest. It is the home where the family resides. The home is one thus promote peaceful and productive society. These are
of the most basic but most influential environments that lead a groups of concerned individuals responsible for helping the
person to become a law-abiding citizen or the opposite – a government to pursue community development. They serve as
criminal. It is said that the home is the cradle of human partners of the government institutions in providing common
personality, for it where the child develops his fundamental services for public good and welfare, thus preventing
attitudes and habits that last through out his life. The kind of criminality and maintaining peace and order.
conscience that the child develops depends largely on the kind
of family - parents and siblings - he has. The parents are the 2-fold Role of the Community as a pillar of CJS
most influential persons in the family.
Broken home suggest separation between parents. First, it has the responsibility to participate in law
Broken home is usually characterized by the lack of parent’s enforcement activities by being partners of the peace officers
interest on the welfare of their children. Many delinquent in reporting the crime incident, and helping in the arrest of the
children come from broken homes. Unfortunate homes breed offender.
juvenile delinquency and criminality.
Second, it has the responsibility to participate in the
2. The SCHOOL promotion of peace and order through crime prevention or
The second integral stage of the behavioral/social deterrence and in the rehabilitation of convicts and their
development process is the school. It is said that the school is reintegration to society.
an extension of the home having the strategic position to
control crime and delinquency. It exercises authority over Rehabilitation takes place when the convict is serving
every child that enters its jurisdiction. The teachers are his sentence. A convict may be paroled or may be placed on
considered second parents having the responsibility to mold probation.
the child to become productive members of the community by Under the concept of a participative criminal justice
devoting energies to study the child behavior using all system in the Philippines, public and private agencies, as well
available scientific means and devices in an attempt to provide as citizens, become part of the CJS when they participate and
each the kind and amount of education they need. become involved with issues and activities related to crime
The school has the role of working closely with the prevention.
parents and neighborhood, and other community agencies and
organizations to direct the child in the most effective and Thus, citizen-based crime prevention groups become
constructive way. However, the school could be an influence to part of the CJS within the framework of their involvement in
delinquency and criminality when teachers are being disliked crime prevention activities and in the reintegration of the
because they tend to antagonize the children. There are convict who shall be released from the correction pillar into the
teachers that are bad tempered, crabby, grouchy, hostile, mainstream of society.
sarcastic, unreasonable, intolerant, ill-mannered, too strict, and
unfair. These teachers provide conditions that make the ===============================================
students experience frustration, inadequacy, insecurity, and
confusion which are usually considered the kindergarten of
Diagnostic Examination
Criminal Justice System
2. When the person fails to do what the law requires him to do is a crime of—
a) dolo c) culpa
b) imprudence d) omission
5. When a person does something which the law prohibits him to do—
a) crime c) prohibition
b) reprimand d) act
6. Those committed with intention and offender is in full possession of his mental faculties—
a) rational crime c) mala in se
b) felony d) mala prohibita
7. When the act is wrongful because of its nature, universally condemned and seriously affects the society—
a) mala in se c) mala prohibita
b) crime d) felony
8. When the act is considered crime merely because the law makes it prohibited—
a) mala prohibita c) mala in se
b) malam calsum d) dura lex sed lex
10. Anticipation, recognition, and appraisal of a crime risk and the initiation of positive action to remove or reduce that risk—
a) crime control c) crime reduction
b) crime elimination d) crime prevention
11. Traditional approach in crime control which deals with the apprehension, investigation, trial, correction and/or punishment of the criminal—
a) crime suppression c) crime elimination
b) crime control d) crime reduction
12. Modern approach through the reduction of criminal opportunity of both the existence of crime and the criminal using social and situational
prevention measures by the community at large and by all sectors of society—
a) crime prevention c) crime suppression
b) crime control d) crime elimination
17. The arbiter of the court which tries and hears a criminal case is the
a) prosecutor c) judge
b) jailguard d) victim
19. Character in the criminal justice system who is tasked to secure the premises where the offenders live—
a) jailguard c) prison guard
b) prison employee d) all of them
21. The reading of the complaint to the accused in order for him to be informed of the charge against him is called
a) arraignment c) decision promulgation
b) trial d) none of them
22. One who conducts a post investigation for the applicant for probation
a) probation officer c) judge
b) prosecutor d) offender
23. A barangay body which resolves dispute of residents of the same barangays instead of going to court.
a) kangaroo court c) Municipal Trial Court
b) Barangay Court d) Lupong Tagapamayapa
24. The criminal justice system must have to work efficaciously and speedily. Each segment of the system must work efficiently and with dispatch
and in cooperation and coordination with one another. If supposing the law enforcement is deficient in its functions, which pillar/s would be blamed?
a) police c) court
b) .prosecution d) criminal justice system
25. Which agency or department of the government could primarily structure the barangays and other sectors in serving the criminal justice system
as a community pillar?
a) DOJ c) DILG
b) DSWD d) none of them
27. The component of the Criminal Justice System that investigates and arrests the suspect
a) PNP c) NBI
b) Army d) all of them
28. The component of the Criminal Justice System that prosecutes and sometimes defends litigants
a) court c) prosecution
b) law enforcement d) none of them
30. Usually, the main problem encountered by the Criminal Justice System is due to—
a) lack of funds c) lack of training
b) lack of cooperation d) none of them
31. Under R.A. 6975, insurgency problem is to be handled by—
a) AFP c) PNP
b) MNLF d) Abu Sayaff
32. The fighting force of the Philippine National Police—
a) SAF c) SWAT
33. Which of the following agencies is tasked to police the entire country?
a) AFP c) NBI
b) PNP d) all of them
34. The agency of the government that is tasked to investigate crimes in aid of prosecution—
a) NBI c) MNLF
b) PNP d) all of them
37. Which unit of the PNP absorbed the police functions of the Philippine Coast Guard of the Navy?
a) Marina Group c) SWAT group
b) Maritime Group d) Traffic Mgt. Group
38. The reason why law enforcement agencies experience misencounter is due to
a) lack of cooperation c) lack of faith
b) lack of coordination d) lack of everything
39. What is the power given to the Mayor over PNP in their city or town?
a) power to choose the policemen to be assigned in his town or city
b) power of supervision and control
c) power to remove the ugly policemen
d) power to cry when the COP assigned in his town or city is not pogi
40. Who among the public officials below are deputized by the NAPOLCOM?
a) mayor c) congressman
b) governor d) a and b only
41. It has the power to issue Resolutions and Circulars relative to police activities, operation and others relevant to police well-being—
42. The PNP is under the control and administration of what ageney of the government?
a) DILG c) DOJ
43. In order that a police can win the trust and confidence of the people in them—
a) they must present themselves in orderly manner and always pogi
b) they must always appear in TV and their voice must always be heard over the radio
c) they must perform impartially, without fear and favor
d) all of them
44. A memorandum order designating the Philippine National Police as the International Police (Interpol) National Central Bureau (NCB) for the
Republic of the Philippines
a) Memorandum Order No. 92 c) Memorandum Order No. 93
b) Memorandum Order No. 94 d) Memorandum Order No. 95
45. Can the local executives create in their respective town/city an agency similar to PACC?
a) yes for investigative purposes in aid of legislation
b) yes in order to investigate crimes which cannot be done by the police
c) no as it would violate the Local Government Code
d) none of the above
46. Can the autonomous region create their own police force?
a) no as it would be against the Constitution
b) yes as it would be within the powers of the autonomous government
c) It depends on the necessity in order to maintain peace in the region
d) none of the above
47. The features of the PNP are the following except one—
a) national in scope c) civilian in character
b) centralized in form d) decentralized in form
48. The PNP is highly centralized in form—
a) no c) yes
b) partly yes d) partly no
52. In the cities/municipalities, the main reason why policemen sometimes are ineffective is
a) mayors' intercession in the crime or suspect's arrest
b) mayors themselves are the law violators
c) subservience to mayor
d) all of the above
53. Some policemen are afraid of the mayor—
a) they are afraid to be reassigned to other place
b) they are afraid to be dismissed from the service
c) they are afraid not to be promoted
d) all of the above
54. Police recruitment's failure to attract the best and more qualified applicant
a) low salary of the police c) police job is risky
b) lack of advertisement d) all of the above
55. The Problem with the Civil Service Commission before, is its imposition that—
a) promotes shall have to pass the professional grade exam as requirement
b) attestation cannot be done due to absence of plantilla
c) Civil Service Commission provides it own rules on promotion
d) all of the above
59. The power of the mayor over the police that is usually abused is—
a) power to choose COP c) power to choose members of police
b) power to deploy personnel d) all of them
61. Reason why some policemen are adamant to be promoted is due to the fact that
a) they are not college graduates c) they are not promotable
b) they have no money to spend for promotion d) all of them
63. Lack of discipline will create in the PNP unsatisfactory attitude which if done will result in
a) administrative offense c) criminal offense
b) civil offense d) all of them
64. The best virtue of a policemen to follow in order to become more efficient and effective is—
a) discipline c) reverence
b) holy d) all of them
65. The common reason why policemen cannot refuse corruption is due to—
a) their salary is not sufficient to meet the needs of the family
b) not accepting what is offered is amounting to an insult
c) it is a grace from above
d) all of the above
b) police is using bicycle in their operation d) all of them
70. Lack of trust and confidence in the police by the community would result in
a) police isolation c) non-cooperation in terms of service
b) non-reporting of crime d) all of them
71. Under R.A. 8551, the counter-insurgency operation is now under the function of
a) PNP c) Army
b) PAF d) DILG
72. Under R.A. 8551, the PNP function/s as far as insurgency is concerned is/are
a) information gathering relative to insurgency
b) standby to be called upon by the President to support the Army in case of insurgency
c) Fight hand in hand with the Army against the ' NPA and MILF
d) a and b are true
75. What would be the problem of a policeman who is only second year college when he joined the PNP in 2004?
a) he will be removed or separated after 2004 if he is not promoted to the next rank
b) he cannot be assigned to a better position if he cannot finish college course
c) he will be separated if he has less than 20 years in the service, or retired if he has more than 20 years in the service if he could not
finish college course
d) all of the above
77. In the present personnel organization, which rank in the PNP is occupied by the majority?
b) Senior Officer d) Junior Officer
78. In every police office in a municipality or city, which rank is mostly occupied by a majority of policemen?
a) SP04 c) POl
b) SPOl d) P03
80. Among officer ranks, which rank is mostly occupied by the majority of officers (PCOs) in a provincial police office?
a) Senior Superintendent c) Superintendent
b) Inspector d) Senior Inspector
81. What is the power of the Chief, PNP to interfere with the affairs of the NAPOLCOM?
a) The Chief of the PNP is powerful being a friend of the President
b) He is on top of the situation nowadays
c) He is very rich due to jueteng and other illegal activities
d) He is an ex officio member of the NAPOLCOM
83. The general rule states that the concept which is emerging as the cornerstone of effective police community relation is
a) Community crime prevention
b) Greater citizen's empathy towards police and vice versa
c) Direct citizen's involvement in violator apprehension
d) none of the above
85. There has become a growing requirement for police and public alike to
a) Get to know one another better
b) Look forward to conflict in the future
c) Pretend there is no problem at all
d) none of the above
88. The basic mission and first order of business for law enforcement is
a) To uphold individual liberty, freedom, and hu man dignity under the rule of law
b) To investigate violation of law and apprehend criminal
c) To work developing an atmosphere in which all citizens will support the PNP
d) none of the above
89. What is the chief cornerstone of an effective, ongoing Police Community relation program?
a) The individual police officer
b) People in the community
c) Law violators
d) Money, which is .put into program
91. According to the text, "What is the one to four percent theory?"
a) A theory that states that one to four percent of the population are responsible for a major por tion of our crime.
b) A theory which states that one to four percent of law enforcement personnel failed to contain the behavior of citizens
c) A theory which states that one to four percent of the population are criminals
d) All of the above
92. In appraising the image of one's police agency, the generality about the image is
a) extremism c) politicism
b) individualistic d) all of them
93. Public confidence in a police office is directly related to the image that citizens symphatized with policemen—
a) True c) It depends
b) False d) Partly true
94. Factors affecting police image discussion are dependent upon the status of the individual. Which of the below is relevant to status?
a) occupational background c) scholastic background
b) previous experience d) all of them
95. Contrary to the belief of many policemen, the overwhelming majority of the public has
a) high opinion of police work c) Low opinion of police work
b) previous experience d) No opinion of police work
a) True c) Partly true
b) False d) Partly false
98. Law enforcement personnel should well remember that this country was founded on
a) A rule of law, the Constitution c) a rule of man
b) Majority rule d) Rule of the fittest
99. One continuing problem of police community relation that overshadows virtually every area in need of consideration is
a] communication c) news media
b) conflict d) conduct of officers
100. Which of the following is the critical factor in an effort to improve response time between the call being placed and the arrival time of
a) manpower allotment c) dispatch calls rapidly without calls
b) increase salaries d) Drive Code 3 to all Calls