Notes LEA 2.4

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ADMINISTRATION – Denotes functions that determine the basic policies, programs
and objectives of an organization and the means and method to the
employed to achieve them.

AERIAL/SKYPATROL – I t was activated on April 20, 1996 and formally launched

on May 2, 1996 for air patrol operation in NCR with three helicopter
as its initial air assist capability.

AFTERNON SHIFT – It is usually the busiest and offers the greatest variety of
activities wherein officers deployed on the afternoon shift encounter
a broad range of activities ad people that make their job challenging.
The afternoon shift combines the service orientation of the day shift
with the criminal apprehension function of the midnight shift.

AUTOMOBILE PATROL – It is the most extensively used and the most effective
means of transportation for police patrol.

BACK BERAND – Refers to a thief found with stolen goods borne on his back.

BAY AND RIVER PATROL – It is specialized being highly operating in water

maintains the common form of patrol.

BEAT- It is an area assigned for patrol purposes, whether foot or motorized.

BILLY- a policeman’s nightstick or baton.

BICYLCLE PATROL- Is a type of patrol which utilizes bicycles and ace a combine
advantage if mobility, speed and stealth. They are easily maneuvered
in crowded areas and cheaper operate.

BLISTERFOOT- use to denote a policeman in uniform in patrol assignment.

BLOODLESS EMERGENCY- an urgent situation confronting a police officer where

the subject is not involved in violence such as accidents, shooting
incidents, or street fights. This refers particularly to mental cases
victims of drugs, alcohol or suicidal patients.

BUREAU – largest organic unit within a large department.

CANINE UNITS - dogs often used in lieu of a second officer in a motorized patrol
unit. They serve as supplement to the regular patrol force and allow
officers to patrol the same or greater area and maybe utilized in the
detection of explosives, drugs and other contrabands.

CHAIN OF COMMAND - it is a system which has for its purpose to ensure that order,
directive and other information are issued downward and upward
through the organizational structure and timely and uniformed
manner, it is intended to help the supervision to established and
maintains necessary control over the activities of his subordinates.

CHECK POINTS - a strategic point or area manned for uniformed policemen to

establish to check/intercept the passage of suspect/criminal and
contrabands. Also referred to as choke points.

COLUMN FORMATION - used generally for approach to the riot area.

COMMUNITY ASSESSMENT - this involves knowing the geographical location,

topography, streets and people as well as the political organization in
the area of responsibility. Its objective is to create a climate of trust
and understanding within the community.

COMPREHENSIVE PATROL -kind of alternative patrol system where in the regular

police patrol duties are augmented with prescribed objectives and
verifiable tasks.

COPS – Community Oriented Policy System.

CRIME STATISTICS - it is a science dealing with the collection, analysis,

interpretation , and presentation, of masses of numerical data on

DAY SHIFT - this shift is devoted to service activities. The people that a police
officer meets during the day shift are usually law abiding and create
new problems. The often concentrate patrol effort around parks and
congested recreational areas. Officers assign to the day shift do not
do a lot of hand core crime fighting; they tend to be more service

DECOY PATROL – This patrol methods rely heavily upon disguise, deception, and
lying in wait rather than upon high-visibility patrol techniques.

DESIRE AND OPPURTUNITY – Consistent factors in the commission o crime.

DIRECTED DETERRENT PATROL – In this patrol method the patrol officers
perform specific predetermined preventive functions on a planned
and systematic basis. These preventive activities are designed on the
basis of detailed analysis of crime incidents offender’s
characteristics, methods of operating, and location. It attempts to
identify certain crime trends and then develop specific patrol
methods to interrupt these patterns. Ideally suited for cities which
are large enough to experience crimes problems in which patterns
and characteristics can be identified.

DISCRETION - Refers to the wise use of ones judgment, by utilizing personal

experience and common sense to decide on the course of action to be
taken for a particular situation.

DISTRICT – A geographical subdivision of the city for patrol purposes usually with
its own situation.

DISTRICT ORIENTATION TOUR- Utilized to familiarize and orients a policeman

about the patterns and characteristics of his patrol area before he
goes out on actual patrol.

EMERGENCY CALL- A kind of call which requires the use of the flashing light and
siren and may violate traffic laws provided that extreme care is

EVENT ORIENTED PATROL- Refers to the identification of events which may

require the application of intensified patrol efforts or different kinds
of patrol efforts strategies due to the nature of the problems they
may create.

FIXED WING AIRCRAFT PATROL- This type of patrol would afford police officers
to cover vast area particularly inaccessible remote areas at the least
possible time without the hassle of refueling in cases of long distance
which has to be covered.

FOOT PATROL - Traditional type of patrolling which greatly advantageous in terms

of fostering police community relations. It is an integral element of
many modern community oriented policing programs. The foot
patrol officer is usually able to develop a much closer relationship
with the people who reside, shop or work in his beat. He can readily
identify people on the beat since they experience impersonal and
direct contact with them. The various roles of an officer information
provider, assistance giver, law enforcer, councilor and friend are
facilitated by this patrol method.

FUNCTIONAL ORGANIZATION - This organization, the performance of certain
duties at all levels is controlled and directed by separate
organizational authority.

HAZARD - Is any person, thing situation or condition or place which if allowed to

exist may induce an accident or cause the commission of crime.

HIGH VISIBILITY PATROL – The theory underlying high visibility patrol is that
there are certain kinds of crimes.

HORSE PATROL - Used for certain patrol problems in jurisdiction that contain large
park areas of similar places where automobiles either cannot go or
may be forbidden.

HOUSE VISITATION - This function is performed by patrol units where policeman

routinely visit residential houses and work places to offer crime
prevention advice or to organize community crime groups.

INSPECTIONAL SERVICES - Are effectively performed by foot patrolmen in

uniform, as they go about their routine tasks o walking their assigned
beats, they pay particular attention to persons and thing.

LAW ENFORCEMENT - This embraces crime prevention and crime control role,
including the customary police functions.

LEAP FROG - Method where two patrol officers alternately take the lead in the
search and cover each others as they progressively move on.

LOCATION ORIENTED PATROL- The process of conducting intensified surveillance

over selected areas that have been identified through crime analysis
or though intelligence data as being high risk areas for the
commission of selected types of crimes.

LOW VISIBILITY PATROL - Low visibility patrol is design to increase the rate of
apprehension of persons engaged in selected types of crimes. Its
secondary effect is that other types of crimes will be deterred as the
result of greater probability of persons being arrested in the
commission of the crime.

MALFEASANCE – It is the performance of some act which ought not to e done.

MARINE PATROL - Water patrol units are highly specialized form of police patrol
and are utilized in those communities that have access to navigable
waterways such as lakes oceans, and rivers. They represent and
extremely valuable addition the regular patrol force.

MEETING UNUSUAL NEEDS - This refers to the result of intermittent and usually
unexpected variations in activities, civil disturbances, special
community events, disaster plans, and civil defense.

MIDNIGHT SHIFT - Called “graveyard shift” to denote lack of activities or “dog

watch “which suggest that it is the penalty box of the police work. It
is for the reason that due to the seniority the youngest and least
experienced officers often end on this shift.

MISFEASANCE - It is the improper performance of some act which ought not to be


MOB - Refers to e crowd which may become boisterous disorderly and may cause
violence and lawlessness.

MOBILE PATROL - It is the dominant form of police patrol method.

MOTORCYCLE - Primarily used for traffic control and enforcement their speed and
maneuverability makes them an indispensable police vehicle.

NON-FEASANCE - It is the omission of some act which ought to be performed.

OFFENDER ORIENTED PATROL - Refers to the process of conducting surveillance

of an individual. In this case intelligence data as well criminal history
information on non offenders will form the basis for the
identification of targets against which patrol efforts are directed.

PARTICIPATIVE LAW ENFORCEMENT - Locally referred to as the community

oriented policing systems or cops, it now has wide applications by
the PNP particularly in the Metro Manila area. Teamwork concept
between the police and the citizenry is not something new although
it seems to be something new to those who are not aware of or have
forgotten the basic.

PATROL - Refers t e repeated circuit of in guarding covering in a particular area. It

is the only form of police service which directly attempts to eliminate
the desire and opportunity of an individual to commit misconduct.

PATROLLING - It is a system of sending out of uniform police men to conduct police

visibility patrols within area of responsibility and prevent the
commission of crimes.

PATROL FORCE - it is the largest elements in a police organization whose members

patrol the streets on foots, dressed in the familiar khaki uniform, or
riding a conspicuously marked, radio-equipped patrols car, the

nature of their service bring them in direct and constant contact with
the public every hour of the night, an every day an and height of the

PATROL HAZARD - A term used frequently to describe a specific condition or place

that requires a patrols officer’s special attention.

PATROL OBSERVATION - Refers to constant an alert patrolling with keen sense of

observation on persons and thing and is use as gauge of efficient
patrol offices.

PATROILER - A French word which roughly means, “to travel on foot.” Origin of the
word Patrol

PCP - Refers to the present day local Police Community Precinct which evolved from
the NCOB program (New Cops on the black) and from the cops
(Community Oriented Policing System) they are smaller units which
were established to operate below the police station level. To
develop trust, confidence, support and cooperation between the
member of the police force and the community, Police Community
Precinct (PCP) has been organized in Metro Manila. In other area of
responsibility, the COPS KABABAYAN centers have been established.
The goal of this mini police department to bring the police closer to
the people they serve.

POLICE OMNIPRESENT - This is crime repression activity of the police which is

accomplished by making their presence known and deploying patrol
units in the plain cloths to create in the mind of the citizens that the
policemen are everywhere.

POLITEIA - Etymology of the word police, meaning government of a city.

POST - A fixed point or location to which an officer is assigned for duty, such as
designated desk or office/ crosswalk or an intersection for traffic
duty/ or spot or location for general duty.

PRECAUTIONARY ACTIVITY - These would refer to the system of vigilant duty

whereby the policemen assigned thereat cope instantly with
outbreak of incident or accident. This is achieved by consultation and
dialogue between the police and residents on how to prevent similar
incident of disorder.

PROACTIVE PATROL - Refer to an alternative patrol systems which means the

fielding on the field units in their respective area of responsibility
with prescribed objectives and verifiable tasks scheduled for the day

to augment the calls and other on sight activities that makes up the
officer’s day.

QUADRANT - Using the scene of the crime as the center of the quadrant grid, the
areas to be searched is divided into four equal “ pie shaped”
quarters generating from the center.

REACTIVE PATROL- This is a traditional patrol activity which consists driving

around the district waiting for something to happen.


generally accomplished whether by having police officers present at
specific location maintaining a highly visible profile or by publicizing
a highly active cover operation.

REPRESSIVE POLICE- A style of policing which generally tends to alienate the

police from the community use by rules and government lacking
popular support and rely on this technique to maintain them in

ROUTE- It is a light of streets, designated for patrol purposes also referred to as

line beat.

SATURATE PATROL- A technique which calls for the deployment of as

many police officers as possible in a specific geographic area with
known crime trend.

SECTION- function units within a particular division, necessary for


SECTOR - An area containing two or more boats, routes or pots.

SELECTIVE EMFORCEMENT - It is refer to targeting of specific criminal activity

which can be used with favorable result to respond high levels of
criminal conduct. It allows a department to maximize personnel
deployment with respect to emergent crime trends with minimum
impact on normal patrol operations.

SHIFT SCHEDULING - It is one of the most important task face by patrol dispatchers
and police administrators. It is undertaken by dividing the numbers
of variable patrol hours into the number of hours actually devoted to
call for service or other work load indicators.

SKIRMISHER TERRAIN PATROL - Usually four wheel drive vehicles designed to

easily maneuver an traverse with ease sandy area such as desserts

and beach fronts as well as prone to floods. This would enable patrol
officers to respond quickly to calls to emergency scenes, which may
not be accessible to more conventional forms of transportation.

SPECIFIC DETERRENCE- It is of crime prevention technique which has an effect to

an activity of a specific individual or group.

SPLIT FORCE PATROL- A means of satisfying the needs of both prevention patrol
an the demands made by calls for service.

SPOT COVER - Usually a fixed post, generally at an intersection or some other

vantage point, overlooking one or more possible avenue of escape.

STREET QUISTIONING METHODS - This is a method whereby policemen on patrol

may interview, within the bounds of law, suspicious personalities at
random in order to serve as deterrent to those who intend to commit
a crime.

STRONG POINTS - A critical points or intersection manned by minimum of five(5)

uniformed police personnel pre deployed to intercept fleeing bank
robbers or criminals.

SUBERSIVES – Are persons or organization, organized to over throw legitimate


SWAT – Special Weapons and Tactics. A specialized mobile police assault force
designed to quell threats and contain crisis.

TACTICAL OPERATION AND STRATEGIES – It is the proper utilization and

deployment of the patrol force includes the design and
implementation of patrol strategies and tactical plans which are
designed t meet the daily operational requirements as well as unique
conditions that may arise from time to time.

TARGET ORIENTED PATROL – Strategies which are directed toward specific

persons, places or events. Combining the elements of high visibility
and low visibility patrol, and directed deterrent patrol to identify
persons, places or events which attract to create crime problems.
Various means are then used either to deny the opportunity for the
crime to occur or to intercept the criminal in the commissions of the

TEAM POLICING – Refers to a grassroots approach undertaken to bring the people

and the police together in a cooperative situation. Its distinguishing
feature is the establishment of neighborhood. Crime watch groups

for the purpose of encouraging the people to report crimes and to
assume greater interest and responsibilities in crime and prevention
and suppression.

UNIT – Functional groups within a section where further specialization is needed.

UNLAWFUL ASSEMBLY – The continually conditions of civil unrests and

lawlessness making it apparent that it is possible for a major
disturbances to occur at any time or place where politically active or
militant people congregate, labor, students, urban poor and other
minority groups have become prominent and dramatic in their effort
to effect changes in government and society.

WEDGE FORMATION – Used in crowd control to clear the street and splitting the



According to Hale, Patrol is the essence of police function while Payton said, the
Patrol Division is the backbone of a police department. However, making it simpler,
patrol may refer to the regular tour made by a guard in a place in order to protect it or
to maintain order. It could also mean a person or a group (such as a police or military
unit) sent to carry out a tour of duty in a certain place with a particular mission either
for reconnaissance purposes or simply to provide protection.

Etymology of the Term Police and Patrol

The term police originated from the Greek word POLITEIA, which means civil
organization and the state; the Romans changed the word to POLITIA. The French
changed the word to POLICE to call those people authorized to implement the law. The
English and the Americans borrowed the word from the French and used it to describe
a law enforcer. Cop and Constable are other common descriptions of a police officer.
Cop is a Europian term meaning to Catch or Seize.
It must be noted that terms constable and patrol came from the French. Patrol
originated directly or via German Patrolla from the French Patrouller
(PATROULLIER), which originally means “ to walk through mud in a military camp”.

What is the Importance of Police patrol?

Obviously, the patrol force is indispensable unit in every police organization.

The following are the specific points that justify the importance of Police Patrol;
1. Patrol is the essence of police operations.
2. The patrol group is the single largest unit in the police organization.

3. Actions taken by the patrol officer have the most direct impact on the
citizen’s satisfaction and on the accomplishment of police goals and
4. Patrol operation is the most visible form of activity that enhances the welfare
and security of the community.
5. Individual patrol officers represent the police department in its contact with
the community.
6. Individual patrol officers play a major role in determining the quality of
justice in a given community. Errors made by patrolmen have significant
negative effect in the public’s perception and on the other components of the
7. The patrol officer is the most important human element of the police
organization since all police field operations are supported by the patrol

What are the Patrol Functions?

Based on the Section 1 of Rule II of the original Police Manual, the patrol force
has the primary responsibility of safeguarding the community. This can be done
through the:
1. Protection of persons and property
2. Preservation of peace and order
3. Prevention of crime
4. Suppression of criminal activities
5. Apprehension of criminals
6. Enforcement of laws and ordinances
7. Regulation of criminal conduct
8. Performing necessary services and inspections

What is the Concept of Crime Prevention and Crime Suppression?

Theoretically, Crime Prevention involves the suppression of the desire of

potential criminals to commit crimes. On the other hand, crime suppression involves the
elimination of the opportunity of criminals to perform acts against the law.
In reality, crime prevention and crime suppression are activities that patrol
officers do not bother to distinguish. When they are deployed at the streets, patrol
officers have no time to ponder if what they do is under crime prevention or crime


Concept of Patrol Force Organization

Patrol force organization maybe defined as the hierarchy of police officers

working together towards a common goal. The general goal of the patrol force is to
safeguard the community. To achieve this goal, patrol officers must have coordinated
activities whether these are in the form of:
1. Protection of life and property
2. Preservation of peace and order
3. Prevention of crime
4. Suppression of criminal activities
5. Apprehension of criminals
6. Enforcement of laws and ordinances
7. Regulation of criminal conduct
8. Performing necessary services and inspections


A. Fundamental Theories of Patrol

1. Theory of Police Omnipresence – High Police Visibility discourages criminals.

Normally, criminals think twice before executing their plans if there is obvious
presence of police officers. Thus, patrol activity should be carried in a manner
that attracts maximum attention to the police officer or police vehicles. This
theory applies the principle of OVERT Operation or high visibility.

2. Low Profile Theory – Low Police Visibility increases the opportunity to

apprehend criminals. Deceptive absence of the police officers will let criminals
believe that they will not be detected or caught if they execute crimes that they
planned. In this theory, the objective is to attract as little attention as possible
while on the process of patrolling. The officers should operate in a manner that
it would be difficult for either criminals or the public to determine that police
are around. The principle of Covert Operation is integrated in this theory.

The Meaning of the Word Patrol

P – Policeman
A – Assigned
T – To
R – Restore
O – Order in the
L – Locality
B. Patrol Methods

Patrol methods are various means of getting from one place to another within a
specified patrol jurisdiction. Various methods of patrol are not intended to isolate the
patrol officer from the people he vowed to serve and protect.
Patrol effort made by the police may be in the form of any or combination of the

1. Beat Patrol
a. Foot Patrol
b. Sector Patrol

2. Sector Patrol ( Motorized Patrol )

a. Automobile Patrol
b. Motorcycle Patrol
c. Aircraft Patrol ( Helicopter and Fixed Wing )

3. Specialized Patrol Methods

a. Horse (Mounted) Patrol
b. Marine (Water) Patrol
c. Canine (K-9) Assisted Patrol
d. Special Terrain Patrol


Foot Patrol is restricted to small areas and is used to deal with special
situations while maintaining contact with officers in patrol cars. Foot patrol is used to
secure Two Types of police geographical units;
1. Post – a fixed position or location where an officer is assigned for guard duty.
2. Beat – the smallest area specifically assigned for patrol purposes.

Types of Foot Patrol

1. Fixed Foot Patrol – is usually used for traffic, surveillance, parades and special
2. Mobile Foot Patrol – is used where there is considerable foot movement such as
patrolling business and shopping centers, high crime areas, and in places where
there are many or multiple family dwellings.
a. Line Beat Patrol is used in securing a certain portion of a road or beat.
b. Random Foot Patrol is used in checking residential buildings,
business establishments, dark alleys, and parking lots.

What are the factors to be considered in determining the size of the beat?
1. Area to be patrolled;
2. Man – made and natural barriers
3. Number of men to patrol the area;
4. Type of patrol to be sued

What are the factors to be considered in determining the number of men to be

1. Size or area to be patrolled
2. Topography ( Physical Characteristics or terrain of the area )
3. Crime Rate
4. Possible problems to be encountered on the beat

Advantages of Foot Patrol

1. Greater personal contact with the public leading to increased community
support for the police. Police becomes closer to the community residents.
2. Greater opportunity to develop sources of information.
3. High police visibility. Regular police presence discourages criminals and
provides greater sense of security to storekeepers, females, and elderly persons.
4. Places not accessible by motor vehicles are reached and patrolled. Patrol officers
can enter small alleys and side streets.
5. Easier detection of criminal activities. Foot patrol provides closer observation of
the environment and the circumstances that may require immediate police
6. Easy discovery and familiarization on the layout of the beat. In- depth
knowledge of the characters and problems of the patrol area.

Disadvantages of Foot Patrol

1. Low mobility resulting to limited coverage of the patrol area.
2. Low response time to telephone complaints.
3. Foot patrol method involves a large number of personnel, since officers are
assigned on small areas of jurisdiction called posts and beats.


The patrol car is the most extensively used and the most effective means of
transportation for police on patrol. Equipped with state – of – the – art police gear,
patrol cars today provide a rapid, safe, and efficient means of transportation under
average operating conditions. Automobile patrol has the greatest mobility and
flexibility. Most experts on patrol operation agree that it is the most cost – effective
method of patrol.

Advantages of Automobile Patrol

1. High mobility allowing coverage of greater area.
2. Quicker response time to complaints. Greater efficiency in responding to
emergency calls and other called – for services.
3. More economical as compared to foot patrol.
4. Enable more effective street pursuit of offenders.
5. Enable more effective traffic enforcement.
6. Provide an element of surprise, especially when crime is in progress.
7. Provide the officers with necessary protection during inclement weather.
8. Enable officers to carry supplementary equipment essential in patrolling.

Disadvantages of Automobile Patrol

1. Diminished personal contact with the public.
2. Little opportunity to develop sources of information.
3. Marked police vehicle hampers apprehension and surveillance operations.


Bicycle Patrol is growing in popularity because of easy operation and its

acceptance by the public, particularly children who view them as a non-threatening
form of patrol. Bicycles are now used in many countries as a simple and inexpensive
means of silent transportation to carry police officers throughout their patrol district.
Often, bicycles are used in parks and on beaches and have many of the same advantages
and disadvantages as motorcycles.

Advantages of Bicycle Patrol

1. Lower – cost (inexpensive) to operate as compared to motorcycle and
2. Areas not accessible by patrol cars or are too wide for foot patrol can be covered
by bicycle.
3. Increased mobility and stealth since bicycle can be operated quietly and without
attracting too much attention.
4. Found to be highly effective in combating theft, vandalism in residential areas,
parks, shopping malls, etc.
5. Effectively used by plainclothesmen for surveillance in high crime areas wherein
officers wearing nondescript clothes could blend with the apparels worn by the


Most police departments have their motorcycles marked with the same insignia
as their patrol cars. Motorcycles are beginning to be a favorite of patrol officers because
of the ease and speed of moving around. Motorcycle Patrol has many of the same
advantages as automobile patrol, especially in speed and maneuverability. Motorcycles
have greater access than automobiles to some areas and are better suited to heavy
traffic, narrow alleys and rugged terrain.

Disadvantages of Motorcycle Patrol

1. Relatively high cost to operate.
2. Limited use in bad weather.
3. Inability to carry additional equipment or officers.
4. The danger involved in riding them.

HORSE PATROL (Mounted Patrol)

Mounted Patrol is decreasing in the US but still used in some large cities for
crowd and traffic control. Mounted officers are usually more acceptable than K-9s as
crowd control instruments. Expense is one of the main advantages of mounted patrol.
The greatest advantage is that an officer on horseback is much more effective at
controlling a disorderly crowd than one on foot or in any kind of vehicle (other than a
tank). Mounted officers can see up to three blocks away and cover more territory than
officers on patrol.
Horses are useful in patrolling jurisdiction that covers large park areas or
similar places where automobiles cannot go or maybe forbidden. Mobile patrol cars
cannot be expected to race on grassy fields or wooded areas but horses can.
Mounted patrol is also valuable in search-and-rescue efforts in rural and
wilderness areas. Officers on horses have been called upon to:
1. Assist in evidence searches at crime scenes.
2. Round up straying cattle after a truck has tipped over.
3. Search for lost children in tall corn or grass where men on foot would
be ineffective.


Among the more recent trends in patrolling is the use of aircraft, either
helicopter or fixed-wing. Today, it has become necessary for the police use aircraft in
performing both routine and specialized patrol activities. The use of aircraft is not
totally new. In 1925, the Los Angeles County Sheriff Department has already formed a
volunteer Reserve Aero Squadron. Full-time Aero detail is still an official unit in this
police department today.

WATER PATROL (Marine/Bay/River Patrol)

Water patrol units are extremely specialized and are not in great use except in
areas with extensive coasts or a great deal of lake or river traffic. The objective was to
use the vehicles in anti-smuggling operations as well as against robberies committed in
warehouses along riverbanks or water ports.


As earlier mentioned, the Egyptians were the first to use dogs in patrolling. In
the US, dogs have been used in police patrol since 1900. In April 1957, Baltimore was
the only American police force that used trained dog handler teams on patrol. As of
April 1968, about 200 police agencies used a total of 500 man dog teams in police patrol
Police dogs are especially useful in high crime areas, in dangerous search
situations, in dealing with street gangs, in dispersing a crowd, in taking fleeing suspects
into custody, in guarding suspects, in searching alleys, parks, schools, and other large
building. A most recent use of police dogs is in the search and detection of drugs in
packages or on suspects.

Uses of Dogs or K-9s in Police Operations

1. Provide great assistance in search and rescue as well as in smelling out drugs
and bombs.
2. Provide protection for 1 – officer patrol. Officer/s assigned to a high crime area
has little fear with a well-trained canine at their side.
3. Great value in crowd control since:
a. Properly trained dogs are virtually fearless;
b. Totally loyal to their handlers have a significant psychological effect on
would-be trouble makers.
4. Extensively used in international airports to detect narcotics and bombs because
of their keen sense of smell. A dog is capable of recognizing an odor 10 million
times better than a human can.
5. Specially trained dogs are extremely effective in finding bodies – dead or alive,
just buried or buried for years.
6. Locating trapped people during emergencies.
7. Can be an asset to public relations efforts.
8. Well-trained police dogs can be used for demonstrations in public affairs,
schools, or parades.

Disadvantages of Using K – 9
1. Most police dogs work with only one handler.
2. K – 9, like most dogs, is territorial, and its handler and its K – 9 cruisers are part
of its territory.
3. Dog training is expensive. Dog training usually takes 10 to 12 weeks.
4. Police department that initiates a K – 9 sections is vulnerable to law suits.


The following are simple but vital questions in the management of a patrol unit
in your own department or in any police department.


It is the old system of police patrol activity which consists of continuously
driving around the area of patrol waiting for something to happen and to react
accordingly in case something does happen.


It is the more economical alternative patrol system, which has an objective
approach against criminality as much as practicable. It addresses crime at its very root
before it is able to develop into felonious act.


It is a system where the citizenry and the police work together to reduce crime,
prevent juvenile delinquency and criminal behavior, maintain peace and reduce local
problems which are the mutual responsibility of the police and the people.


PREVENTION is the objective aimed towards ways and means to reduce the
desire of the human being to commit crime. REPRESSION, on the other hand is the act
of prevening the actual commission of crimes. Repression is leveled on the prevention
of the very act itself which constitutes crimes.


It is a crime repression activity of the police which is accomplished by making
their presence known in such a way that even if they are no longer present in a certain
location, would be criminals would still have the impression that they are still around
and would therefore refrain from committing an offense.


The acronym COPS refers to Community Oriented Policing System. It is the
deploying of policemen in police blocks to provide police and public safety services. It
also involves the breaking down of large and impersonal police departments into small
units to create a series of mini-police precincts, which are responsive to the smaller


1. To enhance police visibility in order to reach out to the community to serve
the resident a policing out.
2. To improve police community relation to gain public acceptance, build
mutual respect and trust and promote cooperation.
3. To attend sustained and integrated police – community participation, in
crime prevention and suppression.


This is the NCOB (New Cops on the Block) Center of Command and Control of
its activities and the police base from which the citizen may seek assistance whether in
person, by radio or telephone.


It is a function of NCOB’s where police officers on patrol visit every house and
work place to offer crime prevention advice and to organize the neighborhood crime
watch groups.


It is a method whereby policemen on patrol may interview within the bounds of
law suspicious personalities at random in order to serve as a deterrent to those
intended to commit a crime.


It is a project that concerns a wide variety of activities such as physical fitness
and sports development and formation and education and livelihood projects. The
following are some of the benevolent services performed by the police patrol:
1. Midwife duties during childbirth.
2. Render first aid to accident victims.
3. Get relief assistance to disaster victims.
4. Mediate in family quarrels.
5. Delivery of death messages.


It is the grassroot approach undertaken to bring the people and the police
together in a cooperative situation. Its distinguishing feature is the establishments of
neighborhood crime watch groups to encourage the people to report crimes and to
assume greater interest and responsibility in crime prevention and suppression.


As with any other occupation, the police uniform is intended to separate
policemen from everyone who are not in the same line of work to avoid confusion and
to assure others of his authority and his presence.


Policemen may conduct Building Inspection, Crime Prevention Follow-up, House
Inspection and Miscellaneous Inspection.


This is a term used frequently to describe a specific condition or place that
requires a patrol officer’s special attention.


The emergency nature of police work demands that the vehicle they use be in
the best condition as possible not only for routine patrol driving but also for pursuit
operation. Hence, there is a need for regular vehicle inspection.


Its purpose is to familiarize and orient a policeman about the patterns and
characteristics of his patrol area before he conducts actual patrol?


It is the process of keeping under observation a person; a place or an object to
obtain information material to the solution of a case. It is also use to detect some forms
of criminal behaviors.


1. ROUTINE CALL – Under this category, the mobile car is required to observe all
traffic laws and rules and does not normally use its flashing lights and siren
while on its way to the scene. This includes when the police responds to;
a. Provide police car transportation.
b. Obtain reports about offenses discovered after the criminal has left and
which does not involve injury.
c. Obtain information the nature of which is not given.
d. Investigate apparently abandoned vehicles.
e. Obtain damage reports.
f. Provide additional traffic control and direction.
2. URGENT CALL – This is similar to the routine call, which also requires the
responding police car to observe all traffic rules and does not use its flashing
lights or siren. However, it proceeds directly to its destination and does not stop
unless an incident of far more serious nature occurs. This includes when the
police responds to investigate:
a. Trouble of unknown nature.
b. Shoplifter complaint.
c. Vehicular accidents in which there are no physical injuries.
d. Prowler complaints.
e. Lost children complaints.
f. Report of mob activities.
g. Reports of domestic or tenant-landlord or neighborhood conflicts.
3. EMERGENCY CALL – In most cases, this category requires the use of the flashing
light and fluctuating siren although there are exceptions which include the
attempt to surprise criminals in the act. It is permissible in this case for the
responding police car to violate traffic laws provided that extreme care is
exercised while driving at high speed. This includes when police responds to:
a. Investigate a crime in progress.
b. Investigate a traffic accident in which people are injured.
c. Rescue or assist another patroller in trouble.
d. Aids an injured person.
e. Pursue or apprehend suspected criminal/s.
f. Assist in firefighting.
g. Stop an ongoing fight in progress.


FIRST is to approach the scene with lights and siren flashing and to pull on
directly at the scene of the reported crime. The idea here is to frighten the criminal in
order to prevent him from completing his criminal act.

SECOND is to approach the crime scene as inconspicuously as possible in order

to use the advantage of surprise in apprehending the criminal or preventing his escape.



These are the factors of: Time and Day; Condition of Traffic; Possibility of ongoing
physical assault; and The Neighborhood characteristics.


The Integrated Patrol System (IPS) of the PNP is a concerted effort to the whole
PNP organization with other government agencies. The purpose is for the effective
performance of the general role of the PNP which is to deliver the basic public safety
services to the community.

What are the Three (3) Public Safety Bureaus?

In the Philippines, there are three separate line bureaus created under the
Department of the Interior and Local Government. They are responsible in the
protection of the community against criminality, destructive fires and calamities and
protection by confinement and correction of convicted perpetrators. The three bureaus
1. PNP – Philippine National Police
2. BFP – Bureau of Fire Protection
3. BJMP – Bureau of Jail Management and Penology

What are the Basic PNP Functions?

As stated earlier, the basic functions of the PNP are : Crime Prevention –
including crime suppression; Crime Solution – covers investigation of crimes; and
Traffic Management – covers direction and control, and traffic accident investigation.

Crime Prevention – the basic police function; the technique of eliminating the
desire of the people to commit crime. It can be done through Police Visibility. Crime
Deterrence is actually the essence (real meaning) of Police Visibility because:
1. Making their presence felt;
2. Giving a feeling of security to law abiding citizens; and
3. Providing a feeling of fear to would be offenders.

What is the General Objective of Patrol Activity?

The general objective of patrol activity is to prevent the commission of crime by
destroying the opportunity of potential offenders thru constant and alert patrolling.
With these, patrol officers should have a detailed understanding of the anatomy
of crime or what makes up a criminal act. The anatomy of crime states that: crime takes
place with the three elements or ingredients are present at the same time and place
which are: Instrumentalities, Motive and Opportunity. To explain further:
1. Instrumentality – the means or instrument used in the commission of
2. Motive – the reason or cause why a person or group of persons will
perpetrate a crime or the purpose of doing something.
3. Opportunity – it refers to the chance or twist of fate; consist of the acts
(whether by omission or commission) by a person (the victim) that
enables another person or group of persons (the offenders) to perpetrate
the crime.

Further, once crime took place, it can be further explained by using the
interaction of these three (3) factors: Criminal Tendency, Total Situation, and
Resistance to Temptation. Criminal tendency is innate to every human being. Total
situation speaks of the environmental circumstances. Resistance to temptation could
also be innate to a person which could be attributed to his cultural and educational

What is a Freak Crime Accident?

There are situations when all the three elements of the crime are present and
merged at the same time and the same place; however the victim is not the intended
one due to error in persona (mistaken identity). This is called a Freak Crime Accident.
Similarly, the public still need to be protected against these kinds of crimes.

How Police Visibility is Attained?

Police visibility can be done in Three (3) ways: Physical Presence by being
visible as police and easy to locate police units; Patrolling Scheme through mobile,
integrated, and widespread, supportive, and redundant coverage; and Response which
should be proper, adequate and timely (ideal is 5 minutes response time).

Further, the police Visibility Program of the PNP can be accomplished thru the
use of the Integrated Patrol System (PNP-IPS). The PNP-IPS has the following:
 Pre-emptive
 Widespread and Forward Deployment
 Force Mixture (complementary and supportive)
 Cross Checking of Deployment
 Force Multiplier
 Supports the COPS

What are the Components of the IPS?

A. FIXED COMPONENTS – These include the following; Police Station HQ; Police
Community Precincts (PCP); Traffic Post; and Visibility Posts – police outpost.

1. Station Desk (SD) – plays the most important role in the implementation of
the police mission – to serve and protect the community. Further it serves as
the Three (3) Cs of the police force: Communication; Coordinating; and
Center/ Command Post.

Situation / Locator Map (with magnetic equipment) – also called spot map;
the key-point in the Police Station Desk; capable of providing visual IPS
situation because it shows the: area of responsibility (AOR); Real Time
Current Situation; and Real Time Status of the IPS.

2. Police Community Precincts (PCP) – Led by a police commissioned officer

with the rank of Chief Inspector or Superintendent with a minimum of 30
personnel including the PCP Commander divided in 3 shifts of 8-hours duty.

B. PATROL COMPONENTS – The patrol components of the IPS are: Air Patrol; Line
Beat Patrol; Mobile Patrols; Motorcycle Patrol; Bicycle Patrol; Reaction Unit Patrol
(SWAT); and Detective Repressive Patrol.

1. Police Beats (PBs) – these are consist of any contiguous or adjacent area defined
by identifiable boundaries within the AOR of a PCP where an officer can
effectively patrol during his tour of duty; it is an area that can be effectively
patrolled on foot and police officers can respond to calls for police assistance
within a matter of minutes.

2. Mobile Patrol (MP) – The SOPs are similar to the earlier discussions under the
automobile type of patrol. In cases where a vehicle is stopped, the following 10
Rules in Stopping Vehicles should be applied:
a. During daytime, select the widest portion of the road where to stop a
b. Signal the motorist to pull closer to the right side of the curb with the patrol
car parked behind the violator’s vehicle.
c. Observe flow of traffic coming from behind before opening the door and
alighting from the patrol car.

d. In issuing a citation, occupy the right side of the vehicle using the hood to
accomplish the citation.
e. At nighttime, select a well-lighted place to stop a motorist.
f. Never stand to do anything in front of a stopped vehicle with its engine
running and its driver still at the vehicle.
g. Never stand to do anything between the stopped vehicle and the patrol car if
the driver of the stopped vehicle is at the wheel.
h. Never stand on the way of the door of the stooped vehicle especially if he is
ordering a suspicious driver to get out of the vehicle.
i. Never allow a person being interrogated to stand on the firearm side.
j. Never allow an apprehended suspect to sit inside the patrol car on the side
where the policeman’s f/a is tucked.

3. Detective Beat (DB) or Detective Beat System (DBS) – DB is a contiguous area

where a team of police investigators is assigned with a specific task of
conducting follow-up investigation to all complaints, reports, referrals, and
other requests with the end-in-view of full compliance and/or the filling of a


The following are the guidelines normally observed by the PNP in the conduct of
patrolling not necessary under the IPS:

1. Pre – Patrol (Pre-Deployment Phase)

a. Fall-in- information in ranks
b. Roll-call-accounting of patrol elements by the patrol commander (PC)
c. Inspection of uniform, appearance and equipment by the PC
d. TI & E (Troop Information and Education) and dissemination of
instructions/orders by PC
e. Reading of assignment of PBs by Sarhento de Mesa or Field Duty Officer
f. Issuance of equipment to Pos (Patrol Officers) and PTs (Patrol Teams)
g. Report to higher headquarters (HQ) by FDO

2. Deployment Phase
a. Report to SD by the Pos (Patrollers)
b. Pos make patrol plan and follow patrol procedures
c. Adopt the buddy-buddy system
d. Make situation report on an hourly basis or upon reaching the end of their
line beat
e. Report and/or record in the PSR (Patrol Sheet Report) all unusual

3. Post – Patrol (Post-deployment Phase)

a. Regrouping and formation
b. Accounting
c. Inspection
d. Debriefing/submission of DPR (Daily Patrol Report)
e. Recall of equipment issued
f. Dismissal by the PC

After which, the Patrol Commander collects the DPR and submits it to the HQ for
consolidation and reference.

C. AUXILIARY COMPONENTS – in the Philippines, the police are the members of the
PNP with two (2) statutory characteristics:
1. National in Scope
2. Civilian in Character

Who are the members of the Auxiliary Police (or Auxiliary Components of the
1. Private Security Guards
2. Traffic Enforcers and Aides
3. Junior Police
4. Law Enforcement Services Cadets
5. Barangay Chairman and Tanods (Barangay Public Safety Officers (BPSO))
6. Civilian Volunteer Organizations (CVOs) such as civilian volunteer radio
communications, and volunteer public utility vehicles (PUV) drivers and Non-
Government Organizations (NGOs) like Bantay Bayan, Bayan Muna, etc.


What is the Nature of Communication?

Communication is a vital part of personal life and is also important in business,
education, and any other situation where people encounter each other.

Businesses, privately-owned or government-owned, are concerned with

communication in several special ways. Some businesses build and install
communication equipment such as fax (facsimile) machines, video cameras, CD players,
printing presses, personal computers, and telephones. Other companies create books,
and software. These companies are part of the media or telecommunications industries.

What is the significance of Communication in the Police Management and


Effective communications is essential in all organizations in which people deal

with one another. It is very difficult to imagine any kind of activity that does not depend
on communication in one form or another. Today’s police managers are aware that the
efficiency of their personnel depends to a great extent on how well the efforts of
individual members can be coordinated. Because coordination does not simply happen,
managers must realize that communication is necessary if their subordinates are to
obtain the understanding and cooperation required to achieve organizational and
individual goals.

A major role today’s police manager is that of communicator. Managers at all
levels of the police organization spend an overwhelming amount of their time in the
process and problems of communication.

Research in recent years has indicated that communication is the primary

problem in management, and lack of communication is the employees’ primary
complaint about their immediate supervisors. The information in this chapter is
intended to provide future police managers with an overview of organization and
interpersonal communications and provide specific information that will facilitate and
enhance their communication skills.

What is Communication? Communication could mean:

1. The exchange of information between individuals, for example, by means of
speaking, writing, or using a common system of signs or behavior.
2. The act of giving or sending information.
3. A means of access or communication, for example, a connecting door.

Generally speaking, communication refers to the transfer of thought or idea from

one person to another. It simply means the process of sharing ideas, information, and
message with in a particular time and place. Technically, it refers to the means or
equipment used to exchange a thought or idea.

What is the scope of Communication? Communication includes:

1. Talking
2. Writing
3. Nonverbal communication – such as: facial expressions; body language; and
4. Visual communication – use of image or picture, such as: painting;
photography: video; and film
5. Electronic communication such as: telephone calls; electronic mail; cable
television; and satellite broadcasts.


Communication between two people is an outgrowth of methods developed over

centuries of expression. Gestures, the development language, and the necessity to
engage in joint action all played a part.

The first lightweight medium was Papyrus, an early form of paper used by the
Egyptians that was made from grasses called reeds. Later, in the 2 nd Century AD, the
Chinese wrote on silk fabric instead of wood, and developed paper made from silk
fibers. (Today paper made from cotton or linen fibers is still called rag paper).

Different societies have devised systems for transporting messages from place to
place and from person to person. The earliest were courier-type services whereby
messengers carried memorized or written messages from one person to another, and
returned with the reply. The Persian and Roman empires and some Asian societies sent
couriers regularly along planned routes to retrieve reliable and timely information
about trade and military affairs from distant areas.

The first truly electronic medium was the telegraph, which sent and received
electrical signals over long-distance wires.

In 1876, Scottish-born American inventor Alexander Graham Bell was the first to
patent and produce a telephone. His patent was titled improvement in Telegraphy, and
contained the design of a device that would transmit the human voice over wires
instead of electrical clicks or other signals, like the telegraph. Originally, Bell thought
that the telephone would be used to transmit musical concerts, lectures, or sermons.
The American inventor Elisha Gray filed an intention to patent at the same time, but
after many court battles, Bell was given the rights to the invention.

The telegraph and telephone were systems for distance communication that sent
electrical signals through wires. The earliest system for sending electrical signals
through the air via electromagnetic waves was called wireless, and later radio. Radio
technology was based on the discoveries of James Clark Maxwell.


Two pioneers independently created the first workable television systems –
American inventor Philo T. Farnsworth and Russian – born American engineer Vladimir
K. Zworykin. Farnsworth used an electronic camera he called an image dissector to
transmit a picture of a dollar sign in 1927. He patented aspects of his system, and
developed his television, further in the 1930s, but lost his financial backing when World
War II (1939-1945) began.
The earliest computers were machines built to make repetitive numerical
calculations that had previously been done by hand. By the 1890s, calculating machines
were used to tabulate the US Census with a punched-card system invented by Herman
Hollerith. Electromechanical calculators were being built by the 1930s, especially by a
new company called the International Business Machines Company (IBM). The first
truly electronic memory and processors were built by John Vincent Atansoft in 1939 at
the Iowa State College, and the first fully functioning electronic computers, a series of
ten called Colossus, were built by the British Secret Service during World War II to help
them crack the Germans’ secret military codes.

This is a very recent mode of communication which is already utilized by private
and commercial entities. The Police and the Military are also using this as one of the
major alternatives of communication.

Text Messaging also known as Short Message System (SMS). It is a method of
communication allowing cellular, or mobile, phone users to exchange brief notes,
typically up to 160 characters in length. Now, you can send as much as 450 characters.


As pointed out earlier, communications is inseparable in police management and

administration. In fact, Payton stated in his book, Patrol Procedure, that “Police
communications are the Backbone of Police Tactics. Without proper
communications, the modern police department would be lost.”

The Police Radio Dispatcher - the radio dispatcher is the personnel in a police
communication center or coordinating center tasked to receive and transmit radio
messages. Before a policeman or civilian can become a radio dispatcher, he must be
trained formally or through an OJT. The dispatcher is also called radio coordinator and
radio operator.

Benefits of employing a trained radio dispatcher:

1. Easy of understanding radio messages
2. Elimination of errors
3. Minimum communication time
4. Development of professional attitude in sending and receiving messages
5. Inter-service cooperation
6. Conservation of equipment

Basic qualifications of a radio dispatcher or operator

1. ability to speak clearly and distinctly at all times
2. ability to reduce rambling and disconnected material into concise and accurate
3. ability to think and act promptly in emergencies
4. ability to analyze the situation accurately and to take an effective course of
5. thorough understanding of the capacities of the communication system
6. adequate understanding of the technical operation of his system to allow
intelligent reporting of equipment failures
7. Physical and mental ability to work effectively under all conditions encountered
8. Knowledge of the rules and regulations applying to dispatcher’s responsibilities

Voice Qualities of effective Radio dispatcher- the three characteristics of a

person’s voice are:
1. Loudness or Volume- depends on the size of the human voice box
2. Pitch or Voice Frequency- the level of the voice which depends on the number
of cycles per second emitted by the speaker (high pitched is not pleasant and
clear in talking through a mike)
3. Timbre- the quality of a speech sound that comes from its tone rather than its
pitch or volume

Voice requirements of effective radio dispatcher
1. Alert- give impression of alertness, being enthusiastic and interested in the
person calling
2. Pleasant – create a pleasant office image with voice with a smile since
pleasantness is contagious
3. Natural-use simple straightforward language; avoid repetition of mechanical
words or phrases; avoid technical terms and slang
4. Distinct – speak clearly and distinctly; move the lips, tongue and jaw freely;
talk directly to the telephone
5. Expressive – a well modulated voice carries best over the mike; use normal
tone of voice; not too loud not too soft; vary the tones to bring out the meaning
of sentences and add color and vitality to what to say.


In security work, oral and written communication refers to the means used in
communication. This can be a telephone, teletype, radio, TV, facsimile and internet.
Choice of channel depends on the type of messages or information to be sent but, by and
large, the operator are fixed or pre-set for use by technical personnel.

The slang term for the two-way radio systems developed by Motorola in the
1930s designed for home and police radios. Today, it is known as two-way hand held
radio (HHR) or radio transceiver.
Features and Advantages of Walkie-talkies:
1. Portable and easy to operate;
2. The foot patrolman can both send and receive messages quite easily; and
3. Enables patrol officers to call for immediate assistance.
1. To communicate between two points, there should be a station transmitter
and receiver must be of the same frequency to communicate.
2. If the two transmitter and the two transceivers of the two stations are
operating on the same frequency, it is referred to as “simplex operation”.
3. If the transmitters are using different frequencies this is referred to as
“duplex operation”. As can be seen, in duplex operation, the two stations can
talk at the same time without interruption, unlike that of simplex.


The following are keys terms that help you understand and observe proper
radio and telephone procedures:
1. TRANSMISSION : A communication (formal message) sent by one police unit and
intended for reception by another police unit.
2. ANSWER OR FEEDBACK : A transmission made by a station called in response to
the call received.

3. CALL SIGN : A call sign is a word, or a combination of words, intended for
transmission by voice means and it identifies the command, unit, or authority of
the radio station.
4. NET CALL SIGN : The collective call sign that represents all the radio stations
operating together on a particular radio net.
5. NET CONTROL STATION : A radio station appointed by higher authority to direct
and control the operation and flow of all traffic handled on the radio net.
6. PROWORD : A pronounceable word or phrase that has been assigned a meaning
to speed up message handling on radio nets that use radio and telephone.
7. ABBREVIATED PLAINDRESS MESSAGE : A message that has certain elements of
the message heading omitted for speed of handling. Anyone or all of the
following may be omitted: precedence, date, date-time group, and group
8. RECEIPT : A communication sent by the receiving operator indicating that the
message or other transmission has been satisfactorily received.
9. ACKNOWLEDGMENT : A separate message originated by the addressee to inform
the originator that his message has been received and is understood.


1. The station calling should give its name first, then the name of the station being
2. The base operator should keep proper logging of all activities of the mobile
3. Operator must know all the stations in the net.
4. Courtesy should mention in order to have pleasant atmosphere in the net. Never
broadcast words that indicate irritation, disgust or sarcasm. Relation with other
operations must remain cordial at all times.
5. Formal message for transmission should be recorded and transmission should
be recorded and transmitted exactly as received.
6. If after calling a station or car twice no reply is received, sign off the air. Then
call again in about a minute. Never fill the air incessant calls.


1. ROGER – Confirmed, Okay.

2. OVER – Statement is finished and expecting for an answer.
3. OVER & OUT – Message is finished, end of conversation.
4. LOUD & CLEAR – Good Reception.
5. COMING BY OR 5 BY 5 – Coming in clear or good reception.
6. ALPHA COME BACK – Requesting for another conversation.
7. ALPHA, BRAVO – Bravo is calling alpha for radio communication.
8. DO YOU READ ME OR DID YOU COPY? – Do you understand me?
9. BRAVO COME IN – The party who is calling is given permission to relay his
10. CHARLIE – Asking whether message is correct
11. WHAT IS THE READABILITY OF MY SIGNAL? Asking for clearness of the


A. ACCURACY – It is the correctness and truthfulness of what is being

communicated. Inaccuracy oftentimes causes miscommunication. The major
cause of inaccuracy is haste and impatience.
B. BREVITY – This means using few words. Due to the expanding volume of radio
traffic, it is essential that there be no unnecessary or repetitious words in the
Half the words in the English language are not needed in order to
understand the message. There is certainly no need to add to the communication
problem. The important point is understanding and clarity. Sometimes we can
make a simple message confusing just by saying too much.
C. COURTESY – Courtesy refers to politeness of the words being used in
communication. As the old adage points out, “Courtesy begets courtesy”. “Anger
begets anger”. The practice of courtesy is actually a practice of a good human
relation. In radio communication, courtesy can be shown:
1. by saying thank you (but this may take very valuable air time)
2. in the tone of voice
3. by avoiding humorous comments over the air when somebody “goofs up”
or commits error in transmitting or understanding the message; and
4. by avoiding “jamming up” when police officers are on the air.

CLARITY, the Second “C”

“C” in radio communications also stands for “Clarity” which is often mentioned
in report writing and note taking but it is also an essential in radio communications.


In addition, Payton recommends the following for the better radio (two- way
transceiver) communication:

1. Don’t assume anything. Matters are not all of a serious nature. Make sure that
it is plainly stated, and all the important facts are included.
2. Don’t make extra long transmissions. Taking breathing spells may allow
someone cut in (break in) in case of emergency. It will be easier on the person
who is copying (receiving) the message.
3. Don’t hang your hat on the mike. Sometimes the weight of the hat will depress
the mike button, and two things can result: interference with other message
transmissions; and everything the officers says to his partner will be broadcast.
4. Don’t shout into the mike. If the voice transmissions are weak, turn up the
5. Pronounce the words slowly and distinctly. The normal speaking rate is 40
and 60 words per minute.
6. Proper use of the microphone. Keep the microphone about 2-3 inches away
from the mouth in order to maintain a proper modulation level, and speak
across the face of the microphone.
7. Keep your voice as emotionless as possible. This is because a monotone voice
has the greatest intelligibility.
8. Be impersonal. A police radio station is not licensed for person-to-person
communication, so personal names should not be used. Refer to the person
being called by his radio call number or car number.
9. Use the Standard Phonetic Alphabet. Since numbers are often confused when
spoken over the radio, use the Standard Phonetic Alphabet for Numerals
developed by the Bell Telephone Company. Always use “zero” instead of “oh” for
the Number “0”.
1- Wun 4- Fo- wer 7- Sev-ven 0- Zero (never oh)
2- Too 5- Fie-yiv 8- Ate
3- Thuh-ree 6- Siks 9- Nie-yen


Ten-codes, properly known as ten signals, are code words used to represent
common phrases in voice communication, particularly by law enforcement and in
Citizens' Band (CB) radio transmissions. The codes, developed in 1937 and expanded in
1974 by the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials-International
(APCO), allow for brevity and standardization of message traffic. They have historically
been widely used by law enforcement officers in North America, although some
departments have controversially attempted to prohibit their use.

Official Ten-Code List

Association of Public Communications Officers (APCO)

 10-0 Caution  10-22 Disregard

 10-1 Unable to copy -- change  10-23 Arrived at scene
location  10-24 Assignment completed
 10-2 Signal good  10-25 Report in person (meet)..
 10-3 Stop transmitting  10-26 Detaining subject, expedite
 10-4 Acknowledgement (OK)  10-27 Drivers license information
 10-5 Relay  10-28 Vehicle registration
 10-6 Busy -- stand by unless urgent information
 10-7 Out of service  10-29 Check for wanted
 10-8 In service  10-30 Unnecessary use of radio
 10-9 Repeat  10-31 Crime in progress
 10-10 Fight in progress  10-32 Man with gun
 10-11 Dog case  10-33 Emergency
 10-12 Stand by (stop)  10-34 Riot
 10-13 Weather -- road report  10-35 Major crime alert
 10-14 Prowler report  10-36 Correct time
 10-15 Civil disturbance  10-37 (Investigate) suspicious
 10-16 Domestic disturbance vehicle
 10-17 Meet complainant  10-38 Stopping suspicious vehicle
 10-18 Quickly  10-39 Urgent -- use light, siren
 10-19 Return to ...  10-40 Silent run -- no light, siren
 10-20 Location  10-41 Beginning tour of duty
 10-21 Call ... by telephone  10-42 Ending tour of duty
 10-43 Information  10-88 Present telephone number
 10-44 Permission to leave for ... of ...
 10-45 Animal carcass at ...  10-89 Bomb threat
 10-46 Assist motorist  10-90 Bank alarm at ...
 10-47 Emergency road repairs at  10-91 Pick up prisoner/subject
 10-48 Traffic standard repair at  10-92 Improperly parked vehicle
 10-49 Traffic light out at ...  10-93 Blockade
 10-50 Accident (fatal, personal  10-94 Drag racing
injury, property damage)  10-95 Prisoner/subject in custody
 10-51 Wrecker needed  10-96 Mental subject
 10-52 Ambulance needed  10-97 Check (test) signal
 10-53 Road blocked at ...  10-98 Prison/jail break
 10-54 Livestock on highway  10-99 Wanted/stolen indicated
 10-55 Suspected DUI
 10-56 Intoxicated pedestrian
 10-57 Hit and run (fatal, personal
injury, property damage)
 10-58 Direct traffic
 10-59 Convoy or escort
 10-60 Squad in vicinity
 10-61 Isolate self for message
 10-62 Reply to message
 10-63 Prepare to make written copy
 10-64 Message for local delivery
 10-65 Net message assignment
 10-66 Message cancellation
 10-67 Clear for net message
 10-68 Dispatch information
 10-69 Message received
 10-70 Fire
 10-71 Advise nature of fire
 10-72 Report progress on fire
 10-73 Smoke report
 10-74 Negative
 10-75 In contact with ...
 10-76 En route ...
 10-77 ETA (estimated time of
 10-78 Need assistance
 10-79 Notify coroner
 10-80 Chase in progress
 10-81 Breathalyzer
 10-82 Reserve lodging
 10-83 Work school xing at ...
 10-84 If meeting ... advise ETA
 10-85 Delayed due to ...
 10-86 Officer/operator on duty
 10-87 Pick up/distribute checks
When necessary to identify a letter of the alphabet, the standard phonetic alphabet
should be used. This helps to prevent the receiving operator from copying your words
incorrectly. Bs, PS, Ts, and other letters that sound alike can be confusing when heard on radio
telephone nets.





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