Redemption 4 TH Edition

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Make | frudh— tm of OC. Strebey Cooder. Lhpeag Redemption Manual 4" Edition ‘EXTRACT’ of the UCC Filing Process To become Secured Party Creditor Published by The American’s Bulletin REDEMPTION PROCESS. PARTI REMEMBER: Always make photocopies of any and all of your original documents before you file or send them anywhere of to anyone ~ making a color copy is an excellent way to maintain the authenticity of your original document as it will show your original, "blue signature", A. GOOD HABIT TO FORM when signing documents is to use the following color code: BLUE: For original documents - to differentiate originals from photocopies, because your photocopied, original blue signature witl be become black when copied, Any document you say is an original will have your blue ink signature - or it Is nt ‘an original. RED: For affidavits - red represents coming from a blood person, red is your real BLACK: — Forall other uses YOU WILL ALSO WANT TO: Create a ‘unique’ identifying number for each one of your forms (THE EXAMPLE THAT FOLLOWS IS JUST THAT - AN EXAMPLE ONLY) and put it in a footer on the bottom left hand side of each page, example for a Security Agreement. Form SA #1011717061776-BFF: 4; Indicates that this is @ security agreement 01171706: Date of Birth (this is for the exp. Benjamin-Freedom: Franklin) 1776; Last four digits of Social Security Account Number BFF: First initial of each name WHY IS USING AIRBORNE, FEDEX OR UPS A GOOD IDEA: Each one is a private delivery service, that is, not an agency of the government and therefore you can not be charged with sending funny documents in the US Mail (include site). Tracking Numbers that are provided for each document or package you send via any of these carriers and this is an invaluable too! for identifying the various mailings or submissions you make - it makes them each unique and identifiable for reference purposes. ‘SEE (A) BLANK EXAMPLES FOR EACH CARRIER IN DOCS SECTION ‘STEPS TO TAKE: (1) Security Agreement: This is the agreement between the SPC (Secured Party Creditor) and the Debtor (strawman) as to ALL property. This document is used to take control of ALL of the property of the debtor by the SPC by agreement. Onoe this agreement is executed the SPC is ‘now in control of ALL property and collateral [this includes everything in the Debtor's name], 1 Substitute the information below in your Security Agreement for what is appropriate for you: 1, Day, month and year you are having the Security Agreement notarized 2. DEBTOR (eka strawman), use this format: BENJAMIN FREEDOM FRANKLIN, 8. Secured Party (flesh and blood person - you), use this format: Benjamin-Freedom: Franklin 4. DEBTOR, use this format: BENJAMIN FREEDOM FRANKLIN 1776 REDEMPTION ROAD BALTIMORE, MD 21201 5. Social Seourity Account Number (with dashes in-between numbers), exp. 101-88-1776 6. Secured Party, use this format: Berjamin-Freedom: Franklin fo 1776 Redemption Road Baltimore, Maryland state [21201] united States of America 7. Your ‘unique’ identifying number that YOU create 8. Secured Party, use this format - Benjamin-Freedom: Franklin 9. Debtor, use this format - BENJAMIN FREEDOM FRANKLIN 10. Secured Perty, use this format: - Benjamin-Freedom: Franklin 114. Debtor, use this format - BENJAMIN FREEDOM FRANKLIN 12. Bill of exchange, Your “unique” identifying number that YOU create. (2) 18, Debtor, use this format - BENJAMIN FREEDOM FRANKLIN 14, Secured Party, use this format: - Benjamin-Freedom: Franklin 16, County where notary is located 16. State where notary is iocated 17. Day, month and year you are having the Security Agreement notarized On the last page PRINT the “debior's" name in ALL caps, example; BENJAMIN FREEDOM FRANKLIN. Now take the Sacurity Agreement to a notary public AND sign it in BLUE ink “as the Secured Party’, (exp., Benjamin-Freedom: Franklin) and have it notarized and ‘time stamped”. Makes copies for use in other filing, submissions, etc. end the keep your Security Agreement in a safe and secure location as this is the document thal transfers and assigns a socurily interest in all of the Debtor's [BENJAMIN FREEDOM FRANKLIN] Collateral to the Secured Party [Benjamin-Freedom: Frankiin]. SEE (B) COPY OF SECURITY AGREEMENT IN DOCS SECTION NEXT: (2) Initial UCC-1 Filing Preparation: Prior to the actual UCC-1 filing the following documents need to be prepared to use for your UCC- 1 submission. ‘A. POWER OF ATTORNEY 8. Assign a “unique number” to identify it, example: PA #9042247285902 as this ‘number will be placed on your UCC-1 b, Sioned before a notary «. Signed in blue ink 4. Copy made of for yourself, to be “keep in a safe place? ©. Steps for completing power of attorney: (1) Debtor, use this format - BENJAMIN FREEDOM FRANKLIN (2) Secured Party, use this format: - Benjamin-Freedom: Franklin (3) Debtor, use this format - BENJAMIN FREEDOM FRANKLIN (4) Debtor, use this format - BENJAMIN FREEDOM FRANKLIN (8) Secured Party, use this format: - Benjamin-Freedom: Franklin (6) Year Power of Attorney is being signed (7) PRINT name of debtor - BENJAMIN FREEDOM FRANKLIN (8) County being notarized in (9) State being notarized in (10) Fill in; day, date & year being notarized ee SEE (C) COPY OF POWER OF ATTORNEY IN DOCS SECTION B. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: 1. Assigned @ “unique number” to identity it, example: Copyright Notice Form CR 3 #308121945492301 as this number will be placed on your UCC-1 2. Sign in blue ink 3. KEEP ORIGINAL FOR YOURSELF IN A SAFE PLACE! 4. Give ‘public notice’ in your LOCAL COUNTY NEWSPAPER OF RECORD by having one of the following (8) versions of your copyright notice published. How many times, just 1? Usually you can do a search on the intemet by county & state for the newspaper of legal record, Such as: “Jackson county oregon newspaper of legal record”, a. Full Length b. Condensed ©. Super condensed If you mail in your copyright notice to be published and they “refuse to publish it” you will be mail a written confirmation of that for your records. If you choose to take your Copyright Notice into the newspaper be sure and TAKE A WITNESS WITH YOU. If you are refused both you and your witness can execute an ‘affidavit of refusal’. Ifyou are refused you can then take your copyright Notice to “any newspaper" [locally 9F out of the areal to have it published, uncer necessity - because yo have to have it published. To complete your copyright notice simply replace your Debtor and Creditor information in the areas of the example below. Create your cwn unique Indemnity Agreement No. and repiace it with the one in the footer of the Indemnity Agreement in the DOCS SECTION. On the last page substitute the month, day and year with the date you create our Copyright Notice. ‘SEE (D) COPY OF COPYRIGHT NOTICE IN DOCS SECTION , Hold Harmless Agreement: 1. To be assigned a “unique number’ to identify it, example: as this ‘number will be placed on your UCC-1 2. Steps to complete 3. Signed in blue ink 4, Copy made of for yourself, to be “keep in a safe place” SEE (E) COPY OF HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT IN DOCS SECTION 4 D. Birth Certificate (BC) or Certificate of Live Birth (CLB) 1. Assigned a “unique number" to identify it, exampte: BC #45-108806 as this number will be placed on your UCC-1 2. Stamp the birth Certificate with an ACCEPTED FOR VALUE stamp (this needs to be a red ink stamp like the one below), Se ACCEPTED FOR VALUE - EXEMPT FROM LEVY For my remedy, Release of the Proceeds, Producis, Accounts, and fixtures in the Orders(s) to Me Immediately in the accordance with the Public Policy, HIR-192, UCC 10-104 and UCC 1-104 Exemption ID # UCC Contract Acct. # Value: $ “ Date: Ist — 8. Inthe stamp ‘text lines’ where appropriate, fill In Exemption ID #: This is your SSN WITHOUT dashes. UCC Contract Acct. #: ‘This is your SSN Value: $100,60,000 Date: This is the date you are mailing your package Jsi: Sign —as the S.P.C signature — Upper & Lower Case 4. Ifyou have an amendment to your BC/CLB or a page two, be sure to stamp it with the ACCEPTED FOR VALUE stamp and fill out the same way except, [eave the VALUE: $___ blank, ‘on this one 5. BE SURE to place the AFV stamp in an area that has whit space so that you will be able to READ the information that is filed in after it is stamped. 6. Make ‘Color Copy’ for your records. 7. Send B.C. of C.L.B. with Charge Back papers to Treasury. SEE (F) COPY OF BIRTH CERTIFICATE IN DOCS SECTION E, ALL OTHER similar permits and licenses such as but no limited to: Driver's License Number Library cards Contractor's License Ministerial license Pilot's jicense. Fishing license All of the above mentioned documents are noted on the UGC-1 in Box No. 4. If your text exceeds the space provided in Box No. 4 use an attachment sheat. ‘SEE (G) COPY OF ATTACHMENT IN DOCS SECTION F, As to item No, 2 above, Initial UCC~1 Filing - Do an Electronic filing or Hard copy/mait filing; lf you chose to do a hard copy, mail filing of your completed UCC-1 you can get a blank form by calling the Secretary of State, UCC division, of the state that you are going to file in, Also find out about the amount of the fee and type of payment they will accept and be sure to include it with your filing, Washington state (http:/ him) is suggested as the best state to file in, as of this printing, because it is the easiast state to file Into - they will accept filings from anywhere, Note: Under article 4, section 1 of the us Constitution ‘all states must give due recognition of all other states; acts, filing, documents, etc. ‘Note: Birth State Filing: A UCC-1 filing (informational filing! ‘in lieu of" filing) MUST BE FILED (by mail only) with money order and filing fee in the birth state of the debtor (see example). If you do an Electronic Filing: (which can only be paid for using a credit card) be sure to PRINT OUT AN ACKNOWLEDGMENT COPY OF YOUR RECEIPT from the web site to keep for your records. Below you will find the steps to take when doing your electra filing on the internet: 1 190000000000000000 2 rena 9000000DB00OI 3 reovanaqvo0d000000 NOW THIS NEXT STEP IS VERY IMPORTANT Once you have completed your electronic filing online and printed out a copy of your receipt you will need to create a ‘paste-up of your UCC--1 filing’ using a blank UCC-1 form. As you will notice, the acknowledgment copy of the receipt you print out from the state ‘web site ‘is not’ in the standard or traditional looking UCC-1 form format. ‘To make the information on your receipt sasier to work with and more acceptable to the various agencies and that you will send photocopies to you are going to paste-up a copy using 2 *blank,” UCC-1 form, We are accustomed to doing business to dealing with the National UCC-1 form so it is suggested that you make @ paste-up using the National form. itis simply a matter of getting a blank National UCC-1 form and: Use your computer's word processing program type out the information you received on . 6 the acknowledgment copy of the receipt you print out from the state web site. Now paste the information into the appropriate boxes on the blank UCC-1 form, use the Guidelines below to determine how to enter the information for your UGC-1 form: Line B: Here you enter the name of the Secured Parly (CREDITOR), upper & lower ‘ease and clo (care-of address). Simpie explanation of why? Blank Area: This information is provided for you on your acknowledgment copy of the eceipt that you printed out from the state wab site you submitted your UCC-1 filing to. Line 1a: The organization is the DEBTOR, ALL CAPS. Line 1c: Mailing address, city, state and zip code of the DEBTOR, ALL CAPS. Line 1d: Social Security Number of the strawman, DEBTOR, ALL CAPS Line te: Type of organization is Ens Legis-LLC —Limited Liabifity Corporation, define Line 1f: Jurisdiction of organization is - Private —— why, define NONE Line 2a: ONLY TO BE USED ‘IF’ name hes been changed or if you have gone by another name ? Line 2c & 2d: Compieted as lines 1¢ and 1d were completed for DEBTOR, ALL CAPS. Line 3: Secured party name: UPPER AND lower case as shown Malling address of Secured party, just like ‘Line 8 - in example Line 4: This a full and compiete statement of ALL OF THE COLLATERAL that is covered by the UCC-1 Financing Statement you are submitting. in this particular tance ~ MORE IS ALWAYS BETTER THAN LESS when describing your collateral. If you need more room than is provided in this space - describe it on a ‘seperate shee? and indicate SEE ATTACHMENT and attach it to this UCC-1, Line 8: Put the name of the Secured Party here because - explanation . . ‘Next, make @ high quality copy of your paste-up on laser paper and then sign it blue ink. This now becomes your ORIGINAL UCC-1 document. Make photocopies of ‘and store it ina safe place. Also make photocopies of this signed, ORIGINAL UCC-1 document. When you need to provide anyone with a ‘true and correct copy’ of your UCC-1 for mailings, submissions or filings, draw a line undemeath your black signature (because this is @ copy and your signature is now black) and sign you name in blue ink, SEE (H) COPY OF UCC-1 PASTE-UP FORM IN DOCS SECTION PART It CHARGE BACK PROCESS 1. Complete Letter No. 1 - Charge Back: This is a cover letter and you need to just substitute your information in the blanks. (do steps for this apolio) ‘SEE COPY OF (I) CHARGE BACK IN DOCS SECTION 2, Complete Letter No. 2 - Bill of Exchange for Birth Certificate: This document is issued to ‘charge up" your UCC Contract Trust Account, Credit from acceptance of Birth Certificate (by the SPC) for the value expressed on it (now §100,000,00). This is very similar to the way a debit card works - unlike a credit card - you must first make a deposit (charge up) the card before you can use it, Signed in blue ink. Make copy of for yourself and be "keep in a safe place”, (do steps for this apolio) ‘SEE COPY OF (J) BILL OF EXCHANGE IN DOCS SECTION PART ‘STEPS FOR MAILING tis very important to place your documents the following order. 1. Letter No. 1 - Charge Back 2. Letter No, 2 - Bill of Exchange for Birth Certificate 3. Birth Certificate: ~ Stamped with red ACCEPTED FOR VALUE stamp 4, True & Correct’ copy of UCC-1 ~This is your paste-up version ~ Signed in blue ink “under your now black signature on the copied form 5. 1040 ES form - completed with "na amount entered” SEE (H) COPY OF 1040 ES FORM IN DOCS SECTION This entire package needs to be mailed to the Secretary, Department of the Treasury (as of this printing this is John Snow ) via; Airborne, Federal Express or Registered mail: ‘ John Snow, Secretary Department of the Treasury 1500 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington, DC 20220 ‘You will want to take note of the Tracking Account Number on the package you are sending (for whichever carrier you chose), as this is the number you will make reference to at the top of each one of your documents and you will show it in one of the following forms (depending on the carrier you choose): Posted: Airbome Tracking Account Number (number on package) Posted: FedEx Tracking Account Number (number on package) Posted: UPS Tracking Account Number (number on package) WHY USING AIRBORNE, FEDEX OR UPS !S A GOOD IDEA: ‘The charge back process contains a transaction instrument dealing with a $100,000,000 instrument, therefore it is not 1o be mailed mailed via ‘snail mail certified. A transaction of this magnitude needs to be delivered in a safe and secure manner (for security) and sending it ‘overnight is desirable! !! ‘As mentioned earlier, AIRBORNE, FEDEX and UPS are private delivery services, that is, not an agenoy of the government and there fore you can not be charged with sending funny documents in the US Mail (include site), Posted: Airbome Express #1776-429-5302-1 “NON-NEGOTIABLE” Charge Back John Snow, Seca De spartment of” 1500 Peaeyhvania Av ‘Ave, NW Washington, DC 20220 (date letter sent) Dear Mr. John Snow, Secretary-in-charge: I have accepted for value all related indorsements in accordance with U.C.C. 3-419 and HJR-192. Please Charge my UCC Contract Trust Account via Exemption Identification Number 101881776 for the registration fees and command the memory of account 101-88-1776 to charge ‘the same, to the debtors Order, or your Order. The total amount or this NON-NEGOTIABLE ACCEPTANCE FOR VALUE in the enclosed filing is $100,000,000.00_ Thank you for your time in this matter. If you have any questions or need my assistance please feel free to contact me. Until then, [am Sincerely, Without Prejudice Benjamin-Freedom: franklin c/o 1776 Redemption Road Baltimore, Maryland state [ 21201 ] united States of America EIN 101881776 Pre-paid -Preferred Stock Priority - Exempt from Levy Enclosures: Bill of Exchange Birth Certificate UCC-1 1040 ES Posted: Airbome Tracking Account Number; 1776-429-5302-1 John Snow, Secretary Depiztment of the Treas 1300 Pennsytvania Ave, NW Washington, DC 20220 "NON-NEGOTIABLE BILL OF EXCHANGE” Trade Acceptance IN ACCORD WITH HIR-192 July 17,2003, RE: “CHARGEBACK” of PERSONAL UCC CONTRACT TRUST ACCOUNT Dear Mr. Snow, Secretary-in-charge: Enclosed are documents (copies) from my examination of my Commercial Agreements, which are listed on the enclosed (accounting), with Receipts and other evidence that I have accepted for value (all related endorsements front and back to include those in accord with UCC-3-419). The total amount of NON- NEGOTIABLE CHARGEBACK enclosed is $10,000,000.00. Please “charge-back” to my “Treasury Direct” UCC Contract Account at $10,000,000.00 and charge my account for the fees necessary for securing and registration for the priority exchange for the tax exemption to discharge the public liability of my personal possessions, and command memory of account # 101-88-1776, to charge the same to the debtors order or your order. This Posted Airborne Tracking Account Number 3117630014, and funds, is part of my tax estimate, and is directed for use (priority) for the Republic (Article IV, Section 4 of the united States Constitution) in accord with public policy HJR-192, to discharge the Debtor's portion of the public debt. Mr. Snow, as Secretary-in-charge and/or your Deputy-in-charge, are to take my acceptance (BA), this Article Seven receipt, in exchange for the tax exemption priority. This NON-NEGOTIABLE BILL OF EXCHANGE Trade Acceptance is in accord with FUJR-192, and is presented for the receiver to the Federal Window, for settlement (EFT), within the three (3) day Truth-in-Lending time for settlement of retail agreements. With this POSTED transaction the “CHARGEBACK" charges documented by the enclosed forms are for use by the Republic, and is complete, If you need more information or assistance with charging my Treasury Direct UCC CONTRACT TRUST Account, you may write me. See attached documents. Sincerely, Benjamin-Freedom Franklin c/o1776 Redemption Road Baltimore, Maryland state [21201 ] EIN No.101881776 Pre-Paid -Preferred Stock Priority -Exempt from Levy eee cst? STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES om 92.007 pranaee na 04 ], Benjamin Freedom Franklin Folger. . Stevie orone TT Tati or one *- pas. Josiah Eranklin, + Bis neem teate apple 5 enenne, 6 | Stennmencnaranimsanencce ac} akenman een 2 ee eens 4 ' peeaxrae- on runic wear, CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH ST CT UCC F FINANCING STATEMENT clo 1776 :dedemalon Road Baltimore, Maryland state [24201] Lniles States of Arnérica ‘OESTORS BMGT Fu. LEGA RAE soto aa at ea ewan = oe BENJAMIN FREEDOM FRANKLIN @ ramos Tear “JOHNNY NNY BE GOOD ® navn srr 3 @ "1776 REDEMPTION ROAD ir OREN RO CH a Te ROTI —| 101-886-1778, |Smee"™" Ens Legis-LLC TH RNAIENG STATEMENT corn be ara cOoT SEE ATTACHMENT. weil Resscracsson J [eorsonibeceaon as * Secured Parly: "Beniamin Freadom: Franklin “® FLING OFFICE COPY ~NATIONAL UCC FHANINGBTATENENT FORM UGE) EV Thane) WASHINGTON FRLASLE (RE. cara3200) Sample... at 11 pt. for UCC-1 (for Electronic filing*) This is the entry of the collateral record owner; ___Name__ and of the Debtor; NAME____ in the Commercial Chamber under necessity and the following property ¥s hereby registered in the Same: All Cevtificates of Birth Document #55-0000000 herein liened at $100,000,000.00, State Driver Liconse #K00-55-00000, SSN/UCC Contract Account-prepaid account Number 555-55-5555; Employer Identification Number 555555555, Security Agroement No. 66666666666, Power of Attomey No. 777777771, Copyright Notice No, 888888888, Said registration is to secure the rights, title(s) and interest in the Birth Certificate #55-0000000 as received by the __.-STATE____ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE (Division of Vital Statistics) and all Debentures, Indentures, Accounts, and ail the Pledges represented by same included but not limited to the pignus, hypotheca, hereditments, res, the energy and all products derived therefrom, nunc pro tunc, but not limited to all capitalized names: MIKE JOE SIXPACK, MIKE J. SIXPACK, M, J. SIXPACK, MIKE SIXPACK, or any derivatives thereof, and all contracts, agreements, and signatures and/or endorsements, facsimiles, printed, typed or photocopied of owner's name predicated on the ‘Straw-man,” LLC (ENS LEGIS) described as the debtor and all property is accepted for value and is Exempt from levy. Record owner is not the euarantor or surety to any other account by explicit reservation. Adjustment of this filing is from Public Policy HJR-192 and UCC 1-104 and 10-104. All proceeds, products, accounts, baggage and fixtures and the Orders therefrom are to be reieased to the Secured Party as the authorized representative of the debtor. Debtor is a commercial transmitting utility, + For Electronic Filing, reduce text size to 10 point, for cut and paste! Note: Ifyou do not have Power of Attomey, Passport, etc, then remove those items from the above on ‘your’ filing. Washington UCC Filing web site > www.dol.wa gov/unfe/ucefront htm ‘Note; Below is UCC-1 Text for HARD COPY PASTE-UP at 9 px ‘This isthe entry of the collateral record owner; __Name_ and of the Deblor; __NAME__ in the Coramercial Chamber under necessity and the following property is hereby registered in thé same: All Cerificais of Binh Dosiment #58-0000000 herein lened st $100,000,000.00, __State__ Driver License #K00-55-00000, SSN/UCC Contract Account-prepaid. account Number SS5-58-5555, Emploper Identification Number SSSSS5535, Security Agreement No. 66666666666, Power of Attorney No. 77777777, Copyright Noli No. SHBBR898E. Suid regicrution is to secure the rights, titles) and intrest in the Binh Cerifiate #55-0000000 as recived by the _*" STATE__ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE (Division of Vital Statsies) and ll Debentures, ndentues, Accounts, andall the Medes represented by same inchuded but not Finite tothe pn, fiypothece, heedisments, re, the energy nd ail products rived thereftom, nune pro tne, but not limited to al apitalized nanes: MIKE JOE. SIXPACK, MIKE J. SIXPACK, M. 9. SLXPACK, MIKE SIXPACK, or any decivatives thereof, and all contac, agreements an sipnatues and/or endorsement, fasinilcs, printed, ped OF rhotocopied of awier's name predicsted onthe ‘Stay-man.’ LLC (ENS LEGIS) described asthe dzblor and all property is accepted for value and is Exempt ffom levy. Record owner is not the guarantor oF Surety 10 anyother account by explicit reservation. Adjustment ofthis ing from Public Policy HR-192 and UCC 1-104 and 10-104, All proceeds, products, accounts, boagage a finiares and the Ondets therefor ae to be elas to the Secured Party asthe authorized ropresenative of the debtor. Debora commercial transiting ull. ! i stale an Ur code a eg ade te, BALTIMORE, MD 21201 For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction At Nowe, she matiuctiony on page B Copyright Notice Copyright Notice: All rights reserved re; common-law copyright of trade-name/trademark, BENJAMIN FREEDOM FRANKLIN as well as any and all derivatives and variations in the spelling of said trade-namesitrademarks - Copyright 1974, by Benjamin-Freedom: Franklin. Said trade-namesttrademarks, ©, may neither be used, nor reproduced, neither in whole nor in part, nor in any manner whatsoever, without the prior, express, written consent and acknowledgment of Benjamin-Freadom: Franklin as signified by the red-ink signature of BenjaminFresdom: Franklin, hereinafter ‘Secured Party.’ With the intent of being contractually bound, any Juristic Person, as well as the agent of said Juristic Person, consents and agrees by this Copyright Notice that neither said Juristic Person, nor the agent of said Juristic Person, shall display, nor otherwise use in any manner, the trade-name/trademark, nor common-law copyright described herein, nor any derivative of, nor any variation in the speling of, said name without prior, express, written consent and acknowledgment of Secured Party. as signified by Secured Party's signature in red ink. Secured Party neither grants, nor implies, nor otherwise gives consent for any unauthorized use of BENJAMIN FREEDOM FRANKLINO, and all such unauthorized use is strictly prohibited, Secured Party is not now, nor has Secured Party ever been, an accommodation party, nor a surety, for the purported debtor, i.e. "BENJAMIN FREEDOM FRANKLIN" © nor for any derivative of, nor for any variation in the spelling of, said name, nor for any other juristic person, and is so-indemnified and held harmless by Debtor, i@. “BENUAMIN FREEDOM FRANKLIN’ © in Hold-hamless and Indemnity Agreement No. 109378196408 dated the 4th Day of the 7th Month In the Year of Our Lord Seventeen-hundred-Seventy-six against any and all claims, legal actions, orders, warrants, judgments, demands, liabilties, losses, depositions, summonses, lawsuits, costs, fines, lieris, levies, penalties, ‘damages, interests; and expenses whatsoever, both absolute and contingent, as are due and as might become due, now existing and as might hereafter arise, and as might be suffered by, imposed on, and incurred by Debtor for any and every reason, purpose, and cause whatsoever, Self- xecuti ct rity enti of Unautho By this Copyright Notice, both the Juristic Person and the agent of said Juristic Person, hereinafter jointly and severally “User,” consent and agree that any use of BENJAMIN FREEDOM FRANKLINO, other than authorized use as set forth above; constitutes unauthorized use of Secured Party's copyrighted Property and contractuelly binds User. This Notice by Declaration becomes a Security Agreement wherein User is a debtor and Benjamin-Freedom: Franklin is Secured Party, and signifies that User. (7) grants Secured Pary a security interest in all of User's property and interest in Property in the sum certain amount of $500,000.00 per each trade-nameltrademark used, per ach occurrence of use (violation/inftingement), plus triple damages, plus costs for each such use, as well as for each and every use of any and all derivatives of, and variations in the spelling of, BENUAMIN FREEDOMG; (2) authenticates this Security Agreement wherein User is debtor and Benjamin-Freedom: Frankin is Secured Party, and wherein User pledges all of User's property, i.e. all consumer goods, farm products, inventory, equipment, money, investment Property, commercial tort ciaims, letters of credit, Ietterof-credit rights, chattel paper, instruments, depesit accounts, accounts, documents, and general intangibles, and all Users interest In all such foregoing property, now owned and hereafter acquired, now existing and hereafter arising, and wherever loceted, as collateral for securing Users contractual obligation in favor of Secured Party for User's unauthorized use of Secured Party's copyrighted property: (3) consents and agrees with Secured Party's fling of a UCC Financing Statement wherein User is debtor and Benjamin Freedom: Franklin is Secured Party; (4) consents and agrees that said UCC. Financing Statement described above in paragraph “(3)" is a continuing financing statement, and further consents and agrees with Secured Party's fling of any continuation statement necessary — Copyright Notice Form CR-#7074527881377-BFF Page 1 of 3 for maintaining Secured Party's perfected security interest in alt of User's property and interest in property pledged as collateral in Security Agreement described above in paragraph *(2),” until User's contractual obligation theretofore incurred has been fully satisfied; (6) authorizes ‘Secured Party's filing of any UCC Financing Statement, as described above in paragraph “(3),” as well as in paragraph "(4)," and the filing of any Security Agreement, as described above in paragraph *(2)," in the UCC filing office; (6) consents and agrees that any and all such filings described in paragraph “(4)" and “(5)" above are not, and may not be considered, bogus, and that User will not claim that any such filing is bogus; (7) waives all defenses; and (8) appoints ‘Secured Party as Authorized Representative for User, effective upon User's defauit re User's contractual obligations in favor of Secured Party as set forth below under “Payment Terms” and “Default Terms,’ with full authorization and power granted Secured Party for engaging in any and ail actions on behaif of User including, but not limited by, authentication of a record on behalf of User, as Secured Party, in Secured Party's sole discretion, deems appropriate, and User further consents and agrees that this appointment of Secured Party as Authorized Representative for User, effective upon User's default, is irrevocable and coupled with a security interest, User. consents and agrees _with of lowing ition ms_of Seif iting ntract/Security in Event of Unauthorized Use: Payment Terms: In accordance with fees for unauthorized use of BENJAMIN FREEDOMG as set forth above, User hereby consents and agrees that User shall pay Secured Party all unauthorized-use fees in full within ten (10) days of date Secured Party's invoice, hereinafter “Invoice,” itemizing said fees, is sont Dsfault_Terms: In event of non-payment in full of all unauthorized-use fees by User within ten (10) days of date Invoice is sent, User shall be deemed in default and (a) all of User's property and interest in property pledged as collateral by User, as set forth in above in paragraph “(2),” immediately becomes, ie. is, property of Secured Party; (b) Secured Party is appointed User's Authorized Representative as set forth above in paragraph *(8)", and (c) User consents and agrees that Secured Parly may take possession of, as well as otherwise dispose of in any manner that Secured Party, in Secured Party's sole discretion, deems appropriate, including, but not limited by, sale at auction, at any time following User's default, and without further nofice, any and all of User's former property and interest in property formerly pledged as collateral by User, now property of Secured Party, in respect of this “Self-executing Contract/Security Agreement in Event of Unauthorized Use,” that Secured Party, again in Secured Party's sole discretion, deems appropriate. Terms for Curing Default: Upon event of default, as set forth above under “Default Terms,” inespective of any and all of Users former properly and interest in property in the possession of, as well as disposed of by, Secured Party, as authorized above under “Default Terms,” User may cure User's default r@ only the remainder of User's former property and interest in property formerly pledged as collateral that is neither in the possession of, nor otherwise disposed of by, Secured Party within twenty (20) days of date of User's defauilf only by payment in full. Terms of Strict Foreclosure: User's non-payment in fuil of all unauthorized-use fees itemized in Invoice within said twenty- (20) day period for curing default as set forth above under “Terms for Curing Default’ authorizes Secured Party's immediate non-judicial strict foreclosure on any and all remaining property and interest in property formerly pledged as coltateral by User, now property of Secured Party, which is not in the possession of, nor otherwise disposed of by, Secured Party upon expiration of said twenty- (20) day strict. foreclosure period. Ownership subject to commontaw copyright and UCC Financing Statement and Security Agreement filed with the UCC filing office. Record Owner: Benjamin-Freedom: Franklin, Autograph Common Law Copytight’s 1974, tems; in accordance with fees for unauthorized use of DEBTORS NAME as set forth above the user hereby consent and agrees that users shall pay secured party alt un-authorized use fees in full within 10 days of date of secured party’s invoice, ~ Copyright Notice Form CR-#7074527861377-BFF Page 2 of 3 hereinafter ‘invoice’, itemizing said fees, is sent to. Default Terms: in event of non payment in full of all unauthorized use fees by user within 10 days of date invoice is sent, user shall be deemed in default and (a) all of users property and interest in property pledged as collateral by user, as set forth in above in paragraph 2, immediately becomes i.e. is, property of secured party; (0) secured party is appointed users Authorized Representative, As set forth above in paragraph S and C user consents and agrees that secured party may take possession of, as well as stherwise dispose of in any manner that secured party, in Secured Parly(s) sole discretion, deems appropriate, including but not limited by, sele at auction, at anytime following users default and without further notice, any and all of the user's former property and interest in property formeriy pledged as collateral by user, now property of secured patty, in respect of this self- executing contract/security agreement in event of unauthorized use, that secured parly, again in secured party's sole discretion, deems appropriate and terms for curing default upon the event of default, as set forth above under default terms irrespective of any and all of users former property and interest in property in the possession of, as well as disposed of by, secured party, authorized above under default terms, user may cure users default re only the remaindar of the users for our property and interest in property formerly pledged as collateral that is neither in the possession of, nor otherwise disposed of by, secured party within twenty days at date of users default only by payment in full. Terms of strict foreclosure: users non payment in full of all unauthorized use fees, itemized in invoice Within said 20 day period For curing default as set forth above under terms for curing default limit authorizes secured party's immediate non-judicfal strict forectosure on any and all remaining property and interest in property formerly pledged as collateral by user, now properly of secured party, which is not in the possession of nor otherwise disposed of by, secured party up on expiration of said 20 day strict foreclosure Period. Ownership subject to common-law copyright and UCC financing statement and security agreement fied with the UCC filing office. _ Record owner: Secured Party / creditor name autographed common-law copyright: Copyrighted Date 1776 Without Prejudice Secured Party — Copyright Notice Form CR-#7074527861377-BFF Page 3 of 3 POWER OF ATTORNEY ‘ LIMITED Know All Men by These Presents: That |, BENJAMIN FREEDOM FRANKLIN [f], the Debtor, Comorate entity, and ‘ens legis,’ the undersigned, hereby make, constitute and appoints Benjamin-Freedom: Frankin [2], herein, the flesh and blood man, a living soul, the Secured PariyiCreditor as my true and lawfully Attomey-in-fact for me and in my corporate capacily (LLC), place and stead and for my personal and commercial use and benef: 1. Toask, demand, request, file, sue, recover, register, collect and receive each and every sum of money, credit, account legacy, bequest, interest, dividend, annuity and demand (which now is oF hereafter shall become due, owing or payable or dischargable) belonging to or accepted or Claimed by me, or presented to the DEBTOR; BENJAMIN FREEDOM FRANKLIN [3], (a corporate ently) and to use and take any lawful and/or commercial means necessary for the recovery thereof by legal or commercial process or otherwise, and to execute and deliver or receive & Satisfaction or release therefor, together with the tight and power to settle, compromise, compound and or discharge any cleim or inflate any administrative claim for damages or make any necessary demands; 2. Ta exercise any or all of the following powers as to all kinds of personal property, private properly and any property, goods, wares and merchandise, choses in action and other property in possession or where a security interest is established and fo or in other actions; 3%. To secure by private registration the interest, or the security interest in any or all property where necessary, to accept for value and to discharge any and all debts for fine, fee, or tax where necessary, to cause the commercial adjustment of any such account held open against the DEBTORBENWAMIN FREEDOM FRANKLIN [4]; to use where necessary any Sight Dratts/Money Orders, Bills of Exchange to finalize any of the above in my behalf: 4. To open any Checking accounts whereupon bsing ‘closed,’ to discharge any fines, fees, taxes and debts via adjustment and set-off, 5. To create, amend, supplement and or terminate any trust or the RES created by the ‘govemment (District of Columbia) and ratified or exercised in any manner by any other State; 6. To request, retrieve, file, submit, or otherwise, any papers in my behalf for any matter whether commercial, quasi-judicial, administrative, or otherwise and to sign my legal corporate ame as my act and deed, to execute and deliver same for any redress or remedy, claim, suit or otherwise, GIVING AND GRANTING, unto my said Attomey-in-fact full power and authority to do and perform ail and every act and thing whatsoever requisite, necessary or appropriate to be done in ind about all matters as fully to all intents and purposes as I might or could do if! was personally present, and hereby raffying all that my Attorey-in-fact shall lawfully do or cause to be done by Nirlue of these presents. The powers and authority hereby conferred upon my said Attomey-in- fact shall be applicable to all real and private property, personal property or interest therein now ‘owned or hereinafter acquired by me as the ‘ENS LEGIS/LLC and wherever situate, and as evidenced by a filed security interest. My said Aitomey-in-fact; Benjamin-Freedom: Franklin [5] is empowered hereby to determine in his sole discretion the time, purpose for and manner in which any power herein conferred upon him shall be exercised, and the conditions, provisions and covenants of any instrument(s) or Form PA -#301171706177601-BFF Page 1 of 2 Power of Attorney

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