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Consumer Credit- The Poisoned Chalice
Consumer Credit- The Poisoned Chalice
Consumer Credit- The Poisoned Chalice
Ebook106 pages1 hour

Consumer Credit- The Poisoned Chalice

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In Consumer Credit - the Poisoned Chalice, the author attempts to shed a biblical light on consumer credit and the current global financial crisis. Consumer credit is still being repackaged by creditors almost on a daily basis to unleash untold misery on the world's credit hungry millions despite its globally publicised notoriety.

In this book, the author uses a set of socio-economic information to reveal the subtle, insidious, yet emotional and psychological realities behind the power of consumer credit advertising. He further outlines the global and eternal implications of the consumer credit (and debt) plight from an objective standpoint. The victims of today's global debt crisis, now widely known as the 'global credit crunch', come from all walks of life, since consumer debt knows neither barrier nor class. He reiterates the fact that debt is no respecter of persons and the menacing jaws of debts have neither conscience nor compassion.

The author's core message is a heartfelt plea, to Christians in particular, to earnestly strive to focus on trimming their household expenditure, remaining ardent financiers of the gospel, developing the habit for godly and professionally recommended investments, and of course being diligent doers of the Word of God.

Chapters 1 to 5 deal with historical and current information on consumer credit. Chapters 6 to 9 have been written to highlight some direct and indirect adverse impacts of the consumer credit situation in the United Kingdom (UK) and United Sates (US) in particular. The rest of the book focuses on diagnosis, cure, lasting solution, and liberation from what the author describes as the twenty-first century socio-economic cancer and prison without bars – consumer debt.

If you are in debt, a debt counsellor or have an academic interest in the subject, then this is a must-read book for you.

PublisherKofi Ayeh
Release dateSep 16, 2011
Consumer Credit- The Poisoned Chalice

Kofi Ayeh

CONSUMER CREDIT – THE POISONED CHALICE (AUTHOR'S BIOGRAPHY) Pastor Kofi Ayeh is married with three children and lives in the United Kingdom. He is currently the resident pastor of the Lighthouse Chapel International's branch in Greenford in west London. After years of trying to find a niche for his faith and livelihood, he decided in 1998 to enrol on a postgraduate course in economic development.During his studies, he came to the realisation that poverty could never be made history, and that man's greatest and primary need is spiritual rather than physical. He also found out that no number of regulations or amount of force on earth, other than the unfailing love of Jesus, could make men share the world's resources equitably, and that the love for money is the root of all evil. His passion and quest for a debt-free life led him to write his first book entitled 'Global Credit Crunch - Moment of 'The Truth' in 2009 (featuring on Amazon). Consumer Credit - the Poisoned Chalice is a sequel to the first and it is a personal and spiritual perspective and evaluation of the current global financial crisis. In this particular book, Pastor Kofi uses a set of socio-economic information to reveal the subtle, insidious, yet emotional and psychological realities behind the power of consumer credit advertising. He outlines the global and eternal implications of the consumer debt plight from an objective standpoint. He further explores biblical and pragmatic ways of permanently getting out of debt in a thought-provoking manner. In this book, the global profit-hungry agenda being disguised in diverse forms of personal credit is revealed. If you are in debt, a debt counsellor or have an academic interest in the subject, then this is a must-read book for you. Dec, 2011

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    Book preview

    Consumer Credit- The Poisoned Chalice - Kofi Ayeh

    Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Bold words in scriptures are for emphasis only. All rights reserved.

    Consumer Credit – The Poisoned Chalice

    Copyright © 2012 Kofi Ayeh

    First published 2010

    2nd Printing 2011

    3rd Printing 2012

    Smashwords Edition

    ISBN 978-1-907295-13-3

    Email: [email protected]


    The advice contained in this book might not be suitable and acceptable to everyone. The author has framed his opinions on Biblical principles, publications from other authors and his own experience. While he believes these sources, and his interpretation of them, to be accurate and reliable, this does not imply or intend any guarantee of accuracy. The author is not in the business of giving legal, accounting, or any other type of professional advice; the reader must therefore investigate all aspects of personal or business decisions before committing him or herself to any advice in this book. The author particularly disclaims any liability, loss or risk incurred by individuals who directly or indirectly act on the information contained herein. The author believes the advice presented is sound and biblical, but readers cannot hold him responsible either for the actions they take or for result of those actions.

    Published By: Dual Edge Publishing London

    Design & Layout: The Branding Guys London

    Printed in United Kingdom

    British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

    A catalogue record for this book is available from British Library.

    All rights reserved


    To Mrs Comfort Odame Ayeh, my precious mum, whose selfless love and prayers kept my siblings and me through those tender and difficult years. Mum, may our Lord Jesus Christ continue to bless you with perfect peace, health and abundant grace for your sacrificial display of motherhood.


    For years, I have been trusting God for a confirmation and the opportunity to write this book. This vision has now become a reality. It is my prayer that this is the will of God for my life; I can only count on and trust in His mercies for further direction as I continue walking with Him.

    I shall forever remain indebted to my spiritual father, Bishop Richard Aryee, The Bishop of The General Council, Lighthouse Chapel International for his gracious covering and guidance since leading me to Christ. My special thanks go to Rev Dr Joseph Adjei of Lighthouse Chapel International, UK and Rev Dr Kenneth Baker, Minister of Northolt Grange Baptist Church, UK for their invaluable time and insightful comments on this book.

    Thanks to Pastor Isaac Opoku Ware, the proprietor of Dual Edge Publishing Ltd, Paul-Kayode Joash of Sayitbetter Media UK and Mrs Ruth Brown for their generosity and willingness of heart; for their sacrificial and memorable contribution to making this book a reality.

    Finally, thanks to my dear wife, Harriet and my children Janice, Karis and Jayden for standing together with me and allowing me countless and peaceful hours of time to write this book.

    My greatest gratitude goes to Jesus Christ who died on the Cross in Calvary and rose again to save a lost and pitiful sinner like me.

    Kofi Ayeh

    United Kingdom






    Chapter 1 - A brief history of money and money lending

    Chapter 2 - Globalisation and credit facilities

    Chapter 3 - Biblical perceptions about money lending and borrowing

    Chapter 4 - The insidious seduction of advertising

    Chapter 5 - The deceptions of remortgaging and debt consolidation schemes

    Chapter 6 - Debts and your health

    Chapter 7 - Debts and your family

    Chapter 8 - Debts, wealth and your salvation

    Chapter 9 - The hidden face of lending practices

    Chapter 10 - How to get out of debt

    Chapter 11 - Develop investments and savings habits

    Chapter 12 - Having faith without a job is an illusion


    I deem it a great honour to be asked to write the foreword to this all important book by my friend, Pastor Kofi Ayeh. The author brings several years of personal experience and great deal of research on the subject of consumer debt to bear in this powerful book which he has entitled Consumer Credit–the Poisoned Chalice.

    Kofi is a devoted Christian who has good knowledge of biblical truths especially in the area of finances. His passion to expose the evils of consumer debts which have greatly contributed to the global crisis is evidenced in the thorough and systematic way he deals with the subject in the pages of this book.

    This exciting book will enlighten you on the origin of consumer debt (and credit), its alarming ill-effects on individuals and society, and how to get out of this financial hole using sound biblical and time-tested principles. Ultimately, you will be directed to the source of all wealth, Jesus Christ.

    It is my prayer that as you go through the pages of this book you will experience true financial freedom and owe no man anything except love Romans 13:8.

    Rev. Dr. Joseph Adjei

    Lighthouse Chapel International, UK


    The term ‘poisoned chalice’ is used to describe a thing or situation which appears to be good when it is received or experienced, but then becomes or is found to be bad. The definitive example occurs in Act 1 Scene VII of Shakespeare’s Macbeth when the anti-hero is considering the ramifications of the murder he is plotting.

    "But in these cases

    We still have judgment here; that we but teach

    Bloody instructions, which, being taught, return

    To plague the inventor: this even-handed justice

    Commends the ingredients of our poison’d chalice

    To our own lips."

    Macbeth is presented as a decent man who is seduced by the desire for a power that eventually consumes and destroys him. The chalice is poisoned.

    In the book presently in your hands, Pastor Kofi applies this analogy to the field of global finance and consumer debt, in which he has much experience. The poisoned chalice is the temptation of consumer credit which offers so much and ensnares so many.

    I admit to a personal agenda here, having been rescued through the sheer grace of God from bankruptcy myself, and having counselled many in the grip of credit spending. A close friend was driven to suicide through the depression caused by financial worries. This is a book for our time. One notes the rising significance of the charity Christians Against Poverty and the mushrooming number of their debt-counselling agencies; one encounters recent books such as Douglas

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