Task 3 - Technology and Human Development - Luisyepez

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Unit 2 - Task 3 - Technology and human development

Tutor: Carlos Fernando Vásquez Mejía

Prepared by:

Luis Gabriel Yepez Ávila


Open and Distance University – UNAD

School of Health Sciences ECISA

English B2

group: 900005_06


Essay on How technology has changed human life

Technology and its impacts

At present we are experiencing an acceleration in technological knowledge, and

with the speed at which technology changes daily life, there is less and less
time to assimilate these transformations and visualize their real impact on
human development.

Something that we all know and even perceive is that technology has become
an extension of innovation of and in the human being, an extension that has
helped the human being to develop in a better way in his environment.

Well, if it is put to good use, technology helps to solve the problems that
society has to solve every day.

This is why I say that technology can help us in many ways, but just as it
helps, it can also harm us even more.

I will show 4 ways in which technology influences both positively and

negatively 4 fundamental aspects of our human development that impact us in
one way or another. Technology has opened ways for more labor facilities in
the world, helping people to make their jobs easier every day. Work is one of
the ways to empower human beings, creativity, innovation, and imagination. It
is essential because it makes human life productive, useful, and meaningful.

The relationship between work and human development must be considered in

the context of the changing notion of what constitutes work: the areas of work
have varied, and the modus operandi has evolved.

Some of these changes may contribute positively to different dimensions of

human development, but other aspects may have negative repercussions.

But it also causes people to lose their jobs, millions of people could lose their
jobs due to automation.

Another aspect to be reviewed for human development is the family.

The family is the first social nucleus and the one that leaves the greatest mark
on the person. It is within the family where the human being reaches personal
fulfillment, which consists in having the capacity to think with intelligence, the
capacity to act with will, the capacity to decide with freedom and the capacity
to love.

Technology has changed the way we see and live the world, and thanks to it
we can be connected all the time despite the distances, facilitating
communication and allowing to improve the quality of life of people.

Technology brings many opportunities to families, but we must not ignore the
risks of its excessive use and the behaviors that lead to dependence.

Technology by itself does not foster disunity; in fact, it offers several benefits.
In reality, it all depends on the type of use and regulation at home. It is
important to explain why certain rules of use are set and to teach how to
distinguish the moments.

Some parents prefer to check their mail rather than listen to their children, and
children do the same when they are with other family members, putting the
use of digital devices above any family relationship

The third aspect in which technology is involved in human development is in

food, although it sounds very strange, technology can help, but it can also
harm what has to do with food.

Technology can help automate the production processes of some foods, but it
can also speed up the growth and maintenance of others, accelerating
processes to speed up their sale. We are seeing more and more genetically
modified foods. If we bet more and more on technology, we will not eat food.
We will break our cycles of nature, biology

and one of the most fundamental aspects of human development is the

environment, Many of our day-to-day activities produce pollution, whether
noise, light or air pollution, the final recipient of which is the environment.
Every time we use electricity, means of transportation, medicines, cleaning and
heating products or heat food, we produce, even if not directly, polluting

Pollution varies according to several factors such as population growth, the

degree of urbanization, industrial development, agricultural mechanization and
the use of natural resources. Among all its types, air pollution is particularly
important. This pollution usually comes from means of transport, industrial
emissions or emissions from the city or the countryside.

But this same technology has had a profound impact on society and the
environment. This is a key to improving the way in which our daily activities
affect the environment, providing intelligent tools to help us minimize our
footprint on the planet.

and that's it, these were 4 fundamental aspects of human development that
are influenced by technology.

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