02 - ITIL V3 2011 Service Design SD
02 - ITIL V3 2011 Service Design SD
02 - ITIL V3 2011 Service Design SD
indb 5
Appendix A: The
service design
package A
08/07/2011 17:24
Service Design BOOK TEL v0_7.indb 6 08/07/2011 17:24
| 303
A ‘service design package’ (SDP) should be to service transition and details all aspects of the
produced during the design stage, for each new service and its requirements through all of the
service, major change to a service or removal of a subsequent stages of its lifecycle. The contents of
service or changes to the ‘service design package’ the SDP are shown in Table A.1.
itself. This pack is then passed from service design
Service transition plan Overall transition strategy, objectives, policy, risk assessment and plans
■■ Build policy, plans and requirements, including service and
component build plans, specifications, control and environments,
technology, tools, processes, methods and mechanisms, including
all platforms
■■ Testing policy, plans and requirements, including test
environments, technology, tools, processes, methods and
■■ Testing must include:
●● Functional testing
●● Component testing, including all suppliers, contracts and
externally provided supporting products and services
●● User acceptance and usability testing
●● System compatibility and integration testing
●● Service and component performance and capacity testing
●● Resilience and continuity testing
●● Failure, alarm and event categorization, processing and testing
●● Service and component, security and integrity testing
●● Logistics, release and distribution testing
●● Management testing, including control, monitoring, measuring
and reporting, together with backup, recovery and all batch
scheduling and processing
Service operational Overall operational strategy, objectives, policy, risk assessment and
acceptance plan plans including:
■■ Interface and dependency management and planning
■■ Events, reports, service issues, including all changes, releases,
resolved incidents, problems and known errors, included within
the service; and any errors, issues or non-conformances within the
new service
■■ Final service acceptance
Service acceptance Development and use of service acceptance criteria for progression
criteria through each stage of the service lifecycle, including:
■■ All environments
■■ Guarantee and pilot criteria and periods
The service acceptance criteria (SAC) comprise a the service provider is ready to deliver the new
set of criteria used to ensure that a service meets service once it has been deployed. Table B.1 gives
its expected functionality and quality and that examples of such criteria.
Criteria Responsibility
Have the ‘go-live’ date and the guarantee period been agreed with all concerned parties, Change, service level
together with final acceptance criteria?
Have the deployment project and schedule been documented, agreed and made public to all Change, incident
affected personnel?
Has the service level agreement (SLA)/requirements (SLR) been reviewed, revised and agreed Service level
with all concerned parties?
Has the service been entered/updated in the service catalogue/service portfolio within the Service level,
configuration management system (CMS) and appropriate relationships established for all configuration
supporting components?
Have all customers and other stakeholders been identified and recorded in the CMS? Service level, business
Have all operational risks associated with running the new service been assessed and Business continuity,
mitigation actions completed where appropriate? availability
Have contingency and fail-over measures been successfully tested and added to the overall Business continuity,
resilience test schedule? availability
Can all SLA/SLR targets be monitored, measured, reported and reviewed, including availability Service level,
and performance? availability
Have all users been identified/approved and their appropriate accounts created for them? Account management
Can all workload characteristics, performance and capacity targets be measured and Capacity
incorporated into capacity plans?
Have all operational processes, schedules and procedures been agreed, tested, documented Operations, business
and accepted (e.g. site documentation, backups, housekeeping, archiving, retention)? continuity
Have all batch jobs and printing requirements been agreed, tested, documented and Operations
Have all test plans been completed successfully? Test manager
Have all security checks and tests been completed successfully? Security compliance
Are appropriate monitoring and measurement tools and procedures in place to monitor the Systems management
new service, together with an out-of-hours support rota?
Have all ongoing operational workloads and costs been identified and approved? Operations, IT finance
Are all service and component operational costs understood and incorporated into financial IT finance
processes and the cost model?
Have incident and problem categories and processes been reviewed and revised for the new Incident, problem
service, together with any known errors and deficiencies? reporting
Table continues
Criteria Responsibility
Have all new suppliers been identified and their associated contracts drawn up accordingly? Contract and supplier
Have all support arrangements been reviewed and revised – SLAs, SLRs, operational level Project manager
agreements (OLAs) – and contracts agreed, with documentation accepted by all teams
(including suppliers, support teams, supplier management, development teams and
application support)?
Has appropriate technical support documentation been provided and accepted by incident, Incident, problem
problem and all IT support teams?
Have all requests for change and release records been authorized and updated? Change
Have all service, SLA, SLR, OLA and contract details, together with all applications and Project management,
infrastructure component details, been entered on the CMS? support teams
Have appropriate software licences been purchased or reallocated licences used? Configuration
Have all new hardware components been recorded in the CMS? Configuration
Have all new software components been lodged in the definitive media library (DML) with Configuration
details recorded in the CMS?
Have all maintenance and upgrade plans been agreed, together with release policies, Release and
frequencies and mechanisms? deployment
Have all users been trained, and has user documentation been accepted and supplied to all Project manager
Are all relationships, interfaces and dependencies with all other internal and external systems Project manager
and services documented, agreed and supported?
Have appropriate business managers signed off acceptance of the new service? Project manager