SR Proposal Manager

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Tyvise J.

[email protected]
PO Box 1239
Chesapeake Beach, MD 20732; Strasburg, VA
443-306-6108 cell phone

Dear Manager/Recruiter:
The purpose of this cover letter is to provide a general overview of the types o
f proposals I manage.
Many proposals I managed had been released for at least a week with a response t
hat was due in less than 3 weeks. I have several years experience managing mult
iple proposals at various stages. A few responses were due on the same day. Mo
re in depth strategy discussions took place with Sales, the program/project mana
gers and other key stakeholders when unsolicited efforts were converted to full
and open status and when the company was the incumbent.
In some cases, Sales didn't know the competition and they knew less about the cu
stomer. Sales got approval from upper managers to submit a response with low wi
n probability. Other proposals had high visibility and were so political that n
o one in the company wanted to work on them. Sometimes, allocated resources did
n't want to work with certain people because they were said to be difficult to w
ork with and would not stick to schedules.
In many cases, a capture manager wasn't assigned so I took on that role and had
to develop the proposal management plan in a very short time frame. I worked wi
th teams to identify win themes, discriminators and strategy. I continued to wo
rk on the proposal until extensions were or were not received and managed risks
and potential showstoppers, people and writing issues. I helped teams identify
partners/subcontractors and tracked risks/mitigation, action items and requireme
nts. In meeting with Sales, upper management and other stakeholders, I helped f
acilitate discussions on bid/no bid decisions. My experience also allowed me to
be an active member of the capture planning team and then transitioned informati
on to the proposal management plan.
My background as a program/project manager helped to enhance my proposal managem
ent skills. Working sessions were encouraged to ensure all concerns, issues and
ideas are addressed to ensure the team agreed on the approach and the interpret
ation of the requirements.
As a technical writer of resumes, past performance and full life cycle documenta
tion, I assisted in writing and/or providing guidance for the various plans.
I enjoyed helping companies focus on the vision and mission of the client/custom
er and how their solution would benefit the customer's need.
Wins on several proposals exceeded 1 billion dollars.
I used Sharepoint and other collaboration tools as they were available and worke
d in many matrixed environments. Being results oriented and never late on a sub
mission, requirements were checked for compliance to the evaluation criteria, th
e SOW and other requirements.
My experience as a consultant has helped me understand how other companies worke
d and adapted easily to different working environments. I brought templates and
other Shipley and PMI processes and procedures as needed. I have worked part t
ime and 1099 and can handle most of my expenses while traveling.
Contact me as needed to discuss my capabilities.
Thank you for your consideration.
Ty Thomas-Moss
Tyvise J. Thomas-Moss
[email protected]
PO Box 1239
Chesapeake Beach, MD 20732; Strasburg, VA
443-306-6108 cell phone
Summary: Ty has over 20 years experience as a Proposal and Project Manager. Sh
e has also been a Volume Lead, Technical Writer/Editor, Past Performance and Res
ume Writer; and Documentation and Training Manager. She enjoys leading and worki
ng within a project/proposal team environment. The importance of due diligence o
n every project is stressed in her performance and every attempt is made to gath
er data from all shareholders to identify realistic benchmarks to reach project
goals. Customer-centric thinking regarding the benefits to and vision and missio
n of the employers and their customers - focus is on getting the information tha
t will ensure project completion that most benefits the customer. As a project
manager, she brings PMP, Shipley and collaborative processes and welcomes team's
ideas, and incorporates these great ideas into work plans. She works with Micro
soft Office, Visio, and MS Project applications and is willing to travel, work o
nsite and remotely and enjoys working in a matrixed environment.
Professional Experience:
Consultant-Proposal Manager of State, Local, Commercial, Civilian and Defense op
portunities for small and large companies.
* As a hardware and software full life cycle document writer and reviewer, uses
Mil-Specs and other industry standards to ensure compliance as needed. Document
s include Management, Training, Transition, Implementation, Testing, Installatio
n, Staffing, and Small Business Utilization plans; user guides/standard operatin
g procedures, and system and requirements specifications.
* Interfaces with and interviews technical/solutions architects and System Engin
eers and other subject matter experts (SMEs) to ensure plans are compliant and a
ddress the requirements before submission.
* Manages more than one proposal at a time; develops proposals from beginning to
* Point of Contact to the CO for submitting questions and receiving proposal upd
* Volume Lead/Book Boss and writer for the Technical, Past Performance, and Resu
me sections.
* Works closely with Contracts/Legal to ensure the FAR/DFAR requirements and Ter
ms and Conditions are reviewed against the requirements. Interfaces with other
departments to ensure internal processes will not cause potential showstoppers.

* Coordinates with Pricing group to ensure terminology and pricing items are cal
led out in the technical volume as needed.
* Establishes close relationships with the capture manager and sales team and ot
her stakeholders as needed. Review and provide input to TAs/SOWs for subcontrac
tors and partners.
* Part of strategy sessions to discuss and make decisions on the best plan of ac
tion to take for proposal issues.
* Develops kickoff presentations, storyboards, compliance matrices and outlines
based on the Evaluation Criteria and proposal requirements.
* Works with team to assess opportunities for bid/no bid decisions. Brief teams
before the Reviews and take part in debrief sessions.
* Provides and receives status on a daily basis. Facilitate brainstorming and wo
rking sessions.
* Review Questions and Answers, requirements and pricing against the response. S
ubmitted questions to the team for review.
* Works with team to develop win themes, hot buttons, win strategy, discrimi
nators and ghosting themes for writers.
Sept.14 to January 10, 2011. GTSI, Chantilly, VA. Proposal Manager for RFI for
Security Incident and Event Management (SIEM) System for VA Network and Securi
ty Operations Center (VA-NSOC); Physical Access Control and Surveillance System
proposal for the Cherokee Nation W.W. Hastings Hospital, Tahlequah, OK. Install
ation of CCTV Security Video System (SVS) at the Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers
Board's (JPB) Centralized Equipment Maintenance and Operations Facility (CEMOF)
RFI for San Carlos, CA; (RFI): Market Research, Ibuy Hardware RFI for BLM, DoI;
Physical Security and Risk Assessment Consulting Services proposal for PBC, Cit
y of Chicago.
August 20 to Sept 13, 2010. NetCentrics, Corp., Vienna, VA. Net-Centrics Integr
ated Enterprise Information Technology Solutions (NIEITS) proposal for the Defen
se Department. Wrote and formatted 12 past performance from bulleted items for
the Statement of Operations Basic year, TO1 and TO2 (4 each). Reported to the C
OO and worked with the PMs to provide specific information and to validate past
performance. Assisted in placing information in the questionnaires. Developed p
ast performance slides for review. Red Team and Orals Reviewer. Edited volume
s before submission.
July 16 to August 2, 2010. Consultant-STG, Reston, VA. Proposal Manager for th
e Alliant Enterprise Level EC4I Technology Support to the US SOUTHCOM proposal.
Vendor is to provide CONUS/OCONUS IT support for the ASA-SOUTHCOM IT/IM systems
and networks and to support installation and upgrade services, IA, help desk se
rvices, and logistics, video teleconferencing (VTC), conference room, tech contr
ol facility, and training support. Staffing and QA/QC plans were included. Hel
ped to get the Technical volume down to 20 pages. Five Past Performance and Que
stionnaires were included along with the Pricing volume. This is a 33M opportun
June 4 to July 2, 2010. Consultant-Harris, Sterling, VA. Proposal Manager for
the Enterprise Network Switching and Routing System for Madison Square Garden, L
.P. Managed a matrixed group of program and project managers to develop their fi
rst "official" proposal. The telecommunications solution included technical spe
cifications and system architecture requirements, and included a multi-year cons
truction project to renovate its arena facility. Construction, phasing and sched
uling was included for maintaining existing system, interfacing existing and ins
talling new equipment in phases, providing temporary equipment, relocating, remo
ving and re-packaging existing equipment. The phased implementation had very str
ingent technical specifications and timing requirements. The RFP had 72 pages of
single spaced requirements. Determined the sections that needed to be included
based on the bid response document. Sections included management plan, subcont
ractor plan, past performance (10 were required), resumes, job descriptions (all
team members), technical solution and architecture, cost and contracts. Two co
mpliance matrixes were submitted; one for the response requirements and another
146 page matrix for each component of the technical specification. Followed comp
any and proposal processes getting this 1,000 page document submitted on time.

May 12 to June 2, 2010. Consultant-Mission Essential Personnel (MEP), Chantilly

, VA. Technical Writer. Interviewed and worked with subject matter experts to
write the Management Plan for an USSCOM Special Operation Forces (SOF) Linguist
Support CONUS/OCONUS opportunity. Sections included managing and monitoring sub
contractors, personnel management, deployment, training, QC, and security. Deve
loped the initial outline and matrix for the proposal manager.
March to April 2010. Consultant--Gemini Industries, Burlington, MA. Technical W
riter/Editor. Lead writer for the Technical Volume (Management, Technical QC).
A very intense 30 day, process oriented 50 page effort to respond to the CASCOM
Functional and Analytical Experimentation Support to the Sustainment Battle Lab
oratory (SustBL) RFP. Led a team of large and small subcontractors in developin
g a solution for the design and support to all forms of experimentation and othe
r analytical events across 7 task areas. Approach would enable the study of cur
rent, modular and future warfare concepts to determine and identify capability g
aps in modular forces. Received high ratings at Red Team with minor recommendat
ions. Capture Manager liked and accepted all suggestions to improve the storyboa
rd template, which is in their ISO process. Capture Manager accepted suggestion
s for data calls that included innovations and the RACI table/chart. Developed
tables that were used in past performance and other suggested data was captured
and placed in the management and small business sections. Edited Past Performan
ce, Management, and QC sections and the Small Business Plan.
Sept 2009 to February 2010. Consultant- Proposal Manager, GTSI, Herndon, VA. P
roposal Manager for Defense, State & Local, and Civilian proposals. Proposals i
ncluded the Federal Reserve Board PC Deployment Services, FL Miami Dade-Electron
ic Content Management Solution with Customizable Workflow Capability, and the TX
Dept. of Information Resources, Mobile Digital Video Recording Systems, Accesso
ries and Related Services proposal. Worked closely with the Capture Managers and
provided Capture support as needed. An active member of the Capture Planning t
eam for the US Army, Ft. Huachuca, Enterprise Wide Implementation opportunity.
This was an unsolicited effort that the Army wanted to make full and open. Manag
ed Sales Executives, technical teams, solutions architects, Contracts/Legal, pri
cing managers, subcontractors, desktop publishers, and graphic designers. Revie
wed and provided guidance for past performance and resume development. Reviewed
responses for compliance, TAs/NDAs and SOWs for partners/subcontractors. Wrote
cover letters, the executive summary and other sections as needed. Developed t
he proposal schedules, matrixes, outlines and other applicable documents. Member
of the Capture Planning Team.
April 2009 to July 2009. Consultant-Proposal Manager, GTSI, Herndon, VA. Propo
sal Manager for Defense and Civilian proposals. Proposal manager and writer for
the Army ESAN DCIN Coop, and DHS MS Blanket Purchase Agreement proposals. Mana
ged Sales teams, Contracts, other team members, primes and subcontractors. Prov
ided guidance and followed the proposal life cycle processes for these intense o
pportunities. Coordinated the submission of proposal responses to the prime for
FAA FAVES and FDA White Oak Data Center Infrastructure Equipment RFPs. Submitte
d initial questions to the CO for the DoI Office of Ethics and the SPAWARS pre-R
FP Industry Day conference; and reviewed the PWS/SOWs for C2, ISR, and Comms. Pr
ovided capture support for DHS and filled in for the capture manager on the Army
SAN DCIN proposal as needed.
November 27, 2007 to April 2009. Organizational Communications, Reston, VA. (Se
nior Inside Sales Manager). Developed and performed business development tasks,
developed company policies and procedures, reviewed RFP requirements, and helpe
d companies determine to bid/no bid Federal and State proposals. Reviewed propos
als to identify the optimal skill sets of proposal team members for company requ
Sept. 2007 - November 23, 2007. GTSI, Chantilly, VA, Proposal Manager, Consulta
nt. Capture/Proposal Manager. Assigned potential RFPs as Capture Manager to fa
cilitate the bid/no bid evaluation and assessment process. Involved in the stra
tegy processes. Worked with all stakeholders in a matrixed environment to evalua
te the potential effort as capture manager. If deemed a bid, the capture plan w
as used so I could fulfill the role of the proposal manager and to continue mana
ging the proposal response from beginning to end. Responsible for contacting th
e government and sending the submission and tracking the proposal once submitted
. Use SalesForce to update the progress of the RFP. Scheduled meetings and pre
pare for reviews, work with Production to place proposal draft on warroom wall;
identify issues before reviews.
April 3, 2007 - Sept. 2007, TeleCommunications System (TCS), Annapolis Maryland,
Contract Proposal Manager for State and Federal proposals. Worked closely with
and filled in for the Capture Manager as needed in virtual and matrixed environm
ents. Reviewed all response documents for completion and compliance. Managed t
he master template and proposal process from beginning to end. Proposals includ
ed Claro, Puerto Rico, Wireless Network Operations E911; Federal Strategic Sourc
ing Initiative Wireless Telecommunications Expense Management; Reliance GIS/Loca
tions E911 for Puerto Rico/India, WiMAX Location Services with VoIP; MD CAT CAD/
RMS, MD State Police; WHS; and C4 Support Services-Ft. Detrick, which was a majo
r win for the company. Worked with HR to develop Employee Compensation and Small
Business Utilization Plans. Researched and wrote Management Plans and other se
ctions to responses as needed. Reviewed and edited white papers for GPS, AGPS,
User and Control Planes and other products. Worked closely with Contracts/Legal
, Pricing, Purchasing, VPs, Account Managers, SMEs, PMs, and team members in a m
atrixed environment. PMO processes/approaches were used in the development proc
ess. Reviewed proposal information for Capture Managers.
March 7 to March 29, 2007, KBR, Crystal City, VA.Writer for the Dept. of Defens
e- Gulf Region Division - Reconstruction Logistics, Strategic Logistics Distribu
tion System RFP. Wrote the IT section that would define the proposed automated s
ystem to be located in Abu Guraib and Port of Umm Quasar. The system would inter
face with the Logistics Management Control Center.
* Worked with the infrastructure team to identify the system and capabilities to
be developed.
* Wrote the draft to the Secure Communications/Networked IT Database Systems pla
n that provided the total process for system security management, design, develo
pment, CM, QA/QC, documentation, testing, implementation/installation, facilitie
s security, risk and performance management.
* Wrote the Draft Concepts of Operation Plan that encompassed the total Strategi
c Supply Chain Management and Distribution System RFP.
January 3, 2007 to March 2, 2007, Harris Corporation, Fall Church, VA. Developed
an in-depth Management Plan (based on the PMBoK) for a recompete effort. Captu
red and developed all major tasks, performance measurements and other tasks not
addressed in the RFP but incumbent wanted to capture.
Nov. 2006, INDUS Corp., McLean VA. Formatted and reviewed 37 resumes and 11 pas
t performances for submission to an RFP. Ensured the resumes and past performan
ce met the requirements of the RFP/SOW and the Evaluators.
October 28 to Nov. 2006 Nortel Government Solutions, Fair Lakes, VA. Consultan
t. Wrote the technical sections for submission to the prime.
Sept. 2006 to October 20, 2006--HAI. Arlington, VA, Technical/Management Volume
Lead, DISN Network Management Support Services, Global/Network Engineering Contr
act (DNMSS-G/NEC).
* Performed technical and competitive analysis. Compared the ASC 2006 against th
e NEC 1998 response, identified potential teaming partners, developed compliance
matrix, outlines, reviewed past performance, analyzed the RFP, developed boiler
plate Technical/Management Volume information; tracked partner's capability to t
he past performance matrix, and performed research as required, and assisted wit
h data call analysis.
* Provided status to upper management and develop justifications and presentatio
* Performed Capture Management Planning tasks and acquired FOIA information as n
* Backup to the Proposal Manager.
* Provided status to CEO and reported to the VP of Business Development. (Effort
ended due to delay in release of RFP.)
June 30 to August 14, 2006--L3 Communications, Titan Linguist Operations & Techn
ical Support Division, Reston, VA. Capture/Proposal Manager--Developed the detai
led compliance matrix, detailed outline, work plans, presentations and schedules
based on the draft RFPs for INSCOM's GTMO (Guantanamo Bay) and ESS (Exercise S
upport Services) that would be used as the baseline documents for the assigned p
roposal managers. GTMO was released; updated the documents for the prime's/L3's
proposal manager; assigned to the INSCOM Afghanistan proposal and worked closel
y with the prime and was the deputy proposal manager to the L3 VP. These are a
ll 30 day efforts with intense synchronization.
June 3rd to June 29, 2006--L3 Communications, Titan Linguist Operations & Techni
cal Support Division, Reston, VA. Capture/Proposal Manager for the Iraq Minist
ry of Defense (MoD) Human Resource Information Management System (HRIMS) with in
tegrated Payroll System.
* Reviewed the RFP to develop the detailed compliance matrix, outline, work plan
, and schedules.
* Worked with the team to develop the Work Breakdown Structure.
* Tracked the requirements during proposal develop to ensure compliance.
* Led team to develop win themes, hot buttons, win strategy, discriminators and
ghosting themes for writers.
* Helped the prime identify another potential partner when the project was at ri
sk. I used my resources to track questions and competition when other internal
resources failed.
This was a very intense effort for an Oracle eBusiness Suite application/databas
e system to be developed with Personnel Life Cycle and Transaction Management sy
stems. Full life cycle documentation needs to be developed for the Multi-nation
al Security Transition Command-Iraq (MNSTC-I) and Joint Command Contracting-Iraq
. The system is to be developed in English and Arabic with all documentation, t
raining and material, and meetings translated into Arabic. The RFP was released
June 18 with no questions answered and no extension for delivery to Baghdad Jun
e 29. The Team is in the BAFO stage with the Government as of 8/03.
Apr 3 to May 30, 2006-GTSI, Corp, Chantilly, VA, Proposal Manager for the Dept.
of Interior, Bureau of Land Management Enterprise Storage Systems. Responsible
for proposals over 1.5M dollars.
* Managed and performed the full proposal development cycle.
* Managed and worked with the Sales, Capture, Contracts, Pricing, Production tea
ms, partners SEs and subcontractors on the team to develop the Technical, Securi
ty, Past Performance, Pricing and Management volumes.
* Developed Project Plans and the draft Installation, Activation and Checkout pl
ans with a schedule and Test Plans, and technical volumes.
* Reported to the Director of the Bid and Proposals Division. Worked with Contr
acts to ensure all agreements are in place. Wrote the Transmittal Letter and th
e draft letters of commitment/support.
* My kickoff template is being used in the proposal group as a standard process.
Aug 15, 2005 to March 2006-Qwest Government Services, Arlington, VA, Proposal/St
aff Project Manager.
Managed the matrixed internal and external Sales and Program Managers, Sales Eng
ineers, Contracts/Subcontracts, Legal, POM and Finance teams; monitored progress
of pre/proposal process; initiated stakeholder calls if effort was at risk; ass
essed RFPs for bid/no bid decisions; managed three SAIC UNITES/NASA CONUS/OCONU
S quotes, 2ORNL-UT/CISCO quotes, managed ITES/CSC, ENCORE/SAIC subcontract prop
osals, OPM, Nortel INL, LANL mod; 20 to 60 day RFPs included two DITCO AK-Pacif
ic; TNET, FAA Montana, DATS. Developed proposal processes from beginning to end
and performed desktop and production tasks.
* Worked closely with the team to ensure the win themes, hot buttons, strategies
were addressed in documentation for civilian and federal customers.
* Filled in the risk assessment form and managed final authority checklist; perf
ormed and monitored gap analysis and tasks of each proposal; prepared for and fa
cilitated reviews for team and upper management and other stakeholders.
* Developed and managed the kickoff, presentations and discussion items for the
government. Assessed RFPs to determine bid/no bid.
* Worked with team to develop win themes/strategy; discriminators, hot buttons,
arguments, and ghosting themes.
* Reviewed response to ensure themes were incorporated in the response.
* Developed relationships with partners/subcontractors/primes and monitored prog
ress of NDAs, TAs and assignments; developed and monitored data calls/SOWS assig
* Reviewed FAR and DFAR clauses as required.
* Developed work plans that included the needs list, administrative and technica
l support.
* Point of contact for every aspect of the proposal.
* Used resources to collect competitive analysis and other theme information. P
rovide guidance to team as needed.
* Worked with Contracts to submit questions to the government.
Aug 1 to Sept 3, 2005--Corvis Government Solutions Inc., Columbia. MD. Contract
or/Projects/Proposal. Returned for Phase 2 response for DARPA and Phase 1 of a
BAA for the Air Force; multi million dollar effort.
June 2005 to July 2005-OPTIMUS Corp., Silver Spring, MD. Proposal/Deputy Captur
e Manager for National Labor Relations Board, Information Technology Help Desk E
nd User, Network, National-Field Maintenance and Tech Writing and Documentation
Support. Developed full proposal and capture management processes. Wrote and int
erviewed the Program Manager and Director and pulled information from the standa
rd operating procedures to develop the technical solution. Developed and used s
toryboards, wrote the management and transition plans, wrote and edited proposal
sections and developed the implementation strawman, templates for the resumes,
past performance, tasks and other processes. Prepared the presentation and faci
litated the kickoff and other review meetings. Developed the outlines and compl
iance matrixes, schedules and facilitated meetings. Developed the response and
all other processes as departments in the company were being restructured.
February 13, 2003 to June 2005--Corvis Government Solutions Inc., Columbia. MD.
Contractor/Projects/Proposal Manager/Coordinator, Technical Writer/Editor. NO
TE: Performed various tasks at CGSI
Proposal Manager for the Defense Information Technology Contracting Organization
(DITCO-Europe Defense Wave Division Multiplex, Optical Transport Network RFP.
Developed the outline, the compliance matrix, the format, prepared writer packag
es, worked with writers and tracked Amendments and performed other proposal task
s. Coordinated with the Program/Capture Manager and President. This was a very
stressful and rewarding 60 day submission.
Proposal Manager for Phase 1 of BAA05-36 for DARPA-Management, Technical and Pri
cing proposals were developed.
* Developed the compliance matrix and training section for the draft Networx's R
FP. Developed a comparison compliance matrix between
Universal and Enterprise requirements. Proposal Manager for States of M
aryland and California proposals.
* Developed, updated and edited SONET and SDH optical convergence switch Users,
Operations and Applications Guides for the Government customers. Interviewed su
bject matter experts, with few specifications to use for background information.
Generated documents from beginning to end. Started at the beginning of the DIS
A, Global Information Grid Bandwidth Expansion (GIG-BE) proposal as a Technical
Writer/Editor and Proposal Coordinator in an intense 30 day turnaround response
cycle. Prepared and corrected all proposal signature documents for the Presiden
t of the company.
* Wrote documentation for Network Management, Network Element management and
supporting software applications, standards of compliance, information assurance
, reliability and quality assurance. Coordinated writing assignments of Engineer
s of RFIs, performed final edits and prepare for submission. Researched informa
tion, developed compliance matrices, and tracked status of contract requirements
, human resource matters, and contract invoices.
* Identified the need for a detailed document used to track the information in t
he matrix to the narrative by release number, future releases and items outside
of the release. Upper management requested the document after it was under deve
lopment and used it in several departments. Identified inconsistencies in each
source with a color code and explanation.
August 2001 to January 2003. CORVIS CORPORATION, Columbia, MD. Project Manager,
Global Documentation Services. Received excellence award for Project Managemen
* Managed all customer documentation for a fiber optics telecommunications compa
ny. Performed Strategic/Project management tasks for the Customer Services Grou
p for documentation. Assessed the vision and mission of the department to ensur
e goals and objectives were met. Developed the 23 document suite based on custo
mer need after interviewing internal management and using applicable documentati
on standards; documents were distributed with each software release. Coordinate
d with Telcordia to develop and implemented Product Change Notices and technical
bulletins based on Telcordia standards, and the Product Life Cycle for each pro
ject/release. Developed and maintained budgets, project plans, and documentation
operation procedures, WBS for each project's multiple release dates. Attended
release meetings and part of sign-off process. Assessed compliance factors for
pending customers. Developed technical proposal input. Responded to extensive d
ocumentation requirements in customer proposals. Edited documents to be submitt
ed for proposals. Worked with internal departments and public relations/marketi
ng firm to maintain company focus and customer documentation needs. Developed t
he internal review process for documents. Defined product line to document and
provided schedules for release meetings. Developed metrics and rated staff perf
ormance. Prepared the New Product Introduction, Training and Documentation depa
rtments for the initial ISO processes. Managed and traveled to teams in Lannion
and Nice; gave initial presentations regarding the corporate documentation proc
esses with the overseas team. Presented status reports during the Operation Revi
ew meetings and weekly status reports to upper management. Wrote the Software In
stallation, System Administrators, and Alarm guides, which included TL1 processe
s. Followed Telcordia and IEEE/ANSI standards.
* Feb. 2001 to August. 2001. Corvis Corporation, Columbia, MD. Manager, Doc
umentation, Training and Production. Managed 6 trainers, 11 writers and 2 produ
ction staff (full-time and contractors). Had authority to hire and terminate.
Worked with VP to establish mission, vision, objectives and goals for the group.
Developed a project team approach to accomplish tasks. Developed budgets, sche
dules, performed risks assessments and monitored and managed control and change
processes per release.
* February 2000 to Feb 2001. Corvis Corporation, Columbia, MD. Technical Write
r/Editor. Hired as a Contractor and became a full-time employee in May. Created
the CEI and CNM user manuals.
March 1990 to 2000 Pencrafter; Strategic/Project Manager/Technical Writer/Edit
* Developed proposals using capture management and full proposal processes, busi
ness plans, project plans, risk management documents, WBS and identified other f
ull life cycle documents. Helped owners define such items as mission, vision, g
oals, objectives, and strategies for operation, budgets, policies, and procedure
* Worked on short-term technical, proposal writing, and project management assig
nments for various agencies and other companies, such as Vredenberg in Reston, V
A and Advanced Engineering Applications, Inc. in Lexington Park, MD.
* Updated Student and Instructor Guides for the Dept. of Interior, Bureau of
Land Management, Fire Training Center, Boise, ID. Tasks included word processin
g, editing text, graphics, and viewgraphs. Wrote the proposal and won the 6 mon
th contract. Flew to Boise to meet with the COTR and technical staff. Develope
d and maintained all budgets, project plans, modification/waiver/deviation docum
ents. Provided a project/product plan, developed WBS, risk assessments, cost, b
udget and pricing plans, resource plans, hired and fired staff, managed payroll,
procurement plans and all the other aspects of Project management. Implemented
each phase of Project Management.
* Developed the proposal and training programs and presented it to the local Pri
son, Job Service, and School systems. Provide Microsoft product training to loc
al School teachers. Provided training to members of Job Service and worked with
technical agencies and local businesses for job placement opportunities.
* Wrote the proposal and won the 6 month contract for supplying secretarial s
upport to the Air Traffic Control Terminal Manager in Bridgeport, Conn. Develop
ed and maintained all budgets, project plans, and modification and waiver/deviat
ion documents. Provided a project/product plan, developed WBS, risk assessments
, budgets/pricing, resource plans, hired and fired staff, managed payroll, procu
rement plans and implemented all aspects of Project Management.
Contracts included:
DynCorp, Oxon Hill, MD. Coordinator, Technical Documentation Suppor
t Analyst.
Unisys, Hanover, MD; Reston, VA/Hanover, MD. Documentation Coordinator/Tech. Wr
iter/Editor & CM Manager (Subcontractor) for the Social Security Administration
contract. Responsible for the courseware documentation development effort.
BTG, Inc., Tysons Corner, VA. Manager/Task Leader of Documentation
for UNIX/C development.
SYSCON, Washington, DC. Documentation Coordinator, Technical Writer/Editor for
the Department of Education.
Unisys/NASA, Lanham, MD. Project Coordinator for Documentation, Technical Wr
BOEING, Army National Guard contract, Reston, VA. Documentation, Pr
oduction Coordinator:
Automation Research Systems, Inc., Alex., VA. Documentation Standar
ds Manager.
ASG, Fairfax, VA. Tech. Doc. Spec./Supervisor of the Documentation
Section; U.S. Army VFDMIS Project.
Plan to take the PMI PMP and APMP certification tests.
Villanova University, Master Certification in Applied Project Management.
Refresher course-Creating Winning Proposals, Lohfeld Consulting Group,
Villanova University, Master Certification in Government Contracts Management tr
ack. Essentials completed
Charles County Community College - worked on Associates Degree and added course
s in Library Science
Univ. of Ala-B'ham - Writing courses; Southeastern Univ. - International Manage
ment/Bus. Admin.
College of William and Mary - Technical Writing Courses -
Member of Project Management Institute (PMI) & Balanced Scorecard Institute (BSI
), and the International Engineering Consortium (IEC), American Strategic Manage
ment Institute (ASMI -resource), Member Association of Proposal Management Profe
Certified by the State of Maryland as a Technical Writing Firm; Certified by th
e Minority Contractors Association in VA and MD.
Grassroots liaison for MD Chamber of Commerce for my business district.
Highest Security Clearance Level: SECRET - currently inactive
References on request.

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