Zero Trust Architecture: A Paradigm Shift in Cybersecurity and Privacy
Zero Trust Architecture: A Paradigm Shift in Cybersecurity and Privacy
Zero Trust Architecture: A Paradigm Shift in Cybersecurity and Privacy
Zero Trust
a paradigm shift
in cybersecurity
and privacy
Intro 3
Contacts 12
– Business users
– Clients and partners
– IT users
Access network
Figure 1: PwC Security Reference Architecture with Zero Trust Policy Decision / Policy
Enforcement Points
Architecture Ga
requirements ps
Logical tech
and SDN
Architecture realisation
1. Identifying and discovering You might consider the holistic micro-segmentation of all
data to be too costly. At the minimum you should use
sensitive data (‘crown jewels’) application processing data with a certain criticality level – in
terms of confidentiality, integrity, availability and privacy – to
An organization can outsource its entire IT infrastructure. create data enclaves with segmented sub-perimeters (see
However, the responsibility for data protection and step 3 below) . To establish a data inventory, you need to
compliance remains with the organization. It’s therefore discover all the data processing activities within the entire IT
crucial to set up an Inventory of data repositories. This environment to be able to assign the data sets to a data
inventory will allow the organization to identify the protection inventory and verify that the categorisation and classification
level and criticality of data, which is determined by internal of the data set is correct and a data owner is assigned. You
(e.g. intellectual property and business value) and external also need to of the an inventory of all data processing
(e.g. legal and regulatory compliance) requirements. applications, along with additional details to determine the
underlying IT infrastructure and the sourcing option used.
Depending on the different set of regulations and internal This should include data storage locations, backup
data requirements that apply, it’s a good idea to distinguish locations, file shares and other storage locations. The data
between the following data types (the list isn’t exhaustive): repository needs to be linked to the application inventory to
inform the data owner where data processing activities take
• Personal identifiable data (PII) according to the Swiss
place and who has access to these data. This is the basis
regulations and the EU General Data Protection
for identifying sensitive data traffic as outlined in step 2.
Regulation (including client identifying data, CID, as a
subset of PII to comply with local banking regulations)
micro-perimeters/data enclaves • PDPs/PEPs for user & device access: Only users
with an appropriate entitlement can access IT systems
The definition of sub-perimeters depends on step 1 (the that process sensitive data. This can be achieved (i)
identification of sensitive data) and step 2 (flows of these road managed end user devices, (ii) by onboarding an
data within networks, sites and IT systems). The unmanaged device (e.g. a bring your own device [BYOD])
identification of sensitive data repositories means at first road a mobile device management (MDM) system
implementing need-to- know/need-to-do, and is based on or (iii) by providing a virtual desktop infrastructure as a
least privilege principles for access controls. This requires a precondition to grant access to sensitive data.
data owner to understand and define what roles need to
access data, approve access requests from users holding • PDPs/PEPs on the application level: On the application
that role, and entitlement management. But user level, access to sensitive data is granted based on the
entitlements aren’t a one-off exercise: access controls least privilege (need-to-know/need-to-do) principle. This
require continuous revisions and auditing. means that application users only have access rights
An adequate user management process hedles the following to data required for their daily work. Privileged roles are
broad groups of IT users separately: implemented road step-up mechanisms or road a
• Business users with access to an IT application that separate login. In addition, application security controls
processes sensitive data and application logging are enforced, and logs are sent
to a centralised log repository.
Data breach PII/CID data leakage is detected or Application logging; use cases for
4 detection prevented at client end-points, suspicious behaviour in application;
application and relevant gateways. upload, email security incident
To have comprehensive compliance monitoring in place you relevant IT security controls are in place and effective.
first need to establish IT governance and data governance. A compliance alert (e.g. an unauthorised change of a security-
Depending on the maturity of your enterprise security relevant configuration) would not require an immediate
monitoring, tools, sensors and logs may already be in place, response from compliance monitoring if it is not caused by the
and it may only be necessary to create new reports, lateral movement of a malicious threat actor.
dashboards and Visualizations. Many Organizations are
aware that they currently lack visibility and need to evaluate Compliance monitoring therefore delivers valuable evidence
and deploy new tools. for IT hygiene, internal and external audits, and speeds up the
process of evidence collection for the auditor. If required,
The main difference between enterprise security compliance monitoring tools can be used for continuous
monitoring and compliance monitoring is their response time to auditing to eliminate the need to provide ad-hoc evidence for
alerts and deviations. Security relevant alerts could trigger an the auditor.
immediate reaction from the computer security incident
response team (CSIRT). Compliance monitoring, on the other
hand, involves verifying IT hygiene and IT quality aspects to
ensure that