Genuine DEUTZ Cooling System Conditioner

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Genuine DEUTZ Cooling System Conditioner

Protection all year round.

Genuine DEUTZ coolant ist specifically engineered to ensure the
performance, reliably and durability that our customers demand!

The benefits of Genuine DEUTZ Coolant

▪ Formulated to suit all materials inside the DEUTZ engine
▪ Reliably prevents corrosion, cavitation and freezing
▪ Replacement only necessary every two years
▪ Free of nitrites and amines, silicates and phosphates
▪ Characterized by low maintenance requirements

All liquid-cooled engines require an effective product to ensure

long-term conservation of the engine‘s cooling system. Reliably
prevent corrosion, cavitation and freezing in all fast running
engines with Genuine DEUTZ cooling system conditioner.

Usage instructions
Proportion of Cooling Antifreeze The use of unsuitable cooling system
system conditioner protection down to conditioner often leads to leakage of the
cooling system due to corrosion and
min. 35 % -22 °C incompatibility with the sealing
40 % -28 °C materials. Pitting corrosion of aluminum
components can, in the worst case,
max. 50 % -41 °C result in severe engine damage.
DEUTZ und das DEUTZ-Logo sind eingetragene Markenzeichen. Technische Änderungen vorbehalten. 01-2022

Counteract this!

Product program
Part no. Description Package Size
0101 7990 DEUTZ cooling system conditioner DQC-CB 5 liter canister
0101 7991 DEUTZ cooling system conditioner DQC-CB 20 liter canister
0101 7992 DEUTZ cooling system conditioner DQC-CB 210 liter canister

Available at your local DEUTZ Service Partner and at!

Ottostraße 1
51149 Köln

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