Go at Keeping

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Some of the key takeaways from the introduction are that dairy goats can be an efficient source of milk production on marginal land, and that goat dairying is well-suited for small-scale, household milk production.

Some of the challenges of using artificial insemination for dairy goats mentioned are the technical skill required, geographical isolation of homestead herds limiting access, expense, and the difficulty of small herd owners organizing to share costs and resources for artificial insemination.

The book recommends dairy goats be fed herbaceous substances like pasture as well as manure to replenish soil. Proper nutrition is important for productivity.


Acknowledgments Introduction. . .. .
vlll ix

GoatTerms AcquiringaDairyGoat. How a Milk Animal Works Milking Breeding Birthing and Kid-Rearing . Feeding Shelter and Pasture Management and Control 10 Well-Being and Its Divergences . . . ... 11 TheGoatintheKitchen...;.. 12 The Goat in the Garden. 13 GoatEconomics.. Appendix: Artificial Insemination .. . . Ngtes llibliography... lkrsources. lntlcrx

I 2 3 4 5 6 ? 8 9

....... '......


51 73 83


.... 105 .......I29


.. . . .. .


.......170 ....... - 189 ....191


.....199 ....20L

I wish to acknowledge the help of Lou Talento'


River Bean, Chuck Liscum, Ruth Levine, Susun Weed' in the Nielsen iighi-o-"on, Justine Swede' and Arya their and herd miintenance of the Woodstock Clay support through the writing and preparation of this manuscript. Thanks are also due to Sam Shirah and Benita' Charles Chapin, Walter de Graf, Robert and the late Marv g"t""y, for sharing their experiences' old-time advice" and encouragement. Thanks also to all the Considines at Diamond Farm' Bill Bnu"ry Hill, and Sunshine Farms; and Frank Holder' New County' Dutchess tutur"y, and Gerald Lehmann of York. for Thanks for the photographs go to Lynda Suzanne and 96 those appearing on pages 22,25,26,64,66' iis-+s, L. vI ratlnto for those on pages 70-71' and to the Rodale Press photographers for all the others' Thanks for the illustrations go to Erick Ingraham'

The underlying assumption of this book is that the dairy
goat should be both the mascot and figurehead for the soft- or

appropriate-technology life-style. She has always been the


protein resource of cultures living on marginal land and of lower-class rural populations in times of depression' war, or other periods of transition and unrest. The modern milk goat is an undeniably efficient animal. This has been obscured in Western countries, particularly those possessed of rich land masses and technological resources. Cow dairying became dominanL in all such advanced nations and goat dairying in those countries became the province of the cultivated, moneyed, and leisured amateur or hobbyist, with occasional upsurges of interest among marginal, economically hard-pressed persons, both rural and suburban, when times grew bad. Goat technology is small-scale technology. Basically, I am fond of imagining avid legions of backyard goatkeepers springing up in suburban enclaves and on the fringes of the great cities, as wcll as envisioning mini-herds browsing the rural countrysi<lc.

An.y well-managed dairv animal of good breeding is an ecologitlrll-y sottncl r(rs()tlr(:(|, lor shc <xrnverts herbaceous subtx


into Itxld' that humans are otherwise unable to use lhe proin ilJot fiber - milk, meat, hair' and skins.- and need of'replenstances
cess produces manure, nourishment

goat fiom Lhe good ishment. What distingoi'n"" the milkon is her caplcity for- survival and pr<dut:tionfact Juirv the antl "o* poorer pasturages -'"""" scrub if necessary inlabor-inlcnsive on based is production that a dairy goat's goat's milk the

for soil in

of put rather than on .upitut input''The. scale a more appropnas her define also iurnu"a" and production milk supply and home ate animal than the cow for household it is easier to g.tJ"" f"ttilization' In the average household' than the {ive gallons a use the -il" one gallon a day a goat yields yields' The goat's manure output is similarly



the home garden' to ""; doesn't give the All of the above "l""at very abstract and got mixed up with goats' I reader a picture of ftow a"d *Ly I years left my *^' *r." born and bred, and only after thirty over those potter a home in New York City' I had become and politically a years becaur" t to""J"iuy' I had also found a As me' to l.A"fft i*"grated life-style that was congenial naturesponsive' ;;;i6";;;"]I worked wiit' mv hands with by creating handmade ral raw materials. I created reai wealth more beautiful often more durable and frequently goods created I -y uYl irrun trror" manufactured. by mass industry. lirr selfschedules and

was a purely subjective conviction of mine that good craft had to maintain some distance from the mainstream of American reward structures and gratifications' I was slowly coming around to a political craft position that was based on de-urbanized, decentralized activity, direct relations between buyers and producers, and creative activity related to broader .y"l"t than the Christmas gift market' After 1968, I began to betierr" that my craft would evolve further and the quality of my life improve in a broad way if I left New York City' Many people felf the same way. With so many people moving to the I began to think that the village potter could rise "o.,''t'y again. It nu. been the dogma in ceramic circles that the day oi ttt" village potter has been over for a very long time' I was that decentralized craftscoming to the reverse conclusion


people serving local needs and people, dependent on local supply channels and materials, could be the nucleus of still an-

otn"t craft resurgence' one that did not plug into

metropolitan stores for outlets and current mass merchandising techniques for value systems. It was a vision of a pattern returning to older patterns, of craft integrated with agriculture, small-scaled, seasonal rhythms, the land, and people's

"om-it-ents fringes of the Ameriexpression urrd p"t"ottul growth at-the a minority lif'e-style was system' It can politicat una ethi""o"o-il low-consumption' U" u *'y tight' for sure, and it con-

and could have channels

realneeds.WiththepublicationoftheWholeEarthCatalog and its supplements, I felt my visions supported; I also felt such publications would provide the technological backup' comrmrnication channels, and information I would need to make the change from the city to country life'

"o,,iJ and politicallycally scrupulous, aesthetically compelling' early mid-sixties the In if i chosl' scious mode of "*i"t"tt"" of American margins ;il ouftrp"opt" lived at the economic exaffiuence' deceptive but understood the basics of inthe of falsitv the and """i"ty, or p"optu u"d resoutces' ;l;i;;lit; that gadgets plastic and in new cars dividualism "*p,"""J wage earner's share of the pie' nine-to-five the constituted Many All of this changed in the expansionist late sixties' very became decade that in p"r"on, who becanie craftspeople affiuent the and recognition, successful in terms of mo.ruy utta

il"-.tvr" and its "."tu'd'I'

spilled over into the everyday craftspeople' craftslivos irn<l i<ltxrlogir::rl spheres of American of the professional part were tlrerv i,,',,,,r,' lx'gitrt r,., tlti'rli LhaL (trll of dedicated' rewzrrds t'lrc t'o trrrrittsl rt';ttlt ittrrl tl"" t'ttt'itlt"l lTl()llcy' itt itrrtl sl irt'tls lr irl lro( Itrttrlwotlitttl', Attlcril:rlts'

Leaving the city, heart of my heart and root of my being' was my first step toward goat dairying' Of course, at the time' I had no such idea. My decision to begin keeping milk goats came about because I needed manure' One of the Whole Earth Catalog dleams I was most taken with was that of methane production, the production of fuel from anaerobic decomposition of wastes. I could be totally self-suffi'cient dig my own clay, produce my own food, and derive my own f'uel. Keeping goats would provide me with manure for manuf'acturingmethane to fire pots. It seemed so clear and simple, way back there in the city winter of 1969' Naturally, I had no rrrncrete ideas as to how much manure and cellulose-type rnatter would really be needed to produce sufficient methane lirr me to fire kilns to stoneware temperatures' By 1971, I was irr (,hc <:ottnt,r.y and knew a bit more-


ktrcw tlrirl' llo on() in l'he United States



much more critical) had done knew anything or (what was supply^of methane to heat a anything to produce a steady utta- fire a kiln to 2'l300oF' house, run a .tou" uii-f-i-gtttt' to produce a sizable amount (1,260"C.). I'd also f"u-"a"tnut one would have to have on of methane in a northern climate poultry farm or the manure tt."a itt" manure of a large pig or equipment to haul that output of an entire t"* a"iti [ttttittu tonnage of shit around'l Butwhileaoingth"r"search,Ihadgottenhookedonmilk loving them because they were ,".1r."ftt"t *"ftJa you into damnably clever' And they so individuut, p"'"oitiUf"' utta and without nasty' turned out to uu ""ui, "i"an' odor-free' opposite of the bad i;; ;";e the exact unhygienic habits as aia not eatany and everything' nress they'd received' Cttey same the to m9'Jsne put them in li;?;;il"'-;;d ;ilo"'"i were ] and fascinating things that exotic -""t** category as lobsters scaven gers' ) Goats did also dirty, ugly-iootinJ, .food of its foliage or gobble up not strip the Mediterrtlnean basin goats I was meeting ate only the the cedars of Lebanon' The being superfastidjous and best and mo"t puttiuUl" of?o'u' of edibility' Indeed' their only tenacious about tft"it "t"""s drawbackwasthe'"ut.,"",,compactness,andquantitative flock of goats just does not inadequacy of tn"i' 't'ii'-A small an ongoing methane dienough *u"t"u to supply

equivocally that modern dairying was bringing me the purest, safest, cleanest, freshest milk in God's creation' Neither these early impressions nor any amount of statistical data produced for me now stand up to the first glass of raw milk I drank. When I realized how much I like raw goat's milk, I decided

to keep dairy goats but forgo methane. I have not yet achieved a village potter's existence, but every year I find

myself closer to the little patch of land I landed on. The coming of the goats has made my changed life possible, largely because the goats keep me close to home, curing me of wanderlust and notions of personality expansion based on travel and vacationing. Additionally, the goats supply all the dairy needs for a household of five people. They supply all the fertllizer for our garden; and the garden is now our year-round we raise over $1,000 worth offood on the place. sustenance of this abundance is goat manure, easily basis The ongoing and equipment, and truly fertile' machines without managed a new focus, the whole formulate to goats served have The cycle of giving and receiving that comes about once one makes a commitment to caring for small stock and the land
we live on.


it had introthough my research had been' u* to goats' Judging from the duced me to p"opi" ? *"u goat researches' I had somehow people I was meeting in my individualistic' hit upon u.totrt"' 'iu;;ilt; of disciplined' soul-satisfied PeoPle' I can say that most city Speaking f'o* oiy own experience' fresh milk tastes like' for milk dwellers .to to"g"' ^Jt'l* *nit is pasteurized' homogenized' supplied to urban folks today times adulterated' This milk at vitamin-fortified, emulsified' that, like bread, it has to is so differerrt f.r"; l;;-r"ui tning beExiended shelflife has also have good things o"i't"ft in' Milk.in its waxed container come an i-po't# *it"tion' as far to milk straight from the teat bears little '"'"-Ui"*u content' and vitamin and mineral as taste, texture, butterfat f o""" believed all the educational txrni,cnt o." "t'n"Jilua' in elementary school that stated unf


I harl

The entire process, from methane dreaming to leading our first milk doe home, from hauling the manure to growing the turnips, has been epiphanic. If, a generation or so ago, E. B' White could find God under the compost pile, I can add my amens and personal revelations, for the divine spark of the mother of us all is there in the yogurt and cheese fermentations, in the steam from the milk pail on a ten below zero morning and in the nuzzlings of the newborn kids searching for their first touch of teat and suck of milk. One of my recent revelations has been that many new goatkeepers have not found their experience to be a happy, exciting, or illuminating one; that their way was beset with woes, guilt, and disaster. Through a long series of goat happenings, goat gossipings, and calls for help, I began to feel there is a broad lack of information about goatkeeping. In actuality, there are nurrierous books' pamphlets, and organizations, all good sources of information. Much of this is hypassed by newcomers because they are bent on learning by doing, have deep prejudices against written authorities, or lind much of the literature talking in a strange vocabulary' llnless there happens to be a knowledgeable old-timer




This down your road, you must turn to books after awhile' my chronicle to book was birthed to fill a gap I have sensed, some pass on to adventures and everyday goatkeeping life, of the experientially based information, and to draw a picture goats' the of whole that has dawned here since the coming accesan in I have been concerned to provide information make sible, reasonably priced form that does not obscure or must a newcomer light of the work, energy' and intelligence a presenting by err Uiing to the undertaking. So many books artiCrusading to' ,o."It" picture that novices do not relate have cles in the literature of the back-to-the-land movement involved difficulties and a tendency to gloss over the demands in taking on the responsibilities of caring for small stock' I of have tried to fill an access-tool gap by including a chapter index' an and definitions, an appendix, a bibliography,
Pondside, Woodstock-Saugerties Road

SPring 1978



There is a real gap between the veteran goatkeeper, breeder, or farmer, and the enthusiastic beginner. The newcomer's fundamental problem is finding a way through the tangle of unfamiliar language. The veteran assumes that others have a basic comprehension of simple animal husbandry terminology, and sometimes the beginner hardly realizes his or her handicap until after the first goats are in the barn. By then, golden opportunities to learn from the more experienced keeper have slipped away. So that we all know what we are talking about, and are able to ask the right and most pertinent questions at critical moments, I've decided to start this book with a short chapter on goat people's talk. Goats are preeminently social animals and their social unit is the herd, even if the herd is only two or three who do little roaming. Their lrreferred feeding pattern is browsing. Goats don't really graze like cattle who slowly eat their way through whole fields of legumes and
grasses. Goats cruise and nibble, eating an enormous variety of ;tlants, brush, weed, shrubbery, and tree tips. They are totally vege-



tarian or herbiuorous animals of the ruminant group. In other words, they are cud. chewers, that group of mammals possessing complex, four-chambered stomachs, the first section of which, the rumcn, serves as a huge digestion vat for all sorts of roughage. There is a steady interaction between the goat's rumen and her mouth. Those tennis ball lumps people see on the sides of a goat's mouth are the food, chewed, swallowed, partially worked on in the rumen' and then sent back up, regurgitated for another round of salivation and mastication. This is cud chewing, a peaceful, thorough, and meditative habit. The herd is led on its foraging expeditions and escapadesby a h.erd qu.een, usually the eldest or most experienced doe' Mature female goats are dnes; mat'ure males arc bucks. (Many professional breeders *itt u" insulted if their purebred breed bucks are referred to as "billy goats.") There is a defined social order in the herd, similar to the pecking order found among chickens.'contrary to popular belief, the ieading figure in the herd is the herd queen, not the breed buck, imposing lhough he may be. In fact, the buck is usually not allowed to iun with the herd; this prevents unwanted and premature breedWithers
Shoulder Crops

ings and prevents the does picking up the heavy odors of the buck. Breeding is the premeditated mating of selected does and bucks; it is also an entire science of livestock improvement practice. A breed buck is most commonly a pedigreed, purebrecl sire of prouen-out worth. Proven-out is self-explanatory such a sire has documented progeny of good dairy character and-capability. The term breeder usually refers to an experienced goatkeeper who is particularly interested in stock improvement and keeps a herd of carefully selected, registered animals of greater size than a household-oriented herd. Young goats are known as kids. As they grow thev advance to be doelings or bucklings. castrated bucks are cailed weth.ers or wether




Forearm Knee

fr- "*., "",n

Milk Vein
Front Udder Attachment
Hock Udder Teats





the term for a dairy animal's starting her milk flowing, usually a conditioned response to feed reward or a patterned time schedule. The lactation is the period during which she produces milk, usually about 305 days in modern goat dairying. The doe's first milk is known trs colostrum. colostrum is rich in the antibodies and vitamins needed h.y the newborn kids to get off to a healthy, vigorous start, and is secreted for up to four days after delivery. An unpapered, unrecorded, or unregistered goat is a scrub. Goats l,hat are of mixed or partly traceable origins may be recorded as a Sslf'-grade of a specific breed if one parent is a purebred of that breed. A registered animal is one whose birth and lineage has been recorded

reproductive cycle when she is fertile and willing to stand for the buck mounting her. Her heats last, most commonly, about three days, and occur at eighteen-to-twenty-one-day intervals. In northern temperate climates, there is a specific breeding seoEon, triggered by the shortening hours of daylight, which lasts from late August to March. The term rutting seuson may be encountered in older books; it refers to the same period. Goats of nonnorthern descent may come into heat any time of the year. However, most breeding talk will refer to "the season." Bucks often know no season, but will stand ready to oblige does at any time - probably the reason the male goat got its reputation for outrageous, constant sexual energy. Once the doe is bred, she is in-kid or pregnant, carrying her young. The gestation or development and carrying period is five months or approximately 150 days. At the end of this time she delivers her young, or fresh,ens. This is an old term signifying both the birthing of the kids and the does' coming into milk. A milking doe is said to be fresh or lactating, or starting her lactation. Letting dawn the milk is

ity. Technically the heat is known as estrtts, the period in a doe's

Does are said to come into heat when they arrive at sexual matur-



by a registry organization, most commonly today the American Dairy Goat Association, ADGA.- The pedigree is the traceable record of a particular animal. The term sire is used in such records to refer to the male parent of the animal. Dam is the term for a female goat parent, the mother. T}r'e papers that people so knowingly discuss in myriad goat conversations are the certificates of registry and recordation sent to the owners of such animals. They are sometimes referred to as the "pedigtees." Purebreds are those animals whose lineage can be traced back through the national goat registry herd books to the original imported animals of a specific breed designation. The record.ed grade is an ani-

mal with a verifiable written entry in the ADGA registry system. Grades may be recorded as "Natives on Appearance" (similarity to a recognized breed-type) or on the basis of "Performance." Progeny of such grades are not automatically registerable. Does out of breedingup such recorded grades (or scrubs) to a registered purebred sire can be registered as half grad.es of the breed of the parent registered in the grade registry. Half-grade does that are then bred up to a registered purebred sire of the same breed can have their female progeny registerable as three-quarter grad.es of the breed of the purebred parent. A successive breeding of the three-quarter grade to a purebred sire will result in kids that are seuen-eighths, and no longer called grades, but designated Am,ericarn of that breed. ADGA has just changed its regulations on the registration of American bucks; bucks must be fifteen-sixteenths purebred blood of the breed in question to be designated as American Alpine, American Nubian, American Saanen, and so on. Animals registered with an American designation are registered in separate American herd books. In addition to the papers already mentioned there are several other types of records pertinent to goat dairying. There are star certificates, acknowledgment of advanced registry achievement, and Dairy Herd Improvement Association (DHIA) records. DHIA is a management tool that is administered by USDA through the state land grant college extension service personnel. The keystone of the system is monthly surprise visits by a trained dairy tester who checks enrolled herds by weighing milk and testing for butterfat content. Results are recorded and fed into computers, so that complete documentation of a doe's productivity throughout a lactation is available through monthly computer records. The cost to the keeper depends upon many factors, among them the geographical distribution of the test*American Goat Society (AGS) is another registry organization.

er's herds, and the service can be very expensive for the owner of a small herd. However, DHIA records yield so much ongoing, easilv verifiable information that even the smallest keepers find it beneficial to participate. This is what goatkeepers are referring to when they say a herd is on test tested and recorded via DHIA. The - it's being major means of broadening enrollment in the program has been the development of cooperative group testing, in which small herd owners contribute their labor as a means of reducing costs. A surprise visit is usually paid once yearly by a regular DHIA tester, and monthly testing is done by group members on a rotating basis. For detailed information about putting goats on test, contact the ADGA DHIA com_ mittee. An aduanced regishy (or AR) doe is one that has given 1,500 pounds or more (current standard) of milk in a 805-day lactation. The AR designation is a measure of productivity over the entire lactation. star milker is another designation for an outstanding milking doe. The * on a star milker's papers is earned on the basis of a one-day test and is not a statement of overall productivity throughout the lactation. Information and further detail on these terms is also available from registry associations. Bucks can have stars (*) on their papers, derived from the stars earned by their dams or other maternal progenitors. A new category of records that is being developed is based on classification. classification is a term that will be encountered frequently in the future of goatkeeping. It refers to a scorecard-type system that places goats in classes such as excellent or very good, based upon general appearance, dairy character, mammary system, and body capacity. Each of these categories is allotted points, such as mammary system, 30, body capacity, 20, with the total number of points giving the goat her general classification score. The system is similar to that developed by Holstein breeders over the years. Now through computerization and recordation by the ADGA, the classification number will become part of the record of registered animals. The ADGA is encouraging owners to have their animals classified, and currently has three ADGA-employed classifiers in the country. It will eventually be possible to make breeding choices by matching up the scores of classified animals and trying to improve each of the major category areas. classification relates dairy goats to an agreed-upon general standard of excellence. It differs from show judging in that show judging com_ Jlares just those animals present at a particular time and place and wilhin a specific group to one another, and then serects the most


hand. If the group at hand is comdistinguished from the group at of 90 range' the most distinguished posed of does classifl"a ii tft" 88 to has that group a is it If indeed! them would nu un "t""itent animal scores' the best of that classification Iow not been classified ";;t" b,ut simr!-thetcst of group is ,rot ,r"""rruiilvl" "."arent.animal,' to become an important that group. Clus,in"alion scores are bound generally. t"d ; sellction, breeding, and goatkeeping cottr.rsing at first. It's easiAll these designati"Jns;;;u;"r" sound the purpose of papers and productivest to deal with it all by keeping purpose of records is to enable ity records foremost' Cft" ft-au-ental productive livestock' Take people to identify, t'u"e, o' document when you are leady' what you need fiom this apparatus usually berong to one of fi.ve America Modern milt goats in Nortn well-defined breed-tYPes of selected Swiss breeding stock; Saanen evolved itio- """tt"ies all-white' heavy production they are a large-fram"J, -t* commonly

ud'derorbag.Edcmn,aswollen,fluid.retainingconditioninthetisspecific ,rru", i" oftei associated with mastitis conditions' For further good veterinary a consult nature, health a of terms and problems
guide and your local veterinarian'-

importation of a selection of French Alpine derived from the They appear in many colors and French Alpine a*V urri*uls in 1g22. and are also a heavy milking breed' stock' are often smaller "o*firrutil"s, Toggenburgd"'i;; fro; Swiss and German Alpines' and are distinctively animals than Saanl"t o' French leg and tail markings against a marked with white ru"i.t utur"s and milk producers' The all-time recbrown coat. They ";;;;ty copious goat dairying is a Toggenburg' ord holder for production in American griti"h and Eastern-derived Nubiarna""""rrJ'fr-o- lh" "ro""irrg of ears and l' all colors and have large pendulous_ stock. They milk' their in "o-" high cream content Roman noses' u"a u'" fu-ous for North in developed La Manchn i" u "e* breed being currently "gopher" ears' and coats short by smooth' America, ^^.fvf"ut "tt.ru"t"'i'ed u'" born with horns' There are some goats of [oth "l*u" of the ones that seem hornless naturally ttortt"""!out", t"t most age' Most dairy goats are artifihave been a"tto'n"i at a very early redi;buAded' the horn buds being cially dehorn"d

horns is called Poll'ed'
are healthy and hardy animals' but there Goats u.u (tuber?B and "*"upiiottally Brucellosis often' few health terms ;;;ili"""ot'ti"' that can be milk-transmitted to animals auitt of r:ulosis) ..u ai,"u"fl tested for both once a y,ear- Mas' Irrrrrrirrrs. ()rats should be rlutinely goat's glands - the /i/is is itrt ittllirt'n<'rl condition of the mammary


* Mv standard health references are c. E. Spaulding, A Veterirnry Guide for Animnl ()runr:rsand H. J. Heidrich, and W. Renk, Diseases of thz Mammnry Glnnds of Domes'






doe kid. It was the only real offer of the day and they cepted. we arranged for a visit that night so that I could

rluestioners and watchers appeared throughout the long day, but to rnrst. fblks the pair of fluffy white kids seemed just another fair att'raction' Late in the day, I mad6 the owners an offer of fifteen dollars fix the

The coming of Woodstock Clay's Mackenzie, Eleanor Roosevelt Toggenburg, and Bela Abzug, doeling, resulted in my personal metamorphosis from a Whole Earth Catalng fantasizer straight from the big city, into a down-home, day-to-day goatkeeper. It's a prolonged tale that I hope inspires - and instructs - you. The last place around this town you would expect to see farm livestock for sale is at the annual Library Fair. The fair is our one big charity extravaganza for the year. It is a crowded gathering of friends, an all-day entertainment, a fund-raising event, a book sale, a plant sale, a rummage sale, a scene of puppet shows, steel bands, mumrners, strummers, and mimes. Now and then there are some animal visitors, usually small ones brought to the midway for children to play with and pet; a thin reminder that this rural-suburban township once had its share of farmers and foresters. I went to the Library Fair the last Friday of July 1972, and found a young pair of Saanen-type kids tethered out on the grass. They weren't there for visitors to pet; they were for sale. Many curious

and finish the stall area. The goats were living at a very mountainous, secluded homestead site in a last bit of the Bearsville w'dern*r. m"*- pu.il" .'u. woodsy, stony and verdant with a good crop of poison ivy. The goats were sheltered in a lean-to, and alilookediu.ay u"J rt""itty. They had real dairy character and conformation, too. The doe kid,s dam was a big' determined-looking saanen-type doe with u rrrrg",^,rrr".,"rr, pendulous bag. she had a capacious barr:ei, frame, ;;;;;Jnd had enormously developed milk veining. Her ""d were totany udder muscres weakened and the bag hung lower than any goat udder I had ever seen, but it was soft-skinned and had no lumpsl Her statt;;; *u. u big, but slender, chocolate-colored, Toggenburg_looki.rg do; ;ith tt classic white faciar brazes and other rifrrt " rogg-tvp" iru"r.i"gs. she Iooked like an elegant antelope, and hai a skittish, maidenly temper. Then there were the two kids out of the big whiie doe. iir" yo,rrrs twins were a buck and a doe, about seven weeks old. We arranged to pick up the doe kid the following week. Lou and I talked goaty things all the way home _ we were filled with projects, advice,. and goai gossip. We knew tnut n.i.rgi.rg orr" lone. kid home was going to meuri t"orbl", so we covered many miles i1 the next few days looking for herd company _ even a donkey. Goats are herd animals and need If they aren,t proviaea "o-purry. with goat company, they demand people company. But finding a goat out of the peak spring birthing and selling season turned out to be frustrating and finally futile. The herd-companion problem had not been worked out when pickup day rolled around. we wrung our hands und ."o*I"d, uui-i" ,rr" end Lou went for the doe. We were figuring that we could survive a week or so of morose goat cails and stall-sitting. Then two hours rater we_found ourselves possessed of an entire herd. When Lou arrived at the goats' owneris homesite, he found Sam (the owner) in a state of goat Jverdose. su-'. land partne, rruJ airup-

Lou, and to put together goat accommodations in or'p.ol""tlJ gout .hua. we engaged in convoluted and circurar conversations about where and how to find another goat for herd company. It seemed best to pick the kid up several days later, so that we could hunt up a companion goat


rushed home to spring the irews to my land partner,

see the doe,s

l( )A'l'K l,ll,ll'l N( I

AO(ltJililN(; A t)AltrY (;OA.f (]iven her size, our inexperience, the horns, and the eager, halfweaned kids off in the background, milking old Scape turned out to be a major production repeated twice daily not quite the idyll pro-

peared over the weekend. Sam was upset and tied down with the lbur goats plus a dozen chickens and ducks, dogs, and a garden. He wanted

to know if we would be amenable to boarding all the goats for a few weeks. From worrying about the loneliness of a solitary kid we were plunged into major anxiety about how to take on the whole group. I felt it was the destined, bonvenient resolution to our problem, and the experience of having an actual milking goat to relate to really appealed to me. We decided to adlib the stall construction as best we could, covered the floor of our van with a thin layer of fresh hay we picked up along the roadsides where the state had just mowed, and rolled off to meet our animal husbandry destiny. Sam gave us his remaining feed, the goats'tethers, as much advice as he could muster under the circumstances, and good wishes. The two older goats hopped willingly into the microbus. The kids jumped in after them. I held the kids in my lap in the front seat of the bus, vainly trying to keep them from their dam. Sam had said they were recently weaned but still trying to sneak a suck or two when the opportunity arose. Our menagerie gaily covered the seven or eight miles to home with no catastrophic incidents - no wails, evidences of bad temper, or terror of changes. It was hard getting the older goats to come out of the bus, but we finally lured them out by carrying the kids off to the barn. Our thrown-together stalls (planned originally for one or two young kids) couldn't withstand the curiosity and assertions of the big goats so we tethered them in separate areas of the barn. The kids were very resourceful in finding ways to the teat. We realized that, even for a few weeks' stay, we had to create stalls and feeders that were sturdy enough to house everybody separately, particularly to separate the kids from their dam, and to provide individual feeding spaces for the big goats. We got a first-class demonstration of why experienced professional goat breeders keep only dehorned dairy goats. All these goats had horns and were really practiced at using them on each other. From what we saw, their butting tactics were mainly defensive measures to protect food or territory for themselves. But the milking mother, Scapegoat, butted people with her horns - particularly little people. Goats, reputedly, did not like changes, and she was busy letting us know that she didn't like having her life and territories reorganized. She didn't much like the separate stall arrangement either. We were insistent on that issue, and in a few days both she and Eleanor settled down in their own stalls and worked out their fears and food competitions by butting the divider wall between them. We had to reinforce the latching several times and rebrace
Scapegoat's door.

- literature. My only prior jected by the pamphlets and homesteading milking experience had been two months before at the barn of two professional goat breeders. I had concentrated on getting the right kind of finger circle and closing/opening motion, and on not pulling down on the teats and udder. I had managed to milk a few squirts after several tries. How patient even-tempered, and milk-standtrained those good goats were! I had never imagined a goat that wouldn't patiently eat her grain while being milked. No amount of reading or barn-visiting prepared me for my first eyeball-to-eyeball confrontation with the great horned goat I now had in the barn. Nothing in her prior experience had prepared her for a locking milkstand and a solitary, stubborn milker. Gradually we became more evenly matched. My first gain stemmed from tethering the kids out of sight and out of earshot all day. With their all-seeing, all-hearing, formidable goat matriarch out of the situation the kids eagerly awaited my coming with their pans of milk. Pan feeding them all day made for a lot less background noise and fewer furtive attempts to flnd teat back at the barn when evening came around. With the kids less hungry, old Scape had to let down for me when I showed up with the pail. Goats are famous for the amount of control they have over their letdown. She grew very anxious to have her grain ration on time, too, even though it meant hopping up on the confounding milkstand and getting locked in. The last step was to train her away from loosing her final bag of tricks. It wasn'tjust one bag. She had bags and bags oftricks: abruptly raising one leg and plunging it into the bucket; shaking, all of a sudden, loose hair, hay, or a dead fly into the bucket; letting fly a load of goat berries when the pail was almost full (one or two almost always scored). All of them had the consistent result of spoiling the milk. Last but never least, was the front-ender. The front-ender was infinitely varied: some nights, when the pail was nearly full she would suddenly rear up and, in a reverse rodeo trick, stand on her front legs, letting fly the rear ones helter-skelter. This trick was most successful when the pail was knocked over, the milker shocked into total confusion and the milk completely lost. Scape's front-enders were a special nighttime routine. She sensed my tiredness and the seconds of wandering attention. And then she would do it. Some nights I got kicked; others, I got milk. For a while I chanted to myself to make sure that I paid attention. Often, I sang while I milked. Some nights these remedies worked, and some nights



they failed. The morning milkings were generally easier. The goats knew they were going out to pasture and were willing to play our games in order to get out. One afternoon I was browsing in a bookstore in town. There I found in my hands the only book of its kind, the goatkeeper's bible, David Mackenzie's Goat Hwband,ry. "Oh yes," the bookseller said, "you can buy it. It has an order slip, but that was from a half-year back. I got stuck with it when the buyer found out it was a seventeendollar goat book." I wanted it. I had read it before, but at that point I hadn't been willing to spend that kind of money for a goat book, even though serious goatkeepers had recommended it as the one book
to have on the shelf. Yet, there was Mackenzie speaking to me on the

three months and then went on to a respectable extended lactation. I bought her from Sam and for twenty consecutive months was the recipient of the best tasting milk I had ever had.

first page:
Nearly twenty years ago, I retired into a conuerted lt'cn, house with a milhing pail, a booh of instructions, and an eklerly goat
of strong character. There was nzilk, among other thinl1s, in' the
irrecou erable c as ualty.

pail when the goat and I emerged at lct'st, uith mutual rt:s1tt:ct planted in both our hearts. The booh of instruction^s w(Ls an

No book is a substitute for practical experience; but ltoohs mnre important os animak becomc mare produttirtc . . .

each class of fann liuestock requires to be accompanied by a comprehensiue worh of refererrce as a pdssport to the mock:rn


The balanced prosody of a retired Scottish schoolmaster taught me how to deal with my outrageous milk goat and put me on the right track to goat dairying. I had been approaching the whole experience with the nebulous proclivities of the contemporary natural-life-style cultist. But he had met me and my ilk years before. The book let rne know I wasn't alone in feeling guilty about taking mother's milk out of the mouth of her babies. That night, purged of guilt and filled with new determination, a few insights into the goat psyche and some tricks of my own, I advanced upon the goat shed. I told old Scape that she was being reher name would be Mackenzie. In the named - from that night on course of the milking she tried a front-ender. This time I grabbed an ear and her tail and pulled them toward each other, hard. She resisted and got one rear foot into the rnilk bucket. There went half the day's production. I picked up the pail and tossed the remaining fouled milk over her head. The upside-down pail sat over her horns, and milk dripped slowly down her face. It was an outrageous baptism and the final front-ender. She thenceforth not only stood to be milked, but she calmly produced ten to twelve pounds of milk a day for the next

average ten to a dozen goat calls every week, many more during breeding and kidding seasons. For seriously interested persons, my advice runs as follows: Read widely in books and pamphlets. - Visit see as many goats as you can find to look at - beforeand buying anything. Buy your first goats from the most experienced goat - breeder nearest you, if the breeder has any female stock to sell. The books may cost you more initially than a freebie goat or a goat from an auction but they will save you trauma and heartache. A reliable breeder has a reputation to maintain, an interest in your using pedigreed bucks for servicing the does you buy, and other commonsense reasons for being straightforward. You can trust professional breeders. You cannot, however, expect such persons to be selling the best does of their herds. Breeders have a commitment to improving stock lines generally by breeding what's best and strongest. You're not going to be able to buy the best proven-out does they are the ones the breeder keeps. What is usually available is either culls or young solid stock that wilt not be the end-all of the show ring or set productivity records. Culls from a great line may turn out to be far stronger and more productive than goats of unknown origins.

Advice for the Beginner It has now come to pass that I

Be prepared to make substantial financial outlays if you choose to buy registered stock from a well-established breeder. Visit around as much as possible; see goats till you are counting them in your sleep. It will help you determine what, where, and how much to spend, and to settle those nagging questions - registered or not, what breed, how many. One of the major decisions will be whether to spend the extra for registered animals or whether to buy scrub. Scrubs are among my favorite goats. Before professionals take offerrse, I'd like to explain this preference. Scrubs form a subculture in bhe milk goat world. Most of the dairy goats you'll encounter in visiting the various herds of your area are registered goats, descended from recorded ancestry. Scrubs are any domesticated but unpapered goats - goats of unknown origins, social nonentities. I am fond of t,hcm because they have taught me much about goatkeeping. Most l:i



will live up to the negative implications of the term: smalldimensioned, ratty-coated, unproductive animals lacking true dairy character. But there are other kinds of scrubs, and I find the term no longer totally pejorative. It is partially a bias derived from my pergoats were scrubs sonal experience - but, I now have - all my first realized that many registered goats are not necessarily superior to some of the nonentities. often, a solid line out of good original stock has been maintained by a knowledgeable goatkeeper who has no interest in showing, registry, or other forms of recording' just an interest in milk production for the immediate household. Unpapered goats out of such situations are technically scrubs but can turn out to be very productive animals. And unfortunately, registry alone does not assure productivity, not under the current American system of registering every goat a breeder chooses to record.2 Take a good look at the scrubs as well as at the registered herds in your vicinity. Learn about dairy character - not just how to read papers. Formulate some guidelines so that you can have a firm feeling when decision-making time comes knocking.

when we arrived at the point of having three productive milkers in the barn. Chore labors (feeding, watering, haying, mucking out, milking, hauling hay and grain) took a great leap then. People who call me about getting started with goats always ask whether it is better to start with goats already milking or to buy doe kids and raise them to productivity. Theoretically, it is a sweet problem and advantages can be found from both angles, but I feel this is largely a rhetorical exercise.The current realities of goat raising do not allow beginners many choices at all. You start with the stock you can afford, locate and house. Good producing milk does are hard to come by. Don't decide beforehand that you will start only with kids or only with goats already in milk. Stay loose enough to buy whatever good
goats for about four years before I bought any. When we bought our acreage, we purposely chose a place that had sound existing outbuildings. I knew that raising one's own goats and chickens economically often turns on the availability of shelter. If one must face the prospect of spending a great deal of money to build housing for homestead animals, one either puts off getting animals, or goes into debt for an activity that does not realize profits in the ordinary marketplace sense of the word. The plain facts are that raising any anirnal to productivity costs money not only for initial stock and goats come your way. I'd been interested


Planning the Acquisition

There are numerous schools of considered thought on the general subject of acquiring a dairy goat. Most people concur that the goatkeeper-to-be must realize that two goats are a necessity. If a person insists on keeping only a single goat, there are great opportunities for mutual unhappiness in the offing. Goats need a social environment, preferably a herd environment, and have no compunctions about making you the herd. Bring home a single goat and you will become a herd substitute. It is the solitary goat that hassles; she hassles you and the neighbors, rnarauds in the plantings you want her furthest from, bleats and blathers for company, and eventualiy turns you into a human herd companion. Most people don't envision a pet venture when they start fantasizing about a goat nibbling out on the lawn. They are thinking about a household milk supply. If, as many folks find, two goats are not available, it is possible to start off by keeping a single doe and some other herding animal for initial company; a young castrated buck, a donkey, horse, or pony. For someone on a tight budget two does are far and away the most preferable start. There will be the advantages of increased milk and staggered lactation periods for about the same amount of labor and human energy as would be expended on one goat. Three or four lactating does define a new enterprise. The feed bill,increases, but it is human energy that is the gr:eatest expenditure in goatkeeping. I found that the energy input jumped enormously

breeding, but for feed (whether you buy it, raise it, or barter for it) and requires time and human energy for the careful raising of the

By July of I972,I had seen more than 100 goats, but only one that had wanted to buy. She was a good-producing, purebred Saanen who was being sold because she threw kids with a discernible tan stripe down the spine. If you show purebreds you could not show a Saanen with a spinal stripe or take orders for kids out of that line in good conscience. I did not buy her because I had made a decision not to spend heavily for my first goats. I not only had no prior practical experience, but I didn't want to sacrifice a fine animal to my own inexperience. Once I became aware of current prices for good registered stock in my region (the Northeast), my goat fantasies were appreciably revamped. My region is an area of high overhead for feed and hay, and goats could easily become a financial drain as well as a drag in terms of labor and commitment, particularly if the first ones were initially expensive and then, through my inexperience, things rlidn't work out well. Bv the summer of 1972, I knew that there were few inexpensive rnilking goats for sale. Six-week-old doe kids with purebred or Amerir:rrrr <lcsignatexl papers started at seventy-five dollars and went up and

ftonfinued on page Ig)


l,l l,)


N( I

A( (ll

ril(lN(; n l)AilaY (;()n 't'

Strong Jaw

Small Belly

Tough-Skinned, Elongated Udder

Untrimmed Hooves

A Goat ofPoor Dairy Character

A Goat of Good Dairy Character

Seeking out dairy characterl. Alert and angulat", with a long, lean browser's nech. 2. Good-sized head with a strong jaw, large and open nostrils. 3. Long and fairly leuel rump, but not absolutely straight.

4. Large, roorny peluis. 5. Euen, well-hung, and capacious

6. Well-formed, sturdy
der room.


legs; wid.e apart rear legs thnt allow ample ud-




Leg Stance

Rad Shape


7. Feet, square and compact with a leuel-lnohing sole; pasterns should m.eld into hoof smoothly. 8. Long, wide apart and. well-sprurry ribs; large barel capacitlt. In cold climates, looh for a large barrel that indicates mnximum cdpacity for heat generation through digestion of great amaunts of roughage. In hot climntes you ntoy want a goat with a less wide, mnre slabby conformation. When planning to marutge goats with a stall system and exercise lnt, there is less dem.und on legs, feet, and udd.er musculature. Goats that range and browse for nnst of the year haue to be selected with attention to erctra sturdy legs, feet, and udder attachments, and. should haue uery deuelopedjaws. Study thc parts of the goat diagram and try to uisit both ranging herds and herdb kept in mnre confined

Top View



up. Recorded grade doe kids were fifty dollars or more. Folks who had good-producing, unregistered milkers were not selling them. How did one acquire a good first animal or two? I found no acceptable way. Although friends bought goats at auction or from herds being broken up or severely culled, and some received gift goats, it seemed, on the whole, that good goats were not auctioned or given away. Poor ones

A(r()lllll,lN(; A l)n lltY (loA'l'

paying attention to show records' Dairy Goat Journal, the ADGA handbooks; even if you do not plan to show, this familiarizes you with the major herds, breed types, show and production standards and recording good milk production. methodology - all indices of The prospective goatkeeper who does the most homework prior to purchasing dairy goats will be the one to make the best selection decisions. Just getting "papers" with your goats is not a guaranlee. However, buying registered animals is theoretically not as chancy as buying unknowns. I use the word "theoretically," with some emphasis. Getting started with registered stock is an involved undertaking, costing more but granting no assurances of more milk in the pail for the costs. If you choose to start with registered animals, write to the American Dairy Goat Association or the American Goat Society, and ioin. From these organizations you will obtain the criteria and proceis information explaining what the "papers" dures for registry - this the annual handbook recording the doings of receive You will mean. test records and the breed leaders goats dairy all the top - their professional breeders established to the the directories and show wins, to be responsibility buyer's (and It is the nation). the your region in and pape6 accurately to interpret material this with familiar enough registered purchasing when manner. informed an select stock in stock, ask to see production records on the dams' granddams, and sisters of your projected purchases, as well as the pertinent registry papers. All these papers are your guide to the potential of an animal, and are an indication of how much milk there has been in the family. If no records other than registrations are available, you shouldn't be paying top prices. It is your responsibility, however, to learn how to read those paperc you are paying extra for. If you have had prior experience with other productive livestock, have some acquaintance with the paper convolutions, can supply a reasonable amount of initial capital and tirne, and have accurate hay, feed, and pasturage projection figures, it is worth your while to start with the best registered does you can locate. In the long run you will come out far ahead of folks starting with fair scrubs, gifties, or auction animals.

I just kept looking. The market is now tighter than a few years back. All the costs necessary to bring the young doe into productivity have zoomed. The inflationary impact of sky-rocketing fuel and grain prices has converged with an upsurge of interest in dairy goats, and we now have the most extraordinary and soaring stock prices in American dairy goat history. Some persons speculate that real hard times may drop milk goat prices. That remains to be seen. Kids from outstanding herds are very costly today. If you decide to buy registered stock, be prepared for this new situation. Read the figures in Dairy Goat Journal over the last two years - they may shock you if all you've read about goat economics is articles in The Mother Earth ly'erus or other homesteady publications where occasional authors still tout $50 composters on the hoof and miracle milkers for $100. Remember that these publications are crusading to get people back to the land with small livestock. They tend to be positive, enthusiastic, and vague or out of date regarding hard-core money matters. But on the balance side of the financial picture, consider that a good registered goat costs much less than a registered large dog, returns a solid protein value for your feed dollar and care and provides a useful manure for your garden. She is a classic example of the ecological value of keeping small productive animals instead of pets.

Watchful Waiting If you have no prior

experience at keeping livestock and/or little money, you can still start goatkeeping. The basic tool for persons in this situation is watchful waiting. Work toward goatkeeping by:

together a suitable shelter. - putting visiting goatkeepers, seeing as many does as possible - and talking with as many experienced keepers as is


they are your resource to milk and how to tend to basic chores such

Start Cautiously, Build SlowlY

For those of us recently come out of the urban canyons who are attempting to homestead with low overhead, who have had little or no experience with real barn anirnals and who want a household milk supply, it is probably best to start as inexpensively as possible' That translates into buying scrub goats. There is an underground of house19

as watering, haying, feeding, hoof-trimming.

going to goat shows and goat club activities. studying selection criteria so that you know good dairy

character when you meet up with it. Iu



hold-oriented goatkeepers, folks who keep a couple of goats for their own table supply. These people don't show goats, don't register goats and don't keep records of the milk yield or the progeny. They chuckle a lot at current tales of thousand-dollar milk goats. They breed their does to the nearest bucks regardless of breed or milk backglound considerations. Some of these keepers have happy, heaithy, productive animals. The best way to tune into this network (which is not very visible until you get out and look) is to put out the word about your interest in milk goats to gardeners, farmers, people who raise chickens, plant growers, and feed or hay suppliers' Then comb your local newspapers and especially pennysaver-type papers regularly. Keep your eye peeled for goats out on the browse during grazing seasons. You can usually spot these animals if you are passionately interested and observant. Very few small-scale household keepers maintain their goats as stall animals because it is too expensive a method of management, requiring costly grain and hay feeding yearround.

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If this is how you plan to start dairying, you need to know even
more before you buy. The person buying registered animals can rely on the breeder, and pay a tariff to compensate the breeder's experience, knowledgeability, and scruples. When buying goats of unknown origins, it is all up to you whether you come out burned or with milk in the pail. Do double the homework and prior looking. Try to locate solid, producing goats and keep an eye out for all their doings: their production, breeding, and kidding patterns. If you buy a mature doe or a kid from a household herd, use all your common sense. Check out the condition of the dam, taste her milk, look over the shelter and pasture, ask about the grain the animals get. Find out what kind of sire was in the background. If he is local, see him and his local progeny. Compare the goats and kids up for sale with the ones not being offered. Look at the animals' feet to see if the hooves are trim. Judge the condition of the animals' coats. If the doe is in milk, look over her udder closely. Feel it for lumps or hardnesses. Check about for scabs or other skin irregularities. Milk a little from each teat into a small cup and look at the milk for signs of clotty, flaky, or streaked milk. Many older goats have poor udder musculature, and the bags on some four- or five-year-olds (check their teeth for age verification if you can safely open their mouths) are sagging and uneven. These are does who have always had kids on them or have had rough early years. Unless there's visible damage, hardnesses, an extra teat, or signs of mastitis in the milk, don't be totally put off. A loosely hung bag may still be the udder of a decently yielding goat. My Mackenzie has a terribly hung udder that would make a show iudge faint, but still she






An example of a well-formed udder and six examples of shapes of ill-formed udders.




on Page 25)

AO(ltJlltlN(; A I)AlltY (;OA'l'







Udder of a goat turned out to browse after the morning milhing. It is a high, tight, well-hung first freshener's bag at work-not gktmorized or "bagged up" for the cam.era.

Another early mnrning, post-milking udder. Notice the complete lach of musculature, probably a result of her owner's allowing triplets to nurse

for twelue


check ail uiews of the udd.er before and after milh,ing. This particular bag shoulcl haue'som'e of the excess hair trimmcd from it for sanitary



Check rear rnusculature to see dn this is with your hand.

if it is strong

and, taut. The best way to dne with her weaned kid. She has an euen, high udrl'er between decent legs. Checlz out dnes you are thinhing of buying when they clre out on pclsture so you get a good lnok at bags and' legs wh'en th'e dnes are at worh browsing.

yields eight to ten pounds (four to five quarts) at the seasonal lactation peak. Make a reasonable offer in terms of your locality and personal finances for any suitable doe kids or available milkers you locate, and take them home for starters. You can improve the milk yield of inexpensive scrub starter stock within three years by taking care to breed your first does to solid, registered bucks of the particular breed you are most interested in. Make sure the bucks have milk in their lines; this means interpreting more papers and getting about to visit the buck's offspring to see what they are producing. You can't go by a buck's looks alone or some distant ancestor's show wins. Check chapter five for more details on this method of increasing your herd's future milk yield. It is a much slower route, buying scrubs and breeding up a herd from nonentities. However, it may be the only method of getting started in these times of high feed costs, fast disappearing pastures, and heavy demand for dairv goats. It is best to get started.

This is a good, capaciotts, well-hung bag. The teats are wetl-defined anrt easy to milh.

<:crl,itinl.y all country o1' this I'act. Either


folk through their direct experience' were aware the passings of the Mrs' Fritzes of the urban food ideschools, curriculum changes, or the triumph of supermarket gap in food huge a created have of these cimbined ,rtogy - or allin comis unhappily It Americans' many of the minds
"nn""""ion"n"ss montofindwould-begoatkeepersofbothruralandurbanback-

grounds muddled about how a milk animal works'


Ruminants ' The dairy goat belongs to the ruminant family'

tatk o.t goatkeeping. It was my introduction to the disconnectedness How {'undamental of peopl!'s thinkint concer"in! the food's they eat' to t'he class' No foodstuffs came into being was a matter of mysterv 'l'hey didn't goal' one in the group knew w-hat made a goat a milk mature lrcqrme know it nal to te born, be raised up from kidhood' her feed and be mated, conceive young' give birth healthilv have could """uulty., kids, before the goatkeeper iand the human consumers) pail and a dairy animal in the barn' Words such as "ru-itt in the"lactation" met blank gazes' men" and school biology teacher' Mrs' h'rit'z' l'hese plain high my Thanks to impressed on facts of -u--uii.., life had been clearly and irre{'utably home hamn.rered The biological truth had been -V "t"""i"usness. was a question in thlt these same facts applied whether the mammal milk' seeking you are human being, a cow' .^h""p, horse, or goat' If start or mammals of you either must resort to the reproductive cycle and folk' city other loaking soybeans. I had always assumed that

Commonly' a rumibut not nant is deflned as a cud-chewing mammal, which is accurate to the point. The milk goat's physiology includes a four-chambered rumen (or digestive organ or stomach. The chambers are called the (I puln"h), th"e reticulum, the omasum, and the abomasum like to her ,tr"., th" runlen ut ruminanf). when your dairy goat is chewing she that cud, she is rechewing roughage and all sorts of crude fodders this has already eaten a.td sent on to the rumen' She regurgitates those tenfood and is happily reworking it when you see her moving jaws. Taking the emphasis nis-ball-like lumps around her mouth and


goutt eeper who ignores the goat's rumen is like the gutd".tet who ignores the condition of the soil' the The goat is not a cow or sheep' Among ruminants of her size'


and give a A friend asked me to come to a local community collcge

as dairy goat possesses-an extraordinary rumen' She can eat twice and crude tough' size, and she'll eat -,r.n l" u .h""p of comparable won't look at' She can survive and cow dai*y a plants ttat fibrous produceon the most unusual grazings and feeding' digesThe supply of fibrous materials gets sent into the rumen; the materifundamental tive working orr", of it provides warmth and the production' als needed for growth, maintenance, and eventual milk heat as generate and Microorganisms abound in the paunch or rumen digesfurther for extremely tough, coarse, foodstuffs are broken down produces tion in ihe goat's system. The bacterial fermentation rough, warmth u. *"il as fooi. consequently the goat can withstand supis-well rumen her cold, wet, or changeable conditions as long as goat dairv the enables pti"i uti active. A properly developed rumen of amounts vast of io pe.form her personai miiacle - the conversion of amounts small ,.-fy growth and weed, poor hays, and relatively grain into a qualitY Protein food' The prop", derrel'opment and capacity of the goat's -rumen also imporrelate direcily to her mature milk production potential. It is genelkeeps she If kids. doe tant to remember this fact while rearing


ating warmth via her built-in heating plant, her rumen, the milk goat will not succumb to chills or pneumonia.

Like all other female mammals, a doe must undergo the changes leading to rnaturity and conception and must carry her young to term (in goats approximately 150 days), and healthily deliver her young before she comes into milk. The milk is produced as food for the coming kids. But we are not robbing the young of their vital sustenance when we milk, because modern livestock has been improved to

yield greater amounts of food than the bare amounts originally needed for nursing the young. We also extend the milking period
beyond the normal nursing period found among feral does. The time period during which a doe produces milk is called her lactation. All the "lac" root terms repeatedly encountered in dairying literature stem from the Latin verb lactare, which refers both to nursing, or giving suck, and to containing milk. A 305-day, or ten-month lactation is the common goal in contemporary goat dairying, but the length of the lactation is controlled by the needs and orientation of the dairy farmer. Solid, high-producing does can be run for extended lactations for purposes of resting the does from pregnancy stress, of alternating milk supply, or of staggering freshening schedules. The ten-month lactation is not a physiological rule, but it is the most common practice in North America because the income from selling kids yearly is very important to most keepers. Goats in warmer climates, such as the Mediterranean, can be bred nearly year-round, and thus may have shorter lactations and more frequent kiddings. Where goat meat is utilized as a fundamental protein source in the diet, the more meat coming along, the better. Once the doe has given birth, the goatkeeper contrives a routine that extends lactation way beyond the normal nursing period of wild goats. The kid is reared by suckling the dam or by hand-feeding the dam's milk in a bottle or a pan long enough to give the kid a proper growth foundation. The kid is weaned from milk at between six and twelve weeks of age, depending upon the breeder's philosophy and inclinations, but the dam goes on milking. She lactates until approximately sixty days before her next birthing. The extension of the normal six- or eight-week feral lactation is achieved by regular milkings by the goatkeeper. This demand keeps the doe producing, and the production level is kept up by feeding her a diet that assures her maintenance plus production food intake. The milking is usually done twice a day, morning and night, at twelveztl

hour intervals. Regular, conscientious milking is what keeps the flow coming. once the doe's kids are no longer there to stimulate flow and to demand food and suck, you, the goatkeeper, have taken their place and role and must go on creating that demand. If you want and need milk, you keep that flow coming. At the freshening, the goatkeeper must cope with both the birth and care of the young kids and a doe coming into milk; it is a critical time that requires attentiveness and having your wits about you' Fortunately, miik goats need little human assistance in most cases and have a relatively easy delivery. At this point the cycle starts all over again with the doe kids. They are reared on milk, weaned to a herbirrorous diet, raised to doelings, watched for the onset of regular heats and bred during one of them, cared for through the five-month carrying period, and then freshened to become milk goats' tn aairvlng, one is dealing with an artificial situation. Instead of species' perpetuation being the reason for breeding, humanity breeds dairy animals to obtain a milk supply for human consumption ovel an extended period. without getting into an ethical debate about whether or not this is exploitation, it is still a good idea to keep the contrived nature of the scene somewhere at the back of one's mind. Many of the difficulties folks meet up with when they start keeping milk animals arise from fhe inherent artificialities of the situation. At some points in the cycle, the goatkeeper needs to imitate the structures of the undomesticated goat, and at other times it is necessary to find regimens that differ but simulate the instinctual patterns. If you want milk, healthy dams and kids, and contented goats' aim for a balance between the instinctual and contrived modes'



I have heard of people who successfullymilktheirgoatswithoutfeedingagrainrationduringmilking_I jlst have never met any such goatkeepers in the flesh' It is quite possible, I think, but probably works only for a very experienced perThe reward is the grain ration.


son milking a very good-tempered, well-trained goat' I always set the traditional reward before the eyes and eager lips of ,rry do"r, und lock them into a rnilking stand with a crossbar. I then

sii facing the udder and put my hands in place' I feel around the udder g";tty and check for any unusual signs: extraordinary-warmth' lumpsjcuts. As one becomes better acquainted with one's does, this

initial touching will become more confident and more and more sensitive. I then dip each teat in a warm iodine- or chlorine-based washing (I resolution. I wipe each teat dry with a disposable paper towel. goat sisted using disposables until the washing and sterilizing of the got out of filters cheesecloth and towels wiping house laun"dry

Milking is the functional focus of goatkeeping and one of its primary pleasures. I stress milking because I think milk yield is the most important consideration for the household keeper. The breeder's focus lies on stock improvement; this of course entails milk productivity as a major goal but other considerations, such as conformitv to breedtype and showing standards, receive substantial emphasis. For the household keeper, though, a goat's "milk potential" is a matter of what finds its way into the milk pail. The rhapsody about the pleasures of milking will be brief because it is one of those acts you must experience for yourself.

hand. once we had three milkers we seemed to be consuming as much water, soap, pumping energy, and so on, as using throwaway products might involve in terms of consumed resources') Lfter washing and wiping, I milk one or two squirts from each teat into a separate tittt" pun called a strip cup, and then check this initial milk for oddities: clols, flakiness, bloody streaks, the possible signs of mastitis-type infections. washing has cleansed the udder area of particles thai may be carrying spoilage bacteria, and these initial squirts clear the teat canal itself of foreign particles or unfavorable microorioutine is fundamental to good-quality, good-tasting, longer-lasting milk. If you want to drink your home-produced goat milk raw' you'll
appreciate these Precautions.
ganisms. This sounds like

a good bit of trouble, and it is, but' this


How to Do

Stripping Strip Cup

There are numerous verbal explanations of how to milk a goat. you get yourself comfortable and the doe stationary. If the doe has been milked before and has had good relations with the folks who have previously milked her, she'll stand for you as long as she is rewarded.


MILKING hard. The reason many breeders separate kids and dams is to avoid the continuous, aggressive punching the dam is subjected to by some of the kids. A gentle suggestion of this upward thrust usually serves to bring more milk flowing down. All of this assumes that you are dealing with an easily managed doe with well-formed teats and a reasonable amount of milk. My initial situation was so different from this that I wonder how I ever milked Mackenzie at all. Her teats are not well delineated or set off from the rest ofthe udder; I never have found any special place to put my thumb and index finger. Her bag is pendulous to an extreme and lopsided besides, the far teat hanging two inches lower than the nearer teat. To compound the problem, her bag was incredibly full every twelve hours and she inevitably ate her way through all her grain ration before I milked her out. So, don't give up hope, however extreme your first experiences.

\.. , .t/!


Getting Practice
aration. Learn to milk a friend's goat. Seeing it done by a gentle, experienced keeper was worth all the diagrams, verbal descriptions, and photographs I'd ever seen. Start at the tail end of the lactation period when the milk flow is lessening. It is extremely frustrating to make first attempts on goats that are carrying four to six pounds to every encounter. It takes time and practice to develop your hands and accustom them to this new kind of work. Get some heavy practice sessions under your belt, especially if you are currently raising doe kids and plan to be milking them as first fresheners. First fresheners their udders taut, and their teat openings can be very skittish tight. Any serious keeper or breeder will have a genuine concern in helping you learn to milk, because the majority of goatkeeping people like to spread the faith and see that newcomers treat their animals properly and tenderly. That objective usually involves showing persons the correct, effective, nonpulling way. Such keepers how to do it don't hold with the old saw that strangers in the barn unnerve goats, make them difficult at milking time' and lower the yield. As for more negative-minded goat owners who are adamant about barring you from the barn at milking time, pass them by. You are bound to fi-nd a more interested and cooperative percon down the road if you keep
looking. Before practicing on your own goat,

I recommend

some prior prep-

The essential milking technique consists of making a ring around each teat with your first few fingers and thumb, and then pressing downward with your last fingers. You can release the circle and use four flngers to press the milk down and out of the teat, if necessary. Simply reform the circle and repeat the pressure. A slight break between downward-pushing pressures allows the teat to fill up again. Eventually work toward a rapid, even motion, alternating pressure on each teat, or pressing them both at once and pausing slightly for the teats to refill. Avoid pulling down on the teats or the udder. It is tempting to pull down hard to get a good initial flow going or to strip out the very last drops, but it strains the udder musculature. Not having their udder muscles punished or stressed will enable your does to have the longest possible productive life. If you wish to empty the udder completely, hold the teats and gently push upwards against the bag; then continue milking out. Pushing upwards may seem contrary bo your judgment, but watch young kids nurse. They hit the bag upwards to stimulate the flow and the more aggressive kids punch

Recent homesteading literature is big on advising people to milk balloons or filled rubber gloves. This type of practice didn't help me

(;on,l,K l,ltil,lN(

her daughters and other young does to pleasant behavior at milking times. The grain reward and the of a wise, old, she-goat have made for conditioned responses ""u-pl" in the classic sense; the d.es eagerly hop up to the stand to be fed and milked. Knowing that -y'ur milkers will behave in this way makes a huge difference to you when milking time comes in sub-zero weather.

and I discrvered eventually that it hardly related t' thc re.r thing ,rr any level. It might make a good children's party game or give you a deep laugh some cold, long January evening. It might also stand y.u in good stead if you do come across a doe with tea-ts shaped like the fingers of a latex glove.

i.g rx,mple of dairy goat behavior on the milk stand, and I have

t. train


Milking Rorrtine
'The best milking schedure calls for milking at twerve-hour intervals. Goats'productivity depends upon their f""dirrg, managr.rent, se_ curity, and expectations, as well as upon their breld and Jongenital capacities. If you are regular in your ministrations and they reet tney can depend on you, they put out for you. This is a generaliiation, but it is backed up by broader dairying experience. Ke"ep to u r"f"titirr",

Debates can go on and on about where to build or place the milk stand. All literature oriented toward serious goat dairying and commercial milk production insists upon a separate milk parlor. Milking the goats in a room separate from their stalring u."u. h"lp. to avoid high coliform bacteria counts in the milk and i.rrrrr". u -ilkirrg ur"u that is relatively free of loose floating hairs, dried bits of hay, manure particles, and any other chance vehicles that the bacteria hitch a ride on. An isolated area is more easily scrubbed down and sanitized. The more goats you keep, the more necessary a separate milking parlor may become for you. Much depends on whether you plan to sler mittl and whether you have any negative experiences once the numbers in your herd dramatically increase. we have all enjoyed observably better health since we've switched to raw goat milk. our home-produced milk keeps long and well and has no goaty odor or taste. we do not have a separate milk parlor. I milk each doe on a stand that is six feet from the nearest stall. After milking I scrub the stand down with an antibacteriar solution. r mentioned earlier that I dip and wash down the does'udders before milking' I now also give each milker a teat dip after milking, using a very dilute soiution of ordinary chlorine bleach. we started this aftJr notic_ ing the large teat openings of one of our first freshen"rr. iu.g" t"ut openings can provide entry for pathogenic bacteria. By adheiing to careful sanitary practices such as these, you probably won,t find it necessary to build a separate milk parlor, especiaily if your milk is for family consumption. To achieve peace of mind regarding TB and brucellosis, the most serious milk-transmitted diseases, have your milking goats tested. These tests are routine and inexpensive, and any lirres*toik veterinarian will do them. If a goat of unknown origins comes to your barn, have her tested for your own safety as well as that of you, animals. - that our our local vet says area has teen brucelrosis-free for twentyfive years, and that he has never run into a goat carrying bruceilosis or bovine TB, but we still test.

equal-interval milking routine. you milk in the and again at night' The specific hour is arbitrarily set; you, -o.rri.rg the keeler, a"ciae. tr vou farm and have other livestock and chores to attend to, it will probably be most convenient to do the milking early in the morning and then again around dark or early evening *h"., yor are closing up your chickens or turning on their lights. If you rise for a full-time job away from your homeplace and leave at g:80 or 9:00 e.nr., you might ygrk in the milkings at 7:00 e.n. and 7:00 p.ru. I milk at 9:0b e.vr. and 9.:00 e.vr., because my early morning is crammed with activities. This time arrangement also works out well if sorneone has to -" when I am away for the day. My situation has currently evolved "p"ttinto a two-person labor input and the established milking sciredule fits the second milker's proclivities weil. The grain and hay feeding, and watering are done at milking times. when the weather is bad,*water and hay are also provided at midday. Where you milk, is your own choice. Outside milking, when feasi_ ble, is the choice of some"small-scale keepers. The sun *rra tn" totaily ventilated, unenclosed situation both contribute to a healthy and sanitary milking environment. whether you use a milkstand or not is uq For inexperienced persons and new goatkeepers dealing _to Vou. with old goats who are set in their ways, r beheve the stand saves labor' encourages new habits appropriaie for the new situation, and simplifies life for both people and animals. I feel this is particuiarry true if you are keeping goats as a one_person endeavor. My old Mac_ kenzie was accustomed to a milking rorti.r" that was basei .,pon t*o persons being present for every milking; one person milked her and the other held her by the horns to keep her still. I would never have been able to milk her by myself if I iad not had the psychic and physical support of the stand. with her changed habits, sle is a strrn34



worried about milk-borne disease, you may also to pasteurize your milk. I believe that raw milk is better for me, so I give substantial attention to sanitation. The barn routines mentioned hbove and dutiful scrubbing and scalding of milk utensils have contributed toward wonderful milk we have all enjoyed and that visitors could not discern as "weird," only "tasty." If someone politely comments that the milk is refreshingly "wild, strong, gamey-tasting though exciting in its way," it is probably time to review your barn and milking procedures. Politeness accounts for these euphemistic ways of saying "unpleasant" and "off-tasting." They are signals that your desired quality improvement has not been achieved or that the standard has slipped. Once the initial insecurities and trepidations you and your first rnilker both experience ease, you will probably find that milking a goat is just plain pleasurable. She is a small, fastidious, affectionate, clever creature. She is not as placid as most cows are reputed to be, but the doe is cooperative in an intelligent, responsive manner when treated with lespect, regularity, and human affection. It is a physical joy to feel that warm bag, squeeze the teats, see and hear the milk pour forth, and grow connected to the whole process of nourishment. There are hundreds of small gurglings and all kinds of inner rumbles that your ear will catch as your head leans against a doe's side. Milking is a small sacrament of the new life, which is one and the same as the old life. Thinking on the transformation of scraggly herbage, you witness and take part in the making of a warm, new, foamy, yet solid, life-sustaining substance milk!

If you're still


Breeding is mating. It influences many facets of goatkeeping. Cogenital capacity determines to a large degree your rioe's lifetime productive capacity. Good genetic inheritance combines with good care and management to give the best milkers and the most milk in the pail. When improved dairy goat breeding was begun in the United States, breeders found that the first-generation doe bred out of a scrubby, native, wild-type dam and an imported, selected Swiss stock sire showed enormous increases in milk yield and in duration of the lactation period. successive breeding of the improved does and their f'emale progeny to imported, purebred Saanen and Toggenburg sires .yielded further improvements. You must take a long, almost unbelie'ving look at the 1930s research station photographs of specimens of l,he native goat stock even to be able to recognize the subjects as milk goats. At a quick glance, the goats look like horned coyotes; legs are slrort, udders tiny, necks short, and jaws small and undeveloped.3 'l'lrcrtr is little barrel, or lung capacity. The positive evolution, visible ;rrr<l sincc rec<lrded b.y contemporary testing and statistical evidence,





furnishes the foundation argument for breeding-up. "Breeding-up" refers to the practice of mating does of lesser or unknown origins to proven-out purebred sires. It attempts, over several generations, to produce does that give more milk for more sustained lengths of time. A 1967 Cornell dairy goat bulletin remarks that three-month lactations are not uncommon,a but the three-month lactation has become increasingly rare as of this writing. Conscious breeding-up, or upgrading, over the last thirty years has produced recorded graCes with ten-month lactations, as well as enormous productivity ini,reases among registered purebreds, crossbred animals, and new breeds.5

is undeniable.


with stories of other quirky goats and beginning owners. After awhile, we decided to board Eleanor at the breeder's until her sexual needs could be fulfilled. Many times that night we asked ourselves why we hauled a plain old scrub so far to get her serviced. We came up with the same answers that had set us on the road in the first place; only time could provide us with other justification.

Breeding Up
Our doe, Mackenzie, and our boarder, Eleanor, were half-sisters fathered by the same buck. Many of the other goats in our area were sired by that buck or came out of a dam sired by that buck. Mackenzie had even been bred to her own father and had borne Bela, the doe kid I purchased at the Library Fair. Human horrors over incest aside, inbreeding is a common practice in sophisticated animal breeding.
Indeed, careful inbreeding is the foundation of many improved herds. Matings between the closest of animals - fathers and daughters or have traditionally been used by experienced brothers and sisters breeders to develop breed-type and to perpetuate specific characteristics, but it is never the recommended practice for small-scale or novice keepers. Close inbreeding can perpetuate weaknesses as well as strengths, and since goats do not have huge litters, culling two out of three kids for congenital weaknesses can mean a great loss for the small keeper. Most small-scale keepers simply can't afford to cull rigorously, and can't afford to carry poor does to maturity. So the closest matings are not advisable. A variant of strict inbreeding, linebreeding, depends upon using related animals but not the most closely related. The purpose is to maintain a high degree of relationship to proven-out, superior animals. Linebreeding carries a lesser chance of perpetuating weak traits and is more generally recommended as a breeding system for the small keeper. But we decided to import some new blood. What we decided to do is called "outcrossing," the mating of totally unrelated sires and dams. This is far from the usual choice in breeding circles. Theoretically, stock improvement comes very slowly when animals of widely differing gene pools are mated. However, we decided that too many animals in our vicinity shared the same unselectI ed, mediocre genetic inheritance. We also realized that it would be .years before we could judge the results of Mackenzie's having been bred back to her own sire. We had to decide what to do for Eleanor lrclirre any data on Bela would be in. We either had to breed Eleanor

A Fundamental Experience
The breeding of Eleanor R. Toggenburg was our fundamental
goat-breeding experience. Eleanor was an unregistered, stately, Toggenburg-resembling, chocolate-colored, maiden goat of mixed and unrecorded ancestry. She was past two years ofage and had never been bred. We were boarding her, and were to keep a kid out of her as the board fee. We took the responsibility for breeding her and rnade the choice of sire, electing to make a journey of sixty-five miles (each way) to breed her to a French Alpine buck the breed I was most interested in totally unrelated to any stock close to us. Another reason for choosing the breeder was that he was one of the few who did not object to Eleanor's having horns. I had reseached the stud-service resources in advance in anticipation of the great day. Eleanor, however, never seemed to be very certain about when her great time was upon her, or if she knew, she sure didn't show it. She had a skittish temperament normally, seeming at times more wild antelope than dairy goat. Her sexual life conformed to this fickle pattern, and was equally difficult to interpret. She never did have observable, three-day heats, twenty-one days apart. Her tail would wag from side to side and her vulva pinken considerably, but for hours only, and at odd intervals over a month. She wasn't in milk so she couldn't show a decrease in milk yield. Her appetite never observably decreased. She never became vocal about her sexual needs. Finally, one day, when we thought we had seen sufficient tail wagging and genital reddishness, we urged her into the microbus and drove with her frightened, lonely, and still silent to the breeder's. Well, she

was in no way interested. The breeder had four different purebred bucks and a barn properly saturated with buck scent. Eleanor was unimpressed. And were we embarrassed! The breeder comforted us

GOATKEEPING back to her own sire or take her out of the area to a different buck breeding her up in the process. Over several generations of breedingup, the genetic inheritance becomes increasingly more that of the purebred sire. Our purpose was to import into our mini-flock the beginnings of an improved line that had no relation to the goats in our immediate locale and would be of a breed of our own choosing. This method of improvement is slow. It will be generations and, we figr-lre, three to five years before we have good foundation stock of the breed we are interested in. Eleanor's daughter, Meg, is a half-grade French Alpine; Meg's daughter a three-quarter-grade French Alpine, and a daughter of hers would be a seven-eighths or American Alpine. Every goatkeeping authority advises breeding-up. The broad purposes are to improve milk production and the reproductive capacity of one's stock, to maintain true breed-type, and to prevent the appearance of regressive or deteriorated individual animals. Underlying all these abstract purposes is the blunt fact that kids bred out of registered, purebred sires can be recorded and registered, and therefore sell for appreciably more money than kids bred out of a couple of unknown goats. The theory is that a kid from a registered, recorded line has more traceable potential as a milk animal than kids of unknown origins. However, the registry rules read as follows:
Rul,e 14. Where one parent is a hnnwn registered purebred, the female offspring mny be recorded as a 1/2 grade of that breed. If such offspring is then mated to a purebred


Choosing the Sire A distinction should be carried in mind between any available, papered, purebred or American sire, and the positive, proven-out buck. A buck that has productive, tested and recorded female offspring and near relatives (sisters, dam, gtanddam) that are good producers is a proven-out buck. If you're just breeding your does to any available papered buck simply because the kids will bring in more income, you're not necessarily breeding kids that are improved animals. To justify the added tariff you charge for the kids, try to breed the does to proven-out, papered bucks. Outstanding bucks are those who are not only proven-out, but who have sired female offspring that demonstrate better observable and
recordable milk productivity than the dams that produced them and better than offspring of the dams by other sires. Breeding fees for the services of outstanding proven-out bucks will probably be high. When your herd is evolved enough so that you consider it a high-producing herd, you may want to invest in the services of a truly outstanding buck to attempt breeding an even higher yielding doe. For someone starting with unregistered does this is a distant prospect. Breeders all say that the buck is half the herd. In the case of the unregistered, scrub herd, the bucks chosen at breeding season represenL mpre than half of the future herd. They contribute, over several generations of breeding-up, the dominant share of the recognized

male of the sam.e breed, the resulting femnle offspring may be recorded as /a grade of that breed. These fo grade femnles when mated to a purebred sire of the sam.e breed uill produce hids that are /s pure and the males and females of this group are eligible for enha into th.e "Am.erican" section of the register prouiding they mcet the breed-type requiremcnts. (Rules for Registration and Recordation, ADG A)

dairy character in the gene pool. The traits of the original scrub doe recede far into past history within three generations. In the long run, careful breeding-up yields does of good type and solid performance, and more milk in the pails.

The heat period, or esttus, is the only time during which a doe may be bred. After the pituitary gland has been stimulated by seasonal factors such as diminishing daylight and temperature decreases, it secretes the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which stimulates ovarian activity, which in turn causes the secretion of estrogen. This hormone can produce many behavioral changes. The doe loses her appetite but finds her voice. Her usual, bright, clever, attentive personality undergoes a radical transformation toward moony, bleating' behavior. She seems to forget the route to and 'crratic, uncustomary ,purpose of the milkstand, and wanders instead from her stall toward t,lrc barn door, occasionally poking her nose out into the night. Grain sutldenly has little or no appeal for her and milk yield drops. Somc does are very cooperative and exhibit the blatant physical

Consequently, there are many registered kids on the market that aren't from very "milky" backgrounds because any progeny frorn any purebred may be registered at the breeder's discretion. What is happening today, a time of burgeoning interest in goats, is that many people rush to breed-up their unregistered or recorded grades simply because they can charge more for the registerable kids and they need the income from the sale of kids to sustain their goatkeeping operations. This is really nothing but paper breeding-up and paper purchasing, and so it accounts for the large number of goats with papers but no milk productivity.

GOATKEEPING signs of heat: rapid back-and-forth tail-wagging; a swollen, pink, red, or mucousy vulva; frequent urination; bleating; and nervous, uneasy activity including the mounting and riding of her companions. Textbook signs like these are most reliable, almost a sure thing, but don't count on any of them appearing. Some goats follow the pattern of


twenty-one day intervals with heats of approximately three days; others follow their own signs and interval calendars. There are authorities who recommend breeding on the second or third day of a heat, but I bring my does to buck as soon as they show definite signs of a heat. The best artificial insemination results have been obtained when the breeding was done within the earliest stage of the heat, and many old-timers advise striking when the iron is hot - within the first twenty-four hours when the doe is sure of what she wants. The best diagnostician of the doe's state of need is a real live buck; his degree of interest will tell you right off. A good, vigorous buck will let you know in a short time what his analysis of her biological condition is. If she stands for him and he recognizes her as being receptive, he mounts her in a flash, penetrates the doe with his penis, and ejaculates semen faster than it takes to write all this out. And is it all brief! Don't carry any anthropomorphic or romantic notions of sexual enjoyment to service. Return runs are very common. Not everyone who keeps a breed buck controls the scene tightly and brings the doe to the buck at an observed time under restraint - such as being held by collars or tethers. Some people just allow the doe and buck to run together. Return trips are more common under this looser, less controlled arrangement. Don't feel too bad if you find upon arrival at the breeder's barn that your doe has suddenly gone out of heat, or that she will not stand for the buck, or even butts him away. The buck may show no interest in her either. His perception of her state is usually accurate. You may have noticed her signs only late in the heat. With delays and transportation difficulties to deal with, arriving at the buck barn with an uncompliant doe is not out of the ordinary. If this is what happened, note the date of the first observable signs of heat on a calendar, and then mark the day of the rnonth eighteen days from the observed signs. Watch the doe closely from the sixteenth day on. If, after another rushed and breathless try, you or she somehow misses again, it may be better to work out an arrangement with the breeder to board your doe for a few days in advance of the heat. Young does in their first season and older, unbred maidens, seem to cause the most problems.

In any event, watch the doe closely during service. If the buck mounted her, and there seemed to be an apparent service, semen ejaculation, and consequent calming down of the doe, vou have to observe her carefully all the next month. If there are no recurrent heat signs during this observation period, your doe has been bred she's in-kid. Write down the date of the service if you have no written stud memo as a record, and count 150 days (this is an average) ahead. Milk is on the horizon in less than five months, for at least eighteen to twenty-one days have passed and your doe has not come back into

; l

Sometimes around the dates of what would have been another

estrus period, you may see some tail-wagging, bleating, mounting, or pinkening at the vulva. This is confusing, and may put you back on the road to the breeder, but once there, you may find the buck has no interest. Eleanor, our original breeding instructress, showed such signs several times after her rnating and turned out to be in-kid after

all. On the whole, one just has to stay alert for any signs of heat behavior after service and use one's judgment and increasing experience about whether the signs are consistent and extended enough to signify a true return of heat. To add a little more doubt to the matter, I have to say that you can't rely on "seeing something" as an indicator of whether or not your doe is pregnant" The growth of the young is not rapid, or visible enough for you to be able to count on seeing whether the doe is in-kid

in the first eight weeks after the

service. Young does and smaller-

light changes, and secretes a follicle-stimulating hormone that, in l,rrrn, stimulates the production of estrogen that triggers the heat perirxl. Most, but not all, dairy goats will only come into heat during llris {irll pr:riod, what everyone calls "the season." However, Nubians

framed does do show the kids they are carrying earlier than mature or large-framed animals. Some does of varying sizes and ages always from the outset of the pregnancy look like burritos carrying packs. Eleanor drove us to distraction with her brief false heats and her lack of visible physical alteration during the gestation period. At six weeks prior to freshening, even our vet was unsure as to whether or not she was in-kid; but bred she was. The breeding season runs from September to March in my region. Actually, the doe has an innate, instinctual calendar that is affected lr.y temperature and light changes. The seat of this calendar is her pit.uitary gland. As the days shorten, light decreases and temperal,rrres drop. The pituitary reacts to these stimuli, particularlv to the

GOATKEEPING and other goats of non-Swiss type may come into heat at other times


of the year. In any event, the bulk of breedings in my region take place in the fall and early winter. Many small-scale keepers do not want kids arriving in the deep winter months because heat lamps or special anangements may be necessary and because it is sometimes difficult to sell the kids in the dead of winter. visible heat signs, durations, and intervals vary greatly among individual goats, but the keeper will have numerous opportunities to breed does in any given once you are experienced with your particular animals and

may possible relationship factors in your doe's background; the buck

te he, own

sire. If so, you may want to try a different buck' If the to her buck in question is the Lnly available stud, breed the doe back perpetwill sire, but.emembe, that chances are good that inbreeding uate weaknesses as well as good traits, and that such close in-breeding

isrecommendedonlyforexperienced,geneticallyinformed'well-financed professional breeders. seem unable to get the The buck does Lred, there are ,"u"rui factors that may be considered.

If you are making many return trips and

"*u"orr. the general behavior of the herd during heats and have decided where to bieed them, you can plot a breeding schedule, determining which does to breed early, which does to breed late, and whether to stagger the breedings or not. These options should be decided upon in rela-

tion to your individual needs'

Keep notes. Record where, when, and to which sire you've bred a doe. obtain an ADGA or other registry association stud service memo (the original goes to the owner of the doe and the duplicate to the owner or tn" buck) when breeding does to registered bucks. Even if you don't plan to register the offspring' You should keep notes' They are your source for accurate dates from which to calculate the freshening or due date. They also give you a basis for detecting irregularities, problems, or breeding complications such as infertility and they p.ouid" background information so that does are not bred back to their sires or brothers unintentionally.

may be too young (or too old) to be fertile; there may be hormonal in the doe or buck; protein, mineral, or vitamin deficiencies protlu-* 'may Lack exist in the buck or doe; obesity or disease may be a factor. are others the problem; of iertility is probably the most frequent likely most the youself as ,r.r.o--on. If you are a beginner, regard inexpericause of breeding misses. These often come about through periheat of recording ence, inconsisteni observation, and inadequate you still calendaring and ods. If after tightening up your observation you have If buck' different haven't bred the doe. t,rcc""sfully' try a ,"riou", persistent difficulties, consult your vet and chapter ten in this book.Ascomparedtootherdomesticproductivelivestock,thegoat

hasarelativelyeasyandstraightforwardtimeofitwhenitcomesto ,efroa.r"tion, and the keeper of two or three does will only occasionally encounter gtave breeding difficulties' if anything, goats breed so easily that early or premature breeding
of young does is common; much of

Arranging Stud Service

Locating bucks for stud service is not difficult, but, contrary to popular belief, you don't just smell them out. Stud service resources snouta be checked out in advance of the season and contact made with local breeders who keep bucks. You can't count on every breeder being available just when your doe comes into heat. If you've given ,ro ud,run"" notice, you can't count on the breeder's availability or the availability of boarding facilities. The best guide to information on available stud service is the up-to-date members' directory published by the ADGA. The directory lists members, addresses, the type of goats each breeder keeps and, if they have bucks at stud, the breed of ihese. your local goat club, the state dairy goat breeder's associations, and specialized breed clubs also have information on the bucks available for stud service. These information resources are for registered purebred and American-designated bucks. of course, there are many unregistered sires kept by small-scale keepers. Before bringing your doeslo these bucks, check out their female offspring, and research


is accidental, but some is inten-

tional.Tenmonthsoreighty-fivepoundsofbodyweightaretheusual guidelines for a first breeding. Many keepers wait until their- young them' If does are one year or eighteen months of age before breeding

thedoeisbredtooearly,competitionmayarisebetweenthedoe's own maintenance and growth needs and the demands of the fetus and early milk producti,on. The doe herself grows little in her body pregnancy frame or digestive organs during the last eight weeks of does early-bred that possible is It and the firsl months of lactation. carumen and development frame may be permanently stunted in Howevet' capacity' productive pu"ity, which, in turn, stunts long-run ini" i" not inevitable. If the doe kids healthily after an early pregnancy, is fed adequately in the latter lactating months' and is not
bred and run through a long lactation the next year, she may mature

rn<lrecompletely.Youmayalsocutoffherfirstlactationatfouror fivemonthssothatfoodinputandenergywillgotowardsfurther
but st,icntious hands early breeding difficulties may be overcome,





i I

important to decide on a management compensation anangement for the following year that will allow the doe to mature without production or pregnancy stresses competing with her fuller growth.

So far, I have avoided any discussion of the advantages of owning animals from one of the particular, recognized dairy goat breeds. This has been deliberate on my part. Most goat literature goes into great detail on the subject of the breeds before any material on the process and purpose of mating is presented. I have reversed the more usual pattern to give physiological and empirical aspects of breeding more emphasis. I feel that deciding upon a particular breed boils doryn to what female stock is most immediately available and to geographic factors, such as the specific breed of the nearest good buck. The day is

past when one breed could be recommended without qualifications over another for quantity of milk, cream content, temperament, or disposition. Recorded stock improvement is evolving rapidly; new breeds have tleen created, and new productivity heights achieved. What this means in terms of deciding on a breed is elaborated somewhat in the following pages. It's a time of transition, with much work being done on improvement of productivity within each breed and in creating the new La Mancha breed. Because so many more people are keeping goats and recording their productivity, it is a seed time for future movements in goat dairying. All contemporary dairy goats are seen as amazingly productive when their statistics are compared to those of goats of a generation ago. Swiss-type goats have always yielded the most milk. The specific Swiss breeds are the Saanen and the Toggenburg, both of Swiss mountain origins and both produced by selective breeding practices. The Saanen is a white-haired (or cream colored), pink-skinned breed of medium to large frame. Wattles and dark freckling on the bag and skin may appear on Saanens. Their udders are large, well shaped, and well hung. Saanens are often big goats, and are the backbone utility milk does for many people, since good Saanens can be phenomenal producers and their milk has a good average butterfat content. A British-bred Saanen, Melpas Melba, had a recorded milk yield of 6,661 pounds in 365 days. Toggenburgs are equally sturdy, vigorous, and productive goats, though often not as large framed as Saanens. The breed is characterized by white blazes running down the sides of their faces, and light or white markings on the lower legs, around the tail, and near the wattles. The body background color may be any shade of brown f'rom

This Saanen i"s GCH Wil-Lea Kalen, a star milker, classified and rated excellent at 90.


chlssi/i.etl ancl rated excellent

Toglenburg is GCH Diamnnd Sunshine Zesta, a four-star milher,



deep chocolate to pale beige or fawn. There are long- and short-haired Toggenburgs; short-haired does are often preferred for reasons of dairy sanitation. In 1957, David Mackenzie noted that the Toggenburgs of the British Isles yielded below 1,600 pounds of milk annually and that the milk contained only 3 percent butter fat.6 This situation has changed, especially in America. In the United States a Toggen-


burg holds the all-time, all-breed milk production record of 5,750 pounds in 305 days. Concurrent increases in butterfat content have also been achieved by Toggenburgs.T The French Alpine is a large animal characterized by a great variety of colors and markings. Certain patterns are historically recognized and designated, among them: white neck, black hindquarters cou blanc tan neck, black hindquarters cou clnir black neck, light hindquarters cou noir light brown or chamois colored chnmois6(e) black with white underbody and white facial sundgau markings pied - painted or black and white combinations The French Alpines also appear in a large variety of unclassified coats: browns, whites, cinnamor. The purebred French Alpines in the United States trace their ancestry to a L922 direct importation of French stock.s These three mountain-derived breeds share closely related conformation and characteristics. Their faces are straight or dished; their ears are upright; their carriages similar. They have formed the quantitative and qualitative production backbone of many American herds, large and small, since the original introductions of European purebred stock to the United States in the first quarter of this cen-

This Frerrch Alpine is GCH Diamond Sunshine Stelln, milher, classified and rated excellent at 90.

a three'star

tury. The Nubian breed in America derives from the Anglo-Nubian of the British Isles bred there by crossing European and Eastern stock. Nubians are characterized by a Roman nose, unmistakably pendant or floppy ears, and a wide and beautiful assortment of coat markings and colors. Their milk has always been distinctive for its high butterfat content. Recently a Nubian doe surpassed the 1960 all-breed butterfat production record held by a Toggenburg with a recorded 224 pounds butterfat content in a 305-day lactation, and also set a new Nubian breed quantitative record of 4,420 pounds for the lactation period. It used to be a truism that Nubians gave less quantitatively, but more qualitatively because of the higher cream content of their milk. British breeders first took advantage of the fact that goats from


;:;..,., .'., :,i






This Nubian is GCH Dollie Sunshine Cindy.


GOA'I'Klil.ll'lN(; warm climates gave rich milk while those of European sbock gave high yields. In recent years American breeders have lurther improved herds by selective breeding and have generated Nubians that give high yields of high-butterfat-content milk. Another sign of transition during this dynamic period is the arrival on the scene of a fifth major breed, the American La Mancha. The La Mancha is a newly evolved category developed by crossing a shorteared spanish-derived stock with leading American purebred stock. colors and markings vary widely. The distinguishing traits are the absent or short ("gopher" or "cookie") external ear; short, glossy hair; and straight faces. Neither the quantity nor the butterfat content of La Mancha's milk is as high as that of older, more established breeds, but there is much attention being given the new arrival. These, then, are the major b.eeds along with some of the records made by extraordinary animals of the currently leading herds. Do remember that record breakers and record setters are not average animals of their breeds. If you are interested in higher milk yield over a long-run period, breed your present does to the best proven-out sires to which you can reasonably transport them, and for which you can afford the fees' It is more efficient for the small keeper to maintain two or three goodproducing does than five mediocre milkers. Keep the female progeny out of your doe's best matings. Rear them to milking age, and you will have replacements for your current does that, should all go well, will be even better producers than their dams. If you are selling all the kids, you owe it to yourself, your buyers, and the evolution of goat dairying in general, to try to breed kids that are as good as or better than their dams. Then, you can in good conscience get good prices and contribute to general stock improvement at the same time. In effect, I'm suggesting that you have a stake in future productivity that should be as great as your concern for higher income from the sale of kids. Productivity is high today because of what we've inherited from breeders over the last thirty or forty years. All of us recent arrivals in goatkeeping have a debt to future goat dairying. We must see to it that the recent upsurge in goat population that we have contributed to heavilv maintains a good level of productivity and doesn't just populate the countryside with caprine pets. You should take on a caring attitude in this respect. But do not take on the responsibilities, stance, and concerns of the professional breeder unless you are prepared with backup money' assets, land, and experience.



At the core of any solid dairy enterprise' even the smallest, is the
handling of freshenings and the raising of young stock. The care and rearing of the young provides replacement stock, substantial income, and gratifying entertainment. The milk animal comes into milk when she delivers her young. The easiest and most rewarding deliveries are those that are prepared for well in advance. consider the in-kid doe's diet first. It is vital that she be adequately nourished but that she not be drastically overfed with concentrates. This may result in a protein overdose and delivery problems. This translates as "go easy on the grain." I have had to resist those inner voices that whisper, "give her a few more cupfuls she is eating for Lwo, or three, or four." Adjust the grain allowance in relation to the doe's age, her past kidding and production records, the quality of the hay being fed or the available pasturage, and her general size and maintenance requirements. Additionally, it is wise to substitute bran for part of the in-kid doe's grain ration during the last four to six weeks of the gestation period. This keeps all her digestive


GOATKEEPING channels open and functioning regularly!Also, since I incline toward folk remedies, even for goats, I give my pregnant does a few tableresist eating vinegar-soaked grain add some di,luted unsulphured molasses. I used to feed vinegar with the grain only for the last sixty days, but now I use it on the ration throughout the entire gestation p"riod, starting with one tablespoon per feeding at the beginning and working up to three per feeding in the last weeks' I prepare my own


begins reabsorption. Keep an eye out for unusual heat, swellings, or lumps. These are the first signs of udder inflammation. Bring her to the milk stand as usual, but simply massage, observe, and cleanse the udder while she eats. It is a helpful practice to bring first fresheners to the stand for a similar observation and handling. It will introduce them to the idea of eating their grain on the stand and will accustom them to having their udders handled. It is possible to run into an occasional heavy producer whose udder doesn't get flaccid after two to three weeks. Such a goat may have to be milked out a few times a week to avoid serious congestion or inflammation. Such a doe may never get totally dried off for several years running. As long as you drastically reduce her milk productivity over the last sixty days, she will probably come along well, both at the freshening and in the next lactation period. I have had experience with a very productive doe who would not dry up. I saw her freshen with healthy, large twins two years in a row and return to her norrnal ten- to twelve-pound productivity after freshening, despite the fact that her udder never got a complete rest. Some keepers incline toward cutting grain rations in half and reducing water intake when they begin to reduce the frequency of milkings. I have done this with some of rny known heavier producers, but do not any longer, for it risks having some really hungry does in the barn just at a time when their young are putting on substantial growth. It is common today to routinely administer antibiotics to dairy animals during their dry period. There is strongly divided opinion among veterinarians as to whether this cow-oriented practice should be adopted by goatkeepers. Goats that show any abnormalities of the udder at this time should be checked by a veterinarian. I do not routinely use antibiotics during the dry period and have never had

spoonfuls of apple cider vinegar

in their grain ration. If your


vinegar by adding a homemade apple cider "mother" culture to a gallon of unpasteurized, fresh cider, and keeping it warm till it begins io turn. I first learned of this practice in Dr. Jarvis' FoIh'Medicine where he writes of disappearing bovine mastitis in herds fed cider vinegar. The practice confounds most livestock veterinarians and local extension agents, but since my goats do not have mastitis or other inflammatory problems during their dry months or at freshening, I stick with my few ounces of vinegar prevention. )

Drying Off the Does

Goats and cows are dried off for two months prior to birthing so that they do not get overly stressed by the double demand of producing milk and bearing the fast-deVeloping young. For the strongest kids and best eventual milk yields it is good to follow this practice. I found, though, that drying goats off turned out to be more difficult than the literature indicated it would be. Different methods abound and I,ve heard much contradictory advice. The most useful, direct, and simple technique that I have used is called the Kraftborner method. Approximately eight weeks before the kidding date, cut down on the number of times you milk daily by milking only once a day for three days. Then milk once a day on alternate days for three days. Then simply stop milking your doe even though her udder still fills and swells. continue to feed her at the milkstand, checking her twice daily for any unusual udder signs. continue to cleanse and teatdip her ,rdd"t as usual. By ending the demand, you signal her to scale down her production and then to end it. The milk will be graduaily reabsorbed into her system and she will stop producing. This will not be a great stress, though her bag will look very full and tight' In my observations, the reabsorption takes from six to ten days' Its end is shown by the doe's bag going loose and flaccid. After ten months of milking, your doe will not be producing peak amounts of milk. Her udder withstood carrying eight to twelve pounds of milk a day for all the early months of the lactation. It has the capacity to carry this much for several days while her body slows production and

any problems.

Environmental Preparations
At twelve to eight weeks prior to the freshening date, the keeper should begin preparations needed to change the doe's physical environment for the event. A kidding stall should be provided. Keepers should also decide upon methods of rearing and separation (these will be discussed later) so that facilities for the kids, if needed, are constructed by freshening time. This is particularly important for keepers who maintain all their goats in a communal facility. The separat,ion of the dam-to-be from the bustle of the herd helps her to feel rnore secure - reinforcing her tendency in the wild - and serves to isolabe her and the kids(s), while also providing a more sanitary envi5;I



ronment. Since I normally keep all my does in separate stalls, I allow the freshening doe to remain in her own stall. This seems advantageous to me because the doe remains in her own mini-environment, isolated from the health problems of other animals, and it makes for minimum fuss, movement, and maintenance. There is less clearing, changing, cleansing, and readying of stalls in general with this ar-

out /Depending upon the weather and time of year, I usually muck for deep inadvisable is This most of the litter and whitewash the stall. winter kiddings because the bedding provides substantial warmth for the doe and the whitewash often freezes. when I do clean the stall, I leave behind a thin starter layer of decomposing litter before putting in the fresh bedding; I feel this helps maintain the microorganisms in the doe's environment. Instead of regarding all microorganisms as potential pathogens, I see them as part of the natural balance in the doe's su.roundings. whitewashing is a flimsy, surface treatment that has to be constantly renewed, but it is cheap and easily applied (except in freezing weather). It coats stall surfaces with an alkaline layer that discourages the growth of many bacteria that prefer acidic surroundings and it brightens the interior of the stall. An easy whitewash mix is made as follows: Acld. 5 pound's hydrated lime to I gallnn water' Min and let
stand ouernight.
Dissolue 1/2 pounds salt


from on high without stopping to lie Cown or let out a single moan. The sun is a fine sanitary aid, so there was not much for me to do but wonder at the doe's choice. Lfn" dam herself is by far the best stirrer of life and general sanitizer. She will lick, massage, and tend her kid as soon as it enters the outside world, and then efficiently deliver a second or third, tending them all within an hour's span. An experienced dam has her progeny delivered, up and about, licked, and fluffed-up within fifteen to fortyfive minutes of the first one's presentation. The kids all scamper about, leggy and awkward, and then nuzzle around for their first suck of teat. And here starts a great debate. Most professional breeders take the kids from the dam before any real suckling takes place. The prime reasons for this are: save wear and tear on the dam's udder; - to to provide equal and measured nourishment to all the


to avoid difficult weaning situations later on; - to be able to weigh and record milk yield - only - you can estimate yield if the kids are nursing;
raise the kids to be and tractable.! - toplan If you to rear the kids by hand away from their dams, it




/2 gallnn water'

easiest to take them away before they nurse at all, waiting until the dam has licked and stimulated the kid (immediate removal and tow-

to 24 hours. Stir well before tning, and apply thinly and euenly with a wide paintbrush.

Acld. saltutater to lim'ewater, rn'ix thoroughly and let stand 12

The whitewash will look watery when wet, but will dry to a more
opaque coating.

Planning Kid-Reariog, Itt Advance

The keeper can anxiously count the days and hours to freshening, but the actual time is probably going to be selected by the doe. The older, more experienced does will actually choose the time and place with greater insight than the keeper can muster. Many of our does have kidded on that typical low-pressure, slightly moist kind of day that David Mackenzie considers ideal' However, it has been my observation that first fresheners follow no patterns and kid anywhere, anyhow, and any which way their fancy and urgency take them' One yearling first freshener of ours strolled up and down the slope in front .-rf the barn one bright, sunny afternoon, and dropped her two kids

eling off is an emergency measure I employ if the doe is having a problem or triplets). The kids are often not too hungry immediately after birth, so do not become too anxious if the separated kid doesn't accept the bottle or pan the first time you offer it. Immediate separation may be the simplest approach, but it may not be the healthiest. There is much debabe about when to remove the kids even among established professionals who are unanimous that the kids should be hand-reared away from the dams. (pavid Mackenzie and his followers allow the kids to suckle for the first four days of their lives and then separate the kids from the dam. This method assures that the kids get their full share of colostrum, the super-rich first milk that carries the extra antibodies and vitamins the ncwborns need to get well started. The initial colostrum feedings are absolutely necessary for all kids, regardless of their rearing method. The colostrum gets the kids off properly and is essential to avoid scours and other problems of early life. I have taken kids away firrm the dams at both stages: during the first few hours after birth lrolirre any nursing and after the first four days.




days of age. After that, plan on three feedings a day for many weeksThe stomachs of the young kids are too undeveloped to handle food in large amounts at twelve-hour intervakfhn to leave the kids on their dams if you have a job away from home. It is of the greatest importance that the first few days of feedings be colostrum feedings. Some of the major problems of large-scale calf raising have been traced to scanty or no colostrum feedings in the first days of life. Milk out your does and feed this rich substance back to the kids or allow them to get it themselves if they are suckling Qreeze

The four-day method rnay make for sounder starts than bottle- or pan-feeding the kids their colostrum. However, it is not a feasible arrangement unless the keeper has a totally separate facility for the four-day-old kids. If the kids have any hope of milk from their real dams because of hearing their calls or seeing or smelling them, they firmly resist separation by refusing all proffered bottles and pans. The kids will easily become anxious and overwrought in this situation, and so will the keeper.)Bottles and pans will be accepted only if there is no further contact rniitn tn" dams. To prevent contact, keep the kids in a separate building and pasture area. Kids that are irnmediately removed from their dams on the first day can be returned to the same barn once they have accepted bottles or pans. Acceptance usually occurs the first day. These kids can be back in the barn by the third or fourth day. By then, they have accepted the keepers as their food source and have no interest in the dams. The keeper must provide a
separate kid pen for the returnees. Keepers planning to hand-rear should realize that any hand-rearing method entails being home several times in the day to feed the kids. Another option is to leave the kids with their dams until six weeks of age. The primary advantages of this method are:

solid start, good health foundation because of totally available nourishment and mother's care; good udder health, in terms of less potential

inflammation; much less labor for the keePer. However, kids left on to nurse their dams can be very hard on udder musculature. Bucks in particular often nurse very aggressively. If the doe has more than one kid, it is possible that their growth will be uneven. One kid may be more assertive than another and will get a much larger share of milk. This may be especially true in the case of twins comprised of a buck and a doe. In the event of triplets, I usually take at least one away from the dam. It is very hard on the udder for a doe to nurse three kids, and there is a great chance of a runt among the three if one of the kids is not as pushy as the other two. LOften, kids must be left on their dams because the keepers are unable to feed the kids frequently enough. Many novices do not realize that there should be round-the-clock feeding of kids reared away from the dam and that these feedings should occur on time. Four or five feedings a day are necessary for the first week, including a feeding in the middle of the night. This feeding can be eliminated after the first few days, but four daily feedings are necessary till seven to ten

any excess colostrum you milk from the newly fresh dams in their first days. It will serve as backup for kids that are orphaned or whose dams have udder problems or other emergencies. I have not had occasion to use my backup supply for my herd, but have given some to people facing emergencies. Even though the colostrum was from a different dam and therefore had different antibodies, it helped the kids survive. I replenish my stock yearly at the height of spring freshening season and discard unused frozen colostrum from the prior year's batch.t CAt four w5eks of age, kids that have been with their dams can be separated at night and offered grain in the morning, while the other goats are milked. It is to the keeper's economic advantage, and in the best interest of the kid's eventual rumen development' to encourage hay nibbling, outside grazing, and some grain intake at an early age. I feed the kids goat milk until they are twelve weeks of age, but after six weeks they are eating a small amount of grain and are well established on hay or grass.! Many persons feed kids milk replacers because they need the dam's milk for household use or to sell. I am old-fashioned on this score and have had little truck with milk replacers, most of which are formulated for calves and are heavily chemicalized with antibiotics and additives. At best they are a highly processed foodstuff. I would' however, use replacers when the need is imperative, to save the life of an orphaned kid or free milk for your own use. Make sure to use a replacer with a high fat content. It may be a poor long-run decision to raise kids on replacers just for the short-run economic advantage of having milk to sell. Again, this is an area of disagreement among keepers and breeders, but it often boils down to a basic cash-influenced decision for the homesteader. In the spring when both grasses and freshenings are abundant there will be milk overflowing the pails. At that time it pays to feed it to the growing kids, rather than making a cash outlay for a second-best type of foodstuff for the young stock.


BIRTHING AND KID-REARING meat animals or herd companions. Some keepers drown their bucks at birth. All of this sounds very drastic and extreme to new homesteaders or to vegetarians, but after six years of desperate phone calls from
new goatkeepers and of observation of surplus bucks,

The labor involved with hand-rearing is extensive but usually fun. There are bottles or pans to be sanitized, prepared, and warmed for each feeding, and then well scrubbed afterwards. The kids drink their milk quickly and that part of the process is downright, capering fun' Do not overburden yourself if you work away from home or have other daily off-the-land commitments, or handicaps such as the lack of running hot water to scrub up bottles and utensils. In such situations, a keeper will get more joy out of kid-rearing and small dairying in general by not hand-rearing all the kids. Plan to have the separate kid facility readied well before freshening, if you are going to take the kids away. Assemble the necessary feeding equipment. I have successfully used the soft-nippled, disposable, plastic-lined baby bottles as kid nursers, and I have successfully used shallow, pint-sized pans. Success in hand-rearing for me is characterized by ready acceptance on the part of the kids and by the lack of major health problems. Many people feel there is more gulping and digestive upset with pan-feeding than there is with bottle-feeding, but that has not been my experience. when I ran out of bottles I had to resort to feeding some of the kids on pans. Whatever the choice, it may be necessary to teach a kid to relate to the bottle oI pan. This is done by gently dipping the kid's mouth and nose in the warmed milk to get it started on the pan, or by dipping the bottle nipple in milk so that the kid gets a taste and tries to suck. Once you have decided upon the approach appropriate to your own situation, you can give some thought to the question of excess bucks. A mature buck is an extra mouth to feed and often a handful of trouble unless his presence is justified as a herd sire. And very few bucks need to be saved for breeding purposes. It is best to settle your mind on this before there is a barnful of rambunctious, endearing, heavy milk-glugging scamperers on hand. only a professional breeder needs more than one stud in the herd, and the household-scale keeper probably does not need even one. So plan beforehand not to keep your buck kids. Ideally, only bucks coming from well-documented, high-producing, "milky" families should be kept by anyone. We are currently far from that ideal. we would not have such a surplus of undistinguished, superfluous bucks as we now see if more keepers were thinking ahead. The newspapers hereabouts are full of advertisements placed by people who are trying to give away purebred bucks of all ages and breeds. Plan to sell vour extra bucks to a game farm or to the meat market at three or four weeks, or to castrate them and raise them as eventual

I have evolved

rather hard line on the issue. Facing the implications of the problem early prevents unplanned sexual marauding among the does, makes life easier for the goatkeeper and saves the bucks from later abuse and

Up to this point we have been talking of kids at twelve weeks and yet have not even seen them through the birth canal. I adopted this order to stress points needing forethought and advance planning. Panicky responses to kidding may result when the physical setup is not prearranged. I have also found that beginning goatkeepers alleviate more anxiety by concentrating on barn arrangements and talking out the pros and. cons o,f the differing methods of kid-rearing, than by memorizing the physiology of delivery and worrying about possible perinatal problems.

Many chapters on kidding tend to stress potential physical problems encountered by the doe. This approach does not correlate with my own observations. Given sun, consistent exercise, and a good diet not overly rich in grain as basic prenatal care, most does, even first fresheners, need no intervention or human assistance in kidding. Lack of daily, full-bodied exercise and direct sun, and an excess of grain seem to account for the large number of kidding problems routinely chronicled in goatkeeping literature. If you feel trepidation regarding a coming freshening, contact your local livestock veterinarian or the oldest, most experienced goat breeder in your vicinity, and make prior anangements with that person to back you up should some difficulties arise. You may notice your doe behaving in extraordinary ways on the day of delivery. She may refuse her grain at one feeding. She may seem distracted or a little blurry in her responses. Most frequently, she will pull back from the herd, either declining to go out 'with the other goats in the morning, or hanging back from the herd as the others graze and. move along their usual circuit. Some goats get fretful, but most of mine have become withdrawn and quieter than usual. Without anthropomorphizing too much, I think it can be said that most does seek a situation of quietude and security. There are several physical signs of kidding you should look for. You ma.y see distension and changes in the vulva prior to kidding, some-


BIRTHING AND KID-REARING handles her stresses by a series of panting breaths. This breathing change is intensified in older does and in warm weather. Older does I have observed spend much of their delivery day lying down' getting up only after the first kid is fully out in the world. They clear the kid's facial orifices of mucus, lick it, then lie down to deliver the next kid(s). First fresheners are often rather dazed by and during their first kidding experiences. Their breathing will become short and quick. Contractions will be visible and the birth moves fast. The kid is often up and about within five minutes of the appearance of the head. Normal presentation is characterized by the appearance of a red balloon, the water bag, and a head first, front-feet-forward position. Goats will often correct a breeched (reversed) presentation by themselves. Aid the doe in this situation by providing a slope in her stall. Should your doe have to reposition the kid to create a more normal and comfortable presenting position, a high slope will enable her to place her rear legs higher. An artificial slope can be created against a wall by piling up a couple of old feed bags filled with litter or sawdust. Some does may push their heads against this contrivance. Once the initial signs have appeared, the delivery should be effected within fifteen to forty-five minutes. If your doe is laboring for forty-five minutes and her first kid is not delivered and standing, get experienced help. Most does expel the afterbirth promptly; some does will immediately eat it. This is a protein-supplementing and sanitizing practice, but if it offends the keeper or if the doe makes no move to eat the placenta, remove the afterbirth from the stall. Count the afterbirths that are passed; there should be one for each kid delivered. Does that retain placentas may require veterinary attention.

times as early as three to four weeks before the delivery day' Mucous strings or other discharges should be closely monitored and checked by a veterinarian if necessary. The state of the udder gives good alerting signs that indicate how close to time the doe may be. The bag will from the slack, drooping condition characteristic of the dry "nu.rg" period, to a tight, often shiny, filled-out vessel. Milk may be found encrusted on the nipples. Some heavy producers get so full and taut they may need to be milked out prior to delivery. However, colostrum doesn't flow until the doe gives birth. First fresheners' udders develop quickly in the last month of the gestation period and the udder .rrup"" up rapidly the week prior to kidding, becoming full, tight, and glossy. The best way to keep track of these changes is to feed your does their grain on the milkstand twice a day. This practice accustoms them to the stand and gives their keepers a twice-daily checkpoint. By checking often you become alert to the approaching birth, and familiar with general health of the udder. Fluid retention, possible inflammation, lumps, or congestion can be spotted before they turn into major problems. The stand introduces first fresheners to the

milking routine and maintains the old-timers' rhythms in the dry Many does seem to carry their kids visibly lower a week or two before the birth. You can often gauge the approach of the specific day by observing or feeling the does' spinal line and rump area. Do this consistently over the last month; setting up a basis for comparison allows the changes of the last weeks to become more evident to the keeper. when the kid(s) move into prebirth position, the does' pelvic bones seem sharply prominent and the pinbones decidedly raised. All of these signs may be present, or only a few, and sometimes none at all. Acquaintances of mine often jokingly tell me about the veterinary college quiz stumper: can you authoritatively say whether this goat is in-kid, and how have you reached your conclusion? And indeed, I have had several mistaken opinions from professionals. once a doe I was boarding was examined and pronounced not in-kid by the examining veterinarian; six weeks later, she delivered a healthy doe kid late ai night, unexpected and unassisted. Often, large-framed does that are carrying ott" kid may not even look in-kid, so they confound the experts until the last day or two. Hang in optimistically if you are .*" oi the stud service date and have seen no further recurrences of estrus. Rely on your daily milkstand inspections for perceiving noticeable side nuge", independent internal movements (kicks) and signs of
udder development. As the day draws nearer, breathing patterns change. The doe often

Postnatal Care
After the kids are delivered, the keeper should clean off the top and rebed layer of stall bedding - it will be drenched and slimy the stall. If you place bedding containing an afterbirth in your compost pile, dig it in deeply and cover it well with layers of other material. Handled otherwise, it will attract all the carnivorous predators in the neighborhood. Some people I know use sawdust to bed-up kidding stalls or add it as an especially absorbent top bedding layer. Other keepers who use hay instead claim that the acidity of the sawdust creates a more comfortable breeding ground for unwanted types of

All you need do during the first few hours after the birth, if you are leaving the kids with their dams, is to see that the newborns get to the dam's teats and down to the business of nursing. This is essential


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if colostrum is to get into the newborn's system as s(x)lt as ('lrc kirl is ready for it. After giving birth many does will accept an oflcring ol' warm water; some will not eat anything till the next regular grain

When taking the kids away, I dip the umbilical cord in an antibacterial iodine solution, but I let the dam tend to the severing. I do not cut or handle the cord. After separation and dipping, the best treatment for the cord, a remnant of which will hang loose for up to three weeks, is to get the kid out in the sun every day and to avoid touching the cord. It is a good entry point for infection. As a general good health measure, provide for the kids a means of access to direct sun. I have seen many kids kept indoors in crates and boxes because their owners had no other places for them. Don't deprive your kids of sunshine. Hardly anything equals the sun's antibacterial action, its contribution to growth, or its ability to increase resistance to infection. The sun is available, cheap, and complete. Even a bit of winter sunning is recommended for out-of-season kids if daytime temperatures are not too extreme. Kids separated from the dams are in a generally more artrficial set of circumstances and do not have twenty-four-hour mother vigilance, and the dam's assiduous tongue to cleanse them. A converted playpen or a garden enclosure makes a convenient sun-pen. Kidding season comes long before planting in my area, and so I have been able to turn the young kids out into the garden and the dams into the regular pasture, insuring both separation and sun. The kids have no memory of having been in the garden the next year, if they are still around the farm. Once the kids are well established on the bottle or pan and look to human hands for their food needs, they can be run with their dams in the regular
past ure.

around fbur weeks, depending upon the growth achieved. I either continue some milk feeding till twelve weeks and introduce a half pound of grain to the diet from the sixth week on, or go completely over to grain between six and eight weeks. The amount of grain fed will vary with the quality of hay being provided and the availability of fresh grazing. when there is substantial fresh grazing, the kids come off milk early and get fed only small amounts of grain. If the kid is being weaned and reared through the winter, it may need one-half to one pound of grain per day, plus its free choice of hay.

rlist,rilrut,od am<tng three I'eedings. 'fhey are also nibbling hay at t,lris Jxrint, and I begin to offer them grain. Interest ih grain picks up

Horns must also be given advance consideration. The easiest, least traumatic, most effective, and most sanitary dehorning procedure is to use an electric dehorning iron on the kid's horn buds before it is one week old. Four or five days seems to be the preferred age for dehorning, though there are people who disbud on the second or third day after birth. Early disbudding may be preferable for buck kids going on to a breeding career. In order to do a really complete disbudding on a buck kid, do it early. The hornbud area is larger on the buck kid and develops earlier than on most does. since buck horns grow vigorously, a disbudded buck sometimes gets a second growth of distorted or modified horn tissue called a "scur." Dehorning is often glossed over in books because it is best to learn the whole procedure by way of personal demonstration. Have an experienced person coach you the first few times! such a person is not always within reach so if you can't find one, I hope the following description helps. You'll need help! Enlist a friend who does not flinch at the outcry of a sweet young kid or at the smell of roasting meat. Have this brave soul hold the kid while you work on it, placing the kid's four legs in the well of his/her lap, and keeping hands free' One hand can hold the kid across the face; a hand across the mouth and nose produces a firm hold. The other is free to restrain the trunk or body. Avoid holding the kid around the neck or throat. " The person doing the dehorning should clean the copper tip of the electric dehorning tool well with alcohol, plug it in, and set it aside to heat up. Then with pet grooming clippers shave the top of the kid's head around the entire horn-bud area. My clippers need a drop of oil on the blades each time they are used to get a good close shave. The

The keeper should be particularly observant of the excretory patterns of separated kids. The quality of the stool will gradually change from the orange yellow clump characteristic of the young animal to feces that resernble true goat pellets, only smaller. Scours and coccidiosis are problems often encountered with young kids, and the keeper should watch for stool loosenings or other diarrhea-type bowel movements.

Appetites increase rapidly. Feedings must initially be small and frequent. Appetite and capacity for food will vary substantially among kids as they develop, though they will tend in most cases to
equalize by the time the kids have reached two weeks of age. By then, on the average, kids will ingest approximately two quarts of milk a



A recently disbu&l.ed dae kid. The round white spots indicate a cl'ean, we ll h.e ale d disbudding j o b.

sound of the electric clippers may startle the kid, so turn them on for a few seconds prior to approaching. Then come up close and shave the hair as closely as possible. Wipe the shaven horn-bud area with a cotton swab dipped in alco-

hol. Apply the hot iron firmly to each horn bud for ten to twelve seconds. The kid will flinch and squirm on contact, but briefly. The iron is actually cauterizing the area, and most of the disbudding is achieved by this initial contact. Work over any protruding, ridgy areas left in or around the horn bud. When you are done, the bud areas should appear as two bright coppery-colored circles with a lighter, whitish center in each. The entire procedure takes twenty to thirtv seconds per horn bud, counting the initial ten-to-twelve-second first application and any touch-up you may have to do. I apply no

kid out in the open air and sun as much as possible afterwards as prevention against infection. Cleanliness of the implements and careful, thorough alcohol swabbing help to prevent problems. If you pasture your goats with horses or keep them on acreage that has had horses on it, inoculate all your.animals against tetanus. Tetanus bacteria proliferate in manure and find horseshit particularly homey; these bacteria can be dormant for a long time. I have heard unsubstantiated tales of kids contracting tetanus after being dehorned, but have not had any direct experience of it. However, the type of wound that is created by disbudding with an electric iron is a cauterized surface burn, not the deep puncture wound that provides tetanus bacteria with their favored environment. Clostridium tetani grows in the absence of oxygen. Another method of dehorning involves putting rubber bands, or elastrators, around immature horns. Avoid dehorning young stock with elastrators unless you innoculate against tetanus several weeks before applving the elastrators. Personally, I feel the rubber banding method keeps the kids in great discomfort for a lengthy time period and runs much greater risks of infection than electric disbudding. When looking for help with dehorning, go to your nearest dairy goat club and contact its members. I visited many herds in my region and went directly to the owner whose animals had the neatest dehorned heads I could find. He was delighted to start me off right. It may turn out to be more difficult to find someone to help you restrain the kids. People with a 4-H or a farm background are your best bet because they have often had prior experience with other animals being dehorned. Your local veterinarian may be a resource person for dehorning kids, but he may not. The veterinarians in my area have had more experience surgically dehorning mature goats than they have had dehorning kids. Veterinary charges may be prohibitive for a home visit, but kids are easily taken to an office. In the long run it is better to teach yourself the simple practice of early dehorning, for a keeper is less likely to delay dehorning if he does not need to fit into a veterinarian's busy schedule. The reasons for dehorning are many. Most important, it averts damage within the herd and the possibility of accidents occurring to humans. Goats do not hesitate to use their horns on each other. They are very territorial about their food, their grazing prerogatives, their social status, and their kids. An animal with a fully grown set of horns is beautiful, imposing and formidable. Once you keep more than two or three goats, dehorning becomes imperative. They can injure each
creams, ointments, or dressings to the cauterized area, but put the




nrnus produc

tiu itY.

other's udders in their everyday territorial combats, and can get mean tempered and bullying toward kids other than their own' A dehorned kid is also more easily sold, since people are concerned about their children's safety and that of visitors unfamiliar with goats' Initially, I kept fully horned goats. I had a herd of mature, horned goats and a set of big-breed-fancying dog lovers as immediate neighbors. Horned goats can defend themselves against large dogs to some degree, but dehorned goats are totally defenseless. Now that I have a large pasture defined by a three-wire electric fence I have begun to dehorn kids in their first week. The fence deters most dogs'

fworr.r" are a critical health problem, particularly in the newly fresh doe and the young kid. Severe infestations can deprive the dam of vitamin Br, making her prey to a large number of other problems' worms can successfully compete for needed nutrients in the system of the growing kid, robbing it of a sound start and good growth rate' Since tle majority of freshenings in my area occur in the spring' in warming, moist weather that plays good host to worms and their larvae, I often worm the herd at that time' There is all kinds of advice on the signs to watch for to spot worminess: erratic or voracious appetite, clumpy or mucusy bowel movements, and my favorite, "general unthriftiness." well, it takes an experienced eye to note such signs or to decide what is unthrifty. Do not wait for signs to pile up. In the spring scoop fresh pellets from each goat's stall into a plastic bag and take this labeled fecal sampling to a veterinarian. In this way every goat in the herd can be checked for parasites. This can be done by the keeper if he or she has veterinary guidance, a good microscope, some experience, and appropriate texis. The microscopic check will reveal which parasites are in evidence and whether the count is high enough to warrant worming. Then each doe can be dosed according to veterinary counsel') Preventive measures should always be employed. chief among these is using a large enough pasture or rotating pastures so that the goats do .roi k""p reinfesting themselves with larvae. If you do not Lave two paslures fenced in, tether the goats for two-week grazing stints in .tL* *"u"luse garlic, rue' wormwood, and other bitters as vermifuges in the ordinary diet of the herd. After much trial I have found gJrlic useful as a preventive. Many ruminants gorge themselves on wild onions and wild garlic in the early spring; this is probably a self-healing measure. Although garlic keeps infestations down, I have not found it sufficient to rid an animal of heavy worm infestation. By using rue, wormwood and garlic as additives to the does' usual regimen I have been able to keep the chemical worming down to once or

Routine Postnatal Concerns

be tattooed year of birth, with appropriate identifying marks, the latter signifying

If you plan to record or register your goats, they must

herd iniliah

ber. Tattooing does not have to be done as early as dehorning' There is no physiological imperative surrounding it' When breeders have many kids to record or register, they tend to tattoo early' The tech-

if you have them, and an individual identification num-

twice a year. Feeding two or three cloves of garlic a day for four or five days will not produce garlicky milk if the doe gets the garlic at a feeding twelve hours prior to the next milking. some keepers are reportin! success from using small amounts of diatomaceous earth in ine statt bedding to prevent parasite problems. These minute inorganic particles desiccate larvae. I have not tried this out of reluctance io handle the material, which bears a warning against ingestion on its

niqu! is simple and there are instructions in every tattooing outfit.


Many keepers find they have to worm in-kid does when winter r:onfinement or other factors produce a high parasite count in their

GOATKEEPING fecal samples. Currently,lth" *ot-"r that is regarded as safe for the in-kid doe is thiabendazole.l Many breeders routinely worm all their goats with this substance every six to ten weeks. This has always


to me, since so manv other microorganisms get general purge. The goat probably needs a reasonin the cleaned out proportion of these denizens or they wouldn't be there to begin able with. There now seems to be a move afoot to moderate the extreme chemical worming programs by educating keepers to the cycles of parasite reproduction and the tolerability levels of the host animals. Today, one even meets with statements that the wormless goat is probably not even efficient or economically desirablei{he household keeper usually has no need to resort to year-round chemical worming since she or he keeps fewer animals close to each other and can more often allow access to outside grazing. It is good to keep in mind that the more confined animals are, the more chance of worm infestation, and the greater the need for more frequent chemical treatment.t Once the doe is in-kid, it may become difficult to keep her hooves trimmed. She may resent trimming and put up a stiff kicking bout. Do not risk an abortion by trying to force the issue. Try to keep hooves trimmed back in the first two months of the gestation period. If the doe resists and kicks, let the trimming go until after freshening. Uncooperative behavior can usually be avoided by accustoming all the goats to a foot trim, or at least an inspection, once a month from the time of birth. Untrimmed, Turkish-slipperlike hooves can harm the doe's legs, udder musculature, and spine. Start kids off right by trimming and checking their hooves regularly. Even keepers who have rocky pastures which pare hooves down naturally benefit from routine inspection of their stock's hoof conditions. If the pastures are not rocky or the goats are stalled, yarded, or indoors for a long stretch in winter, line the herd up for regular pedicures. (Aft"r freshening, the doe will pass some bloody matter for up to two weeks. Clip her neatly around the tail and udder area. Brush her daily. If the postfreshening weeks coincide with the onset of warm weather there may be a substantial hair loss. I If hair loss is great, check immediately for lice, particularly if it has been a long, confining winter at close quarters. Goat lice are hard to see. One way of spotting them is to place a hand on the animal's underbelly or other suspect area and keep it there for five or six minutes. The heat generated will encourage lice to surface and move out of their hiding places. Then look for tiny, grayish, almost transparent critters. They have favorite places to hang out - around the moist orifices of the body or up in the pockets of hair and muscle around the
seemed extreme

Hooves Before Trimming



from heel to toe.

Always cut

Bottom View After Trimming


kontinued on Page

Sirle View of Properlv Trimmed Hooves





Young buch with "Turhish slippers"-ouergrown hnoues.

Two persons are often need.ed for gentle restraint during trimrningNote the first aid preparation at hand in case the blade slips.

Ouergrown hnof being trimmed with horse nippers. The arrow indicates the ouergrowth.

Trimm,ed, squared-off hoof.



I have not had them lurking around my animals long t:norrglr to be able to give more data than this. Exposure to sunlight, and Lhc
outside vicissitudes of weather seem to take care of them when only a minor infestation occurs. Lavender oil, rotenone (called derris powder in Great Britain) and pyrethrin sprays have been successfully used by

acquaintances of mine to combat lice infestations. They should be used with veterinary supervision. Milk from lactating animals that have been treated with rotenone or pyrethrins should be withheld and discarded. Lavender oil smeared in key places is effective and has no toxic side effects. Juliette de Baiiacli-Levy recommends the scattering of quassia chips in the stalls as a preventive measure against
lice. Patches of flakiness, dry skin, and some loss of hair may be encountered in does during postparturition when they need more fat-soluble vitamins. When vegetable oils skyrocketed in price several years back, feed companies as an economy move reduced the amounts of soy and other oils mixed into commercial dairy rations. After a very long winter and the stresses of a pregnancy, a doe may show some of the signs


of fat-soluble-vitamin deficiencies. I have dealt with this by routinely adding one teaspoon of wheat germ oil to my does' grains once a day. After two or three weeks there is a complete reduction of hair loss and

little or no skin dryness. Once spring arrives and green grazing


again available, oil supplements become unnecessary because there is sufficient vitamin A and E in the fresh greenery. A combination of worm infestation, pregnancy, and lack of outside access can result in serious vitamin and trace mineral deficiency, particularly in cobalamin, vitamin Brr. Newly fresh does suffering this

An older man of my acquaintance says that the basic rule of dairying is that you get out of her just what you put into her. I have a firm belief in the efficacy of putting in affection and care. It helps, and may even be the determining factor. I have, however, met many homesteaders by now who are putting in much love but getting nothing in the milk pail. A gtoup of folks I knew were supporting eleven mature does, but receiving a total milk yield of eight pounds, or four quarts, per day at the seasonal peak. They loved their animals dearly, but eventually sold off the goats because they needed milk. To avoid such paradoxical quandries it is necessary to pay attention to the other input factor, the one my older friend had in mind, the goats' food' The standard American text on feeding animals, Morrison's Feeds und Feeding, does not discuss goats.e David Mackenzie is excellent but British-oriented, and originally published in 1957' Current pamphlet and periodical literature is voluminous but it still is not specific enough, and it bespeaks a generally nonempirical, derivative approach. The goat is often regarded as a little cow.

deficiency will have acrid, unpalatable, off-flavored milk. Worm the if fresh grass or bark and conifer needles are the only available grazing. Dissolve a mineralized salt block in two gallons of water. Further dilute the salt-mineral solution and add it to the doe's drinking water, a small amount at a time, over the next two weeks. Always taste your doe's milk and check its quality visually by inspecting the strip cup whenever you milk. The milk functions as an index to the condition of the lactating doe, both when she is newly fresh and further on into the lactation. Sweet, fresh-tasting milk of a fine white color that has no textural oddities is the sign of proper milk goat health.
doe, and get her into the sun to graze, even



FEEDING wood sorrel curly dock vetches clovers


The Goat on Pasture

The essence of my empirical and direct approach, by contrast, is to watch a goat graze. She adores variety. It is an endless cruise; a nibble here, a tuft there, a strip of this and a peei of that, a gobbling up of the next thing. Some days it is a mad dash to the burdock patch, a voracious tearing of leaves, a rapid ingestion like the suction of a vacuum cleaner. The next day the perimeters of the burdock patch are sniffed and snorted at and definitely scorned. Repetitions of this seemingly fickle pattern are endless, but the repetitions are the rule. Feeding rule number one for me is to provide the goats with as broad a selection as they need in their environment. The goat's fickleness is partially explained by her physiology. Her mouth is tough and adapted to taking in the crudest, thorniest, most abrasive, and bitter-tasting collection of wild vegetation that grows. She also has an enormous capacity for roughage intake given her size. But she'll only eat the choicest portions of the wild vegetation. You can see her lopping off flower heads and seed tops in her meanderings. Feeding high, eating the tips and new growth of plants or the first few leaves of just about everything, helps protect her from ingesting harmful worm larvae that lurk lower down on the ground. She passes on to the next tidbit because there are only so many tops to lop off and eat. Her pattern makes her into sorne sort of four-legged lepidoptera, making just a brief visit to one plant and then a passage on to the next, and the next, and the next. Cows may gtaze on clover, but to a goat it is not especially enticing. Our goats also ignore ryegrass until late November when there are few other fresh greens. And often in the late fall when the choice is between perennial ryegrass and fresh pine needles, the needles get sucked up with great relish and the rye is left to languish further. Plants that I have seen the goats consume in quantity and with seeming pleasure include: blackberry brambles


Last in the goat's preference are clovers, ryegrasses and vetches. In the winter the goats eat pine, cedars, fir, some spruces, and probably many other evergreens that I just don't happen to have on my acreage. Fruit trees are also a great favorite; guard them well. Despite the appearance of chokecherry and milkweed on numerous lists of plants toxic to goats, I have seen both consumed by goats with no ill effects. Perhaps many of the listed toxic plants are detrimental only at certain stages and times of the year.ro Spreading myrtle, periwinkle or vinca minor, is definitely not a good plant for goats and ours scrupulously avoid it at all seasons. Mountain laurel, azalea, and rhododendron are also dangerous. Experienced older does that have had a lifetime of outside foraging experience carefully avoid these plants. A young doe out on her own for the first time with an even younger kid for company may stray and eat these toxic plants. So if your shrubbery includes dangerous plants keep your goats far away from these plantings. Uprooting dozens of various plants from a pasture may not be feasible, and you can't count on getting every one of them. The best precaution is not to let the stock run free without an older, experienced doe leading the foraging parties.

Goat Fodder
Watching goats'peregrinations and feasts in the wild, clues you in

to what to grow, cut and haul for them. Jerusalem artichoke and
Russian sunflower stalks and foliage, all kinds of brassicas from Octo-

wild roses

day lilies wild onion burdock

Chinese elm weeping willow maples honevsuckles spirea

plantain dandelion chicory


forsythia wild carrots mustards


all types of sunflowers

ber on, and fresh comfrey are among our goats' favorite cultivated crops. We take certain parts from these for our household table use, such as cabbage and broccoli heads, artichoke tubers, and the comfrey root, but the remainder gets cut and carried to the goats for badweather supplementation. They are glad to get the outer leaves of the krrassicas. Jerusalem artichokes are enormously productive of goat fodder, a by-product we had not anticipated when we planted them for our own use. And we learned to eat comfrey leaves by watching our animals enjoy them, having originally used only the root for ourselves. Now we cut comfrey leaves fresh for salads and salad dressing, use it both fresh and dried for tea and, of course, feed it to the goats. Since our goats forage and consume a large amount and a great variety of deep-rooted plants, we have not run into rnajor mineral deficiency problems. We supplement forage with mineral-supple75

l.'lJ[')l) I N(i


mentedgrainfeedandalargemineralizedsaltblockinthepasture not be comand in tte stalls. Dependence on the stall blocks should

them about' plete because some goats ignore them and others knock ^Friends dilute the water, in of mine dissolve the mineralized blocks have had I water' mix, and then add it to the goats'regular drinking I now water' salted only one goat that relished drinking the slightly visit goats the that see pr"f", to iely on the pasture blocks because I them regularlY.

and hauling fresh greenstuffs will hay and on planting, "nlti,,utittg u.rn-" gruut i-pottance. This has been done for centuries in Eurobackvard dairying is quite common' pean toins and villages -to where all keepers' Having started as a total hay Hay is important hay' ignotimrr", I?n in no position to present a treatise about feed learning rapid some dut because of necessity, I have gone through experience, and I have some information to pass on' During our first two winters, we fed the goats what is euphemistiOur cally calfd around here "hay from native American grasses'" fortysixty-five averaged We goai, ate it, survived, and even did well' poundbalesamongthefourgoatsoverthesix-monthperiodoflittle through or no nutritious outside g,uing' Of course, the goats went sank temperatures nighttime three or four bales u ,r"Lk when the belowzeroandthedayspermittednooutsidebarkforagingatall. During other milde. *""k", only one or two bales were consumed' of your This is all very generai because the age, size, and condition weather" to the addition in stock are variables to consider in feeding, from ihe quality of the hay we secured the first winter ran in a rangegTeen' presentably to grass hay *orthless, bro*rr"d-out, zero-nutrient decentlycuredbutlate-cutmixedgrassandcloverhay.Afterthefirst farmers winter we realized that the few surviving local small general If they animals. dairy own had to keep their better hay to feed their were prices the and good hay' sold any hay at all' it was not very you anIf haying' the on labor steep because they still had to cover feedyou were that and nounced that the hay had to be feed-quality

If you stall and yard your goats, your dependence on good quality

the goats to review' What we did was to bring sample bales home for accepted her deciwe it, If Mackenzie scorned, dis]cardei, or trampled green-tipped' included ,io.r. Wt ut she preferred were the bales that alfalfa' clover' be comparatively coarse-stalked plants' These could had that things grassy plus any tr"uroy brambies, chicory, or pigweed' as long as relish' with equal seedheads. The goats ai" uttitt"t" things any-nutriit was green, dry, and not dusty' Whether they derived fed them tional value at all fiom some of that hay is questionable'We of from one to u t+ p"r"""t protein-content grain ration at the rate were int*o por..td, a day, depending ott ug" and whether or not they generatfodder for milk or in_kid. we knew thal the hay was yielding It was a mild protein' maintenance but probably little irrg ***tt *i"nt", for these parts, but we went through lots of hay' produce our own hay or The next year we decided we either had to The decision was buy the winter's supply from a hay-producing farm' improved adequately an and to buy, because *" lu"t"a equipment a profesto way each miles soil ai our place. We trucked iwenty-five grew it as his he because hay iarmer who always had hay to sell cutearly an secure "i"""f to primary income crop. We purchased too late grass native iirrg, Urrt we did buy a well-cured, good- green-content' l"gt'mes and was heavy on the strange assortnuJ. ft included "o-" And this farmer ment of pasture weed plants our goats liked to eat' that made to us the -y"t"'i"" of hay- The best feed hay is provides It planting. "r.ptui.t"i u well-cured firsi cutting of a leguminous


p-arr"tirr"animalswiththehighestamountoftotaldigestiblenutrilegume content' ents. This type of hay, when it includes a substantial

provides protein as well as roughage'

The debate can be fed a protein-rich alfalfa or clover hay exclusively' season and haying the of vicissitudes often be resolved f* Vo" by the hay from a legume well-cured Prime, vo* o*" financial pr"di"u-""t' Usudemand' gteat in and be very expensive


a stalled doe' should is a moot point whether the dairy goat' even

ingittomilkgoats,thatinformationwascharacteristicallymetby to any g".rtlu laughter and offerings of weird hay that could not !e fla

well-intentioned local farmers iroductivJ milk animal. Even the most and could eat anything. goat would iefinitely had the notion that a learning and could not book only had To comiound the problem' we the right questions'l1 ask or grasses ,""og.tir" the major legumes or

hrst cutting will often much *the nuy is much more available and ally a mixed grass-and-legtt-L who Mackenzie David of orientation I follow l"rl" with hays "*p"rrsive. from away strongly inclines toward grass mixtures and queen's strongly demhigh legume content. Moreover I have my herd I can graze the onstrated preference fot coarse, weedy mixes and milk producgout" out most of the year' I don't expect phenomenal the monhave iion through the depths of winter and I never seem to fed such or purchased ey for the fanciest o? ftuy' Therefore I have not it because hay hay. If you keep stalled goats you may opt for alfalfa

offsets the need for large amounts of grain protein, but to locate a constant supply in your area.


it may be hard

calized,, produced by home labor input, and free. Home-gtowing also reduces hauling time, labor, vehicle wear and tear, and fuel consurnp-

The other factot'we learned about while reviewing the various legumes and grasses, and seeing what they looked like and which cuttings of them yielded the highest nutritional value, was the variations in curing method. I had assumed the best curing was sun curing in the field. Our hay supplier cuts the planting and leaves the cut hay in the field only a short time. FIe uses fossil fuel-powered blowers to complete the curing. Curing entirely by sun in the field reduces the


Grain costs represent the largest cash outlay in the goat enterprise. We buy ours. It is not organically raised, and that is our strongest objection to buying grain. The best we have been able to achieve is the purchasing of a grain ration that has no additives, preservatives, urea, or antibiotics. Supposedly, the USDA monitors dairy rations for pesticide residues. We don't count heavily on this the levels of to obtain not mine. Until we are able the accepts are tolerance USDA perfect. grain far, we have milk will not be So raised our organically only achieved the production of a milk that is discernibly fresher, with a higher mineral and vitamin content than what we were drinking before. It is certainly less processed, less loaded with substances I regard as foreign to dairy protein: antibiotics, emulsifiers, preservatives, and reconstituted solids from older processed milk. We would like to evolve toward producing milk that is also free of pesticide residues, but for the interim since we have no way of producing our own feed grains, we must be satisfied with the gains we have made over our prior sources of dairy protein.(If you do raise your own grains, a 50 percent oat, 50 percent corn ration; supplemented with molasses and minerals is usually adequate.J [,We feed a 14 percent protein content mixed-grain ration. Young stock gets half a pound a day distributed in two feedings when they are on full grazing, and up to a pound a day as they approach the yearling stage and pass through the winter. The does in-kid or in-milk get up to two pounds, depending upon time of year, their condition, and overall size, possibilities for outside grazing, and where they are in their reproductive cycle. We vary the amounts constantly on the basis of season, the type of hay being fed, and the metabolic curve and productive capacity of the herd members. t I have experimented with many, many grain rations. They seem to vary even more than the demands of the goats. Don't settle into a routine and count on using uniform rations. There are seasonal variations in feed content and physical differences in the compounding. The milling is not always consistent. Sometimes the grain is milled much finer than at other times" Sometimes the grain content or mix is changed radically. Once the ration I had been feeding turned up in pellets. The mill had just started pelletizing all its dairy rations. Our goats thought it vile stuff and unequivocally rejected it. Neighbors of

nutrients available in the final bale of feed hay. An ecological dilemma is presented the small goatkeeper, given the fuel energy needed to cure the hay with blowers. You either trade some nutritional content and buy or produce sun- and field-cured hay, or you pay the financial and ecological tarifffor hay cured with dryers. Ifthe higher nutrients in hay enable you to feed less grain and still achieve the milk production you desire when keeping confined goats, the ecological tariff is probably balanced by the decreased grain consumption. The third winter we compromised in all directions. We purchased a higher-legume-content hay, but from a field-cured late cutting. I also made an attempt to barter pottery for hay, via Th'e Mother Earth News, but it produced no tangible exchange. The goats went through this higher-legume-content hay at a slightly slower rate than they moved through the grass hays. However, I have no decided conclusions about reduced gtain consumption. I suspect that the field curing and late cutting produced a nutritionai content that was not too different from the dryer-cured grass hay of the previous year. My only solid conclusion in that goats will waste alfalfa-bromegrass hay with the same nonchalance with which they waste bramble-pigweed-clover bales. Even with the cleverest of hay feeders built especially for their wasteful ways, goats throw a lot of hay around. Once it hits the floor

they scorn it. The next step is for us to produce our own hay. It involves manuring and several years advance preparation of our scruffiest acreage, an old parking lot and access road area, and making arrangements for renting or borrowing equipment. The latter is hard to do around here because of the very small number of still-active farmers and the need everyone has for the same equipment at the same time. Folks I know in areas that have more ongoing farms have been producing their own hay from their own small holdings by mutual exchanges and arrangements with their better-equipped, slightly larger-scale farming neighbors. It is not the fanciest or most nutritious hay, but it is unchemi78

GOATKEEPING ours had reverse luck; their goats seemed to love it. We had to switch suppliers and mix the pellets in with the next batch of old-style grain we purchased. The goats were notably successful at picking out the detested pellets from our new mix and often didn't eat them. { When feeding some very poor hay, we fed an 18 percent dairy ration.lYou must be careful when purchasing very high protein-content dairy rations; check the label for any urea content. Goats do not


do well on urea, and it may even harm them. The labels are sometimes opaque on this score, but the clue is usually some vague reference to "protein from nonvegetative sources." Once you spot that type of phrase, examine the label closely. You will find urea listed in the long line of ingredients, somewhere down in the fine print.l ( Other points I have noticed about grain feeding center around goat, habits and personality. All you have read about goats being creatures of habit and resistant to change is probably true, but don't count heavily on it. Each goat is an individual and has evolved habits peculiar only to herself. In general I would say they do not like dusty, small-particled grain rations. They love corn kernels and will break into a chicken feeder with no hesitation. I try to feed as little corn as possible, since feed corn is one of the most chemicalized grains raised by agribusiness. The bulk of the ration fed is comprised of wheat, bran, oats, small amounts of corn, and soy derivatives. Follow your

animals' obvious preferences but give your own convictions some credit too. We avoid mixes with heavy corn content, pelletized mixes, and overly dry mixes, and we even force the goats to some regimes. One of these is the substitution of bran for part of the regular ration during the month prior to freshening. Starting with a small amount of bran, we work up to a half-bran-half-regular-ration blend in the two weeks just before the kidding. This is not very much to their liking because bran is light, dry, and flaky, but my reasons for feeding it are explained in the chapter on kidding. The goats have not yet bought our explanations, but do reluctantly eat the bran when the time comes. I wet down their grain with two tablespoons of cider vinegar during the latter part of the pregnancy so the bran is just palatable enough to be grudgingly accepted. ) (We also vary the amount of grain we feed when we wish to vary the milk yields. We have actually had to reduce the yield at times because we had no way of using it all. That situation has changed now that we have evolved satisfactory methods of making hard cheeses. When we had too much milk flowing in, we reduced the amount of grain being fed. It was the season of the finest grazing, so

t The other period of the year when we used to cut back the amount of grain being fed was during drying-off. If the weather was unusually mild and the milk yield had not dropped off sharply, I cut back about a pound a day on the grain when I started to dry-off the animals. This was a very temporary cutback and aimed at somewhat reducing output while I started decreasing the frequency of milkings. I stopped doing this because I believe feeding less grain at this point can stunt fetal growth. \ Knowledgeable older goats, though they love their ration, rarely glut on grain. Ifyou observe your goats and they seem to be attacking the grain voraciously, then erratically, with attempts at breaking into the chicken feeders or the grain storage bins some days, perhaps you should suspect worminess. I do not trust young stock and goats that have just come to us from other places and other lives to be reliable about eating just the grain they really need. These goats may be wormy, confused, undernourished, and crazed for grain. The young ones have very little experience in learning about proper amounts for their systems. As long as an older doe is around making the decisions for the group and disciplining the young ones, they follow that guidance. Little ones on their own can do such things as get into the grain and overeat to the point of bloat danger. And do not depend solely on your stall latches for security on this point. Determined goats are notoriously clever and persistent about breaking and entering. Tie down your grain cans so you can control the feeding regimen. (.Our mature does have revealed sudden appetite leaps between the tenth and twelfth week of being in-kid. Last winter one of them battered down her stall door, went to the grain cans, and helped herself to what she felt was an adequate increase. After that we followed the guidance of the does' appetites at that stage and allowed them a slight increase, trying to keep it small because we know that overdosing them with grain concentrates during pregnancy can make for delivery difficulties at kidding. I (There is a tendency u-ofg beginning goatkeepers ro make grainfeeding decisions on the basis of their anxieties about the young ones getting "enough." Once the freshening takes place we relate our grain feeding to the quality of the available grazing, to the number of kids being supported, and to overall considerations of milk yields and the size of the doe. In my area, April dams have grazing available to them in most springs; March dams encounter early, restricted grazing situations. fil

the goats did quite well on less. Slowly increasing the grain toward the normal feed level, slowly increased the yield again. J


An old goatkeeper I know feeds one pound of grain for every quart of milk he receives from the doe. I feed much less than that - usually about a pound per quart and a half yielded. Our does thrive and give substantial yields on this amount of grain plus available pasturage. Our older doe averages between eight and nine pounds for three months after freshening on all-day grazing and three pounds of grain, with diminishing yields as the grazing diminishes in quantity and quality. Her peak seems to have occurred the summer I bought her, when she had freshened in a lush June at three and a half years of age; she milked into October at a rate of twelve pounds daily and then on for a total of twenty-two successive months. Our first fresheners average between six and seven pounds for their warm weather period on all-day grazing and two pounds of grain a day. I ( Our young purebred buck receives one pound of grain over the day plus all the grazing or hay he desires' We give him a slight bit more grain in breeding season on the advice of a twenty-eight year goatkeeping veteran who has kept many bucks and feels that they can utilize a little extra grain bonus when their working season arrives, but that they should not be allowed to run to fat. A few last words on the grain: we do not weigh out every portion for every animal every time we feed. We do, however, use the same measuring cup always so that the volume is the same, and we check each new grain bag for the bulk-to-poundage ratio. We have experienced so many differences in the rations by now that we have seen that a drier-milled, finer, fluffier ration may take up a whole cup several times before that pound is reached, whereas, one cup of a dense or pelletized ration may equal a whole pound. It is the old story of a pound of feathers taking up more room than a pound of gold. If it has been consistently milled and mixed, each pound of the ration should contain the advertised percentages of protein that the label leads you to expect. Consider, too, one final aspect of getting out of her what you put into her. Be sure to taste the milk produced every time you milk. Goats eat an enormous variety of plants' When they are out grazing and selecting freely, they may ingest goodly quantities of plants that they adore but that you find you cannot abide when you taste them in your (their) milk. Wild onion and garlic are spring favorites of our goats, perhaps for their medicinal functions as vermifuges. Rather than police them all day or dig out the offending plants, I consign such heavily flavored milk to cooking or baking. It is true that you can sometimes taste the grazings of a milk doe in her fresh milk, but these episodes are brief and piquant. I



The milk goat needs shelter. In the wild, she is clever about securing natural sites that offer protection from the wind, wet, and cold. She is also free to eat naturally, selecting what is appropriate for her
age, condition, climate, and general needs, as long as there is herbage to select from. Once she is removed from her wild habitat, housed in a barn, and given a specific pasture or yard, she can no longer exercise

natural diet selection, nor has she complete control over any of her grazing circuit. The keeper has to step into the vacuum and create a situation that offers protection and easy management, while taking care of the milk goat's essential nature and instinctual patterns. The more removed a goat is from her wild habitat and freedom of selection, the more the keeper will have to supply. This can become
expensive in labor, feed and fodder hauled, general monetary expenditure, and net energy costs. An example at the farthest end of the scale from the goat in a feral environment is the goat kept in an insulated and heated barn with limited or no exercise or pasture access. In such an environment the keeper is responsible for hauling and cropping all


SHELTER AND PASTURE deep winter months. Housing must be dry and windproof with windows and doors on the south side of the structure, if possible. Good ventilation and sunlight are necessary. Ifthe goats cannot get outside for a few days, a good southern exposure is helpful. If the door is on the south side, fewer wintry drafts are let in when you come to do the chores. The goal is to provide a shelter that offers the basic physical

foodstuffs,forthemaintenanceofanartificiallycreatedandsustained l'climat""'in the shelter, and for any problems that may arise from world. This d;;;;r, not being t urdy and acclimaiized to the outside the rise in climates northern is a very costly management scheme' Irr though it approach' this rruf urri insuiation'piices alryost precludes to planning persons and ;;;;,tll;;i"u"inruloo ot#ntnua breeders outside income' Persons support their goat enterprise with a sizeable developing a *itn t""" outside income and fewer ambitions about unheated are that shelters show herd can do quite well with simple A goat dry' and tight free' draft and uninsulated, as long as they are wanderings winter sustain to sheltered in such housiitg wiil te able and grazings in tough climates'

protections and psychic security in severe weather, and still remains cold enough in winter not to differ too radically from the temperatures prevailing outside the barn. In this way, the does develop hardiNESS.

My situation provided a good, tight, stucco, dry structure, but the door was on the north wall and there was a window on every wall. We

Lean-Tos, Sheds and Barns

In mild climates without prolonged, deep winters' very terssuffice.Lean-tosandshedsthatofferwindprotection'shadefor in rainy the days of strong sun, and a minimum of dry comfort the dairy to important is sun hot of weuth", will serve. Shade in times goatoutonpasture.Thatheatingsystemshecarriesisconstantly ctict< off in hot weather' She has a i"""..ti"g warmth - it doesn't 102" and 103"F' (38'9' and 39'4"C') temperature, between
high body

simple shel-


Doe Stall Doe Stall

Ladder to

Hay Loft

""-t*.Uv. in the pasture, Iean-tos, or direct

tered is needed.

Shade trees Too much direct sun can be burdensome to her'


to her regular overnight shel-

Kid Pen

manIn northerly temperate climates, you can choose one of two a eight for plan you can .g"-"nt ,chem"s. I.t on" method, -months the during spells grazing Lutside year of outside gruring with short

Doe Stall

Hay Using Pole construction, a buck barn can

Milking Stand

Doe Stall

to the doe barn.

easil.y be added










Hay Feeder
Dne Area

Hay Loft

Hay Feeder


Kid Pen





to Hay

Entry Loft


had to take a few compensatory steps because of all the northern openness. we stapled plastic over the windows, except those on the south side, during the winter. we built a storage loft overhead to accommodate hay and to lessen the ceiling height which was fourteen feet at the peak of the roof. Lowering the ceiling helped keep the warmth generated by the animals down where they needed it' When the hay ioft (capacity, sixty-five bales) is filled, the hay functions as insulation. The iorty-to-fifty-pound bales are hoisted up into the loft by two persons with the aid of an inexpensive one-ton hoist. If necessary, this operation can be performed by one person' To further insure comfort on sub-zero nights, we keep the goats on deep litter. Left to their own devices and notions of sanitation' goats

It is warm, familiar, and easily available. Microorganisms are active underneath this thick bedding, just as they are in a compost pile. The deepest layers of the litter are in a process of ferment and bacterial breakdown, generating warmth. We don't muck out from November until February unless there's an unusually mild spring thaw. With her inbuilt portable hot water bottle (her rumen), a tight shelter, adequate hay, and a good deep litter, the doe is warm, hardy, adapted to some outside jaunts in deep winter, and capable of surviving many sub-zero nights. She will also be protected against pneumonia. Milk production drops off sharply under these conditions and with this system of housing when deep cold rolls in for real. Mackenzie's milk yield dropped to five pounds daily in that sort of weather, but that was also over an extended two-year lactation. Much of her food intake and energy was being utilized to keep warm. An alternate method of housing used in these rough climates is the one I outlined first. It is used by people who wish to keep the average production level of the herd as high as possible and who have a professional breeder's orientation, an outside support income for the herd, or little or no grazing land. They provide an insulated barn, often with the addition of heat in the form of many animals housed together, heat lamps, or a heating appliance or system. The objective is to provide a warm, close atmosphere, considerably milder than the deep cold outside temperatures and harsh weather. Under this system, the goats are stalled for the winter and not allowed outside for grazing purposes. There are forays to an exercise yard when milder temperatures and better days occur. This approach is usually used for herds of many head or high-production and show herds, animals representing a costly stock investment, or herds of non-Swiss type where kiddings occur regularly during winter months. Good quality hay with a substantial legume content is requisite because one of the goals of this method is to maintain high yield even through difficult weather. If less goat energy goes toward keeping warm, higher yields can be maintained. This arrangement takes more cash input because it depends upon outlays for insulation, fuel for heat, possible new structures, costly feed and fodders, and labor costs for the hauling and tending. Opting for this type of housing should be warranted by the keeper's seriousness, prior experience, physical situation, and stock investment resources. If your climate has adverse rainy or deep cold periods, you will need hay to carry your goats through these times. You'll also need storage for it. Loose hay, unless you have been taught to make a
will bed down on a comfortable bed of their own dung.




Allow 1 foot
per goat.

7s-inch Plywood

Three Goats

With a few adiustments this manger can be wall mounted.


proper outside storage stackl3, is not as compactly stored and convehandled as is baled hay. The amount of hay you will need to "i""tty store iepends upon the duration of your local bad weather season, how many head you keep, their ages, sizes, and condition (in-milk' inkid), and th" qnulity of ltre hay. If it is good hay, the goats will need fewer bales. Goats throw around great quantities of poor hay 'by looking for the widely scattered choice tidbits. If you have good alrangements with a nearby hay farmer and he has storage room, you may not have to provide room for storing large quantities of hay in your barn. There 1" ,r"ry little farming left in my immediate area, and I have to go a long distance for the hay I buy. we found it more convenient and less expensive after our first winter's experience to lay the entire winter's supply well in advance. In this way, hauling in snowy conditions and high, later-winter prices are both avoided' You must also provide for grain. Metal containers are an absolute necessity because th"y utu rodent proof, and rats are destructive and menacing. Bringing feed grains onto your land will atttact rodents, if they haien't already discovered your treasures' Be prepared' and don,t invite newcomers; use metal. If you have a metal-lined bin or chest that can acconunodate one- to three-hundred pounds, you are all set. I am using twenty-gallon galvanized trash cans and a large steel tub salvaged from a clothes dryer. when the barn gets crowded with new kids in the spring and we need the room, we put these waterproof, rodentproof, portable metal containers outside and set up t,cmporary kid pens indoors. We have not had any problems with tnarauders in the grain. If raccoons are a problem near you' you may have to tie down the lids of your storage containers every night. We store as much as we can physically accommodate to cut down llre gasoline expenditures of frequent journeying to feed stores. If yrruidealer can deliver to you, you needn't allot so much space or ,:,,n."rn to grain storage. If you are growing your own feed grain' you lvill need substantial storage space, but you may already have appropriate buildings and storage bins. Adjoining or within your goat barn should be your milking place. I rrno a milk stand with a crossbar locking arrangement. It is in the lrurn but away from the stalls. Near it are a few shelves that hold hoof trirnming tools, a wound dressing, paper towels, and the iodine-based, rrrrt,ibacterial udder-washing solution used at milking time. while the gortts are in-kid, I keep cider vinegar on the shelves' Shelving should irt, rninimal; straight surfaces do not provide as good hide-outs for colilirrm bacteria as do nooks and crannies.



A leather loop holds the movable board in place.


15 inches

Hinged leg folds when

platform is lifted.

Hook fastens both parts together when folded.

Space-Saving Wall-Mounted Folding Milking Stand

Stationary Milking platforrn

The goats' pasture was at some distance from their barn during the first two years of my goatkeeping. This is a poor set-up, and it should be avoided at all costs. Provide direct access from the overnight shelter to the pasture. Much extra labor and cajoling is required to herd goats to and from their pasture when it doesn't adjoin the shelter. Having a distance to traverse also gives them opportunities to drool over and leer at the garden, the Rosa rugoso, the fruit trees, and the Jerusalem artichoke plantations. Eventually their curiosity wins and

llrr'.v won't be herded or led past these forbidden delights. They are v.rv successful at actualizing their food fantasies and will make many ntrkkr' rushes at all the cultivated food prantings. They will be quite lrrrpp.v with the variety in the pasture lr trr"t auily circuit doesn,t irr.lrrl.'stroll past the garden on the way from ba.n to pasture. we lrrrk rrp'ne bit more of the barn space to change the pasture access ilr'r'lilll{('r)l()nts. We mounted an electric fence control unit in the barn arrrl li'rrrrr<l-irr ir rxr.rridor running from the barn door to the pasture.



fully treated T^"l"ll"l "t""' This three-wire electric fence is more and two acres in size' With Our pasture i" b"t;;;;ne-and-a-half we have luxuriantlv grazed winter hay and .Il f'J";;;; purchased' pure we have is scrubby grazing' four goats on this .t"u- fn" pasture preThe cultivated" or seeded and simple. It's never been iertilized' clover' white clover' sweet dominant plants uo"^'V"gtutses'-yellow plantain' and a wide assortchicory' dind"elion' burdock, curly dock, eslate wildflowers such as asters and ment of thistles ""d;;;";;; weeping fifty-year-old i* nota"red with caped phloxes. Th" ";;;;'*u wild grapes' and some spruce' Sumac willows, pirt*"' -upi"t' "*u-^p encroaching upon the mature was proliferating "ti'v*'n"t" and and stems turn out to be great plants but sumac l";;;:,';;G' tutk' the goats prune all summer and strip
goat favorites. Even though our

tne ioint of becoming freckle-faced bark constantly in tn""*irJ"r, tJ I am not sure which force will with resin dots, it i" u" "l0"" contest' pernetual battle of agricultural triurnph. Befbre <lt" "V"" we see the ihe'nrimeval forest' The goats humanity attemptini'* o*n back sumac springs back' At least the diligently clear the s"crub but the being taken over by wild dense goats can X""p tt'uil"'"ug" from it' scrub till we can get to cultivating or we want weeds trimmed down' cropped looks pasture If the rotation for worm control need goats down elsewhere, or we feel the hard on the cli tethersl Tethering is a nuisance' purposes, we make 'lt" with young or scared stock' or goats and the keepers' and dangerous in a vicinity abounding with large dogs' the morning milking and are The goats go o"** iu'I"t" 'o"o" after November' The exceptions out until ,r"u, d""t-i'om March through as the days when our local such days' are wet or overly humid, buggy rhe pink-skinned' white-haired mayflies descend il;;; "li-n"tt' by insects on hot' sultry' terribly Saanen does we tttu" u'" harassed shelter of th"it own accord' During low-pressur" auv']u"J tt*J f"t are out every day that the weather the cold, snowy months, the goats only of bark' willow tips and accessiis tolerable. The grazing consists with- gathered windfall and evergreen ble evergreet,' W" ffitu-""t local dump' and of course' hay' ;;;;i# we get from'our viable for the homestead or The approach is probably the most is great interest'in'showing or household go"tt"JpJ',-;;i;:t there must be subsidized by an outbreed improt"-""i' Srr"h utt interest goatand managers of a foremost side income. As one of the owners derive few American breeders farming dairy has pointed out' verl And l)avid Mackenzie' dairying' goat their entire i,'"ornu-f'o- their as an activity that depended long ago, airti,tg'i'tt"J goat bLeding

It is not the same as goatkeeping or goat farming, though it shares the same concerns and goals when it is serious and production-oriented. My choice was also dictated by my conviction that the goat should be an ecologically defensible animal, not a walking grain trin, as Mackenzie scornfully describes some "well kept" milk goats. I was convinced that she could derive a truly coarse, minerally balanced diet from my weed collection and that she could do it by selecting a part of her own food on a reasonably sized pasture (that otherwise would soon revert to scrub), while performing the services of an on-the-hoof composter (as described in all those Organic Gardening and Farming@ articles I had read), and keeping our acreage trimmed back- At this writing these services have been rendered, and our goats have been hardy, healthy, happy and generous enough to supply our family needs, while requiring only a small cash outlay.
upon outside money.

Supply the Essentials

The household keeper can get by with a minimal shelter for the small herd as long as it supplies the essentials adequately. There are so many elaborate plans available that depict detailed housing arrangement that I have chosen to simply refer you to the bibliography if you are interested in building. Get the books out of a library, copy relevant plans and have them on hand for your own guidance. For persons in situations similar to my own, I'd like to present our own construction experiences. Few goatkeepers have the intention of building a true barn for the herd. It is probably even unwise to commit so much time and money to building if you are a novice keeper. Three to five years' minimum experience in goatkeeping should probably precede any elaborate construction project. Plans are valuable, however, for information on how to deal with converting existing structures into adequate goat housing. We started out calling our barn the goat shed, but after about cighteen months the term "goat barn" worked its way into our vocabularies. The building itself was exceptional as a first housing facilil,.y. It rvas a good, tight, stucco outbuilding,12 feet by 14 feet, with a pcaked roof, and a wooden floor over a concrete slab base, but with a wind<iw on each wall and the north-facing door which I have menI.iorrcd. Minor roof leak repairs, tightening up the windows and stall corrst,ruction were all the building needed. Horned goats require separ;r(,c st.alls or separate stanchions during the night and at feeding' The clrrl,r;rl ()r communal stall is very convenient, as well as being less cr;x,nsivr: t,o r:ortsl,ruct, and it provides a social environment, but it is



for dehorned goats only. what is sociable contact among dehorned stock is dangerous interaction among horned goats. I still incline to separate-stall housing for household mini-flocks, even when the goats url d"ho.tr"d, because goats of differing ages and origins discipline or bully the younger or more mild-tempered goats and sotnetimes manug" to successfully exclude them from hay feeding. Even if they inflict no physical damage, they can have an inhibiting and negative effect o., lh" meeker goats. Our does have profited from having their own spaces to retire into overnight and from the separated feeding arrangements. Having separate stalls alio does away with the need for separate kidding pens. The does kid in their own stalls' we made no cash outlay for wood or other construction materials except for 150 board feet of rough-cut lumber at twelve cents a board footieighteen dollars) to floor the hayloft. All the other materials z-by-"as, siding for partitions, stall doors' hinging and hardware were scaveng"h. Wu have done all the construction ourselves. It is not elegant looking; rather it looks like it was built from the odds and enJs that were its source. The barn is a monument to labor-intensive technology as opposed to capital-intensive technology'

I felt every keeper had an obligation to breed-up, not so much the kids would comrnand, but because I have a passion to see milk productivity among homestead goats rise. Such passions necessitated journeying over two counties to breed-up the does to purebred bucks with milky pedigrees. Since all the does
because of the higher price

Housing a Buck I'll explain further

quires a separate ih"r" is no getting away from the tangible reality that sexually mature bucks reek. The odor is offensive and persistent, clinging to anyincluding the milk does and the goatkeepers. one and anything The buck odor passes into the milk of the does if the does are allowed to hang out wifh a good, potent, stinking buck' The consequences of housing bucks with does have given rise to part of goat milk's strong' negative reputation and general bad press. I had never planned to keep a buck-. The vision of trying to persuade 175 pounds of masculine sexual aggression to my way of thinking some bright october morn when hswas bound to have other things in mind made me discount the possibility of keeping bucks right at the start of my goat dairying. I had already seen an experienced, hefty male goatkeeper knocked flat by his favorite buck when the animal was expressing affectionate delight at the man's visit. Even Mackenzie could haul me around the yard any time she took a mind to. However, new realities deflne new directions. with the advent of the fuel crisis all my antibuck feelings evaporated. Breed fees for the fall of 1973 came to seventy dollars, excfusive of gasoline costs and vehicle wear and tear. I was also trying to be scrupulous about breeding-up' even though all my goats were

in more detail why keeping a buck rebarn, but I guess most people know' HE STINKS'

don't oblige their keeper and come into season on the same day, come fall one starts covering a lot of miles, burning a lot of fuel, and having a lot of misses and returns. One can decide to breed one's does at the nearest buck pen, but that was not the path I was on. I wanted to learn about bucks "some day." The day had arrived, courtesy of Exxon, Shell, Mobil, and other forces usually far from the thoughts of the pastoral goatkeeper. Instead of first rushing out to buy a buck, we had to put up a buck barn. This was more than a twoperson endeavor, so we had an old-style mini-barn raising. We threw a Leo birthday party and asked friends to bring food and hammers. Up went the skeleton of a 12-foot-by-7-foot shed-style addition to the doe barn. Almost all the materials for the project were scavenged: rolled roofing, tar, timbers for the roof, log poles for the walls, siding, door, and windows. Two exceptions were made. We purchased a single sheet of %-inch plywood sheathing to fill in some gaps in the siding, and we bought some steel reinforcing rods to tie the sills into t he ground. The total cash outlay for these materials and a case of beer came to flfteen dollars. The site provided half the structural support necessary since the rr<ldition is tied into the original building. The site is at the top of a rise and has unusually good drainage, so that we are able to utilize a log-cabin type of foundation with shallow, rock-filled trenches. What wc built is basically a dry, windproof lean-to for our purebred, pedigrced French Alpine buck with enough windows to allow adequate vcntilation for the buck. We hope that the ventilation will keep both t,hc buck and his quarters from reaching the outer limits of raunchy "llrrckness." We now have added a small flock of chickens. "Hardly srrrclls at all," some folks say. "Must be the buck-o and the chickens crrn<:eling each other out," says I to myself.




Nothing can be directed Control is fundamental to managemelt'also essential if the homeCottitot is or guided if it is "ut ;;:;;;;;oi' by goat dairying. Ar^e_there rewarded gr.rifr;^;;; steader is to feel neighbot tomes bo complain thaL days when ,or,, whole ''"u'""i"JJa"ut""t fence and is gobbling up a vour doe has leaped ttt" gu'a"" afterOr dessert? bush with u,fo*" winter's food supply, i;id;g up i" bullving all the other goats and noons when vour h"t;i"t;';;d"i"t when the youngest and most kids around tt " pu"t r""i 5r--orrri"gs plantings are decimated in a thriving of the up'i"olt'""s and comfrey at fence-mendi"g Ytlli-jc'enes ten-minute spree? il l;;;" ;"nstant from and vociferous goats coming the milkstana, ,orrndi of l,-ttrug"a from the i'fr" goat enterprise is slipping the barn? These *u "i;S inut rt.ni" utta inio the control of the goats'


Locks, Fences and Goats

ents and their true

fence-jumping and latch-opening Goats are notorious for their of appetite. Als a matter of verifiable


their talenls fact, goats possess these capabilities and love to display are goats' appetites the to tfrJfuUest. It is up to the keeper to see that their way this In secure' well met, their fences adequate, their latches not become natural abilities and tendencies remain prankish and do habits' destructive patterns, vicious and entrenched and There are no goatproof latches, a fact attested to by beginners secrrre.arrangemost the veterans alike. I have found double latching are suitable for ment of the many I have tried' Hook-and-eye closures type is spring-lock The door' each y.r-S kids, but ialways use two on ""rou' own their over out crane will and for little onls. Goats can Lu"t, stalldoorsandopenaneighbor'slatchorhookandeye.Afterviewing thisseeminglyimpossiblefeatseveraltimes,Ilearnedtoplacealower with latch on every door. For the doors of mature goats I use latche's have I since events door-battering *uai.rg bolts. i have had numerous I have had slveral older does with full horns. The best arrangement tetherof short ones' grouchy older tp with for these sometimes not "o-" i"g trr"r" inside their stalls, is to hang the stall door so that it does with loosely it fasten to and verticals close flush with the surrounding iwo lengths of chain, top and bottom, with double-ended clips atbe very tached for quick opening and closing' A fully horned doe can herd, new a enters she when or estrus into assertive when she comes her throwing and position leadership the always challenging for her use she'll pushy mood a gets into doe a weigirt around. when such shatter not but bit, yield a It will door. horis against ttre chained upon imPact. apart ^ her stall door' Once u goui learns that she has the power to open for graspgreat ones are Goats over. and over she will refeat the trick to be elements ing the irnplications of personal power' There do seem Goats psychology' goat in gaming and delight of learned and earned tighter' will continue to open latches and escape their stalls if new, continue this perrurrangements are not made immediately' They will as li,rmJnce, even though there are no specific gains or rewards' 'such Perhaps grain-bin access or Inother prize, achieved in the escape' finding i,t,"y *" just delighted with the keeper's consternation at two in or ,,vt"rything in the barn out of order - doors open' an animal place our favorite at t.lrc :risle, upset pans and buckets, or - the old pulled around and uncleansing udder for paper toweling l,lrc roll of rrrllul throughout the bain. Pleasure in disarray is a goat trademark' much added ll rrrust be clear by now that escapist antics make for goat's intellil;rlxrr in the barn. i hu',r" learned to respect the dairy control my g,.r'nr:r' rtttd potential for rapid learning and have started stall' l)11)t1r:utt with the individual




MANA( ;l,lM t,lN't'

NI ) ( jON',t'ltOl,

After tight latches the next element in the control of the domestic goat is pattern. Goats respond beautifully to repetition and patterned activity. Routinize all barn activity. Feed and milk all the animals in the same order, day and night. Water them in the same order if water is not available in each stall. Let them out into the pasture in the same order; bring them back, and stall them in the same order. At times these patterns may have to be adjusted, such as when a newly fresh doe joins the milkstand brigade or when a milker has to be isolated and milked last for udder health reasons. If possible, make these changes slowly. If such a break in the order of things has to come quickly, offer the goat that is to be fed or milked out of routine some part of her grain ration or a fresh vegetable treat (I use the pulp left over from juicing carrots), while she waits her turn. These compensating treats forestall the indignant behavior that arises from a quick change. The goat's internal clock seems to be very sensitive. If the keeper shows up at a thirteen- or fourteen-hour interval when the goats are well accustomed to twelve-hour intervals, there may be some antic behavior ahead. If you know that you have to be away and will be forced into a longer-than-usual interval, placate the goats' time clocks by an extra hay feeding in the late afternoon or by gradually lengthening the feeding interval by half an hour each day for a few days prior to the day on which you must be away. Just suddenly appearing an hour or two later than normal will almost guarantee attempts at break-out or irascible behavior on the milkstand. Patterning also works extremely well with goats' notorious fence leaping. It is important to establish an acceptable browsing circuit for the herd. There will be many fewer escape incidents if this is done from the start. It may sound somewhat silly in this far-from-pastoral age, but I can recommend that the keeper lead the herd, even if it is a herd consisting of only two, into the delineated pasture. Lead the goats on a browsing-cruise to set up a grazing pattern. This is most easily done by clipping the eldest doe to a lead and taking her for a prolonged stroll of a few hours' duration, starting from the barn and rnaking the rounds of the pasture area, then slowly returning to the barn. The younger or less experienced doe will follow the two leaders about. Any older doe with real foraging experience will perform this service for the keeper and the herd, but I have found it very helpful to delineate the limits of the acceptable territory in this way first, and then to relinquish the leadership role to the proper herd animal. This procedure is a real necessity when dealing with young, inexperienced

st,rx:k. lt, is onl.y al'ter the goats have accepted a demarcated circuit llrnl, the.y will truly respect f'encing.

Fencing Pastures
Once the herd has learned respect for fences the fence can be counted upon to control herd movements. The reverse order does not seem to work; one cannot simply bank upon the dairy goat's awe of f'ences to make her stay put. Of course, if one can afford to provide five-foot-high, small-webbed steel or galvanized fencing around an acre or two of pasture, teaching the goats a preordained circuit may not be necessary. I have read of people who fenced acres of pasture with high, chainlink fencing, but this alternative is financially unfeasible for most keepers. I have seen people fence with a combination of low stock fencing and barbed wire strands, a poor arrangement for goats. Even does in milk seem to behave as perpetual doelings, thinking nothing of occasionally attempting a four-or-five-foot fence jump. When there is barbed wire involved there is always a possibility of a disastrous udder accident. If you plan to fence with thirty-six-inch or forty-eight-inch stock fencing, use a single strand of electrified wire at the top, rather than barbed wire. If an existent barbed wire fence is in good condition and you choose to avail yourself of it, make sure all animals are innoculated against tetanus. I have had good control with electric fencing by utilizing a threestrand arrangement of wire. The goats should be patterned to the defined browsing circuit as outlined above, and then conditioned to the fence. Do not back off on the conditioning process if you plan to rely on electric fencing. Conditioning is based on luring your goats to the fence with some preferred treat and then letting them learn firsthand about the fence's shocking character. In the beginning it may seem a kindness to the goats to omit such specific conditioning sessions, but this may mean headaches for the keeper later on. I have seen goats respect electric fencing even when no current is being run through the wires because their original introduction was sufficient for them to learn to respect the fence. Conversely, goats will escape even a live wire fence because no original fear or distaste was impressed upon them. One major drawback of electric fencing is that it either requires a site that has electric power run into it or it must be powered by

batteries. Additionally, that power is drawn upon constantly for seven to ten hours a day almost all year. Nevertheless, the electrical usage is very minimal, about the same as constant use of one 75- or


MANA( il,iM t,tN',t' n Nt ) ( :oN't'l(( )t,

100-watt light bulb. I compensate for using electricity in fencing by using less of it in other areas of my life; I also often turn the fence off once a stable group of animals has been conditioned. This is not a viable control method when the fence is a new experience for the herd, but I have done it successfully for months on end when dealing with animals used to the fence. If you own a buck, don't turn off the fence during heat season. Don't turn the fence off at times of the year when pasturage is minimal either. These times are usually the late fall and periods of early spring or midsummer in a dry season. These are times when browsing animals are most likely to want greener pastures, the proverbial times when the gtass is always greener on the which means the goats are longingly looking other side of the fence at the garden, the fruit trees, the rose bushes, and the flower beds. Even well-trained goats will risk the awesome fence or test it a lot if their usual pasture is short on grass.

wr"irt,lrcr sct,t,k's <lowrr irr t,he spring arr<l the gnlund is thoroughly llrlrwrrl. 'l'lris t,ransil,ion period of sagging I'ences or wires can endure

Fence Maintenance
Electric fence maintenance is constant, mainly involving ongoing walks along the fence line. The keeper has to keep down the weedy growth under the lowest strand of wire. I use a hand scythe or golf club cutter for this. The keeper must also check to see that all the wires and the insulators that hold them are in place. Storms and passing animals can take wires down, or even knock over a fence post at times. It is useful to mulch areas along the fence line that seem to grow back especially quickly or luxuriantly. Six to eight inches of black weatherproofing paper, held down by rocks, works quite effectively to smother growth right under the line of the fence wires. Laying out such a mulch reduces the grass-cutting maintenance time by many hours. Gates are placed at strategic points along the fence for the entry and exit convenience of the keepers. Gates are formed by using ready-made handles designed to allow the wires to run through them. The handle has a hook that fastens onto a wire eye attached to the fence post. As these hooks age and are exposed to snow, rain and humidity, they will rust. If enough rust builds up on the surface of the hook, it will prevent the transmission of electric current' It is helpful to carry a piece of emery cloth on fence-surveying walks. Check all gates and connections or splices for rust accumulation and sand it away where it has occurred. All fencing must be checked and restored after the inroads of northern winters. The snow and ice drag down wires and heave posts not sunk below the frost line. It is hard to restore fencing until the

lirr ir wcck or two and may present herd control problems. If only a lcw g<lirt.s are involved, the keeper can resort to tethering them outsi<kr lirr a f'ew hours a day or accompanying the animals on short r.xcrr:ise strolls. For four or more animals, it might work better to fi'ncc off a small temporary exercise yard by stringing electric wire to available trees and the standing posts. liven though one must be constantly vigilant about the mainterrance of electric fencing, it seems to require less labor than other t,.ypes of fencing and certainly is cheaper to install. Fewer support Jrosts are needed than in other fencing arrangements because the light strands of wire need not be supported by frequent, closely spaced posts. The costs of the control unit, insulators, and wire combined come in well under any other type of metal-mesh or weatherized webbed fencing materials. The control unit can be battery operated or use 110-volt AC current. It is important to use a unit that is Underwriters' Laboratories rupproved so that no accidents befall people or animals. The unit itself should be mounted where it can be clean and dry; roof it over if it is mounted outside. Connect one terminal to the fence wiring. Connect lhe other to a ground rod or pipe extending down into permanently moist soil. Connect a lightning arrester between the fence line wire and the ground line. The units I have used emit a constant bleeping tone and flash a small light when operating optimally. Failure of these signals usually indicates that the fence is grounding out somewhere along the line - the keeper's sign that a fence inspection is overdue. In most instances, brush and weed growth touching the lower wire will make the fence ineffective, despite manufacturers' claims that the unit keeps the weeds back by electrical-shock weeding. The keeper must do the weeding. Set and brace corner posts well. There are now cornering insulators <ln the market that are convenient and worth searching out. The fence will probably have to run over some slopes and uneven stretches of ground. I have found that eliminating the lower wire and placing the posts a little closer together is the easiest way of handling slopes. Splicing is best achieved through what is called the Western Union splice, a splice that ensures good electrical contact. Stretch wires tight so that there is little sagging. The wires are supported by fence posts and attached to the posts on insulators, once brittle porcelain but now primarily plastic (still rather brittle after a winter or two). Too much



tl 1""


' -.Lr. "*:*-l' J" 4

t::-2. rys

:: ,




q Part of ill l aScreenDoor hi Spring

Diagram of One of Three Connections Serving as the Gate


Handle lu-"f




stress on the insulators will cause them to snap. Wire should be taut enough not to sag between posts, but not so tight that the insulators are pulled away from the posts. The easiest way I have found to set fence posts is to dig a starter hole with a heavy-duty wrecking bar, and then to pound in the post with a sledge hammer. I only use cedar or locust trimmed and pointed



it really

cuts the labor enormously.

It is much

more efficient,

: -.,.



Strain Insulator

a Rise in Terrain

How to Handle

't ry:/:;ki ' ,:'$ i ',

Strain Insulator

Line Post

:::," .i

i i

'^ol ,/


.,/ Nail with a plastic Washer ,t



mounting the unit for a one-and-a-half-or-two-acre pasture can be achieved by two comparatively inexperienced people putting in twenty to thirty hours of work together. The maintenance can easily be handled by one person. In 1975, the cost of fencing my almost-twoacre pasture was seventy-five dollars, inclusive of unit, insulators, forty cedar posts at seventy-five cents each, and wire. I utilized trees where possible. Nail up a support cleat to the tree and then nail the insulators to the cleat. If you don't, the tree will grow around and engulf the insulators, causing the fence to ground out in those spots. When repairing the fence, remember to turn current off at the main switch. Avoid handling connected (live) wires or equipment when the ground underfoot or your hands are wet. Many control units do not have an on,/off switch, so pull the plug (not the cord) of the appliance to disconnect the unit. These sound like elementary reminders. They are. But when mending comes up unexpectedly in the course of other business, people often overlook them. If you touch the fence once when it is live, you won't do it again.

effective, and enjoyable for two people to fence than for one to take it on as a solitary project. Setting the posts, stringing the wire, and

Keepers who do not have extensive pasture for their goats may have to rely upon tethers or small yarded enclosures. Goats kept in these circumstances do present more control and management problems. Tethering is a frustrating experience for keeper and herd animal alike. If it becomes a must, it is less frustrating and dangerous to employ chains, clips, .and swivel devices so that the animal has as much freedom of movement as can be achieved within narrow limits. Yarded goats will mind their fences and accept limitations if the keep crs are diligent and attentive to their feeding and watering needs. Cut ns much fresh greenery as possible for goats in tightly limited environments. Parasite infection can become a larger problem than cont,rol in these situations. Readers are referred to Jeffrey Williams' exrrrllont, and detailed article on "rnternal Parasitism" in the May rgTT

ttt''v-... -r,"." r. '1. i !-t '



Wire Height



'i'., '. :1 I

z/--Grounding Rod


(u inches exPosed)
t - :,.'-...,.-:...: )-.-.'.::,, : .;:.. . .'



'Iwo Ways to Splice

Electric Fence Wire



Dairy Goat Journnl for a technical understanding of how best to cope with this problem in goats kept in enclosed spaces' space, control, and herd health are inextricably linked and serve as an excellent example of the intertwinings of the art of management and all its subsidiary activities. In the context of dairying, management is the whole art of handling, taking charge of, and directing the entire enterprise. Books can be written on this topic alone, and indeed they have been. Thus far, much of this book has had to do with practice' The rearing and keep-uitug"-".rt advice, technique, and in care and responsible grounded is livestock ing oitruly productive summarize and reemto I wish chapter, this In closing ^Irrug"-"rri. phasize some management Points: Move slowly if this is a first livestock attempt' - Watch for enthusiastic overexpansion' - Reviewout purposes, climate, and resources' - Choose numbers, breed-type, system of maintenance - (i.e., yarded or pastured, cold barn or warm environment). Establish goals and delineate limits to stick by (i'e'' - show orientation or stock improvement or household production, i.e., vocational or avocational, income yielding or not). Management oi productive livestock is a complex art and the Greeks knew what they were talking about when they said, "life is short and art is long."





A well cared for, reasonably nourished milk goat that lives in a tight shelter and has access to outside browse is hardy and llealthy almost all the time. Her pregnancies are usually calm, fruit-

lirl, and nondebilitating. The focus on illness commonly found in the

rlisease and health chapters of many goat books runs directly counter

l,o the fundamental soundness of the dairy goat's constitution and gcneral capacity for well-being. Problems definitely arise over a longrun course of goatkeeping, particularly when herd numbers increase rrrpidly beyond the resources of the keeper and the land, or when t,lrcrc is close, inside confinement. The basic reasons for including a

lrcrrllh chapter in this book have little to do with the nature of the per se, but more to do with the current realities of novice livest,rx:k keeping and rural veterinary service. Most, of the newcomers I have met keeping goats today are people wit,h lil,t.le or no farm background. They are not habituated to careful olrst,r'virt,ion of livestock. Usually their only prior experience keeping

GOATKEEPING animals has been with cats and dogs in confined urban environments. There, when problems developed they called a veterinarian and took the animal to an office. This behavior doesn't transfer well to goatkeeping, so the novice is often left high and dry. Tlouble escalates quickly into a major difficulty when you are unaware of what is supposed to be noticed routinely. Problems are compounded by the un-


availability of veterinary care. Many homesteaders have urgently needed professional assistance but found every veteriarian they called waq dealing exclusively with small animals and made no livestock calls whatsoever. others have found themselves miles from the services of a livestock-oriented veterinarian. some folks never investigate the veterinary resources of their area till their first crises are upon them. There are seven veterinarians within a fifteen-mile radius of my farmstead, but the nearest livestock vet is twenty-five miles away and has an already heavy schedule of commitments' In such circumstances it is not a simple matter just to ring up a vet because trouble has arisen. Given current realities, it is wise to check out your lesources as soon as you get two goats. consult your local cooperative extension and society for the Prevention of cruelty to Animals, and any dairy farmers in your vicinity. Make a list of veterinaries who are handling livestock calls in your area. Call each one of these vets and briefly describe your situation. Tell him that you are keeping milk goats, how many of them, and how old they are, and give him other pertinent data. It often turns out that individual veterinarians have had little experience with goats, but sometimes you will find one who has kept goats or has seen a lot of dairy goat herds professionally. If so, you're in luck. Find out how far it is to the vet's office. Goats can easily be transported, even in the back seat of a car in many instances, but it is not advisable to drive them around late into the gestation period or in severe weather. Arrange a call, based on mutual convenience, to have your animals tested for TB and brucellosis. This service is often free to dairy herd owners if you have a number of animals in milk. If you are keeping only two, you will probably have to bear the costs of the tests yourself. Keep costs low by bringing your goats to the vet. The same is true for routine immunization, such as that for clostridial diseases. If
you find a vet who has a route of calls already scheduled for your area, his or her on-farm call may be reasonably priced. There are also veterinarians who have countywide responsibility to do dairy herd health tests. This is easily checked out prior to an emergency, and

having the facts at your fingertips gives you an advantage when It may also be a good idea to query the vets you speak with about their experience with dairy goats. A straightforward listing of ailments in alphabetical order seems to do little for the keeper, for it gets cursorily read and consulted only in times of disrnay and confusion. This chapter seeks to read as a narrative rather than an encyclopedia of worry and disease. It is organized in categorical groupings of what I perceive to be the most prevalent contemporary problems in order of threat: parasites, abscesses, diseases of overeating or underfeeding, pregnancy and pregnancy stressrelated conditions, and milk production difficulties. Not every possible goat problem is treated in this chapter and some old, widespread problems - such as pneumonia, which has not disappeared but does not seem to be the great killer it was in the not-distant past are scantily handled. My focus is on acquainting the newcomer with- basic trouble signs to keep in mind at all times, and teaching how to spot Lrouble early and how to make sound decisions about calling in proemergencies do arise. I'cssional help.

Know your animals: that is the key to goat well-being. Though it sounds simple, knowing goats is actually quite a complex art; y<tu rnust be well acquainted with individual animals, know their needs, habits, and idiosyncracies, and have in mind a general standard of health against which they must constantly be measured. &A goat in good health is alert, vigorous, and animated; she approaches life with interest, curiosity, and intelligence. In translating i,lrese qualities into action, she responds to her keeper's approach or r:irll, not necessarily as would a dog, but with an active interest in rrrrivals and departures. She usually moves with her herd or companiorr with visible eagerness to go out to pasture. She vocalizes, jumps rrlxrut, assumes alert stances in response to her environment. she .lrrries her weight on all four legs, planting her feet squarely as she gocs, when not running, leaping or gamboling. Her appetite is active wil,h.ut being voracious. Her skin is smooth everywhere, pliable, and l'rcc of lumps, bumps, or puffinesses. Her hair is sleek and soft, wlr.l,her long or short" she passes urine that is a clear, yellowish color, lrrr<l lir<:es that are neat, dry, dark pellets. The mucous membrane l,issr.s around her eyes, nostrils, vulva, and mouth are pink-colored. 'l'lr. gr.undwork of preventative care is laid by observing your anirrrrrls cvcr.y day with a view toward their general well-being. Use the rrlxrvr'<krscription as a mental checklist. After awhile it becomes autot

ttrt l,ir'.



wt,lt,t, til,itN( l ANt ) t,t,s t )tvt,li.(;t,lN|t,ts

A goat with a developing problem varies in some way lirrm thcsc

norms. The first signs I have always seen are: Changes in appetite: loss of interest in food, erratic appetite, voracity. Changes in carriage or animation: listlessness or dullness, hanging back from the herd, slow or unsteady
movement. Changes in fecal matter: clumpy, mucusy pellets, dian'hea, blood in the stool, or changes in the urine such as blood in the urine. Not all these signs appear at once, though combinations, such as the appearance of an erratic or voracious feeding pattern accompanied by a change in fecal matter, are common. (Also read the section of this chapter on internal parasites.) Normal body temperature for a goat is between 102o and 103"F. (between 38.9" and 39.4'C.). The pulse should be between 70 and 80 and the respirations between twenty-two and twenty-six per minute. A high temperature can shoot the pulse to over 120. Take your animal's temperature now and then to get both you and the goat accustomed to the procedure before crises evolve. Clip your doe up on a short tether or have a friend hold and restrain her, and approach her

llr. t.;rrl.y sprirrg,'r riglrl, trl(,t'r Llrc kirkling scilson peak. Symptclms of Lrrg. rrrrrrrlrcrs ol rligcstivc Lract rcundworms are appetite oddities wlrir:lr <::rn terke l,he form of'extreme voraciousness or lack of interest in fixxl; an.y f'ecal variation from the normal tight, dark pellets; wcighL loss; or paleness of the lips, the tongue, or the mucous memlrrirncs around the eyes. There may be a soft lump under the jaw. ( (lf you see signs of parasite infection, take a fecal sampling into' your vet for testing. Many small-animal vets will be willing to do this k i.d of testing for you if you are distant from a livestock veterinarian. ll it turns out positive, obtain and administer an appropriate wormirrg compound (anthelmintic). These compounds come in various I,rms: boluses (a large thick pill), liquified, and pelletized with alfalfa or something else attractive to goat palates. The pellets are fine but .xpensive. I have found it easiest to use boluses, and either pulverize l,lrem and mix the powder in the grain, or give them directly by rrrouth.IYou'll need an extra hand for doing the latter. Have an inlrcpid friend hold the goat's mouth open and restrain the goat while .you get the bolus into the animal's mouth. Goats have a great capacil.y for lulling you into thinking they.have swallowed and ingested lr.luses. They then drop the pill out of the corner of the mouth. If this
Irappens, give the bolus again and hold your hands over your animal's

talking familiarly. Lubricate the thermometer and insert it slowly into the rectum. Take advantage of the moment when she pulls her tail up, or gently slide it out of the way with your hand. If you grab her tail and pull it out of the way, she can get pretty resistant and excited. Half a minute's placement will yield a reading. Check for the pulse rate by feeling the artery high up on the inside of the thigh. Respirations are checked by watching the flank. Going through these checks before troubles come helps the novice understand what is happening when one, or several, of the major change signs occur, and provides additional information that may be needed to make a diagnosis or a decision to call in professional help. t

. Internal Parasites
All three of the major indicators of change are involved in the most prevalent contemporary threat to goat well-being, parasitism. Internal parasites seem to me to be the most common health problem in goatkeeping today, with roundworms of the intestinal tract and stomach and coccidia leading the pack. Even the most consistently well, trouble-free herd will suffer what is known as "spring tise," a gteat jump in the numbers of eggs of the roundworm class of parasites in

rnouth and muzzle. She'll give up in a couple of minutes and down the l,hinglTest the feces again in two to three weeks to check whether lnything new has hatched.) (If the first test results came out negative, but you continue to see s.ymptoms of parasitism, you may have to trust your own observal,ion. Testing procedures are based on egg counts and sometimes mal,rrring populations of worms may produce severe infestation sympl,oms in your does but the egg output may be at a minimal point and so fecal exam resultsare negative. In cases where the egg count is low, but the doe is really infested, it may be wisest to go ahead and worm hor. In these instances milk production will often rise, feces wilr norrnalize, and feeding patterns regularize. Usually, a semiannual fecal sirmpling of the barn population will reveal whether or not to worm ;rnd when to do so, but results of tests must be related to the keeper's sr:rutiny of the herd. In my region, the temperate Northeast, I would rccommend April to May and October to November as the time to <louble check for internal parasites via laboratory examination. I All books recommend pasture rotation as a preventative measure hccause eggs are passed out with the goat's droppings onto pasturelrrnd. Within a short time, these eggs pass through two larval stages l,lrat can survive on moisture and bacteria. The second stage larvae



molt to form the third, infective stage. These larvae do not feed but wait in ambush on pasture plants until ingested by grazing goats. The larvae then affix themselves to the lining of the goat's digestive tract and mature into adult worms, copulate, and produce new eggs. LGoats can and will tolerate a diverse population and sometimes sizeable numbers of digestive tract worms without major stress. It is probably impossible and unwise to strive for the completely wormless goat. However, when Trichostrongyhts are in the intestines and Hae rnenchus or Ostertagio are in the stomach lining, milk yield will drop, and,loose stools, general loss of well-being or "unthrifty condition" will develop. Anemia is a possibility if the infestation goes unchecked. In addition, a species of roundworm called Nemntodirus has eggs that have been found to be extremely resistant to destruction by cold, sun, or drought. The eggs remain dormant for lengthy time periods, hatch out suddenly and can be taken up in great numbers into the digestive tracts of vulnerable young kids. Sudden and acute diarrhea is the major symptom. Prevention consists of not running the kids on the same pasture or yard areas year after year and of administering a dose of a powerful anthelmintic at six weeks if necessary. l I Other internal parasites of dairy goats do exist, particularly liver flukes and lungworms. Again, herds being routinely checked twice yearly via fecal samplings and closely observed daily by their owners rarely have unchecked infestations. Liver flukes also need special conditions: wet, mud, and the presence of the snall, Limnea trurrcatulus, to develop into the infective larval stage that can be taken up by goats. Listlessness, dullness, loosened stools, and abdominal distention warrant veterinary consultation.t t Lungworms in goats are geographically more widespread than liver flukes. Some lungworms haye little clinical consequence. Other types can create severe respiratory difficulties. Constant coughing, poor condition, and nasal discharges are the usual symptoms. Prevention involves avoidance of wet pastures. Treatment is currently based on tetramisole. I trlt is important to be aware that many small keepers simply do not have enough land for rotating pastures, that small fenced-in areas get grazed down intensively, and that small herds of two to four goats will not venture out very far from their shelters and human friends even when a new pasture is fenced and opened up to them. Contamination by larvae of many types of worms and by protozoa will occur in the small feeding area near the shelter. Williams feels that the "o1'1,cited methods of pasture spelling and rotation have little application

to goat husbandry and in fact have very limited value in sheep and cattle parasite control. Contamination in and around feed troughs is a major focus of parasite transmission."ls His suggestions are to recognize the dams and other adult animals as the catriers, to become
aware of the dynamics of worm population gxowth over a year's time, consistently to check fecal samples and look for symptoms, to keep feeding areas and equipment sanitary, and to use anthelmintics when vigilance alone does not suffice. In this way only two or three anthelmintic dosings need be given over the year at the more critical juncures, rather than routine dosings every four to six weeks. Milk must

be withheld from human consumption for ninety-six hours, or eight milkings, when using the more commonly recommended wormers. Thiabendazole and tetramisol (not currently FDA-approved for goats but being utilized by many vets), are the compounds most used at the present time. Because the milk is unfit for people's use after a doe has been wormed, overly frequent use of these compounds makes serious economic inroads on the household milk supply, and monthly worming is probably not even a healthy regimen for the goats.\ Q Protozoan parasites, Coccidiosls Coccidian organisms of the genus Eimeria attack the digestive tract of goats, infesting the small and large intestines. The exact Eim.eriu culprit in goats has not yet lrcen isolated. Currently, coccidian infection is a great problem, par-

licularly because

it can suddenly strike and kill young stock. Not

much is known about coccidiosis in goats, and

it is "not possible to use to eliminate coccidial infections,"le although drug therapy is

rrvnilable to control infections. Tladitionally, sulfonamides have been rrucd, but they are now superseded by amprolium (also not currently rupproved for dairy goats by the FDA, but being prescribed by vets). 'fhe gut of the problem is in the omnipresence of the eggs, called rlocysts and in the capacity of the oocyst to survive environmental (lxtremes of cold, heat, or dryness. There is a "rapid development of inl'cctivity in oocysts leading to massive contamination around food atttl water troughs and restricted grazing areas."2o Once oocysts are iugtrsted they travel to the intestines, hatch or "sporulate" in a few duys, and produce new hosts of protozoan parasites which attack int,r,ri,inal walls and destroy the mucosal cells. Each of these new paraEit,cs oan then produce eggs that are shed in the feces while intestinal at,t,utrk and proliferation continue. Acute cases are common in young kirln <luring which appetite drops away, abdominal pain occurs, and

lhr, kirl dies in a day or two. Older animals can suffer less severe
al,l,lr:lis, wit,h signs being primarily loss of appetite and loosened feces


often with signs of blood. Drug treatments will be necessary but are not the entire answer. If you think coccidiosis has appeared in your barn, take fecal samples from all the goats and bring them in for laboratory analysis. Don't wait! Loss of young stock can be rapid and decimating. If these organisms are found in sizeable numbers, obtain amprolium or one of the newer sulfa compounds from your vet and follow dosage and instructions. Treatment can run from five days to three weeks. These compounds are usually administered in water. Offering fresh, clean drinking water to your animals frequently at this time is of primary importance. Flushing the kidneys is absolutely necessary in order to avoid kidney stress. Certain of the sulfa compounds require witholding the milk from human use for lengthy time periods. tlf you have no access to a veterinary diagnosis and loose, bloody stools are rife in the barn and the goats are off feed and miserable, suspect coccidiosis before you sustain losses. You may have to resort to over-the-counter sulfa-based compounds such as Sulmet or Sulfanox. Follow sheep-scaled dosages and provide water in abundance. Relapses at two-week intervals are possible, so be observant.2l I The most important thing is to limit the number of oocysts to which the young kids may be exposed. Keep kids separate from animals with a past history of coccidiosis. Feed stock from separate, new pans and troughs. If obtaining new equipment is not possible, disinfect the old with a strong solution based on chlorine bleach and then expose it to the sun for an extended time period. Don't raise this year's kids in the pens of last year's kids if there was a coccidiosis outbreak. Oocysts can survive for many, many months. Some people treat new kids with low-level doses of a coccidiostat in their bottles when new pens or yards are an impossibilty.22 | Wear rubber slip-on galoshes when visiting other folks' barns or when working in or passing through infested grazing areas. Hose down and sun your galoshes regularly. Sunning and desiccation can aid in limiting oocyst survival. By all means, avoid developing crowded, wet conditions in your stock shelters, yards, and pastures. (My feelings about the complex parasite question are oriented to an ounce of prevention being worth a pound of cure. Overaccumulation of animals undoubtedly helps parasite problems proliferate; avoid it in the barn and on pasture. It used to be a rule of thumb that a goat could be supported on a quarter acte, but in reality land quality, type of vegetation and available shelter make for much variation in the rule. Some experienced persons can tend ten goats easily and well, and some people are swamped by caring for three or four. The thresh-


Bt,lt N(

; nNt ) t't,Fi I )tvt,ll(;t,lN( I,ls

,l rvor:rrwrlirrg 'lrl r,rrlrol ol pirrirsit,cs

is <lillcrcrrt,

lirrnr lrcrd to lrerd.'l'he goal should be

nr{,lrcr lh:rn eradication. Some of these parasites nilry (.v(,lr firnct.i<lrr in some ways to maintain balance in the goat's rrrrr.r orrrlog.y. Aiming fbr a parasite-free goat is probably a waste of

r,rr(,r,t.y t,lral could be more

fruitfully channeled into sanitation or

lrorrsirrg improvement. However, maintaining control through balrn('(' l)revents losses to parasitism. Don't depend entirely on all.lr.rrrical or on all-natural control. Total dependence on chemical antlr.lrnintics can produce animals with little capacity for self-immunizilr'l rosponses and with lowered resistance and chronic susceptibility l.o rr:inf'estation. Total dependence on garlic, rue, wormwood, and othcr rratural vermifuges is unfeasible in the contrived, unnatural mod-

r.rrr setting of small holdings with limited grazing access. Keep a lrt'rrlth watch going every day on appetite patterns, eliminatory patIr,rrrs, and general carriage and attitude. The goatkeeper has a minirrrurn of 730 opportunities a year to observe the herd; most of these irrc moments of well-being. Adding two fecal checks yearly adds to l lr. depth of the health watch and gives care a preventive rather than rr r:risis-symptomatic focus. l.

Irirrn has been totally abscess-free, so I only have the experiences of li'icnds and bookish advice to pass on. Most of the latter is at times wildly conflicting. Letters from friends on the West Coast and compllrints from other acquaintances about having abscesses crop up after lr.arding goats from other herds and then being unable to get rid of t,lre problem, have brought the situation home to me in a personal rrrrd almost heartbreaking way. The really widespread abscess problem today seems to be a contagious condition known as caseot$ lymphadenifrs, caused by the organ ism c orynebac terium pse udntuberculnsis or c oryne bacterium ou is. It, is a lymph system disease that spreads easily throughout the body. of't'en internal abscesses forrn, as well as externally visible ones. Antilriotic therapy doesn't seem to be effective, but a general vaccination rrgainst Corynebacteiahas helped some people's herds. I have had no pr:rsonal experience with this problem, but the current journals and rcf'erence books, goat club speeches, and exchanges and convention l,alk are full of it, and it has become one of the targets, along with rrrccidiosis, of ADGA-sponsored research. Novices shouldn't trv to dir13

Abscesses ( Second to internal parasitism, I would list abscesses as the next rna.jor intrusion on caprine well-being in the United States today. My




advice and lab analysis agnose or lance abscesses' Get veterinary ossible.l


nror1l,ol1l have appeared and you have no access Record any appearance of abstowty' tJptt"""a have you diagnosis, on several animals' you may have scesses in your herd. If they appear and should try veterinary consulc&seoua lyrnphad'eni,t;



if the abscess turns tation by telephone' and vaccination' However' an over-theadminister can out to be an isolated occlJrrence' you direcpackage the to counter antibiotic such as Pen-strep according wiII abscesses Common tions for small animai;;f* ;;t to sivendays' headby or size in decreasing often respona to untnioii" tn"'upy by lanced if it is a runi"*, n.""if"g and healing' An abicess can also be involved with this difficulty a of-the-mill or isolated abscess' Howevet' with a hematoma' a blood-filled U"

i; th"'btrn


is that an abscess "t" """f"sed bruising' which should.not be swelling caused UV t ai'e"t injury or a small amount of fluid from lanced. Check mfo'" fu"1i"g Uy arawlng and syringe. Don't lance the abscess with a "t"rilu;J]"po"uut" needle l the abscess if the fluid is bloodY' ( The discomfort of tt'" u"i-ui and the bodily position of the'abscess lancing. Lancing should always should determine vor' a""i"ion about antibiotic cover' Cleanse the area bv be accompanied by "ift" "-;J";t nuit away from the abscessed area and rubbing and clipping Dry and then rub down with scrubbing with hot J";-t;J water' and two inches wide down at alcohol. Make an incision between one peak incisions tend to leave tlte base of the n,,,"p, "ot ut the peak; sterile scissors' due to i"uJ"q"ut" drainittg' With small ;;;;.k; the drainage channel' clip away a strip of in" "Xi" to widen out with a soap and water solucleanse the abscess"a-ur"" lnoroughly sun and air)' and then apply tion, allow to dry tp,"f"tJfv out in the "squirting it on'"23 I've a topical antibiotic' Spaulding recommends lanced them several times on never lanced a goat uitt"tt f,ut I've procedure' Even when dealing people and dogs. It is a straightforward cheap irregulars are with an isolated uU"*"t' rrJ" s"'gi"ul gloves of stoies' TLe material that drains out usually available you protect will ^t;;;;" the gloves an abscess is loaded wittr pattrogens and or strep bacteria' I sterilstaph unfriendly with from making contact for a few minutes' and use ize scissors u.td ,r""aiu' i" u ptu""*" "ooL"t an initial probe to check for disposable, pr"pu"kafJi "u"Jf"t for doing blades but I prefer stainhematoma. So-" p"3pi" use sterilizedrazot to sunlight and applications ol' less steel scissors unJi'on*' Exposure once new tisstle has vitamin E and goldenseal powder' clverdusted {rlrrted, promote good healing'J

persons far from veterinary services or those who object to 'For systemic use of antibiotics, I recommend the root of Echinacea an' ettstifolia (dried) or the fresh root of Echinacea pufpurea for use in a covering therapy when lancing abscesses, or in reducing or cleaning them out without incision. It may even be useful in combating ccseons lymphad.enitis, but there is no body of controlled experimental data to bear this out. The echinacea root possesses definite antibiotic properties and in my personal experience has been found completely erffective in cases of blood poisoning, mastitis, lymphatic system inflammation, surface boils and pustular outbreaks, as well as in highly resistant staphylococcal infections of goats and human beings. After a nurse of my acquaintance cleared a stubborn staph infection she had <rrntracted at the hospital and carried on and off for years through various antibiotic therapies by a consistent program of echinacea usirge, I entertained what seemed then a bizarre notion of utilizing Ilchinacea angustifolia for milk goats. I began by using it as a cover whenever wounds or cuts were sust,ained. It had the great advantage of leaving no residues in the milk. ll, is slower, cheapet, and less disruptive than the use of broad-spect,rum antibiotics. This vear it effected a cure of peracute mastitis in a golden Labrador when no veterinary would see the dog one weekend. It,s range of activity is wide; it is active against numerous staph and s(,rep strains and against hard-to-identify pathogens that attack the l.yrnph system. Dosage should be one ounce per 100 pounds of body weight adminislered one-half ounce per feeding by directly adding dried or fresh r:lropped root into the animal's grain. If the animal is off feed or you rrrc resting her from concentrates, brew and steep the herb, one ounce

pcr pint of boiled water, overnight in a covered jar, as you would

ol.lrer herbal infusions, and administer the infusion via the animal's

rlrinking water over the day. This herb is not widely employed in l,)rrropean herbal practice and the reader will find no reference to it in l.lrc herbal veterinary writings of Juliette de Bairacli-Levy. It is vital lo rrl,ilize it in a consistent program for from four to seven days, one oun(:o l)er day or more, as above. As with any antibiotic type treatrrrr,rrt., it is wisest not to discontinue use in forty-eight hours just

lrr,clrrrso symptoms have superficially abated. It should also be noted llr;rl, il, works slowly, needing time to suffuse the lymph system, and is

rrol appropriate for acute or very advanced inflamrnatory conditions wlrn. t,irrrc nta.y be of the essence in saving an animal. I have had crpr.rir.rrrts wlr<'ro il, has workttd dramatically in such situations, but rv,rrrlrl ortlv lttlvisc il. iI rro ot,ltcr lri<l wcrt: availableJ


WELL-BEING AND ITS DIVERGENCES Bruises, scratches and tears should be disinfected as above and topically dressed. I treat bruises exclusively with comfrey, in the form of salve, ointment, or a homemade paste of the leaves chewed or
pounded to gumminess. Scratches and tears are dressed with vitamin E squirted from a l00-International-Unit capsule and overdusted with powdered goldenseal. I do this once healing and scabbing have .just started. Get wounded or cut animals out in the sun whenever possible for exposure to its germicidal and healing qualities. Poisonings Salivation to the point of foaminess, weakness, nausea, and profuse vomiting signify the effects of a goat's having ingested poisonous material, usually poisonous plant material. There is goats. Most listings definitely say that wilted wild cherry, rhododendron, azalea. mountain laurel, and yew are highly toxic.2b Agreement

Accidents, in my opinion, form the category of next most threaten-

ingdivergencesfromgoatwell-being.Amongtheselincludepoisoning., cuts, wounds, bruises, and abortions' In all cases of premature nirtn lt is best to call in veterinary help. In this way, the fetus can be aborchecked for any signs of microbial involvement. This cause of and symptoms tion or premature birth is possible but rare'2a Common of lack are: behavior changes in bred does when abortion threatens the from appetite, dazedness, bloody discharge, and keeping back nlra. uost abortions I have seen or heard of resulted from fighting, laustress caused by ingesting toxic plant material such as mountain doe rel, ot other accidents. In any event, call upon your vet so that the
the can be treated to prevent possible septicemia and to make sure all placenta is expelled. If you are without professional help, isolate the the doe and keep her quiet, and then observe to see whether or not a introduce retained, been placenta has pilacenta has come out. If the a administer and passage its uterine bolus designed to stimulate the doe aborted recently a breed broad-spectrum antibiotic. Don't ,r"ry ,r"nt time she comes into heat, even if you lose the season' Give he. time to heal and have her hormones get back on course' I have had good luck breeding does that had aborted, out of season' by boarJirrg them with a buck for several weeks. This will yield a deep winter kiaaing but will produce milk within six or seven months after

no agreement among authorities on just which plants are toxic to

the aborting incident. Overeating is a form of accident, but the conditions it may cause are treated under overeating and underfeeding problems' Surfacecutsshouldbedisinfectedwithhydrogenperoxide'iodine tincture, or clean running water if that is all that is available. If the animal is in good health, no further dressing is needed' Wounds need more attention than surface cuts' If the wound is a botdeep puncture wound it should be washed out thoroughly to the disina with up follow and water hot soapy of tom. i]se a syringe full fectant. In unvaccinated stock, an injection oftetanus antitoxin along with veterinary penicillin is wise. Prevention via vaccination with tetanus toxoid at six weeks or ovel, or the use of a multipurpose vaccine against clostridial infections, is the best approach. A booster after a year will usually yield immunity for years. Immunization is requisite if the goats are being run on land once used by horses' Another important wound-preventive measure is not to run goats in pastures fenced with barbed wire'

stops there. I have witnessed goats eating Saint-John's-wort, mugwort, wild cherry both wilted and fresh and milkweed - mullein, with no ill effects. All these appear in some lists of toxic plants. I have soen a young kid eat early (no heads) milkweed, go into a convulsion :rnd then return to normal within twenty-four hours with no foaming rrnd no vomiting. I have never seen a goat ingest mountain laurel, cven in the tiniest amounts, without becoming violently ill. Feed your rrrrimals more hay than usual when outside grazing offers only laurel (carly spring and late fall). I advise not trying to eradicate mountain Lrrrrel in the pasture by cutting it back or pulling it up. It will resprout vigorously and these sprouts are highly toxic. ll,esponses to toxicity vary from individual animal to animal, and f rom what I have seen, the plant's stage of growth or maturity is also rnvolved. However, we possess no really detailed knowledge on this ;rrolrlem and generally goats do ignore truly harmful plants. It is only wlrrrn they are young and foolhardy, or when little or no other grazing is rrvailable, that they experiment with dangerous foods. There is litlk, .your veterinary can do in cases of plant poisoning. Keep y<lur rrrrirnal quiet and provide lots of fresh, warm water. other poisonings t'rrrr ftrsult from moldy hay or grain, but these are usually minor digeslivr. rrpsets, often revealed by an isolated feces change. The goats will 1i' rll f'ced for twelve to twenty-four hours and heal themselves. Inriprr,r:{,.your hay and grain stores and get rid of spoiled stuffs.

)vtrrc:rting and fJnderfeeding

lll.;rl. f'r.m excessive amounts of gas in the stomach. Over.rrlirrg,rr^'sults lrrslr lt'grrlrrc for:rgc, rlr gorging on grain or (in the case of
I t'/

kids) on milk is the usual cause. The animal gets distended on the lef't, or on both sides, and uncomfortable and sluggish. Keep it on its f'eet. Exercising bloated animals has helped in the minor cases I have encountered. If distension persists and discomfort escalates you need a vet or the assistance of an experienced goatkeeper or dairy farmer. Prevention consists of always feeding hay before turning stock out onto lush pasturage, maintaining a consistent grain-feeding program and keeping grain stores secured from the goats' maraudings. Indigestion also arises from overeating or eating moldy foodstuffs. Gas pains may cause the animals to stornp and grunt and nose at their sides in an ungoatlike series of gestures. Feed a couple of tablespoonfuls of vegetable oil to the anirnal. If a diarrhea and a refusal of feed follows this behavior, you may want to give two tablespoonfuls of china clay (kaolin) in water or Kaopectate. The clay acts as an absorbent for gas and toxins, and helps bind up the system.

wt,lt,t, ttl,IN( i ANt ) I't's I )tvt,jtt.(;t,lN( tt,ls

lo;t ttt'w, lriglrcr



ol riclr irr(,al<c irrc loading calrdirlaLcs f or clrt,cro-

Kct,osis is s<tmetimes described as a disease of undereating.


in pregnant animals close to term. I could categorize it with l)r(.gnirncy conditions, but it also seems to fit in here. It is a nutri-

It oc-

Often described as overeating disease, enterotoxemia has a reputa-

tion as a leading goat killer. Symptoms are foul smelling diarrhea, lack of coordination, little or no appetite, and weakness in animals that were the healthiest in the herd the day before. There is a multiple vaccine that can be used to protect the herd against enterotoxemia and other clostridium-caused conditions. Consult your veterinary and vaccinate. If the herd has not been vaccinated and an
animal comes down with these symptoms, call your vet for immediate antiserum or antitoxin treatment. Outbreaks are almost always traceable to an increase in concentrate consumptions, or a too-lush feed of rich pasture or milk. Clostridia are normally present in the goat's digestive tract, but a normal fibrous diet keeps the activity of these bacteria at an acceptable level. They can only proliferate and get out of bounds in an airless situation. Gorging clogs the goat's system, setting up a puddinglike trap that has little oxygen. In this clogged mass the clnstridia can leap to an abnormal increase and with that extraordinary increase comes a great surge in the toxins they produce. It is enough to kill a goat suddenly. Bulky, fibrous feeding keeps order in the digestive tract. Enterotoxemia symptoms are easily misdiagnosed. I have heard of instances in which not even the autopsy of a dead animal revealed clostridia and so further losses to the herd were experienced.26 Don't push your animals hard toward high production by suddenly increasing their grain rations and feeding hay with a high legume content. Overly well-fed goats that are rapidly changed

lrring on ketosis. It occurs when unusual nutritional demands are rrrade upon the doe. Declining appetite is the first sign. Listlessness ol(,en occurs. If you have a doe that is heavy with kid and due in a few woeks and who has lost interest in food and gets up one morning very slowly and just stands with her head down off in a corner of the stall, purchase Ketostix or Labstix from a veterinary. These are treated st,icks that react when in contact with the urine of an animal that is sLrffering from ketosis. If the result is positive, get immediate veterirrary assistance. Advanced cases do not respond well. If you are not in touch with a vet, get a solution of four ounces of rnolasses or glycerin in warm water into your doe twice daily. This has worked for people I know, but it has to start early. See that your doe cxercises, leading her around for walks several times a day if that is t,he only way. If her appetite picks up and the listlessness disappears, rnaintain the exercise and sugar regimen till term, and gradually increase her nutrient intake by slight increases in the grain. A bran and rnolasses mix works well. This procedure is delicate because you do rrot want to overburden a doe with grain and risk delivery complicali<lns. If the original symptoms persist, make sure you get veterinary assistance. It may be necessary to have a cesarian section done to save the dam and kids.27 When ketosis appeared in a neighbor's herd, a local old-timer recommended I gradually introduce a horse feed with a high molasses content into the ration of my in-kid goats because he thought the dairy ration we had been using locally didn't <rrntain enough molasses and that that may have brought the problem on. I did switch that year and no ketosis occurred.

l,ionirl and metabolic disturbance occurring within the month before lrrrslrening. Often referred to as a blood sugar deficiency disease, its rlirct:t cause is a carbohydrate or protein deficiency. A number of varirrrrt, situations can be involved: an underfed doe, an overfed and rrnrlerexercised doe, or a seemingly well-fed doe that is undernourislred for the multiple fetuses she is carrying. Stress and changes, such rrs moving or severe weather or a change in the ration being fed, may


WELL-BEING AND ITS DIVERGENCES up to your elbows in soap and water, and cut short the nails of your more skillful hand. Get a friend to help restrain the doe if needed. Lubricate your hand and arm with Vaseline or a similar compound surgical gloves confuse the messages your fingertips send to the brain. To avoid postparturition uterine inflammation you will have to depend upon antibiotics administered systemically and on disinfecting uterine boluses.

Milk Fever
and is Milk fever is a condition that occurs right around freshening of the paralysis to due by a lack of available calcium. Falling excitenervous and "urrrud rear legs, loss of appetite, muscular trembling' calcium adminisment signal you to call in a vet' The doe will need propped up if and tered intravenously. K""p he' warm' blanketed' ,r"*rurytokeep-herfromhurtingherself'Thisproblemappearsin are favorable that frign proirr"ers. If it develops in your does, chances the original does in it ?ifi appear in their daughters and reappear of providing consists J,rrirrg titlir peat< productio'*n years' Prevention on the high little a back gooa itin"ruiUutu.t"" in the diet and cutting some Substitute freshening' the week prior to ;;il ration during nourcarefully most the Even ilru.r fo, the regular grain at this point' If fo, iligh producers can come down with milk fever' i"n"a, *ett vet' a from "ur"-.-d far you are and this tendency has upp!^tla in your herd

Your fingertips may run into the water bag in the birth canal.
Break it and move it out of the way. If the passage seems closed or obstructed even in the relaxed pauses between straining or contractions, dilation may not have started, or it may be ending. Ten or fifteen minutes of examination and repositioning of the head or legs should result in the doe's birthing the kid. If it does not, there may be a further problem that your assistance can't help. Fat or elderly does may be beyond your help. Ifyou can get your hand and arm into the passage, you can aid the doe and the kid. If labor has been going on for an hour with severe straining for much of that time, and only the front legs are presented without the head visible, the head is probably turned back. Resist the temptation t,o just pull on the legs. Scrub up, lubricate, and reach in with your fingers and hand to check what has happened inside. Once you have rrscertained the position of the turned head, get a grip on the lower jaw and pull the head into presentation position between the legs. (icntle but firm downward pulling in accord with the doe's straining will help the kid out. Sometimes one leg is folded back. Follow the cleansing and lubrica(,ion instructions and place your hand in the canal, tracing from the prcsented leg inwards with your fingertips. You want to make sure l,lr:rl you are handling the legs of one kid only. You may have to push t.lrc head back a little to reposition the legs. Then move it forward and prrll gently downwards on the legs. Tly to work with your doe's conl,rir<;(,ions or other motions. It, happens at times that a kid may present itself butt end first with lrot,lr legs turned back, a true breech position. Scrub well, lubricate, r,rrl,rrr the birth canal and work your hand carefully in till you locate l.lrl lrocks. Push gently forward above the hock and slip the leg back ovlr t,hc pelvic rim, covering the hoof with your hand so as to avoid {r,rrrirrg t,hc uterine lining. Bring the second leg up to face the canal o;x,rrirrg. When both legs are facing outwards, grasp and pull down
;1r't rl,ly.'rB

prepatoucir via teiephone and keep a recommended calcium detailed dosage-and specific for ration on hand in kidiing season' Can and on since intrav"enous injection must proceed slowly


instructions, target.

Difficult Kiddings
front feet u n.or-al kidding, a doe's kid presents its head and back legs the with first. A rear presentin! position is aiso common' the kid that is exiting first. The o"fy"ptonf"m with this-presentation

beginstobreatheu",oo,'astheumbilicalcordisbroken.Ifitsheadis stillinthebirthounul,thereisdangerofsuffocation'Topreventthis kid is out up to the happening, you can lend a light assist once the and helping the legs ,frorrta"r."Uy pulling gently Jownwards on the kid is stuck and if the ao" g"t the head orri. io" only need intervene If breathing fluids' and not ito,ring out quickly. Cleanse off the mucus hind legs' the by down is not nortal, while holding the kid upside the cord dip and side, its force the remaining mucus Jut by slapping solution' iodine with an and -' slather the navel thoroughly In g"rrurul, if a doe has been iaboring for several hours and straina professional i.rg f; more than a half-hour, it is wisest to call for

shepherd or goatassist or to ring up your nearest most experienced you to assist your force k""p"r. lf isolation and other circumstances

doeyourself,firsttryconstructingasteepartificialslopeinthestall. her front end down for Place the doe with her hind legs up-slope and the kid(s) herself ' If reposition l*".,ty minutes. She may Ue atrto to have gone bv' scrulr straining n.rt,, r,ihe.t fortv minutu""o"o of hard

llnrrsrurl prcscrtl,;rl,ions can be avoided almost all the time by

1..), I



wl,jl,l, lil,ilN(i ANI ) I't's I )tvl,ltiilt,tN(


proper management practices: good nutrition, adequabc exert:isc, :ttt<l exposure to fresh air and sunlight throughout the gestation preri<xl. Two tablespoons of chopped red raspberry leaves and a tablespoon of powdered kelp should be fed daily in the last sixty days prior to kidding to any does that have had a history of difficult kiddings, and to

l'irrk Milk
A lrr,rrv.y prrxlrrt:ur nray show blood in her milk, or "pink milk," in llrr,r';rrl.y wccks o['her lactation but have no other mastitis indicaliorrs. 'l'his condition can result from rough milking or just too much l)r('ssrrr(| in the bag which causes the rupture of small capillaries. Milk lrlr t:irrr:f'ull.y, three or more times a day if necessary, to relieve udder Irr{'ssrlrc. Massage the bag lightly and use warm compresses twice a rlrr.y rrntil the milk clears. As a precaution, I feed this milk to the cats or r:hickens.

first fresheners. ;

Prolapses (eversion)
Vaginal and uterine prolapses do occur in goats, though rarely. They are possibly the result of a genetic factor. References to these conditions are absent in the literature of the natural-rearing school. The primary symptom is a pink, cylindrical protrusion of a small mass from the vulva of an in-kid doe. Caught early, this condition can be treated by confining the doe in a box or narrow stall that slopes her hind end up and her fore end down for part of every day until term. If the protrusion is more than a few inches long, you may need veterinary assistance to place pins in the vagina to keep the tissues in place. Prolapse or eversion of the entire uterus is possible at kidding time, so stay in touch with your vet and have experienced assistance prearranged and available for that week. It may be necessary to cull a doe that suffers this condition.

Oongested or Edematous Udders

You frequently encounter these two udder conditions at the freshcrring of heavy producers. I treat for the puffy, fluid-retaining, edemrrt,ous type of bag, and for the congested, overly hard bag by applying wirrm herbal compresses three times daily, leaving the kids on to srrt:kle if possible (sometimes the udder is too hard and engorged), and
lr.y milking three times a day until the conditions ease up, usually wi[hin a few days. If there is no improvement, start a close watch of {,lre doe and take her temperature twice daily. Some congestions and crlema develop into, or are a sign of, mastitis; some ease off after the st,resses of kidding and incipient production lessen.

Uterine Inflammations: Pyometra, Metritis If your doe goes off feed and you have seen occasional
charges at the vulva, take her temperature.

pus dis-


she is running a fever,

call your vet. If you are on your own, administer an antibiotic from your emergency aid cabinet. Metritis can result from an assisted kidding where you have had to penetrate the doe's reproductive tract, or from a retained placenta. If the doe does not respond to a program of antibiotic therapy, you need professional help and a lab culture of the discharge so that the specific pathogens can be identified and treated appropriately with a more specialized medication.

Any inflammation of the mammary gland, the udder, is known as rnastitis. There are infectious, bacterially caused forms of mastitis and noninfectious types that result from injuries. In the latter, sorerrcss and inflammation can be dealt with by hot compressing and rnassage to soften the tissue, and by frequent milking as outlined rubove. Goldenseal root and elder flower make good brews for herbal

Heat Cycle Oddities If your doe seems frequently in heat at short intervals, there is a possibility of cystic ovaries. A doe not returning to heat once the
in may have a possible retention of the cofpus luteum, a yellow glandular mass in the ovary formed by an ovarian follicle that has matured and discharged its ovum. Veterinary consultation and hormonal iniections may resolve such difficulties.
season sets

Infectious types are treated by veterinary care, usually with an antibiotic regimen. When going antibiotic, I recommend for goats a systemic approach rather than udder infusion. You will probably encounter split veterinary opinion on this question. There is a great deal oF controversy surrounding the entire problem of mastitis and you will have to choose which direction you prefer. In my area there is a land-grant college mastitis lab where herd owners can send milk samples for cultural examination. Once particular bacteria are identified, treatment can be quite specific and focused, and this service provides an excellent preventive tool. In addition to all the health measures




I would like to reemphasize the role prevention. An active and sizeable bacteat-dipping plays in mastitis present in the teat canals. Dipping the terial population is always teats, or spraying them with a converted window-washing spray bottle full of an effective teat-dipping preparation after milking is completed keeps the basic population within bounds and prevents unwanted transfer. For the small keeper, prevention and a reasonable acquaintance with the basic visible symptoms are usually all that is
discussed throughout this book, necessary.

Mild or chronic forms of bacterially caused mastitis are characterized by lumps, bumps, or hardness in the udder. There will be some milk abnormality present, such as clots, blood, or off flavor.
Acute mastitis is characterized by loss of appetite, a hard, swollen udder, abnormal milk, and a decrease in milk yield. Very acute or peracute mastitis will have as signs high fever, weakness and no appetite, very hot, hard and swollen udder, and very abnormal milk containing pus, clots, and blood. It can advance rapidly to a gangrenous condition in the bag if not checked. When these extreme symptoms appear, get your doe and her milk examined by a vet. These conditions are treated antibiotically under close veterinary supervision. Isolate the doe from the rest of the herd, and milk her last so that you do not pass the bacteria to the other milkers. Does on antibiotics must have their milk withheld from human consumption. Observe the milk withholding times of the medications used. Always follow through for the recommended time when undertaking a course of antibiotic treatment, or risk a flare-up. Mastitis is infrequent in small herds. Antibiotic infusion of the udder during the sixty days the doe is dry is usually totally unnecessary. Good attention to disease resistance factors, diet, sunlight and fresh air, combined with scrupulous sanitation and teat-dipping make occurrences rare. Herbalists argue convincingly against use of antibiotics for mastitis in goats and the mainland Chinese veterinary practitioners make extensive use of herbal preparations for treating mastitis. Information on the Chinese practices is scanty now and we know little about either the specific plants used or their methods. Barracli-Levy cites methods involving imposing grain fasts on animals, and using compresses and massage. I would intensify the compressing if the doe is running a fever and also make use of the echinacea preparations I have described in the section on abscesses'

tract. The stones often lodge at the tip of the penis and can be removed by veterinary surgery. Symptoms include a strained, hunched stance when the buck attempts to urinate, declining appetite, listlessness, and loss of sexual interest. Debate is extensive about the causes f<rr urinary calculi. So far, I have encountered the following hypothetical causes: barley feeding, hard water, too high a concentrate regimen, hereditary mineral imbalances, and metabolic imbalances. Herbalists recommend utilizing wormwood or hydrangea root to dissolve calculi. Other recommendations include acidifying the buck's drinking water with cider vinegar or cranberry concentrate in an attempt to acidify the bladder and urethral tract. If removal of tip stones is done, have them analyzed. There are myriad kinds of stones and an analysis of the mineral content may clue you into the constitutional metabolic imbalance you are encountering. If removal of these stones or herbal dissolution do not work, your buck may have a congenital problem that will promote more stone development, often further up the urethral tract. Some owners ask t,heir vets to attempt further surgery on the animal, but this may impair or end breeding capability. A buck that responds to none of t,he treatments and has to be repeatedly catherterized to eliminate rurine will eventually fall to uremic poisoning. He becomes autotoxic b.y absorbing his own wastes since he can't eliminate normally. Diagrrosis and consultation with a veterinary surgeon are imperative, but .you should be aware that an animal that goes on developing urinary l,ract calculi cannot be half your herd and will probably be better off lrumanely put under. Having experienced this particular problem l,hrough the agony of an eleven-month-old purebred, I can now say l,lrat he should have been spared the last month's duress. We were cvcr hopeful because the condition is so rare in young animals, and t,lris particular buck never even ran a fever or lost his appetite right rrll to the uremia stage. But autopsv revealed he was the victim of sorne hereditary difficulty, for he had many calculi all the way up the
rrrinary tract.

Itots, Ticks and Other External Parasites

r.l.y .t,her health problem I have encountered in bucks is their frerqrrcrrl. <rrrrlrrrance of lice, foot rot and other external parasites. It seems
rrr. l,lt;rl, l,hc.y arc more often the victims of these plagues and verrrrirr Llr;rrr rl.r's lirr scv<'ral roas()ns. The.y are not observed and tended lo:r:; :rrrsitlrrorr:;ly:rs {lr. rlrx.s, I.lrr'.y irrc oll,r'rr l<r'11t, in <rlos<,<r>nfincrment

'l'alking of bucks brings me around to a final class of problems. The

Urinary Calculi
A difficult problem that besets male goats is the formation or deposition of stones, commonly calcium crystals, in the narrow urel'hral


wt,lt,t, til,ltN(; nNt ) t't's I )tvl,it(( it,lNIt,iti

Irurrrrrtrs;rnrl rutinrtls. l)o lro[, ttsc it, ott .yottr grxrl,s, sirrrr it, is l,irltrrr rrlr lry l,lrr. lrorl.y, st,orc<l in l,he fzrt tissues, trnd cxcrcl,crl in t,he rnilkli>r a krrrg l,irnc. Okrsr: clipllings, consistently repeated bathing of irrrnted rrlr,irs wit,h goldcnseal infusion, and the use of a sulfa ointment suh as l.lrt oncs prepared for human use in combating scabies (mite inltstat,iorr), have gotten rid of a mange outbreak that was caught ealllil a Iricn<l's herd. And once again, get the herd into the sun.

for long time periods and they can grow to proportions ilnd nr;tr:lt temperamental states where they can be difficult to handle and

Fungal Inroads Foot rot is a fungal infection that can pentrate

goat hooves. Wet bedding, wet ground, and close confinement provide its means. Keep feet trimmed and inspected monthly and your goats exercised, even through bad weather. trf foot rot develops' you may see lameness or swelling. Soak the feet in a hot Epsom salts solution and trim the hooves down to get rid of the putrid matter. Pack with a paste of vitarnin E and powdered goldenseal. Ringworm is another fungal condition that can show up in animals that have had a long, enclosed winter. Advanced cases look horrible, with crusty circles showing around the body, face, and neck. Bathe affiicted places with a goldenseal infusion (one-half ounce of cut root steeped overnight in a pint of boiling water), cleaning off crusty matter and saturating areas with the goldenseal brew. Then dress with vitamin E overdusted with powdered goldenseal. Keep animals in isolated stalls, but get them out in the sun whenever weather perrnits. Sunlight is an excellent fungicidal agent.

'ficks Ticks are big, easy to spot, external parasites. A tras-

lrorn f'riend recommends never pulling off a tick. Remove thert by

coat,ing the tick with nail polish (it suffocates) or by burning thtbick wil,h a lit incense stick - they drop away to avoid immolation, These rrrc tried and true tick-country remedies. I have also seen peophpull
l,ir:ks off slowly with a twisty, rotating kind of motion so that thehead rrrrd whole pest come away. If you keep goats in tick-infested cout-ry,

l<ccp short-haired, short-clipped goats. Severely tick-infested go ats with a rotenone solution. After such a lengthy list of possible troubles, you may be vronclerirrg about all that well-being I said was the rule way back atthe
r:irn be treated

Lice Dry and patchyJooking skin, dandruff, and constant rubbings and scratchings, itchings and twitchings, combined with hair again a confinement losses are indications of lice infestations plague. Exposure to sunlight and fresh air usually controls or eliminates infestations. If the itching and scratching continue and the weather does not allow for much outside romping, secure a louse powder made for dairy animals, or use plain powdered rotenone, and dust the whole herd weekly for several weeks. Make sure the powders are safe for milk animals, and follow withholding directions if there are any. I withhold the milk from human consumption for three days when utilizing rotenone. Quassia chips around the stalls also help
keep the critters down.

Mites Mites cause mange which is signaled by bald patches and pimplelike outbreaks followed by crusty areas, and accompanied by much itching. It can be a serious and highly contagious condition and it can look like many other things. Have a veterinarian do skin scrapings and then follow his or her advice for treating the animals' I recommend that you doublecheck on the ingredients of any preparation you set out to use for mange. In particular, watch out for lindane content. Lindane is a chlorinated hydrocarbon, a DDT relative, dilute solutions of which are much used in combating mite infestations in

lrcginning of this chronicle of possible woe. What will the goaiheper in the small herd? External parasites are occasional. You cal exlxrct to encounter yearly upsurges of internal parasites in mosi htrds. 'l'here seems to be less coccidiosis in climates that experience strere winters, but that is not an absolute. Kidding difficulties are nfre<1uent, as are ketosis and milk fever. In my experience, edemrtous rrrlder and congested udders occur often, particularly among ln-vy lrroducers.and their first-freshening daughters. Mastitis has occured t,wice in isolated instances in my small herd, but it is more frequelL in lurger herds that are kept inside and milked by machine. We hare to oxpect that genetically improved high producers will have a grater share of these types of problems; it just is not natural for a goal to lrroduce sixteen or eighteen pounds of milk a day. We have never had a coccidiosis, tetanus, enterotoxemia, orwseous lymphadenitis outbreak. We keep the number of our goatrlow and have them stalled separately and eating out of individualpans zrnd hay racks, and we allow our goats to do no hobnobbing withloes coming in for buck service or with other goats at shows or fairs.hom a health and contact point of view, they live in a sheltered enironrnent. Through the occasional visits of does coming to be brel .we have had some minor problems brought in - such as goat poyt but nothing major. We have seen our share of accidents includingbrvo abortions brought on by fighting, some plant-poisoning incidenhand

rlrin()r cuts and wounds. Pneumonia, which obstructs breathing, lras
ncver occurred, even though the goat books are unanimous about th<,r case with which goats can be stricken by it through stress, parasitic inroads and microbial activity.3' The goats here endure a climate that can have sixty Fahrenheit degree temperature differentials occur

within a twenty-four-hour period, that is legendarily damp (many humans hereabout suffer from Catskill catarrh), snowy, and wildly variable. Thus far, they have met all the challenges, and are as content in 15"F.(-26.1'C.) weather as they are on an 85"F.(29.4"C.) summer day. With a well-being record and vitality such as this, dairy goats turn out to be a near-perfect starter animal for newcomers to
small livestock.




It is proverbially said that bringing a goat into your house dispels all your troubles. Perhaps the folk wisdom behind this is in the fact that a goat within your dwelling space will keep you so busy and distracted that you will not have time to think about other woes. I have met up with goats in other people's kitchens, usually young kids cnjoying a bit of household warmth and attention during the weeks of deep winter weather common in my region. However, the more ordinary way for the goat to come into the kitchen is by way of her milk. Even today, recipes that call for refined white flour, sugars, and even canned soups as casserole and sauce bases abound in dairy goat literature. Homesteaders go to a lot of trouble to provide their tables with fresh, raw, unadulterated milk, cheese, and yogurt. It seems totally contradictory to add these nutritionally superior, hard won, and delightful-tasting products to canned soups in order to whip out a meal! The paucity of goat's milk recipes that have a whole foods orientation has caused me to do wide-scale experimentation in my own kitchen. The results of this activity are the basis for this chapter.



There is little attention given to meat because we eat little meat. Instead, cheese will be given much attention. When I first became a goatkeeper almost six years ago, there was little information available on home-scale cheesemaking. Over the last three years there has been much exchange on the questions of cheesemaking and the daily use of goat milk in the many publications concerned with food quality and small-household production. However, there are further yogurt and cheese pointers incorporated into this chapter because cooking with goat milk is slightly different from cooking with cow milk, and my handling is somewhat different from that of other printed material now appearing. Butter is only briefly covered here because the goatkeeper needs a cream separator to make butter easily and efficiently and a sizable milking herd to consistently produce a surplus of cream. This is not usually the small-scale producer's situation. The buttermaking material I have included is based on an approach that requires no separators, churns, or other special equipment. As soon as you bring the milk down from the barn, chill it. The container can be dipped in iced water or you can run cold water over it, or stand it in a shady spot in a rapidly running stream. The objective is to reduce the temperature of the milk from its initial 90o to 100oF. (32.2" to 37.8'C.) to the 40"F. (4.4'C.) range. This reduces the chances of bacterial growth and subsequent spoilage. Raw milk keeps well under refrigeration for about seventy-two hours. After that, bacteria will begin to proliferate even under refrigeration, and make the milk taste "goaty." If you expect to have milk standing for more than three days, plan on freezing or culturing it. Goat's milk freezes very successfully and does not separate upon thawing. Thaw it slowly when you need it, and blend or shake it well before using.

d Crrlturing milk has been a traditional method of preserving milk in many areas of the world. In addition to having storage and keeping advantages, cultured milk is more easily digested by the human body than is plain milk. Many culturing agents are bacteria that are highly beneficial to the human digestive tract. Numerous yogurt-making recipes and how-to-do-it descriptions can tre found in the natural foods literature. Since I use about one gallon of yogurt every two to four days, I have developed some simple, workable, energy-efficient approaches to yogurt making. My easiest approach to goat yogurt production is to heat four quarts of goat milk to below scalding temperature and then to allow

the milk to cool to lukewarm. I then place six tablespoons of a high acidophilus yogurt (available in most health food stores) into a glass gallon jar and slowly pour the warm milk into the glass jar, mixing the starter culture throughout. I then cap the jar, wrap it completely in a towel and place it on a warming shelf, or place the unwrapped jar in a Styrofoam picnic hamper and weight down the lid. If left to its own devices, the yogurt will culture overnight or sooner, depending on the general room or atmosphere temperature. I refrigerate without <listurbing or mixing the contents. This method sets up a fine yogurt, without the use of dried milk powder, agat-agar, or gelatin. Once mixed or dipped into, the yogurt may start to get runny. America has gotten conditioned to yogurt that is thick, custardy, dessertlike, or f'rozen.tfFew people are aware of the stabilizers and additives being used to achieve these consistencies. Yogurt from the Middle East or l.lastern Europe is not solid but runny and loose textured. In our lrousehold we have reaccustomed ourselves to the thinner, fine-text,ured, cultured product made without additives. Another approach to yogurt relies upon a specific culture that cult,ures raw milk at room temperature with no preheating required. The I'IMA culture is a freeze-dried, Finnish-derived culturing product produced by persons associated with the Price-Pottenger Foundation. 'l'he great advantage of PIMA is that it cultures milk quickly and <lirectly with no fuss or elaborate preparations. There is not even an rrbsolute need for a stove or refrigerator, or for any fuel consumption. We have employed this culture to produce yogurt for two to three lrundred persons a day over conference weekends. A batch is started lr.y emptying the contents of the packet into one cup of raw milk at rrxrm temperature and allowing it to culture for thirty-six hours. l,arger and larger batches may be made by adding two cups of the rrrsulting culture to each gallon of the raw milk you plan to culture" llcl'rigerated milk or any milk cooler than 65"F. (18.3'C.) must be lroaLed to room temperature. Though the PIMA instructions state l.lrirl goat milk cannot be used for the initial batch of culture, I have rtscd it and have produced both a successful starter batch and many strr:ccssive gallons of yogurt. ln the winter, yogurt will need a special warm spot in your heart rrrrtl home. The culturing bacteria will not be active if the nighttime lr,trrperatures drop to 55'F. (12.8"C.) or colder. Your yogurt making will nccd a warm shelf near a stove, a place atop a water heater, or a Irol,-wat,cr babh of its own. Inevitably, culturing will take longer in the wirrt,r,r anrl will move rapidly in the summer when temperatures in llrr. lrrrrrsc rca<:h fi0o l,o 90nF. (26.7" to 32.2"C.\. One has to become

GOA'I'KI'III)I N(; sensitive to these seasonal changes and avoid thinking tha(, yogrrrl, always takes the same length of time to set up. It is a proccss Lhat, involves various living organisms. Goat milk yogurt is excellent as a salad dressing or mixed with zr compote of dried fruit. It serves as a fine dressing for baked potatoes and improves the taste and texture of mashed potatoes. Potatoes and milk products complement each other's amino acid contributions and thus provide vegetarians with a complete protein when used together. During the summer, yogurt blended with fresh fruit or with honey and wheat germ produces a homemade version of a convenience meal in a glass the East Indian "lassie." Lassies are best when made from very ripe soft fruits such as bananas, berries, and peaches. A dash of cinnamon, clove, or mace brings out the yogurt tartness and the fruit sweetness. East Indian yogurt soup is also quickly made up by blending half a cucumber, three tablespoons of lemon juice, and a pint of yogurt. This is usually refrigerated and served cold. It also makes an excellent, soothing accompaniment to hot curried dishes, summer or winter. Winter uses for yoguft include its addition to sauces and curries. It can be a major baking ingredient, as in the following cornbread:


(l()n't' tN't'ilt,] til't\rilt,tN

lrrril irr w;rtt'r'ovcrrriglr(, rrrrrl t,lrerr purircilrg t,lrcrn irr zr blcndcr'. l,'ill :r nrrrrll r:rrp wit,lr:tlLrrrnirling lavers of the lruit compote and yogurt for ir lr;rl,islyirrg irrr<l protcin-expanded breakfast accompaniment. The enr,r'fi.y. vit,arrrins, and minerals supplied by the fruit will be enhanced by llrr, vil,irrnin, mineral, protein, and fat contributions of the yogurt. ( lorr(, rnilk cookery differs slightly from cow milk cooking because of llrr,rlillcring behavior of the fat particles. Goat yogurt and cheese lnkc slightly longer to set up and custards need another egg to firm llrr,rrr up or require more baking time. Cakes and breads develop very lirrc (,cxture and may need an additional five minutes baking time. All llrcse usually rich foods possess the bonus of being more easily dithan the same foods made with cow milk. Many natural foods that goat milk is not as mucus-forming as cow milk, lvcn violently antidairy purists such as macrobiotic proponents. The wlrcy is highly recommended for persons suffering stomach acidity. It is used either straightforwardly as a drink or more indirectly as an irrgredient in soups and stews. Substituting part or all whey for cookirrg water when preparing whole grains adds both taste and nutrigcst,cd

l,lrcorists agree

1 cup yellow cornm.eal 1 cup whole wheat flour

(bread or hard wheat) % cup raw wheat germ 1 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons baking sodn 2 beaten eggs

1 cup goat yogurt 2 teaspoons horrcy (optional) 31/z ourrces maple syrup (just unrl.er % cup) 2 tablespoons oil

t.ional value. Goat's milk whey forms the basis for an unusual cheese called "gjel,ost." It is easy to prepare if you have a wood-burning stove. After scparating curds and whey in cheesemaking (see below), place three l,o fbur quarts of the whey in a heavy stainless steel or cast-iron pot, rrnd allow it to simmer until it evaporates to a pint of dark liquid. Add one cup of whole milk and continue simmering until the liquid rerluces to a pint again. By then it has become thick and pudding-like. llemove the kettle from the stove before granulation or foaming ocr:rrr. Gjetost has a surprising sweet-salty taste. Some people adore it at

first bite and others immediately detest it and never change their rninds. It makes an excellent spread for whole grain breads and dark
r.ye crackers.

Combine the dry ingredients and mix well.

Mix the wet

ingredients in a separate bowl and add them to the dry ingredients. Mix well. Pour into a shallnw, well-greased pan and bctke in ct.350"F. (176.7"C.) ouen for 20 to 30 minutes or until the top is goldnn brown and a fork com.es out of the mid.dle with rn particles clinging to the tines.
always substitute one cup of goat yogurt for part of the liquid called for by standard whole wheat bread recipes. It improves the texture of baked foods immeasurably. A fine breakfast complement to hot whole grain cereal can be made by soaking several types of dried

The goat contributes to protein-rich main dishes, even in houselrolds that don't eat goat meat. One of my early discoveries was caulillower-goat pie:

Cauliflower-Goat Pie

t head cauliflnwer 2 cups goat millz 3 tablespoons butter or 1 cup grated, hard goat coohing oil cheese 3 tablespoons whole wheat 4 eggs, separated nuhneg, salt to taste flnur

GOATKEEPING Steam the cauliflnwer until tenrJer. Mash and drain in a colander. Make u cream sauce by m.elting the butter in a saucepan ouer m.edium heat. Add, the flnur and stir utith a whip until well blended. Stir in thc milk. When the sauce thickens, add the cheese. Remoue th.e pan from the flnme and ad.d the beaten yolhs and cauliflnwer. Allow to cool and adrl a dnsh of nutmeg. Beat the egg whites until they form soft peahs and fold into the cauliflnwer-cheese mixture. Turn thc whole into a

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pork, cit,lrcr irs stttokctl hanr or s:Iusagc. riorr is rna<lc its fulklws:

meatless, goal-lrased ver-

Meatless Gratin Dauphinois

3 pounds

potatoes, sliced

parboiled and drained

tarragon or other herbs to


2 cups goat milk

Whtly greased f-irrch, deep dish pie pan and bake at 350"F. (176.7"C.) until the top is golden and a knife inserted in the center corrcs out clean. Serues 6 gluttonously
and 8 reasorutbly.

semicured goat cheese

It is delicious served hot or chilled and forms the core of a substantial meal. The cauliflower-goat pie makes a fine meal accompanied by a large green salad and whole wheat yogurt "nan." Nan is a type of quick, East Indian leavened bread:

Layer the potutoes in e buttered baking dish with thin slices of cheese, sprinkling tarragon and a bit of grated, aged goat cheese on euery other layer. Pour the milk ouer all, and top with a thin layer of grated fresh goat cheese. Bake, couered, for 20 minutes at 350"F. (176.7"C.). Remnue the couer and bahe for 10 m.ore minutes until the cheese on top melts and turns gold.en. Pizza can serve as a well-balanced, protein-rich main dish when prepared at home without commercially processed ingredients.

Whole'Wheat Yogurt Nan

1 tablespoon yeast

teaspoon cnnhed
1 cup goat whey

Goat Pizza

2/3 cup warm water 1 cup yogurt 2 tablespoorn oliue oil /a teaspoon salt
Proue out yeast by ad.ding
Low to stand

cardnmnm seed 2 cups whole wheat bread flnur (more may be


it to th.e u;arm water and aluntil foaming and rising occur. Combine yogurt, oil, and salt, and add. to yeast rnixture. Add crushed cardamom seed and flnur until a workable daugh that dpes
not stick to the sides of the bowl is formed. Kncad gently on a flnured board for seueral minutes, then place in a lightly greased bowl. Couer anrl allow to rise for 30 to 60 minutes (dcpends upon how much tirne the cook hns). Cut th.e dnugh into 8 equal pieces, pat into rounrl,ed and slightly flatterted shapes. Bake at 375"F. (190.6"C.) for 20 minutes.

warm.ed to 100"F. (37.7"C.) 2 tablespoons oliue oil 1l teaspoon honey 1 tablespoon dried yeast % cup warm water 2 cups whnle wheat bread
1 quart Italian tomnto sauce (I used homecanned sauce)

toppings: onion and Sreen pepper rings; sliced' mushrooms; bean paste;
sliced oliues; herbs:

garlic, oregano, basil 1 pound soft goat cheese, grated


Another fine main dish that comes to table frequently at our house is an adaptation of an old French country dish, "gratin dauphinois." It combines milk and potatoes, and in the original, some shreds of

Ad.d oliue oil, a pinch of salt, and honey to thn whey. Mie and let stand. Dissolue yeast in water and allow to foam and rise. Ad.d to whey mixture. Slowly add 2 cups of flnur to the moist ingredients. Our household prefers the breadier cntst that d.euelops from using hard red winter wheat flnur; soft wheat flaur ffKry ako be wed. Add enough flnur to form a dough that is elastic and yet comes away from the sidc of


'l'lll,) (ion'l' lN'l'l ll,: t(l'l\llll,lN

f'r'r,slr rrrill< int,o t,ltc lxrwl(s). Cover lightly with br<lwn paper or freezer wrirll, irn<l lrlacc lxrwl on refrigerator shelf. Afber approxirnately one to l,wo tlrr.ys l,he cream will rise to the top. You can skim it with a skimrrring sp<xrn, a shallow spoon with holes that allow the skim milk to <lrrrirr. You can make a homemade version of such a skimmer by drillirrg holes with a jeweler's drill into a bamboo rice paddle or other such slrallow, flattish and wide wooden cooking tool. Most of the cream will s(,ick and stay on the skimmer, but the skimmed milk still has some (:rcam content. d tr Roughly speaking, using a centrifugal separator will yield a pint of crcam per gallon of milk. Such figures are vague because the yield rlopends upon each doe's individual butterfat capability, her diet, the clliciency of the separating technique used, and the stage of the doe's lactation. It is this variability and the difficulty in achieving a high <:ream/milk ratio that makes butter production for the goatkeeping lromestead not too viable. Usually there is not enough surplus milk, <rnough time, or efficient enough equipment to yield a constant sup1)I.y.

the bowl easily. Flnur a board and then knead the <ktq1h for 3 to 5 minutes. Place daugh in lightly greased bowl, couer with dnmp cloth and allnw to rise in a warmplace for
45 minutes.

After the daugh has risen, turn it out onto a lightly

floured board and knead lightly for about a minute. Lightly greose 2 cookie sheets or baking pans. Diuide dough into 2
equal pieces and roll each out nsing a rolling pin with a uery light touch. Carefully lift daugh and place in the pans, gently pushing the dough toward th.e edges of the pans. Heat the tomato Eauce. Spread whateuer uegetables or herbs you're using on the d,ough, lightly ladle on about I cup of sauce per l}-inch pie, and sprinkle the cheese ouer all. Bahe pies in a preheated 400"F. (204.4'C.) ouen for about 20 minutes or until the cheese melts.

This type of pie harks back to thick-crusted, country-style Sicilian pizza and is totally unlike the white-flour, wafer-crusted pizza found in America. By adding a thin layer of cooked and pur6ed beans (pintos, kidneys, or adukis) before adding the sauce and cheese, a very satisfying, protein-balanced main dish is created. Although I add garlic, onions, basil, and oregano to my tomato sauces before canning, I have found that adding a sprinkling of these herbs to the pie before baking is a flavor enhancement.

T*o " and
fundamental cooking ingredients in our household are butter
cheese. Buttermaking becomes more important as herd numbers

is a must. If you are lucky, you may unearth an intact centrifugal cream separator and not have to pay dearly for it, but they are becoming increasingly rare and expensive on the secondhand market and prohibitively expensive new. A capacious churn will also be needed. For occasional, small-scale buttermaking vou can follow these simple steps: Clean and rinse thoroughly a very wide but shallow bowl, or several if you have much milk. Pour strained, but still warm (not chilled)

increase. Small amounts of butter can be produced from cream separated without the need for special equipment, but our two does will not provide enough cream year-round to supply all household butter needs. Once a household begins keeping four to ten milking does, buttermaking can be undertaken consistently, but a cream separator

However, small amounts of butter can be made without elaborate investment or special equipment and the taste treat is worth the eflirrt. Once the cream has been separated and skimmed off, it immediately has to be churned, with a regular churn, or by use of make-do electric rnethods - handbeating with a whisk, use of a low-speed blender, or by using an electric mixer set at a low speed. In the summer, churn your cream at temperatures between 52" and 60'F. (11.1" nnd 15.6oC.), and in cooler seasons at between 58o and 66"F. (14.4" and 18.9'C.). The length of time required for churning and the evenl,ual texture of the butter depends on bringing the cream to these temperature ranges. You can adjust the temperatures by placing the cream container in a water bath of the appropriate temperature. Beat, whisk, mix, paddle, ot churn the cream in a regular, rhythmic way. If you are using electrical appliances this is not possible, but keep to the lower speeds. A sudden textural change in the cream will alert you to the progress of the cream. Add some cool water, if the

is warm, or some 60"F. (15.6'C.) water if the room is cold.

Continued mixing will result in a granular, beady texture. Stop and drain off the buttermilk (save and use), then add cool water, beat gently some more, and drain again, till the water runs off clear. When the butter beads are completely washed, a small amount of salt (I use only one-fourth teaspoon of sea salt per pound of butter) may be added. When butter is made in very small amounts there is no preservative need for the salt, for the butter will be rapidly consumed. Saltt37



ing is a matter of taste. Some people color the plaster-white goat butter at this stage with Annatto, but carrot juice also works as a colorant. I do not bother coloring it at all. We know that goats process carotene so completely that their milk, cheese, and yogurt are naturally stark white, so there seems no real reason to color the butter just to make it seem closer to cow butter. Beat the butter well on a drain board to work out any remaining water. The keeping quality of the butter depends on expelling all the water. Fluted boxwood pats called "scotch hands" are the traditional tool employed at this stage to work the water out. I purchased mine in England years ago, but they are now available at specialty cookware departments and shops in America. Wooden spoons will do, but can crack and splinter under heavy usage. Usually, large quantities of butter are cut up in small units of some convenient size, wrapped, and
stored under refrigeration. Small amounts simply disappear and storage is never a problem. Glass half-pint jelly jars make convenient storage containers for in-between amounts of butter. I avoid setting

containers. l,

milk in plastic bowls to separate and never store butter in plastic Cheese t'Ch""""

is a fundamental cooking ingredient and protein contributor in our kitchen. By producing and storing cheese it is possible to have your goat's produce in your kitchen the year-round. Dr. Weston Price found that isolated Alpine villagers lived wholly and healthily on a diet of raw milk products, particularly cheese, and whole grain, mostly homegrown rye. These people had no incidence of tooth decay or palatal deformations, and had unusually sound general health. In areas where food must be stored against inclement winters during which little or no fresh food is produced, cheese offers an excellent solution. Six or seven years ago there was not too much information available for the home cheesemaker. The situation has changed; almost every homestead-oriented publication now carries information about cheesemaking. Several times weekly, I take out my enameled, twenty-quart canning pot, rinse it, and place it over a stove burner. Three to four gallons of sweet, fresh milk are poured into the pot and the contents are heated until they are brought to 86"F. (30'C.). I use a cheap

Implem.ents needed for hom.e cheesemaking.

thermometer to test the milk temperature. If the milk has overheated, I let it cool down to 86'F. (30'C.) on its own, or add some cold water or milk if pressed for time. One rennet tablet dissolved in onehalf cup of water is added to the warmed milk.

I)i,sxthtc rennet tablet in cool water.


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krrift', r:u{,t,ing t,lro rnass into many small, evenly sized cubcs.'l'lrc crrrrls l.hcrr sink to the txrttom of the pan. At this point I wash and dry and then plunge them into the cheesemaking vessel. By lrirrrrl, I break the curds up more, with a gentle squeezing motion. A l't,e r the curds sink back again to the bottom of the pot, I set a large
rrr"y lrands

Add dissolued rennet when milk, is at 86 degrees F.

Most rennet is derived from the lining of a calfs stomach and is a curdling enzyme active in the 80'-to-100'F. (26.7"-to-37.8"C.) temperature range. There are "rennets" derived from nonanimal sources available commercially. All nonanimal curdling products are more expensive than ordinary rennet with the exception of curdling herbs you may gather yourself, and all, in my experience so far, set a less dense curd and required a longer set-up time than animal rennet. They are effective and produce fine-tasting cheese with goat milk. (Rennet source information is included at the end of the resources.) I have used three different "vegetable" rennets, each of which had its own idiosyncracies. Most of the time I use regular rennet. The usual recommendation for use is /+ tablet to each gallon of milk. I use slightly more for curdling goat milk, 1 tablet for 3 to 3/2 gallons, and 1% tablets for 4 to 5 gallons of milk. Goatkeepers I know who keep Nubians usually make their cheeses with l+ tablet per gallon of milk. The curd will usually set up within the space of twenty to thirty minutes, but it can take up to forty-five minutes with goat milk. When the curd is firm and clearly separated from the thin greenwhite whey liquid, I slice it through and through u'ith a long-bladed

This curd has set and is ready to be cut up.

Cut firm curd into small, euen pieces, then allow to settle.



't'illt (;oA'l' lN'l'l ll') Kl'l'(ll ll'lN


pieces; allnw Wash hands, th.en break up settled' curd into euen smnller to resettle.

well' Herbs Add % tablespoon of sea salt per pouncl of curd and' mix
mny be add.ed at this stage too'

ovel a capacious bucket' colander lined with a cotton bird's-eye diaper durable than most of more and texturld flner These diapers ur" -r."h are pushing the cheesecloth I have used for cheesemaking' Pampers

h*aorrthecottondiaperbutold-fashioneddiaperscanstillbefound curds-and whey with some energetic ,e,"u'"h' I pick up the pot of and pour the without disturbing the curd.s t"itlud on the bottom, colan-

After curds haue resettled' pour off whey'


diaper-lined wh"y lrrto the bucket, catching all the curds in the without agitatdone be to has that op"'uiiott der. This is one smooih the diaper and squeeze irrg o, redistributing the curds' I then pick up of sea-salt to o,ri *nut additional whey I can. I add 1% tablespoons then I tie off the curds and, at the sarile time, any herbs I wish' and place' dry the diaper and hang the ball of curd in a high and upon the depending. longer' or week a for cure to cheese I leave the it under a mn I type of cheese I want. When I take the cheese down' from away pulls of warm water tiil the cloth is wet and light blot cheese' "treuof the cheese without resistance' For a well-aged Iti" foav and oil vegetable the chelse and rub it down with a light coating of and week every Turn allow it to cure further on a rack in adry spot' in placed be can check for possible mold. After six weeks the cheese soft' year' For next the back lf tn" refrigerator and forgotten till


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Tie curds off in a chcese bag, cotton diaper or two layers of ch.eesecloth.

it down with oil. Wrap the cheese in another cloth and store it in a bowl in the refrigerator for use as needed. We use these semicured cheeses for everyday eating and cooking. Many of our everyday favorites are less than a month old. Some of them are even younger, only a few days of age, and come close to cottage cheeses or ricotta in taste but are firm textured. I also salt slices of fresh cheese and store them in brine made of one tablespoon sea salt to one pint of water. This cheese is used in salads and in cooking. Cottage cheese is made by draining the whey off, salting the curds minimally, and then packing into widesemicured cheeses, dry the cheese gently and do not rub

Squeeze bag tightly to drain remnining tohey.

mouthed glass jars. few days.


is stored in the refrigerator for use over the next

The aged cheeses will dry into good-quality, hard grating cheeses within four to five months. They become sharper and more tasty with further aglng, but I do not leave them unrefrigerated, for they are subject to much molding in the humid and changeable climate of the mountains where I live. When I set them in the back of the refrigerator for a year's aging, I usually wrap them up in brown paper bags. Cheesemaking by this process is simplicity itself and requires no fancy equipment and no pressing, fussing, or paraffining. An enormous range of cheese can be produced by this method. I am indebted

Hang the cheese up to drain further and to cure.





lN'l.l ll') Kl.l\)lll,lN

for the germ of the idea to John Seymour's passing mention of it as an old,Scottish highlander's technique at the end of the cheese discus-

In addition to producing cheeses that are different in character due to the length of the curing period, I am able to produce variety by introducing various cultures to the curds. If I wish to make a blue cheese or a tilsit, I inoculate the curds before hanging them out by adding shavings of a mother cheese in the same manner as that in which a starter is introduced to a new batch of yogurt. But watch out for blue cheeses! Two years ago I inoculated some curds with fine shavings of a good-quality French Roquefort and then had blue cheeses turn up every succeeding time I made cheese for several months. The spores of the Roquefort mold had escaped and set up housekeeping in the stucco ceiling of my kitchen. New cheeses came out blue as the Roquefort spores found new curds to conquer. I also utilize a wide range of herbal ingredients to produce unusual and tasty cheese. Raw, minced garlic, one clove per pound of curd, produces a rich and surprisingly mellow cheese that is a leading favorite among family, friends and customers. Be careful to use fresh, firm garlic cloves. Moldy or old garlic may bring unwanted cultures and spores to the new cheese. Saut6ed onion makes a delicious cheese addition, as do fresh chopped chives and green onion tops. Two other favorites are sage and caraway cheeses. I add one teaspoon of finely crumbled dry sage leaves to each three-to-four-pound ball of curd; others may prefer larger amounts. One tablespoon of caraway seeds per three-to-four-pound curd ball produces a delicate cheese. Small amounts of sage, thyme and garlic will combine well to produce a cheese slightly reminiscent of the best cured sausages. Two or three tablespoons of yogurt or buttermilk added to the drained curds produce tangy, fresh-tasting cheeses that combine particularly well with scallions and chives. I also make a good cream cheese spread by hanging a gallon of goat's milk yogurt out overnight in a diaper bag to drain. The fresh yogurt-cheese left in the cloth in the morning is delicious and very creamy. Before leaving the cheesery, I would like to discuss the apex of goat milk cheesemaking: producing the classic French-style chiure, a finetextured, dry, unpressed cheese produced in small quantities by traditional methods. I am indebted to Mme. Danielle Haase-Dubosc Gloag for her first-hand research and her observation of Mmes. Roux and Litaudon, French countrywomen, working at their craft in the locale of La Roquelle, Burgundy, France. Modern pressures seem to be ret46

sion in Farming for Self-Suffiriency.


- goat milk and heat it slowly 'l'ake 2t/z gallons of sweet fresh to tt(;"F. (30'c.). Traditionally, stoneware pottery was used as the vessel, bul, enameled ware does well in its place. Add a scant demitasse sprxrnful of concentrated French rennet (prdsure), and keep the milk vcssel in a cool spot at 55" to 65'F. (12.8' to lg.g'c.) to keep it from f'crmenting. The milk will curdle and curds and whey will separate. 'rhe curd must set till it is very firm, anywhere from twelve to lwenty-four hours. Judging the right degree of firmness is a learned art. The curd must be firm enough to be placed in special draining cttps that have holes on the sides and bottom. old-fashioned, tinned draining cups were once the rule and are still preferred by many lraditional French dairywomen, but the person who sent me my tlraining cups could only find the more modern plastic type. The curd rnust not slip through the holes, but it is important to start draining t,lrc curd as soon as possible. Evaluating the consistency of the curd ultrl keeping it cool are delicate matters requiring repeated experience. It'ill the draining cups three-quarters full of firm curd and place the (:ul)$ on a draining board. I use a stainless steel cake-cooling rack set ovor & basin. Allow the curd to drain for twelve hours. At that point, it, should be firm enough to stand upright in your hand. salt the curd b.v sprinkling all sides lightly with sea salt. This will produce a semihrrr<l-Lo-hard cheese. Then up-end the curd, reverse it, and place it lxr<rk in the cup(s). Drain for twelve hours more. If you are interested irr pr<ducing salt-free or very soft cheese, do not salt. However, I have lirrrrrrl that unsalted curd tends to mold quickly inside the plastic cups Ir.rr in the uncompromisingly damp catskill climate. From this experi.n.e I would assume it is very hard to produce a soft cheese in a wet

rlrrr:irrg t,lrc nurnbcrs <lf'purple engaged in the old processes in that rrrclr. 'l'lrc rcnuwcd interest in goatkeeping and home cheese product,i'rr rcr:urring in America may serve to help keep alive and dissemirrul,e thcse old French methods and a truly great cheese.

Af't,er twenty-four hours in the draining cups, remove the cheeses. 'l'he soft, farmer's-type cheese can be refrigerated or used immediaLcl.y. In France, the ones that are to harden are laid upon a bed of st,raw, <lr suspended from hooks in a small rectangular cage of net or scrccning outdoors. I have found that bird's-eye diapers and the cakec<xrling rack are adequate alternatives for airing. The cheeses should be outside at this stage and need protection from insects. Derni-sec will be cured and ready to eat in one to two weeks, depending upon the weather conditions. Sec takes three weeks or more. If'y'ur curd has holes in it, too much curdling agent was used or


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)A'l' lN 'l'l ll'l l( l'lIl ll'lN


the curd was left in the whey too long. It must go into the cups as soon as it is firm enough, but never earlier than eight hours from tht: start of the procedure. It will look firm long before it is actually ready to drain. Reserve a cup of the whey from the first batch to culture succeeding cheeses. The cupful is added in one or two tablespoon lots when the rennet is added, and all is gently stirred. I started my first batch by adding some shavings of purchased chdure to the set curd. Experience and adaptation to varying weather conditions are very important ingredients. In the opinions of Mmes. Roux and Litaudon, the kind of goat does not influence the cheese, but the goat's diet does, and so does thunder-showery summer weather. In March and April, Mme. Litaudon brings her mixture into the kitchen so that it will be warm enough. When the weather gets hot, humid, and heavy, the milk vessel is moved outside to some shaded, cool spot. These cheeses are known in our household as the "holey-cup cheeses" and are well worth the little extra watchfulness they require. The French holey cups can be reproduced by a good stoneware potter.They come in various sizes, are smooth and straightsided, and have holes pierced through the bottom and sides. It is interesting that these country cheesemakers have also evolved nonpressing methods for handling goat milk curd.

trlu,ttl ltrrslt'y ll.otrr (yott m.rqy rtlrt!, sl'i.ghtly rnttn: tluur'2 t:tr1ts) rtttr! stt.l.l " Mi.x llr'ttrtttt4hly u'nd odd sesame seeds' Roll the tktrqlt. irtl,tt rr, lxtll u,ntl t:hill thctroughly for 30 minutes or

llt,l,t'!ltt,t,t,}ll,lttllll,tlil tuul Ilh'tul' ux'l,l'.

itt' lltt,tt'lttllt

Il/cntl, tlut milh, eggs, ancl hard cheese (if you're using stl'|, t:lu:esc, kryer it with the uegetables when mnhing up tlx' ltit') ttncl the sPices.

Iitilt out the tlough and place it in a L}-inch pie pan' I'l,t:. the clrainecl inct sautdert uegetables in the crust' If are using soft cheese, sprinkle it ouer the uegetables' ^vou. I\nt,r the milk-egg mixture ouer all' Bake at 350"F'

for 30 rninutes.

or in Mirn.y variations on this basic theme are possible' Add alone

r,or rr lrination:

Main Dish Recipes

Now that the goat gourmet has a storeroom full of diverse cheese treasures, we can return to main-dish use of goat produce. Over the summer season, one of the most savory uses of the goat and the garden is to prepare the vegetarian answer to the quiche Lorraine:


Vegetarian Quiche Lorraine rl 2 onions, sliced /t cuP toasted sesame seeds 1 4 large Swiss chard leaues, cup scalded goat milk, cooled to lukewarm ch.opped beaten 3 eggs, /z cup boiling water 1/z cup uegetabl,e oil (dnn't 1 cup hard, grated goat ch.eese (you mny use soft use oliue oil) pashy ch,eese) wh.eut 2 cups whnle
/2 teaspoon salt
dnsh of nutrneg

and drained fresh red ripe tomatoes cubes of tofu -smalllayer of pur6ed and cooked beans -thincup of cooked and drained chickpeas -1/zcup cooked, drained, cubed eggplant or -1summer squash stearned broccoli -1 cuP cup saut6ed and drained sweet peppers ,l'lris dish-1 is eas^ily adapted and expanded to fit increases in amount of very flexible since it is tasty ;irrrtlen produce or quantity need. It is can be avoided by taking sogginess chilling, o,'.u"d hot or cold. When well' additions vegetable r,xt,ra care to drain all goat Another excellent *uy to use home-produced milk, eggs and envy of all clrceses is to prepare souffi6s. The dairy goat souffi6 is the unusual achieves it because cookery French in who alngttt


l.lrose lightness and taste.

"Dairy Goat Souffi6

3 tablespoorts butter or
uegetabl'e 1 cup hard, grated goat


teaspoon tarragon

3 tablespooru flour 1 pint goat milk

7 cwp assorted chaPPed,

Sq.utd onions anC chard until tender. Pour into a colander to cool and drain. In a bowl, pour the boiling water

1f teaspoon sea salt dnsh of nutmeg 4 to 6 eggs, seParated

sautded, drained uegetables: broccoli, green peppers, onlons' tomntoes, squush,es



Mahe a cre&rn sauce by melting the butter in a suucepan ouer a med'ium flame and then ad'd'ing the flour' blending with a whip. Whein well blended', slowly add' the goat milk' ,ttitng to preuent lumps from forming' Add sea salt an'd well' nutmeg. Add' beaten yoih" to the cream Eau'ce' stirring th'e Beat Adi cheese and uegetables, remnue from heat' them egg whites until they form stiff peaks and slowly fold into the creanl' Eauce' Pour the entire combination into a 350"F' buttered. souffk baker of 2'quart capacity' Bahe at risen has (176.7'C.) 1oi SO to 60 minutes until the soufrli 'and. the with table the iop is puffy and' gold'en' Rush to the the hits it when ii-quickly, for it collapses ,o,ufil" ora "oi cooler air outsid.e the ouen-

Custard is set when the blnde cotrles out clear and clean. Add % cup desiccated, unsweetened coconut for a fine uari_ ation. Reduce the honey to I ounce because the coconut is nnturally quite sweet. Adding 1 cup of cooked and welldrained winter squash or pumpkin makes an unusual hon_

will be shorter) Dust top with ground nutmeg. Set dish in a shnllow pan of water and bake in a SS0"F. 1lf6,Z"CS ou"n for 50 to 60 minutes. Test for firmness by inserting a knife.

"Ri"" Pudding Custard

2 cups cooked or leftouer brown rice % cup raisira, clrrrants, or dried apricots and 1/2
cup chopped almonrJs

cheeses substiare fiquant and similar to Greek spinach pies' Brined work well in also They for calling fetacheese' tute iaeaUy in all recipes or enchiladishes calling for mozzarella and in Mexican-style burritos cheese' das that call for melting


little or no miat is consumed in our household there is a get an adedefinite need fbr a source of vitamin B, in our diet' We
quate supply by incorporating dairy products in our diets' Cholesterol

3 beaten eggs 2 cups scalded goat milk, cooled to lukewarm.

2 tablespoons honey I teaspoon sea salt 1l teaspoon cinnamnn fu teaspoon ground, cloues 1l teaspoon nutrneg I tablespoon whole wheat flnur

isnotaprimary*o''ybecausewe'reallveryactiveandbecausewe ur"ua"q"utelysuppliedwithunsaturatedfattyacidsfromvegetable

hereoil sources. After our first winter in the rough mountain climate to used abouts we had to work in more fatty foods than we were supplied has eating in the city. The richness of goat's milk products that need. old-fashDesserts are always eagerly anticipated when they are ioned custards or a puff of a goat souffi6:

Place coohed rice in tightly greased, baking dish. Add dried fruit and nuts and, mix weII. Blend. o-iirirg ingre dients and pour ouer rice mixture. Set dish in shal1ow'pan of water and bake at SS0"F. (176.2"C) for S0 to 40 miiutes till custard has set. A layer of sliced apples lining th.e bot_ tom of the dish works well too.

inl,o rr natural food treat:

'l'lrrr fr'rsa.h dessert cake known as qu&tre-quarts can be turned lt

'' Horr.Y-Goat Custard

4 eggs,

2 cups goat milk, scalded' /2 teaspoon uanillu ind' cooled' to luhewarm extract (or scald milk with a uanilla bean in 1l teaspoon sea salt it) 1 tablesPoon whole wheat
PastrT flnur greased Blend' all ingred'ients and' then pour into lightly time baking but used be may baking dish' (Iidiuid'ual cups


2 ounces honeY

Natural Quatre-Quarts
/2 to 1 cup whole wheat

4 eggs, separated 4 ou,n<:es honey 4 rilt.n.ces goat butter


(ltnt.ltin,r: egg yolh,s with honey, then add goat butter and ni.r.' tuel.l^ Mix in flour. Beat the egg whites untit they form a-li/l'1xwh.s u.nr| fttkl skntly inn m,ixture. piu'r





tii first b,ttert:il riry!_tytrt.







't'il|,i (;()A'l'lN

ally dn this in two stages, placing seueral teaspoorus of homemade jarn atop the fi.rst pouring of the batter, then add.ing the rest of the batter to seal in the jam. Bake at 375"F. (190.6"C) for 50 to 60 minutes. After
remouing from the ouen, allow to cool for 30 minutes before rel.easing from pan. Half a cup of raisirw and 2 tablespoons

Otuli{lowcr Crctrm

I I |u,blcsptnn, I kiltk:sltrxtn

trttt.ter It.atuI ctr.rt.lifktutcr


I pint goat milh

2 tablespoon^s butter,

butter or oil whole wheat

yogurt, or cream
salt, nutmcg to taste

of lemon juice produce a good-tasting uariation.

Cheesemaking seems to lead naturally into custards and souffi6s but there are many dishes that utilize milk as the major ingredient and depend little upon cheese. Soups fall into this category, and seem to be increasingly popular. Creamed soups make good use of seasonal fresh or frozen horne-grown produce and are highly nutritious and digestible made with goat's milk. Broccoli, lettuce and cauliflower are spring or cool weather vegetables that work well in soups. Tomatoes, zucchini, and celery are the major summer soup vegetables. Potatoes, pumpkin, cabbage, and root vegetables are the mainstays of winter

fkttuer- Couer tightly and cook

water and then cut and add entire head of cauliuntil the cauliflower is soft' I)repare a light cream s&uce cts described aboue with the bu.tter, flaur, and milk. Purde cauliflower with part of its steaming water and add to cream sauce mixture. Put entire soup through a blender, if smooth texture is dcsired, add'ing rnore cooking water if mixture is too thick. Return soup to heat, add butter, yogurt, or cream, salt and a dash of nutmeg. Depending upon the size of the cauliflnwer, this soup serues 5 to 7 persoru.


Cream of Green Soup Creamed Broccoli Soup

2lnrge heads romairue

1 teospoon curry 7 teaspoon tarragon

2 cups goat

2 cups fresh,

I quart fresh goat milk chopped 2 tablespoons butter, broccoli yogurt, or credm 1 chopped onion, including
1 teaspoon curry powder

green top 3 tablespoons oil 3 tablespoons whole wh.eat

3 onions, including green tops 3 tablespoons oil 1 tabl,espoon whole wh.eat

/z cup water milk

Wash, drain, and cut lettuce finely. Chnp onion finely, sautd un,til transparent, and add lettuce. Sautd briefly until Lettuce wilts. Add whole wheat flaur, curry, tarragon, and % cup of water. Simrner 3 minutes. Purde ingredients in an electric blender. Return to flnme and slowly stir in goat milk. Heat until well blended. Serues 4 to 6.

Sautd the broccoli and onion in 1 tablespoon of the oil. Add a few tablespoons water anrJ couer tiehtly.While the uegetables steam, heat remnining oil in a saucepan ouer moderate heat. Stir whole wheat fl,our into the oil, then slowly stir in 1 pint milh. When sauce is thickened, add it tct the steaming uegetabks, and allow rnixture to simmer until thick. Put I cup of goat milk in blend.er, add half the uegetable mixture and purde. Repeat with remnining milk and uegetables. Return s.ll the soup to a saucepan and slnwly reheat. Add 2 tablespoons of butter, or yogurt, or creem, and 1 teaspoon curry powder. This soup serues 4 heartily, and can be eaten hot or cold.

This soup can be made with wild greens substituted for half the an excellent variation. Serve the sorrel soup cold with a goat yogurt garnish. One cup of fresh green peas are ru delicious addition; add to the soup when it is returned to the flame lirr reheating.
!cl,t,uce. Sorrel alone makes


Cream of Tomato Soup

1 smnll onion, sliced 3 tablespoons oil 1 quart goat milk


4 tablespoons whole wheat

Pumpkin Soup
7 onion, diced and steamed

4 cups cooked tomntoes 1 teaspoon honey

1 small purnphin or winter

2 cups goat milk


1l teaspoon powd.ered

utes until thickened. Pur6e cooked tomntoes in blender with honey and. a dash of salt. Sieue to remoue seeds qnd, then add tomatoes to the thickened milk. Stir well and, re_ heat. Pour soup into seruing bowls containing a teaspoon of butter or grated goat cheese. Add chopped fresh basil and chiues to bowls. Serues 6 to g.

Sautd onion in oil untit transparent. Add mitk and, sim_ mer. Mix flrtur with a few tablespoons of water and then add to the milk and onion. Cook ouer low heat for 15 min_

squash 2/2 cups water (use water from steaming)

1l teaspoon ginger
cooked brown rice

fo teaspoon nutmeg

_ Blend uegetables, watur, qnd milk in erectric blend.er. Return to heat and add. spices. Serue ouer 2 to J tabk_ spootls cooked brown rice in indiuid,ual bowls. Sometimes I reheat this soup in a large, hollowed._out pumpkin in a slout ouen, and serue it from the shett at the iable.

Cream of Zucchini Soup

2 pounds diced zucchini 2 oniorts, minced 2 cloues garlic, minced

Cream of Roots Soup

1 large turnip, thinly 2 carrots, diced

3 tablespoons uhole wheat

sticed I

3 tablespoorrc


flnur 1 quart goat milk 1l teaspoon oregano

parsnip, thinly


4 diced potatoes

diced, onion 1/2 cups water 2 cups goat milk

herbs and gently reheat together. Seruis 4.

I teaspoon thyme Steam uegetables titt soft in /2 cup of water. prepare cream sauce es for Creamed Broccoli Soup. Add sauce to steamed uegetables, stirring thoroughly."i"o^ Add,
Cream of Celery Soup
2 onions, minced 2 potatoes, diced 1 cloue garlic, minced Sautd
5 cups diced fresh celery

Scrues 4 to 6.

skwly add goat mitk. Cook ouer low heat untit thick.

soup hettle' reduce the frame and, o,ilow to simmer until the rx:getables are soft. Mash the uegetables, th.en remaue half rr,rtd purde them in a blend,er. Return to th.e kettle and

Bring uegetables to boil in the water in a tightly lickled

3 tdblespoorrc oil 3 tablespoons whole wheat

Country Velvet Potato Soup

,7 onions, thinly sliced ,\ tablespoons oil 3 pounds potatoes, thinly sliced

1/2 quarts goat milk


2 cups water
1 quart goat


Li.ons rtr

all uegetables in oil in a large kettle. When they soft and transparent, stir in flnur until well coatei. add 1 pint of mitk, constantly stircing. Remoue llowb from heat source. Blend mixture in blendcr, adding more'milk (Ls necessary. Return purded mixture to soup kettle. Reheat to.iust below scalding temperature. Top with chopped scala,ye

parsley. Serues 6 to g.


for nltttt' n,/tt,rili.rtg. Ath!. rcrrloining m.illt an.cl crxtk on tou, heat I'i' lo ttttt^' tttitttrrt's- Athr t'rutTtlxtr t'rit,t,s rtr st,o,r.ri,ns.ft.*t ln'lr tt t' :;(,t't tt nl:.,Sr,rlr,.s,9.

*s ttttrlrtl.

lltnttrglt, frxxl. m.i,ll, using the cooking water and, some milk

Stt,tr.tti on,ion in oil, tilt uery soft. Boil potatoes in water It.ll w'ry xft. Blend 2 uegetabtles in -btender or mnsh

to ta,ste uith salt antJ return to


GOATKEEPING Cream soups can form the core of a meal when accompanied with a whole grain bread and a salad ofraw vegetables. Root vegetables that are steamed to doneness, then mixed and baked briefly in the oven topped with four to eight ounces of goat milk and a cheese topping also provide a protein-rich core casserole. In the summer, tomatoes, eggplants, and squashes can be turned into fine casseroles by simply slicing the available vegetables, layering them with slices of fresh goat cheese and green onion tops, and baking in a hot oven for ten to
lrrurks, for meat purposes today unless you are raising your own hay rrnd grains. Even then, dairy-type animals do not develop the optimal r:lrrrnky, blocky meat-type body. When the keeper is compelled to buy li:cd and hay out, the buck will require $80 to $100 in support outlays

fifteen minutes. When the surplus gets out of hand, I dice up the tomatoes, eggplant, squash, and onions, saut6 them until tender, and can the mixture as ratatouille by adding four tablespoons vinegar, one-half teaspoon salt, and garlic, basil, and oregano to taste per quart of mixture. Ratatouille forms a fine winter meal either as a casserole base or as a filling for whole wheat cr6pes layered with melted goat cheese.

My final use for goat milk is as a beverage. One of the most refreshing and varied, and easiest things to do with raw goat milk is to infuse herbs into it. The mint family tastes particularly good in milk. Elder flowers, lemonbalm, and bergamot are also good infused in raw milk. Fennel and aniseed in milk are old European favorites. The peppermint milk is a pick-up; the seed milks and bergamot are soothing and relaxing aides to digestion. Elder flower milk is refreshing and has the reputation of helping to purify the blood. Heat milk to below scalding, pour it over the herbs, and allow it to stand ten minutes with a cover or flat dish over the cup. The infusion may be sweetened with a little honey for children's palates. Starting winter mornings with a warm honey-nutmeg-goat milk combination cheers the grayest days.

Goat Meat
Goat meat is known in English as "chevon." In my youth, local Italian butchers used this term to their American customers to refer only to meat from animals older than kid stage. Italian and Greek sources I've queried distinguish only between young, entirely milkfed kid meat and goat meat from animals older than two months. Somc writers refer to several stages: the milkfed kid of four to six weeks of' age, male kids slaughtered soon after birth (seven to twelve pounds), young wethers of six to eight months age, and old animals being culled from the her"d.12,13 It is not economically advantageous to raise wethers, the castrate<l

lirvorable in pork raising. For the meat-eating household, I would rct:ommend raising surplus buck kids only to the three-to-six-week nHc-range and feeding them exclusively on goat's milk. This will yield n superior, tender, white-fleshed meat, and requires no additional or r.xt,cnded cash support. Kid meat is relatively fat free as compared to lrrrnh. It is delicious, and without the stringy, sometimes tough charnlt,ur of chevon. This approach also puts the least pressure upon the ktt'Jrer when considerations of stall space are a major concern. l)irect, guided experience is vital before undertaking any type of Irornestead butchering. I suggest you make contact with experienced lncrrl farmers, butchers, and hunters, and that if interested in butcherirrg, you be present at and participate in several slaughtering and rlrr,ssing sessions before going ahead singlehandedly. The two methorls I have seen my local free-lance butcher use for kid slaughter are errrllkrying a hammer and awl-like instrument to deliver a blow to the rr.rrl,cr front of the head, and using a small hand gun, both of which rr.sulled in a clean kill and instantaneous death. Both approaches rlt.;x'rrd on practice and an unflinching attitude. If you are not prepirrcrl to take butchering on as a routine chore, it is worth the few rlollrrrs to have young buck kids slaughtered, bled, cooled, and proplrl.y <lressed out by an experienced farmhand, hunter, or game lrrrl,r:lrcr. Fall is the busy season in my region for such people. In the n;rrirrg, when kidding season is at its height, it is usually possible to llrrrl someone available for these jobs at a minimal cost. The simplest wrry lirr the keeper who does it at home, and the cheapest way when errg,rrging a butcher, is to dress the kid out in quarters. Each quarter lrrrrrrs t,he core of a meal, packs easily into the freezer, and requires littk.r,xt,ra labor or fancy carving skill. Wlrrrrr undertaking a slaughter at home, do not feed the kid(s) for a rl;rv, rrrr<l t,hen totally remove them from the eyesight and earshot of llrr.rlrrrrr rrnd herd. After killing the animal with either a gunshot to llrr lrr.irrl or a blow directed as described above, cut the jugular vein t h,rrrrl.y ;rrrrl hang the animal head down to bleed out. If you improvise arrrl lrrrrrg 1,h<' anim:rl f'rom :r structural member of a building or from H lrr.r'lrr;rrr<'lr, rrrirlir.srrrc l,o sclc<:(, a high trxrint, so that dogs, roaming

rrnd does not return a lot of dressed-out meat. On a straight dollar lrrrsis, it is probably more viable to put those dollars and surplus milk irrt,<l rearing piglets to meat, for the feed-meat conversion ratio is more



raccoons, or other predatorc have no access. skinning is done by slitting the carcass pelt deep, from the hind legs up to the throat, and making ancillary cuts along the inner sides of the legs. cut and loosen the pelt from the anal area. some people tie off the coron at this point to prevent any spillage of the intestinal material. Once you have pulled the pelt away from the anus, work to separate the thin, furry skin from the legs. The pelt can usually be pulled away up to the ears once the leg and anal parts of the pelt are freed. The pelt is released by working the fingers up between it and the actual flesh. After the kid is skinned, cut open a belly slit to eviscerate the animal. watch

Chunh up the cheuon to be serued and soah, mixture ouernight or for a minimum of 4 hours.
Tender curried chevon can be made as follows:

it in this

/ Curried Chevon
1 cup goat yogurt

teaspoon sea salt

others do this a few times on deer or lambs before setting out to remove the intestines and inside organs. Getting the inner organs out intact and clean takes initial guidance followed by practice. Hang the carcass up in a cool place or refrigerator locker overnight, then quarter and freeze it or use it. A traditional kid dish is prepared as follows:

2 cups water I cup marinad,e frorn

1 teaspoon tum.eric
1 teaspoon puluerized

Capretti lattanti aIIa Nonna

Rub down a half or u quarter kid wett with oliue oil. Superfirially slash meat in S or 6 places and insert fresh garlic sliuers (2 to S cloues is a reasonnbte total to ttse). Sprinkle Whtly with rosemnry or oregano, and place on rack in roasting pan. Preheat ouen to 400"F. (204.4"C.) and place kid in ouen with a light couering of aluminum foit ouer it. Roast at high heat for 10 to 15 minutes, then reduce temperature to 350"F. (IZ6.Z"C.) and roast uncouered till done, basting occasionally with a rnixture of S parts whitu wine to 1 part oliue oil. Ailow 20 minutes roasting time per pound of meat. In Mediterranean countries this is the tra_ ditional roast serued for the spring hotidays.

mnrirtating m,eat 2 tablespoons fine ground whole wheat fbur 3 tablespoorn oliue oil /2 teaspoon mustard seed /2 teaspoon cumin seed 1 teaspoon fenugreek seed 2 u,thole cloues

1l teaspoon powdcred ginger or 7 teaspoon fresh grated ginger 2 dried cayenrre peppers
(depends upon indiu idual p refere
nc e s)

coriander seed

Blend yogurt, water, marinade, and flnur, and let stand. Heat oil in heauy cast-iron skillet and then add. first 3 seeds. When seeds start to pop about, add liquid mixture to skilkt. Reduce heat to lowest possible point and then add. salt and other spices. Simmer for 10 minutes, then add. chunhs of cheuon and sirnrruer for 15 minutes mnre. Serue with rice and an accompanying salad of cucumbers dressed with lemnn and yogurt.

If you decide to cull an older animal, call upon a farming neighbor to give you a hand, or somebne with substantial deer hunting and dressing experience. An older goat's meat is more tender and tasty after a period of marination. A marinade I've mixed is made up of:

Tamari Marinade
chopped green onion,

1 cup white

sauce) wine 1/z cup oliue oil

cup tamnri (soy

garlic, and rosemnry to






soil that had lain fallow for two years except for growing crops of weeds that, in dying, added some organic matter to the plot. It became top priority to build up the soil over the bedsprings and pipe fittings. Our first canots had come out of the soil looking like ginger roots. We figured that we needed to build eight inches of soil to grow any root crops at all. The first year we hauled sheep, cow, and horse manure from the nearest farms (which were not near at all) and from defunct chicken and dairy barns. Rotted hay was added to the manures, and all our homemade compost from kitchen garbage, brush cuttings, and weed clippings went on the garden. We succeeded in adding almost two inches of composted material over that initial year, but it took great expenditures of human and fuel energy to locate and haul in such quantities of matter. I was already looking into goats for other reasons and was being rapidly won over to them in a personal way. Searching for a reasonable source of homegrown manure had us l,urning over the idea of keeping goats and chickens. The immediate imperative of garden soil improvement reinforced the process.


Goat Manure
When the first goats came to my place, I had decided to make the gurden top priority and to let methane fantasies simmer in the background. I went into a period of diligent research on the subject of goat potash breakdown and its lnilnure - its nitrogen, phosphorous, and lr,rt;ilizing yield. The upshot of the research on the subject was a final rorrnd zero. Though the dairy goat was the earliest productive animal rkrrnesticated for human use, probably five or six thousand years ago,

Long before the dawn of my goatkeeping adventures, I had picked out, turned and planted a 35-foot-by-30-foot garden. The site was predetermined - it was the only place that was open to the sun, while most of the grounds were planted to diverse, and well-grown
trees and ornamental shrubs such as lilac, forsythia, and honeysuckle. There were also areas overrun by dense, tangled growth of sumac, and there wer,'] patchy outbreaks of wild blackberries, ragweed, and Chinese elm. I did not want to disrupt earlier plantings and could hardly cut my way into the scrub jungles. So the garden was planted on the sunny spot. The following spring revealed that the garden had been located within the foundation and rubble of a burned-out house. The garden began to yield a peculiar crop of bed springs, lengths of wire, galvanized pipe, and other assorted old implements of metal, stone,

l,lrc popular homesteading literature has no statistical analyses or

r,vcn rule-of-thumb information on how much manure one could exprrr:t a dairy goat to produce in a year. Horses are supposed to produce rrirrc t<lns a year, and a cow about eleven tons. Formulae based upon Irow much an animal is fed multiplied by a preordained factor (2.1 for n horse, 1.8 for a sheep, 3.8 for a cow) plus the weight of bedding rrl,ilizcd, will not work for goats on the browse.la The impossibility of
collc<:l,ing and computing the manures of browsing animals seems to lx' l,lre stumbling block. There are some analyses of goat fecal matter, lrtrl, l,lre diet fed modern milk goats is very different from the diet fed nlilh goals in the past. Organic gardeners and homestead authors are ci{lrlr silcnb, vague, or contradictory on the subject of goat manure as p,rlrrk.rr firrl,ilizcr. I ended my bookish researches and went farm to

and ceramic. Large blocks of the original foundation's stones were

heaved up over the winter and surfaced in the garden in the spring. The soil turned out to be a few inches of fill. That first garden yielded, but it was a happy combination of beginner's luck and a thin layer of

lirrrrr irr nl.y :lr()il asking goatkeepers what they were doing with the uuunrr(,s pr<xlu<:t'rl irr t,lrr'(:()urs() ol i,heir everyday operations.


il,t (i()A't'


;AI,lr )t']N

surprised me to flnd that more than half the goatkeepers I slxrl<r' with did not utilize the manure produced by their animals. Two kecp-


ers stockpiled the manure outside their barns and used it to dress shrubs and other ornamentals. Six keepers used it as a vegetable garden fertilizer; two used nothing else. One forty-eight-year veteran composted his chicken barn litter and the goat bedding manure together and used no other materials on his gardens. Many keepers simply kept goats to show or as a hobby, but did not consider them-

Irtrrl r':rrlillowct lr,rtvcs. Al, rriglr(, I worrlrl rlrr';rrrr ol l,lro go:rl,s lsr';rprrli llrr'prrsl,tttt crx'losttrt'irrr<l ll.yirrg ovcr t,hc gardcn fcrrt:c (,o golrlrlc rrlr llrr, lr.lrrlcr slrooi,s o1 (,lrc lct,(,rrr:cs, ttrrniJls, and peas that were, irt retaltlv, r'orrrirrg irkrrrg, lirsl, in llursts of fine spring energy. As my morning rntrllicl,s wil,lr Mackenzie lengthened, aggravated by the necessity of Ilrrrlirrg t,lrc goats past the garden, dreams continued over the passing rriglrl,s. I vowt:d never again to gtaze the goats among the stumpy

I also heard several stories ofinexperienced gardeners putting goat-barn bedding directly on their gardens because they had read that goat manure was by nature "cold" and "precomposted," as opposed to "hot" manures such as horse manure. The results included destruction of the plants and root burning. All fresh, urine-soaked goat bedding is "hot" because the urine contains from one-half to two-thirds of the total nitrogen in the manure mix. The dung pellets, euphemistically known as "goat berries,"
selves gardeners or food producers.

contain almost all the phosphate component, and perhaps can be classed as the "cold" manure. However, when most keepers muck out

ol'the fall garden. 'l'lrough I was resolved, the goats were still entertaining other rrllrrs. ()rre summer afternoon, I returned from some errands and saw lriglr-fl.ying Eleanor clear the garden fence and in lightning gestures gnlrlrlc up the heads of the small, green sunflowers. She was heading lrrrck rkrwn the row for the leafage when I caught up with her and led Irr,r orrt of the garden to the ignominy and constraint of a tether. The lirr;rl rersolution of the situation came only with the construction of a li,rrr:c<l corridor allowing direct access from the barn to the pasture so llrrrt, the goats never again had to saunter past those delectable garL,rrvirrgs

rlt.rr grazing grounds.

I)lcase learn from oril experiences and put your goats in the garden virr t,he manures and composts they yield. We now have over eight rrrclrcs of true garden-quality, life-supportive, organically enriched soil rrr rnost of the garden. We have developed several basic practices and Irrrvc some additional suggestions for people just starting out. Average lxrnl manure is a mix of excrement and urine-soaked bedding, someI i rcs given a theoretical value of 0.5-0.25-0.5 (referring respectively to rril,rogen, phosphoric acid and potash). 'f 'lre USDA Handbook of 1957, Soil, states "the expense of applyirrg 100 pounds of 10-5-10 fertilizer is much less than that of applying rr t,on of manure. On soils in good tilth, the returns from an equivalent rrrnount of fertilizer usually will be greater. . . . It can be concluded I,lrrrt at least in northern latitudes manure does not provide all of the plrrnt nutrients needed and fails to provide any plant nutrients or growth supplements that cannot be applied by artificial fertilizers." 'l'lre statement was made twenty years ago when the 100 pounds of l0-l-r-10 was $2.50 the hundredweight. We now have to face the net ('nergy costs of producing and applying that chemical fertilizer and rrrlny farrners and gardeners are rapidly finding it more cost effective rrrt<l clearly environmentally safer to return to utilization of manures. 'l'here is also an underlying assumption in the quoted statement that soils will simply go on being in good tilth. Long experience of chemical lirrtilizers used exclusively demonstrates the exact opposite - soils {,lrat are compacted, exhausted, and mined. Repeated dependence on

a stall, they clean out a hot mix of urine-soaked dung pellets and partially broken down bedding material. Although placing this mass directly on the garden and working it into the soil insures that most of the nitrogen and potash will go into the soil, it definitely will do in
tender plants.

Manuring the Garden

My first method of putting the goats in the garden had nothing at all to do with manurial analyses. One bright November morning, I was struck with the innovative idea of turning the goats into the fall garden remnants. They could graze amid the rubble of broccoli stems and corn stalks, clean up the stubby, resistant leavings on the site, deposit their pellets - and we would all mutually benefit. The goats were delighted with the new twist in their regimen. Pasture had been drying up all around them and they had begun a seasonal turn to evergreen needles and bark. Once in the garden, they chewed and chomped away at the succulent garden crop residues with relish and delight. They did an excellent job of clearing. Little did I know that I had created an indelible imprint in their minds. All the next spring I had to struggle to lead the goats past the garden gate. Mackenzie would stop, plant all four feet firmly and not yield an inch once she was near the gate. She would stand there craning her neck and gazing into the wire mesh squares, perhaps seeing in her mind's eye the rows full once more of cabbage stumps'



'l'lll,l (;on'l' lN'l'lll,i (iAlil)l'lN

artificial fertilizers alone reduces tilth. Even proponents ol chcntit:;tl fertilization have had to grudgingly recommend the incorporation of organic matter into the soils because of the humus supplied. G<xxl water retention, proper aeration, and favorable microorganism activity are the benefits achieved by employing manures. Goat barn manure is used here in several forms. Stalls are cleaned on an average of every three to five months. This produces a deep, partially composted litter. The stalls of kids and doelings are cleaned at four- or five-month intervals, the milkers' stalls at twelve-week intervals. The bedding material is composed of wasted feed hay which the goats obligingly pull out of the feeders and scatter over the stall floors as they pick and choose choice tidbits for dinner. Probably a pound or two gets scattered on the floors daily when the goats are confined to the barn in deep winter. Litter and excrement do not accumulate as rapidly when the goats are on pasture as when they are always stalled or closely yarded. Cet tne end of the gardening season, just prior to the onset of truly cold weather in November, all the stalls are mucked out and the wetter, urine-soaked manure is hauled by wheelbarrow or pickup truck to the garden and spread on the plot to be turned under, time and weather permitting. This is fresh, hot manure. There is some nitrogen loss because the material is exposed to the air and the ammonia formed in the early stages of fermentation and decomposition is volatile. However, the loss is much less than would be incurred if rain leached the nutrients out of a storage pile. Part of this load also goes out onto the compost pile nearest the garden and is laid down in alternating layers with chicken barn litter, household garbage, garden crop residues, and wood ash. Less-soaked litter goes directly on the Rosa rugosa bushes as a fertilizing winter mulch.J 4 In February, the stalls of the milkers are mucked out and the material is put into a compost pile layered with some chicken manure. When the milkers' stalls are cleaned during cold weather, a shallow layer of manurtj'is left in the stall to provide the new bedding with a working population of microorganisms. If the weather is very cold, the stall is left with a third of its litter, so that the animal still has the benefit of the warmth released from the composting layer of litter beneath her. Initially, we hauled every bit of barn manure to the garden so the soil could incrdase quantitatively. Now, the concern is to improve the soil qualitatively. Manure is introduced primarily as finished compost except for the fall layer used to tuck in the land for hard weather. Two or three piles are working; one of them is targeted for spring or early summer application, usually the pile from the prior

wii.lr rtrtr{,r'rirrl in irlrrrrrrl:rrtcr" wt' ltav<: hirrl tto trec<l firr r,rluilrrrrcrr(, t,o sJrcrr<l ttp t,lte process of compostslrrt,rlrlirrg rlizr,rl n1x,r'ir irr l,lrg sJrring:tlt<l summer seasons' the litter slrtlls rrrt't:lcttttc<l irrp,. As gct w<trkec.l over thoroughly by a small pilcs rrrttrposl, t,ltat, irtlo grx.s
N1;vs rrrlrlr'.

iftrr.h ol li'r.r.-rrrlgirtg r:ltitrkcns. 'lhe birds scratch and shred the matet'irrl irrl,o vlr.y liqgl.y lrrgkcn-dgwn matter. We have resolved the old rli|,rrrtttrt ol wltct,hcr t,o use {'resh or rotted manures by using some of r,lrclr- lrr t,lris wit.y, l,ht: nitr<lgen loss incurred by allowing manure to Iol, u rr<l rrgo is oll'.set b.y fall application of fresh manure. In addition, I lop-rlrcss rrll .young, lcafing vegetables with a good home brew of goat
llt'rr.5,z t,ca. t


(i< xrt, lxrrrv tea is made by digging deep into a milker's stall and a burlap feed sack with goat berries and bedding. Suspend llrc l>ng in :r fifty-five-gallon drum and fill with water. Cover the brewing rrcsscl tightly with a lid to prevent insect penetration. If you do rrirt, bavt: a lid, float a thin slick of recycled motor oil on the top of the wrrlc r to seal it off from flies and mosquitos. (Be sure not to mix the oil wit,h the water you pour on plants.) Allow to steep for three to four wggks.'lhe resultant "brew" is a manure tea that provides an instant rritr<>gen boost to plants. It is used after plants have six to eight real Icrrves. When feeding it to transplants, wait until the young ones have lrrrrn in the ground two weeks or more and have conquered transplant l,r,uurna. The tea is an excellent and inexpensive boost for corn in its r.rrrl)z stages and encourages fast, deep green growth. I do alternate li'rdi ngs of the fledgling vegetables, watering with goat berry tea one wcek, and then feeding or foliar-spraying with a dilute seaweed emulsion two or three weeks later. I have found this regimen a safe, ecorromical, and effective alternative to using nitrogen boosters such as r:ol,tonseed meal or bloodmeal. These are both costly and objectionrrble- because cotton is apt to be heavily sprayed and some of the llractices in the slaughtering industries involve dangerous chemicals. l'eople come to our place with sacks to scoop up batches of goat berries^to brew up as dressing teas for their roses and prize ornamentals.\ ( Since manure is often described as being deficient due to leaching or atmospheric loss and requires supplementation to release the full valu e of its components, I have also taken to feeding my garden soil strorrg solutions of comfrey tea, described by Lawrence Hills as "coml'rey liquid manure," as well as the diluted seaweed emulsions' Analysis with my home testing kit shows no major deficiencies. The need lirr I irning has been almost nil, with soil pH remaining quite steady year to year on fresh and composted goat manure plus the supplernerrtation practices outlined above.\


'l'l ll,l

(;()n'l'lN'l'lll,l (in ltl)l,iN

Manure tea is easily made by scooping sorne manure, fresh or comlxxted, into an ol.d feed sack, then imm.ersing it for at least seueral luturs in a bucket of water. The resulting brew is a great fertilizer.



LO.r" Garden, Based on Goats

The goat in the garden contributes a vital constituent to the life
cycle. Usually there is complete concentration on milk productivity when the dairy goat is described in books and periodicals. It is in the context of the small, household-oriented herd that a truly accurate accounting of productivity can be made. Ninety percent of our household's garden fertilization needs are met by goat manure, manure

top flattened, to a height of eight or ten inches above ground Icvel. The rows are easier to weed or water than a twenty-four-inch lxrd. we garnered stubby, stunted root vegetables until we tried this nllproach. In the first year we used raised rows, we produced beets t,lrat reached a size of two pounds each and bushels of turnips, in rrddition to our first recognizable carrots and parsnips. For persons

teas and goat-manure-based composts. In a good year, our fickle weather permitting, one-third of our food supply is grown in the now expanded 35-foot-by-70-foot garden and ancillary 15-foot-by-35-foot corn patch. In 1973, the garden yielded $490 worth of vegetables. The expanded garden produces over a thousand dollars'worth of vegetables a year, and most of the expanded plot has not yet achieved a soil depth of eight inches. This invisible income is nontaxable and consumes little or no fossil fuel resources in production, preparation, transportation, processing, or marketing. It actually accrues value, for this activity enriches the land and makes available to the household food of a nutritionally higher standard than the food currently available in commercial markets. The value of the goat's manure cannot be quantified, but it is an ideal fertilizer for the small-scale, organically oriented household gardener. The materials yielded are adequate fertilizers produced in feasonable tonnage. Little or no cash expenditure is required for supplements. Until we bought our pickup truck, we carted the manure out between eight and fifof the barn to the garden by wheelbarrow piece of equipper demanding teen cartloads stall. No more costly or process to all this matement than a rented tiller has been employed rial. It is either composted or tilled under directly. An assortment of inexpensive handtools - spading fork, pitchforks, shovels, and hoes are the only other tools needed to produce fertilizer for our yearly vegetables. This aspect of the dairy goat's productivity should not be glossed over, for if is of definite ecological and financial importance. Alas, we have no Advanced Registry system for recording and acknowledging manurial production. Large reserves of compost and an unending supply of goat manuro have enabled us to deal with the shallow soil problem presented by our garden site. The reserves have made possible a raised-bed type of garden. We have developed a variant of the French intensive raisedbed method that utilizes raised rows. Our technique owes its derivation to an experimental cross between French and traditional Chinesr' methodology. The rows are deeply dug rind filled with compost, wiLlr the soil layer replaced atop the compost, raising the original row, wil,lr

who want to make the transition from a summer seasonal garden to a ycar-round, household sustenance garden, increased root crop product,ion is essential. Root vegetables are the mainstay storage vegetables, rrnd it is critical to household economy to produce them so that homellroduced food is available throughout the winter. However, raised r0ws would also be of great use to persons with limited garden space, lirr the enriched rows permit intensive succession cropping, and conse-

rluent lengthening of the growing season if planted to light-feeding, lirlst-hardy crops of greens, such as Swiss chard, mustards, and letl,tt<;es.

'llhe success of the raised rows led us to employ a layer of fresh goat tilunure as a bottom layer in a cold frame. It was topped with finished r:orrrpost mixed with garden soil. The same layers were used in starter Irolbeds for raising plants. The cold frames and hotbeds now extend l,lrc season by producing greens all but two months of the year. We nln0 start hundreds of seedlings in the beds. If we had had to haul all lntlnures from other farms, we might never have gotten to these projri('l,s. An accretion-type, solarized lean-to greenhouse will make possilrlc t,he production of fresh greens throughout January and February. wr, wilt build the glazedwalls and structure, but the enriched growing trrctlium will be provided by the goats. ,

I (;1)

GOAT ECONOMICS c.ialized breeding farms. In my eyes, goat farming can be broadly <livided into three often-overlapping categories: the household herd, t,he commercial dairy, and the breeding enterprise.



The Family Herd

small family-oriented dairies have received much attention in the homestead literature of the last five years. The economics of househ'ld dairying are very positive as long as the herd is kept to a truly rnanageable size - three or four does in milk - and there is pasturrrge available. I have even found that labor costs are covered for an olleration this size by homestead-generated, goat-based income. Before surveying the situation of the more commercially oriented lr.rds, it is interesting to take a more detailed look at the contemporlrry backyard-type goat enterprise. one of my interests from the outscl, was to chart the labor input required by keeping a few goats, and l,rr check at the end of a year to see whether the tending labor was at rrll compensated by the year's goat-related income. The steps involved irr <ioing this are: all hay, grain and miscellaneous expenses. - Recording Recording milk yield, based upon weigh-in each morning and night. Recording any income derived from keeping goats: - stock sales, milk or cheese sales, etc. ll,r'<xrrds turn out to be fun and record keeping an easily entrenched lrrrlrit, once you really get going with it. Matching up the yield and ilr..rne sheets against the expenditures list gives the keeper a quick irrrrl vivid picture. The labor involved in tending a small number of grrrl,s- to me a small herd is four animals maximum, and no bucks _ irv('rirges out to between one and two hours daily. (The margin allows lrrr .fficient or inefficient barn arrangements and differences in numlr.rs.) The figure includes the daily milkings; the grooming and hoofirrnirrlcnance sessions; barn cleaning and maintenance; fence installat i,tr, rnending and checking; hauling of hay, grain, and other supplies; lrrrl rt'aring; and sanitation and general processing and handl-ing of trrilk rxluipment. Tallied generously the labor required runs between 'i{10 rrrrrl 1,000 hours yearly. Arl,ir:les that give estimates of the upkeep costs of a milk goat often ,rrril lrrr.y labor cost and many small keepers, when queried about this ,rrissi.rr in their own computations, have no idea of paying themqt'lv.s lirr t,lrcir labors. The argument made by the small keeper who nrrrils l.o r::rk:rrlat,c lalxrr runs something to the effect that the,.goats atc'kirrrl ol tr lrolrlr.y, irrr<l wlrirl, othcr ftrlks w<lukl paV to go out and be

People always ask, "How much does it cost to keep a goat?" There is no set answer to such a question. It is possible to compute how much it costs to keep a particular goat for one year in a specific locality in relation to a chosen system of management, but it simply is not possible to say, off the top of one's head, what it costs to keep goats in general. There's just too much variation from barn to barn, geographic region to region, from animal to animal, to generalize in any meaningful way. If the questioner wants to know how much cash outlay was required for a particular herd over a specific period, the question is easily answered. Recording purchase prices of hay, grain, and other supplies is easy. If feed is produced on the farm, purchast, prices prevailing in the area can be used and noted against the costs

of labor, fuel, maintenance and depreciation of equipment, land taxes, and so forth, which must be figured to calculate the costs of on-farnr support of a herd. This chapter will include an approximate analysis of a household goat economy. It will also give the reader a glimpse at, current modes of operation on commercial-scale goat dairies and spt'170




l,l( l( )N()Ml( :s

entertained goes to support the home entertainment provided by thc goats." Other statements I have encountered included' "It's something I like doing; getting paid for it would make it like a job," and "I'm satisfied just being able to cover my cash outlays," or "My table dairy products come free, so that covers labor." Most small-scale keepers are quite content to cover all the maintenance expenses and not worry about labor compensation because they either keep their goats to improve the quality of dairy products in their diets or to improve the quality of milk goat stock, as an avocation. Many small owners do not produce or market enough goat products or stock t<r pay themselves, and have made specific decisions against getting intcr bigger or more commercial ventures. so there is little information available on the total cost of small-scale goatkeeping. Most of what follows is based on my own records, goat journals of the last five years, comparative interviewing, and reading of materials from differ-

lrvr.r,rr l,ll(X):rrrrl l,t1(X)lxrtrrr<lsol'rrrill<ovcrt,t:tttlroltt,lts,rotrglrl.y7ir0t.o

!l{l(lrprrrlt,s lx,r.y('itr. ltt ttt.y itrtr:t, t,ltc rtlt,:ril valuc <l{'goal nrilh avoritg(}s $il irrrrl ul) lx'r girlkrrt. ()orrrptrting at, lhe retail value - what a lamily

ent regions in the United States. Over the last six years, I have arrived at some general figures for cash outlay and labor. It must be noted that my figures are based upon a management design that includes six to eight months of daily outside pasturage intake, and no special labor such as that for showing grooming, schooling, or travelin g. In 1972, every hundred pounds of 14 percent commercial dairy ration cost an average of $4-15 in our locale. Hay of medium feed quality cost approximately eighty cents per bale. At this writing, 1977, retail prices have just about doubled for both hay and grain. At the current average of eight cents a pound for feed grain and $1.50 per bale for average quality, mixed legumegrass or hay, my milkers have been consuming ninety-six dollars' worth of purchased feed materials per year, plus all they can forage in browsing. (The average milker here utilizes about 750 pounds of grain a year and up to 1,000 pounds of hay.) The hay consumption varies enormously with the quality of the available hay and the severity or mildness of ,tfie winter months. The grain figure allows about 2 pounds per milker, maximum, and also varies considerably in relation to the doe's production,:urve and outside pasturage conditions. Other costs to be considered include allowances for miscellaneous purchases such as salt, minerals, wheat-germ oil, possible veterinary expenses' utilization of electric power for fencing and lighting, water supply, and advertising costs. In all, a mature milking doe is supported by a cash outlay of $125 in a region with high overhead and by a labor outlay of approximately two hours daily. What can the new keeper expect for this input? The productive modern milk goat covers all her costs. A good milker averages be172

wrrttlrl lrirvc l,o 1tit.y at, thc supcrtnarket - the dairy goat hypothetira!lv rt't,trrrts ovcr $6(X) yearlv in milk alone. When you are buying all lrt,r' li,r'rl irrrtl lttr.y, supporting her pastureland via taxes and paying for Irn'o(,lrr'r rnist:ellaneous needs, her cash support requires a maximum ol'fil(,.y t:crrts daily, and her yield can return over $2 daily to the Irr.r,pr,rs. lf'one could tend f<lur goats with a yearly input of 1,000 labor Irorrrs, irnd each returned more than $600 in income, the keeper could lnnr ir lrrojected $2 an hour after cash expenditures. A cow dairy Irrrrncr of my acquaintance told me that in a good year, he nets less llrrrrr $i I an hour for his work over 365 days' It, would seem that goat farming should pay, for even the smallest of' hcrrpers, but here we come to the heart of the matter. Most keepers rln rrot, llegin to cover their labor, primarily because they cannot use or rrrrrket all the milk they produce, or cannot get their herd to produce wr,ll enough to bring in a return. It is only in rare or long-established silrrirt.ions that goatkeepers market all their milk at a favorable price. 'l'lrrr realities of milk marketing are usually fraught with legal restrictiorrs, seasonal ups and downs and prevailing low prices. Often the Hrrrrrll, rural keeper responds by using surplus goat milk to rear other rrrore easily sold foodstuffs such as veal calves. Though the paper lrrrnomics of small goatkeeping are overwhelmingly favorable, the rrct,ualities are that the keeper can cover labor and cash expenses only rrl'{,cr several years, given a well-researched market and foundation st,rrck that produces over 1,500 pounds yearly and a healthy kid or two r,very twelve months. My records and conversations with owners of Iurge-scale goat dairies have also made it clear that goat dairying on a lrrrger scale can definitely provide a living, as long as initial capitalizal,ion and running overhead costs are not too high.

The Commercial Dairy

The countryside rolls out flat north of Madison, Wisconsin. Dairy plant rlwarf all the barns and other buildings on the approach to Portage. i'l'he land maintains this planed-down character until one comes upon Oaledonia, nestled in a bend of the Wisconsin River. Here the land is lrilly, forested, old and rich. On 121 acres of prime Caledonia slope, l"Iarvey Considine raises dairy goats, his own grain and hay to supply
st,acks of Columbia County's giant coal-fired electric generating

only landmarks in the landscape for many miles. The huge twin

barns and storage silos spring up from the cleared expanses, often the





them, the farnily's beef, and its fruit and vegetable suppl.y. Oorrsirlirrt', who describes himself as an organic farmer, is inrorested in nraitr(,itirr ing a high standard of soundness, "with a view toward long-run larr<l enrichment and livestock improvement." He says, "I'm not a nut irr any one direction," just an organic farmer returning what he can Lo the land, interested in balance, and farrning with a long view, with zrrr eye to dairy goat improvement. In the heartland of Wisconsin's cow dairy country there are severzrl full-scale commercial goat dairies producing Grade A milk primaril.y for urban markets. Considine has been marketing goat milk, raw goal, rnilk cheeses, and purebred stock of ali the major breeds, producing them on organically managed land, since 1946. Considine started out, as a hobbyist for about thirteen years, then managed a large goal, dairy, and finally purchased the operation, and, most importantly, its well-established market, urban Chicago. The purchase of the rights to


t,t('( )N( )N,l I('ti




I\rtricl Cortsidine of Sunshine Farms millzs his goats by hand during tln. toi.nter. It lzeeps his goats used to handlin1.

Haruey Considine feeding newborn kids using the milk from

moth.er goats. 174


Jane Carcidine feeding young goats in the lzid house.




( l(


t,:( t(


Itr lris r.rrrl.y yr':rrs ol srrpplyirrg t,lrc Olrir::rgo g<xrl, rrrilk rrrirrht'1,, (lorr srrlirrt'lirrrrrrl (,lrirl, rlcrrr:rrr<l <lirl not, kccJr up with his herd's sc:rsorr;rl lrlrxlrrr:t,iorr llcaks, so lro bcgan t<l make cheese with surplus milk. He eilrrr(,r'<l vcr.y smzrll, but eventually employed a master cheesemaker, glrrclrirstxl a walk-in cooler, and developed the market entirelv from scrrrl,<:lr t,o the point where he carried a $30,000 cheese inventory to go llrrorrglr zr winter'. 'lhe cheese enterprise grew to such proportions that lrr, rct:cnLly sold it so that he could devote more time to dairy goat clrrssifir:ation, gardening, land and herd management, and writing. ( llrcese production and marketing was a long, slow learning prolr,ns. l)ecisions had to made regarding what types of cheese to prorlrtt:c, what distribution channels to develop, what packaging and lalrr,ling to adopt, and how to price the products. Over the years t)irrrnond Farm has produced Colby, Cheddar, Swiss, and Muenster llrrrrses, and sold salted and unsalted cheeses. Eventually operations wr.rt' simplified, prepacked, prelabeled, standardized units that elimiGoats being housed in th.e main barn at Surnhine Farms.

the Chicago goat milk market was fundamental to making Diamond Farm a viable enterprise. Supporting that is Harvey Considine's life long experience in farming and dairying, more than thirty-two years of experience with dairy goats. At one time he was milking 450 head and farming 600 acres. Now fifty-one, he describes himself as "semi retired." His present herd numbers approximately 120 animals' Her recently sold his extensive raw goat milk cheesemaking business and part of his herd to a neighbor and close friend, Rev. Paul F. Ashbrook, who Considine knows will maintain the quality built by Diamond

As one of the few people in America to have made a living in commercial goat dairying, Harvey Considine has depended on income from three sourcest sales of purebred stock, income earned at shows, and wholesale milk and cheese sales. He feels that the dairy that tries to make a go of it on milk sales alone will have some tough times' Building a good purebred herd of diverse breeds will increase productivity for the dairy and will also generate substantial income through the sale of kids. Purebreds, he believes, will always realize a solid income for the dairy farmer; grades will not show a similar return and have little or no show income potential.


Stanchion setup at Sunshine Farms. Goats enter in the rear and dn not haue to jump up or dnwn from the starrchiorx. This helps to preuent leg injuries, and it saues the backs of the milkers who dnn't hnue to bend as much and. don't haue to lift heauy milh containers from the fl,oor.


fi/ ffi



nated selling large blocks of cheese were instituted, and certain types of cheeses that kept poorly were discontinued. Raw milk cheese requires informed and sensitive handling from producer to distributor to consumer with constant attention to proper refrigeration and stock rotation. At the time Considine started, he was able to begin small and move slowly, expanding gradually; now he estimates a small cheese business would require $6,000 to $10,000 initial capital. Purchase of a milk truck and walk-in storage cooler would probably run in the $25,000 range. All such figures are rough estimates and would vary with location and other such factors. Harvey Considine's son David farms more than 200 acres over the mountain from his father. David's Breezy Hill Farm is a diversified family farm that includes a commercial orchard, approximately seventy acres a year in hay and a goat dairy herd of around 150 animals' He has not inherited land, stock, or capital, but was given a part of his father's interest in the chicago milk market. Readers should understand that wholesale prices for goat milk average half of the retail price per gallon. If this is related roughly to the cow dairyman's nine
Kids are fed rnilk using this multi-nippled feeder.

ThE hid house at Surxhine Farms, complete taith playpen. The goaLs are outsid.e for at least one hour daily, euen on the coldest days, antl they seem to loue it178

()ttt'tl'ttut ltt,rgr

1x,ns i,rt rplt.i.t:lt Eoats are housed of Breezy

HilI Farm.




The Saanen


Dauid Considine's fauorite breed.

Dauid Considine feeding his young goats.

dollars per hundredweight of milk sold wholesale, the goat dairy farmer might command a price of between twelve dollars and twentyone dollars per hundredweight. It is clear that the commercial dairy farmer needs the income derived from the sale of stock. David Considine cuiliently runs a large debt, as do most dairy farmers, but he feels it in goat dairying in the long run. If he had not grown up with good dairy goats and come into part of his father's Chicag,, trade, he is not sure whether he could make it pay. He does not keelr an exclusively purebred herd at present because the cost of purebreds was too expensive when he started out. Although he feels that there is a place for good grades in commercial goat dairying, he is moving toward an all-purebred herd because income of stock sales is so mur:lr higher for purebreds.

he will make


Management practices are very similar at Diamond Farm art<l Hill Farm. The goats are kept in a common stall arrangenr()nl

'l'ltt' llt't,. l)rut/ Ashltnxtlt of kk'lrn.ar Doi.ry

i,'n'ttrlt,4l1ti rrt' lyott ls"

Goa,t tsolnt


onp of his



the goat manure right in the barn with the addition of Radiant-blend microbial activator, powdered rock phosphate, and lime as needed. Broken-down litter is cleaned out only a few times yearly, and put back directly on the land. He estimates that his plowing, cultivating, and fertilizing costs come in well below those of the average chemically oriented dairy farmer. He works his land on a five-year rotation pattern. Harvey and David's one exception to organic farming practice is resorted to when weather prevents timely access and working of the soil for the corn crop. Their usual method of corn raising is a program of seeding, blind cultivation, cross-dragging, and a good early cultivation after the corn is up. However, many times in a wet spring, Con-

Milking machine in use at ldelmar. One hundred fifteen goats can be milhed in about three hours. Two machines are used, and twenty goats
are staru:hioned at a timc.

The goats are not pastured since both farmers feel it is hard to maintain an even milk quality when goats eat just whatever is available, but the goats are not kept in heated barns or coddled in any way. David feeds whatever chopped fresh greens are seasonally available and raises choice alfalfa hay on his own acreage for cold weather feeding. All grains fed are raised on the farm and both farmers feed a simple corn-oat ration with molasses added. JVlinerals and salt are available on a free-choice basis. Grain feeding"averages between one and two pounds per milker daily, with seasonal production curve adjustments. Harvey Considine gets additional protein and greenery into his does by pelletizing his early alfalfa with some corn, linseed meal and minerals, in addition to feeding high quality legume hay free-choice. Harvey Considine finds that the pellets make for less wastage of valuable legume hay. David has alsrt utilized pellets but now has the hay resources to feed his alfalfzr straight, without the added expense of bringing his crops to the mill for pelletizing. Both farmers describe themselves as organic in farming orientatiorr and general land management practice. Harvey Considine compost.s


access to an exercise yard.



tlrc m,arh.ine is ful,l, it is emptied through o strainer infut a bulk





sidine can't work his soil on critical days. In these circumstances, he has utilized one-half to one pound of Atrazine per acre banded lightly along the corn rows. David Considine's land shares much of the same soil character as his father's but was not as carefully managed in the past, and he has to work harder at general soil improvement. A third Considine goat dairy is located east of Portage, and is run by Daniel and Stephen Considine and Daniel's wife, Jane. The management practices at Sunshine Farm are somewhat different from those at Diamond Farm and Breezy Hill. The goats are pastured for part of the year. Sunshine Farm has no La Manchas in the herd. And the owners describe thernselves as absolutely organic. Income derives from stock sales, cheese sales, show-ring income, and the sale of bulk milk into the Madison and Milwaukee markets, which they have developed themselves. They also sell large numbers of buck kids to the meat market. "more than we really The partners are working over 400 acres need," they say and putting in long hours and extra capital on a soil improvement program. The farm started out on rented land and the partners caruy a large debt and are working hard at paying off

their own land, which at the same time needs much input to produce a healthy and organically enriched soil. Daniel feels ii possible is to run a commercial goat dairy and make it on milk sales alone and is encountering more people who are doing it. Absolutely essential, he feels, to such a venture is good market research and Lxtra care put into promotion and market development. sunshine's approach is to have several sources of income u.rd to stress their qruiiiy which is supported by the organic approach. All three farms have milking parlors and equipment that meets local standards for production of Grade A milk. The goats a.e milk"d at two runs of metal stanchions that each accommodate ten or twelve head; groups of twenty or twenty-four does are milked at once. .I.he parlor has cement floors and milkstands that can be easily swabbed down. Harvey considine utilizes milking machines but hand finishes each milking doe year-round. Daniel and stephen hand mitk in the winter months when p_roduction is light. They have found thaf during these months hand milking is as time and enlrgy efficient as machine milking when one has to clean underutilized mitling machines David tries to do as much hand,-milking as is productively feasible, f.eeling that machines have contributed *o.'.orr"ty to the mastitis frobrems so common today in cow dairying. All concur that there is a future in commercial goat dairying, even though their approaches differ. A well-developeJ market u.ri to.rg work, through the intial years of large_scale debt, are basic, as is ^ard :rn extensive background in goat farming and breeding.

The Breeding Enterprise

The breeding-focused goat farm has always been a more common lype of enterprise than the large-scale dairy farm. Frank Holder of l)lcasant valley, New york, has been keeping purebred Nubians fbr rrr.re than twelve years. The focus of pover:ty Hill Farm,s program lr;rs been to produce the highest yielding herd of purebred Nubians in l'lr. east' Holder's rong-term goals havJ been to breed selectively to irrurease the quantitative output of the purebred Nubian, and to exI.rrrl and maintain a high-yielding lactation, tackling one of the basic ;rrr^s Nubian stock improvement. He does not show his animals for 'f .f reasons, the primary ;r virri.ty of which is that he feels trrui proarr"{ivit'.v drops overall when does are on the road. He refuses to sacrifice lris krrrgi-range goals for show income. Holder purchases all hay and 11rrirr" :rrrl J;astures his goats when weath", p"r-it.. rr."ri"s i," Lr th" r"()rr'()lr sr,:rll (,.yJxr. M'sl,'f his lah.r'time is sJlernt in hani_rearing ::(,r'li' ilr lr:rsit' <'lr.r.s, ;rrtr irr lrr.rrr'r,irrg :rrr<r rrrrrrl<.r.ilrg rris sr,rx:k.

At ldelmar, hay mnngers are locqted on both sides of

which allows them to be refilled easily.


long uallztuay,



l()A'l' t,l(]()NoMl( ts

Human energy is concentrated on the breeding and raising ol sl,rx:k rather than on the production of support crops. Income is primaril.y based on stock sales with the sale of milk-fed livestock such as veal or pigs as back-up income. sales are based upon continuous DHIR testing, consistent and well-designed advertising and the slow building o(' a herd reputation as the highest-producing purebred Nubian herd in the region. Frank Holder usually has enough from stock sales to live

that of Gerald Lehmann of Pine Plains, New York, who has been involved in some form of dairying most of his life but who now raises

Another example of a farm concentrating on stock improvement is

purebred Toggenburgs as a passionate avocation. He is interested in a long-lived, efficient and productive dairy goat, and sees the Toggenburg breed as the one breed that has progressed closest to his ideal.

This herd is supported by the income derived from full-time, off-thefarm employment, and all tending and chores are done in Lehmann's spare time. The herd is kept necessarily small, usually numbering no more than a dozen animals, breed bucks included. This is still considerably larger than a household-oriented herd, and enables the owner to see improvements and changes over several generations and among differing lines. Kids are raised on their dams till six weeks of age, and then sold, usually to local 4-H'ers. Hay and feed are purchased. Income from stock sales is not large but usually covers cash expenditures. The owner's goal is stock improvement and not labor compensation. However, he has evolved a system that is efficient and requires less input than is spent on the other farm described above, having eliminated large numbers' crop raising, hand rearing of stock, and consistent sales promotion.

Keys to Success
By considering these differing goat farming enterprises, the reader can gain some ideas on the alternate approaches and implications of breeding or commercial dairying commitments. My household came up with still another, hybrid, solution. No one here was particularly interested in showing goats, and no one had the background, resources or interest to run a full-time, 150-head goat dairy. we arrived at a common decision to produce milk primarily for household purposes, to sell our surpluses in the form of cheese, and to keep our operations small and in the black, just as if we were running a miniaturized goat dairy farm. Additional goals are upgrading our stock and closing the circle of homestead productivity by providing fertilization for our sustenance gardening.

I lrirvc srrrrr l<x:all.y, goal, vcrr(,urcs rlo not, srrt'ur t,o worlr lirr rnarr.y 1lc<lplc. Goals are not realized, and fi'uslrat,iorr nl)txrars <lvcr and ovcr again, of'ten fbr the same reasons. The first pirl,l,crn one sees in failing goat ventures is that of overextension. Too rrrany animals are accumulated in the early years. Reluctance to part wii,h spring kids builds the size of herds fast. All the pedigree assurrunces in the world will not compensate for poor management. And lxx)r management seems to follow directly upon overwhelming numbcrs. A swamped goatkeeper will inevitably wind up with a mediocre or poor herd, get discouraged, and then get out of goatkeeping in short order. The second eommon pattern one sees is that of unrealistic market projections. Lack of research into the legal and demographic limits of a particular area can lead to large and early losses. Many people keeping goats on a backyard or homestead basis find they have a steady and reaonable demand for their stock or milk products. From that set * of personal experiences, they jump to the conclusion that their area needs or could support a large, commercial-scale dairy. Careful, extended gr:oundwork and analysis of local conditions must be undertaken before making such leaps. A third frequent pattern is that of entering dairying or stock breeding with a sentimental outlook as opposed to a pragmatic one when it comes to cultivating livestock productivity. People with this tendency regard milk goats as adorable pets rather than producers. The second and third pattern are often encountered together and make a tightly reinforcing net. A fourth reason for the brief careers of many goatkeepers, small and large, is out and out undercapitalization. Many persons fall in love with goats and desire to make goatkeeping a vocation rather than a hobby. They elect to set themselves up as dairy operators or professional breeders. Often, however, they lack the land, capital, credit, or extensive prior experience requisite to make a go of it. Either of these undertakings requires accumulated resources and a clear financial idea of the long-term nature of the venture. Finally, errors in stock selection seem to be very common. Many people simply do not do enough comparative looking and analysis before purchasing. Although there are extensive materials about selection criteria available for study, not many folks use them unless they have had substantial prior livestock experience. If you are starting out for the first time, doing your goat homework (as described in chapter two) is necessary. Setting limits and goals, financial and other, is very helpful for
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making good selections and so is the ability to be flexible in approar:hing stock acquisition. If you have your heart set on Nubians to supply milk for your table, but the nearest purebred Nubian buck available for service is 250 miles away, it may be more rewarding to acquire the nearest well-bred stock, even if you end up with two Toggenburgs. If your primary goal is to develop stock of a particular breed rather than to supply your household with dairy products, then you will want immediately to acquire the best purebred stock of that specific breed. Clarifying one's real intent is the key to gratifying goatkeeping. Once we had decided upon our intentions and goals' we chose a breed that suited these needs, and set the following priorities for the venture: (o) supplying the home table, (b) fertilizing the garden, and (c) generating income via sale of stock and surplus in the form of cheese. We then culled or acquired as the situation demanded. By putting care, knowledge, and affection into goat management, the keeper comes to perceive and enter into the oldest yet most vital experience of humanity, the nurturing cycle, and to reap its benefits and to contribute to its process' In actuality, the goat economy can be microcosmic; in implicaton, it is universal.


The fundamental argument for employing artificial insemination in dairy goat breeding is to improve genetic capacity for production. In dairy cattle, milk productivity has nearly doubled in the years between 1950 and 1974, laryely due to genetic inheritance improvement, itself based on artificial insemination (A.I.). More than 50 percent of America's cows are enrolled in an A.I. program and almost every herd utilizes it to some extent. A.I. is based on using semen collected only from superior sires capable of transmitting the characteristics of high dairy productivity. In this way a high frequency of occurrence of desired genes nudges out the genes for low productivity and poor conformation. This is true grading-up. The semen collected from chosen sires is frozen and can be stored and shipped over long distances in liquid nitrogen, making it available to small and large herds, far and near. Most small herds now are usually forced by circumstances into using the nearest bucks, whatever their abilities to improve productivity over the long run. Dr. H. A. Herman argues strongly for the increased use of A.I. among all types of herds, suggesting that owners learn to be their own techni188



GOATKEEPING cians, or employ local cattle inseminators or veterinatians, and that owners of small herds pool their resources to buy or rent a liquid nitrogen storage tank (about $250) and in these ways bring the genetic capabilities of the best sires in the country to herds everywhere.3l

Active in this campaign to promote increased use of A.I. is Andrew Purcella of Coquille, Oregon, who has written, taught, and extensively demonstrated methodology for bringing A.I. technique to herd owners all across the United States.

Basically, A.L is achieved by introducing semen from a storage ampule via a long plastic straw called a pipette, as deeply interuterine or as deeply cervical as possible. Usually more than one pipette is needed. Technique is vitally important and is explained in a step-bystep reprint of a Purcella article that appeared in the August 1974 Dairy Goat Journol, a must for anyone wishing to pursue selective
breeding of dairy goats utilizing A.I. Purcella's best results have been from inseminating does toward the end of the standing heat period (when she would stand for a buck) through the next twelve hours. This contradicts Israeli and French research on the subject, which recommends insemination at the earliest possible time in the heat for

highest conception rates. Attending an A.I. demonstration clinic is the next step I would recommend. Goatkeepers will often find that the local cattle inseminators are too busy, too inexperienced with goats, or unwilling to inseminate milk goats, and that the task will fall to the herd owner. Though the productivity-increase evidence for employment of A.I. is indisputable, it is not within easy reach of the homestead herd owner for reasons of geographical isolation, expense' or technical training. Getting owners to pool money for the storage tank is very feasible, but storage sets up many timing losses due to back-and-forth travel to pick up ampules. It is also difficult to gather a group of people with the financial and time resources and also the passionate commitment to genetic improvement needed to make a group A.I. undertaking worthwhile and functional' For large and small enterprises to truly have access to A.I. and the resultant productivity increases, small herd owners may have to pressure their land-grant colleges and local clubs and national registries to research and subsidize A.I. for dairv goats. It is a job beyond the scale and resources of many small owners. Yet it is the small herd owner who stands to benefit greatly in the long run, for A.I. could bring the lines of the best animals into the most modest herds.

1. Harold B. Gotaas, Composting (Switzerland: World Health Organization, 1956). Excellent technical monograph on methane production. 2. "Rules for Registration and Recordation," American Dairy Goat Association. Available from ADGA, p.O. Box 1g6, Spindale, NC 28160. Cf. Countess de Saint Seine, "The Real French Alpines," Dairy Goat Journol 52 (November 1974) 18-lg. ,.Here no registration is allowed for animals who have not produced at least 1,500 pounds in an adult lactation. And practically no male is sold lor breeding whose dam has not given more than 2,000 pounds."

:i. USDA, "fmprovement of Milk Goats,', yearbook


of Agriculture,

1937: Better Plants and Animal.s, pp. l2g4-IBIB; photograph, p.

4. W. F. Brannon, "The Dairy Goat," Cornell Extension Bulletin Ito: I l(i0 (11)ti7), p. llt.


A Fractical Guide to

Sm*ll-Sc ale GoatkeeP i ng

of fresh' nutritious raw For the family desirous of a regular supply yogurt and cheese' thele's milk for drinking, cooking and making

in the backyatd' A no better source tt u., u Jnall herd of goutt everything the Trrrrlr"t Guide to Sruall'Scale Goatkeeping reveals book' talking is no pie-i.'-the'skv ;;;;;;p.; or,r,d, to kt'o*' This comPosters' This is a down' walking about $50 enthusiastically to-earth,practical*at"'ulwitharealisticattitudeaboutcosts'labor goatkeeping' s, yields, and other aspects of ;;;;;; started on a successful' get to how For the novice, dre book tells lot to do before you s ,"rirfyi"g goatkeeping experience.' "Ther.e, a you plan'.set up l'" tlrr"r"nitt pair of iouit, and this guidghelps ihe necessary equipment prop", housing orrd"plsturag",.uld select to help you make that belore the gonm u"'iu' it hls-information and phrases goatwords special the ffi;*tt:ato.t: definltions of healthy' produc' of characteristics the keepers use, expianations of particular' in breeds various g"uru-i" general, anr:l tit"'a"i"y ideas' gou'tiuilryttere.are fug.:t of good information' ;"t;; ''',n. ur*eaing," manager's**afri-ee*.**lL^-t .i^ .':"1 ; 1""1i"s, "i;";;;i #fwi^3gandKle-rgJr..oIq'.^.,.;-:^:*f,Jqi'.asigr'ifican work' so this guide teiis -h'* tr1 lieep fun ofio"ry goatlieeper'sg* natulat r.,e1:ii" ; D----r'.Jti,v u "d"'os every ;;;' : ::::1""'-"^i:t:",T: "s the recipes' the are too goatkeeper 'vE' fbr rirar c: crop up. And .." -e.,'a"Fa--:-;+--*A---^c't{rAking L^-,^-^-Ga beverag




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