Project Financial Reporting Checklist
Project Financial Reporting Checklist
Project Financial Reporting Checklist
Project ID:
Reporting period:
Report deadline (if any):
Date report is received (For RAS):
Report is to be submitted locally
or via DRD, RO Brussels or
CORMF Washington:
Mission RAS
General Procedures Completed Completed
Notes/ Comments Notes/ Comments
(Yes/No/ (Yes/No/
Not Not
Applicable) Applicable)
1. The standard IOM reporting template has been used
(Annex 5.2 of IOM Project Handbook) unless
otherwise stipulated in the donor agreement and
correctly titled "Interim" or "Final"?
2. Period of financial report:
a. Period stated agrees to signed agreement or
approved extension?
b. The period is cumulative from the start of
the project?
c. The period is that as requested by the donor
(e.g., six months)?
d. If an extension has been granted or a
budget revision approved, documentation
has been forwarded to Project Information
Unit (PIU), PRISM Central Support Team
(PCST) and Manila Budget Support (MBS)?
For PRIMA projects, updated in PRIMA/
3. Project title is consistent with the agreement?
4. Budget (if required by the donor) agrees to the last
donor-approved budget submitted to the donor and
to the total funding?
5. Reporting currency and overhead rate agrees
with the approved donor agreement or
amendments thereto?
If with Implementing partners (IPs), is there a
deviation on IOM rules for OH? IOM does not
apply OH to IP expenses? Do IPs share/get the
OH related to their expenses? If yes, ACO
approval obtained?
6. Contributions reported figures are based on actual
funding received?
7. Contributions received, expenses incurred, and
balance figures agree with PRISM for the period
stated and the expense categorization agrees to
PRISM? (If not, a full accounts reconciliation to
PRISM has been prepared for review?
8. Agreement is verified if there is Co-funding/
Synergy requirement (i.e EC projects)? If yes, all
expenses are captured in the report? There is no
missing or excess Co-funding before endorsement?
9. Variances against budget are reviewed and
considered reasonable and justifiable? Expenses
has not exceeded the variance threshold against
the budget? Check the agreement or if there is
Mission RAS
General Procedures Completed Completed
Notes/ Comments Notes/ Comments
(Yes/No/ (Yes/No/
Not Not
Applicable) Applicable)
standard threshold according to donor. Significant
variances duly coordinated and approved by Donor
and explained in the narrative report, as applicable?
10. Final financial reports – additional procedures
stated in Section II have been fully addressed?
Mission RAS
Additional Procedures for Final Financial Report Completed Completed
Notes/ Comments Notes/ Comments
(Yes/No/ (Yes/No/
Not Not
Applicable) Applicable)
1. Commitments are cleared – there should be no
open commitments including assets (T-code ZDSR /
For pending commitments due to audit or
evaluations, has office provided the relevant
documents to RAS?
2. Are there any outstanding payables (e.g.
expense recorded but not yet paid) related
to the project?
If yes, mission to provide justification and
planned time frame for processing the
Mission RAS
Additional Procedures for Final Financial Report Completed Completed
Notes/ Comments Notes/ Comments
(Yes/No/ (Yes/No/
Not Not
Applicable) Applicable)
payment. Please note some donors require
specific mention of such items in the
narrative report.
3. No outstanding items in GL account 210120 “Staff Travel
Cost” (T-code FBL3N, filter by WBS)?
4. No double charging of expense (T-code ZME2 - open
MIRO), check the possibility of erroneous use of
FB60 instead of MIRO?
5. Assets charged to the project are valid, check the
possibility of double asset acquisition (T-codes
ZASSETLIST and cross reference to AW01N)?
6. Check the disposition of assets? For return to donor,
retained by IOM or for donation?
7. Beneficiary assets (Class 6000) are retired upon transfer
8. Unacquired assets are verified for validity (T-
code ZUPA)?
9. Review charges beyond the project implementation
date and verify validity from Mission. If subsequent
charges are material, Mission to provide explanation in
the narrative report?
10. Mission to confirm no additional charges to the
project are incurred?
11. Review if there are special reporting requirements
(i.e. interest income, taxes, asset handback)?
12. For OFDA/USAID funded projects, is Annex for budget
and expenses per sector also submitted together with
the draft Final Financial Report?
13. Financial report is endorsed by RO Brussels for ECHO
and EU-funded projects centrally contracted by the
EU in Brussels?
14. For Mission, the project's user status has been
changed to TECO to avoid subsequent postings?
For RAS, change the project's system status to TECO if
project balance (both in object and local currency) is
zero and final financial report has been endorsed?
Prepared by:
Date submitted for review:
Reviewer Notes: