Currently, there is
no fixed curriculum and not all students need a
single <hrid = "0"> course. <hr id = "0"> There
is no attempt to teach people how to live. Who
says what a good life is? When I went to
college, 35 years ago, there was a requirement
that almost two years of general education
<hrid = "0"> all students had to complete. <hr
id = "0"> There were several options out of the
courses that met these requirements, but they
were fairly narrow. Almost every <hrid = "0">
faculty had a single freshman level
introductory course that prepared <hr id = "0">
students for more advanced work in the
faculty. <hr id = "0"> If you come across a
fellow student you don't know, they will take
at least one year's worth of <hrid = "0">
courses. <hrid = "0"> It is common to discuss.
<hrid = "0">