Physicochemical and Nutritional Characteristics of Indonesian Buffalo Skin Crackers
Physicochemical and Nutritional Characteristics of Indonesian Buffalo Skin Crackers
Physicochemical and Nutritional Characteristics of Indonesian Buffalo Skin Crackers
3 authors, including:
Nurul Huda
Ruzita Ahmad
Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS)
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
Molecular identification and phylogenetic analysis of GABA-producing lactic acid bacteria isolated from indigenous dadih of West Sumatera, Indonesia View project
All content following this page was uploaded by Nurul Huda on 15 June 2021.
Correspoodi eg Author. Nu ru1 Huda, Fish and Meat Process ieg Laborator y, Food Techoolog y Programme,
S'choof o/ Isdn st rial Techsolog y, Us iversi ti !Saios Malaysia, Mi odes 11800, Penang, Malaysia
Inthe present study, two dfferent samples ofbuffalo skin crackers were
anayzedfor their chernicalcornposton,
hnearexpanson,specfcvolume,colorandarninoacdcontent Thernethod of anayss i
accordngto offcal method The results indicatedthatboth buffalo skin cracker
skincrackers Theexpansonpararnetersofthebuffaoskincrackersindicatedthatthesamplethat
was lighter in weight, ofsrnaher size and oflower moisture content expanded more
Chenucascore, anuno acdscore andarnino acdindexwerecalculatedfromthe amino
ofrneat SkincrackershavehigherproteincontentbutlowerproteinQuaitythancornrnonrneat
products in the market. The attendance of thi cracker was dversfying the
rneatbased food products.
MostAsiancountmesarea aMan, thatis, 60to800l
ofthepopuatoniengagedinorrelated tofarrnoperatonsinonewayoranother
Livestockhasbeen aninte alcornponentoftradtional agriulture
InAsia,bufalo(Bubius bub/t)play a piotalroleinoveralsocaldevelopment;
theyprowdewlk,rneat,skinsanddraftpowerfora iculturaloperatons Buffloforrnawtalpart
oftheproperty, possessions andprofesson ofruralfarrners. They are aso an
easiyconvertble currency
communities Bufao are widely uthzedforrneatproducton; dornestc and exportrnarkets
are rapiTy expanTnginInTa andSoutheastAsia asrneatdernandincreasesandthe
animas are
assurlnganimportantroleinthesocoeconorlcdevelopmentofruralAsia(Nanda andNakao,
The animas arernainyslaughteredforrneat, whihformsthernost inpoflantproduct al
other parts become broducts These byproducts are subdiwded into eTble and
non-eIble matemas. Byproducts consttute nearly 60 to 700d of the saughtered
carcass 400d of these
In t. U. Meat Sci., 1 (1): 36-51, 2011
In t. U. Meat Sci., 1 (1): 36-51, 2011
l.,l98l;Sauec/.,1985 Jamiah e %., 1998; Cheow e c/., 1999, 2004;
KyawéO/.,200l),sumnupowdercrackers (HudaMOA, 2000), bipeyefshcrackers(Eng,
2002), fsh proteinhydroiysatecrackers (Yu and Tan, l990)andkeropokiekor (Nor-
KhaizuraW/.,2009) In adltion,prawnmeathasbeen used tornakecrackers(Ornobuwao,
2003) Juhanty e cA (l994)have âso addedeggwhitepowderto rnakefshcrackers
TheuseofoffaiincrackerproductonwasstudiedbySubba(2002), who mixed
In t. U. Meat Sci., 1 (1): 36-51, 2011
spleen, lung, hver andbone into the cracker forrnulaton The use ofrnik
products for the productonofcheesecrackershasbeenstudedbyPozo-Bayon O£(2009)
In test Sumatra Provincein Indonesa, thereis onetraditional cracker notfoundin
other regions Itisrnadefrornbuffaoskin andknownlocahy askarupuakjangek Theterrnori
nates from the Western Sumatras Mnangkabau language, in which karupuak means
crackers and jangek means skin However, whenbuffaloskinbecomes scarce, com
skini usuahy used as an aternatve.
a size suitablefor cornrnerciMization, then siting, dryng, pre-fryng jatua) andf ngit
The fried
cookedrice The crackers are usuahy producedin horneindustries in two forms: pre-
friedskin crackersjatuacrackersorready-to-cookskincrackers)andfriedskincrackers(ready-
to-eatskin crackers) The producton ofpre-friedskincrackers ainsto prowde
earlytherrnalprocessngto rninirnizethernoiturestilpresentinsun-dñedcrackers Pre-
frying vesthe crackers
ahigher de eeofexpansoninthefnafryingprocess
Theprefriedcrackersprowdeconsumerswiththe optonofready-to-
Frying of buffalo skin crackers: Frying of the buffalo skin crackers w as carried out using a
Single Pan Deep Fat Fryer (ANVIL, South Africa) with palm oil at 180°C for 1 min.
Proximate comp osition: Themaeronutrient of buffalo skin crackers was determined according
to AOAC (1998) procedures. Crude protein content was determined using the Kjehdahl method
(AOAC, Method 955.04). Crude lipid content was determined by the Soxhlet method (AOAC,
Method 920.09). Ash content was determined by dryng the sample overnight at 550°C (AOAC,
Method 982.OF).
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In t. U. Meat Sci., 1 (1): 36-51, 2011
bythe weightofthecrackers a describedby Zuiviani (1992) Theweightofthe sample
was rneasuredusngaTgitaibaane(MAl50CSartoriusrnoisturebaane)
Specific volume
Al =
Beadvoiumewithoutsarnpie V2 =
= Sampeweiht
Expansion volume x 100
Vf = Specific volume of fried skin crackers
Vp = Specific volume of pre -fried skin crackers
Cheow cA(2004) Theskincrackerswereruiedwiththreehnes usngafneoiipen Each hne
wasrneasuredforpre-fmedandfriedcrackers Thepercentageiinearexpansionwascâcuiatedas
Lp = Lengthfriedskincrackers
Lf = Length pre-fried skin crackers
for 24 h andderivatiedwith Acc reagent(6-arninoQuinolybN-
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hydroxysuccnimdycarbarnite) beforechrornatographicseparatonusnganAcc
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column atersB)Theaninoacdanaysswa perfumed on a HPLC systernompried of a
Fiuoresencedetector(waveien/hexctaton250nm,ernison395nrn). Chrornat aphicpeaks
wereintegratedident edandQuantfedwithBreeze™softwareverson320bycomparingthem
toknownstandars(aninoacdstandardH,Pere,Rockford,Nhnoi) Methinneandcysteine
were determined by the same method (acd hydroiyi after teatrnent with perfrmi
acd oñdaton) Tryptphanwasnotanayzedinthi study
sncetheprinarycontentoftheskinis oNagen Heinz and Hautznger (2007) notedthat
ohagenis Tgestble, butis devoid ofthe essentaiawnoacdt tphan.
oldwasusedinthepresentstudy(FAOMHO/UNU,l985) Thearnountsofessentalarninoacd
threonine 3.4,isOleucine 2.8,leucine6.6, vahne3.5, phenylalanine +t osine6.3
Amino acid index of crackers: Arruno acid index determination was obtained from the chemical
scoredata Thescoreobtmnedforeveryarnino acdwasthenconvertedtoiog0 The averageofthe
scoreswasconvefledto antiogtodeterrninethe arninoacdindexscore(ActonandRudd, 1987)
(SPSS), person 115 Means of the treatment showing sinifcant Tferences (p<005)
were subectedtoat-test.
The p roxirnate compositions of buffalo skin crackers: Proximate analysis showed th at there
were significant differences between pre -fried and fried skin crackers, espeeially in terms of
moisture, protein and fat content. As shown in T able 1, the moisture content deere ased after
frying from 6.58 to 8.27o^o (sample A) and 5.78 to 8. 00 0^o (s ample B) and the protein
content of the s amples decreased from 81.09 to 77.20 o^o (sample A) and 79.22 to 75.59o^o. On the
other hand, the fat content inere ased after frying from 8.14 to 14.94o^o (sample A) and 10.
66 to 16. 22 0*o (sample B).
PhyicalproperGesofbuffalo skincrackers:AsshowninTabie2,thepre-friedskincrackers
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andfmedskincrackerswereanayzedtodeterrnineweight, voiume,iength and specfc volume.
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Table 1: Proximate composition of different buffalo skin crackers
Processing stage Sample Moisture Protein Fat Ash
Pre-fried A 6.53+0.06s° 81.09+0.89a° 8.14+0.18" 3.3TO.24'
B 5. 78+0.16'° 79.22+0.50'° 10.66+0.6&‘ 3.6M0.1&‘
Fried A 3.27+0.09“ 77.23+0.58“ 14.94+0.51'‘ 3.6M0.28'
B 3.00+0. 09" 75.59+0.34" 16.22+0.63^° 4.23+0.22^°
^'Means with different letter(s) of samples A and B in the same processing stage are signific antly different (p‹0.05). °‘Mearts Cth
different letter(s) of pre-fried and fried samples in the same branch are significantly different (p‹0.05)
Table 2: The weight, volume, length, specific volume, expansion volume and linear expansion of different buffalo skin crackers
Processing stage Sample Weight Yolume Length Specific volume Expansion volume Linear expansion
Pre-fried A 2.30+0.50‘ 9.06+2.14‘ 2.30+0.31‘ 4.01+0.93‘ - -
B 1.62+0.60" 3. 7M1.12" 1.83+0. 25" 2.4M0.6 7"
Fried A 2.46+0.SOA 18. 03+3. 28^ 3.62+0. 42^ 7.46+1.29 91.3M3 7.8& 58.07+13. 2&
B 1.93+0.59'‘ 14.50+2.8&‘ 3.06+0.39'‘ 7.97+2.12‘ 233.5M68. 70‘ 68.23+14. 74‘
^'Means with different letter(s) of samples A and B in the same processing stage are signific antly different (p‹0.05). °‘Mearts Cth
different letter(s) of pre-fried and fried samples in the same branch are significantly different (p‹0.05)
Those results were used to determine expansion volume and hnear expansion ofbuffao
skin crackers Thescoreofexpansionvolumehadarangeof9l35to 233550
oandthehnearexpansion hadarangeof58.07to68.23 . a
AminoaidcompoiGon,chemicascore,aminoaidscoreandE indexofbufaoskin
crackers:Thearninoacdcontents oftheskincrakerswereobtanedafterfyng Tabe4shows
that Qycnewasthernostprevaent amongthe l7anino acs, whietheothers
amino acdcornpostionoffriedskincrackers.
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Table 4: Amino acids of different fried buffalo skin crackers and comparison Cth other skin-bas ed material
Buffalo skin crackers
OxsMn OxsMn Calf skin Fish (carp)
Amino acid Sample A Sample B coLagen° gelatine‘ ooh en’ sMn’
Ess entrap amino aeicl
Cystine 2.47+0.15 2.29+0.26
Histidine 3.30+0.00 3.SEO.49 0?0 0. 78 050 0.50
Isoleucine 2.0M0.05 2.02+0.09 1.88 1.72 1.10 1.00
Leucine 4.03+0. 09 3.94+0.13 3?3 3.33 530 2.20
Lysine 3.61+0.05 3.40+0.24 3.96 4.50 560 2.80
Methionine 2.03+0.53 1. 7M0.24 097 0.89 060 1.40
Phenylalanine 2.67+0. 07 2.72+0.35 535 2.23 030 1.30
Threonine 3.68+0.00 4.04+0.55 556 2.22 1.80 2.40
Tyrosine 0.94+0.01 1.03+0.17 0.99 059 030 0.30
Yaline 2. 73+0. 05 2.6M0.06 2.46 559 510 1.90
Non es sential amino acted
Arginine 7.89+0. 22 7.98+0.64 8.22 8.80 5.00 5.50
Alanine 11.02+0. 24 10.50+0.42 10.32 11.00 11.90 11.80
Aspartic acid 5.61+0.33 5.32+0.40 6.95 6. 70 4.50 4.90
Glutamic acid 9.94+0.31 10. 74+0.88 11.16 11.40 7.50 7.60
Glycine 22.29+0. 41 23.08+1. 73 26.57 27.50 33.00 33.20
Proline 11.37+0. 20 11.19+0.31 14.42 16. 35 12.10 11.40
Serine 4.01+0. 04 3.81+0.11 4.27 4.21 3.30 3.50
°Bowes e/ o/. (1955), ‘E as toe (1955), ’Giraud-Guille ct al. (2000) and ‘Duan e/ o/. (2009)
Table 5: Chemical sc ore, amino acid score arrd EAA index of different fried buffalo skin crackers and comparison Atm other skin-based
Chemical score
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Table 5: Continued
Amino acid sc ore
fyingbecausethefryngprocesscausedrnoituretoevaporatefrornthesampes Thisphenomenon
byconducton LiQudwater movesfrorntheinsdeofthechptotheevaporatonzone,leaingthe
increaseinfatcontentafterf ingfrornthe absorptonoffat.Thioccumenceissiniarto crackers
rnadefrornthebigeyefsh(Bra deueruscurf usasreportedbying(2002), whostatedthat
cackersbecausetheywereproduedwithoutadTngstarch Asaresult,thehighproteincontent
oftheskincontributedtotheproteincontentofthefnaiproduct, although ashghtdecrease
of proteino umedafterprocessingbecauseofoi absorptonduringfying
Theproteincontentwas veryhighcornparedtofshcrackerswith addedstarch, whose
In t. U. Meat Sci., 1 (1): 36-51, 2011
proteincontentwaseither l35to 19. 50 o (iuPfo/., 1994) or83 to 169 o ( ug,
In t. U. Meat Sci., 1 (1): 36-51, 2011
Oil was absorbed as a result ofexpansion during fryng, causing fat content
after fryng to increase. Some researchers have notedthat high temperatures (around
160 and l80°C) cause water evaporator; the wateristhentransferredfrornthe
foodtothe surrounlngoil, whie oil absorbed by the food replaces part of the
released water (MeNema, 2003) Oil uptake can be describedbytwornechanisrns:
(l)contnuousfatabsorpton aspaflofareplacernentbetweenoñ andthe evaporatedwater
and(2) an absorptonprocessthat usuahyoccursoncef inghasbeen completed(Saguy
andDana, 2003)
Ingeneral,thernorewaterthatisrernovedfrornthesurface duringdeep-fatfryng,thernore
oilthatisabsorbed(Ziahfare/.,2008) However,otheraspects,wzthickness anddrpngmethod
beforefrying, cancauseoiuptaketobedifferentthanthetheoretcalvaue.
Incrackerproducton,the processingrnethodwilaffectthefatcontentresult, especahythe
drainingtineafterfrying Proton ngthedraningprocessafterfryngwilinprovetherernovM
ofoifrornskincrackers Moreira(2006)rernvkedthatseveralfactors affectoiabsorptoninfried
foods,indudngprocessconditions(temperature andresdencetirne),theinitialrnoiturecontent
ofthe product,raw rnaterialcornposton, shcethickness, pre-fryngtreatrnent, de ee
ofstarch gelatnizaton priortofryng andoiQuahty.
In t. U. Meat Sci., 1 (1): 36-51, 2011
Generahy,thehnearexpansonandspec:fcvolurneofcrackers wascausedbyadonunoeffct
be nningatthestageofobtaningfreshskin Peréctngthe aspectsofdryng, pre-
fling(asan initiastageoff ing)andf ngafectstheexpansonofcrackers
specfc volume and expansonvolurne Pedectngthe dryng and fang process oih
produce higher-Quahtycrackersbecause a dry productproducesbetterexpansion. The
expansion ofthe cackerscancreateinternalhohows
andwildeterrninethefnalscoreérhnearexpanson,specfc volurneande#ansinvolurne
Moreia(2006)reportedthatproductthiknessincreasesasaresut ofpuffng
Fnedproductswihshnnkduringfryng,beorningrnoreporousandcrispyafterfyng The
phenomenon aso occursintorthachps, as shownin astudy conducted byKawas and
Momeia(200l),wheretheproductbecarnernoreporousbytheendoffyngbecause ofadecease
inbukdensitycausedbythewaterlossduringtheprocess.As fyngtineinceases,thenumber
(imandokos, 1999) During fyng, itisobwousthat aporousrnedurndevelopsbecauseof
stuctural changes at the products surface (Ziaiar e c/., 2009) An expanson in volume
associatedwiththecreatonofaporousstuctureusuahytakesplae.InadTton, acrustatthe
productsurfaceusuahyforms(BhatandBhattacharya, 2001)
Specfcahy, porostyincreases duringfyingbecauseofforefulwaterevaporaton andpore
formatin andreachesa maxmurnattheendofthe f ingperiTHowever,duringthecoohng
pemod,porostystarts todecreaseasaresultofthe absorbedoilinplantedintheporespaces
and collapse phenomenon(Ziahfare 0/.,2009) Rahman(200l)aso describedporeforrnaton
asthe resultofthetransport rnechanirnsoffeewater,boundwater andwater vapor
Pinthuse c£ (1995) stuTedthernechanirnofporosity development
Theystatedthatduringfryng, water moves frominsidethe producttothe
evaporatonzone befreleaingthe productthroughthe suGaceas vapor Sorneofthis
vaporrnay, however,rernaintrapped withinthepores This vapor
of porosity.
Thecolorresutsfrbufaoskincrackers wastheoppositeofothercackers, whose
results usuahy showeda deceaein L*vaue after fyng Severalresearchers
notedthatthe coor degradaton kinetcsoffood productsinvoMe cornplexphenomena
and dependable modes to preTctexpemrnentalcolor change, whihcanbe
usedinengneeringcacuatons, arehrnited (Ahmede /., 2002) Heat andmass tranVer
phenornenatakeplace duringfpngandcause physcochermcachanges, whih
afectthecoorofthefnedproducts(Vokidae 0/.,2001)
Theresult ofthi research i related tothestudy ofpotat deepfatfryng
asrepoded by Vokidae (2001) They notedthatthe hghtness ofpotatostripsinceases
duringtheearly stagesoff ing,thoughitrernansañnostconstantafterwards
Siniartothechangeinhghtness, the a* pararneterincreases sgnifcanty duringfryng.
tithe process variables afectthe b*
parameterinthesamernannerthattheyafectthea*pararneter Ingenera,higherbparameter
In t. U. Meat Sci., 1 (1): 36-51, 2011
enzymatibrownngoor aterheattreatrnent.Huthins 1999)notedthatMahardreactons
and protein. In a related study, Comfort and Lupano (2004) foundthat the use
ofhoney as a sourceofsugarinbicuitproductoncausedthe parameter L* tightness) to
decrease with the
In t. U. Meat Sci., 1 (1): 36-51, 2011
honeycontent(ie.,thebicuitsbecarnedarkerinappearance) ThedecreaseinL*couidbebecause
ofMaiard andcaramehzatonreactons BaixauhW/ (2002)foundthat, wsuahy, sQuidrings
became more reddih (a reiatveiy hghty saturated brown or red) as corn Your
concentrator increased The a*value increased as the concentrator of corn Your
(from 0to 42 offlour) increased,bothfornonfrozen andfrozensQudrings.
Inthistudy,however,therewasno additionofflour as
manufacturingandnobrowningeffectinskincrackersresultel Indeed,the colorofskincrackers
afterfryngwashghterthan afterpre-fryng Expansionofthe
crackersduringfryingcausedthe totalpigrnentthat eDstedin the partahy feed crackers
tobe dstributedto other parts ofthe expandingcrackers
vMuesofthefriedcrackers Hightemperaturesdumngprocessngasocausedpigmentde
adaton intheskin,furnihingtheotherprobablereasonfor adecreaseinL*vaues.
Thetransferofproteintothefryngoildumngf ngisanotherprobablecauseforthedecrease
inhghtnessoftheskincrackers.togas c£(l997)reportedthatgycne, alanine
andleucnefrorn foodstuffwerethebrowningsubstancesinfryngoi In
astudyperforrnedbyTotanie cA (2006), 500oofthebrowningoffry ngoiinfoodrnanufactum
ngwas duetothetherrnaldeterioraton of
theoi itselfandtherernander washkelydueto areactoninvolwngarnino
acdinjuiceexuded frornthef ingfoodstuff.
Aminoaidcomposition,chemicascore,aminoaidscoreandE indexofbufaoskin
crackers:Theconentatonofarninoacdswasrelatvelysi larcornparedtootherskinbaed
rnatema Skinisanorganmchincohagen, whihisknowntocontanhighamountsofgycne;thus
skincakersontangycneinhgheranountsomparedtootheraninoacds Nakamuraé/.
ascatedtssuesandbones McCanec£ 197l)identfedgycneasthehghestaninoacd,
amino acdidentfed, had ascoreof3l4 gl00 g. Thisisvery srniarto results
obtaned by irnurae cA(1969), whodeterrninedagycnesoreof30.8gl00g.
Comparedtobufaorneat, theskin cakers in ths study were ower in srneessenta
awnoacdsareportedby iaudTne c£(1994) Thelysne(9
/eucne(724),rnethinne(4i),phenyâlanne(4.23)and whine(4i)frornZiaudTne
The Quahty ofproteininfoodsideterrninedbythet esofarnino acd andtota
essental aninoacdspresent ProteinQuaitywilbehgherifaninoacdt
esinéodaresimiartthe arninoacdtypesreQuiedbythehurnanbody. Chernicalsore,
arninoacdscoreandEAAindex wereusedtodeterrnineproteinQuaity
Cheaucascoreisaiong-a:eptedstandardforproteinQuaity Acheaucascoreisobtainedby
cornparingthe arninoacdcontentofasarnpiewith eggprotein asastandard;resuitsrangefrorn
0to 100 The chemical score of skin crackers is higher than other materias
based on skin Cornparedtobeefrneat, aprina
In t. U. Meat Sci., 1 (1): 36-51, 2011
is Power; the chenucaiscore ofbeefas cahuiatedfrorn amino acd data as reportedby
Paul and Southgate (1978) was 69.09 The chemical score ofskin crackers is Power
thanfshery product.
In t. U. Meat Sci., 1 (1): 36-51, 2011
Armnoacdscoreisinportantkwewanttoknowrnore abouttheroleofessentalarninoacds
inproteinsourcesforhurnanneeds Inthepresentstudy,allarninoacdscoreswerescaledbetween
0 andl00 An awno acdscore ofabovel00wascountedas 100 Amino
acdscoredatashowed lower scores compared to bufao after caculatngfrornthe
amino acd datafrornreported by Ziauddin e i/ (l994)is 4679
andbeefaftercalculatedfrornthe amino acddata asreportedby Paul e (1978) whih
showed a higher amino acdscore (116.36) andshoudbe counted as
100.00 In comparison, forfihery products, the result reportedby Acton andRudd
(l987)was foundhigh amino acdscores,ataround98onvarioust esofseafooT
protein Itwasdevelopedtoovercornetheshortconungsofcheaucalandarninoacdscores Inthi
study,theEAAindexwaslowerthantheEAAindexobtanedfrornbufao andbeefrneat.After
caculatonfrornanunoacdsasreportedbyZiaudTn OA(l994)andPaulandSouthgate(1978),
anindexof72.84forbufaorneatand8747forbeefwasdeternuned Theresultobtanedinthe
presentstudywasstillowerthanthe results obtainedfrornfsheryproducts Acton
andRudi (1987) reportedthat, in general, the essenta anuno acdindex offsh i about
79-90, whiefor otherseafoods,the averageEAAindexwasaround85
Ingeneral,theskincrackers wereshghtyhigherinproteinQuaitythan otheraninalskin
aioweressentiaiarnino acdcontentcomparedto musde(HenckeIW/.,2004)
However,theskin usedinthese crackersrepresents a diversfcaton ofthe use
ofanirnaibyproducts andcouidbe utiizedinthefoodindustry.
Thespecfcvoiume, expansionvoiume andhnearexpansonofskincrackerswerereiatedtothe
weight,voiumeandiength ofthesarnpies Therewascoiordeterioratonduringfyngbecauseof
crackerexpanson, asindiatedbyincreasesinfnaiL*, a*,b*,c*andH°vaues.
Giycnewasthe mostprevaientanuno acdinbuffaoskincrackers,
anoutcornethatcorrespondedwith amino acd contentinothersun-basedproducts
Thechernicascore, anunoacdindexandEAAindexshowed
thattheskincrackerswereofiowerproteinQuaitythanrneat, whihisthernan aninaiprotein
sourcein everyday foodstuffs.
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