Perspective in Pharmacy

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NAME: Shella Mae D.


Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP)

The academy was formed in 1988. It is an organization whose purpose is to ensure the
accessible, good quality, affordable medications, and reliable medication use strategies for
patient health outcomes. They provide programs that improve the practices of health care
MISSION: To improve patient health by ensuring access to high-quality, cost-effective
medication and other therapies.

American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS)

It was founded in 1986. It is a scientific organization whose goal is to develop and improve the
medical products and therapies to improve the health of patients.
VISION: Advancing the pharmaceutical sciences to drive prevention and cures.
MISSION: Advances the capacity of pharmaceutical scientists to develop products and therapies
that improve global health.

American Pharmacists Association (APhA)

The association was established in 1852. It is the largest association of pharmacists in the United
States. They are advocating for changes that benefit pharmacists and their patients.
VISION: The American Pharmacists Association inspires, innovates, and creates opportunities
for members and pharmacists worldwide to optimize medication use and health for all.
MISSION: As the voice of pharmacy, the American Pharmacists Association leads the
profession and equips members for their role as the medication expert in team-based,
patient-centered care.
APhA achieves our Mission by:
● Advancing pharmacists' optimal rules in team-based, patient-centered care.
● Providing opportunities for professional development, recognition, differentiation, and
● Disseminating timely relevant information and state-of-the-art tools and the resources.
● Raising societal awareness about the role of pharmacists as essential in patient care for
optimal medication use.
● Creating unique opportunities for members to connect and share with peers across
practice settings.

Asian Association of Schools of Pharmacy (ASSP)

It is a community that is set up to promote collaboration of various professional pharmacists in
order to create or improve the pharmacy education and research among member schools.
VISION: To recognize the Asian spirit of unity amidst diversity towards excellence in pharmacy
education and research.
● To promote cooperation and collaboration in the advancement of pharmacy education and
research among member schools.
● To facilitate the exchange and dissemination of ideas/information of pharmacy education
research and professional practice.
● To establish and maintain liaison with other health professionals, government and other
appropriate agencies that may further lead to the development, support and improvement
of pharmaceutical education research and practice.

Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS)

BPS was formed in 1976 by the Task Force on Specialties in Pharmacy. It is an independent
certification agency of American Pharmacists Association (APhA). This organization is
recognized as the standard when it comes to determining which pharmacists are qualified to
perform and contribute in improving the advanced practice levels.
MISSION: To improve patient care and increase awareness of the need for BPS Board Certified
Pharmacies as integral members of multidisciplinary healthcare teams through recognition and
promotion of specialized training, knowledge, and skills in pharmacy and specialty board
certification and recertification of pharmacists throughout the world.

Drugstore Association of the Philippines (DSAP)

Carlos SuperDrug, Dyna Drug, Emilene's Pharmacy, Farmacia Arsenia, Globe Pharmacy,
Goodwill Pharmacy, Madis Drug, Marcelo's Pharmacy, Merced Drug, New South Star Drug,
Rose Pharmacy, Save More Drug, Surety Drug, 777 Pharmacy and Olympic Drug are the first
members of an organization that is now known Drugstore Association of of the Philippines
VISION: To be the prime mover in healthcare distribution, responsive to the needs of its
members, adapting to the changing business climate to pave the way for continued growth and
prosperity while maintaining excellence in customer servicing.
MISSION: To ensure a climate of continuous growth and development as an association through
its strong organizational structure supported by its servant leaders, committed membership
nationwide and more than 25 years of dedicated partnership with stakeholders of the healthcare

Federation of Asian Pharmaceutical Association (FAPA)

This association was formed in 1964. Their goal is to strengthen and excel Asia's pharmaceutical
professionalism by maintaining and defending the pharmacist's rights, fostering collaboration
between national, regional and Asian organizations that are in line with the FAPA'S goal.
VISION: FAPA shall be the leading international pharmacy organization, guiding Asian
pharmacists and pharmacy organizations to achieve professional excellence, and contribute
towards making medicines safe, effective, accessible, and affordable, thus, ensuring optimum
health outcomes.
1. Establish partnerships with World Health Organization (WHO), International
Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP), and other allied healthcare organizations in cooperation
with governments and other agencies;
2. Promote close communication among member countries, and keep members updated on
the latest trends in the scientific fields;
3. Promote advancement in pharmacy education;
4. Encourage further development of pharmaceutical sciences;
5. Promote harmonization of pharmacy legislation within member countries to meet the
challenges of pharmacy practice;
6. Work with member countries to organize professional and scientific meetings;
7. Promote the adoption of good pharmacy practices;
8. Encourage the publication of pharmacy journals;
9. Promote Information Technology in pharmacy;
10. Encourage networking in pharmacy.

Federation of Junior Chapters of the Philippine Pharmacists Association (FJCPPhA)

It is a federation where it consists of all Pharmacy students under the guidance of Philippines
Association of College of Pharmacy (PACOP) member schools in the Philippines.

International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP)

Also known as Fédération Internationale Pharmaceutique. It was formally constituted under
Dutch law on September 25, 1912. This federation represents pharmacists, pharmaceutical
educators and pharmaceutical scientists around the world.
VISION: A world where everyone benefits from access to safe, effective, quality and affordable
medicines and health technologies, as well as from pharmaceutical care services provided by
pharmacists, in collaboration with other healthcare professionals.
MISSION: To support global health by enabling the advancement of pharmaceutical practice,
sciences and education.

League of Government Pharmacists (LGP Phil.)

This is a professional organization that consists of licensed pharmacists who are working with
different government agencies: Department of Health (DOH), Food and Drug Administration
(FDA), and different government hospitals.
● To improve the access supply of quality essential medicines.
● To ensure the right usage of medicines by dispensers, prescribers and patients.
● To standardized the transparency and effective governance in pricing and purchasing
● To establish a sufficient health system support for implementation of the Republic Act
9502 and Philippine Medicines Policy.

Philippine Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (PACOP)

This association was established in 1976. An association that is legitimately recognized by the
government which are represented by their respective deans who are also the regular members.
VISION: The Philippine Association of Colleges of Pharmacy envisions itself to be the leading
pharmacy organization in producing competent and socially responsible professionals.
MISSION: The Philippine Association of Colleges of Pharmacy is a national organization whose
mission is to promote the higher standards of pharmacy education and training of its member
schools of pharmacy.

Philippine Association of Pharmacists in the Veterinary Industry (PAPVI)

This was created in 2005 to uplift the pharmacy profession in the veterinary industry. This is an
association wherein the members here are the pharmacists in the veterinary industry.
● To coordinate with government and regulatory agencies in the formulation and
implementation of policies.
● To work hand-in-hand with the veterinarians, allied professions and affiliated
organizations in the veterinary industry for public health concerns.

Pharmaceutical and Health Association of the Philippines (PHAP)

It is an association which represents the research-based pharmaceutical sector in the Philippines.
VISION & MISSION: To be the leader in advancing access and adoption of innovative therapies
for a healthier citizenry towards nation building.

Philippine Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (PPMA)

It is a non-profit organization that was established on September 30, 1950. It was established for
the purpose of collaborating together with the entities that are engaged in manufacturing
pharmaceutical products to continually upgrade the standards of the pharmaceutical
manufacturing industry in the Philippines.
VISION: To be recognized as a dynamic organization in the pharmaceutical industry that will
serve as a prime mover in promoting, advocating and achieving quality and excellence in the
research, manufacture, and distribution of pharmaceutical products.
MISSION: To provide an effective venue to promote and encourage the attainment of the
common goal of providing safe, effective, and high quality products in an atmosphere of cordial,
congenial, and coordinated collaboration among members, regulatory agencies and stakeholders.
-Passion for Quality

Philippine Pharmacists Association, Inc. (PPhA)

It was founded on August 29, 1920. PPhA is the only Professional Regulation Commission
(PRC). The purpose of this association is to advocate the virtue of the pharmacy profession while
ensuring its relevance.
VISION: The Filipino pharmacists to be indispensable provide medication expertise.
MISSION: T o empower the Filipino pharmacist to be professionally competent and globally
competitive for quality healthcare through:
1. Upholding and enhancing the nobility of the profession;
2. Advocating for the recognition of the pharmacist as an equal yet distinct partner among
healthcare providers;
3. Actively participating in the formulation and implementation of healthcare policies,
standards and programs at the national and international levels;
4. Uniting the local chapters and affiliates and networking with local and international
5. Protecting the rights and promoting the well-being of its members; and
6. providing opportunities for continuing professional growth and development of it's

Philippine Society of Hospital Pharmacists (PSHP)

It was founded in 1962. This is a professional organization where licensed pharmacists are
working in government and private hospitals as hospital pharmacists.
MISSION: To promote safe and effective use of medication by enhancing the competence of
hospital pharmacists and by collaborating with healthcare professionals and allied organizations
to improve the health and well-being of patients.
World Health Organization (WHO)
It was founded on April 7, 1948. It is a specialized organization where they are responsible for
international public health.
VISION:All people everywhere will have access to a skilled, motivated and supported health
worker, within a robust health system.
MISSION: To advocate and catalyze global and country actions to resolve the human resources
for health crisis, to support the achievement of the health-related millennium development goals
and health for all.

Young Pharmacists Group (YPG)

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