Department of Haematology: Lab No: Sample Recvd: Dept No: Pri./Comp: Private Patient Ref. Physician

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Name: SHABANA Ref.

Physician : SAIFEE HOSPITAL Lab No: 150981

D/O : MUHAMMAD AZAM Sample Recvd : 11/07/2021 03:18 PM Dept No: 171

Age : 53 Years Sex: Female Pri./Comp: PRIVATE PATIENT


Department of Haematology

This is an electronic report & not to be used

Test(s) Result(s) Reference Range(s) Female
Hb:.................................. 12.9 .............. 11.5 - 15.4
.............. gm/dl gm/dl
Red Cell Count:............. 4.45 ..............
..............3.8 - 5.2X10E12 /L
3.8-5.2 X10E12/L
H.C.T (PCV):................... 38 .............. 35 - 47 % 35-47%
M.C.V: ....................... 86 .............. 80 - 100 fL
............. 80-100 fl
M.C.H: ....................... 29 .............. 27 - 34 Pg27-34 pg
M.C.H.C: ................... 34 .............. 31 - 36 gm/dl
.............. 31-36 g/dl
R.D.W: ........................... 14.2 .............. 11.5 - 14.5 %

for any legal purposes.

Total WBC Count:......... 4.3 ..............
.............. 4.0 - 10X10E9
4.0-10 X/L10E9/L
Neutrophils:............. 82 ............. 40 - 80 %
Lymphocytes:.......... 12 ............. 20 - 40 %
Monocytes:.............. 5 ............. 2 - 10 %
Basophils:............... 1 ............. <1 - 2 %
NRBC ............................ 0/100 WBC
Platelet Count:............... 146 ..............
.............. 150 - 440 X10E9X10E9/L
150-440 /L

RBC Morphology : Normocytic. Normochromic.


This is a computer generated report therefore does not require any signature.

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