Bca 6 Sem Advance Dbms S 2019

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AW-t 8t 9

B.C.A. (Part-IIf Semester-Vl Exsmination

Time : Tfuee Hoursl [Moximum h4arks : 50

Note :- (1) All questions are compulsory.

(2) All qucslions carry cqual marks.
(3) Assume suilable data whcrever necessan.
1. (a) Explain the conccpt ofNomalization with its different t)?es in detail. 6

@) Explain choices in tuning queries and views. 6

2. (a) Explain thc DBMS bench marking in detail. 6
(b) What is the need ofdatabase tuning ? Explain. 6
3. (a) U.hat are the different specializcd locking lechniqucs ? Explain in detail. 6
(b) Explain the concept ofcrash Recovery. 6
4. (a) Explain Rccovering from a Syslem Crash. 6
(b) What do you mean by concurrcncv control transaction '1 Explain its scheduling
tecluiques. 6
5. (a) Explain the architectuc for parallel databases. 6

@) Explah the following : -

(i) Dimibuted Query processing
(ii) Catalog managcment. 6

6. (a) Explain thc concept ofpara.llcl query e\.aluation. 6
(b) Explain distributed concurency conroluith suitablc examplc. 6
7. (a) Explain thc storage and access methods ofORDBMS. 6
(b) Explaia:
(i) Objects
(ii) Inhedtance. 6
8. (a) Explain the database design for ORDBMS. 6
(b) Explain query processing and optimizalion. 6

9. (a) Explain DSS and OLIP of data warehousing. 6

(b) What is data mining ? Explain. 6

10. (a) Explain Metadau Managcment in Data warchouse. 6
(b) Explain OLAP and Dala warehousjng environment. 6

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