Practice: Infectious Diarrhea: When To Test and When To Treat
Practice: Infectious Diarrhea: When To Test and When To Treat
Practice: Infectious Diarrhea: When To Test and When To Treat
CMAJ Practice
cute gastrointestinal illness is common. mation acquired from thorough history-taking
An estimated 1.3 episodes per person and physical examination.
occur each year in Canada, which trans- Clinical features that help direct management This article has been peer
lates to more than 40 million incidents at an esti- include characteristics of the stool (e.g., bloody,
mated cost of $3.7 billion annually.1 Acute diar- watery), associated symptoms (e.g., fever, tenes- Correspondence to:
rhea is the second most common reason travellers mus) and, in some instances, the intensity of the Dr. Todd F. Hatchette,
returning from developing countries seek medical vomiting. A detailed description of the clinical
attention.2 In most instances, infectious diarrhea features associated with specific pathogens can
CMAJ 2011. DOI:10.1503
is self-limiting and treatment does not depend on be found in recent reviews.4–6 /cmaj.091495
identification of the responsible pathogen. The Additional information that may help in
challenge for front-line clinicians is to recognize deciding whether testing is necessary and what
who requires testing and treatment. testing is required includes underlying comor-
The diagnostic yield of stool cultures is rela- bidities, travel history, ingestion of unfiltered
tively low, estimated to range from 1.5% to water, recent use of antibiotics, recent contact
5.6%, which for example translates to a cost of with a sick individual, dietary history focusing
US$952 to US$1200 per positive sample in the on foods that are at high risk for transmitting
United States.3 Therefore, selective testing has diarrheal illness (raw or undercooked meat,
been used to improve the cost-effectiveness of shellfish, eggs or milk), employment (daycare
testing. When deciding whether testing is war- worker, food handler, health care worker) and
ranted, clinicians need to consider two questions: residence in a closed facility (e.g., long-term care
Will identification of the pathogen influence facility).3–5
patient management, such as treatment or infec- Evidence of volume depletion is important to
tion-control measures? Is identification of the assess the severity of the illness. Reduced skin
causative agent important from a public health turgor and dry mucous membranes may reflect
perspective? This primer is a summary of infor- mild volume depletion. Tachycardia, an orthosta-
mation obtained from recent reviews, clinical tri- tic drop in blood pressure, hypotension, changes
als and guidelines. in mental status, listlessness in children and
weight loss in infants are all suggestive of severe
dehydration.3 Examination of the abdomen may
What factors are important on reveal focal or diffuse tenderness. Rebound ten-
history and examination? derness suggestive of peritoneal inflammation
should warrant further assessment to rule out
Ingestion of many different bacteria, viruses, severe colitis or perforation.
parasites and bacterial toxins can all lead to acute
presentation of vomiting and diarrhea. Infectious Key points
diarrhea can be classified in several ways. One
• Acute infectious diarrhea is a common, usually self-limiting condition
simple approach is to categorize patients into that is underreported to public health authorities.
two groups: those who present with bloody diar- • Testing should be considered when patients present with diarrhea of
rhea and those who present with nonbloody diar- more than one day’s duration associated with bloody stools, fever,
rhea (Table 1).3–5 symptoms of sepsis or evidence of dehydration, recent antibiotic use or
The initial assessment of anyone presenting underlying immunocompromised state, or when identification of the
causative agent is important from a public health perspective.
with infectious diarrhea should focus on severity,
need for hydration and historical clues as to the • Although antibiotics can reduce the duration of symptoms in
nonbloody travellers’ diarrhea, use of antibiotics to treat this otherwise
cause in the patient. The decision to test for a self-limited illness may not justify the risk of antimicrobial resistance in
specific pathogen, notify public health or start the community.
empirical treatment can be influenced by infor-
© 2011 Canadian Medical Association or its licensors CMAJ, February 22, 2011, 183(3) 339
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travellers with nonbloody diarrhea and people the combined data from six trials showed that
with bloody diarrhea (Figure 2).3,5,13 diarrhea in patients with travel-associated, non-
The most common causes of community- bloody diarrhea resolved one to two days earlier
acquired, infectious diarrhea are viral and short- on average with antibiotic use; however, the
lived. Conservative management with hydra- incidence of side effects was greater among
tion, with or without loperamide, is the most these patients than among those who were not
appropriate approach in most instances. Al - given antibiotics.16 Despite these data, in an era
though guidelines suggest that antibiotic treat- of increasing rates of antimicrobial resistance,
ment can be considered for patients with fever the small improvement in recovery from an oth-
and moderate or severe disease,3 the benefits erwise self-limited illness may not justify the
need to be weighed against the potential disad- risk of antimicrobial resistance in the com -
vantages of antibiotic use. A meta-analysis of munity. However, if symptoms are severe or
Patient presents
with diarrhea
No Yes History of
antibiotic use in
Assess severity: does Order stool last few weeks?
the patient have any culture for:
of the following? • Salmonella
• Dehydration • Shigella Order assay
• Fever • Campylobacter for C. difficile
• Underlying comorbid • E. coli O157 toxin
illness • Yersinia
Add test for: Add culture Add assay for Add stool
• Norovirus for Vibrio C. difficile examination
• Rotavirus toxin for ova and
• Adenovirus parasites
Figure 1: Algorithm for deciding when testing is required in patients who present with infectious diarrhea.3–5
Note: C. difficile = Clostridium difficile, EIA = enzyme immunoassay.
worsen, empirical therapy can be considered In patients with a positive culture result, the
(Figure 2). decision to treat depends on the pathogen, the
Empirical treatment should be avoided in length of time from symptom onset, and comor-
patients presenting with bloody stools, because bidities. Documented bacteremia requires antibi-
potential causes include Escherichia coli O157 otic treatment. In Shigella and Campylobacter
or other strains producing Shiga-like toxin. infections, antibiotic treatment is associated with
Although the data analyzed in a recent sys- reduced severity and bacterial shedding.4 How-
temic review of antibiotic use and risk of ever, in Campylobacter infections, a study pub-
hemolytic uremic syndrome in patients with a lished in 1982 showed that antibiotics must be
toxin-producing strain of E. coli O157 were given within four days after symptom onset,21
conflicting, most clinicians recommend against and a recent meta-analysis showed that antibiotic
antibiotic treatment.9,17,18 (Box 1 outlines the treatment shortened the duration of symptoms by
clinical features suggestive of infection with only 1.3 days.22
E. coli O157.19,20) In addition, Shigella infec- Although treatment of Salmonella carries
tions are rarely life-threatening; thus, waiting with it an increased risk of chronic carriage, bac-
for the results of the stool culture in a patient teremia can occur in 2%–4% of patients.4 There-
with bloody stools is reasonable before starting fore, treatment should be considered in individu-
therapy.20 als with a positive culture result and who are at
Figure 2: Algorithm for deciding whether empirical treatment of infectious diarrhea is required.3,5,12 *For nonbloody diarrhea with a his-
tory of travel, antibiotic use only reduces symptoms by 1–2 days and is associated with side effects; such treatment may not be justi-
fied in an era of antimicrobial resistance. †1000 mg of azithromycin can cause nausea. Note: C. difficile = Clostridium difficile, E. coli =
Escherichia coli.
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health officials for further guidance. 16. De Bruyn G, Hahn S, Borwick A. Antibiotic treatment for trav-
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