The Bible Stands
The Bible Stands
The Bible Stands
Bible Stands
Haldor Lillenas
1. The Bi ble stands like a rock un daunt ed ’Mid the
2. The Bi ble stands like a moun tain tow ’ring Far a
3. The Bi ble stands and it will for ev er, When the
4. The Bi ble stands ev ’ry test we give it, For its
rag ing storms of time; Its pag es burn with the
bove the works of men; Its truth by none ev er
world has passed a way; By in spi ra tion it
Au thor is di vine; By grace a lone I ex
truth e ter nal, And they glow with a light sub lime.
was re fut ed, And de stroy it they nev er can.
has been giv en, All its pre cepts I will o bey.
pect to live it, And to prove and to make it mine.
The Bi ble stands though the hills may tum ble, It will
firm ly stand when the earth shall crumble; I will plant my feet on its
firm foun da tion, For the Bi ble stands.
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