Itr2 Fy 2020-21 Ay 2021-22
Itr2 Fy 2020-21 Ay 2021-22
Itr2 Fy 2020-21 Ay 2021-22
Road/Street/Post Office
Kakinada (Urban)
Date of Birth/ Formation (DD/MMM/YYYY) 01-Jul-1968
Area/locality Aadhaar Number (12 digit) / Aadhaar Enrolment Id (28 digit) (if eligible for Aadhaar)
EAST GODAVARI 7xxx xxxx 9771 /
Town/City/District 02-Andhra Pradesh Pin code/Zip code
Engg.College S.O Country 533003
Mobile No. 1 Mobile No. 2
Residential/Office Phone Number with STD/ISD code
918790902695 919490369212
Email Address-1 (self) Email Address-2
[email protected] [email protected]
139(1)-On or before due date, 139(4)-After due date, ✔ 139(5)-Revised Return,
Filed u/s (Tick)[Please see instruction ]
(a) 92CD-Modified return, 119(2)(b)-after condonation of delay.
Are you opting for new tax regime u/s 115BAC ? Yes ✔ No
Are you filing return of income under Seventh proviso to Section 139(1) – (Tick) Yes ✔ No
If yes, please furnish following information
Have you deposited amount or aggregate of amounts exceeding Rs. 1 Crore in one or more current
(bi) account during the previous year? (Yes/No) 0
Yes ✔ No
Have you incurred expenditure of an amount or aggregate of amount exceeding Rs. 2 lakhs for
(bii) travel to a foreign country for yourself or for any other person? (Yes/No) 0
Yes ✔ No
Have you incurred expenditure of amount or aggregate of amount exceeding Rs. 1 lakh on
(biii) consumption of electricity during the previous year? (Yes/No) 0
Yes ✔ No
If filed, in response to a notice u/s 139(9)/142(1)/148 or order u/s 119(2)(b) enter unique number/ Document
(d) Identification Number (DIN) and date of such notice/order, or if filed u/s 92CD, enter date of advance pricing
✔ You were in India for 182 days or more during the previous year
[section 6(1)(a)]
A. Resident You were in India for 60 days or more during the previous year, and
have been in India for 365 days or more within the 4 preceding years
[section (6)(1)(c)] [where Explanation 1 is not applicable]
You have been in India for 729 days or less during the 7 preceding
years [section 6(6)(a)]
Residential Status in India (for You are a citizen of India, who is not resident under clause (1) of
individuals) (Tick applicable section 6 and who is deemed to be resident in India under clause (1A)
option) of section 6, having total income other than the income from foreign
(e) sources exceeding Rs. 15 lakh during the previous year and not liable
to tax in any other country or territory by reason of your domicile or
residence or any other criteria of similar nature [section 6(6)(d)]
(ii) In case you are a Citizen of India or a Person of Indian Origin (POI),
please specify -
(f) Do you want to claim the benefit under section 115H? (applicable in case of resident) Yes ✔ No
(g) Are you governed by Portuguese Civil Code as per section 5A? Tick) Yes ✔ No (If "YES" please fill Schedule 5A)
Whether you were Director in a company at any time during the previous year? (Tick) Yes ✔ No
If yes, please furnish following information -
Name of Company Type of company PAN Whether its shares are listed or unlisted Director Identification Number (DIN)
Whether you have held unlisted equity shares at any time during the previous year? Yes ✔ No
If yes, please furnish following information in respect of equity shares
Name of Type of PAN Opening balance Shares acquired during the year Shares transferred during the year Closing balance
Company company
No. of Cost of No. of Date of subscription Face value Issue price per Purchase price per share (in No. of Sale consideration No. of Cost of
shares acquisition shares / purchase per share share (in case of case of purchase from shares shares acquisition
fresh issue) existing shareholder)
1a 1b 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
[For Individuals and HUFs not having income from profits and gains of business or Assessment
ITR2 profession] Year
(Please see Rule 12 of the Income-tax Rules, 1962) 2021 - 22
(Please refer instructions)
Address of property 1
PLOT NO 111/H1, SY NO Town/ City State PIN Code/ Zip Code
108P, 109,DESHMUKHI NALGONDA 36-Telangana 508284
Is the property co-owned? Yes ✔ No (if “YES” please enter following details)
Sl. Name of other Co-owner(s) PAN/Aadhaar of other Co-owner(s) Percentage Share of other Co-owner(s) in
No. Property
[Tick the
applicable option]
Sl.No. Name(s) of PAN/ Aadhaar No. of Tenant(s) PAN/TAN of Tenant(s) (if TDS credit is claimed)
Let out
Tenant (if let (Please see note)
✔ Self-occupied
Deemed let
d Total ( 1 b + 1 c) 1d 0
e Annual value ( 1 a – 1 d) (nil, if self -occupied etc. as per section 23(2)of the Act) 1e 0
g 30% of 1 f 1g 0
i Total ( 1 g + 1 h) 1i 1,15,311
k Income from house property 1 ( 1 f – 1 i + 1 j) -1,15,311
Please include the income of the specified persons referred to in Schedule SPI and Pass through income referred to in schedule PTI while
computing the income under this head.
Furnishing of PAN/ Aadhaar No. of tenant is mandatory, if tax is deducted under section 194-IB.
Furnishing of TAN of tenant is mandatory, if tax is deducted under section 194-I.
[For Individuals and HUFs not having income from profits and gains of business or Assessment
ITR2 profession] Year
(Please see Rule 12 of the Income-tax Rules, 1962) 2021 - 22
(Please refer instructions)
From sale of equity share or unit of equity oriented Mutual Fund (MF) or unit of a business trust on which STT is paid under section 111A or 115AD
(1)(ii) proviso (for FII)
Loss to be disallowed u/s 94(7) or 94(8)- for example if asset bought/acquired within 3 months
d prior to record date and dividend/income/bonus units are received, then loss arising out of sale 2d 0
of such asset to be ignored (Enter positive value only)
e Short-term capital gain on equity share or equity oriented MF (STT paid) (2c +2d) A2e 66,089
For NON-RESIDENT, not being an FII- from sale of shares or debentures of an Indian company (to be computed with foreign exchange
adjustment under first proviso to section 48)
b STCG on transactions on which securities transaction tax (STT) is not paid A3b 0
4 For NON-RESIDENT- from sale of securities (other than those at A2) by an FII as per section 115AD
In case securities sold include shares of a company other than quoted shares, enter the following
a i
ii Full value of consideration in respect of securities other than unquoted shares aii 0
Loss to be disallowed u/s 94(7) or 94(8)- for example if security bought/acquired within 3
d months prior to record date and dividend/income/bonus units are received, then loss arising 4d 0
out of sale of such security to be ignored (Enter positive value only)
e Short-term capital gain on sale of securities by an FII (other than those at A2) (4c +4d) A4e 0
In case assets sold include shares of a company other than quoted shares, enter the following
a i
ii Full value of consideration in respect of securities other than unquoted shares aii 0
In case of asset (security/unit) loss to be disallowed u/s 94(7) or 94(8)- for example if asset
d bought/acquired within 3 months prior to record date and dividend/income/bonus units are 5d 0
received, then loss arising out of sale of such asset to be ignored (Enter positive value only)
Whether any amount of unutilized capital gain on asset transferred during the previous years shown below was deposited in the Capital Gains
a Accounts Scheme within due date for that year?
yes No Not applicable. If yes, then provide the details below
Sl. Previous year in Section under which Whether new asset New asset acquired/constructed Amount not used for new asset or remained
No. which asset deduction claimed in that acquired (Yes/no) unutilized in Capital gains account (X)
transferred year Year in which asset Amount utilised out of
acquired/constructed Capital Gains account
7 Pass Through Income/ Loss in the nature of Short Term Capital Gain, (Fill up schedule PTI) (A7a + A7b + A7c) A7 0
a Pass Through Income/ Loss in the nature of Short Term Capital Gain, chargeable @ 15% A7a 0
b Pass Through Income/ Loss in the nature of Short Term Capital Gain, chargeable @ 30% A7b 0
Pass Through Income/ Loss in the nature of Short Term Capital Gain, chargeable at applicable
c A7c 0
8 Amount of STCG included in A1 – A7 but not chargeable to tax in India as per DTAA
Sl. Amount of Item No. A1 to A7 above in Country name Article of Rate as per Treaty Whether TRC Section of I. Rate as per I. Applicable rate [lower
No. income which included & Code DTAA (enter NIL, if not obtained T. Act T. Act of (6) or (9)]
chargeable (Y/N)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
a Total amount of STCG not chargeable to tax in India as per DTAA A8a 0
b Total amount of STCG chargeable to tax at special rates in India as per DTAA A8b 0
9 Total Short-term Capital Gain (A1e+ A2e+ A3a+ A3b+ A4e+ A5e+A6 + A7) A9 66,089
B Long-term capital gain (LTCG) (Sub-items, 5 , 6, 7 & 8 are not applicable for residents)
2 From sale of bonds or debenture (other than capital indexed bonds issued by Government)
From sale of, (i) listed securities (other than a unit) or zero coupon bonds where proviso under section 112(1) is applicable (ii) GDR of an Indian company
referred in sec. 115ACA
4 From sale of equity share in a company or unit of equity oriented fund or unit of a business trust on which STT is paid under section 112A
c Long-term Capital Gains on sale of capital assets at B4 above (4a – 4b) B4c 0
5 For NON-RESIDENTS- from sale of shares or debenture of Indian company (to be computed with foreign exchange adjustment under first proviso to section 48)
For NON-RESIDENTS- from sale of, (i) unlisted securities as per sec. 112(1)(c), (ii) bonds or GDR as referred in sec. 115AC, (iii) securities by FII as
referred to in sec. 115AD (other than securities referred to in section 112A for which column B7 is to be filled up)
In case securities sold include shares of a company other than quoted shares, enter the following
a i
ii Full value of consideration in respect of securities other than unquoted shares aii 0
e Long-term Capital Gains on assets at 6 above in case of NON-REESIDENT (6c - 6d) B6e 0
For NON-RESIDENTS - From sale of equity share in a company or unit of equity oriented fund or unit of a business trust on which STT is paid under
section 112A
c Long-term Capital Gains on sale of capital assets at B7 above (7a – 7b) B7c 0
8 From sale of foreign exchange asset by NON-RESIDENT INDIAN (If opted under chapter XII-A)
d LTCG on sale of asset, other than specified asset (computed without indexation) 8d 0
f Balance LTCG on sale of asset, other than specified asset (8d- 8e) B8f 0
In case securities sold include shares of a company other than quoted shares, enter the following
A i
ii Full value of consideration in respect of securities other than unquoted shares aii 0
Whether any amount of unutilized capital gain on asset transferred during the previous year shown below was deposited in the Capital Gains Accounts
a Scheme within due date for that year?
Yes No Not applicable. If yes, then provide the details below
Sl. Previous year in which Section under which Whether new asset New asset acquired/constructed Amount not used for new asset or remained
No. asset transferred deduction claimed in that acquired (Yes/no) unutilized in Capital gains account (X)
year Year in which asset Amount utilised out of
acquired/constructed Capital Gains account
11 Pass Through Income/ Loss in the nature of Long Term Capital Gain,(Fill up schedule PTI) (B11a1+ B11a2 + B11b) B11 0
Pass Through Income/ Loss in the nature of Long Term Capital Gain, chargeable @ 10% u/s
a1 B11a1 0
Pass Through Income/ Loss in the nature of Long Term Capital Gain, chargeable @ 10% under
a2 B11a2 0
sections other than u/s 112A
b Pass Through Income/ Loss in the nature of Long Term Capital Gain, chargeable @ 20% B11b 0
12 Amount of LTCG included in B1 - B11 but not chargeable to tax or chargeable at special rates in India as per DTAA
Sl.No. Amount of income Item No. B1 to B11 above in which included Country name & Code Article of DTAA Rate as per Treaty Whether TRC obtained Section of I.T. Act Rate as per I.T. Act Applicable rate [lower of (6) or (9)]
(enter NIL, if not chargeable) (Y/N)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
b Total amount of LTCG chargeable to tax at special rates as per DTAA B12b 0
13 Total long term capital gain chargeable under I.T. Act (B1e+B2e+B3e+B4c+B5c+B6e+B7c+B8c+B8f+B9e+B10 + B11 - B12a) B13 -33,369
C Income chargeable under the head "CAPITAL GAINS" (A9 + B13) (take B13 as nil, if loss) C 66,089
Date of Transfer of Date of purchase/ Cost of new asset Amount deposited in Amount of deduction
Original Asset construction of new Capital Gains Accounts claimed
asset Scheme before due date
Date of Transfer of Original Date of purchase of new agricultural Cost of new agricultural Amount deposited in Capital Gains Accounts Scheme before due Amount of
Asset land land date deduction
Date of Transfer of Amount invested in specified/notified bonds (not exceeding fifty lakh rupees) Date of investment Amount of deduction claimed
Original Asset
Date of Transfer Date of purchase/construction of new residential Cost of new residential Amount of Amount deposited in Capital Gains Accounts Scheme before due
of house house deduction date
Original Asset claimed
Date of transfer of PAN of the Amount utilised for Date of Cost of new plant and Date of purchase Amount deposited in Capital Amount of
original residential eligible subscription of equity shares of subscription machinery purchased by the of plant and Gains Accounts Scheme before deduction
property company eligible company of shares eligible company machinery due date claimed
Date of Transfer of Amount invested in new specified asset or savings certificate Date of investment Amount of deduction claimed
foreign exchange asset
E Set-off of current year capital losses with current year capital gains (excluding amounts included in A8a & B12a which is not chargeable under DTAA)
Sl.No Type of Capital Gain Capital Gain of Short term capital loss Long term capital loss Current year’s capital gains
figure is negative)
iii 30% 0 0 0 0 0
iv Applicable 0 0 0 0 0
v Covered 0 0 0 0 0
vi Long 10% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
vii 20% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
viii Covered 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
The figures of STCG in this table (A1e* etc.) are the amounts of STCG computed in respective column (A1-A6) as reduced by theamount of STCG not chargeable to tax or chargeable at special rates as
per DTAA, which is included therein, if any.
The figures of LTCG in this table (B1e* etc.) are the amounts of LTCG computed in respective column (B1-B10) as reduced by theamount of LTCG not chargeable to tax or chargeable at special rates as
per DTAA, which is included therein, if any.
Type of Capital gain / Date Upto 15/6 16/6 to 15/9 16/9 to 15/12 16/12 to 15/3 16/3 to 31/3
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)
1 Short-term capital gains taxable at the rate of 15% 0 0 0 0 66,089
Enter value from item 3iii of schedule BFLA, if any.
Note: Please include the income of the specified persons (spouse, minor child etc.) referred to in Schedule SPI while computing the income under this head
[For Individuals and HUFs not having income from profits and gains of business or Assessment
ITR2 profession] Year
(Please see Rule 12 of the Income-tax Rules, 1962) 2021 - 22
(Please refer instructions)
From sale of equity share in a company or unit of equity oriented fund or unit of a business trust
Schedule 112A
on which STT is paid under section 112A
Sl. No. ISIN Code Name of the No. of Shares Sale-price per Full Value of Cost of Cost of If the long term Fair Market Value Total Fair Market Expenditure wholly Total Balance (6-13)
Share/Unit /Units Share/Unit Consideration (Total acquisition acquisition capital asset was per share/unit as Value of capital and exclusively in deductions Item 4 (a) of
Sale Value) (4*5) without acquired before on 31st January, asset as per connection with (7+12) LTCG Schedule
(Col 1) (Col 2) (Col 3) (Col 4) (Col 5) (Col 6) (Col 7) (Col 8) (Col 9) (Col 10) (Col 11) (Col 12) (Col 13) (Col 14)
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[For Individuals and HUFs not having income from profits and gains of business or Assessment
ITR2 profession] Year
(Please see Rule 12 of the Income-tax Rules, 1962) 2021 - 22
(Please refer instructions)
115AD(1)(b)(iii) For NON-RESIDENTS - From sale of equity share in a company or unit of equity oriented fund or
proviso unit of a business trust on which STT is paid under section 112A
Sl. ISIN Name of No. of Sale- Full Value of Cost of acquisition Cost of If the long term capital asset was Fair Market Value per Total Fair Market Value of Expenditure wholly and Total Balance (6-13)
No. Code the Shares price per Consideration (Total without indexation acquisition acquired before 01.02.2018, - share/unit as on 31st capital asset as per section 55 exclusively in connection deductions Item 7 (a) of LTCG
Share /Units Share Sale Value) (4*5) Higher of 8 & 9 Lower of 6 & 11 January,2018 (2)(ac)- (4*10) with transfer (7+12) Schedule of ITR2
/Unit /Unit
(Col (Col (Col 3) (Col 4) (Col 5) (Col 6) (Col 7) (Col 8) (Col 9) (Col 10) (Col 11) (Col 12) (Col 13) (Col 14)
1) 2)
0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0
[For Individuals and HUFs not having income from profits and gains of business or Assessment
ITR2 profession] Year
(Please see Rule 12 of the Income-tax Rules, 1962) 2021 - 22
(Please refer instructions)
1 Gross income chargeable to tax at normal applicable rates (1a+ 1b+ 1c+ 1d + 1e) 1 1,41,810
v Others bv 0
Income of the nature referred to in section 56(2)(x) which is chargeable to tax (di + dii + diii +
d 1d 0
div + dv)
1 Family Pension 0
2 Income chargeable at special rates (2a+ 2b+ 2c+ 2d + 2e +2f elements related to Sl. No.1) 2 0
e Pass through income in the nature of income from other sources chargeable at special rates (drop down to be provided) 2e 0
Amount included in 1 and 2 above, which is chargeable at special rates in India as per DTAA (total of column (2) of table below) 2f 0
Sl. Amount Item No.1 Country Article Rate as per Whether Section Rate Applicable rate
No. of & 2 in name & of Treaty (enter NIL, TRC of I.T. as [lower of (6) or
f income which Code DTAA if not obtained Act per I. (10)] Applicable
included chargeable) (Y/N) T. rate
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
3 Deductions under section 57 (other than those relating to income chargeable at special rates under 2a, 2b & 2d)
aiii Deduction u/s. 57(iia) (in case of family pension only) 3aiii 0
c Total 3c 0
Net Income from other sources chargeable at normal applicable rates (1(after reducing income related to DTAA portion) – 3
6 6 1,41,810
+ 4 + 5) (If negative take the figure to 3i of schedule CYLA )
7 Income from other sources (other than from owning race horses) (2 + 6) (enter 6 as nil, if negative) 7 1,41,810
a Receipts 8a 0
e Balance (8a - 8b + 8c + 8d) (if negative take the figure to 6xii of Schedule CFL) 8e 0
9 Income under the head"Income from other sources" (7 + 8e) (take 8e as nil if negative) 9 1,41,810
S.No. Other Source Upto 15/6 From 16/6 to 15/9 From 16/9 to 15/12 From 16/12 to 15/3 From 16/3 to 31/3
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)
2 Income by way of 0 0 0 0 0
winnings from
lotteries, crossword
puzzles, races,
games, gambling,
betting etc. referred
to in section 2(24)(ix)
3 Dividend Income 0 0 0 0 0
chargeable under
Note: Please include the income of the specified persons (spouse, minor child etc.) referred to in Schedule SPI while computing the income under this head.
[For Individuals and HUFs not having income from profits and gains of business or Assessment
ITR2 profession] Year
(Please see Rule 12 of the Income-tax Rules, 1962) 2021 - 22
(Please refer instructions)
Schedule CYLA Details of Income after Set off of Current Year Losses
Sl. Head/ Source of Income Income of current year (Fill House property Net loss from Other sources chargeable at normal Current year’s
No. this column only if income is loss of the applicable rates (other than loss from race horses) Income
zero or positive) current year set of the current year set off remaining after
off set off
1 2 3 4=1-2-3
xiii Total loss set off (ii + iii + iv + v + vi + vii + viii + ix + x + xi + 1,15,311 0
Schedule BFLA Details of Income after Set off of Brought Forward Losses of earlier years
Sl. Head/ Source of Income Income after set off, if any, of current year’s losses Brought forward Current year’s income
No. as per 4 of Schedule CYLA) loss set off remaining after set off
1 2 3
ii House property 0 0 0
xii Total of brought forward loss set off (2ii + 2iii + 2iv + 2v+ 2vi + 2vii +2viii+ 2ix + 2xi) 0
xiii Current year's income remaining after set off Total of (3i + 3ii + 3iii + 3iv + 3v+ 3vi + 3vii + 3viii+ 3ix + 3x + 3xi) 28,07,671
[For Individuals and HUFs not having income from profits and gains of business or Assessment
ITR2 profession] Year
(Please see Rule 12 of the Income-tax Rules, 1962) 2021 - 22
(Please refer instructions)
1 2 3 4 5 6
i 2013-14 0 0 0
ii 2014-15 0 0 0
iii 2015-16 0 0 0
iv 2016-17 0 0 0
v 2017-18 0 0 0 0
vi 2018-19 0 0 0 0
vii 2019-20 0 0 0 0
viii 2020-21 0 0 0 0
ix Total of 0 0 0 0
earlier year
x Adjustment 0 0 0 0
of above
losses in
xi 2021-22 0 0 33,369 0
(Current year
c 80CCD(1) 0 d 80CCD(1B) 0
i 80E 0 j 80EE 0
k 80EEA 0 l 80EEB 0
m 80G 0 n 80GG 0
o 80GGA 0 p 80GGC 0
q 80QQB 0 r 80RRB 0
u 80U 0
Schedule 80G Details of donations entitled for deduction under section 80G
Name and address of Donee PAN of Donee Amount of donation
Donation in other
Donation in cash Total Donation
Total 0 0 0 0
Eligible Amount of
Name and address of Donee PAN of Donee Amount of donation
Donation in other
Donation in cash Total Donation
Total 0 0 0 0
Eligible Amount of
Name and address of Donee PAN of Donee Amount of donation
Donation in other
Donation in cash Total Donation
Total 0 0 0 0
Eligible Amount of
Name and address of Donee PAN of Donee Amount of donation
Donation in other
Donation in cash Total Donation
Total 0 0 0 0
E Total donations (A + B + C + D) 0
[For Individuals and HUFs not having income from profits and gains of business or Assessment
ITR2 profession] Year
(Please see Rule 12 of the Income-tax Rules, 1962) 2021 - 22
(Please refer instructions)
Sl. Relevant clause under which deduction is claimed Name and address PAN of Amount of donation Eligible Amount of
No. (drop down to be provided) of Donee Donee donation
Total donation 0 0 0 0
[For Individuals and HUFs not having income from profits and gains of business or Assessment
ITR2 profession] Year
(Please see Rule 12 of the Income-tax Rules, 1962) 2021 - 22
(Please refer instructions)
Schedule AMT Computation of Alternate Minimum Tax payable under section 115JC
Deduction claimed under any section included in Chapter VI-A under the heading "C.—
a 2a 0
Deductions in respect of certain incomes"
4 Tax payable under section 115JC [18.5% of (3)] (if 3 is greater than Rs. 20 lakhs) 4 0
[For Individuals and HUFs not having income from profits and gains of business or Assessment
ITR2 profession] Year
(Please see Rule 12 of the Income-tax Rules, 1962) 2021 - 22
(Please refer instructions)
2 Tax under other provisions of the Act in assessment year 2020-21 (7 of Part-B-TTI) 2 5,72,402
3 Amount of tax against which credit is available [enter (2 – 1) if 2 is greater than 1, otherwise enter 0] 3 5,72,402
Utilisation of AMT credit Available (Sum of AMT credit utilized during the current year is subject to maximum of amount mentioned in 3 above and cannot exceed
the sum of AMT Credit Brought Forward)
S. Assessment Year AMT Credit AMT Credit Utilised during the Balance AMT Credit
No. (A) Current Assessment Year Carried Forward
Gross Set-off in earlier Balance brought forward to the
(C) (D)= (B3) –(C)
(B1) assessment years current assessment year
(B2) (B3) = (B1) – (B2)
ix Total 0 0 0 0 0
5 Amount of tax credit under section 115JD utilised during the year [total of item No. 4 (C)] 5 0
6 Amount of AMT liability available for credit in subsequent assessment years [total of 4 (D)] 6 0
[For Individuals and HUFs not having income from profits and gains of business or Assessment
ITR2 profession] Year
(Please see Rule 12 of the Income-tax Rules, 1962) 2021 - 22
(Please refer instructions)
Income of specified persons (spouse, minor child etc.) includable in income of the assessee as per section 64 GENERALIncome of
Schedule SPI
specified persons (spouse, minor child etc.) includable in income of the assessee as per section 64
Sl No Name of person PAN/ Aadhaar of person (optional) Relationship Amount (Rs) Head of Income in which included
[For Individuals and HUFs not having income from profits and gains of business or Assessment
ITR2 profession] Year
(Please see Rule 12 of the Income-tax Rules, 1962) 2021 - 22
(Please refer instructions)
Schedule SI Income chargeable to tax at special rates (please see instructions No. 9 for rate of tax) Income chargeable to tax at special rates
5A1aiiac 115A(1) (a)(iiac) -Interest as per Sec. 5% 0 0 0
Schedule EI Details of Exempt Income (Income not to be included in Total Income or not chargeable to tax)
1 Interest income 1 0
Gross Agricultural receipts (other than income to be excluded
i i 0
under rule 7A, 7B or 8 of I.T. Rules)
ii Expenditure incurred on agriculture ii 0
2 iii Unabsorbed agricultural loss of previous eight assessment years iii 0
iv Net Agricultural income for the year (i – ii – iii) (enter nil if loss) 2 0
In case the net agricultural income for the year exceeds Rs.5 lakh, please furnish the
following details (Fill up details separately for each agricultural land)
3 Other exempt income (including exempt income of minor child) 3 0
4 Income not chargeable to tax as per DTAA
Sl. Amount of Nature of Country name & Article of Head of Whether TRC
No. income income Code DTAA Income obtained (Y/N)
Schedule PTI Pass Through Income details from business trust or investment fund as per section 115UA, 115UB
Note: Please refer to the instructions for filling out this schedule.
[For Individuals and HUFs not having income from profits and gains of business or Assessment
ITR2 profession] Year
(Please see Rule 12 of the Income-tax Rules, 1962) 2021 - 22
(Please refer instructions)
Schedule FSI Details of Income from outside India and tax relief (Available in case of resident)
Note: Please refer to the instructions for filling out this schedule.
[For Individuals and HUFs not having income from profits and gains of business or Assessment
ITR2 profession] Year
(Please see Rule 12 of the Income-tax Rules, 1962) 2021 - 22
(Please refer instructions)
Schedule TR Details Summary of tax relief claimed for taxes paid outside India (available only in case of resident)
Country Tax Total proportionate taxes paid outside Total tax relief available (total of Tax Relief Claimed
Code Identification India (total of (c) of Schedule FSI in (f) of Schedule FSI in respect of under section (specify
Number respect of each country) each country) 90, 90A or 91)
Total 0 0
Total Tax relief available in respect of country where DTAA is applicable (section 90/90A) (Part of
2 2 0
total of 1(d))
Total Tax relief available in respect of country where DTAA is not applicable (section 91) (Part of
3 3 0
total of 1(d))
Whether any tax paid outside India, on which tax relief was allowed in India, has been refunded
4 4
/credited by the foreign tax authority during the year? If yes, provide the details below
Note: Please refer to the instructions for filling out this schedule.
[For Individuals and HUFs not having income from profits and gains of business or Assessment
ITR2 profession] Year
(Please see Rule 12 of the Income-tax Rules, 1962) 2021 - 22
(Please refer instructions)
Schedule FA Details of Foreign Assets and Income from any source outside India
A1 Details of Foreign Depository Accounts held (including any beneficial interest) at any time during the relevant accounting period
Sl Country Country Name of financial Address of financial ZIP Account Status Account Peak balance during Closing Gross interest paid/credited to the account
No name code institution institution code number opening date the period balance during the period
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
A2 Details of Foreign Custodial Accounts held (including any beneficial interest) at any time during the relevant accounting period
Sl Country Country Name of Address of ZIP Account Status Account Peak balance Closing Gross interest paid/credited to the account during the period
No name code financial financial code number opening during the balance (drop down to be provided specifying nature of amount viz. interest/dividend
institution institution date period /proceeds from sale or redemption of financial assets/ other income)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
A3 Details of Foreign Equity and Debt Interest held (including any beneficial interest) in any entity at any time during the relevant accounting period
Sl Country Country Name Address ZIP Nature Date of Initial value of Peak value of Closing Total gross amount paid/credited with Total gross proceeds from sale or
No name code of of entity code of acquiring the the investment during balance respect to the holding during the period redemption of investment during the
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
A4 Details of Foreign Cash Value Insurance Contract or Annuity Contract held (including any beneficial interest) at any time during the relevant accounting period
Sl Country Country Name of financial institution in which Address of financial ZIP Date of The cash value or surrender value Total gross amount paid/credited with respect to the
No name code insurance contract held institution code contract of the contract contract during the period
B Details of Financial Interest in any Entity held (including any beneficial interest) at any time during the relevant accounting period
Sl Country Name ZIP Nature of Name and Address of Nature of Date Total Investment (at cost) Income accrued from Nature of Income taxable and offered in this return
No and code Code entity the Entity Interest-Direct since held (in rupees) such Interest Income
Amount Schedule Item number of
where offered schedule
(1) (2) 2a (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
C Details of Immovable Property held (including any beneficial interest) at any time during the relevant accounting period
Sl Country Name ZIP Address of the Ownership-Direct/ Beneficial Date of Total Investment (at cost) Income derived from Nature of Income taxable and offered in this return
No and code Code Property owner/ Beneficiary acquisition (in rupees) the property Income
Amount Schedule Item number of
(1) (2) 2b (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
D Details of any other Capital Asset held (including any beneficial interest) at any time during the relevant accounting period
Sl Country Name ZIP Nature of Ownership-Direct/ Beneficial Date of Total Investment (at cost) Income derived from Nature of Income taxable and offered in this return
No and code Code Asset owner/ Beneficiary acquisition (in rupees) the asset Income
Amount Schedule Item number of
(1) (2) 2b (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
E Details of account(s) in which you have signing authority held (including any beneficial interest) at any time during the relevant accounting period and which has not been included in A to D above.
Sl Name of the Institution Address of Country Zip Name of Account Peak Balance/ Investment during the year Whether income If (7) is yes, If (7) is yes, Income offered in
No in which the account is the Name and Code the account Number (in rupees) Peak Balance/ Investment accrued is taxable in Income accrued in this return
held Institution Code holder during the year your hands? the account
Amount Schedule Item
where number
offered of
(1) (2) (3) (3a) (3b) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
F Details of trusts, created under the laws of a country outside India, in which you are a trustee, beneficiary or settlor
Sl Country ZIP Name and Name and Name and Name and address Date since Whether income derived is If (8) is yes, Income If (8) is yes, Income offered in this
No Name and CODE address of the address of address of of Beneficiaries position taxable in your hands? derived from the trust return
where number of
offered schedule
(1) (2) (2b) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
G Details of any other income derived from any source outside India which is not included in,- (i) items A to F above and, (ii) income under the head business or profession
Sl Country Name and ZIP Name and address of the person from whom Income Nature of Whether taxable in your If (6) is yes, Income offered in this return
offered schedule
(1) (2) (2b) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Note: Please refer to instructions for filling out this schedule. In case of an individual, not being an Indian citizen, who is in India on a business, employment or student visa, an asset acquired during any previous year in which he was non-resident
is not mandatory to be reported in this schedule if no income is derived from that asset during the current previous year.
[For Individuals and HUFs not having income from profits and gains of business or Assessment
ITR2 profession] Year
(Please see Rule 12 of the Income-tax Rules, 1962) 2021 - 22
(Please refer instructions)
Schedule 5A Information regarding apportionment of income between spouses governed by Portuguese Civil Code
Receipts received under Amount apportioned in the hands of Amount of TDS deducted on TDS apportioned in the hands
Heads of Income
the head the spouse income at (ii) of spouse
1 House Property 0 0 0 0
2 Capital gains 0 0 0 0
3 Other sources 0 0 0 0
4 Total 0 0 0 0
[For Individuals and HUFs not having income from profits and gains of business or Assessment
ITR2 profession] Year
(Please see Rule 12 of the Income-tax Rules, 1962) 2021 - 22
(Please refer instructions)
Assets and Liabilities at the end of the year (applicable in a case where total income exceeds Rs.50
Schedule AL
A Details of immovable assets
Sl. No. Description Address Pin code Amount (cost) in Rs.
3 Capital gains
Short term
v Total Short-term (ai + aii + aiii + aiv) (enter nil if loss) 3av 66,089
Net income from other sources chargeable to tax at normal applicable rates (6 of
a 4a 1,41,810
Schedule OS) (enter nil if loss)
Income from the activity of owning and maintaining race horses ( 8e of Schedule OS)
c 4c 0
(enter nil if loss)
6 Losses of current year set off against 5 (total of 2xiii and 3xiii of Schedule CYLA) 6 1,15,311
Balance after set off current year losses (5-6) (total of column 4 of Schedule CYLA + 2 of
7 7 28,07,671
Schedule OS)
9 Gross Total income (7-8) (3xiii of Schedule BFLA + 2 of Schedule OS) 9 28,07,671
10 Income chargeable to tax at special rate under section 111A, 112, 112A etc. included in 9 10 66,089
11 Deductions under Chapter VI-A [v of Schedule VIA and limited to (9-10)] 11 3,15,000
Income which is included in 12 and chargeable to tax at special rates (total of column (i) of
13 schedule SI) 13 66,089
14 Net agricultural income/ any other income for rate purpose ( 3 of Schedule EI) 14 0
16 Losses of current year to be carried forward (total of row xi of Schedule CFL) 16 33,369
5 Surcharge 0
Credit u/s 115JD of tax paid in earlier years (applicable only if 7 is higher than 1d) (row 5 of
9 9 0
Schedule AMTC)
10 Tax payable after credit u/s 115JD (8 - 9) 10 5,72,402
11 Tax relief
17 Refund (If 15e is greater than 14) (Refund, if any, will be directly credited into the bank account) 17 1,23,870
Do you have a bank account in India (Non- Residents claiming refund with no bank account in India may
18 Yes
select No)
Sl. IFS Code of the Bank in case of Name of Account Indicate the account in which you prefer to get your
No Bank Accounts held in India the Bank Number refund credited, if any (tick accounts
1 ICIC0000280 028001501548
1. Minimum one account should be selected for refund credit.
2. In case of Refund, multiple accounts are selected for refund credit, then refund will be credited to one of the account decided by CPC
after processing the return
b) Non- residents, who are claiming income-tax refund and not having bank account in India may, at their option, furnish the details of
one foreign bank account:
Sl. No. SWIFT Code Name of the Bank Country of Location IBAN
Sl No BSR Code Date of Deposit (DD/MMM/YYYY) Serial Number of Challan Amount (Rs)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Note: Enter the totals of Advance tax and Self-Assessment tax in Sl No. 15a & 15d of Part B-TTI
B Details of Tax Deducted at Source from Salary [As per Form 16 issued by Employer(s)]
Sl Tax Deduction Account Number (TAN) of Name of the Income chargeable under Total tax deducted
No the Employer Employer Salaries
C Details of Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) on Income [As per Form 16 A issued or Form 16B/16C furnished by Deductor(s)]
Sl TDS credit relating PAN/ TAN of the Unclaimed TDS TDS of the current Financial Year TDS credit being claimed this Year Corresponding TDS
No to self /other Aadhaar of Deductor/ brought forward (TDS deducted during FY 2020- (only if corresponding income is Receipt offered credit
person [spouse as Other Person PAN/ (b/f) 21) being offered for tax this year,not being
per section 5A (if TDS credit Aadhaar of applicable if TDS deducted u/s 194N) carried
deducted hands per section 5A or hands or any other person as per Income
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
D Details of Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) on Income [As per Form 16A issued or Form 16B/16C/16D furnished by Deductor(s)]
Sl TDS credit relating PAN/ Aadhaar PAN Unclaimed TDS TDS of the current Financial Year TDS credit being claimed this Year Corresponding TDS
No to self /other person of Other /Aadhaar brought forward (TDS deducted during FY 2020-21) (only if corresponding income is Receipt offered credit
[spouse as per Person (if TDS No. of (b/f) being offered for tax this year) being
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
E Details of Tax Collected at Source (TCS) [As per Form 27D issued by the Collector(s)]
Sl Tax Deduction and Collection Name of Tax Amount out of Amount out of (4) being claimed in the
No Account Number of the Collector the Collected (4) being hands of spouse, if section 5A is
Collector claimed applicable
I, RAVIPADMA PREMA SAGAR TUMMALA son/ daughter of SATYANARAYANA TUMMALA solemnly declare that to the
best of my knowledge and belief, the information given in the return and schedules thereto is correct and complete and is in
accordance with the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961.
I further declare that I am making return in my capacity as Self and I am also competent to make this return and verify it. I
am holding permanent account number (if allotted) ACFPT5587L (Please see instruction) I further declare that the critical
assumptions specified in the agreement have been satisfied and all the terms and conditions of the agreement have been
complied with. (Applicable in a case where return is furnished under section 92CD)
Date: 15-Jan-2022 Sign Here:
If the return has been prepared by a Tax Return Preparer (TRP) give further details below:
Identification No. of TRP Name of TRP Counter Signature of TRP
If TRP is entitled for any reimbursement from the Government, amount thereof 0