The 33 Initiations Are Commencing Now

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As promised, I said I would drop some huge info and downloads for you to
digest. I’m saving the details for my book but you’ll get the jist. This is
the first part

The 33 Initiations are commencing now:

In the land of Khem (el-Khem-I), Egypt, those wishing to ascend and gain
enlightenment had to pass the 33 initiations along the river Nile in order to gain
access to the philosopher’s stone, the alignment of their own geometry within to
unlock the rainbow body and their merkaba ascension vehicle. The mind, body and
spirit was the balanced 7 chakras of the triangle, square and circle in the
philosopher’s stone (7 for each) hence the lucky 777. 7+7+7 condenses down to 21 and
then 3 in numerology hence you get the trinity. The 21 represents the 21 paths you
have to walk in the Major Arcana of the Tarot to align your own compass within (the
spinning tetrahedron within your cells that codes your vibration and DNA through the
4 directions of the 4 nucleotides: Adenine, Thymine, Guanine and Cytosine).
The trinity means many things, not just mind, body and spirit. The most common one
is the masculine and feminine polarity of the base of the triangle meeting towards
zero point at the top of the shape. It also represents wisdom, will and love in
balance. The more esoteric meaning to the trinity is the connection to Caeayron - the
master of magnetic forces. Caeayron is the creator of all the souls and archangels and
also was referred to as the Great Mountain of Light in Lemuria. Caeayron created 3
sacred light programmers who make up the trinity of creation. They are:
Archangel Reuben - harmonic frequencies
Archangel Laeyaraesa - divine love/ Christ element
Archangel Ishmakael - sacred light geometry codes
The trinity is connecting back to these Source programmers which is you in another
form. The three shapes of the philosopher’s stone contains 8 points in total. Circle -
1, triangle -3 and square 4. 1+3+4=8.
8 is the number for the infinite cycle of things and represents the torus field of
information that connects everything in existence through the heart in the 8th
dimension. Man was created out of love as was the matrix. In gemantria both Man and
the YHVH matrix = 26 condensing down to 8. We are torus fields within a torus field
captured by the 8th dimensional torus field three times.
The philosopher’s stone comes from Phi as in Phi-losophy. Phi means love and
philosophia is a Greek word broken down into philo (meaning love of) and Sophia
(wisdom). Sophia is the matrix or coagula. It is the feminine essence of creation. The
darkness or negative energy associated to the female polarity is that of the Big Bang
exploding light into matter. Light was the path (masculine) and matter or creation
was the darkness. Since matter is the creation, Sophia conciousness birthed matter
for us to experience so we could find our own pathway back to the light.
The apple in the garden of Eden represents the two hemispheres of the brain; the two
polarities of creation, the left (masc) and right (fem). Not only that, the Phi symbol is
the 1 and the 0 in our binary code combined also representing both polarities. The 1
and the 0 is integrated into the base construction of the caduceus staff in which the 2
opposing snakes wrap their bodies around the pole (the 1 aspect) to meet at the
golden ball at the top (the zero and knowledge of the creatrix at zero point).
Interestingly when you observe the Phi symbol, it is the symbology for the torus
blueprint itself. The 0 holds the information and the 1 is the wormhole and gateway
that loops itself within the circle creating the donut shaped energy field.
The 1 and the zero represent the essence of the ankh. The 1 is the obelisk that
signifies the masculine genitalia of Osiris (positive) that unifies with and inserts into
the feminine crescent moon of Isis (negative). Wands and cups in the tarot. Fire/
water sacred alchemy. They are the mountain and the valley which form balance and
mesh seamlessly. One projects and the other recedes which is why an energy
waveform looks the way it does.
It is the union between between Orion and Sirius in this long battle between the two
constellations in Earth’s genetic wars (ancient Lyran/reptilian conflict). The obelisk of
Osiris purposefully points towards the Sun which is an amplifier for the Sirian sun to
code its information through. It’s actually pointing to Sirius or Isis to direct its seed.
This is another reason why the Crescent moon is also Sirius as well as the moon itself;
it is the portion of Sirius which can be seen with our current sun positioned in front of
it (much the same as with Jupiter in front of Saturn which also forms a crescent
Philosophy is the understanding of you, which is the matrix. It is the study of the mind
which caters to the geometry of the golden ratio (golden Phi) which follows the
curvature of the brain and in the centre of the spiral we find the pineal gland, that
lifts the veil as we find ourself in the centre of all things - balance (Libra). A wave
which returns back to the horizontal string which is what we all are as a single
thought or idea (string theory).
The pineal gland is the 6th chakra that opens the spiritual force of the 6th sense
which is the intuition to feel and know beyond your 5 senses through the heart. 6 is
the number of points in the merkaba star and the wisdom of Thoth through the 6
points of the mason compass and wooden measure which created the great white
brotherhood lodge before the information got into the hands of the Sith Lords
(descendants from Shamgaz, the Draco Igigi leader and the other 22 Satatic reptiles
aka brotherhood of the snake).
6 is the connection back to the architects all coded within the 6 of the magic squares
of alchemy - the 6th dimension. 6 is the 42 laws of Maat (4+2=6) that was used as your
ascension judgement day criteria in Earth’s school to weigh the purity of your heart.
Libra as in the scales is abbreviated to lb as in pounds of weight.
6 is the number of points in a hexagon which is the internal geometry created when
you put the two merkaba tetrahedrons on top of each other (2 triangles in 2D). 6 is
the number of unconditional love and flows through our crystal structures.
The feminine input and universal receiving end of a marcel Vogel crystal is 51 degrees
(5+1=6). The male personal projecting end of the crystal is 60 degrees. The Kabbalah
tree of life’s 10 Sephiroth map out the points which construct a Vogel Crystal. The
great pyramid was built at 51 degrees to ensure our harmonic resonance on this
planet was in alignment with the natural laws. The hematite and magnetite
geometrical formations within the granite of the stone temples and pyramids held
within it the octoheadton geometry (6 points and diamond shaped); the same
geometry in our own brains so that the frequency of love could be communicated to
us telepathically from the Sirius sun, to our sun, down to the stones of the pyramids
and then distributed out to Gaia’s children. The diamond shape is the two polarities
of the opposing triangles; as above, so below - Thoth, the builder of the pyramids.
The 60hz has a harmonic relationship with 6,600 and 6,000. This sliding of the decimal
to the right or left and the elimination of the zeros is a fundamental key to harmonic
mathematics. 60hz connects to the 600 vertices of a hyper icosahedron which is the
fourth dimensional version of the dodecahedron allowing us to move into multi
dimensional realities. The Genesa crystal (an Archimedean solid) is the 4 hexagons of
6 which connects all life forms through the zygote stage aka the seed of life.
The 6 of the hexagon is the hydrogen bond base for the 4 nucleotides which code our
DNA through the ether (neutrinos) by forming a DNA molecule called a zipper that
allows the DNA twin formations to unzip and form copies of their information (Penta-
Hexa molecule arrangements). Aka building blocks for life.
So why am I banging on about the number 6? 33 initiations paths in Egypt representing
Jacob’s ladder to enlightenment up the spine via the 33 vertebrae (32 + God). 3+3=6
of course. It is the Egyptian depiction of the Uraeus, the snake on the ground (the
root and primal reptilian brain) that sheds its skin and through the process of
metamorphosis transforms into the eagle or the falcon (Horus and Ra) vis the
kundalini energy flow representing the passageway to higher dimensional realities at
the third eye and crown. In alchemy the 7 stages of alchemy lead you to the gold of
the sun.
The initiates in Khem started their journey by learning the lessons of the different
chakra light code frequencies along the river Nile so they could open up the network
portals to Orion (Akashic records) in the 8th dimension. Mirror the 3s in 33 and you
get the 8. In the Kabbalah, Tiferet (the middle sefiroth) connects 8 points in the tree
of life to form the star of Ishtar. 8 points plus itself in the middle equals the 9 tears of
Ra or the 9 dimensions of Mahas (9 dimensions to God). Tiferet is the sun which is why
we tend to draw the sun the way we do with these lines coming off of them. They
also represent the Raz or rays of different frequency light which is where the word Ra
derives from. 9 (as in 9 dimensions to God) in ancient hieroglyphs also represented
the head and neck, enlightenment through the mind and was called Resh. Resh
condensed down to the consciousness of R, now Ra.
The sun is a central portal for all the information of the cosmos to amplify out to
Earth’s inhabitants being received through the pineal gland. Ra was depicted as a bird
to represent intelligence but also its position in the sky. It was a consciousness of the
creator, not just a single entity. Amun Ra or Marduk self proclaimed to be Ra as a god
of everything since the sun was the centre of the Sol-ar system and he wanted to be
the almighty god of the universe, however Ra is the universal consciousness; a divine
grid programmer beyond ego of this deity. Yes Marduk was part of the sun but aren’t
we all. More on this later.
Just to wrap things up, the initiates along the Nile had to travel from the beginning of
the river known as Nan-ah in Ugander flowing through Sudan, Egypt with the skull
starting in region around the Mediterranean Sea. Israel: IS-Isis RA El (balanced
masculine and feminine consciousness) with El meaning god was the third eye portal
called Yeru Shalein. It was the region that would balance the soul between life and
death. The Sinai peninsula would be the portal from where the spirit and soul would
enter the body. After the 33 initiate tests had been completed, one final instruction
was given to the students to reinforce they had mastered what they had learnt along
the Nile journey and these priests/priestesses were sent into the desert of the Sinai
Peninsula to prove their illumination, that they could survive without the material
world. No food, water, possessions or company. This was all part of transcending the
material world; that all you have and are comes from within.

Matthew 4:1-11 (😎 “At that time Jesus was led by the spirit into the desert to be
tempted by the devil.”- Jesus’ initiation
The point to all of this is that we’re going through the final initiate tests now. The
universe is stripping us of our comforts and possessions to prove that we can
transcend darkness. We may not be in the desert but if things are falling down in your
life and you are staying centred, you are indeed passing the final ascension exams.
You aren’t dying, you are balancing your soul between life and death. The death is
one of your ego so you can find all the riches you need within.

More on Ra later. Thanks for reading. Much love 🙏💚

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