Occult Mockery of Police
Occult Mockery of Police
Occult Mockery of Police
of or connected with the eyes or vision.
from the Latin noun oculus, meaning “eye.”
supernatural, mystical, or magical beliefs, practices, or phenomena.
1. beyond the range of ordinary knowledge or experience.
2. communicated only to the initiated; mysterious; esoteric.
to cut off or conceal from view.
from the Latin verb:
occultare, meaning “to hide, to conceal, to keep secret.”
from the Latin noun:
occult, meaning “something which is covered, veiled, or hidden from sight.”
This is the structure of a human being’s brain, and what each part of our brain makes possible
for us to experience:
The Reptile Brain, or Brain Stem, is the lowest-consciousness part of the brain. If our
thoughts are always “survival-based,” our whole brain becomes more and more unstable, and we
become unable to think higher-order thoughts and truly feel, through our emotions, the
effect of our actions toward others. Physical diseases also result from being in this “fight or
flight” fear mode, otherwise known as stress, most of the time.
The Human Brain, or Neocortex, has two distinct halves, called the Left Brain and the Right
Brain. Here is what these two brain halves make possible:
Male Female
--- ---
Sun/Solar Moon/Lunar
--- ---
“Yang” “Yin”
Through certain activities, behaviors, media, If we engage in a balanced way of living in
food, drugs, etc. the male, Left Brain half can the world, encompassing both Left Brain
become constantly stimulated, while the female, (male) and Right Brain (female) energies, our
Right Brain is constantly neglected (not in mind and body function at higher efficiency
one’s Right Mind). When this happens, the and we experience higher quality of life. When
entire Neocortex begins to malfunction. A we heal brain imbalances, our brain will look
brain in this condition looks like this: closer to this scan:
This brain scan shows dark areas of the This is what a healthy brain should look like,
Neocortex that are no longer “active.” with both the Left Brain and the Right
There is no neural activity in these dark Brain both active and firing properly. Such a
area. The brain has simply stopped “firing” in person is capable of higher-order thought,
these regions. Please note that the Neocortex and can make proper critical decisions,
is the part of the brain we use to make critical leading to correct action.
decisions about how we should act in any
given situation.
Male Female
--- ---
“Solomon” = Sol (Sun) + Moon
Sun/Solar Moon/Lunar
--- Left Brain + Right Brain ---
“Yang” Acting In Balance “Yin”
A popular symbol in occultism is the five-pointed star, or
Pentagram. This symbols represents the four elements of
the material world: Earth, Air, Water and Fire, plus the
Fifth Element, or Spirit, the animating force of Creation,
which gives us all life. When the Pentagram is in this
configuration, Spirit is in it’s proper place, raised above the
physical, material world. This also represents that we should
act in the physical world in such a way to raise ourselves up in
awareness and try to become more like Spirit.
The Key to the whole “game” (depicted in the image as “hanging by a thread”), is Care. Do we
care enough to improve ourselves and become more aware? If we do, we will prosper. If we don’t,
we will continue to experience suffering in life.
Now, understanding the structure of the
human brain and the basics of how it
functions, and knowing the meaning of a few
important occult symbols and concepts, take a
second look at how such symbolism is used
when it comes to police uniforms.
More importantly, what does the placement of such symbols say about how police are really viewed
by those who designed these symbols and placed them on their uniforms. Do you even know who
originally designed police uniforms and, more importantly, WHY they chose for them the specific
symbols they did?
Do you know why most police in the United States wear an eight-cornered hat? Keep reading.
One of the darkest and most subversive symbols in all of occultism is the Hypercube. Not many
people have even heard of it, because its true meaning is usually reserved only for high-level
initiates into certain occult orders. To understand the Hypercube, you must first visualize the basic
spatial dimensions.
Point Cube
0D 3D
Line Square
1D 2D
Since we only live in a 3-dimensional (3D) world, it is difficult to
visualize what 4-dimensional (4D) space would look like. It is
better to visualize it in relation to our 3D world. Consider a fish
tank as an example. The tank of water is the whole world, as far
as the fish are concerned. They can only travel in the 3-
dimensional space that is bound by the walls of the tank. Think
of this fish tank as our 3D world. Now imagine someone coming
along and taking one of the fish out of the tank with a net or a
plastic bag. This being would have to be from a higher
dimension than the fish. He is an inhabitant of the Fourth
Dimension. He can go beyond the limits of their 3D Universe.
He can completely remove them from their Universe at will. He
can make them re-appear in a different location (by dropping
them back into a different area of the tank), seemingly without
carrying them through the space in between. These would be
considered god-like powers to beings inhabiting a lower
spatial dimension, like the fish.
Blue light “speaks” to the right, female side of the brain. It says “Trust Me,” “Accept,”
“Yield,” “Surrender!” These things are associated with passive
behavior, or accepting external control. You will notice that
the news media will very frequently use shades of blue in news
broadcasts. This is because they want people to accept the
information that is being presented to them.
Now take another look at the lights on the top of a police car.
You got it. A red light on the left side, a blue light on the
right side. More polarity. These lights, again, are directly above the heads of police as they
drive in their cars. Is this saying that there is no
balance present? Is it yet another way of saying
to them, “you are trapped in a state of
imbalance, a prison that you cannot see?”
MONEY. MON - EY ... MON(O) - EYE ... The One Eye. Money, the One Eye? I don’t think so.
I think money is being sold to us as the One Eye, as balance, as wisdom, as the way out of chaos
and disharmony. But it is all a grand deception, because money never has or ever will bring
ANY of those things. It brings their opposites, because it has always been used to divide
people and put them into polarity, where they see the world as “us vs. them,” never knowing the real
enemy has plans to conquer them all, has softened them up, and has been watching them war against
each other the whole time. Money is the false One Eye sold to us in place of the real one to
keep us unconscious, dependent and under a SPELL (controlled through words).
We’ve all seen the emblem of the
Fraternal Order of Police, but how
many know what is encoded into it
symbolically? Take for example the
checkered floor pattern, around
which we see the 3 Pillars of
Freemasonry. But notice these pillars
are in an inverted arrangement,
which symbolizes duality (opposition,
conflict) being raised above unity
Therefore “FOP” gives us 667 when we change it into its occulted numerical form. Well, does the
number 667 have any symbolic significance?
The number 777 has always been seen as a sacred symbolic number. It is the number that represents
being like the Divine, or God - the concept of unity, completion and oneness. Being “in the
world but not of it” is represented by the number 777 in various occult traditions. Human
consciousness has a three-fold nature. We express ourself and make ourselves known in the
world through our Thoughts, our Emotions, and our Actions. So coming to completion in each
of these aspects is how we become more like the Divine, or 777. We must develop Intelligence
(Thought), Compassion (Emotions) and Will To Act Tempered By Wisdom (Right Action).
When these are all unified, we become a being that thinks, feels, and acts in harmony and
balance, with no internal contradiction between these three expressions of our consciousness. We
become one within ourselves and one with others.
So the number 667 is “saying” to someone that they only have the will to act, but they have not
developed their intelligence (they dwell in ignorance), nor have they developed true compassion
for others (they dwell in apathy, the lack of care). Is this pure chance, or was the name for this
fraternal order chosen deliberately, and the emblem used to sub-consciously convey a message to
its members?
Finally, let’s take a look at the numbers 9-1-1. Why are these numbers used for Police? Were they just
randomly chosen? Or do they have a significance that few are able to see because they are not
initiated into certain knowledge? Let’s look at these numbers in terms of occult numerology.
As we have already seen, the number 777 represents being close to the Divine in thought, emotion
and action. This is why the number 666 is said to be the Number of The Beast. Beast-like
consciousness occurs when we have failed in intelligence (thought), compassion (emotion) and will to
act in a moral way in the world.
We can simplify 777 by adding these digits together. We get 7+7+7 =21. Then we can further
simplify by adding 2+1=3. So numerologically, 777 is said to “reduce to,” or be equal to 3 as a single
digit value. Therefore, 3 also represents being like the Divine in consciousness. We see this
embodied in religion today in concepts like the Holy Trinity. Now let’s “reduce” the Number of the
Beast, 666, to a single digit. We get 6+6+6=18, and then 1+8=9. So numerologically, 666 is said to
“reduce to,” 9 as a single digit value. So 9 would also represent Beast-like consciousness.
In terms of occult numerology, the goal of life is said to be to transform our consciousness from
Beast-like (666, or 9) to God-like (777, or 3). This process is often written in occult numerology as
the number 93, meaning “to go from 9 to 3,” or from Beast-like to God-like. This process is
said to be achieved through the use of Thelema, the combined power of Wisdom (using
intelligence wisely), Love (fully-developed compassion), and
Will (proper action in the world). Failure in this
process of transforming our consciousness means “not
getting to 93.” What is ONE SHORT of 93? 92.
One final question. How many other things are you not being told about regarding what you may
be involved in, and how you are being used? Do you actually believe that ALL of the symbolism
explained in this pamphlet is just pure coincidence? Ask yourself: was there any Wisdom in what you
read here? YOU decide. Even better, DON’T take it on faith, but rather, check into it FOR
YOURSELF. It can be confirmed if you CARE enough to seek knowledge, think for yourself
and open your mind. The world of the Occult may be difficult for many to see, but as we have
seen in this document, it is HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT.