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Year 3 and 4 Correct The Spelling Mistake

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Year 3 and 4 Correct the Spelling

Mistake (1)
The spelling mistakes in these sentences have been circled. Write the
correct spelling for each circled word in the box.
1. The three little pigs began to bild their houses.

2. I can’t disside whether to have the pepperoni or ham pizza.

3. My brother thought it was too earlie to get up for school.

4. “Get into a groop of four,” said my teacher.

5. Dad rode his bicickle to work.

6. The letter did not have the right adress on it.

7. Jane lives in the house oposite Harry.

8. Ben thort it was time to go to bed.

Each sentence below has one word that is incorrect. Write the correct
spelling of the word in the box.
1. Lily’s birthday is in Februry.

2. The doctor gave the girl some medicin to make her feel better.

3. The class really enjoyed the science experimint.

4. What hight is Dad compared to Mike?

5. 100 years is the same as a sentuary.

6. That scarf is diferent to that one!

7. Kim went to the librarie and got four books out.

8. It’s not posible.

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Year 3 and 4 Correct the Spelling
Mistake (2)
The spelling mistakes in these sentences have been circled. Write the
correct spelling for each circled word in the box.
1. Put a full stop at the end of a sentents.

2. Jim managed to complet the game.

3. My favrite pie is apple and raspberry.

4. My gran is a very speshial person.

5. Perrhaps there was no one in when I knocked at the door.

6. The match will continyou in an hour.

7. Pete said he has had enouff now.

8. I got the anzer right!

Each sentence below has one word that is incorrect. Write the correct
spelling of the word in the box.
1. The dog had been very norty.

2. In a minit, the film will start.

3. The dentist asked me a questshun while he looked at my teeth.

4. The wimen were sitting at the bus stop chatting.

5. I was out of breaf after running up that hill.

6. The nurse delivered an inportant message.

7. The fairy godmother made the golden coach disapear in a puff of


8. I don’t suppoze there are any more cakes left?

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Year 3 and 4 Correct the Spelling
Mistake (3)
The spelling mistakes in these sentences have been circled. Write the
correct spelling for each circled word in the box.
1. It was an amazing experynce!

2. Do you beleeve there is really a Loch Ness Monster?

3. Billy’s favourite type of froot is grapes.

4. “What did you lern at school today?” asked Mum.

5. The football went straaght into the goal!

6. Ria jumped out from behind the tree as a surprize.

7. The milk tasted straynj.

8. A cirkle is round with one curved side.

Each sentence below has one word that is incorrect. Write the correct
spelling of the word in the box.
1. I’m not surtain of the way. I think we’re lost!

2. Can you rememmber what our homework is this week?

3. The cat jumped throogh the window.

4. What pozition do you play in netball?

5. Jack had a reglar burger and chips.

6. That scarf is diffrent to that one!

7. “Dizcribe what the car looked like,” said the police officer.

8. It was a tub of natchural yoghurt.

Page 3 of 12
Year 3 and 4 Correct the Spelling
Mistake (4)
The spelling mistakes in these sentences have been circled. Write the
correct spelling for each circled word in the box.
1. Put the date on the calindar or you might forget.

2. We are going swimming in cwarter of an hour.

3. The professor has a lot of knowlege about the planets and

the universe.

4. I herd you had won the Under-12s League yesterday.

5. The bowler caurt the ball.

6. The bag seemed to apeear like magic!

7. Mum didn’t notiss as I had sneaked upstairs.

8. The strongman lifted the heaviest waght with no trouble at all.

Each sentence below has one word that is incorrect. Write the correct
spelling of the word in the box.
1. It was achually my turn next.

2. That milk had a peckuliar taste.

3. Queen Victoria’s raign lasted 64 years.

4. The horse would not go fourwards, only backwards!

5. That materyal feels so soft and silky.

6. I asked Dad if he would increese my pocket money. He said, “No!”

7. The number aight is between 7 and 9.

8. It was an orddinary day, when suddenly the sky went black.

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Year 3 and 4 Correct the Spelling
Mistake (5)
The spelling mistakes in these sentences have been circled. Write the
correct spelling for each circled word in the box.
1. What time does the train arrivve?

2. In a ressent survey, it was found that cats prefer fish to meat cat

3. Allthough it was bedtime, Lily wasn’t tired.

4. The boy stood in the sentre of the circle.

5. We all live on planet Errth.

6. Ben tripped Halima up on purpurse.

7. My brother made a promiss not to annoy me again.

8. I accidentilly trod on my dog’s tail.

Each sentence below has one word that is incorrect. Write the correct
spelling of the word in the box.
1. Dad was too bisy to go to the shops.

2. Jim occashionally played football.

3. I measured the lennth of the table.

4. We did varius different sports.

5. The pirates buried the treasure on an illand.

6. We planted pottaytoes, carrots and peas.

7. Lizzy wanted to be famuss when she grew up.

8. The woman bought a particuler kind of perfume.

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Year 3 and 4 Correct the Spelling
Mistake (6)
The spelling mistakes in these sentences have been circled. Write the
correct spelling for each circled word in the box.
1. Mickey was populer at school.

2. We did a spelling and grammer test today.

3. Paul read the instruction gide to put the bunk beds together.

4. Sarah ofen walked the dog in the morning.

5. A lot of people showed an intrest in joining the rugby team.

6. Would you consida selling your bike?

7. It is good to do some exerrcise every day.

8. The road was flooded and therefour it was closed.

9. The security gard walked around the car park.

Each sentence below has one word that is incorrect. Write the correct
spelling of the word in the box.
1. Seprate the coloured clothes from the white clothes before washing.

2. We are probly too late to get that bus now.

3. The weather was so exchreme. It was really windy.

4. I found it hard to breave in the smoke.

5. I made Mum a card with a hart on the front.

6. It took great strenf to lift that huge bag of books.

7. Did I menshun it’s my birthday tomorrow?

8. The maths test was really diffikult.

9. There was a lot of preshure for them to win this match.

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Year 3 and 4 Correct the Spelling
Mistake (1) Answers
The spelling mistakes in these sentences have been circled. Write the
correct spelling for each circled word in the box.
1. The three little pigs began to bild their houses. build

2. I can’t disside whether to have the pepperoni or ham pizza. decide

3. My brother thought it was too earlie to get up for school. early

4. “Get into a groop of four,” said my teacher. group

5. Dad rode his bicickle to work. bicycle

6. The letter did not have the right adress on it. address

7. Jane lives in the house oposite Harry. opposite

8. Ben thort it was time to go to bed. thought

Each sentence below has one word that is incorrect. Write the correct
spelling of the word in the box.
1. Lily’s birthday is in Februry. February

2. The doctor gave the girl some medicin to make her feel better. medicine

3. The class really enjoyed the science experimint. experiment

4. What hight is Dad compared to Mike? height

5. 100 years is the same as a sentuary. century

6. That scarf is diferent to that one! different

7. Kim went to the libarie and got four books out. library

8. It’s not posibile. possible

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Year 3 and 4 Correct the Spelling
Mistake (2) Answers
The spelling mistakes in these sentences have been circled. Write the
correct spelling for each circled word in the box.
1. Put a full stop at the end of a sentents. sentence

2. Jim managed to complet the game. complete

3. My favrite pie is apple and raspberry. favourite

4. My gran is a very speshial person. special

5. Perrhaps there was no one in when I knocked at the door. Perhaps

6. The match will continyou in an hour. continue

7. Pete said he has had enouff now. enough

8. I got the anzer right! answer

Each sentence below has one word that is incorrect. Write the correct
spelling of the word in the box.
1. The dog had been very norty. naughty

2. In a minit, the film will start. minute

3. The dentist asked me a questshun while he looked at my teeth. question

4. The wimen were sitting at the bus stop chatting. women

5. I was out of breaf after running up that hill. breath

6. The nurse delivered an inportant message. important

7. The fairy godmother made the golden coach disapear in a puff of


8. I don’t suppoze there are any more cakes left? suppose

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Year 3 and 4 Correct the Spelling
Mistake (3) Answers
The spelling mistakes in these sentences have been circled. Write the
correct spelling for each circled word in the box.
1. It was an amazing experynce! experience

2. Do you beleeve there is really a Loch Ness Monster? believe

3. Billy’s favourite type of froot is grapes. fruit

4. “What did you lern at school today?” asked Mum. learn

5. The football went straaght into the goal! straight

6. Ria jumped out from behind the tree as a surprize. surprise

7. The milk tasted straynj. strange

8. A cirkle is round with one curved side. circle

Each sentence below has one word that is incorrect. Write the correct
spelling of the word in the box.
1. I’m not surtain of the way. I think we’re lost! certain

2. Can you rememmber what our homework is this week? remember

3. The cat jumped throogh the window. through

4. What pozition do you play in netball? position

5. Jack had a reglar burger and chips. regular

6. That scarf is diffrent to that one! different

7. “Dizcribe what the car looked like,” said the police officer. Describe

8. It was a tub of natchural yoghurt. natural

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Year 3 and 4 Correct the Spelling
Mistake (4) Answers
The spelling mistakes in these sentences have been circled. Write the
correct spelling for each circled word in the box.
1. Put the date on the calindar or you might forget. calendar

2. We are going swimming in cwarter of an hour. quarter

3. The professor has a lot of knowlege about the planets and

the universe.

4. I herd you had won the Under-12s League yesterday. heard

5. The bowler caurt the ball. caught

6. The bag seemed to apeear like magic! appear

7. Mum didn’t notiss as I had sneaked upstairs. notice

8. The strongman lifted the heaviest waght with no trouble at all. weight

Each sentence below has one word that is incorrect. Write the correct
spelling of the word in the box.
1. It was achually my turn next. actually

2. That milk had a peckuliar taste. peculiar

3. Queen Victoria’s raign lasted 64 years. reign

4. The horse would not go fourwards, only backwards! forwards

5. That materyal feels so soft and silky. material

6. I asked Dad if he would increese my pocket money. He said, “No!” increase

7. The number aight is between 7 and 9. eight

8. It was an orddinary day, when suddenly the sky went black. ordinary

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Year 3 and 4 Correct the Spelling
Mistake (5) Answers
The spelling mistakes in these sentences have been circled. Write the
correct spelling for each circled word in the box.
1. What time does the train arrivve? arrive

2. In a ressent survey, it was found that cats prefer fish to meat cat

3. Allthough it was bedtime, Lily wasn’t tired. Although

4. The boy stood in the sentre of the circle. centre

5. We all live on planet Errth. Earth

6. Ben tripped Halima up on purpurse. purpose

7. My brother made a promiss not to annoy me again. promise

8. I accidentilly trod on my dog’s tail. accidentally

Each sentence below has one word that is incorrect. Write the correct
spelling of the word in the box.
1. Dad was too bisy to go to the shops. busy

2. Jim ocashionally played football. occasionally

3. I measured the lennth of the table. length

4. We did varius different sports. various

5. The pirates buried the treasure on an illand. island

6. We planted pottaytoes, carrots and peas. potatoes

7. Lizzy wanted to be famuss when she grew up. famous

8. The woman bought a particular kind of perfume. particular

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Year 3 and 4 Correct the Spelling
Mistake (6) Answers
The spelling mistakes in these sentences have been circled. Write the
correct spelling for each circled word in the box.
1. Mickey was populer at school. popular

2. We did a spelling and grammer test today. grammar

3. Paul read the instruction gide to put the bunk beds together. guide

4. Sarah ofen walked the dog in the morning. often

5. A lot of people showed an intrest in joining the rugby team. interest

6. Would you consida selling your bike? consider

7. It is good to do some exerrcise every day. exercise

8. The road was flooded and therefour it was closed. therefore

9. The security gard walked around the car park. guard

Each sentence below has one word that is incorrect. Write the correct
spelling of the word in the box.
1. Seprate the coloured clothes from the white clothes before washing. separate

2. We are probly too late to get that bus now. probably

3. The weather was so exchreme. It was really windy. extreme

4. I found it hard to breave in the smoke. breathe

5. I made Mum a card with a hart on the front. heart

6. It took great strenf to lift that huge bag of books. strength

7. Did I menshun it’s my birthday tomorrow? mention

8. The maths test was really diffikult. difficult

9. There was a lot of preshure for them to win this match. pressure

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