Pentaksiran Standard Setara: Sekolah Kebangsaan Seberang Dungun 23000 Dungun, Terengganu
Pentaksiran Standard Setara: Sekolah Kebangsaan Seberang Dungun 23000 Dungun, Terengganu
Pentaksiran Standard Setara: Sekolah Kebangsaan Seberang Dungun 23000 Dungun, Terengganu
Kelas : ___________________
Satu jam
2. Soalan dalam bahasa Inggeris mendahului soalan yang sepadan dalam bahasa Melayu.
[Lihat halaman sebelah SULIT
11. Aiman and Arif rarely (eat, eats, eating ) fast food.
12. Amirah ( sing, sings, sang ) like a professional.
1. I am a wife a mother.
4. I can eat the pizza right now I can save it for later.
English Language Year 6 : Unit 8 : How The Tiger Got It’s Stripes
Exercise 1 : Fill in the blanks with the ‘since’, ‘although’ or ‘because’.
4. The boy did not buy the T-shirt it was too expensive.
8. Idith is very happy she won the first prize in the competition.
SECTION B : Read and answer the questions
Baca dan jawab soalan dibawah
1. Where did the tiger see the buffalo? It saw the buffalo ………………..
in the jungle
near a lake
Read and answer the questions below.
Baca dan jawab soalan dibawah
In the old days, food tasted better and was more nutritious.
This is because of the cooking methods our great grandparents
used. There were no modern appliances like microwave ovens,
food processors or automatic cookers like what we use today.
Food may be cooked faster in modern times, but it is as tasty or
nutritious as the food our great grandparents cooked.
In yesteryears, our great grandparents used charcoal to
cook. They would use a pestle and mortar to pound their
spices. The spices were then used to marinate raw food such as
fish and chicken or to cook curries. They would wrap fish in
banana leaves before grilling
the fish over a fire. . They also cooked vegetables
which were freshly picked from their own gardens.
Thus, the nutritional value in the food was maintained
and it tasted better.