YongTe Single-Mode-Optical-Fiber G.657.A2

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Bend Insensitive Single-mode Optical Fiber (G.657.

Bend Insensitive Single-mode Optical Fiber (G.657.A2)
The fiber complie with or exceed the technical specifications in ITU-T G.657.A1/A2/B2.
 Minimum bend radius 7.5mm, superior anti-bending property;
 Fully compatible with G.652 single-mode fiber. Full band (1260~1626nm) transmission;
 Low PMD for high bit-rate and long distance transmission. Extremely low micro-bending attenuation,
applicable for all optical cable types including ribbons;
 High anti-fatigue parameter ensures service life under small bending radius.
Application: All cable constructions, 1260~1626nm full band transmission, FTTH high speed optical routing, optical
cable in small bend radius, small-size optical fiber cable and device, L-band.

Technical Specifications:

Attributes specification

Cladding Diameter 125.0±0.7 um

Cladding Non-Circularity ≤1%

Coating Diameter 245±10 um

Coating-Cladding Concentricity ≤12 um

Coating Non-Circularity ≤6 %

Core-Clad Concentricity ≤0.5 um

Fiber Curl (radius) ≥4 m

Delivery Length 2.05-50.4( km/reel)

@1310nm 8.6±0.4 um
Mode-Field Diameter
@1550nm 9.7±0.6 um

@1310nm ≤0.35 dB / km

Optical @1383nm ≤0.35 dB / km

Specifications Attenuation
@1550nm ≤0.21 dB / km

@1625nm ≤0.23dB / km

@1285-1330nm, Ref. λ@1310nm ≤0.04 dB / km

Attenuation VS.
@1525-1575nm, Ref. λ@1550nm ≤0.03 dB / km

Point Discontinuity @1310nm ≤0.05 dB

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杭州市富阳区东洲街道东洲工业功能区 11 号路 11 号(311400) T.+86-0571-63125925
@1550nm ≤0.05 dB

Maximum Individual Fiber PMD ≤0.2 ps/(km1/2)

Polarization Mode PMD Link Design Value
≤0.1 ps/(km1/2)
Dispersion(PMD) (M=20, Q=0.01%)
Typical Value 0.04 ps/(km1/2)

Zero Dispersion Wavelength(λ0) 1312±12 nm

Specifications Zero Dispersion Slope(S0) ≤0.092 ps/(nm2.km)

1550nm ≤18 ps/(nm.km)

1625nm ≤22 ps/(nm.km)

Cable Cutoff Wavelength λcc ≤1260 nm

Proof Test ≥9.0N, ≥1.0%, ≥100Kpsi

Dynamic stress corrosion susceptibility parameters Nd ≥20

Average 1.5 N
Coating Strip Force
Peak 1.3-8.9 N
1 turn, Φ15mm@1550nm&1625nm ≤0.5 dB, ≤1 dB

Macrobending Loss (dB) 1 turn, Φ20mm@1550nm&1625nm ≤0.1 dB, ≤0.2 dB

10turns, Φ30mm@1550nm&1625nm ≤0.03 dB, ≤0.1 dB

Temperature Dependence(-60℃ to 85℃ ,@1310nm&1550nm&1625nm) ≤0.05 dB / km

Water Immersion(23±2℃, 30 days@1310nm&1550nm&1625nm) ≤0.05 dB / km

Specifications Dry Heat Soak(85±2℃, 30 days@1310nm&1550nm&1625nm) ≤0.05 dB / km

Damp Heat(85±2℃, at 85%RH, 30 days @1310nm&1550nm&1625nm) ≤0.05 dB / km

The company produces and tests optical fiber independently, all qualified fibers meet the requirements of
technical specifications.
Packaging and storageg
 Ensure no foreign matter on the reel and fiber surface, wrap it with film and cover, and label fiber coding on
the reel and cover respectively.
 The packaged optical fiber is stored at a constant temperature of 25 ℃ in a light-proof warehouse. The
products are fixed in the carton when they are shipped out of the warehouse. The carton number and fiber
coding information are attached to the carton, and the electronic test report is attached to each shipment.

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杭州市富阳区东洲街道东洲工业功能区 11 号路 11 号(311400) T.+86-0571-63125925

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