Prysmian BendBright A1 Datasheet

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BendBright™ A1 Single-Mode Fibre

ITU-T G.657.A1

Issue date: October 2020

Supersedes: August 2010

Applicable Standards
 IEC/EN 60793-2-50 type B-657.A1  ITU-T Recommendation G.657.A1
 IEC/EN 60793-2-50 type B-652.D  ITU-T Recommendation G.652.D

Optical Specifications

Attribute Units 1310 nm 1383 nm 1 1460 nm 1550 nm 1625 nm
Attenuation dB/km ≤ 0.35 ≤ 0.35 ≤ 0.25 ≤ 0.21 ≤ 0.23
Including H2-aging according to IEC 60793-2-50, type B.1.3

Attenuation vs. Wavelength

Wavelength Range (nm) Reference λ (nm) (dB/km)
1285 – 1330 1310 ≤ 0.03
1525 - 1575 1550 ≤ 0.02
1460 - 1625 1550 ≤ 0.04

Point discontinuities
No point discontinuity greater than 0.05 dB at 1310 nm and 1550 nm.

Attenuation variation vs. Bending

Number of Turns Wavelength (nm) Induced Attenuation (dB)
1 turn on a R = 10 mm mandrel 1550 ≤ 0.75
1 turn on a R = 10 mm mandrel 1625 ≤ 1.5
10 turns on a R = 15 mm mandrel 1550 ≤ 0.25
10 turns on a R = 15 mm mandrel 1625 ≤ 1.0

Optical Fibre Sales

[email protected]
Europe: +31 (0)88 808 4200 3 USA: +1 828-459-8441
Mode Field Diameter
Wavelength (nm) Units MFD
1310 µm 9.0 ± 0.4
1550 µm 10.1 ± 0.5

Cutoff Wavelength
Cable Cutoff Wavelength (λccf) ≤ 1260 nm

Chromatic Dispersion
Wavelength (nm) Units Chromatic Dispersion
In the interval 1285 – 1330 ps/[] ≤ |3|
At 1550 ps/[] ≤ 18.0
At 1625 ps/[] ≤ 22.0
Zero Dispersion Wavelength, λ0 nm 1300 - 1324
Slope (S0) at λ0 ps/(nm2 • km) ≤ 0.092

Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD)

Attribute Units Specified Values
PMD Link Design Value ps/√km ≤ 0.06
Max. individual Fiber ps/√km ≤ 0.1
According to IEC 60794 –3, Ed 3 (Q=0.01%)

Typical Values
Attribute Units 1310 nm 1550 nm 1625 nm
Effective group index - 1.467 1.468 1.468
Rayleigh Backscatter Coefficient for 1 ns
dB - 79.4 - 81.7 - 82.5
pulse width

Geometrical Specifications

Glass Geometry
Attribute Units Specified Values
Cladding Diameter µm 125.0 ± 0.7
Core - Cladding Concentricity Error µm ≤ 0.5
Cladding non-Circularity % ≤ 0.7
Fiber Curl (radius) m ≥4

Coating Geometry
Attribute Units Specified Values
Coating Diameter µm 242 ± 7
Coating - Cladding Concentricity Error µm ≤ 12
Coating non-Circularity % ≤5

Optical Fibre Sales

[email protected]
Europe: +31 (0)88 808 4200 3 USA: +1 828-459-8441
Mechanical Specifications

Proof Test 3
The entire spool length is subjected to a tensile proof stress ≥ 0.7 GPa (100 kpsi) ; 1% strain equivalent
Higher proof test available upon request

Coating Performance
Attribute Units Specified Values
Average Coating Strip Force, unaged and
N 1 ≤ Favg-strip ≤ 3
aged 4
Peak Coating Strip Force, unaged and
N 1.2 ≤ Fpeak-strip ≤ 8.9
aged 4
Aging at 23°C, 30 days

Fibre Strength
Attribute Units Specified Values
Dynamic Tensile Strength (0.5 meter gauge
GPa median > 3.8 (550 kpsi)
length), unaged and aged 5
Dynamic Fatigue, unaged and aged 5 - nd ≥ 20
Aging at 85°C, 85% RH, 30 days

Environmental Specifications
Environmental test Test Conditions Induced attenuation at 1310, 1550 nm (dB/km)
Temperature Cycling - 60°C to 85°C ≤ 0.05
Temperature - Humidity Cycling - 10°C to 85°C, 4-98% RH ≤ 0.05
Water Immersion 14 days; 23°C ≤ 0.05
Dry Heat 30 days; 85°C ≤ 0.05
Damp Heat 30 days; 85°C; 85% RH ≤ 0.05

Length Up to 50.4 km per spool
Coating Acrylate coating; ColorLock™ XS and Clear

All measurements in accordance with ITU-T G650 recommendations

Optical Fibre Sales

[email protected]
Europe: +31 (0)88 808 4200 3 USA: +1 828-459-8441

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